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Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to
Evangeline O. Montano, D.P.A.

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for EDUC 416A
[Special Research Project]

Jay Christian R. Alim

Melanie Ann G. Broqueza
Mary Ann Joy P. Cedillo
Crisabelle D.S. Darag
Engelbert B. Dublado
Jereco G. dela Peña
Rachel Ann S. Falcon
Brenda B. Tuyac

Marikina Polytechnic College

October 2014


This presents the background of the study, statement of

the problem, significance of the study and the scope and

delimitations of the study.

Background of the Study

Singapore Mathematics is the generic name of the math

curriculum or syllabus, textbooks, teaching approaches and

strategies used in Singapore schools. A key feature of

Singapore Math is the use of a problem-solving technique

often called the “model approach‟ or the “Bar model method”.

Most of the students find word problems difficult to

understand and solve, but through this method they can

easily visualize the given information and know how to

attack a complex problem.

According to Jeffery Thomas (2014), it must be

implemented since majority of …..students can be well

prepared to tackle increasingly difficult topics and at the

same time, mastery in problem solving will be given


Hong, K.T., et al. (2009) wrote, “through the

construction of a pictorial model..., students gain better

understanding of the problem and develop their abilities in

mathematical thinking and problem solving.”

Among the topics commonly taught to math students, word

problems pose significant challenges to teaching and

learning for students and their teachers. Skillful problem

solving is widely considered an essential asset not only for

elementary mathematics students but also for any person who

wishes to succeed in the global marketplace (Reed, 1999;

Stigler & Hiebert, 1999; U.S. Department of Education,


Thus, the researchers planned to conduct this study to

determine how effective Singapore Math-Bar Model method is

as a teaching strategy for enhancing problem solving skills.

Through this method, it might improve the global competency

of the Filipino students in dealing with problem solving,

similar with the other countries that have excellent

performance rating in Mathematics. It could also make the

teaching-learning process more interactive which might help

the students to have a greater concept of Mathematics and

its relevance in their real-life experiences.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to determine the effectiveness of

Singapore Math-Bar model method in enhancing problem solving

skills of Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE)

first year students at Marikina Polytechnic College during

the school year 2014-2015.

More specifically, it sought answers to the following:

1. What are the assessments of the respondents regarding

the Singapore Mathematics as a strategy in teaching

first year college students in terms of:

a) manner of delivery

b) visual representation

c) real-life application

d) understandability

2. Did the bar model method of Singapore Math approach

positively affect the student achievement?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test

and post-test results after using Singapore Mathematics

as a teaching strategy?

Significance of the Study

This study gives utmost importance to the educational

system because of the benefits that it could offer to the

different stakeholders who are presented, as follows:

To the students, the result of this study would surely

encourage them to enjoy discovering Mathematics through bar

model method in solving problems. A noticeable development

in their academic performance could be seen, since

mathematical skills and confidence are being developed. It

would also give them the chance to gain a positive outlook

towards Mathematics.

To the Mathematics teachers, they will be aware of the

students’ level of understanding the Fundamentals of

Mathematics. They could address the students’ interest using

the strategy, which would also lead in improving their

mathematical skills and proficiency in teaching. They could

also empower the student’s weaknesses in analyzing critical

problem solving.

To the school administrators, the findings of the

present study will provide the information of the students’

status in the said course. Knowledge of these things could

possibly convince them to implement Singapore Math-Bar model

method in order to enrich the students and teachers’


To the parents, the results of the study will encourage

them to motivate their children in studying. They could

convince them to use the strategy or purchase materials for

them to help improve students’ academic performance.

The effectiveness of the Singapore Mathematics would

probably reflect on the school’s quality of education. If

the strategy will be implemented, the number of failing

students in the said course will be minimized. Thus, the

school will have high and effective quality education.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study is primarily concerned with the assessments

of the respondents regarding Singapore Math-Barx model

method in terms of: manner of delivery, visual

representation, real-life application and understandability.

This focuses on the effectiveness of Singapore Math-Bar

model method in enhancing problem solving skills of Bachelor

of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) first year students

studying at Marikina Polytechnic College during the academic

year 2014-2015.

This chapter presents the review of related literature

and studies, the conceptual model of the study, the research

hypotheses, and the definition of terms used.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The following related studies and literature were

reviewed in order to give the researcher valuable insights.

