Green Skill

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Green Skills
Report 2023
Table of contents

Executive summary
....... ...................................................................................................................... 3

Key findings
.......................................................................................................................................... 5

Energy production & utilities

... ....................................................................................................................................... 7

... ....................................................................................................................................... 15

Finance... ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Transitioning to a greener economy

... ....................................................................................................................................... 26

... ....................................................................................................................................... 33

Executive summary

The scale and urgency

of the transformation required
to fight climate change
has never been more clear.

According to a report recently released by the This report identifies global trends at the intersection
UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate of the workforce and sustainability, based on data
Change (IPCC), the actions we take over the next from a membership base that now exceeds 930
decade will determine whether or not our planet is million LinkedIn users worldwide. As detailed in
livable for generations to come. the following pages, our findings reveal that there
are pockets of exciting momentum, but that we
The gargantuan challenge of drastically reducing are still dangerously far from the scale of change
greenhouse gas emissions demands a whole-of- that’s required.
economy shift — across industries, roles, and
geographical regions. With every challenge The concentration of “green talent” in the workforce
comes opportunity: If we take the right approach, — the share of workers who hold a green job or list
we can leverage our efforts on behalf of the at least one green skill on their LinkedIn profile —
environment to catalyze growth throughout the is growing in every one of the 48 countries we
global economy. studied. We also found, however, that the increase
in demand for green skills is outpacing the increase
At LinkedIn, we believe the most promising path in supply, raising the prospect of an imminent green
forward is through a skills-based approach to skills shortage. Between 2022 and 2023 alone, the
greening the global workforce. By breaking share of green talent in the workforce rose by a
down roles into the specific capabilities required median of 12.3% across the 48 countries we
to do them, we can develop talent strategies that examined, while the share of job postings1 requiring
recognize individuals for the capabilities they at least one green skill grew nearly twice as quickly
possess. And by thinking of climate-related jobs — by a median of 22.4%.
as collections of skills, specifically “green skills,”
we can expand the talent pool available to solve
the climate crisis. Just as most roles now require
Growth in demand for green skills
digital skills, jobs ranging from procurement
specialist to fleet manager to product designer
is outpacing the increase in supply
to head chef can be performed in a more Between 2022 and 2023
sustainable way if workers have green skills.
+12.3% +22.4%
Share of green talent Share of job postings requiring
in the workforce at least one green skill

1 This analysis was conducted using paid job listings on LinkedIn posted by companies to ensure data consistency.
Executive summary

Remarkably, our data suggests that green skills, and the jobs
that require them, are especially resilient during times of economic
uncertainty. Even as overall hiring slowed over the past year, green Median growth in
hiring bucked that trend. While overall hiring slowed globally LinkedIn job postings
between February 2022 and February 2023, job postings requiring requiring at least one
at least one green skill have grown by a median of 15.2% over the green skill
same period. And since March 2020, our data shows, workers with
between February 2022
green skills have been hired for new jobs at a higher rate than those and February 2023
without green skills in every single country we studied.

Still, we are far from the green skills penetration that we need.
Our study reveals that just one in eight workers have green skills.
Put another way: Seven in eight workers lack a single green skill,
at a time when the future of our planet depends on them.

Our 2023 Green Skills Report also delves into three sectors that are especially
pivotal to meeting sustainability targets:

Transportation Finance

Energy production and transportation are the first and second-largest sources of carbon
emissions, respectively, while the finance industry is a critical enabler of the transformation
that’s required.

Accelerating the green transformation, while expanding access to the opportunities it opens up, will
require unprecedented levels of cooperation among stakeholders in the public and private sectors.
To that end, this report includes critical questions that policymakers, business leaders, and others might
explore as they seek to develop regulations, programs, and policies that foster green skills development
and create pathways for workers to transition into jobs that help green the planet.

Just as scientific research continually expands our understanding of climate change, data at the
intersection of climate and the workforce can play a critical role in guiding workers, companies,
and governments in making strategic decisions and developing targeted interventions to accelerate
the transition to a green economy. We have a historic opportunity to save our planet — but to seize it,
we need the right human capital.

Key findings
Around the world, only one in eight workers has one or more green skills. Put another way,
seven in eight workers lack even a single green skill.

Between 2022 and 2023, the share of green talent2 in the workforce rose by a median of
12.3%3 while the share of job postings requiring at least one green skill grew twice as quickly
— by a median of 22.4%.

The five-year annualized growth rate between 2018 and 2023 reveals a similar trend. The
share of green talent grew by 5.4% per year over that period, while the share of jobs requiring
at least one green skill grew by 9.2%.

Even as overall hiring slowed over the past year, green hiring bucked that trend. While overall
hiring slowed globally between February 2022 and February 2023, job postings requiring at
least one green skill have grown by a median of 15.2% over the same period.

The median LinkedIn hiring rate4 for workers with at least one green skill is 29% higher than
the workforce average.

From 2015 to 2023, employment in the renewable energy industry grew in every country
we studied. For every 100 workers who left the global renewable energy sector, 120
workers joined.

