ASC Winter06 JOT P44-55

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Drill-in fluids for multi-lateral

MRC wells in carbonate

reservoir-PSD optimization and
best practices lead to high
productivity: a case study

Drew Hembling is a Completion Team Leader for Saudi

Aramco. He joined Conoco Inc. after graduation from
West Virginia University in 1983. He worked as a
Production Engineer, Reservoir Engineer, and Drilling
Drew Hembling Engineer from 1983 until 1997. He joined Arco in 1997,
working in Alaska as Sr. Completion Engineer until 2000.
Drew went to work for Saudi Aramco in August 2000 as
a Completion Specialist.
Dr. Hamoud A. Al-Anazi is a scientist in the Drilling &
Recovery Group of Saudi Aramco’s Research and
Development Center, working in several research studies
supporting exploration and production. His research areas
Dr. Hamoud A. Al-Anazi
of interests include studies on formation damage, fluid
flow in porous media, and condensate banking. Dr.
Hamoud holds a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from
King Fahd University of Petroeum and Minerals, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia, and MS and PhD degrees in Petroleum
Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin (UT),
USA. He published more than 20 papers in
Adel Al-Ansari local/international conferences and refereed journals. He
participated in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Gulf Coast Regional Student Paper Contest conducted by
UT, placing 2nd in the MS division in 2002 and 3rd in the
PhD division in 2003. Dr. Hamoud has chaired several
local and international sessions of SPE and is a member of
the Technical Program Committee of the SPE Asia Pacific
Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, held in Adelaide,
Mohammed Bataweel Australia in September 2006. He is a member of the
editorial advisory board of a quarterly journal,


“Middle East Oil and Gas Technology Review,” published wells were production-tested with an average PI of almost
by PennWell Corporation. three times the previously drilled single horizontal wells
Adel Al-Ansari is a Drilling Fluids Specialist in Saudi using the previous DIFs. This high production rate is the
Aramco’s R&D Center in Dhahran. He received BS degrees result of increased reservoir contact from the multi-lateral
in Industrial Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering from wells combined with the optimization of the DIF and the
KFUPM, KSA, and Tulsa University, USA, respectively. His associated mud displacement program.
areas of interests are designing the drilling, completion and
workover fluids; promoting protection of corporate assets, INTRODUCTION
including reservoir protection theme by introducing less-
Maximum reservoir contact (MRC) wells with multilateral
damaging drill-in fluids, monitoring drilling operations,
were drilled in a newly developed field in Arab-D carbonate
reviewing daily reports and providing consultations. He is
reservoir in Saudi Arabia. The drill-in fluids used for
conducting applied research projects to resolve problems
drilling wells in the previous increments were found to be
associated with field operations and to provide a
damaging, as wells required special clean-up procedures
foundation for transferring and implementing the latest
after completion. The main cause of production losses in
drilling and completion fluid technology in Saudi Aramco
these areas was discovered to be low quality drill-in fluids.
fields. He is involved in the development of product
Hence, good quality DIFs were required to drill MRC wells.
specifications, laboratory test procedures and a QA/QC
Advantages of drilling horizontal wells are to improve
management program for drilling fluid additives. He is a
sweep and recovery by limiting water and gas coning,
member of the American Petroleum Institute and the SPE.
increase productivity in areas of low permeability and non-
Mohammed Bataweel is a Group Leader of Formation
fractured facies, and reduce development costs.
Damage & Stimulation Unit of the R&D Center. He holds
Theoretically, horizontal wells should produce several times
a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from KFUPM and
higher than the offset vertical wells. The realized
an MS degree in Petroleum Engineering from Harriot-Watt
productivity gain depends mainly on reservoir charac-
University, UK. His research interests include formation
teristics and total contact with the reservoir. Hence, fewer
damage due to drilling and completion fluids, investigation
numbers of horizontal wells are needed to meet the required
and mitigation of injectivity decline, conformance control,
sand production prediction and special core analysis.
Drill-in fluids exert great influence on well productivity
by inducing formation damage in several ways. Drill-in and
completion fluids are used at pressures higher than the
formation pressure to avoid the entry of the formation
Efficient field development requires high quality drill-in fluids into the wellbore. This overbalance pressure is
fluids (DIF) to minimize formation damage and maximize considered to be the prime cause of inducing formation
productivity. This paper discusses the development of least damage during drilling. Some common types of drilling
damaging DIFs for multi-lateral Maximum Reservoir damage are solids invasion resulting in blockage of pore
Contact (MRC) wells in a newly developed field in Saudi throats, filtrate/rock interaction, reduction in relative
Arabia. permeability, phase blockage, clay swelling and
The idea behind the development of DIFs was to avoid incompatibility of the drill-in fluid filtrate with formation
fines and polymer plugging by optimizing the loading and fluids1.
Particle Size Distribution (PSD) of fine and medium The mechanisms of formation damage due to drilling and
particles of calcium carbonate. completion fluids were extensively discussed in the
Several water-based DIFs, in the density range of 65 to literature1-5. Several researchers revealed that formation
70 pcf, were formulated by changing the quantity of fine damage is a strong function of particle size distribution in
and medium calcium carbonate with fairly fixed median the mud and permeability or pore size distribution of a
particle size. These DIFs were tested in the lab on reservoir rock6, 7. To minimize formation damage induced by drilling
cores using a dynamic mud flow loop system at simulated and completion fluids, particles used in these fluids must be
reservoir conditions. Test results indicated 80% return sized to keep them away from entering into formation and
permeability. must be able to form an effective bridging to prevent
Implementation of these optimized fluids in the field with filtrate, solids or polymer invasion5, 6. Several workers
designed practices for maintenance of the quality of DIF considered the particle invasion as a primary cause of
during drilling led to high production rates. Twenty-five formation damage during drilling7-9.
MRC wells so far were drilled using these DIFs. All these Bridging agents are used in DIFs to prevent massive loss


