EE8212 - Game Theory
EE8212 - Game Theory
EE8212 - Game Theory
Game Theory
The Prisoner's Dilemma
There was a robbery at a jewellery shop in Galle. OIC of Galle Police
station arrested two people Daniel and Miguel. They were found in
possession of stolen jewellery. OIC remanded them separately and came
out with the following suggestion.
• If you confess and your partner does not, you go free and your partner
gets 20 years at jail.
• If both confess, each gets 5 years.
• If both are silent, each gets 2 years for possessing stolen property.
Which of these situations are games ?
Which of these situations are games ?
• Game theory is the study of how players
should rationally play games.
• Each player would like the game to end in
an outcome which gives him or her as
large payoff as possible.
• The four main components that interact
with each other in a game are, players,
strategies, outcome and payoffs.
Games are defined by
• The number of players. When there are two players it
is called a two person game. When there are n players it
is called an n person game etc.
Games are defined by
• The number of players. When there are two players it
is called a two person game. When there are n players it
is called an n person game etc.
• The net winnings of the game. A zero sum game is
where the net winnings is zero. For example in a two
person zero sum game what one player wins the other
Games are defined by
• The number of players. When there are two players it
is called a two person game. When there are n players it
is called an n person game etc.
• The net winnings of the game. A zero sum game is
where the net winnings is zero. For example in a two
person zero sum game what one player wins the other
• Fairness of the game. A game which is not biased
toward any player is called a fair game. A game in which
a given player can always win by playing correctly is
therefore called an unfair game.
Two Person Zero Sum games
A two person zero-sum(TPZS) game is one in
which the payoffs add up to zero. They are
strictly competitive in that what one player gains
the other looses
In general a two person game is characterised by
Strategies of player 1
Strategies of player 2
The payoff table
Ex: Each player simultaneously shows one finger or two.
If the number of fingers match, player 1 receives Rs 1
from player 2, otherwise player 2 receives Rs 1 from
player 1.
Payoff table for the above game can be written as,
Strategy 1 2
1 1, -1 -1, 1
Player1 2 -1, 1 1, -1
The payoff table can be simplified by showing only the
payoff to player 1. This is shown in table 2.
Strategy 1 2
1 1 -1
Player1 2 -1 1
Table 1: Payoff table for player 1
Games with saddle points
Let us consider the TPZS game shown in Table 3.
Player 2 Minimum
Strategy 1 2 3
1 -3 -2 6 -3
Player 1 2 2 0 2 0 Maximin
3 5 -2 -4 -4
Maximum 5 0 6
How does Player 1 analyse the payoff table to select the best
One option is to use the maximin principle, where each player
chooses the strategy which contains the best of the worst
possible outcomes. In other words, the player chooses to
maximise the minima.
Ex: Here is a very simplified model of price competition. Coca Cola and Pepsi are
two companies that sell bottled drinks. Each company has a fixed cost of Rs 5000
per period, regardless whether they sell anything or not. The two companies are
competing for the same market and each firm must choose a high price (Rs 2 per
bottle) or a low price (Rs 1 per bottle). Here are the rules of the situation;
Coca cola
Rs 1 Rs 2
Rs 1 0 5000
Rs 2 -5000 0
A strategy S dominates strategy T, if every outcome in S is at least as good as
the corresponding outcome in T, and at least one outcome in S is strictly better
than the corresponding outcome in T. A player should never play a dominated
A 12 -1 1 0
B 5 1 7 -20
C 3 2 4 3
D -16 0 0 16
Table 5: A game with a dominated strategy
Consider the game shown in Table 5. All the numbers in column B are less
than or equal to numbers in column C. We say player2’s strategy B dominates
strategy C, or strategy C is dominated by strategy B.
Ex: Two newspapers Sunday leader and Sunday times, each trying to
choose between front page cover stories about “shooting of a tourist in
Tangalle” and “Floods in Ratnapura”. The payoff table below presents
information for both players. In each outcome box, the upper-right value
represents Sunday Times payoff, while the lower left value represents
Sunday Leader payoff. Thus we see that if Leader and Times both choose
shooting incident for their cover stories, for example, Times will get 28% of
the readers, and Leader will get 42%. (The other 30% of readers are only
interested in the floods, so they would buy neither paper in that case.)
