Li Green Economy Report 2022

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Global Green

Skills Report 2022

Foreword by Ryan Roslansky....................................................................3

Executive Summary.....................................................................................4

Chapter One — Green Skills & Jobs....................................................5

Table of Chapter Two — Country & Sector Trends..........................................15

Chapter Three — Just Transition...........................................................29

Chapter Four — Action Plan...................................................................35

Appendix — Glossary................................................................................40

Appendix — Methodology......................................................................42

Appendix — Country annexes...............................................................45

transition that needs to happen to meet the double-digit growth across dozens of green

There is a
climate crisis? skills over the last five years. The fastest-growing
green skills are in Ecosystem Management,
Achieving our collective global climate targets is a
Environmental Policy and Pollution Prevention.
massive shift monumental task and it is going to take a whole-
of-economy effort to make it happen. That means
we need a transformation in the skills and jobs
But the vast majority of green skills are being
used in jobs that aren’t traditionally thought of as

underway in the people have if we’re going to get there. The good
news is that we are already seeing a shift to green
green — such as fleet managers, data scientists or
health workers.

global economy. skills and jobs underway on our platform, which

has nearly 800 million members around the world.
Governments, companies, and individuals all
need to come together to help transition the
Green talent in the workforce worldwide is rising. hiring market from focusing solely on titles and
There is a massive shift underway in the global The share of green talent increased from 9.6% in companies, degrees and schools, to also focusing
economy. In the wake of the pandemic, the world 2015, to 13.3% so far in 2021 (a growth rate on skills and abilities. We want to be a catalyst
is witnessing a historic transformation in how of 38.5%). for job and skill transformations, and we have the
people work, why they work and where they work. tools to help.
At LinkedIn, we call it the Great Reshuffle, an Jobs are a critical part of the conversation about
unprecedented moment in history where we are achieving this green transition. And rightly so. We This green skills report is one way we’re doing our
reimagining the future of work. People are actively expect to see millions of new jobs created globally part. We leverage our unique data and labour
acquiring new skills and pursuing new ventures. in the next decade driven by new climate policies market expertise to highlight actionable insights
Employers are reinventing business models and and commitments. For example, in the last five that are crucial to delivering a successful green
creating new markets. And all of this economic years, the number of Renewables & Environment transition and avoiding potential pitfalls.
upheaval, which would normally play out over the jobs in the U.S. has increased by 237%, in stark
I’m excited about this work and the ability to
course of decades, is being compressed into a contrast to the 19% increase for Oil & Gas jobs.
educate, inform and enable policy and investment
couple of years. At this pace, the Renewables & Environment
decisions that will accelerate our transition to the
sector will outnumber Oil & Gas in total jobs on
Amid this Great Reshuffle, we’re faced with an green economy. LinkedIn is committed to tackling
our platform by 2023.
urgent need to transition our society to a green the climate change challenge. There is no more
economy to address the threat of climate change. It’s more than jobs — we need to zoom in on urgent one.
How do we apply what we’ve learned from this the skills that power these jobs. Green skills. We
believe real change will come through a skills- Ryan Roslansky
unprecedented moment to power the enormous
based approach to opportunity. We have seen CEO, LinkedIn
Executive Summary

If we’re to deliver At the heart of it is people. Greening the economy

is a human capital issue.
We also analyse differences in the green transition
for each country and sector, including how
corporate services, manufacturing, energy and
real change, we We’ve looked at our unique global data, analysed
it as only LinkedIn can, and have identified that
mining, public administration and construction are
the sectors with the highest intensity of green skills

have to think
if we’re to deliver real change, we have to think
globally. Every featured country shows green skills
about green roles and green skills.
in at least one sector, but as economies green-

about green roles

Green skills are a critical factor in realising the up, some regions are creating green jobs across
success and speed of the green transition. Our multiple sectors more than others.
data shows hiring for green skill talent is rising

and green skills.

We need to ensure that this transition is a just
globally but nowhere near what’s needed. In
and inclusive one, as well as a sustainable one.
addition to diagnosing where we need to make
We examine the gaps that exist across income,
more progress, we provide recommendations on
gender and education levels, and provide
how to close the green skills gap, upskill workers
recommendations for actions that governments,
and enable the shift to more green jobs.
organisations and individuals can take.
This report provides new data on green skills
We can meet this challenge by working together
and jobs from all across the world, to empower
and learning from each other. Let’s get to work.
policymakers, governments and business leaders
with actionable insights to help them transition the
global workforce to a green economy future.

Chapter One

Green Skills
& Jobs

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Green skills and jobs are urgently

needed to power the green transition.
We’re in a time of great upheaval moment of change to redirect human Green skills: are those that enable the
around the world. We are experiencing talent to accelerate the green transition, environmental sustainability of economic
an unprecedented moment in history we’ll have a fighting chance of meeting activities
where we are reimagining the future the climate challenge. But achieving this
of work. Governments are assessing requires moving toward an economy that Green jobs: are those that cannot be
policies, programmes and how to support transitions workers into jobs beyond those performed without extensive knowledge
constituents amid the pandemic. Business currently considered green. New workers of green skills
leaders are reimagining their entire working need to enter green and greening potential
Greening jobs: can be performed
models, cultures and company values. jobs, bolstered by green skills and more
without green skills, but typically require
Employees are rethinking what they do, opportunities from employers.
some green skills
where they do it and what it means.
At LinkedIn, we call this the Great Reshuffle. The hard truth is that right now we are Greening potential jobs: can be
nowhere close to having sufficient green performed without green skills, but
The Great Reshuffle presents us with an talent, green skills or green jobs to deliver occasionally require some level of
opportunity. We can harness this moment the green transition. Based on the current green skills
of change to redirect human talent to rise to trajectory of green skills growth in the labour
Non-green jobs: are those that do not
the most urgent challenge facing humanity: market, we are not going to have sufficient
require green skills to be performed
the green transition. We cannot wait any human capital to meet our climate targets.
longer to address climate change. We have While more workers are transitioning into Green talent: a LinkedIn member who
to green the economy and activate the jobs, green and greening jobs than are leaving, has explicitly added green skills to their
companies and policies that will power it. the total number of workers transitioning profile and/or are working in a green or
By capitalising on this unprecedented into those jobs is still really low. Not all jobs greening job