of circulation and fines migration10. A good drill-in or SELECTION OF DRILLING FLUIDS
completion fluid controls excessive fluid losses and solids
In recent years, with the shift from vertical and horizontal
invasion into the formation. Small particle size of the solid
wells to MRC well types, the longer horizontal hole sections
components of the DIF favors invasion into formation rock.
have become more challenging to cleanup, as access to the
The coarse particles of DIF can be crushed by drill bit and
pay section with coiled tubing is becoming more expensive;
enhance the chances of particle invasion11. Other favorable
and, in some cases, it is not possible to perform the
conditions for solids invasion are the large pore size of the
designed completion. For these new completions, future
formation rock and high DIF density12, 13. Zain and
access to the reservoir will not be possible. Hence,
Sharma14, 15 showed that permeability impairment will be
minimizing formation damage prior to running the
low in cores with low permeability, while high permeability
completion was mandatory.
losses were observed with increasing core permeability. The
Considering the porosity and permeability factors of the
increased concentration of solids lowers the depth of
Haradh field, DIFs with reasonable properties and favorable
damage by controlling spurt loss, while increased quantity
PSD of bridging material were required for minimization of
of large particles will result in increased leakoff and smaller
formation and completion damage, fluid loss control, and
particle invasion due to formation of loose and more
damage removal.
permeable filter cake6. Suri and Sharma suggested that the
Emphasis in this study was made on optimization of the
primary cause of formation damage is the invasion of
PSD of the bridging material in the drill-in and completion
polymer particles and drill solids into the formation but not
fluids. Another important factor considered while designing
the sized bridging material6.
DIFs was the maintenance of the DIF characteristics during
Effective external filter cake prevents fluid losses and
the drilling process. It was observed in the industry that
solids invasion. Limiting solid and filtrate invasion to the
most of the formation damage during drilling happens due
formation is vital in reducing lift-off pressure16. It is an
to negligence of the properties during recirculation of mud.
established fact that fluid losses to the formation create
The PSD of the DIF should be maintained throughout the
problems as the liquid phase of a drilling fluid contains
drilling process to minimize formation damage and to avoid
many potentially damaging compounds17, 18. An average
post-drilling jobs. The DIFs developed in this study were
permeability reduction of 40% or sometimes more is
designed by considering the factors of PSD, solids loading
commonly recognized, depending on the nature of the
and polymer concentration.
formation rock and fluid. A certain PSD is required to
develop effective filter cake to prevent fluid losses and
particle invasion6, 11. Abrams11 proposed that the median
particle size of the bridging material must be equal to or The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate DIFs used
slightly greater than 1/3 of the median pore size of the in increment-2 to understand the mechanism of damage
formation. He also suggested that the concentration of induced by these fluids; (2) to develop less-damaging drill-in
bridging agents must be at least 5% by volume of solids in fluids based on optimization of particle size; (3) to evaluate
the final mud mix11. Hands et al. suggested that D90 of the and suggest cost-effective washing and/or completion fluids,
particle size distribution of the bridging material should be and (4) develop best practices to maintain DIF quality
equal to the pore size of the rock19. during drilling.
A filter cake developed with minimum fluid loss will
prevent further entry of drill-in fluid filtrate and fine solid DRILL-IN FLUID DESIGN
paricles into the near well bore region. In drilling horizontal
The DIFs required were in the density range of 65-70 pcf.
wells, the contact time of the drill-in fluid is longer, and
These are sodium chloride brine-based muds with calcium
incessant overbalanced conditions may lead to harsher
carbonate and polymer. In this study, several formulations
damage. In horizontal wells, the effective filter cake
of DIF were designed with changing quantity of calcium
developed by the drill-in fluid will sometimes become
carbonate and fluid loss control material.
ineffective or permeable as the frequent movements of drill
bit and pipes will result in removal and relaying of the cake1.
Haradh is an oil and gas field in Ghawar, divided into
three increments20. Haradh Increment-3 was planned to be The study was conducted at 210°F using reservoir cores.
developed exclusively with MRC production wells with The confining and pore pressures were 1,000 and 500 psi,
smart completion21. A well with horizontal length of 5 Km respectively. Core plugs used were obtained from a well in
or above in contact with reservoir is termed as MRC22, 23. Haradh from various depths within Arab-D reservoir. All