Related Literature. According to Jonathan Hsu

(2013), the Singapore Math Curriculum (SMC) Framework or

Pentagon Model was first proposed in 1990. At the core of

the model is problem solving and the five sides forming the

pentagon are: concepts, skills, processes, attitudes, and

metacognition. Singapore Mathematics believes that

mathematical problem solving is central to mathematical

learning. The development of such a mathematical problem-

solving ability is dependent upon:

 Concepts. It cover numbers, algebra, statistics,

probability, geometry and analytic domains;

 Skills. It focuses on numerical calculation,

estimation, spatial visualization, data analysis,

measurement, use of mathematical tools and

algebraic manipulation.
 Processes. It is concern with thinking skills,

reasoning, applications and modeling;

 Attitudes. It refers to students’ interest,

beliefs, appreciation, confidence, and

perseverance and

 Metacognition. It deals with monitoring one’s own

thinking and self-regulation of learning.

Singapore Math has a unique framework with a focus on

building problem-solving skills and an in-depth

understanding of essential math skills. It is a method in

teaching students to learn and master fewer mathematical

concepts at greater detail as well as having them learn

these concepts using a three-step learning process: concrete

(using manipulative), pictorial (creating a visual

representation on paper) and abstract (solving problems).

(Bill Jackson, 2010)

It has become popular due to Singapore’s consistent top

ranking every four years on an international assessment of

student math achievement called the Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). This only proved how

strong and effective the curriculum implemented in their

country. (Ina V.S. Mullis, 2012)

The new curriculum now states that applications and

modelling “should be part of the learning for all levels”

and defines it as “the process of formulating and improving

a mathematical model to represent and solve real-world

problems” and that “students should learn to use a variety

of representations of data, and to select and apply

appropriate mathematical methods and tools in solving real-

world problems” (Chan Chun Ming Eric, 2009).

As cited in,

Singapore Math is a strong curriculum since:

 It emphasizes the development of strong number

sense, excellent mental-math skills, and a deep

understanding of place value;

 It is based on a progression from concrete

experience- using manipulatives to a pictorial

stage and finally to the abstract level or

algorithm. This sequence gives students a solid

understanding of basic mathematical concepts and

relationships before they start working at the

abstract level;
 It includes a strong emphasis on model drawing, a

visual approach to solving word problems that

helps students organize information and solve

problems in a step-by-step manner;

 Concepts are taught to mastery, then later

revisited but not re-taught. It is said the U.S.

curriculum is a mile wide and an inch deep,

whereas Singapore’s math curriculum is said to be

just the opposite and

 The Singapore approach focuses on developing

students who are problem solvers.

The bar model method was developed in 1980s. As cited


1599_200910-31.html, it uses a visual method to represent

mathematical quantities and their relationships, and

concrete manipulations to represent abstract algebraic

functions. By using pictorial representations instead of

words, the structure of a word problem will be more evident.

Through this, students will learn to visualize what a word

problem is saying. Thus, they can understand the meaning of

it which eventually helps them to solve the problem.

Drawing the model permits students to visually relate

various types of information given in the problem to an

unknown amount and helps them to determine which

mathematical expressions are useful in solving the problem.

The purpose of drawing the models is not to have

students follow specific rules, but rather to understand the

concepts and work out a strategy for finding the answer. For

complex problems, several strategies are possible, and

drawing the model allows the student to visualize a good

strategy. Drawing bar model is a valuable tool for solving

non-routine problems. (Mr. M. Thirunavukkarasu and Dr. S.

Senthilnathan, 2014)

As cited in

solving/f/problem-solving-steps.html, problem-solving is a

mental process that involves discovering, analyzing and

solving problems. The ultimate goal of problem-solving is to

overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves

the issue.

As cited in

25713, problem solving plays an important role in

mathematics and should have a prominent role in the

mathematics education of K-12 students. However, knowing how

to incorporate problem solving meaningfully into the

mathematics curriculum is not necessarily obvious to

mathematics teachers.

It refers to mathematical tasks that have the potential

to provide intellectual challenges for enhancing students’

mathematical understanding and development.

Related Studies. According to Beverley Dawn Keth’s case

study (2011), the participating teachers on the

implementation of Singapore Mathematics Curriculum (SMC)

isolated the following as particularly positive features of

their experience:

1. The teachers and students were enjoying the discovery

of mathematics using a variety of manipulative as

stipulated when using the SMC;

2. The use of the model method, a specific feature of the

SMC, to solve problems helped students visualize the


3. The teachers’ understanding of teaching for

mathematical proficiency was enhanced;

4. The spiral curriculum informed teaching practice by

allowing for building on to concepts already mastered,

creating a logical flow of ideas and careful


5. Whilst the SMC provides a more structured approach to

the teaching and learning of mathematics, it provides

constant opportunities for creativity and logical

thinking; and

6. The change in attitude of both students and teachers

has resulted in a greater confidence when non-routine,

open-ended problem solving activities are engaged in.

