SPE 73766 Formate Brines: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Their Formation Damage Control Properties Under Realistic Reservoir Conditions

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SPE 73766

Formate Brines: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Their Formation Damage Control

Properties Under Realistic Reservoir Conditions
Michael Byrne and Ian Patey Corex UK Ltd, Liz George Shell Expro UK, John Downs Hydro Chemicals, Jim Turner Cabot

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. and reservoir fluid types under simulated downhole
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Symposium and Exhibition conditions, this paper also outlines the methodology developed
on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, 20–21 February 2002.
to ensure that the formation damage tests carried out with
This paper was selected for presenta tion by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
formate brines are not influenced by laboratory artefacts.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to The conclusion of the paper is that a significant number of
correction by the aut hor(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at laboratory results, obtained under test conditions closely
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of simulating reservoir conditions, tend to lend support to the
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is growing perception that formate brines have valuable
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstr act of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous formation damage control properties that can be exploited to
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. improve we ll productivity prospects in even the most
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-943 5.
demanding environments.
Abstract Introduction
Monovalent formate brines were first introduced into the Brines are used by the oil industry in a range of well
oilfield environment in the early-1990’s, in response to the construction operations, most commonly to create dense low-
industry demand for better drilling and completion fluids to solids fluids for application in reservoir sections. A key driver
meet the increasingly complex technical challenges posed by for using brines in these applications has been the need to
modern well construction practices. maintain well control while trying to minimise reservoir
After years of rigorous field-testing, in a variety of formation damage from solids invasion.
demanding well construction operations, the formate brines Traditionally these oilfield brines have been based on
are now acknowledged to be probably the best foundation for halide (chloride or bromide) salts. Unfortunately the halide-
any modern high performance drilling and completion fluid. based brines were never purpose-designed for oilfield
The formate brines are currently having their greatest impact applications and they have a number of performance
as the primary components of HT/HP reservoir drilling and deficiencies that become amplified as the brine density
completion fluid formulations. requirement is raised. Nevertheless, in the unsophisticated
A number of field and laboratory tests have indicated that well construction environments that have existed in many
when formate-based formulations are used as reservoir parts of the world until relatively recently it has been possible
drilling-in and completion fluids they appear to cause less for operators to somehow live with these deficiencies, albeit at
formation damage than some other conventional fluid some present or future financial cost.
formulations, and consequently they are often seen to have a In recent years it has been clear that the traditional halide-
beneficial effect on well productivity. Up until now, however, based brines could no longer hope to meet the technical
little of this important information has found its way into the challenges of the increasingly complex and extreme well
public domain. constructions that were being attempted to reduce field
It has been common practice for a number of the major development costs and to increase production. In addition to
multinational oil companies to contract a specialist formation the technical challenges that the traditional halide brines have
damage prediction company to carry out laboratory-scale been facing they have also been coming under pressure from
formation damage tests with formate brines before using these the Health, Safety and Environmental lobbies. The use of
fluids in their well constructions operations. This paper draws halide-based brines in onshore environments has always been
together the results of a significant number of these tests a concern anyway, given the toxicity of halides to aquatic life
carried out by the specialist laboratory using formate-based and all other non-marine organisms, and it can be expected
fluids passed through real reservoir core materials for realistic that the legislation controlling the onshore application of
time periods and under realistic reservoir conditions. halide brines will become more and more stringent.
As well as providing a unique insight into the interaction
between formate brines and a range of reservoir core materials