• Injected reservoir fluid (same as used in reference
permeability) through the core. This process is similar
to the flowback of the well to surface in the field. The
injection was continued until the differential pressure
was stabilized.
• Determined damage or final permeability to reservoir
fluid (same as reference permeability) at various flow
The final permeability gives the range of permeability
damage due to effects of DIF circulation. In the case of
brine used as a reservoir fluid, the best DIF selected was
retested on a fresh core by using oil for permeability
determination. This was done to ensure the return
permeability to oil as reservoir fluid.


Damage induced by drill-in fluids was simulated using a

prototype dynamic mudflow loop system. A special core
holder was used to assess the drill-in fluid damage. The core
Fig. 1. Filtrate invasion during mud circulation.

Quantity (per
plugs were 1.5” in diameter and 2” in length, and were Composition Properties Value
cleaned with toluene by leaching technique prior to use.
Basic core properties such as air permeability, grain volume 0.98 bbl Density 65 lb/ft3
and grain density were determined. The mineralogy of the
Defoamer 0.01gal PV 12-15 cP
selected cores was determined using their end cuttings by x-
ray diffraction. The major mineral found in all the cores 20-25
XC-Polymer 1.0 lb YP
was calcite, 90-98 wt.%.
The cores were prepared according to the standard
Dextrid 4.0 lb 10 sec gel 4 lb/100ft2
practices and re-saturated to represent expected reservoir Lime 0.50 lb 10 min gel 8 lb/100ft2
conditions. Base and return permeability of cores were CaCO3
15.0 lb pH 10
determined to Haradh oil at Swir. In some cases, Haradh “fine”
formation water, which was collected from the separation CaCO3
8.0 lb API Filtrate 6 mL/30min
plant, was also used for this purpose. The oil was filtered “medium”
twice, first to 5µm at ambient conditions and later to 15µm Table 1. Composition and properties of the DIF collected from a rig in
at cold conditions (4°C) using a filter press. The formation increment-2.
water was filtered through 0.45µm Miller filter paper.
Resaturated cores were brought to irreducible brine
saturation, before determining the base permeability, by
injecting oil through them for more than 15 hours at low
flow rates (0.2 mL/min.). Steps followed in return-
permeability testing were as follows:
• Established reference permeability of the core to oil (or
brine) at Swir.
• Circulated the drill-in fluid across the face of the core
for 30 minutes at dynamic conditions at 200 psi
• The same core was exposed to drill-in fluid for 16
hours at static conditions at the same overbalance.
• Circulated cleanup fluids, as necessary, each for 30
Photo 1. Residual filter cake after wash with acidic brine.
minutes across the face of the core.


holder allows measurement of core permeability to a given 100

Cumulative Volume Under %

fluid, followed by flow of drilling fluid across the face of
the core.
CaCO 3
A schematic diagram of the mudflow loop is shown in Fine = 15 ppb
Fig. 1. The flow-loop was built to allow the whole drilling Medium = 8 ppb
D 50 = 77.3 µm
fluid (as opposed to filtrate) to be circulated against the 40
core face at an overbalance pressure up to 400 psi.
Configuration “a” in Fig. 1 shows the core holder set-up 20

