G'arb Tili Va Adabiyoti Fan Dasturi 1 Kurs Ko'liboyev B

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Rektor ____________ N.R.Barakayev
2024-yil “____” – avgust
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2024-yil “______” – avgust



Bilim sohasi: 100 000 Ta’lim

Ta’lim sohasi: 110 000 Tillar
Ta’lim yo‘nalishi: 60111800 Xorijiy tili va adabiyoti (ingliz tili)

Fan/modul kodi O‘quv yili Semestr Kreditlar
TA306 2024-2025 1 6
Fan/modul turi Ta’lim tili Haftadagi dars soatlari
Majburiy ingliz 6
1. Auditoriya Mustaqil Jami
Fanning nomi mashg‘ulotlari ta’lim yuklama
(soat) (soat) (soat)
G’arb tili va Amaliy 60 s. 90 s. 120
I. Fanning mazmuni
Fanni o‘qitishdan maqsad - G’arb tillari va adabiyotning o‘zaro uyg‘unligi va
jamiyat hayotidagi o‘rni, tillarga va adabiyotiga turli sohalar tomonidan
qanday munosabatda bo‘lish va ularning bir-biridan farqi tushuntiriladi.
Fanning vazifalari - g’arb tillari va ularning adabiyotning o‘zaro
uyg‘unligini o‘rganish; turli adabiy janrlarga oid matnlarni tahlil qilish va
ular o‘rtasidagi farqli va o‘xshash taraflarini o‘rganib chiqish; turli adabiy
oqimlarni o‘rganib, ularni tahlil qilish.

II. Asosiy qism (amaliy mashg‘ulotlar)

II.I. Fannning tarkibiga quyidagi mavzular kiradi:

Amaliy mashg‘ulotlar:

G’arb tili va adabiyoti predmeti va mazmuni
Object of "Western language and literature", geographical scope and
periodization of the science. Language is a social phenomenon; The
emergence of languages; The main assumptions about the emergence of
language; The formation and development of languages. Due to the fact that
the emergence and development of language is related to the development of
society, language is also studied by sociologists. Linguists use materials and
conclusions of ethnography, psychology, anthropology, mathematics,
geography, physics and other sciences in solving language-related issues. A
set of languages that are related by origin, similar in structure and some
lexicogrammatical features. The close or distant kinship of the languages that
make up the language family is determined in linguistics by the comparative-
historical method.

Uzbekistan is an Independent country.
Family life.
Reading: The national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Here the students
will read topic about the symbols and analyze what the national symbols is
during the lesson.
Speaking:Watching the video about Uzbekistan - The Heart of The Great
Silk Road.
Reading: are you really my friend? Here the students will read topic about
the friendship and analyze what the friendship is during the lesson.

Subjects and tasks of “Introduction to Literary Studies” subject.
Literary term interpretation. Literary studies as a science: object and subject,
goals and tasks. Main and auxiliary branches of literary studies. Western and
Eastern pictorial and expressive language tools. The importance of speech
units in the process of analysis.
Places, towns/countries
5- Mavzu
Work experience. Job selection.
Reading: Life on the other side- reading topic about women and her lifestyle,
how to manage her profession and her dialy routine in one day with another
person who obtain different job.
Artistic speech
Interpretation of the concept of artistic speech. Artistic speech units. The
language of the work of art and the relation of artistic speech.poetic lexicon
and poetic forces, alliteration, metaphor.
Literary types and genres.
Genre and vid/type terms in literary studies. The concept of epic in Western
literary studies and scope of meaning. Poetry and prose in literary studies.
Main features of genres. Genres in the process of literary analysis.
Futurology/ Great ideas
A conference program. Futurological conference about the future. In this
article are given different views of different scientists.
What is on
Reality TV - very interesting article about variety of reality TV shows which
are becoming famous on TV nowadays, but some of them are brutally
criticized like rubbish that most of the people disagree while others prefer to
discuss personal life famous people.
Animal lovers
Speaking : talking about pets and animals - becoming animal lovers are very
interesting especially when person has some different habit in keeping
animals. For example, one of the animal keeper bought leather shoes for their
Reading: two people talk about things - useful things which humankind use
in their daily life.
Speaking: giving presentetion on shopping. Shopping is one of the favourite
activity of people mainly it become as a habit , mainly most of the women
are considered as a shop.
My perfect day
Good news and bad news
Different generations
Synonyms and antonyms. What is on?
Travelling around the world
Speaking: around the world
Technology century
My favourite film
The importance of breaking news
English is a global language in the world
My ideal person
The famous sightseeing of the world
Ancient cities
Healthy eating
My favorite actor or actress
Describing my hometown
Memorable moments of the year in the world
Seven wonders of the world
Family values in Western Countries
Capital cities
Political system in the UK, the USA and Uzbekistan
The best job
Museums, cinemas and theatres
Dangerous sports
Healthy lifestyle
Hollywood films
Fashionable clothes
Feelings and emotions
Inventions that changed the world
History of Football
41-mavzu. With friends
42-Mavzu. Science and Biology
43-mavzu. About hobbies
44-mavzu. Renaissance literature in Europe.
The main characteristics of the Renaissance period.
Renaissance literature in Italy
Renaissance literature in England
47-Mavzu Robinson crusoe novel by Daniel Defoe
48 - mavzu Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
49-mavzu. Renaissance literature in France

50-Mavzu Analysis of the works of Guy de Maupassant
51-mavzu Balzac’s work
52-mavzu Renaissance literature in Germany
53-Mavzu Analysis of Goethe's "Faust".
54- mavzu Analysis of "Red and Black" by Frederick Stendhal
55-mavzu. Renaissance literature in Spain
56-Analysis of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
57- mavzu.Literature of classicism and romanticism in the 17th century.
58-mavzu. Political situation and literary currents.
59-mavzu.The origin of classicism and its main principles.
60-mavzu.English and German literature of enlightenment.