Against a background of mounting concern in the oil Preliminary laboratory tests, showing that the formate
industry about the deficiencies of conventional well brines were extremely compatible with reservoir mineral and
construction brines, a new type of brine system based on liquid phases, suggested that they might have an important
monovalent formate salts was developed in the early-1990’s 1- future as reservoir drilling fluids and completion fluids. This
. The formate brine systems are the first brines actually was confirmed in the first full field test of sodium formate
purpose-designed for the challenges of modern well brine as a drilling-in and completion fluid base for several
construction operations and they are now the drilling and offshore open-hole horizontal oil well constructions in the
completion fluids of first choice for many of the more extreme North Sea during 1994 5 . These wells were flowed at initial
wells being drilled and completed in the North Sea. They are rates of 45,000 bbl oil/well/day and showed little sign of
also being applied in other parts of the world including formation damage. Subsequent applications of blended
Canada, Texas, Gulf of Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, sodium/potassium formate brines as reservoir drilling and
Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia and Kazakhstan. completion fluids in horizontal open-hole gas wells in The
Of all the benefits of formate-based fluids one of the most Netherlands showed that “the minimal residual drilling-
important is their apparent compatibility with reservoir fluids induced damage increased production capacity 40% over that
and minerals under realistic reservoir conditions of pressure expected, with a near-zero mechanical skin.”6-8 .
and temperature, as amply demonstrated by the increases in In 1995, after an operator had experienced problems using
hydrocarbon productivity observed in the numerous wells conventional fluids, potassium formate brine was used for the
drilled and completed with formate brines since 1993. A first time as a reservoir drilling fluid in a deep horizontal gas
skilled formation-damage prediction company has now well in Northern Germany 9,10 . The same operator had
confirmed the compatibility of formates with a range of previously obtained favorable results with potassium formate
reservoir materials following a series of laboratory-scale brine as a completion and workover fluid earlier in the field
formation damage tests carried out under simulated reservoir development campaign. The operator reported “zero
conditions with real reservoir core samples. This paper formation damage” among the many benefits gained from the
describes the special methodology developed by the laboratory use of the formate-based reservoir drilling-in fluid. Since 1995
to test formate brine compatibility with reservoir materials the operator has used potassium formate brine as
under realistic conditions and examines the performance of the drilling/completion/workover fluids in more than fifteen wells
formate brines in these tests when compared with some in the same high temperature Rotliegend formations. In these
conventional fluids. subsequent wells it was observed that use of formate brines
resulted in “35% higher production rates than expected” 11 .
Formate Brines More recently some operators in the North Sea have begun
The formate salts of the alkali metals are very soluble in water using blended potassium/caesium formate brines as drilling-in
and form brines with a range of beneficial properties 4 that and completion fluids in their HT/HP gas wells. The results
make them ideally suited for use as drilling and completion from these wells look very promising and will be published
fluids. The three formate salts considered most useful to the elsewhere during the course of 2002.
oil industry, in order of increasing solubility and density, are: The clear indication from the available published data on
sodium formate, potassium formate and caesium formate. their field applications to date is that where formate brines
The formate brines were originally identified as having the have been used as drilling-in and completions fluids they have
ideal characteristics for use as the foundation of low-solids generally had a positive effect on well productivities. What
drilling fluids for deep drilling and slim hole drilling.1 The has been lacking up until now is a body of reliable published
perceived advantages for formate brines in these extreme evidence from laboratory formation damage studies to support
applications were: the evidence gained from field use of formate brines. Shell
carried out some laboratory formation damage evaluation
• Maintenance of solids carrying capabilities work with sodium/potassium formate brine prior to drilling
at high temperatures their K1-FB102 well in The Netherlands, and have published
• Elimination of solids sag at high temperatures data showing a significant increase in return permeability
• Minimal circulating pressure losses utilising the formate brine as compared to an oil-based drilling
• Low potential for differential sticking (very fluid 6-8 . Elsewhere BP compared the formation damage
thin filter cakes) properties of a saturated halide brine compared with a
• Low ECDs in long/narrow boreholes potassium formate brine, and found that the formate was
• Maximum power transmission to mud motors and bits significantly less damaging than the halide in the reservoir
cores used 12 . The high -density chloride brine evidently
• Non-hazardous
induced massive fines migration (the fines species included
• Compatible with reservoir minerals and liquid phases (i.e.
smectite, kaolinite and quartz), resulting in a 60% reduction in
return permeability to oil. By contrast the formate brine of
• Compatible with completion hardware and elastomers identical density did not cause fines migration and only gave a
• Environmentally responsible and readily biodegradable 15% reduction in permeability. The researcher found that the