to measure the core permeability. The lines controlling oil

injection into the core are open, while the lines allowing 0
1 10 100 1000 10000
mudflow are closed. The pressure drop across the core was Particle size, µm
monitored via transducers.
Fig. 3. PSD of the DIF for lab mixed DIF.
After establishing the reference permeability, the flow-
loop was opened, the upper end piece was raised away from
core face to create a chamber for mud to come in contact (core pore pressure and drilling fluid circulation system)
with the core, and the mud circulation was started (Fig. 1, remained at 400 psi. Opening of the filtrate displacement
configuration “b”). The DIF was contained in a large- valve that is connected to a backpressure regulator at 200
capacity (4 liters) accumulator and circulated at psi will create a sudden pressure drop of 200 psi across the
progressively increasing flow rates (10 to 100 mL/min) on core. Any fluid that enters into the core due to overbalance
the face of the core through 1⁄4-inch stainless steel tubing. pressure will be collected into the leakoff collector, which is
The DIF reaches to the core face through a loop that is a graduated cylinder. The filtrate invasion into the core
placed in the oven and allows the fluid to attain the desired during circulation is shown in Fig. 1.
temperature while flowing. The DIF from the core face
heads to be collected by an accumulator fixed with a R E S U LT S A N D D I S C U S S I O N
backpressure regulator at 400 psi pressure. At this point, Based on the requirements of drill-in fluids for Haradh
with the filtrate displacement valve closed, the entire system Increment-3, a series of tests was conducted. The loading of
bridging material (marble chips) in the DIF, with sodium
chloride salt to achieve 65 pcf density, was found to be 23
Mineral Quantity, wt%
ppb. A further increase in the density of DIF could be
Calcite (CaCO3) 60 achieved up to 70 pcf by adding sodium chloride. The PSD
Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)] 11 was adjusted by changing the quantities of fine and medium
Barite (BaSO4) 12 calcium carbonate. Concentrations of polymers like
Anhydrite (CaSO4) xanthan and starch were also varied during optimization of
the DIF.
Quartz (SiO2) 4.0
Initially, the test was performed with DIF collected from
Table 2. XRD analysis of solids separated from the DIF collected from a rig in a rig on a well of Increment-2 to know the degree and

Cumulative Volume Under %
Cumulative Volume Under, %

Fine particles 80
80 D 50 = 11µm

D 50=34.55µm

Medium particles
D 50 = 137 µm 20

1 10 100 1000 10000 1 10 100 1000 10000
Particle size, µm Particle size, µm
Fig. 2. PSD for neat, fine and medium, calcium carbonate. Fig. 4. PSD of the DIF with high quantity of fines.


100 120
Cumulative Volume Under %
740 mD

Retained Permeability, %
592 mD
80 518 mD


20 Neat fine carbonate, D50 =11µm

Drill-in fluid, D50 = 100.8µm
Neat medium carbonate, D50 = 137µm
1 10 100 1000 10000
Base After brine wash After enzymes
Particle size, µm
Fig. 7. Permeability of the core after cleanup.
Fig. 5. PSD for the DIF with optimized carbonate particles.

chloride brine was found to be 44%. High fluid loss and

mechanism of damage caused to the core. Formulation and
low retained permeability clearly show the inability of the
properties of this DIF are given in Table 1. A core with
DIF to create an effective filter cake on the face of the core.
22% porosity was used in this test. The permeability of the
The solid content in this DIF was found to be high (>10
core to reservoir oil at Swir was 23 mD. The leakoff during
vol.%), and the median particle size (D50) was small, 26
dynamic and static circulation of mud was found to be 13
µm. The liftoff pressure was 26 psi. High solid content and
and 38 mL, respectively. The retained permeability to
small particle size will lead to permeability damage 6,8. The
reservoir oil after cleaning the core face with neutral sodium
PSD of the DIF associated with high fluid loss explains the
inappropriate distribution of calcium carbonate particles
due to the DIF failing to form an effective filter cake. The
residual filter cake is shown in Photo 1.
The mineral composition of the field DIF was obtained
by analyzing solids separated from it by XRD method. The
major mineral found in this DIF was calcite, 69 wt%, while
barite was around 12 wt% (Table 2). Presence of barite was
not expected since it was not included in the DIF
The filtrate of the DIF was analyzed for geochemical
composition. The extraction of an appreciable volume of
filtrate from the DIF was difficult; hence this was diluted
and filtered. No anomaly was found in the filtrate.
Photo 2. Filter cake after enzyme treatment and acid wash. Conclusions can be made from this test that the main

100 120
Cumulative Volume Under %

63.5 mD
Retained Permeability, %


80 48 mD


40 21 mD
20 DIF with 8:15 , fine to medium.

DIF with 15:8 fine to medium.
1 10 100 1000 10000
Particle Size, μm Base After enzymes Surfactant

Fig. 6. Comparison of PSD of muds with different loadings of carbonate. Fig. 8. Permeability of the core after cleanup.


Composition Properties Value
(per barrel)
0.98 bbl Density 65 lb/ft3
Defoamer 0.01gal PV 17 cp
XC-Polymer 1.75 lb YP 25 lb/100ft2
Starch 8.0 lb Solid content 2.5 Vol.%
Lime 0.25 lb pH 9-10
8.0 lb API Filtrate 6 mL/30min
CaCO3 Mean particle
15.0 lb size, D50 100.8 µm
Photo 3. Filter cake after enzyme treatment and flowback.

