Class 10 Unit - 8 (DBMS) Notes
Class 10 Unit - 8 (DBMS) Notes
Class 10 Unit - 8 (DBMS) Notes
Full forms
1. DBA-Database Administrator
2. DBMS-Database Management System
3. RDBMS-Relational Management System
4. DDL-Data Definition Language
5. DML-Data Manipulation Language
6. SQL-Structured Query Language
7. DAL-Data Access Language
8. DCL-Data Control Language
9. TCL-Transaction Control Language
10. DQL-Data Query Language
11. Extension of database file is .odb
DATA- The input to the computer is known as Data. Data comprises of numbers, alphabets or any other form
like pictures, sound etc. It is collected from various sources but not organized. It cannot be used directly for
decision making.
Eg:- Sugam scored 704 marks out of 800.
INFORMATION- The output which we get from processor is known as Information. It is the data that has been
organized and processed. It can be used for decision making.
Eg:- Danish scored more marks than sugam did.
KNOWLEDGE -Knowledge refers to the practical use of information.
A set of characters which are used together to represent a specific data elements. They are also known as
Field. Eg:- Roll number of a student may be represented as Roll_No.
RECORD- Collection of fields is called a Record. It is always represented as a row in a table. Eg:- The class
record for a student contains such data fields as Roll_No, Name, Marks etc.
FILE -Collection of records is called a file. Eg: A class file might consists of the student marks record for a class.
Eg:- File : Student
Roll_No Name Marks
2001 Sugam 94
2002 Danish 69
Data Information
Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be Information is the data that has been processed
processed. and organized.
Data is an individual unit that contains raw Information is a group of data that collectively
materials which do not carry any specific meaning. carries a logical meaning.
Data doesn’t depend on information. Information depends on data.
Information is measured in meaningful units like
It is measured in bits and bytes.
time, quantity, etc.
RELATION OR TABLE- A relation in a database means a ‘TABLE’. As we all know, tables are something which is
made up of rows and columns, a relation in database will also have rows and columns.
TABLE STRUCTURE- Table structure refers to the name, size and type of various fields. Table structure
comprises of:
Fields name Field Properties
Field types Primary Key
Length( Field size)
DATABASE-A Database is defined as a collection of interrelated data stored together without harmful or
unnecessary redundancy to serve multiple application.
A database management system is a software package with computer programs that controls the creation,
maintenance and use of a database. A DBMS allows different user application programs to concurrently access
the same database.
Open Office Base Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Access MySQL Oracle
RDBMS- A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system that is based
on the relational model. In the relational model of a database, all data is represented in terms of tuples (rows),
grouped into relations (tables). A database organized in terms the relational model is a relational database.
TUPLE OR ROW OR RECORD- A row represents a single, data items in a table. Each row in a table represents a
set of related data, and every row in the table has the same structure.
COLUMNS OR FIELD OR ATTRIBUTE- A column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each
row of the table. For eg. Emp_Code ,Emp_Name , Emp_Address etc.
DEGREE -The degree of a relation is the number of attributes it contains.
CARDINALITY- The cardinality of a relation is the number of tuples it contains.
DATABASE SERVER- Database Server is a computer that is dedicated to database storage and retrieval. It is a
computer system that provides other computers with services related to accessing and retrieving data from
the database.
KEYS- A Key allows us to identify a set of attributes that distinguish rows from each other.
Types of keys
1. PRIMARY KEY- A Primary Key is a set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within the
realtion. Every relation does have a primary key. Primary key cannot be NULL.
Eg:- EID, ROLL_NO etc.
2. CANDIDATE KEY- All attribute combinations inside a relation that can serve as primary key are candidate
keys as they are candidates for the primary key position. In the case two or more candidate keys, the database
analyst decides one of them as primary key for the relation.
3. SUPER KEY/COMPOSITE KEY- A Super Key is a set of one or more attributes that taken collectively allows us
to identify uniquely an entity in the entity set. Eg:- EID attribute of the table Customer is sufficient to
distinguish one customer entity from another. The EID is a super key.
4. ALTERNATE KEY- In case of two or more candidate keys, only one of them serves as the primary key. The
rest of them are alternates only. A candidate key that is not a primary key is called an Alternate key.
5. FOREIGN KEY- The foreign key identifies a column or set of columns in one (referencing) table that refers to
a column or set of columns in another (referenced) table. A non-key attribute whose values are derived from
the primary key of some other table, is known as foreign key in its current table.
1) Reduces Data Redundancy: Database reduces data redundancy (duplication of data)
2) Sharing of Data: In a database, the users of the database can share the data among themselves.
3) Data Integrity: Data integrity means that the data is accurate and consistent in the database.
4) Data Security: Database provides data security as only authorized users are allowed to access the database
and their identity is authenticated by using a username and password.
5) Privacy: The privacy rule in a database states that only the authorized users can access a database
according to its privacy constraints.
6) Backup and Recovery: Database Management System automatically takes care of backup and recovery.
DBMS stores data as file. RDBMS stores data in tabular form.
Multiple data elements can be accessed at the
Data elements need to access individually.
same time.
It is used for small organization and deal with small
It is used to handle large amount of data.
It supports single user. It supports multiple users.
Low software and hardware necessities. Higher software and hardware necessities.
Examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle,
Examples: XML, Microsoft Access, etc.
“FEE” FLOAT(12),
SET “ADDRESS” = 'Pune'
WHERE “ID” = 6;
Syntax:- DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE [condition];
It is the technique of storing the records in ascending or descending order of one or more columns. Eg:- A to Z
or Z to A.
Alter command (a DDL command) is used for altering the table structures such as
To add a column
To change the data type of any column or to modify its size
To rename any existing column
To drop a column from the table
This command of SQL completely removes a table from the database.
Eg:- DROP TABLE Students
It helps to combine data from two different tables. Each relationship consists of fields in two tables with
corresponding data.
An entity A is associated with at most one entity in B and an entity in B is associated with atmost one entity in