small amount of permeability reduction caused by the formate space are preferred but old, dried out core can be restored to
was apparently due to the absorption and retention of some very close to the reservoir conditions using careful handling
formate brine on the core surface. techniques. Special cleaning and drying procedures need to be
The prime purpose of this paper is to add a significant employed to ensure that samples selected are prepared without
body of formation damage test data to the limited amount of altering delicate structures in the pore space.
information so far published on formate brines. In order to properly evaluate potential Formation Damage
it is important to incorporate all reservoir and introduced
Formation Damage Testing fluids. It is essential to eliminate artefacts such as corrosion
One of the most important factors in design of laboratory from the test as this may lead to erroneous results, conclusions
testing for formation damage is to view the test as a and recommendations. Traditional stainless steel testing
simulation. Many of the test sequences are similar, however, apparatus will corrode in the presence of reservoir fluids, not
they should be adjusted to match planned operations in each to mention aggressive clean up or stimulation fluids at
well or reservoir. Another critical factor in testing is that all reservoir conditions. Equipment which is contacted by fluids
tests are conducted at reservoir conditions in suitable at reservoir conditions should be composed entirely of
equipment. All reservoir conditions wetted parts must be corrosion resistant materials such as Hastelloy and Teflon.
composed of corrosion resistant materials such as Hastelloy This eliminates any possibility of corrosion interfering with
and Teflon. Testing in inferior quality equipment will be the test results. The laboratory tests are designed to
prone to artefacts and will generate erroneous results. incorporate all pressure changes in the near wellbore area, for
Samples for testing must be carefully selected and example, if the well under investigation is to be returned to
prepared in order to obtain results that are relevant for the production by gradually decreasing the pressure in the
reservoir under investigation. wellbore (drawdown), then this step should be incorporated in
Laboratory testing, if performed carefully and with due the laboratory test.
consideration to sample selection and test design, can As technological advances are made and environmental
accurately measure potential reduction in permeability. concerns increase, new challenges confront those involved in
It is possible to predict, simulate and avoid many of the dealing with Formation Damage problems. New,
most common Formation Damage mechanisms. The simple environmentally friendly drilling fluids may not be
principle of experimenting at low cost in the laboratory rather particularly reservoir friendly and need to be carefully selected
than in the field has been adopted by many companies for each application. Extended reach drilling can often lead to
attempting to minimise damage to their reservoirs. It is increased Formation Damage problems that can be expensive
important that the company conducting formation damage or impossible to remove. High temperature reservoirs may be
tests has no commercial links or vested interests in any damaged by breakdown of normal fluids under the intense
chemical or oilfield equipment suppliers and can therefore conditions. H2 S production from microbial activity may cause
provide a truly independent test of fluids and procedures. The problems that need to be minimised with environmentally
philosophy is to perform laboratory simulations in order to friendly solutions. New sand control completion techniques
predict reservoir performance. This involves the use of should be thoroughly assessed for their impact on
corrosion free testing apparatus capable of dealing with all productivity. Old or marginal fields may benefit enormously
oilfield chemicals and fluids at reservoir conditions of from a reassessment of historical Formation Damage that can
temperature and pressure. A full simulation in the laboratory now be avoided. The list goes on but the key to resolving all
can assist in the selection of the least damaging drilling, of these problems is thorough laboratory simulation combined
completion and injection fluids and procedures in order to with full sample evaluation to identify problems and solutions.
optimise productivity and injectivity. Tests can range from a Laboratory testing cannot recover all of these losses caused
simple pre-screen of available drilling fluids to a full by Formation Damage but it can go a long way towards
simulation of drilling, completion and injection or production recovering significant amounts. By definition, properly
procedures incorporating all of the likely temperatures, constructed tests increase our understanding of the
underbalance and overbalance conditions. performance of each reservoir and can thus make a real
One of the most important influences on Formation difference to production, injection and profit.
Damage is the geology of the reservoir. In order to apply the For production wells, gas and oil are the most common test
data produced from a laboratory test it is essential to fluids. Convention is to use inert humidified nitrogen gas to
understand the relevance of the rock material tested. Samples represent producing gas phase. The majority of damage
for laboratory testing must be selected to represent the major mechanisms are not dependent on the use of live gas in the
production or injection intervals. If there are significant tests. For oil wells, convention is to use dead crude oil to
differences in permeability or clay type, for example, these represent producing oil phase. Tests with live crude oil can be
differences must be adequately represented in the material for conducted but are generally considered to be prohibitively
testing. All available geological and relevant production data expensive. Experience with dead crude oil has led to the
should be used in order to select the most suitable core development of special laboratory procedures which are
material. Samples preserved with reservoir fluids in the pore important to observe in order to avoid artefacts. The oil must