Table 4. Composition and properties of the optimized DIF.

cause of the permeability reduction of the core tested with
the sample of the field DIF is the inappropriate distribution 77.3 µm. The test was conducted on a core of 22%
of bridging material, which is composed of a large quantity porosity. The base permeability of the core to reservoir oil
of fine calcium carbonate (15 ppb). The other factor was 22.9 mD. This test was conducted to compare results
responsible for permeability damage is the negligence of the of the DIF mixed in the lab against the results of field DIF
quality of DIF during drilling due to which the median that contained drill cuttings. The other purpose of this test
particle size reduced to 26 µm, which originally was 78 µm. was to determine the particle size distribution effects on
From the median particle size of the field sample, it is clear core permeability. The leakoff during dynamic and static
that crushing of particles during drilling took place, which exposure of the DIF was high, 19 and 56 mL, respectively.
was not compensated accordingly. The increased quantity of The high leakoff with this DIF (56 mL) compared to the
solid content (10 vol.%) is another example of negligence of leakoff with field DIF (38 mL) seemed to be due to the
DIF quality during drilling. absence of drill cuttings in this freshly prepared sample. The
Considering these factors, several DIFs were designed return permeability after washing with neutral sodium
and tested by optimizing PSD and loading of calcium chloride brine was 40% only. The comparison of this result
carbonate particles (marble chips). The general pattern of with the result of the field DIF shows that the PSD of the
the PSD for fine and medium CaCO3 particles available in DIF was deviated. The inclusion of fines in large quantity
the lab and that was used in preparing DIF is given in Fig. (15 ppb) did not help in creating an effective filter cake.
2. The median particle size (D50) for fine and medium The PSD of the bridging material was not suitable in this
calcium carbonate is 11 and 137 µm, respectively. The ratio of fine to medium (15:8).
mineralogical composition of these chips was determined by To examine the effects of PSD in minimizing fluid loss
x-ray diffraction and was found to be dolomite as major and particle invasion, a test was conducted using DIF with
and calcite as minor components. a high quantity of fine calcium carbonate. The core used
A test was conducted using freshly prepared DIF of the was having a porosity of 20%. The base permeability to
formulation of the field DIF (Table 1). The PSD of this DIF Haradh formation water was 176 mD. The DIF used
is shown in Fig. 3. The median particle size of the DIF was contained 18 ppb fine and 5 ppb medium calcium
carbonate particles. The formulation and PSD of this DIF is
Additives Quantity (per barrel) given in Table 3 and Fig. 4, respectively. The median
Make-up water 0.98 bbl particle size of this DIF was 34.55µm. The fluid loss during
dynamic (30 minutes) and static (16 hours) exposure of the
Defoamer 0.01 gal
DIF was nil. The return permeability to Haradh brine was
XC-polymer 0.5 lb
Dextrid 6.0 lb Ingredient Quantity, vol.%

Lime 0.5 lb KCl Brine 70 pcf 89.0

CaCO3 “fine” 18 lb Xanthan breaker enzyme 10.0
CaCO3 “medium” 5 lb Starch breaker enzyme 1.0

Table 3. Composition of the DIF with high quantity of fine. Table 5. Composition of the enzyme solution used in tests.


