Psychotronic Mind Control by Ninoslav Safaric
Psychotronic Mind Control by Ninoslav Safaric
Psychotronic Mind Control by Ninoslav Safaric
Ninoslav afari
Ninoslav afari
These are psychotronic mind control demonstrations from the book Psihotronika published in Croatian language. Demonstrations have only temporary effect and they are harmless (hope you will find them interesting),but, psyhotronic mind control is still unreserched field, so, I must warn you that you are reading from the next page on your on responsability. If you are not brave enoght, read explanation at the end of this article.
Look at the center of this graphic for few minutes and try to feel your physical and mental condition. What I wanted you to feel?
Beneficial influence, rise of physical and mental energy, euforia, positive emotions.
Look at the center of this graphic for few minutes and try to feel your physical and mental condition. What I wanted you to feel?
Physical and mental energy are deceasing, bad emotions and weekness.
Look at the center of this graphic for few minutes and try to feel your physical and mental condition. What I wanted you to feel?
After last one, this influence will again increase your physical and mental energy. After few minutes, it will be very high.
Look at the center of this graphic for few minutes and try to feel your physical and mental condition. What I wanted you to feel?
Down again... this influence will make you tired and sleepy.
Look at the center of this graphic for few minutes and try to feel your physical and mental condition. What I wanted you to feel?
Look at the center of this graphic for few minutes and try to feel your physical and mental condition. What I wanted you to feel?
After all these subliminal psychotronic influences, this will put you back in normal condition.
Psychotronic mind control is reality and possibility of trained human mind. Our minds are naturaly conected. Intentional influence is not bound by time, space or media. When you where looking at graphics in this article, your brain was influenced by gama frequencies carring subliminal sugestions. This is the same principle as comunication bethween electronic transmiters and devices (TV, radio, wireless internet etc.), the only diference, your brain is not capable to read gama frequencies transmited by electronic devices, but it is perfectly capable to read and comply to another human mind and subliminal sugestions he is sending. Psychotronic mind control ability is great (greatist) power and responsibility. I made those influences temporary and harmless, with aim to reaveal the truth about natural human mind abilities. Hope you enjoyed it.
Author of this article at the age of twelwe, when he begin to use intentional psychotronic influences and during writhing of the book Umjetnost psihotronike. From the first photo you can feel gama frequencies transmited from human brain, on second, beta frequencies during concentration on the text. Ninoslav afari, born in Bjelovar, Croatia, on April 23, 1967 afari at 19:15; manager and editor of the publishing company Liberata d.o.o.; computer programmer and web designer; author of several books of fiction and esotery; teacher of various selfdevelopment techniques for fifteen years.