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

will need to be exclusively green — it’s not

just those building solar panels — it's the Why Green Skills
sustainable fashion manufacturer, the fleet
manager, the sales manager. There is a Green skills are the building blocks of the Green-skilling is needed to fuel greener
marked lack of green skills and jobs, and green transition and the key to unlocking jobs. To measure the current status and
this is slowing the rate at which we can the human capital that will power it. We the recent evolution of green skills, we
green the economy. need more opportunities for those with use LinkedIn’s new green skill taxonomy
green skills. We have to upskill workers to quantify the extent to which different
Green skills intensity needs to increase in who currently lack those skills. And we countries, sectors and jobs use these
every sector and country to build the supply need to ensure green skills are hardwired skills. We call this green skill intensity.
needed and meet the demand required to into the skillset of future generations.
achieve climate goals. Some progress has
been made. In 2019, the balance tipped
towards green talent as the green hiring
rate accelerated ahead of the overall
hiring rate in most economies around the
world. This means that, globally, green
workers were hired at a higher rate than
non-green workers. At the same time, the
share of green talent in the global workforce
increased from 9.6% in 2015 to 13.3% so far
in 2021 (an annual growth rate of 6% and a
cumulative growth rate of 38%).

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

We have not made enough progress, especially

when it comes to equipping workers with the green While job postings requiring green skills
skills they need to meet this growing demand.
Growth in the demand for workers with green skills grew at 8% annually over the past five
has outpaced the growth in the supply of green years, the share of green talent has grown
talent. While job postings requiring green skills
grew at 8% annually over the past five years, the at roughly 6% annually in the same period.
share of green talent has grown at roughly 6%
annually in the same period. This is a significant
missed opportunity for the planet and for workers Chart 1: Change in the share of global hiring by job type
Data indexed to 2016 hiring levels
— one that we can begin to address immediately.

Change in the Share of Hiring (2016 = 1)

Along with green skills intensity, green or greening
jobs are the catalyst for real-world change. Green
jobs are occupations that cannot be performed 1.1
without extensive knowledge of green skills.
Importantly, greening or greening potential jobs
are those that could be performed without green
skills, but typically require some level of green skills. 1

Chart 1 shows the growth in the hiring of green

jobs, and that the hiring of green jobs in the
global workforce is rising. Yet, together green and 0.9
greening jobs still only account for 10% of hiring 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
in 2021, while non-green jobs dominate at 50% of
1.2 Green
hiring (Chart 3). The share of hiring for greening
the Share of Hiring (2016 = 1)

and greening potential jobs is stagnating or Greening

declining, while the share of non-green jobs is Greening Potential
still growing.
Not Green

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Most jobs requiring green skills

are not traditional green jobs.
Chart 2 shows that the top five fastest- Chart 2: Fastest-growing green and greening jobs globally
growing green jobs between 2016 and 2021, 40%
in terms of annual growth, are Sustainability
Manager (30%), Wind Turbine Technician Sustainability Manager

Medium term: Job Growth (2016–2021)

(24%), Solar Consultant (23%), Ecologist
(22%), and Environmental Health and Safety
Compliance Manager Wind Turbine Technician
Specialist (20%). The fastest-growing greening Ecologist

jobs, moreover, are less specialised and are Solar Consultant

found in a variety of sectors — including roles Geotechnical Engineer Environmental Health Safety Specialist
that range from Compliance Manager (19%) Programme
Risk Advisor
Safety Technician Regulatory Affairs Consultant
to Facilities Manager (11%) and Technical Manager
Farm Manager
Sales Representative (8%).
Facilities Construction Manager
We have a historical opportunity to rethink Technical Sales Representative

how we approach the global workforce’s 0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
transition into a greener economy, based
on skills. By adding insights from new data Short term: Job Growth (2020–2021)

to this challenge, we can make a plan to Bubble size indicates share of countries in the sample where the job was among the fastest-growing in 2016–2021.
increase green skills intensity around the Smallest: 5%; Largest: 50%. Bubble shade indicates type of job. Dark: Green job; Light: Greening job.
world. The workforce is ready and the planet
can’t wait: the time is now.

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Five trends shaping the green economy

Demand for green talent will
Trend 1 soon outpace supply.

In the past year, ~10% of job postings requiring skills have Chart 3: Share of 2021 Hiring, by job type (2021)
explicitly required at least one green skill — which is 1%
generally aligned with ~10% of the hires in the same period Green (1%)

going to green or greening jobs (Chart 3). However, while 9% Greening (9%)
job postings requiring green skills grew at 8% annually over 40%
Greening Potential (40%)
the past five years, the share of green talent has grown at
roughly 6% annually in the same period. Not Green (50%)

20% 40%



Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Five trends shaping the green economy

Hiring of green talent is accelerating
Trend 2 faster than overall hiring.

In 2019, the hiring balance tipped towards green talent, Chart 4: Relative Green Hiring Rate, global
as the green hiring rate accelerated ahead of the overall 1.2

hiring rate in most economies around the world (Chart 4).

This means that, globally, green workers were hired at a Green LHR above Overall LHR

Green LHR/LHR (1=Rates are equal)

higher rate than non-green workers. The pandemic has
accelerated this trend, which suggests that green talent 1.0
has been relatively more resilient to an economic downturn
than non-green talent. Green LHR below Overall LHR


1/1/2017 1/1/2018 1/1/2019 1/1/2020 1/1/2021

Relative green LHR (Green LHR to General LHR)

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Five trends shaping the green economy

There’s currently a good balance in
Trend 3 the green skills that are needed.

