Final Dbms
Final Dbms
Final Dbms
submitted by:
Roll No. 34 09 53 Name Sachin S. Jain Sarthak H. Brahmbhatt Nisarg N. Modi
Data is a collection of facts, such as values or measurements. It can be numbers, words, observations or even just descriptions of things. Data may be used to represent thing like name, telephone number, address, people name. The data can be stored using Microsoft ACCESS, EXCEL, etc.
2. What is a database?
A database is a collection of data which can be used alone, or combined / related to other data to provide answers to the users question. The data base is collections of data are group together to make large Information. Examples:- a telephone book, airline reservation system & files on your computer hard drive etc.
The DBMS is general purpose software system that facilitates the processes of defining, constructing, manipulating and sharing database among various users and application. Defining a database involves specifiying the data types, structures and constraints of the data to be stored in tthe database. Constructing the database is the process of storing the data on some storage medium that is controlled by the DBMS. Manipulating a database includes functions such as querying the database to retrieve specific data, updating the database and generating reports from the data. Sharing a database allows multiple users and programs to access the database simultaneously.
Components of DBMS
Hardware The hardware is the physical computer system that allows access to data.
Software The software is the actual program that allows users to access, maintain and update data. In addition, the software controls which user can access which parts of the data in the database. Data The data in a database is stored physically on the storage devices. In a database, data is a separate entity from the software that accesses it.
Users In a DBMS, the term users has a broad meaning. We can divide users into two categories: end users and application programs. Procedures The last component of a DBMS is a set of procedures or rules that should be clearly defined and followed by the users of the database.
Advantages of DBMS
Control of data redundancy Data consistency Improved data sharing Improve data security Better data integration Improved decision making More information from the same amount of data Increase end user productivity
Balance conflicting requirements Improved data accessibility and responsiveness Improved maintenance through data independence Improved backup and recovery services
Disadvantages of DBMS
Complexity Size Cost of DBMS Additional hardware costs Cost of conversion Performance Higher impact of failure
Database languages
Types of DBMS
Hierarchy Model Network Model Relational Model Object Oriented model
3.5 Hierarchical Data Model : In this model data is organized into a tree-like structure, implying a single upward link in each record to describe the nesting, and a sort field to keep the records in a particular order in each same-level list.
1. It contains nodes connected by branches. 2. The top node is called the root. 3. If multiple nodes appear at the top level, the nodes are called root segments. 4. The parent of node nx is a node directly above nx and connected to nx by a branch. 5. Each node (with the exception of the root) has exactly one parent. 6. The child of node nx is the node directly below nx and connected to nx by a branch. 7. One parent may have many children.
By introducing data redundancy, complex network structures can also be represented as hierarchical databases. This redundancy is eliminated in physical implementation by including a 'logical child'. The logical child contains no data but uses a set of pointers to direct the database management system to the physical child in which the data is actually stored. Associated with a logical child are a physical parent and a logical parent. The logical parent provides an alternative (and possibly more efficient) path to retrieve logical child information.
3.6 Network Data Model : This model organizes data using two fundamental constructs, called records and sets. Records contain fields, and sets define one-to-many relationships between records: one owner, many members.
Access to the database was not via SQL query strings, but by a specific set of API's, typically for FIND, CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. Each API would only access a single table (dataset), so it was not possible to implement a JOIN which would return data from several tables. It was not possible to provide a variable WHERE clause. The only selection mechanism available was
read all entries (a full table scan). read a single entry using a specific primary key. read all entries on a child table which were associated with a selected entry on a parent table
It was not possible to provide an ORDER BY clause. Data was presented in the order in which it existed in the database. This mechanism could be tuned by specifying sort criteria to be used when each record was inserted, but this had several disadvantages:
Only a single sort sequence could be defined for each path (link to a parent), so all records retrieved on that path would be provided in that sequence. It could make inserts rather slow when attempting to insert into the middle of a large collection, or where a table had multiple paths each with its own set of sort criteria.
Object-oriented databases have two disadvantages. First, they are more costly to develop. Second, most organizations are reluctant to abandon or convert from those databases that they have already invested money in developing and implementing. However, the benefits to object-oriented databases are compelling. The ability to mix and match reusable objects provides incredible multimedia capability. Healthcare organizations, for example, can store, track, and recall CAT scans, X-rays, electrocardiograms and many other forms of crucial data
What is RDBMS ?
RDBMS stands for relational database management system. A relational database is the one in which data is stored in the form of tables i.e. rows and columns. And a system that manages this database is known as database management system. Most popular databases currently in use are based on the relational database model.
A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on the relational model as introduced by E. F. Codd, of IBM's San Jose Research Laboratory.
Features: -Provides data to be stored in tables - Provides a virtual table creation in which sensitive data can be stored and simplified query can be applied. - Sharing a common column in two or more tables - Provides multi user accessibility that can be controlled by individual users - Retrieval of information stored in more than one table -
Relational Database
Advantages of RDBMS
Data Structure Multi-User Access Privileges Network Access Speed Maintenance Language
Relational database system is machine performance. If the number of tables between which relationships to be established are large and the tables themselves are voluminous, the performance in responding to queries is definitely degraded. It must be appreciated that the simplicity in the relational database approach arises in the logical view. With an interactive system, for example an operation like join would depend upon the physical storage also. It is, therefore common in relational databases to tune the databases and in such a case the physical data layout would be chosen so as to give good performance in the most frequently run operations. It therefore would naturally result in the fact that the lays frequently run operations would tend to become even more shared.