Chapter 3 SD Earquke

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Dept. of Civil Eng., T. F.

, Hawassa University

Analysis of earthquake loads in buildings

Classification of subsoil conditions (Page 8, Art. 1.3.2 – EBCS 8)
Earthquake loads The influence of local ground conditions on the seismic action shall be
Earthquake or seismic load on a building depends upon its accounted for by considering the three subsoil classes.
geographical location, lateral stiffness and mass, and is reversible. Its Subsoil class A: Rock or other geological formation characterized by a
effect should be considered along both axes of a building taken one at shear wave velocity vs of at least 800m/s, including at most 5 m of
a time. A force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration. weaker material at the surface.
During an earthquake, the mass is imparted by the building whereas Stiff deposits of sand, gravel or over consolidated clay, at least several
the acceleration is imparted by the ground disturbance. In order to tens of meters thick, characterized by a gradual increase of the
have a minimum force, the mass of the building should be as low as mechanical properties with depth and by vs values of at least 400 m/s at a
possible. There can be no control on the ground acceleration being an depth of 10m.
act of the Nature! The point of application of this internal force is the Subsoil class B: Deep deposits of medium dense sand, gravel or
center of gravity of the mass on each floor of the building. Once there medium stiff clays with thickness from several tens to many hundreds of
is a force, there has to be an equal and opposite reaction to balance this meter, characterized by vs values of at least 200 m/s at a depth of 10m;
force. The internal force is resisted by the building and the resisting increasing to at least 350 m/s at a depth of 50 m.
force acts at the center of rigidity at each floor of the building or shear Subsoil class C: Loose cohesion less soil deposits with or without some
center of the building at each story. soft cohesive layers, characterized by vs values below 200 m/s in the
upper most 20 m.
The return period of earthquake in a given region depends up on its Deposits with predominant soft-to-medium stiff cohesive soils,
seismicity. Depending upon the probability of occurrence of an characterized by vs values below 200 m/s in the upper most 20m.
earthquake in a given region, it is desirable to design the building for a
specified force (as specified in the design codes). As per EBCS 8, Seismic Action
there are two methods of analysis to determine earthquake forces For structural design, the intensity of earthquake is usually described in
acting over buildings: terms of the ground acceleration as a fraction of the acceleration due to
(a) Static analysis (or Seismic coefficient method): This type of gravity, i.e. 0.1g, 0.2g, 0.3g etc. The static analysis procedure
analysis can be applied to buildings whose response is not provides for the calculation of the total lateral force, defined as the
significantly affected by contributions from higher modes of design base shear which is then distributed over height of the
vibration. These requirements are deemed to be satisfied by building.
buildings which meet the criteria for regularity in plan and/or
elevation as given in EBCS 8, and have fundamental period of Basic representation of seismic action (Page 9, Art. 1.4.2 – EBCS 8)
vibration T1 in the two main directions less than 2 sec. The earthquake motion at a given point of the surface is generally
(b) Dynamic analysis (or Response spectrum method): This represented by an elastic ground acceleration spectrum, called “elastic
method of analysis can be conducted for all types of buildings. response spectrum”. Normalized elastic response spectra are shown in
(The static method is generally applicable to buildings up to 40 m in annex A – Figure A.1 of EBCS 8.

Dept. of Civil Eng., T. F., Hawassa University

Design spectrum (Page 10, Art. (4) to (7) – EBCS 8) Site coefficient S
For linear analysis, the design spectrum Sd(T), normalized by the Subsoil class A B C
acceleration of gravity g, is defined by, S 1.0 1.2 1.5
Sd(T) = αβγ T = Fundamental vibration period
Where α = the ratio of design bedrock acceleration to the acceleration γ = Behavior factor to account for energy dissipation capacity
of gravity g and is given by α = α0I γ = γ0 kD kR kW ≤ 0.70
Where α0 = the bedrock acceleration ratio for the site and depends on γ0 = Basic value of the behavior factor
the seismic zone. = 0.2 for frame system and dual system
Bedrock acceleration ratio α0 = 0.3 for core system
Zone 4 3 2 1 = 0.5 for inverted pendulum system
α0 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.03 kD = Factor reflecting the ductility class
I = Importance factor = 1.00 for DC “H”
Importance categories and importance factors for buildings (Table = 1.50 for DC “M”
2.4 Chapter 2 – EBCS 8) = 2.00 for DC “L”
Importance Importance kR = Factor reflecting the regularity in elevation
category factor I = 1.00 for regular structures
Buildings whose integrity during = 1.25 for non-regular structures
earthquakes is of vital importance kW = Factor reflecting the prevailing failure mode in structural systems
I 1.4 = 1.00 for frame and frame equivalent dual systems
for civil protection, e.g. hospitals,
fire stations, power plants etc. = (2.5 – 0.5 α0) for wall and wall equivalent systems
Buildings whose seismic resistance ≥ 1 for core systems
is of importance in view of the Here, α0 = aspect ratio of the walls = (Height of wall / Length of wall)
II consequences associated with a 1.2
collapse, e.g. schools, assembly Base shear force (Page 21, Art. – EBCS 8)
halls, cultural, institutions, etc. Seismic base shear force Fb = Sd(T1)W
Ordinary buildings, not belonging to Where Sd(T1) = the design spectrum
III 1.0 T1 = Fundamental period of vibration in sec = C1 H3/4
the other categories
Buildings of minor importance for H = Height of the building above the base in meter
IV public safety, e.g. agricultural 0.8 C1 = 0.085 for steel moment resisting frames
buildings, etc = 0.075 for reinforced concrete moment resisting
frames and eccentrically braced steel frames
β = design response factor for the site = 1.2 S/T2/3 ≤ 2.5 = 0.050 for all other buildings
Where S is the site coefficient for soil characteristics W = Seismic dead load
= Total permanent load plus 25% of the floor variable (live) load for
storage and warehouse occupancies.