The transition to a greener economy is driving green skills growth across all industries,
including the most carbon-intensive. For example, the green talent concentration in the oil
and gas industry has steadily increased since 2016, reaching 21% in 2023.

2 A LinkedIn member is considered green talent if they have explicitly added green skills to their profile and/or they work in a title with a relatively high intensity of green skills.
3Unless otherwise specified, all global statistics refer to the median among all 48 countries we studied. We believe this is a more accurate, precise way to measure
overall global trends because it reduces the extent to which a large economy can skew the data and subsume the data insights of smaller markets.
4 The LinkedIn hiring rate is the ratio of hires divided by LinkedIn membership and is indexed to 2016. 5
Key findings

The share of auto workers with EV skills (a subset of green skills) rose by a median of
61% between 2018 to 2023.

The countries with the greatest share of auto workers with EV skills as of March 2023
are Sweden (8.1%), the UK (7.3%), and Germany (6.1%). The US lags behind, with 3.7%
of auto workers possessing EV skills.

While the median green talent concentration across all industries is 12.3% (meaning that one
in eight workers has green skills), it’s only 6.8% for the finance industry (meaning that one in 15
has green skills). This places finance behind industries ranging from energy and mining to
agriculture, healthcare, and manufacturing, when it comes to green talent.

With a 14.8% year-over-year increase in its green talent concentration, the finance industry is
greening faster than most industries.

In 81% of transitions into green jobs — jobs that have sustainability at their core — workers
already have green skills or prior green job experience. Certain green jobs are more likely to
be available to workers without prior green job experience. These include relatively new and
quickly growing roles like sustainability manager and energy auditor.

The skills profile for the average job changed 24% between 2015 and 2022 — and green skills
are increasingly among the newly added skill requirements.

& utilities
More workers are joining
renewable energy —
and we see significant
growth in green skills in
the fossil fuel industry.

Energy production is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, comprising 60% of emissions
worldwide. At the same time, global energy demand is projected to grow 47% between 2020 and
2050. While the amount of energy produced from renewable sources like wind and solar continues
to increase — rapidly, in some markets — fossil fuels like coal still produce the majority of the
world’s electricity.

To meet increased energy demand while limiting the increase in average global temperatures
(ideally to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, as outlined in the Paris Agreement) will
require a massive infusion of green skills throughout the entire energy industry, especially in the
renewable energy sector.

Energy production & utilities

Across the world, our data reveals overall positive growth into renewable energy — meaning that more
people are joining the industry than leaving it. The graph below shows that between 2015 and 2023,
employment in the renewable energy industry grew in every country we examined. During this period,
120 workers joined the renewable energy industry for every 100 who left. In countries represented with
green circles, more people are leaving the fossil fuel industry than joining it. In countries represented
with yellow circles, more people are joining the fossil fuel industry than leaving it (even amid parallel
renewable energy growth).

Transition ratios for renewable and fossil fuel-based industries

Ratios are the share of members transitioning into the industry to members transitioning out. Circle sizes
represent the number of times workers changed jobs within the entire energy sector.

Fossil fuel industry shrinking Fossil fuel industry growing


Saudi Arabia
Brazil Greece
Turkey Slovenia
United Arab Emirates Latvia
Fossil fuel transition ratio

Argentina Lithuania

Mexico South Africa Slovakia

Italy Poland
Netherlands Romania Estonia Israel
1.00 Portugal
United Kingdom
Peru Czech Republic Norway

Croatia Belgium Sweden Austria

Colombia France Singapore
0.75 New Zealand Germany
United States


1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Green transition ratio

For the purposes of this report, we define the renewable energy industry as including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power
generation; industries that support renewable energy generation (such as photovoltaic cell manufacturing); energy generation
that does not produce direct carbon emissions, including nuclear power generation; and industries that administer environmental
programs and provide environmental services. We define the fossil fuel industry as including any activities that produce or
support the production of fossil fuels. This includes coal mining, oil extraction, and fossil fuel electric power generation.
Energy production & utilities

Global green talent concentrations

In Australia and the United Arab Emirates,
What percentage of workers have green skills?
more workers are entering the fossil fuel industry
than exiting it — and this trend is accelerating.
In the US, the UK, Germany, Singapore, and
France, fewer workers are going into the fossil
12.3% 21%
Economy-wide Oil and gas industry
fuel industry than leaving, but this decline
is decelerating.

These trends reinforce the need for countries to double down on strategies for reducing fossil fuel-derived
emissions — even as they transition to renewable energy. Our research reveals that this is starting to
happen, as oil and gas (a subset of fossil fuels) has a median national green talent concentration of 21%. By
comparison, farming (42.9%) and construction (27.4%) are higher, emblematic of a trend in which we see the
most resource-intensive industries have the highest concentration of green skills.

Indicative of the importance of transitioning even the most carbon-intensive industries to a more
sustainable future, green skills have become increasingly prevalent in oil and gas, as shown by the
consistent rise in green talent concentration between 2016 and 2023.