Currently, there is a relatively good balance in the supply and (Tables 1 and 2), including Sustainability, Renewable Energy,
demand of green skills. Half of the top 10 in-demand green Environmental Awareness, Environment, Health and Safety
skills match the most popular skills among the green workforce (EHS), and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Table 1: Top in-demand green skills required by employers (2021) Table 2: Top green skills added by members (2021)

Share of job postings Share of members

requiring the skill who added the skill
Skill name Green skill category Skill name Green skill category
(out of job postings (out of members
requiring any green skill) adding any skill)

Sustainability Sustainable Development 27.6% Sustainability Sustainable Development 12.6%

Remediation Environmental Remediation 8.8% Environmental Awareness Ecosystem Management 10.0%

Occupational Safety and Health

Environmental Policy 8.6% Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Generation 9.2%
Advisor (OSHA)

Climate Ecosystem Management 5.6% Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Environmental Auditing 5.9%

Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy 5.4% Sustainable Development Sustainable Development 5.3%

Environmental Awareness Ecosystem Management 4.9% Sustainable Design Pollution Prevention 5.1%

Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Environmental Auditing 3.7% Environmental Science Sustainability Research 4.7%

Renewable Energy
Solar Energy 2.6% ISO 14001 Environmental Policy 4.2%

Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Policy 2.5% Environmental Management Systems Environmental Auditing 4.1%

Recycling Environmental Remediation 2.1% Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Policy 4.1%

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Five trends shaping the green economy

The fastest growing green skills are
Trend 4 both mainstream and emerging.
Table 3: Fastest-growing green skills (2016–2021)

Some skills in high employer demand that show relatively

lower prevalence in the workforce, are Remediation, Skill name Green skill category Skill growth

Recycling, OSHA, Climate and Solar Energy — but the last

three listed are among the fastest growing skills in 2016–2020. Sustainable fashion Pollution Prevention 90.6%

And several of the fastest growing green skills across all

sectors during the same time period were not necessarily Environmental services Ecosystem Management 82.5%

in-demand skills, but suggest the emergence of new trends,

including Sustainable Fashion, Oil Spill Response and Oil spill response Environmental Remediation 80.4%

Sustainable Business Strategies, among others (Table 3).

Climate Ecosystem Management 68.7%

Sustainable Growth Environmental Auditing 67.2%

Surface water Ecosystem Management 64.5%

Occupational Safety and Health

Environmental Policy 57.9%
Advisor (OSHA)

Sustainable business strategies Pollution Prevention 56.6%

Solar systems Renewable Energy Generation 55.5%

Sustainable landscapes Ecosystem Management 52.9%

Chapter One: Green Skills & Jobs

Five trends shaping the green economy

The volume of workers moving into green
Trend 5 and greening jobs is too low.
Chart 6: Global job transitions among different types of jobs (2016–2021)

Workers are increasingly acquiring green skills and transitioning From To

into green and greening jobs, resulting in positive net transitions Green Green
into these jobs (Chart 5). However, on aggregate, the volume of
transitions into green and greening roles is still too low to have a Greening Greening

transformative impact by itself (Chart 6).

Chart 5: Global Net Job Transitions: Ratio of workers transitioning

into a job type vs. those transitioning out (2016–2021)

Greening Greening
Potential Potential
Net transitions (Inflow/Outflow)



Not Not
Green Green

Green Greening Greening Potential Not Green

At 1 the number of workers transitioning into a job type equal the

number of workers transitioning out of that job type.
Chapter Two

Country &
Sector Trends

Chapter Two: Country & Sector Trends

Current green talent will not meet

the demand for green jobs. Chart 7: Relative green skill intensity by sector

Looking at the spread of talent around industries and geographies that have Corporate Services

the world and within sectors through traditionally focused on high-emission Manufacturing
Energy & Mining
the lens of green skills, we can see jobs. Indications are that workers are
Public Administration
clearly that the demand for green talent upskilling to green their jobs. The data Construction
and green skills is outpacing supply. also shows that sectors in different Design
The impact of the green transition has countries are attracting green skills at Agriculture

reverberated throughout all sectors varying paces. Green skills intensity Education

and countries across the globe — needs to increase in every sector and Nonprofit
At the right of the line:
Consumer Goods
with not one left unchanged. Our country to build the supply needed and Above global average
insights not only highlight the scale meet the demand required to achieve Real Estate
of the challenge, but shine a light on climate goals. Transportation & Logistics
the path forward. We can empower Recreation & Travel

policymakers and business leaders Chart 7 on green skills intensity across Software & IT Services

with specific insights across sectors and sectors shows that corporate services, Public Safety
countries, outlining the needs of the manufacturing, energy and mining,
workforce and what skills are required. public administration, and construction Hardware & Networking
We’re seeing early trends in how green- are the sectors that use the highest Media & Communications
skilling is playing out, especially within number of green skills across the globe. Wellness & Fitness

0 1 2 3
Relative Green Skills Intensity ( 1 = global average)

Chapter Two: Country & Sector Trends

This said, there is variation across countries Chart 8: Top 25 countries with the higher number of sectors with green skills (2021)
— of the top 25 countries with the highest Green skill intensity: Above global average Below global average
number of sectors with green skills, different
countries concentrate on different sectors

United Arab Emirates

(Chart 8).

United Kingdom
United States
Saudi Arabia

South Africa









Consumer Goods
Corporate Services
Energy & Mining
Media & Comms
Public Admin
Public Safety
Real Estate
Recreation & Travel
Software & IT Services
Transp. & Logistics
Wellness & Fitness

Chapter Two: Country & Sector Trends

Not only does the intensity of green skills Table 4: Sector trends in job transitions
vary by country and sector, but Table 4
shows how workers’ job transitions are Green transition trend Sectors Trends
trending differently across sectors. In line
with the global trend, most sectors are Leading • Agriculture With an above-average green skill intensity, workers in
• Corporate Services these sectors are increasingly showing transitions into
trending positive for the moment. However, • Design green/greening jobs. For every 100 workers transitioning
there are five sectors showing unclear or • Energy & Mining into non-green jobs, up to 256 workers transition into
• Manufacturing green/greening jobs.
negative trends.
• Public Administration

Trending positive • Arts These sectors have a below-average green skill intensity,
• Consumer Goods but workers are transitioning into green/greening jobs
• Entertainment faster than workers in non-green jobs are transitioning
• Finance into green/greening. For every 100 workers going into
• Healthcare non-green jobs, up to 477 workers transition into green/
• Legal greening jobs.
• Media & Communications
• Real Estate
• Recreation & Travel
• Retail
• Software & IT Services
• Transportation & Logistics
• Wellness & Fitness

Unclear • Hardware & Networking Performing below the average green skill intensity, these
• Non-profit Organisations sectors are not showing major shifts in job transitions.
• Public Safety

Trending negative • Construction These sectors show an above-average green skill inten-
• Education sity, but workers are transitioning out of green/greening
jobs at a faster rate than workers in non-green jobs are
transitioning into green/greening. In fact, for every 100
workers transitioning into non-green jobs, as little as 47
workers transition into green/greening jobs.