found to be 7%. Low return permeability and zero fluid
Treatment Test # 1 Test # 2 Test # 3
loss can be ascribed to fines and polymer plugging as this
DIF contained more quantity of fines and polymer. Fluid used for
oil FW Oil, (FW)
The filter cake was treated with enzymes and left to soak
for 15 hours. After the enzyme treatment, permeability of Porosity of
22 20 19, (23)
the core, %
the core increased from 7% to 20%. The filter cake after
enzyme treatment is shown in Photo 2. Initial
permeability, 23 22.9 63.5, (749)
In another test, the DIF was designed by adding calcium mD
carbonate, fine and medium, in a ratio of 35:65. The Drill-in fluid
formulation and PSD of this DIF is given in Table 4 and Fig. Table -3 Table -5 Table -6
5. The median particle size (D50) of the DIF was close to CaCO3 ratio,
15:8 15:8 8:15
101 µm. The test was performed on a core with a porosity F to M
of 19%, and its permeability to formation water was 749 Retained
44 40 NA,(70)
mD. The leakoff during dynamic and static mud exposure perm, %a
was 0.5 mL (0.03 PV) and 5 mL (0.36 PV), respectively. The Retained
- - 33,(80)
filter cake developed by DIF circulation was reduced by perm, %b
washing with 65 pcf solids-free sodium chloride brine. The Retained
- - 75,(NA)
retained permeability after this washing was found to be perm, %c
70%. The reduced volume of fluid loss during DIF a. After neutral brine wash. b. after enzyme treatment.
circulation in this test compared to the previous tests seems c. after surfactant treatment. F = Fine. M = Medium.
to be mainly due to the change in the PSD of the calcium FW= Formation water. NA=Not applicable.
Perm = Permeability
carbonate. The PSD of carbonate particles is more suitable
in this DIF. The PSD of optimized DIF is compared with the Table 6. Summary of test results.
PSD of the DIF with unoptimized quantity of calcium
carbonate or the DIF that was used in the field (Fig. 6). present. Following this, the return permeability to oil was
The filter cake was treated with enzymes, which were found to be 90%. After producing 16 pore volumes of oil
received from the field (Table 5). The permeability increased through the core, permeability was stabilized at 75% (Fig. 8).
to 80% after treatment with enzymes (Fig. 7). The filter In an attempt to further confirm these results, tests were
cake after treatment with enzymes is shown in Photo 3. performed on various cores with a range of permeabilities.
Another test was performed by using DIF of the same Attempt was also made to optimize simultaneously the pH
formulation as in the above test (Table 4) on a core having of the carrier fluid for enzymatic treatment to minimize
25% porosity. The fluid used in this test for permeability fluid losses since long soaking periods were involved during
measurements was reservoir oil instead of brine. This was the completion stage of multilateral MRC wells. In these
done to duplicate the above test and also to see the effect of tests, the DIF used was same as in the previous tests (Table
reservoir fluid on core permeability after exposing to this DIF 4), but starch was high, 12 ppb. In one case, the base
as brine was used in the previous test for permeability permeability of the core to Haradh formation water was
measurement. The permeability of the core to reservoir oil 321 mD. The spurt loss was 5 mL, while one mL was
was 63.5 mD. Fluid losses during dynamic and static collected during dynamic circulation of DIF, making the
exposure of mud to this core were almost similar to the total leakoff to 0.4 PV. At static conditions, the leakoff was
previous test, 0.5 mL and 6 mL, respectively. The found to be 11 mL (0.73 PV). The increased leakoff during
permeability of the core reduced to 33% after washing the dynamic and static mud exposure may be due to increased
filter cake with sodium chloride brine and subsequent starch quantity, which might have perturbed the particle
enzymes treatment. Since 6 mL of the filtrate was collected size distribution. The filter cake was washed with KCl brine
during static exposure of the DIF to the core filled with of 65 pcf, and then treated with enzymes. The composition
reservoir oil, the reduced permeability was thought to be a of enzyme solution was similar as before (Table 5), but the
result of interaction between oil and the intruded fluid. To pH of the carrier fluid (KCl brine) was 4.2. The enzyme
mitigate these fluid interaction effects, the sodium chloride solution was left to soak for 48 hours. The leakoff during
brine mixed with non-ionic surfactant (3 vol.%) and mutual the soaking period was 100 mL. The return permeability
solvent (1 vol.%) was circulated across the face of the core at after the treatment was found to be 75%. The high leakoff
overbalance condition. The mutual solvent and surfactant during soaking is due to the low pH (~3.5). This pH was
help in reducing interfacial tension and break emulsion, if found to be inappropriate as the high leakoff will create