be completely dewatered and must be maintained at all times general the samples are removed from the testing apparatus at
above the wax appearance temperature. The oil must be temperatures higher than those usually employed with non-
filtered at reservoir conditions to very fine specifications to formate testing. No evidence of artificial formate precipitation
avoid introducing particles to the test. If insufficient crude oil was observed in any of the tests presented.
is available (approximately five litres for each test) or if the
crude oil is unstable (e.g. due to asphaltene deposition), inert Fluid supplied by knowledgeable supplier
mineral oil of similar viscosity to the crude oil can Formates, like all potential introduced fluids, should be
be substituted. prepared carefully prior to use in a well or a laboratory test.
It is important to test any options available and to compare Experience has shown that without an appreciation for
like with like. Fluids provided by different vendors should be appropriate volumes of formates and other components , the
designed for field use (not just laboratory test fluids) and final fluid presented can be unstable. This is not a formate
should meet any operational requirements such as rheology, specific problem, but as with all “new” technologies the
cost etc. Tests conducted in different laboratories are not awareness level within fluid supply companies must be
directly comparable 13 . improved in order to see potential benefits in laboratory tests
The tests presented in this paper are all reservoir specific and in the field.
and so are each conducted under conditions designed to reflect
Investigation of damage mechanisms
specific reservoirs or wells . This means that the the test
procedures for each data set presented will vary, however, the It is important not to guess at damage mechanisms. It may
basic procedures and principals of the test designs are be that the damage from an oil based mud is filtrate related but
equivalent magnitude of damage from a formate is mud solids
consistent and include the following key parameters:
related. There is insufficient information and time to discuss
• Reservoir temperature for each reservoir is reflected at all precise damage mechanisms for the test results presented but
times during the tests. the damage mechanism can significantly change the
• Reservoir, overburden, overbalance and underbalance interpretation and fluid selection process 14, 15 .
pressures are simulated.
Consistent rock samples
• Introduced Fluids are delivered in to a simulated annular
The test results presented have been selected as they
space at appropritate overbalance pressures. Dynamic and demonstrate relative performance of different fluids tested
static flow periods are included. against equivalent rock samples. It is critical to compare like
• Each test includes a simulated return to production or with like. This is particularly true where different fluid types
drawdown. This vital part of the test is conducted at and hence potentially very different damage mechanisms are
expected near wellbore drawdown pressure. Fluids are being compared.
not pumped through the core samples, instead the pressure
in the annulus is decreased and flow occurs in the Results
formation to wellbore direction at rates dictated by sample Reservoir 1 Results
permeability, residual damage and fluid viscosity. The results presented are from an oil reservoir. High
• Samples for the tests are prepared to irreducible formation permeability and low permeability samples were tested. The
water saturation prior to the test using an ultracentrifuge. high permeability samples were tested with mud followed by
After the test any external mud body is removed and the drawdown and the low permeability samples were tested with
sample is again prepared in an ultracentrifuge. The mud followed by clean-up fluids followed by drawdown.
ultracentrifuge is the most rapid, reliable, non-damaging Some key features of the results are:
technique available for the sample preparation required. • The filtrate losses recorded were highest for the
formate fluid and lowest for the Oil Based Mud. This
Specific Procedures For Formate Testing is a trend also observed for other reservoir types.
Temperature / pressure during sample handling
• Despite the fluid losses, the sample tested with
The objective of all of the tests presented is to study the formate fluid showed the best return permeability for
performance of fluids under reservoir conditions. Laboratory the high permeability lithology.
procedures require the samples for testing to be loaded and
• This reservoir is clearly susceptible to damage from all
unloaded without pressure and at lower temperatures than
fluids applied but the formate appears to be least
most reservoir temperatures. Formate fluids mixed with some
damaging to the higher permeability lithology.
formation brines at lower temperatures can result in
• The lower permeability lithology appeared more
precipitates such as Ca or Na formate forming. This process is
susceptible to damage. Even after chemical clean-up
an artefact of laboratory testing but if it is not understood and
all three samples show significant damage. It is
considered, can lead to erroneous results. For all of the
difficult to comment on the relative performance of
laboratory tests presented in this paper, due consideration was
the mud/clean-up sequences as the clean-up fluids will
given to the temperature and pressure of fluids and fluid
be different for each mud.
containing core samples throughout the testing sequences. In


2nd Ko after rd Perm after Perm after mudcake

3 Ko after
Filtrate Base perm mud/ mud/ removed and plug
drawdown cake Filtrate Base perm spun down (mD)
Sample Fluid Loss Kg @ Swi removed (mD) drawdown
(mD) Sample Fluid Loss Kg @ Swi (% change on
(ml) (mD) (% change on (mD)
(% change (ml) (mD) base perm)
base perm) (% change on
on base perm) base perm) [filtrate
spun out, ml]
1A OBM 1.781 406 70.0 131 Formate 990
(-82.7%) (-67.8%) 1A 15.419 1416 881
Field (-30.8%)
Mud [0.19ml]

Caesium Formate 1.17

169 174 2B 11.719 2.88 0.982
2A Potassium 24.252 341 Field (-59.4%)
(-50.4%) (-49.1%) Mud (-65.9%) [0.083ml]
Optimised 1675
6A Formate 10.564 1978 1272 (-15.3%)
OBM + 1.78 (-35.7%)
1E 2.304 6.37 N/A DIF [0.30ml]
Clean -up (-72.1%)
Optimised 3.64
3B 8.388 7.47 2.27
Formate (-51.3%)
Caesium (-69.6%)
Potassium DIF [0.17ml]
2E 16.527 9.88 1.18 N/A
Formate (-88.1%)