Growth in green talent concentration in oil and gas (2016-2023)

Median national green talent concentration in oil and gas





1/1/16 1/1/17 1/1/18 1/1/19 1/1/20 1/1/21 1/1/22 1/1/23

Energy production & utilities

The chart below reflects the share of LinkedIn members in the renewable energy and fossil fuel
industries, by country. In European countries like Iceland, Denmark, France, and Spain, more than
2% of LinkedIn members work in renewable energy, while roughly 1% or fewer work in fossil fuel-related
industries. In Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, by contrast, more than 5% of LinkedIn members work in
fossil fuel-related industries, while fewer than 1% work in renewable energy.

Share of members in renewable and fossil fuel-based industries

Selected countries. Circle size indicates size of LinkedIn member base.
North America
South America
France Oceania


2% Germany

Austria Italy
Netherlands Poland
Slovenia Norway
Renewable energy

Portugal Brazil Canada
New Zealand
Switzerland Peru
South Africa
1% Turkey
Mexico Hungary
Ireland Argentina
Croatia Saudi Arabia
Malta United Kingdom

Singapore United Arab Emirates

Costa Rica Indonesia
Cyprus Latvia
United States

0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%

Fossil fuel-based energy production

Energy production & utilities

While the US fossil fuel-based energy sector remains larger than the renewable energy industry,
our data shows that renewable energy is gaining ground. Since March 2020, the LinkedIn hiring rate for
the US renewable energy industry has consistently surpassed the LinkedIn hiring rate for US oil and gas.
There were 69% more renewable energy jobs posted in the first three months of 2023 than in the first three
months of 2022, for example, while oil and gas job postings grew by 57% over the same period.

LinkedIn hiring rate for oil and gas and renewable energy power generation (United States)
Oil and gas Renewable energy power generation


LinkedIn hiring rate





1/1/15 6/1/15 11/1/15 4/1/16 9/1/16 2/1/17 7/1 /17 12/1/17 5/1/18 10/1/18 3/1/19 8/1/19 1/1/20 6/1/20 11/1/20 4/1/21 9/1/21 2/1/22 7/1 /22 12/1/22


Energy production & utilities

Utilities point to a promising path forward

A microcosm of the transition toward greener energy production is taking place within the utilities industry.

Even as most industries are posting fewer jobs Change in LinkedIn hiring rate by industry
now than in 2022, the utilities sector has more United States, March 2023
job postings today than a year ago. Looking at
the US, as virtually all industries pull back on Year-over-year change
hiring, our data shows that the utilities sector
has the lowest decrease in its hiring rate.
Technology, information,
-50.1 and media

-34.3 Holding companies

It’s not surprising that the
-31.8 Professional services
utilities sector has remained
resilient, given its central role -30.2 Financial services

in people’s everyday lives. -29.8 Wholesale

What is surprising is the extent -29.3

Real estate and
equipment rental services
to which that resilience is
-28.3 Manufacturing
driven by a transition toward
renewable energy. -28.1 Retail

Transportation, logistics,
-26.6 supply chain, and storage
Administrative and
Between March 2022 and March 2023, the -26.3 support services
LinkedIn hiring rate in the US solar energy -25.6 Entertainment providers
segment rose by 1% and remained twice as high
as any other segment of the utilities industry. -21.7 Farming, ranching, and forestry

We see this reflected in the external -21.7 Construction

environment. According to Energy Intelligence’s
-18.5 Oil, gas, and mining
recent Green Utilities Report, the top 100 green
utilities and independent power producers -14.7 Hospitals and health care
around the world have added more new
renewable capacity over the past year than -12.6 Consumer services
during any prior year. This illustrates the clear
-10.9 Education
connection between sustainability and the
workforce: When hiring and job postings in -8.7 Government administration
renewable energy increase, the industry
gains the capacity that’s needed to produce -7.5 Utilities
clean energy.
-60 -40 -20 0

Energy production & utilities

Top skills added by US utility

Green skills — the building blocks for a workers in 2022 included
sustainable economy — are also becoming these green skills:
increasingly prevalent among utilities industry
talent. LinkedIn data shows that renewable ü Renewable energy
energy, solar energy, and power distribution ü Solar energy
were among the top five skills added by US
utilities workers in 2022. ü Power distribution

LinkedIn hiring rate for utility sector industries in the United States
Seasonally adjusted. LinkedIn hiring rate is indexed to January 2016, which is set to 1.


Fossil fuel electric power generation

Natural gas distribution
Nuclear electric power generation
2.0 Solar electric power generation
Water supply and irrigation systems

LinkedIn hiring rate



1/1/16 6/1/16 11/1/16 4/1/17 9/1/17 2/1/18 7/1 /18 12/1/18 5/1/19 10/1/19 3/1/20 8/1/20 1/1/21 6/1/21 11/1/21 4/1/22 9/1/22 2/1/23


Energy production & utilities

Policy implications
By cultivating green skills among workers throughout the energy sector, we can create the building
blocks needed to shrink the carbon footprint of energy production overall. Moreover, we can
demonstrate how every worker has a role to play in the fight against climate change.

Questions to consider:

What are the easiest short-term strategies, and most effective long-term
strategies, during what will likely be a protracted transition toward 100%
renewable energy?

What new technologies should we be investing in to maximize carbon capture

and storage in the oil and gas industry? What green skills might these new
technologies require, and how can we help workers develop them?

