Article 1shhd
Article 1shhd
Article 1shhd
Abstract. The trend of using natural fibers in fibers is the maintenance of strength isotropy and the
geotechnical engineering has become of great interest absence of the potential planes of weakness that can
to improve weak soils due to some of its advantages develop in soils with oriented reinforcement [1]. Soil
such as local availability, environmental friendliness, reinforcement with fiber has become an effective
and lower cost. In this research, a set of unconfined technique due to its simplicity and ease of mixing
compressive strength (UCS) tests were conducted to with soil and other chemical binders (cement, lime,
evaluate the performance of Nasiriya clayey soil fly ash) to enhance both peak and residual strength.
reinforced with natural fibers. Three different types of Many studies have used different synthetic fibers to
natural fibers were investigated as sustainable ones, strengthen the soil. Yetimoglu and salbas used
including wheat straw fiber (SF) and palm frond fiber polypropylene fibers to study the effect of reinforcing
(PF), as well as Imperata cylindrica fiber (IF). The fibers content on shear strength [2]. Kumar et al.
technique of distributing fibers in the soil matrix was demonstrated that the reinforcement of highly
random. To this end, the effects of various fiber compressible clay with polyester fibers significantly
contents (0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1%) and lengths increases the compressive strength [3]. Estabragh et
(20 mm, 30 mm, and 40 mm) were experimentally al. observed that the reinforcement of clay soils with
evaluated. The results indicated that the compressive nylon fibers increases the shear strength parameter
strength increased significantly with the increase of and reduces preconsolidation pressure [4]. A wide
fiber content and length up to a specific value and range of synthetic fibers have been used for soil
then decreased. Soil reinforcement with palm fronds reinforcement, such as glass fibers [5,6],
fibers (IF) at a content of 5% and a length of 30 mm Polyethylene fiber [7] and carbon fiber [8]. Synthetic
gave the highest compressive strength of 407 kPa fibers may be more resistant to acids, alkalies, and
compared to the non-reinforced soil of 180 kPa. other chemicals, but they can pollute the environment
because of their manufacturing process [9].
Keywords: Natural fibers, Soil reinforcement, Rand-
omly distributed, Eco-environmental, Feasibility. The trend of soil improvement has led to the
emergence of an interest in using alternative materials
1. Introduction for soil reinforcement in civil engineering
Poor geotechnical properties of the soil are a applications. Natural fibers are becoming increasingly
common problem that civil engineering deals with popular as a soil strengthening method because of
during the construction process. Various techniques their low cost and environmental friendliness.
such as chemical stabilization and fiber reinforcement Numerous studies have shown that natural fibers
have been used to improve the properties of weak significantly improve soil engineering properties.
soils. The inclusion of short discrete, randomly Ghavami et al. demonstrated that adding natural
distributed elements in the soil matrix to resist tensile fibers enhances the strength and ductility of
strength and improve the mechanical behavior of soil reinforced soil. Furthermore, the addition of natural
has become popular in geotechnical engineering. One fibers in the soil mass had a significant effect on the
of the main advantages of using randomly distributed prevention of crack formation caused by the drying
process [10]. Sharma et al. prepared a series of UCS jute fibers on expansive soils [22]. Kaushik and Singh
tests on soil reinforced with natural fibers [11]. demonstrated that the reinforcement of the subgrade
soil with coir fiber significantly improves the CBR
2. Background value [23]. All of these studies have demonstrated
The process of constructing buildings depletes a lot that improving the properties of soil with fiber
of natural resources as well as an effective cause of depends on several factors such as (aspect ratio, fiber
environmental pollution. Large amounts of pollutants surface roughness and fiber type). The use of natural
are released into the atmosphere such as carbon fibers in fine grained soils has been the subject of a
dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other noxious particles few studies. This study used three types of natural
during the manufacturing processes of traditional fibers to reinforce the AL-Nasiriya clayey soil. A
building materials. These emissions endanger aquatic series of UCS tests were conducted to evaluate the
and terrestrial life as well as have a negative impact strength of the soil reinforced with randomly
on human health [12,13]. Global Alliance for distributed natural fibers.