Perm after
Table 1: Reservoir 1 Results mud/ Perm after mudcake
drawdown/ removed and plug
Filtrate Base perm remedial spun down (mD)
Reservoir 2 Results Sample Fluid Loss Kg @ Swi workover/ (% change on
base perm)
(ml) (mD) 2nd drawdown
The results presented are from a high pressure gas (mD)
(% change on
[filtrate spun
out, ml]
reservoir. High permeability and low permeability samples base perm)
Formate 2406
were tested. Both permeability ranges were tested with mud 7A Field 18.247 2198 2341
Mud [trace]
followed by drawdown and also with mud followed by Formate 3.81
drawdown followed by clean-up fluids followed by 6B Field
12.355 3.47
drawdown. All testing was conducted using formate fluids. Optimised 2027
8A Formate 12.484 1988 1982 (+1.96%)
Two different formulations were tested – Field mud (i.e. used DIF
in real field operations) and optimised laboratory prepared Optimised
4B Formate 10.003 10.9 (+2.75%)
formate drill-in fluid. The drilling fluid was exposed to the DIF

rock for thirteen days with dynamic and static flow periods to
reflect real operations. Previous wells on this field had Table 2: Reservoir 2 Results
demonstrated that conventional Oil Based Mud and Water
Based Mud could not provide the stability required under the Reservoir 3 Results
extreme pressure conditions therefore these fluids were not The two results presented are from a gas reservoir. The
considered for laboratory testing. Some key features of the test show different exposure times for two different suspension
results are: fluids – Pseudo Oil Based Mud and a K Formate Gel. The
• Both fluids produced formation damage on both fluids were exposed to the rock samples at overbalance under
lithologies tested. This damage was more significant reservoir conditions of temperature and pressure. Some key
features of the results are:
for the lower permeability rock. The optimised fluid
had generally better results than the field fluid. For • The formate fluid was exposed to the reservoir sample
the high permeability samples the damage is not for a much longer duration (186 hours compared to 48
considered significant. hours for the oil based fluid) and showed much higher
• All four tests which included a remedial treatment filtrate loss.
(15% acetic acid blend) showed a return to just above • The damage from the formate was significantly lower
base permeability. The apparent damage was cleaned- than from the oil based fluid.
up by the chemical treatment applied. Filtrate Base perm 2nd Kg after mud/drawdown
• Field results have indicated that these laboratory test Sample Fluid Loss
Kg @ Swi
insitu perm (mD)
(% change on base perm)
results have been replicated in the first post laboratory
1A Live 1.902 38.0 26.2
test well. POBM (48 hours) (-31.1)

6A K Formate Gel 15.842 50.7 45.0

(186 hours) (-11.2)

Table 3: Reservoir 3 Results


Reservoir 4 Results • The formate fluids consistently match or outperform

The eight flood test results presented are from a gas the conventional oil based and water based fluids in
reservoir. A range of different lithogies or rock types were the results presented.
tested against different potential drilling fluid formulations. • As discussed in previous results, fluid losses are often
Sand exclusion screens were also included in the core flood higher with the formate fluids but measured damage or
tests to mimic well completion procedures. Formate fluid, oil permeability change is minimised.
based mud and in one case water based mud were tested. • The operator has subsequently selected formate fluids
Some key features of the results are: for use in this field and we anticipate that field results
• The water based mud showed the highest filtrate will be publis hed in the near future.
losses with formate next and the lowest from the oil
Perm after
based mud. Perm after
Mud Perm after
• The formate fluids consistently showed the least Filtrate Base perm
Offload removed and
spun down
and mudbody
damage to all lithogies tested. For example with the Sample Fluid Loss Kg @ Swi drawdown removed
(% change
(ml) (mD) (mD) (mD)
on base
highest permeability samples, the formate final return (% change (% change on
on base base perm)
(filtrate spun
permeability was less than 2% lower than the base perm)
out, ml)
permeability with the equivalent oil based mud result 4.058 0.010 0.016
1A OBM 0.026 (-23.1%)
showing more than 50% reduction in permeability. (96 hours) (-61.1%) (-38.6%)

• The operator has used formate fluids in this and Caesium

1C Potassium 8.274 0.0073 0.0061 0.0069
related fields with great success replicating the Formate (96 hours) (-16.4%) (-5.48%)
successful laboratory results presented here.
Freshwater 0.019
1D 68.95 0.017 0.019 N/A
Packer (+11.8%)
(25PVs) (+11.8%)
Perm after Perm after Fluid [0.00ml]
Mud applied, mudcake
Screens and screens Potassium
Base perm Formate
Filtrate Base perm placed removed 0.022
Sample Fluid (plug + Sodium 68.63 0.020 (+0.00%)
Loss screens) (plug only) and (mD) 1E (25PVs) 0.022 (-9.09%) N/A
(ml) (mD) drawdown (% change on Citrate [0.02ml]
(mD) Packer
(mD) base perm)
(% change on (filtrate spun
base perm) out, ml) Potassium
Caesium 0.018
1F 63.98 0.018 0.015 N/A (+0.00%)
Formate (25PVs) (-16.7%)
7A Na/ 12.736 49.3 49.3 39.0 48.4 [0.10ml]
KCOOH (-20.8%) (-1.75%) Kill Fluid