Woodrose Marketing’s blog (2011) stated the comparison

between Singapore Math and other Math programs. It concluded

that Singapore Math is a balance between drill and creative

problem solving. Aside from that, adopting schools that have

used other programs think that this approach moves along to

more abstract math concepts in a more rational way and,

depending on the student’s pace, more quickly.

Unlike in Philippine Basic Education Curriculum or

American Math where topics are repeated year after

year, Singapore math revisits the topics every year (not re-
taught) but the curriculum builds on principles learned the

previous year. Practice is not mere repetition.

Ann Lyle Rethlefsen and Hyesung Park (2011) conducted a

study entitled “A Mixed-Method Study: Assessing the Bar

Model's Impact on Pre-service Teachers' Efficacy Beliefs”.

The preservice teachers took Enochs, Smith, and Huinker's

Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (MTEBI) on

the first and last day of class. A total of 297 responses

were collected from the pre- and posttests, with 280

matching responses, which were then used for data analysis.

Mixed methods were used to analyze qualitative and

quantitative data. The researchers sought to determine if

the specific teaching methods from the Bar model led to

positive changes in pre-service teacher efficacy beliefs.

They also explored if efficacy beliefs changed as a result

of field experiences. Pre-service teachers' efficacy scores

changed positively on every item on the MTEBI. The

researchers also determined that there was an increase in

pre-service teachers' output as a result of their field

Mr. M. Thirunavukkarasu and Dr. S. Senthilnathan (2014)

conducted a research entitled “Effectiveness of Bar Model in

Enhancing the Learning of Mathematics at Primary Level”. The

study has proved the greater effectiveness of the Bar model

in comparison to that of the conventional method of teaching

mathematics at the elementary level. Hence, in line with the

mathematics education scenario of Singapore, curricular

changes are the need of the hour here in order to make the

best use of this innovative model with proven effectiveness

in India too for the larger benefits of Indian students.

According to Dr. A. Dendane’s term paper entitled

“Skills Needed for Mathematical Problem Solving”,

mathematical problem solving is a process that involves a

set of factors and tasks to achieve a defined goal. It

depends on many skills and factors which therefore makes it

challenging both to learn and to teach. If the instructor’

understanding of the process is limited, difficulties in

teaching mathematical problem solving, will arise. Hence the

great need to understand these factors and skills if we want

to help our students acquire this important process.

Hoven and Garelick (2007) stated that “in Singapore,

where 4th and 8th grade students consistently come in first

on international math exams, students learn how to solve

problems using the bar model technique.”

The model method remains a powerful problem-solving

tool to solve many challenging arithmetic word problems.

Mathematical models help pupils gain concrete experiences

which are pre-requisites for understanding abstract symbols

of mathematics and their manipulation (Yan Kow Cheong,


According to the study of Roberto Sagge Jr. (2012)

entitled “Block Model Approach as a Strategy in

Mathematics Problem Solving”, the results show that

there is a shift from “poor” to “high” performance of

the students in problem solving. This study further

showed that the students perform better in the post –

intervention test than that of the pre – intervention.

This means that block model approach is indeed an

effective strategy in mathematics problem solving.

Definition of Terms in the Study

The following key terms are operationally and

theoretically defined for purposes of clarity and better


Bar Model Method. This refers to the method of

solving word problems using rectangular bars representation.

Manner of Delivery. It refers to the style of

conveying the information, concepts and ideas of the topic.

Problem-Solving. This refers to the process of

working through details of a problem to reach a solution.

Singapore Mathematics. This refers to a collection

of math teaching strategies common in Singaporean

classrooms. Sometimes, it is also referred to as the full

math curriculum of the said country.

Students. These are the respondents taking

Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) major in Food

and Service Management (FSM) and Automotive of the said


Understandability. This refers to the quality of

comprehensible language or thought to grasp the idea of the

Visual Presentation. This refers to the actual

presentation of conveying the ideas and information of the

given problem through a visible medium such as bar models.

Conceptual Model of the Study

To lead the researcher on the conduct of this


Figure 1 has been drawn using the Input, Process

and Output model.

Input Process Output

Content Effectivity of
- Respondents Validation of Bar Model in
Questionnaire teaching problem
Gathering Data
Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the study

The first frame consist of the input, containing –

respondents, gathering data and identification of decision-

making implementation.

The second frame, the process, includes the content

validation of questionnaire, administration of the

questionnaire, statistical treatment of data and information

gathered and analysis of interpretation of data.

