Keyredin Lab Rep

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ID ATR/0097/09

TO- Mr. Gezaei
DATE- THU 24 0CT 2019
In this lab session of metrology lab. course we are trying to measure
width and depth of the given object. In doing so we are carefully guided
and advised by our instructor Mr. Gezaei on how to do this activities.
Therefore I would like to acknowledge for his support and guidance.


The shaft we have been measured is somewhat grooved and it has an

axially machined slot of a keyway. The keyway on the shaft is need to
have accurate and precise machining quality for the shaft to attain
maximum performance and durability during operation. This report is
mainly intended to show the quality test done during the lab session of
our meteorology lab exercise through correct measurements. The quality
for this case is the accuracy of machining in terms of width and depth of
keyways drilled onto corresponding shafts. We follow rules to collect
and analyse our measured data in order to get best results finally this
results are checked weather they are in allowable tolerance or not.

 The main aim of the experiment is to check if the dimensions of

the key way are in the acceptable tolerance values.
 Doing analysis of errors and selecting parts based on the analysed
 To know more how to make precise and good measuring.

Theory of the experiment

The operation which is suited for preparing the keyway slot is basically
machining processed like milling, drilling and so on. They are generally
secondary operations which enable our object fit to its intended purpose.
This requires standard working methods of machining and standard
measurement system to check the quality of operation.
After making keyways on the corresponding shafts, a quality check is
performed in order to make Sure the dimensions of each keyway is in
the acceptable tolerance range. If it is so, then the shaft will be accepted
and sent to be assembled in place. But if not, it will be rejected. Total we
have given six shafts keyway on them to take data. Below are the most
essential points of exercise to be checked through:-
i. Width and depth of the key way
ii. Symmetry of the key way profile
iii. Parallelism of the key way and shaft axis
Materials and tools used

1) Vernier caliper
The Vernier Caliper is a precision instrument that can be used
to measure internal and external distances extremely
accurately. The main use of the Vernier caliper is to measure
the internal and the external diameters of an object. To
measure using a Vernier scale, the user first reads the finely
marked "fixed" scale (in the diagram). This measure is typically
between two of the scale's smallest graduations. The user then
reads the finer Vernier scale which measures between the
smallest graduations on the fixed scale providing much greater

2) Depth micrometer
Which is used for measurement of the depth of the groove for a
higher accuracy measurement value of the groove.

3) Dial indicator
Dial indicator an indicator with dial display which is used for
accurately measure small distances and angles amplify them to
make them more obvious.

4) Keyway caliper
Keyway caliper is one version part of caliper which is used for
measurement of keyway on circular shaft. This is because if we
use Vernier caliper to measure the depth of the keyway we are
forced to use the edge of the keyway instead of the diameter of
the shaft diameter.

5) V-block
Heavy metal block which is used for holding the shaft.

6) Clamp
Clamp is used for fix the circular shaft with the V-block to make
the shaft keyway suitable for measurement.

7) Space gauge
Space gauge is a gauge with blocks with fixed measured value
of different distances which is used for measurement where
other instrument materials are not applicable at that position.
For example, clearance between two machines parts,
inclination of the parts during assembly and also calibrations.

i. Checking the calibration of the instrument to reduce zero
ii. Take the measurements and write down them

Fig 1: The shaft type to be measured and inspected

 The depth of the shafts key way is measured using a vernal caliper
but since the walls of the cylindrical shaft is lowered during the
drilling operation, a key way caliper is needed to perform this
 Since the shafts need to be positioned steady during the whole
operation, a clamp and V-block assembly is used to achieve this.

fig.2 clamp and v-block assembly

 Next, the width of the shafts key way is measured using the vernal
calipers internal groove measuring end and recorded. We use
inclined grip of the caliper to avoid the parallax error that may

 Later, the key way caliper is used and set to the circular surface of
the shaft before the measurement is carried out. This helps to
measure the depth of the keyway from the edge of the circular
profile of the shaft. Then the keyway caliper is used to measure the
depth precisely and record it.
 Each shaft is then exchanged to pass through these steps for each
work piece.

Result of experiment

The results of the measurement from the above experiment are

generalized in the following table.

Table 1-result of assessment

Shaft part Width of slot Depth of slot
No. (in mm) (in mm)
01 9.95 5
02 10.20 5.015
03 9.95 5.175
04 10.051 5.35
05 9.94 5.14
06 9.979 5.05

Acceptable tolerance range for the key dimensions are as follows: -
The width should be close to the design value since it is a P9 key.
Upper depth limit = 5mm +0.2mm = 5.2mm
Lower depth limit = 5mm-0.2mm = 4.8mm
Upper width limit =10mm+0.2mm=10.2 mm &
lower width limit=10mm-0.2mm=9.8 mm

 Absolute error:- is the difference between true value and

measured values
A.E= true value – measured value
 Percent error:- is percentage of ratio of absolute and true
value and given as
P.E= (A.E/true value)*100 %

Shaft Absolute Allowances Slot quality

part error(mm) range(mm)
No. Width height width height accepted rejected
width depth width depth
01 0.05 0 ±02 ±02   X X

02 0.2 0.015 ±02 ±02   X X

03 0.05 0.175 ±02 ±02   X X

04 0.051 0.35 ±02 ±02   X X

05 0.06 0.14 ±02 ±02   X X

06 0.021 0.05 ±02 ±02   X X

This analysis shows that all the shafts meet the required tolerance value. As a result, they are not
rejected and doesnot need any adjustment or re-machining. Therefore they can pass to the
assembly section.


 Observation
 Google
 Trilogy lab lecture video
 Metrology text book and slide

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