1G Monopack 70.75 0.0091 0.0018 N/A (-41.8%)
Na/ 721 1131 Fluid (25PVs) (-80.2%) [0.05ml]
1B 13.868 1150 1150
KCOOH (-37.3%) (-1.59%)
1D OBM 3.029 0.019 0.013 0.016
Na/ 53.8 67.3 (test 2) (73 hours) (-31.6%) (-15.8%)
7C 12.875 70.3 70.3 [0.01ml]
KCOOH (-23.5%) (-4.27%)
Caesi um
Potassium 0.016
1F 4.890 0.018 0.014 0.015 (-11.1%)
(test 2) Formate (73 hours) (-22.2%) (-16.6%)
4D WBM 1 16.617 10.7 10.7 7.48 9.89 [0.01ml]
(-30.1%) (-7.57%) Fluid
1E Potassium 9.296 0.022 0.016 0.018
Formate (-9.09%)
10.4 23.5 (test 2) (96 hours) (-27.3%) (-18.2%) [0.05ml]
8A OBM 1 2.790 42.3 42.3 Mud
(-75.4%) (-44.4%)

496 541
Table 5: Reservoir 5 Results
5B OBM 1 4.194 1284 1284
(-61.4%) (-57.9%)

Reservoir 6 Results
10.6 26.6
8C OBM 1 3.222 77.5 77.5
(-86.3%) (-65.6%) The eight flood test results presented are from a high
temperature, high pressure gas reservoir. A number of
3D OBM 1 3.760 6.90 6.90 2.15
different formate and non-formate water based fluids were
tested. The “used” fluids are actual returned field fluids (i.e.
Table 4: Reservoir 4 Results they have contacted the reservoir) and the “new” fluids are
laboratory formulated fluids. Sequence clean-ups were also
investigated. Some key features of the results are:
Reservoir 5 Results
The results presented are from a high temperature, high • The conventional water based muds consistently
pressure low permeability gas reservoir. Samples representing showed higher filtrate losses than the formate fluids.
very low permeability reservoir were tested. Various different • The formate fluids generally gave better return
formate and non-formate introduced wellbore fluids were permeability performance than the other fluids tested.
tested. These fluids included muds, kill fluids and packer The best result without any chemical clean-up was
fluids. Basically, any fluids likely to contact the reservoir with the “new” Na formate with a final decrease in
were examined. Some key features of the results are: permeability of 24.1%. This comp ares very
favourably with an equivalent conventional water
based mud which showed 55.3% reduction (Test 1).

• When chemical clean-up was introduced (Tests 6 and 1A there is a significant stimulation. This is attributed
7) an improvement was noted for both formate and to carbonate dissolution.
non-formate. In fact the non-formate system showed
2nd Kg after
and increase in permeability from the base of more mud clean-up
3r d Kg
after mudcake 4th Kg after spin
Filtrate Base perm and dr awdown down (mD)
than 25%. This stimulation was observed to be the Sample Loss Kg @ Swi (mD)
removal (mD)
Fluid (ml) (mD) (#cake present) (% change on
result of mud clean-up and stimulation of the rock (% change on
(% change on
base perm)
base perm)
base perm)
through carbonate dissolution (10% HCl was used as
Formate #29.9 31.3 32.0
the clean-up phase). The formate clean-up was 15% 4A
mud / base
9.176 39.1
(-23.5) (-20.1) (-18.2)
formic acid which clearly did not cause any matrix
dissolution and therefore did not have the same net 1B
mud / base
8.389 88.1 #55.8
benefit as the HCl. It is important to note, however 209
that the corrosive nature of HCl may limit its use and 1A Formate
mud / acid
8.059 37.9 (cake removed
by clean-up)
that the formate “damage” was largely removed by a (+453)
much less corrosive clean-up. 4B Formate
mud / acid
10.550 222 (mud remnants
• These results are taken from reservoirs in Northern (-15.8)

