Sociologicalpioneers 1
Sociologicalpioneers 1
Sociologicalpioneers 1
The thoughts of Auguste Comte (1798-1857), who coined the term sociology, while dated and riddled with
weaknesses, continue in many ways to be important to contemporary sociology. First and foremost, Comte's
positivism — the search for invariant laws governing the social and natural worlds — has influenced
profoundly the ways in which sociologists have conducted sociological inquiry. Comte argued that
sociologists (and other scholars), through theory, speculation, and empirical research, could create a realist
science that would accurately "copy" or represent the way things actually are in the world. Furthermore,
Comte argued that sociology could become a "social physics" — i.e., a social science on a par with the most
positivistic of sciences, physics. Comte believed that sociology would eventually occupy the very pinnacle of
a hierarchy of sciences. Comte also identified four methods of sociology. To this day, in their inquiries
sociologists continue to use the methods of observation, experimentation, comparison, and historical
research. While Comte did write about methods of research, he most often engaged in speculation or
theorizing in order to attempt to discover invariant laws of the social world.
Comte's famed "law of the three stages" is an example of his search for invariant laws governing the social
world. Comte argued that the human mind, individual human beings, all knowledge, and world history
develop through three successive stages. The theological stage is dominated by a search for the essential
nature of things, and people come to believe that all phenomena are created and influenced by gods and
supernatural forces. Monotheism is the ultimate belief of the theological stage. The metaphysical stage is a
transitional stage in which mysterious, abstract forces (e.g., nature) replace supernatural forces as the
powers that explain the workings of the world. The positivist stage is the last and highest stage in Comte's
work. In this stage, people search for invariant laws that govern all of the phenomena of the world.
Comte also used the term positivism in a second sense; that is, as a force that could counter the negativism
of his times. In Comte's view, most of Western Europe was mired in political and moral disorder that was a
consequence of the French Revolution of 1789. Positivism, in Comte's philosophy, would bring order and
progress to the European crisis of ideas.
Comte's Sociology
Comte separated social statics from social dynamics. Social statics are concerned with the ways in which the
parts of a social system (social structures) interact with one another, as well as the functional relationships
between the parts and to the social system as a whole. Comte therefore focused his social statics on the
individual, as well as such collective phenomena as the family, religion, language, and the division of labor.
Comte placed greater emphasis on the study of social dynamics, or social change. His theory of social
dynamics is founded on the law of the three stages; i.e., the evolution of society is based on the evolution of
mind through the theological, metaphysical, and positivist stages. He saw social dynamics as a process of
progressive evolution in which people become cumulatively more intelligent and in which altruism eventually
triumphs over egoism. This process is one that people can modify or accelerate, but in the end the laws of
progressive development dictate the development of society. Comte's research on social evolution focused
on Western Europe, which he viewed as the most highly developed part of the world during his times.