Check The RC Stair Design (G10)
Check The RC Stair Design (G10)
Check The RC Stair Design (G10)
Design summary
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Bottom long. reinf. -Mid Span mm2 924 683 0.74 PASS
Bottom long. reinf. -Upper land. mm2 924 342 0.37 PASS
Bottom long. reinf. -Lower land. mm2 452 342 0.76 PASS
Allowable Actual Utilisation Result
Span-to-depth ratio 27.92 24.85 0.89 PASS
Shear capacity -Upper supp. kN 88.80 36.21 0.41 PASS
Shear capacity -Lower supp. kN 73.85 36.21 0.49 PASS
Stair geometry
Number of risers; Nsteps = 9
Going; G = 280 mm
Rise; R = 180 mm
Waist; hwaist = 170 mm
Breadth; b = 1200 mm
Length of the tread span; Lmid = (Nsteps – 1) G = 2209 mm
Overall height of stairs; hstairs = Nsteps R = 1600 mm
Angle of stairs; stairs = atan (R / G) = 32.74
Loading details
Self weight slab; gself,slab = hwaist / cos(stairs) (conc) b = 6.1 kN/m
Self weight steps; gself,steps = R / 2 (conc) b = 2.7 kN/m
Average self weight; gself,aver = gself,slab + gself,steps = 8.8 kN/m
Loading from finishes; gfin = 2.4 kN/m2
Imposed variable load; qk = 3.0 kN/m2
Permanent action factor; G = 1.35
Imposed action factor; Q = 1.50
Quasi-permanent value of variable action 2 = 0.30
Design load; FEd = G (gself,aver + gfin b) + Q qk b = 21.1 kN /m
Quasi-permanent load; FQP = 1.0 (gself,aver + gfin b) + 2 qk b = 12.7 kN /m
Midspan design
= 0.125
Design moment M = abs( FEd Lspan2) = 31.0 kNm
Nominal cover to reinforcement cnom = 25 mm
Diameter of bar for long. direction l =14 mm
Depth of reinforcement d = h - cnom - l / 2 = 138 mm
Redistribution ratio = 1.00
k1 = 0.44
k2 = 1.25 (0.6 + 0.0014 / cu2) = 1.25
K coefficient K = M / (b d2 fck) = 0.068
K' coefficient
K' = (2 cc / c) (1 - ( - k1) / (2 k2)) ( ( - k1) / (2 k2)) = 0.196
K < K' -Compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm z = min(0.5 d [1 + (1 - 2 Kz / ( cc / c))0.5], 0.95 d)
z = 131 mm
Tension area required in longitudinal direction As,req = M / (fyd z) = 683 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement – exp.9.1.N As,min = max(0.26 fctm / fyk b d, 0.0013 b d)= 238
Maximum area of reinforcement - cl. As,max = 0.04 b h = 8160 mm2