APCR First Notice
APCR First Notice
APCR First Notice
Date : 16/05/2024
File No. APCR/OL/WB/2021/21252
Sub: Representation received from RATAN DAS,39, L.N ATTA ROAD CHAMPDANI ,P.O-BAIDYABATI,P.S -
BHADRSHWAR ,Chinsurah - Magra,Hooghly,West Bengal,712222, regarding registration of false cases.
Whereas a Complaint/information has been received by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes
from Shri/Smt RATAN DAS dated: 29/06/2021 as enclosed and the Commission has decided to investigate/inquire
into the matter in pursuance of the powers conferred upon it under Article 338 of the Constitution of India.
You are hereby requested to submit action taken report to the undersigned within 15 Days of receipt of this
notice either by NCSC Portal/Post/Email (Email : [email protected] ) or in person in the following format.
Please take notice that in case the Commission does not receive reply from you within the stipulated time,
the Commission may exercise the powers of Civil Courts conferred on it under Article 338 of the Constitution of
India and issue summons for your appearance in person or by a representative before the Commission.
Encls: As above. Yours faithfully