Ingredients Quantity (per barrel) indicative of good bridging ability of the DIF to form
effective filter cake.
Fresh water 0.96 bbl 0.94 bbl
This study also reveals that the pH of the carrier fluid of
Defoamer 0.01 gal the enzyme solution also plays an important role in fluid
XC-Polymer 0.5-1.0 lb loss control during the completion phase. Low pH of the
Drispac 0.25 - 0.5 lb carrier fluid will help in early dissolution of the bridging
particles, which make the filter cake permeable and results
Starch 4.0 – 6.0 lb
in high fluid losses. As the pH was gradually raised, the
Lime, 0.15 - 0.25lb fluid losses were lowered and the enzymes remained active.
Salt (NaCl) 15.0 lb 42.0 lb Results of all the tests described above are summarized in
CaCO3 “fine” 8.0 lb 8.0 lb Table 6.
CaCO3 “medium” 15.0 lb 15.0 lb
Properties Value
Density 66 lb/ft3 70 lb/ft3 The drill-in fluid developed in the lab was recommended to
be used in the field to drill multilateral MRC wells. The
Plastic viscosity 14 cp 18 cp
final formulation of the DIF recommended for field
Yield point 20 lb/100ft2 25 lb/100ft2 application is given in Table 7, including a range of
10 sec. gel 4 lb/100ft2 6 lb/100ft2 densities from 65 to 70 pcf. The most important factor that
10 min. gel 8 lb/100ft2 12 lb/100ft2 was noticed during this study, besides PSD of bridging
material, was the quality control of the drill-in fluid during
Filtrate, API 5-6 mL/30 min. 5-6 mL/30 min.
the drilling process. Hence, a detailed program of quality
pH 9-10 9-10 checks and drill-in fluid maintenance practices and
Cl¯ 12,000 - 75,000 mg/l guidelines was also developed with the mud formulations,
which are summarized as follows:
Table 7. Recommended formulation of DIF for MRC wells in Haradh
Increment-3. • Keep the total solids content in the range of 6-9 vol.%,
and drill solids below 5% by planned dilution as
problems during the production stage. required while drilling.
In the second case, the core with base permeability 70.5 • Keep 100-150 bbls of fresh mud ready all the time to
mD to Haradh formation water was used. The DIF used be used to dilute the mud.
was the same as the previous test with a high quantity of • Vigorous mixing/high shear is required to prepare the
starch. The leakoff was similar to the previous tests, 7.1 mL drill-in fluid and to maintain good suspension.
during 30 minutes of circulation, including spurt (5.9 mL). • Neither Barite nor Bentonite should be added or used
The fluid loss under static condition was 11 mL. The pH of for slugs while drilling this section of the hole.
the enzyme solution was adjusted to 5. The total leakoff • Add calcium carbonate “medium” very slowly through
during 48 hours of soaking was 25 mL. The return the mixing hopper at the suction pit to compensate for
permeability after treatment was found to be 80%. The losses through shale shaker, and maintain particle size
leakoff during the soaking period of enzymes decreased distribution ratio of 35/65 fine to medium. This
appreciably, which is attributed to relatively higher pH than addition should be scheduled and recorded.
the earlier test. • Pump LV/HV sweeps as required to clean the hole.
In another test, the base permeability of the core to • Use 80 mesh (D50=180 micron) shale shaker screens for
Haradh formation water was 348 mD. The enzyme solution the first 24 hours of drilling to allow the polymers to
had a pH of 6. The total leakoff during 48 hours of soaking shear and build up the cake quickly for effective
was 18 mL (1.3 PV), which is less than the previous test. bridging. Then, utilize the finest mesh shaker screens
The return permeability after treatment was found to be compatible with the circulation rate (180-200 mesh is
75%. These tests results indicated that the particle size recommended for this hole section).
distribution chosen (35:65, fine to medium ratio) was • Mud cleaner with 200 mesh screen can be run with this
appropriate and resulted in the development of an effective system to discard drilled solids and successfully
filter cake. In all these cases, the spurt and fluid loss during maintain the required mud density.
dynamic and static exposure of DIF was consistent, • Utilize the high speed centrifuge, as required (two sets),
irrespective of the permeabilities of the cores selected for on the active system (up to 3,800 rpm) to remove the
tests. Consistent minimum fluid loss in all these tests is ultra-fine solids.