Sunday Times
Shooting Floods
28% 30%
Sunday 42% 70%
70% 12%
30% 18%
Sunday Times
Shooting Floods
28% 30%
Sunday 42% 70%
70% 12%
30% 18%
Now we can analyze this table to determine each paper’s optimal strategy.
Leader has a dominant strategy: selecting shooting for its front page story. This
move is dominant because no matter which topic Times chooses, Leader would
get a higher percentage of readers by running an shooting front page story than
it would by running the floods story. Thus Leader’s optimal strategy is obvious.
For Times, however, there are no dominant or dominated strategies; its best
choice depends upon Leader’s decision. However, Times can see from the
payoff table that Leader’s dominant strategy is to choose shooting, and so
knows that will be Leader’s choice. Given this information, Times optimal
strategy becomes selecting the floods for its front page story (as this will attract
30% of the readers, while competitively running the shooting front page story
would only attract 28%).
Graphical solution procedure
Consider the following TPZS game.
Player 2
Stratergy 1 2 3
Player 1 1 -1 1 3
2 5 4 2
In this game the player 1 has two strategies, and player 2 has three
strategies. Suppose player 1 decides to play strategy 1 with a probability of
x. Then he will be playing the strategy 2 with a probability (1-x).
Now let us assume that player 2 decides to play strategy 1. Then the
expected payoff to Player 2 is,
-x + 5(1-x) = -6x + 5 (1)
Similarly, if player 2 decides to play strategies 2 and 3 expected payoff to him
X + 4(1-x) = -3x + 4 (2)
And 3x + 2(1-x) = x +2 (3)
y f(x)=-6x+5
f(x)=-3x + 4
f(x)=x + 2
2 2
0.1 0.2Fig: 0.3 0.4
Expected 0.5
payoff 0.6 player
to 0.7 2 0.8 0.9
The thick green line shows the maximum benefit the player 2 can get for
different values of x.
Now the player 1 should try to minimize this maximum benefit. From
the graph it can be seen that this occurs at the intersection of the two
lines y=-3x + 4 and y= x+2
So the player 1 should play strategy 1 at 50% of the time and strategy
2 at 50% of the time. Player 2 should play strategy 2 or 3. Value of the
game is 2.5 in player 2’s favour. Hence this is not a fair game.
Nash Equilibrium
However, Nash equilibrium does not necessarily mean the best payoff
for all the players involved; in many cases, all the players might
improve their payoffs if they could somehow agree on strategies
different from the Nash equilibrium: e.g., competing businesses forming
a cartel in order to increase their profits.
There is an easy numerical way to identify Nash equilibria on a payoff matrix. It is
especially helpful in two-person games where players have more than two
strategies. In this case formal analysis may become too long. This rule does not
apply to the case where mixed (stochastic) strategies are of interest. The rule
goes as follows: if the first payoff number, in the duplet of the cell, is the
maximum of the column of the cell and if the second number is the maximum of
the row of the cell - then the cell represents a Nash equilibrium.
Option A 0, 0 25, 40 5, 10
Option B 40, 25 0, 0 5, 15
Ex: In a Two Person Zero Sum Game, players are each provided with an ace
of diamonds and an ace of clubs. Player 1 is also given the two of diamonds
and Player 2 the two of clubs. In a play of the game, Player 1 shows one
card, and Player 2, ignorant of Player 1’s choice, shows one card. Player 1
wins if the suits match, and Player 2 wins if they do not. The amount (payoff)
that is won is the numerical value of the card of the winner. But, if the two
deuces(2’s) are shown, the payoff is zero.
Player 2
AD 1 -1 -2
Player 1
AC -1 1 1
2D 2 -1 0
Table : Payoff table for player 1
2 f(x)=2x-1
1 1
2 x
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9