Chapter Two: Country & Sector Trends

As countries go green, Chart 9: Relative green skill intensity by country (Top 25)

job opportunities emerge. United States

United Kingdom

Green skills intensity is a helpful metric Australia

to understand how workers in different Canada

countries are applying green skills in their India

jobs. As Chart 9 on green skills intensity
across countries shows, the average job
South Africa
in the United States, United Kingdom and
Australia uses roughly two to three times Sweden
more green skills than the average Indonesia
job globally. United Arab Emirates
This is the moment to turn to urgent climate Germany
action — good for the planet and good for Saudi Arabia
workers. More jobs, more opportunities, Finland

even in times of global crisis. The pandemic Turkey

has shown that green talent can be more Netherlands

resilient than non-green talent. Each region Greece

New Zealand
and sector must turn attention to more green At the right of the line:
skills and jobs in every corner of the world, Above global average
to power the urgent transition.

0 1 2 3
Relative Green Skills Intensity ( 1 = Global Average)

Case Study

Case Study Spotlight

Exploring unique trends in the green transition

LinkedIn data makes it clear that we need 90.6%. This new trend demonstrates how • The need for innovative solutions to
to act quickly and boldly, and it shows an industry that has been around for emissions reduction has influenced rapid
which areas require the most urgent thousands of years can make the shift technological change in the European
attention. These insights are designed to to green. automotive industry. LinkedIn data
help policymakers and business leaders shows that the share of green talent has
• Green Entrepreneurship is blossoming
make evidence-based, focused decisions been increasing by 11.3% annually for
across multiple industries. We need
about the green transition. Below are the past five years — exhibiting one of
green innovators and entrepreneurs
five case studies that complement these the highest growth rates in green talent
to bring their best new thinking to
insights. They have been selected to amongst all manufacturing sectors.
market; new ideas, new business
illustrate the opportunities and successes models and new technologies. Green • In the Asia-Pacific, 47% of the total land
of sectors and regions around the world in Entrepreneurship is on the rise and area is agricultural and the region
rising to the climate challenge. growing even faster than overall has a high concentration of countries
Entrepreneurship in the U.S. with high green skills intensity in
We applied a global lens to both a and worldwide. agriculture. Current trends in four
traditional and new industry and zoomed countries — Australia, New Zealand,
in on three success stories in three different • In the last five years, the number of
India, Singapore — show positive signs
regions to showcase how the growth in Renewables & Environment jobs in the
across the sector. This trend points to
green skills intensity is powering positive U.S. has increased by 237% in stark
the potential of reducing emissions in
change: contrast to the 19% increase for Oil & Gas
a sector that is critical to achieving our
jobs. At this pace, we are predicting that
• Sustainable Fashion, while still a niche climate targets.
the Renewables & Environment sector
skill, was one of the fastest growing will outnumber Oil & Gas in total jobs on
green skills globally in 2016–2020, our platform by 2023.
with an average annual growth rate of

Case Study 1

The eco-awakening in fashion

is showing in the workforce.
The global pandemic has heightened Talent in the Apparel and Fashion Table 5: Growth of green talent in Apparel and Fashion
awareness of environmental and industry is becoming greener, not only
Compounded Annual Growth
sustainability issues, and this trend in fashion design hubs but also across Continent
is also showing up in the talent data. manufacturing hubs. The share of green
LinkedIn data shows that Sustainable talent in the Apparel and Fashion industry Asia
Fashion was the fastest-growing green has increased consistently at the global
skill globally (+90.6% on average between level since 2015. Table 5 shows that in Europe
2016–2020). And traditional fashion jobs, traditional design hubs — predominantly
such as fashion designers, stylists and located in Europe and North America — 4.4%
North America
merchandisers, are increasingly applying the share of green talent grew at 5.8% and
Sustainable Fashion skills. 4.4% annually in 2015–2021, respectively.
In manufacturing hubs — predominantly
A broader set of jobs, beyond those in Asia — the share of green talent grew by
Key Takeaway:
typical of the Apparel and Fashion 5.9% in the same period. Applying green skills across all sectors,
industry, are applying green skills. Beyond especially those that produce high
the traditional jobs, workers skilled in emissions, has the potential to accelerate
Sustainable Fashion are also active the green transition while creating new
across many other industries, such as jobs globally.
media and communications, design, arts,
manufacturing, corporate services, non-
profit organisations, and software and
IT services.

Case Study 2

Green entrepreneurs are innovating

globally and across sectors.
Green Entrepreneurship is nascent, Chart 10: Global growth in entrepreneurs
but growing at a faster rate than 0.5
overall entrepreneurship. As has been 48%

Annual Growth in entrepreneurs per 1M LinkedIn members (%)

demonstrated throughout this report, we 45%

need green skills to permeate all industries 0.4

and all sectors of the economy if we are to 36%

meet the climate challenge. But that’s not 31%

all we need. We also need new ideas, new 0.3

32% 28%
business models and new technologies.
That means we need green innovators
and entrepreneurs to bring their best new 0.2
thinking to market, to power even more
change. Green Entrepreneurship is on the
rise, and growing even faster than overall
Entrepreneurship in the U.S. and worldwide
(Chart 10). While still niche, the share of
entrepreneurs adding green skills to their 2017 2018 2019 2020
profiles increased from 2% in 2016 to 3%
in 2021, globally. Top skills being added
Green Entrepreneurs per 1M members
by founders in this field are Sustainability,
All Entrepreneurs per 1M members
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Design.

Case Study 2

Green entrepreneurs are innovating

globally and across sectors.
The vast majority of green entrepreneurial startups with workers with green skills economies in Latin America, LinkedIn
activity is now happening outside of are Farming (82%), Oil & Gas (74%) and data shows that 11% of Mexico’s startups
traditionally green sectors. The sectors Biotechnology (59%). have workers with green skills and the
seeing the highest entrepreneurial activity sectors with the highest share of startups
• In India, for every 100 entrepreneurs,
amongst green founders — beyond with workers with green skills are Oil and
two are highly skilled in green. With the
Environmental Services and Environment & Energy (57%), Higher Education (39%)
help of top business schools preparing
Renewables — are Software, Architecture, and Automotive (26%).
MBAs in sustainability careers2, green
Design and Finance. Indian founders are increasingly
combining tech and business skills —
Europe and North America are leading
which represent 42% and 14% of the Key Takeaway:
the way, but emerging economies are
most representative skills amongst this Mobilising green entrepreneurs and
catching up:
talent, respectively — with green skills powering the startup engine of innovation
• 2.5% of Brazil’s startups work with driving innovation across a wide range will be essential to bring new technologies
Environmental Solutions and of industries. These include Farming, Oil to multiple sectors and make progress on
Renewables1 — and 20% of Brazil’s & Gas and Automotive, where the share global climate goals. Fostering the growth
startups have workers with green skills of startups with green talent range from and opportunities of green entrepreneurs,
— above the global average of 18%. 45% to 60%. by getting these founders networked,
Besides Environmental Solutions and connected and resourced, will drive the
• Mexico is driving green innovation
Environment and Renewables — where development of green talent and green
across multiple sectors — ranked
over 90% of workers have green skills — economies all over the world.
48 out of 141 economies in global
the industries with the highest share of
competitiveness3 and one of the largest
1 ACE Cortex (2021) Inovação ESG
2 The Financial Times (2021), “MBA graduates take on a green hue as fewer choose fossil fuel careers”
3 World Economic Forum. The Global Competitiveness Report 2019 24
Case Study 3