Buildings and Construction estimates that buildings
3. Materials and Tests Methods
are responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions, with
construction materials accounting for 11% of this 3.1 Materials
total [14]. These implications have generated great
interest in civil engineering on the use of alternative 3.1.1 Soil
local materials and more sustainable building
The soil used in this research was clay taken from one
techniques to conserve resources and reduce
of the sites of Nasiriyah in Iraq. The clay sample was
environmental damage. Natural fibers have become
subjected to a set of laboratory tests to determine the
the focus of attention of many researchers because of
properties of the geotechnical properties such as
the following advantages: First, eco-environmental
specific gravity (Gs), liquid limit (LL), plastic limit
and locally available. Second, Enhancing the
(PL), maximum dry density (MDD), and optimum
mechanical behavior of composites due to their
moisture content (OMC) according to the ASTM
distinctive properties such as durable, excellent
standards. The clay soil used was classified as high
tensile strength, biodegradable, thermal properties
plasticity (CH) according to the unified classification
and mechanical strength [15,16]. Because of eco-
system (USCS). The soil's geotechnical properties
environmental concerns, many studies have been
and chemical analysis were obtained and listed in
conducted to investigate the feasibility of using
Tables 1 and 2.
varied types of natural fibers in civil engineering
constructions. Prabakar and Sridhar observed that the 3.1.2 Fibers
(C and ϕ) and failure deviator stress were clearly
enhanced as a result of the inclusion of the soil with The short natural fibers used in this research are
different percentages of sisal fibers [17]. Soil strength wheat straw (SF), palm frond (PF), and imperata
significantly improves when treated with wheat cylindrica (IF) as the reinforcement material clay of
straw-lime and reduces brittle behavior during early soils (see. Fig. 1). The outer surface of wheat straw
curing time [18]. Experimental studies have reached and imperata cylindrica fibers is smooth, while that of
similar results due to the inclusion of wheat straw palm frond fibers is rough. Natural fibers' water
fibers in the soil [19–21]. Wang et al. conducted an absorption capacity factor ( WAC) is calculated using
experimental study to investigate the effect of adding a procedure [24]. The physical properties of the
natural fibers are listed in Table 3.
Fig 1. Typical samples of natural fibers: (a) wheat straw; (b) palm fronds and (c) imperata cylindrica
Property Values
Specific gravity 2.63
Liquid limit (LL) 57
Plastic limit (PL) 32
Plastic index (PI) 23
Maximum dry density (g/cm3) 1.6
Optimum water content 15%
USCS classification CH
Stress Kpa
SF=40 mm 200
PL=20 mm 150
PL=30 mm 100
PL=40 mm 50 Pf=0.25%
IF=20 mm
IF=30 mm 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
IF=40 mm (%) Strain
Un-reinforced soil
SF=20 mm
SF=30 mm 300
Stress Kpa
SF=40 mm 250
PL= 20 mm 200
PL=30 mm 150
PL=40 mm
50 Pf=0.5%
IF=20 mm
IF=30 mm 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
IF=40 mm (%) Strain
Un-rrinforced soil
SF=20 mm
SF=30 mm 300
Stress Kpa
SF=40 mm 250
PL=20 mm 200
PL=30 mm 150
PL=40 mm Pf=0.75%
IF=20 mm
IF=30 mm 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
IF=40 mm (%) Strain
Un-reinforced soil
SF=20 mm
SF=30 mm 300
Stress Kpa
SF=40 mm 250
PL= 20 mm 200
PL=30 mm 150
PL=40 mm Pf=1%
IF=20 mm
IF=30 mm 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125
IF=40 mm (%) Strain
Fig 3. Failure patterns with fiber content. (a) without fiber, (b) 0.25%, (c) 0.5%, (d) 0.75%, (e) 1%.
0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fiber content ( % )
SF PF IF Non-reinforced soil
Compressive strength ( kpa )
0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fiber content ( % )
SF PF IF Non-reinforced soil
Compressive strength ( kpa )
0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fiber content ( % )
20 30 40
Fiber length ( mm )
SF PF IF Non-reinforced soil
Compressive strength ( kpa )
20 30 40
Fiber length ( mm )
SF PF IF Non-reinforeced soil
Compressive strength ( kpa )
20 30 40
Fiber length ( mm )
20 30 40
Fiber length ( mm )
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