How can targeted investments, additional legislation, or other efforts amplify the
impact of initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act in the US, the Sustainable
Jobs Plan in Canada, and the European Green Deal?

How can we forge partnerships among governments, businesses, labor unions,

education providers, and civil society groups to transition workers into renewable
energy? Are there overlapping skill sets that present promising reskilling
opportunities? What social protections can governments put in place to support
workers through these transitions?

More workers have
green skills related to
electric vehicles —
and it’s not just the auto
industry that’s hiring them.

Transportation is the second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for roughly
a quarter of emissions worldwide.

One of the most promising pathways to reducing transportation-related

pollution is through accelerated growth in the electric vehicle (EV) industry.

Global demand for EVs is up. There are now 16.5 million electric cars on the roads, with EV accounting
for 10% of global car sales, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). In the US, China, and
certain European countries, the share of electric car sales nearly doubled from 2020 to 2021.


Annual growth in EV skills concentration among auto industry workers by country

(2017 - 2023)







United Kingdom

United States







0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Annual growth in EV skills concentration (2017-2023)

In response to this shift, automotive industry workers are increasingly adding relevant green skills to
their LinkedIn profiles — and the industry is hiring larger shares of workers who are equipped with
these skills. Across all countries we examined, the share of auto workers with EV skills (a subset of
green skills) rose by a median of 62% between 2018 and 2023.

The median share of automotive workers with EV skills today is 3.5%. Sweden, the UK, and Germany
are global leaders in terms of the share of auto workers with EV skills5 (8.1%, 7.3%, and 6.2%,
respectively). Even these relatively mature EV markets have witnessed about 50% growth in the share
of auto workers with green skills from 2018 to 2023.

5When discussing members with at least one EV-related skill, we refer to the following skills from our Economic Graph skills taxonomy: Automotive Design, Automotive Electrical
Systems, Automotive Electronics, Automotive Engineering, Automotive Technology, Batteries, Battery Charger, Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Battery Management Systems,
Battery Testing, Charging, Cobalt, Electric Cars, Electric Motors, Electric Power, Electric Propulsion, Electric Transmission, Electric Utility, Electric Vehicles, Electricity Markets,
Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Environmental Compliance, Environmental Policy, Fuel Cells, Graphite, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Lithium, Lithium Batteries, Lithium-ion
Batteries, Manganese, Nickel, Power Distribution, Power Generation, Power Systems, Power Transmission, Powertrain, and Smart Grid.


The US lags behind other auto manufacturing leaders in EV skill acquisition, with 3.7% of auto workers
possessing EV skills — about half of the percentage of the UK. This could change, as emissions
regulations are tightened and the Inflation Reduction Act takes hold. While the Inflation Reduction Act
aims to spur domestic US economic growth, it covers certain production and manufacturing activities
in Canada and Mexico — reflecting the importance of a robust North American supply chain for EVs.

Notably, Canada and Mexico are among the less-mature EV markets that have seen annualized
growth of greater than 14% per year between 2018 and 2023 in the share of auto workers with EV skills.
Turkey, Spain, and India also fall into this category. India, where 5.1% of auto workers now have EV
skills, experienced the greatest five-year jump from 2018 to 2023 (140%).

Share of automotive industry workers with at least 1 EV skill (2017-2023)

10.0% Brazil
Share of automotive industry workers

5.0% Turkey
United Kingdom
United States


2017-03 2018-03 2019-03 2020-03 2021-03 2022-03 2023-03



Hiring in EV-adjacent industries

It’s not surprising that the automotive industry is hiring more workers
with EV-related green skills. What’s less obvious, but equally important,
is that other industries are increasingly seeking out these workers, too.

This trend is driven by the need to support the transition to EVs — for example, by creating vehicle-
charging stations and factoring EVs into energy demand management.

Share of infrastructure industry professionals with at least 1 EV skill (2017-2023)

10.0% Brazil
7.5% Italy
Share of infrastructure industry professionals

5.0% Sweden
United Kingdom
United States


2017-03 2018-03 2019-03 2020-03 2021-03 2022-03 2023-03


The presence of EV-related green skills among workers in EV-adjacent industries, like utilities and
electric power transmission, is greatest in the US. Sweden, however, is posting the sharpest increase in
this regard. In both countries, the growth is being driven by a combination of consumer demand and
governmental policies that incentivize the development of EV-charger networks.

Beyond EVs: The role of public transit

EVs present an environmentally superior option to internal-combustion-engine vehicles, particularly
when charged with electricity from renewable sources. The transition to EVs alone, however, is not
sufficient for curbing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions.

The most successful approach to mitigating transportation’s contribution to climate change will also
include increasing use of public transit and reducing solo trips in cars. As the charts below indicate,
Sweden leads the world in public transportation employment, with 0.8% of the workforce (using
LinkedIn members as a proxy) working for such organizations. This compares to 0.3% in Germany and
0.1% in the US. Sweden also leads in public-transit hiring, with 0.5% of new hires overall joining public
transit organizations — compared to 0.2% in Germany and 0.1% in the US.