United States’ talent shifting away from Oil & Gas

and into Renewables & Environment
The United States is the country with the Chart 11: US monthly industry hiring rate by sector
highest green skill intensity, and is showing
that a historic shift towards green talent
is underway. LinkedIn data shows that
though it’s the second largest emitter, the 2.0
United States is the world leader in green

LinkedIn Hiring Rate

skills application in many sectors. In 1.5
particular, in the last five years, the number
of Renewables & Environment jobs has
increased by 237% — overtaking that of Oil
& Gas in September 2019, which only grew
by 19% in the same period. Chart 11 shows 0.5
that, since 2019, workers have been moving
away from Oil & Gas into the Renewables 0.0
& Environment sector. At this pace, we





















are predicting that the Renewables &
Environment sector will outnumber Oil &
Gas in total jobs on our platform by 2023. Oil & Gas
Renewables & Environment

Case Study 3

United States’ talent shifting away from Oil & Gas

and into Renewables & Environment
Younger generations are making fast Chart 12: Share of hiring of new graduates and of workers transitioning from other industries (2020)
progress. Our data shows an opportunity
for green talent growth in the US, where
Oil & Gas
Generation Z is growing faster (129%)
than Millennials (115%), Generation X Renewables & Environment
(70%) and Baby Boomers (30%) — if the
newest entrants to the workforce focus 8%

Share of Hiring
on green jobs from the start, imagine the
Key Takeaway:
lasting impact for the planet. Transitions 6%
into the Renewables & Environment sector The shift is happening; equipping
new workers with green skills is
are primarily dominated by the younger 4%
positively impacting new and
generations. Chart 12 shows that in 2020,
traditional industries faster than
hiring of new graduates was 1.6 times
2% anticipated, and can have ripple
higher in the Renewables & Environment
effects in upskilling the most-
sector than in Oil & Gas. experienced talent in the industry.
% New Grad Hires % Transition (from other industry)

Case Study 4

Green skills are driving sustainable change

in the European automotive industry.
The move to electric is reshaping the of green talent concentration in the sector Table 7: Fastest-growing sustainable transportation skills
talent profile of the automotive industry. between 2015 and 2021. in the EU-27
The need for innovation to cut emissions Green Skills Growth, Compound-
Skill Name
has influenced a sustained technological Creating a smooth road to green skills ed Annual Growth (2015–2020)
change in the European automotive will drive the industry. The sector makes
Electric Vehicles 51.2%
industry. LinkedIn data shows that the up 8.5% of European manufacturing jobs4;
share of green talent has been increasing green skills are influencing nearly every Energy Storage 39.5%
by 11.3% annually for the past five years — level of the workforce. From emerging jobs
exhibiting one of the highest growth rates at mid-skill levels, such as those related Management 35.7%
in green talent amongst all manufacturing to the use and maintenance of existing Systems
sectors. Some of the fastest-growing vehicles, to high-skill levels, such as R&D Lithium-ion
sustainable transportation skills in the related to designing green transport Batteries
region are related to electric vehicles and systems, green-skilling expands the current
Electric Cars 27.6%
energy management (Table 7). workforce and creates new opportunities.

The shift to green is happening across the

entire EU. The countries benefiting from the Key Takeaway:
highest share of green talent (with figures
The automotive industry plays a substantial role in the environment and
taken from June 2021) are Austria (21.4%)
in the improvement of air quality. Upskilling and reskilling this workforce,
and Germany (20.4%). And this trend is across all levels, will accelerate the transition and create new opportunities.
reflected across the EU, with Romania, Coordinated regional policies and investments will continue to be important
Slovakia and the Czech Republic seeing in greening this sector and upskilling the talent in it.
some of the fastest-growing annual rates
4 European Commission (2021) Automotive industry
Case Study 5

How green skills are helping the Asia-Pacific

address the climate impact of agriculture
In the East Asia-Pacific, 47% of the total The share of green talent in agriculture Green skills related to sustainable
land area is agricultural and the region has been increasing consistently since agriculture grew consistently in 2016–2020.
has a high concentration of countries with 2015 across these four countries. As Table This is the case globally, with sustainable
green skills intensity in that sector.5 Current 8 shows, Singapore leads with a 9.7% agriculture skills growing by 3% annually
trends in four countries — Australia, New compounded annual growth in the share of on average. But in Australia, New Zealand,
Zealand, India, Singapore — show huge green talent, driven by advances in Farming India and Singapore alone, growth of these
potential to bring lasting change to the (including Urban Farming). Australia and skills reached 12% annually. Related skills,
sector and slow down the effects of one of Singapore (9%) meanwhile, made the such as Urban Agriculture and Precision
the most polluting industries in Table 8.6 largest advances in the dairy industry, while Agriculture, also grew by 17% and 13%
New Zealand (7.8%) led in Ranching. respectively on average, globally.

Table 8: Growth in the share of green talent by country and industry, Agriculture Sector
Key Takeaway:
Country Share of Green Talent, Compounded Annual Growth Rate (2015–2021)
The data points to rapid changes in
Dairy Farming Ranching agriculture. Changes that, alongside
the infrastructure and urban areas
Australia 9.0% 3.8% 3.1%
being built out in many parts of the Asia-
India 6.0% 5.5% 1.5% Pacific, will be critical in ensuring that
developments are more resilient and
New Zealand 7.1% 2.2% 7.8%
better able to withstand heightened risks
Singapore 9.0% 9.7% 1.6% of climate change.