Germany where formates have been employed very 3B WBM /

base brine
8.869 103 #61.7
successfully in recent years 9,10.
Table 7: Reservoir 7 Results
2nd Kg after Final
mud Kg @ Swi
Filtrate Base perm clean-up and after
Sample Fluid Loss Kg @ Swi drawdown spindown (mD) Discussion
(ml) (mD) (mD) (% change
(% change on base More than forty core flood test results are presented from
on base perm) perm)
many different reservoir types worldwide. With the diversity
Test 1 34.3
127.564 28.6
300 WBM
(96 hours)
(fluid out = 0.05cc’s)
of rock types, fluid types and test parameters involved,
integrated interpretation of the full dataset is difficult,
Test 2 67.6
290 WBM
123.341 137 65.5
(-50.7%) however, some trends have emerged.
used (96 hours) (-52.2%) (fluid out = 0.00cc’s)
In these tests the formate formulations provided by the
Test 3
Na Formate
10.904 135 74.8
fluid service companies showed a tendency to exhibit higher
(96 hours) (-44.6%)
used (fluid out = 0.00cc’s) filtrate losses in laboratory flood tests than oil based muds of
Test 4
49.026 164
170 the same density. The higher filtrate loss from the formate-
80 K Formate 278 (-38.8)
(96 hours) (-41.0%)
(fluid out = 0.00cc’s) based fluids is only a problem from a damage point of view if
Test 5 129
the filtrate is damaging. Evidence from the data presented
33.235 118
340 Na Formate
new (96 hours)
(fluid out = 0.00cc’s)
here and from other laboratory tests is that formate filtrate is
Test 6
certainly no more damaging than that from equivalent
320 WBM used
(96 hours)
78.8 89.9
(+25.7) conventional oil and water based fluids.
(fluid out = 0.00cc’s)
by 10% HCl No evidence of formate-specific damage mechanisms have
Test 7
K Formate
7.052 194
200 been observed in these properly executed laboratory tests.
260 used followed 238 (-16.0)
(96 hours) (-16.8%)
by 15% (fluid out = 0.00cc’s) Some of the formation brines incorporated in these tests were
formic acid
Test 8 highly saline with salt saturations greater than 200,000 ppm.
K Formate 112
330 used
(96 hours)
(-52.1) At reservoir conditions there is no evidence of adverse formate
(higher (fluid out = 0.00cc’s)
overbalance) / formation brine reaction. Many of the results presented here
have been fully explored through detailed sample evaluation.
Table 6: Reservoir 6 Results These investigations are not presented in detail here as the
interpretation tends to be reservoir and sample specific and
Reservoir 7 Results often prevents general conclusions being made. We have not
Five core flood test results are presented. Four tests with included results of tests where the predominant damage
formate fluids and the fifth test with a conventional water mechanisms were “natural” processes such as fines migration
based fluid. Sequence clean-ups were also investigated. as these results can mask the introduced fluid damage
Some key features of the results are: mechanisms and lead to incorrect conclusions being drawn.
• The conventional water based mud and the formate For gas reservoir tests, the general trend is that formates
muds demonstrated very similar filtrate loss volumes. perform as well as, if not better than any equivalent
• The samples tested with mud followed by a base brine conventional oil or water based fluids. The evidence is not as
flush showed very similar results. There was no plentiful nor conclusive for oil reservoirs where some testing
significant difference between the formate and non- (not reported here) has indicated that formate and other water
formate results (samples 4A, 1B and 3B). based mud filter cakes/bodies may be more resistant to clean-
• Two samples tested with formate also had an acid up than oil based mud filter cakes/bodies during drawdown to
applied (samples 1A and 4B). In the case of sample crude oil.