In this field, all wells were drilled until the date of fluid into the formation. The high leakoff during the
writing this paper by using the recommended DIFs. No completion phase could have been avoided by bringing the
major problem was reported from the rig except for one particle size of the DIF to its original level by adding
well, which is described in the case study below. All wells medium calcium carbonate. This was possible by frequent
drilled were production-tested, and the average productivity quality checks during drilling of the lateral.
index (PI) was almost 2.5 times higher than the PIs of the The flowback of the well was conducted after
previously drilled horizontal wells using previous DIFs. completion. Water production during flowback was
All drilled wells were put on production, and the average observed in the range of 30-40%. The analyses of the
production from these wells is high at restricted flow rates. flowback samples confirmed the water as completion fluid.
This big achievement was a result of optimization of drill-in The water production declined continuously as the
fluids with implementation of best drilling fluid flowback continued and, after 72 hours of well flow, the
maintenance practices through teamwork of professionals water production ceased.
from the R&DC, Reservoir Management, Drilling & On the basis of this study, it is recommended to increase
Workover, Completion and Production departments. the frequency of quality checks to maintain PSD and
properties of the DIF. It is also recommended to add mutual
CASE STUDY solvent and non-ionic surfactant in the cleanup brine to
avoid problems during production due to interaction of
High fluid losses were observed during the completion stage
reservoir and intruded fluid. To increase the particle size,
of lateral-2 of a well in the Increment-3. Problem of lost
add medium calcium carbonate in the drill-in fluid.
circulation was not observed during drilling of this lateral.
This case study reveals that if heavy fluid losses occur
A detailed study was conducted to investigate the causes of
during the completion stage and no fluid loss control pill
high fluid losses. The findings are summarized below.
could be used, then bear the losses by including non-ionic
Samples of DIF and completion fluids were collected
surfactant and mutual solvent in optimized volume into the
from this well. Properties of the drill-in fluid, such as mud
completion fluid. After finishing the completion job, do not
weight, fluid loss, viscosity, yield point, PSD and mud
shut off the well, which may lead to emulsion formation in
solids, were determined. The mud weight, viscosity and
the near-wellbore area. Instant flowback of the well will
yield point were found to be in the recommended range.
restore the permeability of the near-wellbore region. To
The filtrate loss at API filter press was 4.5 mL. Solids
increase the particle size of the DIF, add medium calcium
content of the drill-in fluid was found to be 6% by volume,
carbonate into the drill-in fluid.
which is in the acceptable range.
The following conclusions were drawn from this case
Return permeability tests were conducted at reservoir
conditions using reservoir cores on the mud flow loop
• The loading of bridging material was suitable initially
system. The field sample was circulated at the face of the
to control filtrate invasion.
reservoir core at an overbalance pressure of 200 psi.
• The filter cake was removed by washing fluids.
Leakoff volume during 30 minutes of dynamic circulation
• The flow initiation pressure was in the acceptable range
of the DIF was 0.5 ml. The flow initiation pressure was
(6 psi).
found to be 6 psi. The return permeability was found to be
• The pH of the carrier fluid of enzymes was in the
nearly 60%, which can be ascribed to low PSD and high
recommended range (~6).
leakoff during the completion stage. This can also be
• The return permeability to Haradh filtered oil was
attributed to the effects of removal of filter cake in the
found to be 60%.
process of drilling, during which impermeable filter cake is
• The acceptable return permeability is the result of
disturbed and invasion of solids and filtrate can take place1.
appropriate mud properties.
The treatment of filter cake with enzyme solution did not
• The median particle size of the DIF was found to be
result in significant improvement in the permeability. The
fluid loss during enzyme treatment was found to be high
• High fluid losses during cleanup of the lateral was due
(50 mL). The particle size distribution (PSD) of the DIF was
to low PSD.
found to be deviated from the original. The median particle
• The frequency of the quality check of the DIF was not
size was 7 µm, which is much less than the original median
particle size (101 µm). Once enzymes started acting on
polymers responsible to control fluid loss, the brine
intrusion into the formation started due to absence of sized
solids, which are responsible for blocking the entry of the The key conclusions of this whole study are summarized


below: N O M E N C L AT U R E
• The least-damaging DIF was developed by optimizing
bbl Barrel
the sizing and loading of the bridging material and
D50 Median particle size
polymer concentration.
DIF Drill-in fluid
• The optimum ratio of fine-to-medium calcium
FD Formation damage
carbonate was found to be 35:65 (8:15 ppb
HV High viscous
fine:medium) in 23 ppb bridging material loading.
lb Pound
• The mud density could be increased by using sodium
LV Low viscous
chloride salt, keeping the fixed loading of calcium
mD milli Darcy
MS Mutual solvent
• The filter cake formed is partially removable by
OBM Oil based mud
washing fluids (sodium chloride brine).
pcf pound per cubic feet
• Enzyme treatment is suitable in the pH range of 5.5-6.5
ppb Pound per barrel
to control fluid losses during the soaking period.
PI Productivity Index, B/D/psi
• Enzyme treatment with pH of the carrier fluid below
PSD Particle size distribution
5.5 exhibited high fluid losses.
PV Pore volumes, dimensionless
• Internal damage is possible due to interaction of
Swir Irreducible water saturation
reservoir oil and the filtrate of drill-in fluid. This
Vol.% volume percent
damage can be mitigated using brine loaded with
WBM Water based mud
nonionic surfactant and mutual solvent.
XRD X-ray diffraction
• Monitoring the PSD and other properties of the DIF
∆P Pressure drop, psi
during drilling process is important.
µm Micrometer

The following recommendations are made for the drill-in
cP x 1.0* E-03 = Pa.s
fluids in the density range of 62 or higher:
ft x 3.048* E-01 = m
• Apply the drill-in fluid formulations as given in Table 7
°F (°F-32)/1.8 = °C
per density requirement.
bbl x 1.589873 E-01 = m3
• Monitor the PSD of the DIF during drilling.
in. x 2.54* E+00 = cm
• Maintain the system properties during drilling by
mL x 1.0* E+00 = cm3
frequent quality checks.
lbm x 4.535924 E-01 = kg
• Dilute the mud to avoid change of density.
psi x 6.894757 E+00 = kPa
• Circulate filtered/solids-free NaCl brine upon
completing the drilling operations.
*Conversion factor is exact
• Spot recommended polymer breaker enzymes with pH
of the carrier fluid in the range of 6.
• Implement the drilling practices as per the guidelines
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