5 The World Bank Agricultural land (% of land area) 28

6 The United Nation Environment Programme (2019) The huge potential of agriculture to slow climate change
Chapter Three

A Just Transition

Chapter Three: A Just Transition

Trends blocking an equitable transition for workers

and a sustainable transition for the planet
The Great Reshuffle and the green 1. Green skilling trends vary across
transition offer us an opportunity to country-income levels.
ensure not only a sustainable future for Countries of all income levels are
exhibiting high upskilling and
the planet but an equitable and resilient
reskilling in broad green skills, such
one for workers too. Governments and as Environmental Services, Organic
companies must seize this opportunity Farming, and Environment, Health
to ensure a more diverse and inclusive and Safety (EHS). However, while high,
future for all workers. However, the current upper-middle and lower-middle income
countries are showing growth in more
trends are not going in the right direction.
niche skills — such as Sustainable
Our data shows that we have inequities Fashion, Photovoltaics and Lithium-ion
persisting not only between countries but Batteries — low-income countries are
also along gender, demographic and behind in Environmental Issues and
educational lines. Environmental Awareness.

Chapter Three: A Just Transition

2. Country-income levels7 are correlated Chart 13: Relative Green Hiring Rate, by country income-level
with the rate of greening. 1.2
The share of green talent grew

Green LHR / LHR (1=Rates are equal)

cumulatively by 39% between 2015 and 1.1
2021 in high-income countries, 37% in
upper-middle income countries; 31% in 1.0
lower-middle income countries; and 18%
in low income countries.

When looking at the relative green

talent hiring rate — which is LinkedIn’s
green hiring rate normalised by
LinkedIn’s total hiring rate — we can
see that high-income and upper-middle-
income countries have maintained a 0.6

steady green hiring rate in 2020, while
lower-income countries have started to
decelerate (Chart 13).

High income
Upper-middle income
Upper-lower income
Low income

7 World Bank (2021) “World Bank Country Income Classification”

Chapter Three: A Just Transition

3. There is a green gender gap, and it Chart 14: Top 25 countries with the fastest narrowing of the gender gap
hasn’t improved since 2015. 0.06
Globally, in 2021 there are only 62
women for every 100 men considered Ireland Canada Malta Countries nearer the top of the graph

Growth in the Female to Male Ratio in 2015–2021 (pp)

are closing the gender gap more quickly.
green talent — a number that has been 0.05
stagnant since 2015. All countries we
looked at have grown their share of Colombia
female green talent since 2015 — from
6.4% in 2016 to 8.9% in 2021, on average.
United States Costa Rica
But their share of male green talent 0.03
grew at a similar pace — from 10.3% to
14.2%. Moreover, men are transitioning Singapore Mexico New Zealand Luxembourg
into greener jobs faster than women: 0.02
in 2015–2021, 66% of transitions into Denmark
green jobs, and 63% of transitions into Argentina United Kingdom, South Africa Indonesia
greening jobs were made by men. 0.01
Germany Spain Peru Belgium
Australia, Chile
Despite global trends, half of the United Arab Emirates France Portugal
countries examined have shown some 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75
reduction in their gender gaps, as
female talent is rising faster than male Female to Male Ratio
green talent. Chart 14 shows the top 25
countries closing the gender gap — with
most of the fastest being concentrated
in Europe, including Cyprus, Malta,
Ireland, The Netherlands and Denmark.

Chapter Three: A Just Transition

4. Younger green talent are Chart 15: Annual growth in the share of green talent,
in pole position. country average (2015–2021)

Our data shows that there is growth 14%

in green talent across all age groups
in almost every country, but younger
generations are showing the largest
growth across the world. Globally,
Millennials are leading with 13% 10%

State of Green Talent CAGR (2015–2021)

compounded annual growth in green
talent between 2015 and 2021 (Chart
15). While this represents an opportunity
for newer generations to have a positive
impact on greening the economy 6%

immediately and throughout their

careers, it also poses a question on 4%
what targeted mechanisms should be
in place to facilitate and accelerate
this knowledge transfer to prevent
more experienced professionals being
excluded from the green transition. 0%
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
(1997–2012) (1981–1996) (1965–1980) (1946–1964)

Chapter Three: A Just Transition

5. The share of green talent has Chart 16: Annual growth in the share of green talent by education level (2015–2021)
grown among workers at all levels of 20%
education, but is growing faster among Luxembourg
workers holding a bachelor’s degree At the left of the line: Workers with Bachelor's
Degrees + greening faster than workers with
or higher. 18%
High School Diplomas
Globally, the share of green talent
among workers with a bachelor’s degree 16%

Green Talent among workers with bachelor’s degrees +

or higher has grown at an average rate Switzerland

of 11% annually in 2015–2021, compared 14% Israel

to 9% among workers without. However, Romania France
Poland, Sweden
Singapore Malta Slovakia
some countries showed the opposite United Arab Emirates Denmark Chile, Netherlands
trend — these include some European 12% Turkey Australia
Germany, Latvia, United States Norway
countries such as Iceland, Slovakia, Estonia
Hungary, Lithuania, New Zealand, United Kingdom
Estonia, Norway and Croatia, along 10% Austria Ireland

with China and Peru (Chart 16). Colombia Canada, Finland, Grand Total, India
Brazil Slovenia China
Czech Republic Croatia Peru
8% Cyprus, Spain Iceland
Argentina, Portugal
Costa Rica, Indonesia

6% Greece South Africa

At the right of the line: Workers with High
4% School Diplomas greening faster than workers
with Bachelor's Degrees +

2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%

Green Talent among workers with high school diploma

Chapter Four

Action Plan

Chapter Four: Action Plan

The time for

action is now.
Governments, companies and individuals have to come
together to address the urgent climate crisis. Policymakers,
Informed by our
insights and
business leaders and the global workforce have a shared
opportunity and responsibility.

Achieving our climate targets is a monumental task and

it is going to take a whole-of-economy effort to make it
happen. That means we need a transformation in the skills
and jobs people have if we’re going to get there.
data, here are
Green skills are the core of the green transition and
harnessing the shift of talent. Through a targeted approach,
we can progressively shift towards these greener jobs, using
skills to identify jobs with the highest ability to turn sectors
and countries green. We need more opportunities for those
for immediate and
impactful action.
with green skills, we have to upskill workers who currently
lack those skills, and we need to ensure green skills are
hardwired into the skillset of future generations.

