Faith, Hope, and Love

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HOPE The Hope that we have in Christ is not like the hope that the world is using.

The world thinks hope is something that they want to happen but may not happen. It's like a little bit positive that it will occur. In the Faith, Hope, and Love, I talk about Love and how everything hangs on it. How we received favor from the LORD out of His kindness and love for us. You and me are dear to His eyes. We are the love of His being.

Now, I often hear of Christians not talking and walking in Hope and it is because there are very few preachers who talks about Hope. Pastor Joel Osteen is famous in preaching about Hope. He usually stands up in the pulpit and expound on expecting great things in life because God is a good God. And I have to admit that I have a hard time understanding him at first. Only when I learned more about Jesus and God's love for me when I see and started appreciating what Pastor Joel is preaching. What is Hope? And why do I use the capital letter H when I write Hope? I capitalize Hope to differentiate it from the hope that the world gives. Hope is not what the world is using because our Hope, as sons and daughters of God, is the confident expectation of good. It's about being confident that God is good and because He is good you know that something good is coming your way. Hope is the confident expectancy of what God has in store for you and me.

To illustrate Hope, Hope is like an 8-plus-month pregnant woman who is always thinking, "anytime now, I will deliver a baby." That is our Hope. An 8-plus-month pregnant woman would never think, "I don't know if I'm going to have a baby but I think I am and I hope I will have." No, an 8-plus-month pregnant woman's Hope is confident and expectant that the baby will come anytime.

Another thing about Hope is that our Hope does not disappoint. Romans 5:5 says, "And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Our Hope is established in our knowledge in God's love for us. The Holy Spirit testifies of this by filling our hearts with His love.

So today, wake up and walk knowing that you have Hope -a confident expectation of good. Speak your Hope. Know and believe that no matter what you will come out in victory; you will not be defeated or put to shame because God loves you and Jesus already made sure of your victory.

Every morning be expectant of His love. Be expectant of His mercy and grace. Be expectant that Goodness and Mercy will follow you all the days of your life. Be expectant that His Blessings will overtake you. Be expectant of His favor. You have all the reason to be expectant because of what Jesus did on the cross.

Hope conference Jesus said, If anyone thirst let them come to me and drink. Drink for yourself and then out of your belly flows water of living water to touch your community

John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The law was given, you can post it or mail it but grace was given. Truth was in the side of Grace. The Truth of the Gospel is Grace. Under Law you need to take out your shoes, under Grace, the youngest son came home and was given shoes. Rest is our promise land. When we do God rest, when we rest God takes action. God said stand still and see the salvation (The Yeshua) of the LORD. Many of us we are still camping on the Law when we should be under Grace. God says, I will remember your sins no more. The Cross changed everything. Jesus came so we can receive God that we dont deserve. Jesus took our sins on the Cross. It takes the Holy Spirit to explain Grace. The Blessings of Abraham

Major blessing of Abraham is forgiveness of sin. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law. Today when you fell, when you fall there is no curse. Your sins today and tomorrow has been forgiveness. Does this cause license to sin? No. Because right believing leads to right living. The woman who anointed Jesus knew she was forgiven much. If the blood of bulls and goats can cover the sins of Israel can forgive sins for a year. The Blood of Jesus produces eternal forgiveness. The fruits of the Spirit are all not personal effort because they are not WORKS of the Spirit but fruits. The golden calf begun with the desire to be holy. 2 Cor 3:7-9 The ministry of death (The Law), written and engraved on stone... God calls the Law the ministry of death. The Ten Commandments is written and engrave on stone. How can we learn how to be holy without the Ten Commandments? How Abraham and Joseph learned how to do right without the Ten Commandments? Christ is our righteousness. The Law was given to bring out your sins. For by the Law is the knowledge of sin. In Luke 18 and Luke 19, are stories placed side by side to tell us about Law and Grace. In Luke 18, a young ruler asked Jesus What must I do to inherit eternal life? He boasted of his lawkeeping. Jesus said, One thing you lack... sell you possession and give them to the poor. There is always something you lack when you boast of the law. Now Luke 19, Zaccheus was short, no law was given and yet Jesus came to eat with him. In the end Zaccheus did the right thing.

Rom 4:13-14 The promise of Abraham is not through your Lawkeeping but through the Righteousness of Faith. In the Hall of Faith, even Moses exploit was before the Law. What voids faith? Average believer will answer, Sin, sin voids faith. But this Scripture said, its not sin its self-effort through the Law.

When sin increases Grace super abounds. Should we sin so Grace may abound? The answer is in the next verse. How can we who are death to sin live any longer therein? If you used to be an American and was naturalized to become a South African, you are already dead to America and you may act like an American but you are already a South African. The Scripture says Abraham was very rich with cattle, silver, and gold. Abraham lived up to a hundred long life. If we dont see it manifest in our life its because we are trying to get from the law. Another thing is that Sarah got renewed in her youth. God did something physical for Sarah. Its under the blessing of Abraham. Israel came out of Egypt until Mount Sinai and not a single person died. They complained all the way but not one person died. The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus. If she heard a Jesus who is condemning and angry she would not come to Him. She broke many laws just by being around with people. The woman represents the church, the church is bleeding for many years. The Scripture says our efforts are filthy rags soiled sanitary napkin. Until the church is trusting on her effort, she will need that napkin. When she got healed after touching Jesus, he turned around so she would not feel she stole a blessing. He wants her to know he wants her to be healed. What is the Gospel? Is it really good news? If you say, OK I give you a car if free, just pay me 100 usd per month. Is it really free? During Elijahs time, the stone that contains the sacrifice was consumed by fire (the judgement). The Judgement was greater than the sacrifice but with Jesus on the Cross, He cried out It is Finished! Which means that the Sacrifice (Jesus) is greater than the judgement.

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