Share of workers at public transit agencies/companies

1.0% Australia
Share of workers

United Kingdom
0.5% United States


2016 2018 2020 2022


Policy implications
Moving forward, it will be critical to increase production and use of zero-emission vehicles, including
cars as well as heavy-duty trucks and machinery. This shift will set off ripple effects across the
economy, as we develop the infrastructure to support widespread EV use. Incentivizing demand
and production through emissions regulations are important policy tools in the EV transition, but the
economic benefits will only be realized if governments and businesses bring workers along. This
means examining how to upskill auto workers so they can move to an EV assembly line or otherwise
participate in the value chain. These efforts will be especially important in cities and regions where the
economy depends on auto manufacturing.

Questions to consider:

How can governments forge partnerships among labor unions and other critical
stakeholders to cultivate green skills within the auto industry workforce — so that
workers can propel the shift toward zero-emission vehicles, help their companies stay
competitive, and secure their own future employment prospects? What employee
development and reskilling efforts should companies themselves be investing in?
How can we ensure that the auto industry workers of today are part of the EV
solutions of tomorrow, and how can we protect workers during the transition to EVs?

How can policymakers pair regulatory changes to emissions requirements with

workforce-development investments — across the auto industry, downstream
(utilities, home electric upgrades, EV-charging infrastructure), and within
upstream supply chains (new minerals, high-tech manufacturing, etc.)?

Looking beyond passenger vehicles, how can we develop realistic plans for
transitioning heavy-duty trucks toward EVs?

As we transition to EVs, what will the downstream impact be for those who work in
places like gas stations and auto repair shops? How can we get ahead of these
changes, to promote green skills and other newly necessary expertise — in
software and IT, for example — within these segments of the workforce?

What strategies can policymakers put in place to reduce carbon from the EV
supply chain, particularly in hard-to-abate sectors like steel? How can
governments and businesses leverage green skills development to ensure that
sustainable production methods are the default approach across the entire EV
value chain?

A critical enabler that’s
starting to green —
but still lags far behind

The whole-of-economy transformation required to combat climate change will require enormous
investments in new infrastructure and innovation, from EV charging stations and solar power facilities
to tech startups developing new climate solutions. And as climate change continues to set off natural
disasters like flooding and wildfires, we also need new financial mechanisms to mitigate the economic
impact on those most adversely affected.

Given the importance of having the financial tools to implement

proven solutions, we need the financial sector to be among the most green.
Our data shows that is far from the case.


Looking at the big picture, finance lags behind

While the median green talent concentration across all industries is 12.3% (meaning that one in eight
workers have green skills), it’s only 6.8% for financial services (meaning that one in 15 finance workers
have green skills). This places finance below industries ranging from energy and mining to agriculture
and manufacturing when it comes to the concentration of green talent.

Even in Germany, which has the greatest

concentration of green talent in its finance
industry, just 11.3% of finance workers have Concentration of green talent
green skills. Austria comes in second, with in the finance industry
10.9%, followed by Colombia (10%),
Luxembourg (9.6%), and Portugal (9%). In the 6.8% Global median
US, 8% of finance workers have green skills,
while in the UK 7.6% do. 11.3% Germany
While green talent concentration gauges the 10.9% Austria
share of workers in an industry who have at 10% Colombia
least one green skill, another way to assess
9.6% Luxembourg
green skills penetration is to examine green
skills intensity. This metric is calculated based 9% Portugal
on the average number of green skills held by 8% United States
industry workers, meaning that workers with
zero green skills are averaged with workers 7.6% United Kingdom
boasting more than a dozen.

Singapore’s finance industry leads by this measure, with a green skills intensity score of 5. This indicates
that the Singapore finance industry workforce has five times as many green skills as the global industry
average of one. While 92.2% of Singapore’s finance workers have no green skills, the 7.8% who do are
likely to have multiple green skills.
In the US, the green skills intensity score of the finance industry is just 1.3. Not only is this low compared
to other global financial centers, it’s among the lowest green skills intensity scores for any US industry.

An explosion in certain sustainable finance skills

A promising development is that workers in the US and Europe are quickly

acquiring a set of skills at the intersection of finance and sustainability.

Skills in carbon accounting, carbon credits, emissions trading, impact assessment, and sustainability
reporting are among the fastest-growing green skills in the US and the European Union (EU).


Fastest growing green skills in the European Union (2022)

Belongs to the ‘Environmental Auditing’ or ‘Environmental Finance’ green skills category

Climate actionPlanning
planning 152.7%
Sustainability education 140.4%
Carbon emissions 131.4%
Carbon accounting 130.1%
Corporate sustainability 127.6%
Hydrogen storage 113.6%
Hydrogen FuelfuelCells
cells 107.5%
Carbon Capturecapture 93.2%
Green 91.4%
Sustainability reporting
Reporting 87.9%

Solar systemDesign
System design 81.7%
Ecosystem management 79.4%
Impact assessment 74.9%
Sustainable transport
Sustainable Transport 73.7%
Solar industry 70.6%
Biogas 70.5%
Sustainable procurement 68.9%
Bioassay 61.1%
Soil sampling
Soil Sampling 60.0%
Permaculture 58.7%