Dept. of Civil Eng., T. F., Hawassa University

= Total permanent load only for other occupancies.

Vertical distribution of base shear along the height of the structure:

(Storey shear) (Page 22, Art. – EBCS 8)

Portion of the base shear distributed over the height of the structure

Fi = (Fb – Ft) Wi hi
Σ Wj hj
Ft = 0.07 T1 Fb
Example 1: A twenty storey RC framed building has plan dimensions
15 m X 30 m. Height of the building is 70 m. Estimate its
fundamental period of vibration.

The fundamental period of vibration T1 = C1 H3/4 Solution:

C1 = 0.075; H = 70 m
T1 = C1 H3/4 = 0.075 (70) 3/4 = 1.82 sec. Weight at ground floor
At any floor, half of the weight of walls and columns below it and half
Example 2: A four storeyed building has an elevation shown in figure of that above it are lumped at this level along with the weight of the
and is located in Awassa. Determine the lateral forces and storey floor and girder.
shears on an inner frame due to earthquake using the following data.
Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3
Bay width = 6 m center to center Weight of floor slab = 0.15 * 24 * 5 * 25 = 450 kN
Frame spacing = 5 m center to center Weight of Girder = 0.25 * 0.4 * 24 * 25 = 60 kN
Height of ground floor =4m Weight of outer columns = 0.25 * 0.3 * {(4 + 3.5)/2}* 25 * 2
Height of other floors = 3.5 m = 14.1 kN
Floor thickness including Weight of inner columns = 0.25 * 0.4 * {(4 + 3.5)/2}* 25 * 3
Finishes = 15 cm = 28.125 kN
Outer columns = 25 cm x 30 cm – 2 numbers Total = 552.225 kN
Inner columns = 25 cm x 40 cm – 3
numbers Weight at first floor
Girder below floor slab = 25 cm x 40 cm Weight of floor slab = 0.15 * 24 * 5 * 25 = 450 kN
Live load = 3 kN/m2 Weight of Girder = 0.25 * 0.4 * 24 * 25 = 60 kN
There is no wall in this frame. Consider that the second floor is Weight of outer columns = 0.25 * 0.3 * 3.5 * 25 * 2
utilized fully for storage purposes. = 13.1 kN

Dept. of Civil Eng., T. F., Hawassa University

Weight of inner columns = 0.25 * 0.4 * 3.5 * 25 * 3 β = 1.2 (1.2)/(0.56)2/3 = 2.12 < 2.5 Hence OK
= 26.25 kN Take β = 2.12
25 % of live load = 0.25 * 3 * 24 * 5 = 90 kN
Total = 640 kN γ = γ0 kD kR kW ≤ 0.70

Weight at second floor = 640 + 90 = 550 kN γ0 for frame system = 0.2

kD = 1.5 (considering medium ductile)
Weight at roof kR = 1 (considering regular structure)
Weight of roof slab = 0.15 * 24 * 5 * 25 = 450 kN kW = 1 (for frame structure)
Weight of Girder = 0.25 * 0.4 * 24 * 25 = 60 kN
Weight of outer columns = 0.25 * 0.3 * 3.5/2 * 25 * 2 γ = 0.2 * 1.5 * 1 * 1 = 0.3
= 6.6 kN
Weight of inner columns = 0.25 * 0.4 * 3.5/2 * 25 * 3 Sd(T) = αβγ = 0.1 * 2.12 * 0.3 = 0.0636
= 13.125 kN
Total = 530 kN Base shear = 0.0636 * W = 0.0636 * 2294.5 = 145.9 kN

Weight of the columns in the foundation Distribution of base shear to storey

= (2 * 2 * 0.25 * 0.3 * 25) + (2 * 3 * 0.25 * 0.4 * 25) = 22.5 kN
Ft = 0.07 T1 Fb = 0.07 * 0.56 * 145.9 = 5.72 kN
Total weight of the building per frame
W = 552.225 + 640 + 550 + 530 + 22.5 = 2294.5 kN Fi = (Fb – Ft) Wi hi
Σ Wj hj
Base shear: Fb = Sd(T1)W
Sd(T) = αβγ
α = α0I
α0 for zone 4 (Awassa) = 0.1
I from table2.4 = 1.0 (ordinary buildings)
α = 0.1 * 1.0 = 0.1
β = 1.2 S/T2/3
T1 = C1 H3/4
C1 = 0.075 for reinforced concrete moment resisting frames
H = 14.5 m
T1 = 0.075 (14.5) ¾ = 0.56 sec
Considering subsoil class B, Site coefficient S = 1.2

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