The third frame, the output, includes the effectivity

of Bar Model in teaching problem solving, identified

students weaknesses in solving and significant difference

between pre-test and post-test result after using Singapore

Mathematics as a teaching strategy.


Research Design

This chapter presents the method of research used in

the study, the sources of data, the data gathering

instrument, the data gathering procedure, and the

statistical treatment of data used for this research study.

Method of Research Used

This study used the experimental type of research since

it aims to test the effectiveness of Singapore math-Bar

model method in enhancing the problem solving skills of the


As cited in


an experimental research seeks to determine whether a

program or intervention had the intended causal effect on

program participants. A pre-posttest feature of the design

requires to collect data on study participants’ level of

performance before the intervention took place (pre-), and

to collect the same data on where study participants are

after the intervention took place (post).

According to Oskar Blakstad (2014), this feature is

used to check whether the experimental group is different

before the manipulation starts and the effect of the


Sources of Data

The sources of data in this study are the set of

respondents consisting of thirty three (33) Bachelor of

Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) first year students of

Marikina Polytechnic College, academic year 2013 – 2014, who

were selected through purposive sampling.

Data Gathering Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the needed data of the study, the researchers

first sought permission from their adviser to allow them to

start gathering data.

The researches made a test questionnaire and asked one

of the MATH 111 instructors to validate it. Upon integration

of comments and suggestions and validation of questionnaire,

the researchers then asked permission from one of the

instructors in MATH 111 (Fundamentals in Mathematics) to

conduct the said experiment in his class.

Upon approval of the request, the researchers conducted

the pretest on the class. Then, the researchers started to

teach the Bar model method in problem solving for two

sessions. Post-test is administered after the discussion to

the respondents.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data gathered for this

research study, the following statistical tools were used.

Frequency. This was used to determine the number

of times the answer of the respondents in the

experiment is repeated.

Percentage. This is the other way of expressing a


t test.

Weighted Mean.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA). It is a collection

of statistical models used to analyze the differences

between group means and their associated procedures.


A. Books

Ching, Teh Pick and Yun, Xander. (2013) New Syllabus

Primary Mathematics: Singapore Math Worktext. Rex Book

Store, Inc., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines.

B. Unpublished Materials

Hsu, Jonathan. (2013) Strengths and Challenges of Applying

Singapore Mathematics in United States High School.

Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Westminster College, Salt

Lake City, Utah.


wc-ir/id/25/filename/26.pdf >
Keth, Beverley Dawn. (2011) An Investigation into the

Experiences of Teachers using the Singapore Mathematics

Curriculum in South Africa. Unpublished Master’s

Thesis. Rhodes University ,South Africa.



Ann Lyle Rethlefsen and Hyesung Park (2011) A Mixed-Method

Study: Assessing the Bar Model's Impact on Pre-service

Teachers' Efficacy Beliefs. School Science and

Mathematics, Volume 111, Issue 3, pages 102–117, March



j.1998594.2010.00067.x/abstract on 27.2.2012.>

Kevin Mahoney (2012). Effects of Singapore’s model method

on elementary student problem-solving performance:

single case research. Northeastern University,

December 01, 2012.


C. Internet Resources





A Parent’s Guide to Singapore Math. 17 August 2014


Laura Lewis Brown. What’s Singapore Math? 17 August 2014



Jackson, Bill. 30 August 2014.



Mullis, Ina V.S. et. al.(2012). TIMSS 2011 International

Results in Mathematics Executive Summary. TIMMS and PIRLS

International Study Center, Lynch School of Education,

Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA and International

Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

(IEA) IEA Secretariat Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



Dr. A. Dendane (2009). Skills Needed for Mathematical

Problem Solving. <

Yan Kow Cheong (2002). The Model Method in Singapore,

Vol. 6, No.2, 47-64. <


Kevin Sonico (2012). Action Research: The Model Method in

Solving Word Problems. <



Jinfa Cai and Frank Lester (2010). Why Is Teaching With

Problem Solving Important to Student Learning?

< 25713>

D. Journal

Mr. M. Thirunavukkarasu and Dr. S. Senthilnathan (2014).

Effectiveness of Bar Model in Enhancing the Learning of

Mathematics at Primary Level. International Journal of

Teacher Educational Research (IJTER), Vol.3 No.1

January, 2014 ISSN: 2319-4642. <>

Chan Chun Ming Eric (2009). Mathematical Modelling as

Problem Solving for Children in the Singapore

Mathematics Classrooms. Journal of Science and

Mathematics, Education in Southeast Asia 2009, Vol. 32

No. 1, 36-61.



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