0% 50% 100% 150%

Year-over-year growth in skill adds by LinkedIn members (2021-2022)

Fastest growing green skills in the United States (2022)

Belongs to the ‘Environmental Auditing’ or ‘Environmental Finance’ green skills category

Carbon accounting 240.8%
Drinking waterQuality
Water quality 191.7%
Energy engineering 173.1%
Carbon credits
Credits 157.0%
Carbon emissions 141.0%
Energy audits 121.6%
Hazard communications
Communications 116.9%
Environmental protection 95.3%
Emissions testing 91.1%
Drip irrigation 89.8%

Solar systems 88.4%
Conservation easements 84.9%
Waste disposal 84.3%
Landscape assessment 81.1%
Tree preservation 80.4%
Conservation management 79.4%
Renewable energySystems
Energy systems 76.1%
Emissions trading 75.1%
Energy efficiency 74.0%
Energy management 73.4%

0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250%

Year-over-year growth in skill adds by LinkedIn members (2021-2022)

In the US over the last five years, for example, we have seen a 157% increase in the share of members
adding carbon credits as a skill and a 75% increase in the share of members adding the skill of
emissions trading. 23

Signs of momentum
There are other signs of momentum. The Finance industry green talent trends (2023)
finance industry is greening relatively quickly,
Share of green talent Year-over-year growth
with the concentration of green skills growing
by a median of 14.8% over the past year. This
compares to 12.3% growth among workers Austria
across the economy, 6.6% growth in utilities, Colo mbia
and 11.7% growth in manufacturing. Luxem bourg
In countries like Luxembourg, Malta, Singapore, United Arab Em irates
Ireland, and Lithuania, the share of green talent France
in finance grew by more than 20% over the past Malta
year. Four of those five countries, of course, are Cyprus
in the EU. Like with EVs, the EU is at the United States
forefront of leveraging public policy to require Saudi Arabia
more climate-friendly approaches or Costa Rica
influencing markets to move in that direction. United Kingdom
Finance is also among the industries showing Singapore
the fastest growth in hiring for green jobs — Estonia
those that have sustainability at their core Spain
and generally require extensive green skills. Israel
The share of hires into green jobs in finance rose Belgium
by 17% from 2021 to 2022. This suggests a Latvia
transition, while nascent, is underway in the Argentina
finance sector where it is actively recruiting for Denmark
green job titles. Hungary
South Africa
Growth in share of hires in finance Finland
Between 2021 and 2022 New Zealand

Green jobs Croatia
Rom ania

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%


Policy implications
The whole-of-economy transformation required to save our planet cannot happen without strong support
from the finance industry. This will require a sharp increase in finance-industry workers with green skills,
coupled with policies that incentivize the deployment of capital toward fighting climate change.

Questions to consider:

How can we incentivize financial institutions and investors to deploy more

capital toward fighting climate change?

How can we support climate entrepreneurs in becoming investment-ready,

so they can access capital markets more quickly and effectively? What are
other viable strategies for improving the quality of climate-enhancing
investments, or rebalancing the opportunity-risk calculation, in a way that
spurs further investment?

How can governments leverage regulatory changes and adjustments to reporting

and disclosure requirements to encourage climate-friendly investment?

What are the most effective strategies for incorporating finance-related green
skills into upskilling programs and continuing education courses that are required
to maintain certifications?

to a greener
Green skills position
workers to get green jobs.
They also unlock opportunities
for doing all jobs in a
more sustainable way.

Workforce data on transitions into green jobs — or jobs that are not traditionally considered green but
increasingly involve some focus on environmental sustainability — offers critical insight for policymakers
intent on developing a green talent pipeline. This insight is crucial for ensuring that as many people as
possible benefit from the opportunities that the green transition presents.

As our analysis demonstrates, the growth in demand for green skills

is already outpacing growth in the supply of green talent.

Between 2022 and 2023, the share of green talent in the workforce grew by a median of 12%, while the
share of job postings requiring green skills grew 22.7%.

This supply-demand disconnect is likely to rise considerably without significant workforce investments —
particularly in sectors like finance, manufacturing, and renewable energy — as policies designed to curb
climate change are introduced and rolled out in countries around the world.
Transitioning to a greener economy

The US Inflation Reduction Act, Canada’s The second type of transition is more subtle in that
Sustainable Jobs Plan, and the European Green workers remain in their jobs — but the jobs
Deal all allocate substantial funding toward themselves evolve, requiring a greater emphasis
creating jobs that are fully or partially focused on on sustainability. LinkedIn data reveals that
fighting climate change. In the six months the skills profile for the average job changed
immediately following the passage of the 24% between 2015 and 2022 — and that green
Inflation Reduction Act, the climate nonprofit skills are increasingly among the newly added
Climate Power estimates, US employers created skill requirements.
100,000 clean energy jobs. Research from
BlueGreen Alliance suggests this figure will rise to We can accelerate both of these transitions by
nine million jobs by 2032. taking a skills-based approach to talent strategy,
as outlined in our “Skills-First: Reimagining the
Filling these new roles, and powering the green Labor Market and Breaking Down Barriers”
transformation more broadly, will require two types report. As that report details, skills-based hiring —
of workforce transitions. The first type is when as opposed to hiring based on previous title or
workers transition into green jobs (those which exist credentials — unlocks opportunity for employers
to fight climate change, such as solar panel and workers. By focusing on workers’ specific
installer, sustainability manager, and energy skills and helping them build the skills needed to
auditor) or jobs that increasingly include core fuel our transition to a green economy, we can
sustainability-related components (such as civil boost their prospects of finding a lasting role as
engineer, facilities manager, and policy advisor). the economy shifts.