Chapter Four: Action Plan

Policymakers: Champion green skills and

prepare the workforce for the green transition
• Take a skills-based approach to opportunity to pave the way for real change.
Connect green skills, jobs and broader green economy policies, ensuring
development is balanced with demand and the pace of transformation in the
marketplace. Provide clarity and direction on which skills need to be developed
and the types of training that will be available to prepare for the future.

• Adopt a targeted approach to progressively focus green upskilling and

reskilling efforts in a given location. Integration of these insights into
awareness-raising and education settings should be made a priority. Partner
with experts to build training materials and promote online learning resources
to equip not only entrepreneurs but also the wider community with the
necessary green skills to boost employability throughout the green transition.
Provide investment into training, including empowering and fostering
entrepreneurship. Channel efforts into growing these bridging skillsets to
accelerate the transition.

• Ensure new policies create opportunities for the equal development of green
skills across all groups, supported by significant investment to ensure green-
skilling opportunities are accessible to diverse groups. Consider the influence
of external factors in creating potential skill discrepancies to protect vulnerable
groups, then remove potential barriers, convene discussion, enable knowledge
sharing and pool resources.

Chapter Four: Action Plan

Business leaders: Invest in upskilling current

and future green talent
• Support green upskilling and reskilling efforts through targeted investment
into workforce training, through learning courses and local programmes.

• Hire diverse talent, with green skills.

• Recognise the importance of green hiring and upskilling on your talent

brand — current employees and prospective candidates expect their
employers to take action on climate change.

• Reimagine some open and future roles — the vast majority of green skills
are being used in jobs that aren’t traditionally thought of as green.

• Find or fund entrepreneurial opportunities that will help individuals identify

green business opportunities, expand economies and increase green skills
intensity in your sector or others.

Chapter Four: Action Plan

Global workforce: Gain green skills to power

change and compete for the best jobs
• Consider a career that allows for regular upskilling, activates your role in the
green transition and enhances your future employability. Globally, members
considered green talent have been relatively more resilient to economic
turndowns — such as the global pandemic — than the rest of the workforce.

• Expand your networks. Green talent tends to have a more intertwined network,
with 2x to 3x more LinkedIn connections on average, and follow selected topics
and companies of interest — which grants them access to job opportunities and
specialised content.

• Explore training programmes in your sector and online e-learning courses, as

well as asking your employer what training will be made available in the short
and long term.

• Stay on top of the changes in your sector to understand how your job will likely
transition to become greener, and the skills and training that you will need to
compete in the future.

Appendix — Glossary

Glossary of key terms and data descriptions

Sustainability — a situation in which economic, satisfying humanity’s basic needs and sharing Just transition — a transition which addresses
social and environmental goals are all achieved additional wealth and benefits with reduced the societal needs of those negatively impacted
in balance though sustainable development. inequalities, in line with the UN Sustainable by the process or by existing inequalities.
Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.
Green economy — an economy that Climate neutral and low carbon — types of
operates safely within planetary environmental Green growth — increase in the productive economic or social activity that are either fully
boundaries, notably with regards to a stable capacity of an economy consistent with compatible with a green (i.e. climate-safe)
climate and healthy ecosystem biodiversity. development pathways necessary specifically economy or contributing to the process of
for a stable climate (i.e. a 1.5-degree pathway) transitioning to it becoming so (i.e. with lower
Planetary Environmental Boundaries —
and healthy ecosystem biodiversity. GHG emissions than currently).
concept first proposed in 2009 by scientists
from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Transition to sustainability — a process Adjacent and ambivalent skills — other skill
Australian National University, its definition of a whereby an economy becomes green (see categories such as digital, sector-specialised,
“safe operating space for humanity” is the most above) as well as its society meeting basic business, or interpersonal skills that have the
widely referenced precondition for sustainable human needs globally and providing equal potential to contribute to greening the economy.
development and is based on scientific opportunities according to UN principles and in
Country income levels — refers to the World
evidence that human actions since the Industrial line with SDGs for 2030.
Bank classification8 of the world’s economies
Revolution have become the main driver of
Green transition — the process of evolution into four income groups (high, upper-middle,
global environmental change.
towards a green economy (see above) to lower-middle and low), based on GNI per capita
Sustainable growth — increase in the support the goals of the Paris Agreement, in current USD.
productive capacity of an economy consistent to deliver net-zero emissions in order to limit
with development pathways necessary for a climate change to 1.5 degrees. This includes
stable climate (i.e., a 1.5-degree pathway) and structural transformation across all sector and
healthy ecosystem biodiversity, as well as country value chains.

8 New World Bank (2021) New World Bank country classifications by income level: 2021-2022 40
Appendix — Glossary

Supported by a set of core data terminologies

Skills • Greening and greening potential jobs — a job began, relative to the total number of
• Skills — refers to the 38,000 skills that are are those that could be performed without LinkedIn members in the location.
listed on LinkedIn member profiles and have green skills, but typically require some level
• LinkedIn Green Hiring Rate — focuses on
been standardised by expert taxonomists. of green skills. The main distinction between
new hires who are green talent.
greening and greening potential comes
• Green skills — are those (out of the from the level of green skills intensity in Fastest-growing jobs — jobs that have
38,000 listed on LinkedIn) that enable the the occupation, with greening job workers experienced very high hiring growth in 2016–
environmental sustainability of economic having a higher green skills intensity than 2021, or during COVID (2020–2021).
activities. Examples include skills in greening potential ones. Examples include
pollution mitigation and waste prevention, HVAC technicians, logistics managers and Career transitions — LinkedIn member-
environmental remediation, sustainable construction workers. reported transitions over a five-year period,
procurement, energy generation and from one type of job to another new job that the
management, etc. • Non-green jobs — are jobs that do not member has never previously held. First jobs,
require green skills to be performed. new graduates and intra-job type transitions are
Green jobs excluded.
Green talent — A LinkedIn member is
• Green jobs — are occupations that cannot
considered green talent if they have explicitly Premium job postings — LinkedIn’s paid jobs,
be performed without extensive knowledge
added green skills to their profile and/or they posted by companies.
of green skills. Skills are used as a signal for
are working in a green or greening job (both of
whether the greening of the economy is the
these job categories require a relatively high
primary focus of the occupation. In these
intensity of green skills).
jobs workers have the highest green skills
intensity as green knowledge needs to be Hiring rates
extensive. Examples include sustainability • LinkedIn Hiring Rate or Overall Hiring Rate
specialists and solar consultant. — a measure of LinkedIn members who
added a new employer in the same period