Many of the laboratory tests conducted on formate fluids References

are in high temperature, high pressure gas reservoirs. These 1. Downs, J.D.: "Formate Brines: New Solutions to Deep Slim
reservoirs are the most likely candidates for formates for a Hole Drilling Fluid Design Problems,” SPE 24973 presented at
number of practical and ecomomic reasons that will not be the 1992 European Petroleum Conference, Cannes, France, 16-
18 November 1992.
discussed here. There is insufficient evidence from other
reservoir types to draw any conclusions at this stage. Field 2. Downs, J.D.: "Formate Brines: Novel Drilling and Completion
experience has shown that lower pressure gas reservoirs and Fluids for Demanding Environments,” SPE 25177 presented at
oil reservoirs can benefit from formate fluids but considerable the 1993 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry,
laboratory testing is required to determine the potential New Orleans, Louisiana, 2-5 March 1993.
benefits for each and every reservoir.
3. Downs, J.D., et al.: “Development of Environmentally Benign
Conclusions Formate-Based Drilling and Completion Fluids,” SPE 27143
In a large number of laboratory formation damage tests presented at the 2nd International Conference on Health, Safety
& Environment in Oil & Gas Exploration & Production,
designed to simulate well construction operations in gas
Jakarta, Indonesia, 25-27 January 1994.
reservoirs, formate-based drilling and completion fluids have
demonstrated no unusual or significant formation damage 4. Howard, S.K.: "Formate Brines for Drilling and Completion:
potential. This finding is in keeping with evidence fro m field State of the Art," SPE 30498 presented at the 1995 SPE Annual
applications of formate brines where many oilfield operators Technical Conference, Dallas, 22-25 October 1995.
have reported well productivity improvements
The tests have clearly indicated that the formate-based 5. Brinkhorst, J.W.: “Optimisation of Drilling Fluid and Clean-Up
mud formulations provided so far by the fluid service Operations in Rogan South, Draugen Field, Norway,” presented
companies exhibit higher filtrate losses under simulated at the Horizontal Well Technology Forum, Aberdeen, 24-25
January 1994.
reservoir conditions than oil-based muds, yet they seem to
induce similar or lower permeability reductions. It is not yet 6. Hands, N., et al.: “Drill-In Fluid Reduces Formation Damage,
clear if the higher filtrate losses observed with the formate Increases Production Rates,” Oil & Gas Journal
brine formulations are an inherent characteris tic of this type of (13 July 1998) 65
low-solids fluids or just a result of inadequate design by the
fluid formulators. 7. Hands, N., et al.: “Optimising a Long Multi-Lateral Gas Well’s
Formate fluids can, when mixed with some high salinity Inflow Performance,” World Oil (April 1999) 73.
formation brines, exhibit salt precipitation and apparent
damage mechanisms if mishandled in the laboratory at 8. Hand, N. et al.: “Optimising Inflow Performance of a Long
Multi-Lateral Offshore Well in Low Permeability, Gas Bearing
ambient temperature. It should be noted that this is an artefact
Sandstone: K14-FB 102 Case Study,” SPE 50394 presented at
of poor laboratory practice rather than poor fluid performance, SPE International Conference of Horizontal Well Technology,
and this behaviour would not occur under reservoir conditions. Calgary, 1-4 November 1998.
The results of any formation damage fluid performance
tests are reservoir specific and are heavily influenced by the 9. Abou-Sayed, I.S., Chambers, M.R. and Mueller, M.W.: “Mobil
skill used in designing the well construction fluids. It is thus Completes Deep, Tight, Horizontal Gas Well in Germany,”
critical to test representative core samples from each reservoir Petroleum Engineer International (August 1996) 42.
and then make sure that the well construction fluid samples
are properly prepared by skillful fluid formulators . This is 10. Sundermann,R. and Bungert, D.: “Potassium-Formate-Based
Fluid Solves High Temperature Drill-In Problem,” Journal of
particularly relevant for relatively new well construction fluids
Petroleum Technology (November 1996) 1042.
such as formates that are not yet fully supported by the fluid
service companies. 11. Bungert, D., Maikranz, S., Sundermann, R., Downs, J.D.,
Benton, W. and Dick, M.A., “The Evolution and Application of
Acknowledgements Formate Brines in High-temperature/High-Pressure
The Authors would like to thank Shell, BP, Statoil and BEB Operations”, SPE 59191 presented at 2000 IADC/SPE Drilling
for permission to publish the data presented in this paper. Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 23-25 February 2000.
Without the support of these and other innovative oil
companies advances in formation damage reduction through 12. Bishop, S.R., “The Experimental Investigation of Formation
Damage due to Induced Flocculation of Clays within a
the use of innovative fluids and appropriate laboratory tests
Sandstone Pore Structure by a High Salinity Brine”, SPE 38156
would not be possible. The contributions from Corex presented at the 1997 SPE European Formation Damage
technical and administrative staff in the execution of Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2-3 June 1997.
laboratory tests and compilation of this paper are very
much appreciated.

13. David S. Marshall, et al.: “Return Permeability: A Detailed

Comparative Study”, SPE 54763 presented at the 1999 SPE
European Formation Damage Conference held in the Hague,
The Netherlands, 31 May-1June 1999.

14. R.B. Watson & I.T.M. Patey, “Optimising Gravel Pack

Performance in a High Rate Gas Development”, SPE 68969
presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference
held in the Hague, The Netherlands, 21-22 May 2001.

15. P.A. Francis, et al.: “Visualisation of Drilling-Induced

Formation Damage Mechanisms using Reservoir Conditions
Core Flood Testing” SPE 30088 presented at the European
Formation Damage Conference held in the Hague, The
Netherlands, 15-16 May 1995.

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