Worker transitions into green jobs

The first type of transition that’s needed is for more workers to transition into green jobs: those that have
sustainability baked into their missions. Green jobs can be difficult to break into. They tend to require
combinations of multiple green skills, which are difficult for those without green experience to acquire.
Our data shows that, typically, 81% of workers who transition into green jobs have at least some green
skills or prior green experience.

Our data, however, also points to several areas of opportunity for workers seeking to become part of the
green transformation.

1 2 3
STEM and other
The rise of Gateway
critical green-
new green roles jobs
adjacent skills

Transitioning to a greener economy

1 STEM and other critical green-adjacent skills

There are certain non-green skills that increase workers’ chances of successfully transitioning into jobs
that have sustainability as an ancillary, if not core, component of the role. STEM skills are at the top of
the list, since many green jobs are grounded in science and math fundamentals. Digital skills are
important, as companies develop and deploy tech-enabled solutions to achieve their sustainability
objectives. Expertise in utilities, mining, and agriculture are useful because these industries are greening
rapidly. Public administration is another sought-after skill, as employers engage in more elaborate
compliance and policy activities related to climate change.

Skills of LinkedIn members transitioning into green jobs

How much more (or less) likely are workers who move into green and sustainability-related jobs
to have certain skills?

Transitioning to a greener economy

2 The rise of new green roles

Green roles that are relatively new and/or growing quickly represent another clear area of opportunity
for workers without prior green experience. As hiring increases for relatively novel jobs like energy
specialist, solar consultant, and sustainability manager, we are seeing employers hire candidates with
similar or adjacent skill sets — even if those candidates don’t have green skills, per se. The chart below
lists green jobs that are growing quickly in different countries and that are less difficult for those with no
prior green experience to break into. Individuals who transition into these roles likely possess expertise in
other relevant areas, like business strategy, negotiation, and project management.

Green jobs with the most opportunity for workers without prior green experience, by country

Percentage of 2022 hires YoY growth

Country Green job
with no green experience (2021–2022)

Energy specialist 52.2% 36.9%

Australia Energy manager 26.3% 16.9%

Environmental technician 24.0% 16.2%

Wind turbine technician 37.1% 33.1%

France Solar consultant 35.1% 16.5%

Sustainability manager 33.9% 37.5%

Energy specialist 38% 23.1%

Germany Solar consultant 32% 46.7%

Sustainability manager 28.8% 62%

Agronomist 32.2% 35.8%

India Environmental scientist 28.9% 20.8%

Environmental health safety director 24.9% 31.5%

Energy analyst 40% 24.6%

Indonesia Agronomist 35.1% 37.3%

Sustainability manager 21.6% 19%

Safety manager 45.6% 12.9%

Ireland Sustainability manager 32% 50.4%

Wind turbine technician 25.3% 14.6%

(table continues on next page)

Transitioning to a greener economy

Green jobs with the most opportunity for workers without prior green experience, by country

Percentage of 2022 hires YoY growth

Country Green job
with no green experience (2021–2022)

Health safety environment officer 39.3% 10.9%

New Zealand Environmental health safety specialist 33.1% 8.4%

Sustainability manager 21.7% 27.4%

Energy specialist 45.1% 1.7%

Singapore Sustainability manager 29.4% 45.8%

Safety manager 26.5% 5.5%

Energy specialist 29.3% 6.6%

United Arab
Safety manager 21.0% 7.1%
Geologist 18.5% 7.4%

Waste management specialist 57.3% 19.8%

Solar consultant 43.8% 42.8%
Energy auditor 43.1% 15.8%

Solar consultant 50.5% 12.7%

United States Waste management specialist 49.7% 9.3%

Environmental technician 32.9% 12.7%

3 Gateway jobs

Gateway roles can be stepping stones that give workers the opportunity to acquire the green skills they’ll
need to move on to traditional green roles, which are more likely to require prior green experience and
technical green skills. In fact, roughly 41% of workers who move into jobs that involve sustainability — but
do not have it as a core purpose — have no prior green experience. They do, however, tend to come from
jobs that have nine to 11 overlapping skills. When workers gain green skills and experience through
gateway jobs, they’re in a better position to land green jobs in the future.

Transitioning to a greener economy

The green evolution of jobs themselves

The second type of transition that we need is for jobs themselves to evolve, incorporating greater numbers
of green skills in deeper, more impactful ways. Jobs from fashion designer to fleet manager to financial
analyst can be performed in a more sustainable way if those who hold them have and use green skills.