Appendix — Methodology

Glossary of key terms and data descriptions

This body of work represents the world seen Skill names are standardised by expert 1. The term frequency of a skill in an
through LinkedIn data, drawn from the taxonomists into approximately 38,000 entity (‘TF’).
anonymised and aggregated profile information skills, categorised into 249 skill groups, and
2. The logarithmic inverse entity frequency
of LinkedIn’s 774+ million members around the subsequently annotated to identify the following
of the skill across a set of entities (‘IDF’).
world. As such, it is influenced by how members categories: tech skills, disruptive tech skills (these
This indicates how common or rare a
choose to use the platform, which can vary first two can be combined into digital skills),
word is in the entire entity set. The closer
based on professional, social and regional sector-specialised skills, business skills, soft skills
IDF is to 0, the more common a word is.
culture, as well as overall site availability and and green skills.
accessibility. So, if the skill is very common across LinkedIn
Skill genome
entities, and appears in many job or member
In publishing these insights from LinkedIn's For any entity (occupation or job, country, descriptions, the IDF will approach 0. If, on
Economic Graph, we want to provide accurate sector, etc.), the skill genome is an ordered list the other hand, the skill is unique to specific
statistics while ensuring our members’ privacy. (a vector) of the 50 ‘most characteristic skills’ of entities, the IDF will approach 1.
As a result, all data show aggregated that entity. These most characteristic skills are
information for the corresponding period identified using a TF-IDF algorithm to identify Details available at LinkedIn's Skills
following strict data quality thresholds that the most representative skills of the target entity, Genome and LinkedIn-World Bank
prevent disclosing any information about while down-ranking ubiquitous skills that add Methodology note.
specific individuals. little information about that specific entity (e.g.,
Skill intensity
Microsoft Word).
Skills Based on the skill genome of an entity, skill
Skills are the main building blocks of the TF-IDF penetration shows the ‘intensity’ of a set of skills
insights in this report. They are sourced from TF-IDF is a statistical measure that evaluates that we call ‘skill groups’ or ‘skill categories’ (e.g.,
LinkedIn members (skills explicitly listed on how representative a word (in this case a digital literacy, green) in that entity.
member profiles, or inferred from other aspects skill) is to a selected entity. This is done by
Skill intensity/penetration rates are calculated at
of members’ profiles, such as job titles, fields of multiplying two metrics:
an aggregated entity level (usually occupation
study, etc.) or from job postings.

Appendix — Methodology

Glossary of key terms and data descriptions

or job, but also can be done at the country, standardised into approximately 3,600 requires some level of knowledge of green
company or sector level), for example, if ‘green occupation representatives. Occupation skills. Skills are used as a signal for whether the
skills’ are five of the 50 skills in the skill genome representatives group occupations with a occupation representative’s main function is
vector for an occupation, the green skills common role and specialty, regardless of different from greening the economy in any
intensity for that entity is 10%. seniority. sector. The main distinction between ‘greening’
and ‘greening potential’ comes from the level
Green skills Green jobs or occupations
of green skills intensity typically encountered
Green skills are those that enable the A ‘green’ job (technically, occupation in the occupation representative, with greening
environmental sustainability of economic representative) is an occupation representative occupation representatives typically having
activities, such as skills in pollution mitigation that cannot be performed without extensive a higher green skills intensity than greening
and waste prevention, environmental knowledge of green skills. Skills are used as a potential ones.
remediation, sustainable procurement, energy signal for whether the greening of the economy
generation and management, etc. ‘Core’ is the main/primary focus of the occupation – E.g., HVAC technician, logistics manager,
green skills (such as recycling) are most directly representative, in any sector where the construction worker.
related to these sustainability-promoting occupation representative may exist. ‘Green’
Non-green job (technically, occupation
activities; ‘ambivalent’ green skills (such as fleet jobs are those occupation representatives
representative) is an occupation representative
management) may or may not be used for that have the highest green skills intensity, to
that does not require green skills to be
sustainability and ‘adjacent’ green skills (such capture the fact that green knowledge needs
as biology) can support acquisition of core and to be extensive.
ambivalent green skills. Green talent
– E.g., sustainability specialist, solar
A LinkedIn member is considered green talent
Jobs or occupations consultant.
if they have explicitly added green skills to their
LinkedIn member titles are standardised
A ‘greening’ job or a ‘greening potential’ job profile and/or they are occupied in a green or
and grouped into approximately 15,000
(technically, occupation representatives) is greening occupation representative (both of
occupations. These are not sector or country
an occupation representative that could be these categories have a relatively high intensity
specific. These occupations are further
performed without green skills, but typically of green skills).
Appendix — Methodology

Glossary of key terms and data descriptions

LinkedIn Hiring Rates For data quality and robustness reasons, the Geographic coverage
LinkedIn Hiring Rate or Overall Hiring methodology requires minimum thresholds of In order to ensure the highest data quality
Rate is a measure of hires normalised by hiring to ensure the growth rate is not originating of our analysis, we only included analysis of
LinkedIn membership. It is computed as the from a very low base, and a minimum countries where LinkedIn has the strongest
percentage of LinkedIn members who added Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) for company hiring and most representative data. This report
a new employer in the same period the job concentration to remove cases where the hiring selected 50 countries: Argentina, Australia,
began, divided by the total number of LinkedIn of some jobs is overly concentrated in a small Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China,
members in the corresponding location. number of companies. Moreover, members who Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
joined LinkedIn after the beginning of the time Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
LinkedIn Green Hiring Rate is computed period are excluded, to account for platform Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India,
following the overall hiring rate methodology, growth and membership engagement. Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
but only considering members classified as
Career transitions Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands,
green talent.
New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal,
Career transitions are computed by
Fast-growing jobs Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia,
aggregating member-level job (technically,
A fast-growing job (technically, occupation Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,
occupation representatives) transitions over
representative) is an occupation representative Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates,
a five-year period, from one occupation
that has exhibited very high growth in hiring United Kingdom, United States.
representative to a new occupation
over a period of time. Emerging jobs are representative that the member has never
identified over the last five years by ranking the previously held. To maximise signal capture,
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the first occupations by new graduates and intra-
hiring of a job in that time period. occupation transitions are excluded.


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