III.II. Mustaqil ta’lim va mustaqil ishlarni tashkil etish bo‘yicha

ko‘rsatma va tavsiyalar
Auditoriyadan tashqari vaqtda bajariladigan mustaqil ishlar quyidagi turlarda
amalga oshirilishi tavsiya etiladi:
- dokladlar tayyorlash;
- konspekt yozish;
- glossariy tuzish;
- individual va jamoaviy o‘quv loyihasi;
- keys-topshiriqlarini bajarish;
- mavzuli portfoliolar tuzish;
- axborot-tahliliy materiallar bilan ishlash;
- manbaalar bilan ishlash;
- multimediali taqdimotlar yaratish;
- darslarning metodik ishlanmalarini tayyorlash;
- darsdan tashqari mashg‘ulotlar ishlanmalarini tayyorlash.
Ta’lim yo‘nalishi(mutaxassislik)ning xususiyatidan kelib chiqqan holda
mustaqil ishlarning boshqa turlaridan foydalanish mumkin.

3. IV. Fan o‘qitilishining natijalari (shakllanadigan kompetentsiyalar)

Fanni o‘zlashtirish natijasida talaba:
 til va adabiyotning o‘zaro bog‘liqligini tushunib yetish; til va
adabiyotning jamiyatdagi o‘rnini anglash; turli davrlar, uslublar, matn
turlari bilan ishlay olish va ularni to‘g‘ri tahlil qilish (bilim);
 badiiy matnlarni tahlil qilish orqali tanqidiy fikrlash qobiliyatlari
rivojlantirish; matnlarning rasmiy, stilistik va estetik fazilatlarini
tushunish; yozma va og‘zaki ifoda etishning kuchli qobiliyatlari
baholash kabi ko‘nikmalariga ega bo‘lish (ko‘nikma);
 lisoniy va uslubiy me’yorlarni saqlash, matndagi asosli va konseptual
axborotni aniqlash; matnni idrok qilish va uni tahlil qilish
malakalariga ega bo‘lishi kerak.
4. V. Ta’lim texnologiyalari:
 ma’ruzalar;
 interfaol keys-stadilar;
 mavzuiy portfoliolar tayyorlash;
 guruhlarda ishlash;
 taqdimotlarni qilish;
 individual loyihalar;
 jamoa bo‘lib ishlash va himoya qilish uchun loyihalar.
5. VI. Kreditlarni olish uchun talablar:
Fanga oid nazariy va amaliy tushunchalarni to‘la o‘zlashtirish, tahlil
natijalarini to‘g‘ri aks ettira olish, o‘rganilayotgan jarayonlar haqida mustaqil
mushohada yuritish, ijod qilish va joriy, oraliq nazorat shakllarida berilgan
vazifa va topshiriqlarni bajarish, yakuniy nazorat bo‘yicha amaliy ishni

6. Asosiy adabiyotlar
1. Edward Albert. English Literature. Oxford University Press, 1979.
2. William Henry Hudson. An Introduction to the study of literature.
London, 1913.
3 .Shariff Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury. A Handbook on English literature.
Shining printers press, 2016.

Qo‘shimcha adabiyotlar
1.Brunner K. Istoriya angliyskogo yazыka v 2-x tt. M., 2003.
2.The Cambridge History of the English Language. In 5 vol. // http://fl-
3.The Routledge history of Literature in English. Britain and Ireland. 3 rd
edition. 2017
4. Jonathan Culler. Literary theory. A very Short introduction.Oxford
University Press.1997
5. Twentieth century English literature. Dr.Folasade Hunsu. National Open
University of Nigeria, 1991.
Axborot manbalari
1. www. ziyonet. uz
2. www. edu. Uz
3. https://btk.ppke.hu/uploads/articles/135505/file/introduction/satellite/
4. https://leverageyedu.com/blog/types-of-mass-communication/

7. Fan dasturi Renessans ta’lim universiteti Kengashining 2024-yil

“_____” – avgustagi “_______” – sonli yig‘ilish bayonnomasi bilan
8. Fan/modul uchun mas’ul:
Bekzod Ko’liboyev “Xorijiy filologiya” kafedrasi assistent o’qituvchisi
9. Taqrizchilar:
Bolibekova Mavjuda Mardiyevna Filologiya fanlari bo'yicha falsafa
doktori (PhD), dotsent, O'zbekiston milliy universiteti, Amaliy ingliz tili va
adabiyotshunoslik kafedrasi mudiri
L.R.Raupova – Renessans ta’lim universiteti, “Filologiya” kafedrasi
professori, filologiya fanlari doktori (DSc)

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