There are promising signs that this transition is underway. Take, for example, professions related to
supply chain management. For many companies, the path to reducing carbon emissions is through
their supply chains. This places procurement and supply chain professionals on the front lines of
fighting the climate crisis. As the very nature of these roles shifts, more workers are developing the
green skills that are now required to do them well. As a result, carbon accounting and sustainable
procurement are among the fastest-growing green skills in the US and EU.
The chart below lists several job titles not typically thought of as green jobs — but that increasingly
require certain green skills. Workers who develop the green skills associated with their jobs position
themselves to stay competitive in their fields and contribute directly to the fight against climate change.
At a time when many organizations’ sustainability strategies involve shrinking the carbon footprint of
their buildings, for example, more facilities workers are leveraging skills in energy efficiency.

Green skills are increasingly relevant across more job titles

Examples of green skills and the titles where they are growing

Climate change Energy Efficiency Environmental Awareness

Meteorologist Plumbing Engineer Park Manager
Agriculture Specialist Utilities Manager Safety Assistant
Policy Advisor Project Sales Engineer Geographic Information System Officer
Marine Biologist Vice President, Facilities Geographer
Agriculture Specialist Heating and Air Conditioning Engineer Archaeologist

Sustainable Design Agronomy

Architectural Manager Sales Operations Assistant
Landscape Architect Entomologist
Director of Interior Design Winemaker
Urban Planner Technical Sales Representative
Construction Administrator
Erosion Control
Renewable Energy Director of Public Works
Business Engineer Construction Inspector
Project Finance Analyst Survey Project Manager
Distribution Engineer Civil Designer
Land Acquisition Manager Transportation Engineer
Project Sales Engineer

In thinking about worker transitions, it’s also interesting to note the green skills that are growing most
quickly in different parts of the world. In the EU, these are climate action planning, sustainability
education, carbon emissions, carbon accounting, and corporate sustainability. In the US, they’re
carbon accounting, drinking-water quality, energy engineering, carbon credits, and carbon emissions.
Transitioning to a greener economy

Policy implications
It’s not enough for organizations to create more green roles, to be filled over time by a new generation of
green-minded workers. The magnitude and urgency of the climate change problem requires that today’s
workers learn green skills on the job.

By identifying the most relevant green skills for each role and industry, we can develop targeted, tailored
reskilling programs. And by extending reskilling opportunities to workers in countries that have been left
behind during previous periods of economic growth, we can expand access to the economic
opportunities that the green transformation will unlock.

Questions to consider:

How can governments work with the private sector to accelerate skills-based
hiring so that companies broaden the pool of talent available to help them meet
sustainability goals?

How can governments leverage granular analyses of real-time skills and hiring
data to better understand which types of worker transitions are the smoothest?
Can we identify the most promising gateway jobs, which allow workers to make
an intermediary step before moving on to other green jobs? How can we support
workers who may be forced to take pay cuts during the transitional period?

How can we create impactful upskilling and on-the-job training programs, so

workers can cultivate the green skills needed to contribute to emissions reductions
and remain competitive in their fields? How can we maximize investments in
these upskilling efforts?

How do policymakers and the private sector work with educators and institutions
of higher learning to ensure relevant green skills are part of the curricula for all
fields of study so every student has a strong foundation in sustainability principles
and practices? How do we encourage the development of new degree programs
to cater to growing demand for workers with specialized green skills?

How can government, business, and workers work together to accelerate the
green transition through skills development?


Our ambitious green goals require

the rapid proliferation of green skills.

Climate change and environmental degradation reduce productivity

and destroy jobs, and their effects fall disproportionately on the most
vulnerable. Action to combat these processes can potentially create
millions of jobs — but this requires a bold effort … to invest in people’s
capabilities to realize their full potential and contribute to the
productivity of enterprises.”
— International Labour Organization, “Skills for a Greener Future: A Global View” report

The global economy is only as strong as the analyzing data from more than 900 million users
human beings who power it, and the whole-of- worldwide to gauge how the global workforce,
economy green transformation that the moment and the specific industries that comprise it, are
demands will only take place if green skills tracking toward green skills development and
proliferate throughout the global workforce. green jobs growth.
Technology is critical, of course — but human
workers are the ones who will develop new In the coming months, we will delve further into
technologies, invest in them, and implement them industry-, country-, and gender-specific data to
on a daily basis to make every job a green job. identify glaring gaps and areas of notable
success. We hope that early successes,
World leaders are increasingly vocal about the particularly in transitioning workers into green
urgent imperative to halt climate change. But so skills development and green jobs acquisition,
far, ambitious goals and proclamations have not can point to promising strategies that can be
translated into a bounteous array of concrete implemented elsewhere.
policies and programs that equip workers with the
green skills needed to drive this transformation. LinkedIn looks forward to partnering with industry
leaders, policymakers, governments, non-profit
Workers in every sector of the economy and at organizations, educational institutions, and
every level of their organizations — from workers. Together, we can accelerate the changes
executive-level chief sustainability officers to gas that are needed to save our planet and ensure
station attendants — need and deserve to be part equitable access to the enormous economic
of the solution. At LinkedIn, we will continue opportunities that this challenge presents.


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