E Statement 6302024

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Member Statement

(225) 214-6800 • efcuFINANCIAL.org

Member Number xxxxxxx128
Statement For 06/01/2024 - 06/30/2024
Page 1 of 4
P.O. Box 91001 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9001


772673 13721 1/4 UNQ 07-01-24 CLT
000013720 1 NO


Your Account Balances as of 06/30 Need a Loan?

Regular Savings ID 1 $25.02
Business Checking ID 2 10,310.47 Call (225) 214-6800 or apply online at
Account Balance Total $10,335.49
Total Dividends Paid Year-To-Date $0.03
Joint Owner: Donald Wesley Pope

Regular Savings Acct 1 Beginning Balance $105.01

1 Total Deposits for 0.01
Dividends Paid in 2024 $0.03 1 Total Withdrawals for -80.00
Annual Percentage Yield earned 0.16% from 06/01/2024 through 06/30/2024 Ending Balance $25.02
Date Withdrawal Deposit Balance Transaction Description
06/21 $80.00- $25.01 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/30 0.01 25.02 Dividend

Fees Paid
Description M-T-D Y-T-D Description M-T-D Y-T-D
Acct-1 Total Return Item Fees $0.00 $0.00 Acct-1 Total Overdraft Fees $0.00 $0.00
Acct-1 Refunded Return Item Fees $0.00 $0.00 Acct-1 Refunded Overdraft Fees $0.00 $0.00

Business Checking Acct 2 Beginning Balance $11,803.21

17 Total Deposits for 62,377.29
Dividends Paid in 2024 $0.00 57 Total Withdrawals for -63,870.03
Ending Balance $10,310.47
Date Withdrawal Deposit Balance Transaction Description
06/02 $2.36- $11,800.85 Debit Card Debit TOLLFREEFORWARDI 888-452-1505 CA Ref# 415323108282
06/03 151.63 11,952.48 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - E2akSAW San FranciscoCA Ref# 415509961923
06/03 35.00- 11,917.48 Electronic Withdrawal Square Inc SQ240603 240603
06/03 60.00- 11,857.48 Electronic Withdrawal Square Inc SQ240603 240603
06/03 6,000.00- 5,857.48 Withdrawal-Cash
06/04 914.31 6,771.79 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - rpDGE8o San FranciscoCA Ref# 415613041011
06/04 9,825.00 16,596.79 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - EanDr4R San FranciscoCA Ref# 415613955698
06/04 1,000.00- 15,596.79 Transfer From/To 9545921-2

Continued on next page.

Member Statement
(225) 214-6800 • efcuFINANCIAL.org
Member Number xxxxxxx128
Statement For 06/01/2024 - 06/30/2024
Page 2 of 4
P.O. Box 91001 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9001

Business Checking Acct 2 Continued from previous page.

Date Withdrawal Deposit Balance Transaction Description
06/04 4,811.40 20,408.19 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - JLv3xQn San FranciscoCA Ref# 415614399248
06/06 2,500.00- 17,908.19 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/06 16.67- 17,891.52 Electronic Withdrawal Square Inc SQ240606 240606
06/07 7,403.48 25,295.00 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - kHj2Yrm San FranciscoCA Ref# 415921900117 Eff. Date
06/07 908.95 26,203.95 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - khBEpOT San FranciscoCA Ref# 415975633186
06/07 4,267.96 30,471.91 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - MG0QtSd San FranciscoCA Ref# 415924362332
06/08 3,000.00- 27,471.91 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/08 4,859.27 32,331.18 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - Q1jpIK0 San FranciscoCA Ref# 416028101645
06/08 1,500.00- 30,831.18 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/08 503.00- 30,328.18 Withdrawal ATM 0608 1452 757080 SHENANDOAH BATON ROUGE LA
06/09 3,000.00- 27,328.18 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/10 2,750.00- 24,578.18 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/10 3,888.24 28,466.42 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - kDjttMj San FranciscoCA Ref# 416234087611
06/10 1,725.00- 26,741.42 Debit Card Debit GUARDIANMEDDIREC HTTPSWWW.GUARMI Ref# 416229000033
06/11 7,021.88 33,763.30 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - aTuuYyZ San FranciscoCA Ref# 416336015676 Eff. Date
06/11 99.00- 33,664.30 Debit Card Debit CORPORATE FILING 888-7898466 WY Ref# 416323131638
06/11 75.00- 33,589.30 Debit Card Debit CORPORATE FILING 888-7898466 WY Ref# 416325131638
06/11 205.00- 33,384.30 Debit Card Debit CORPORATE FILING 888-7898466 WY Ref# 416328131638
06/11 330.00- 33,054.30 Debit Card Debit CORPORATE FILING 888-7898466 WY Ref# 416327131638
06/12 2,000.00- 31,054.30 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/12 596.48- 30,457.82 Debit Card Debit 4PATRIOTSCOM 800-3044202 TN Ref# 416325291633 Eff. Date 06/11
06/13 224.17- 30,233.65 Debit Card Debit DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ Ref# 416426202200 Eff. Date
06/13 39.99- 30,193.66 Debit Card Debit WHITEWATER WX080 346-067-2500 LA Ref# 416523003020
06/13 297.09 30,490.75 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - iRkZvvd San FranciscoCA Ref# 416543142677
06/14 503.50- 29,987.25 Withdrawal ATM 0613 1816 048218 6170 JONES CREEK RD BATON ROUGE LA Eff. Date
06/14 1,000.00- 28,987.25 Transfer From/To 9545921-1
06/14 3,000.00- 25,987.25 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/15 418.83- 25,568.42 Debit Card Debit Dicks Sporting G Baton Rouge LA Ref# 416626002495 Eff. Date 06/14
06/16 50.00- 25,518.42 Debit Card Debit DEMPSEYS 225-7521199 LA Ref# 416825803813
06/17 20.09- 25,498.33 Debit Card Debit CIRCLE K # 06797 BATON ROUGE LA Ref# 416923101036
06/17 1,250.00- 24,248.33 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/17 75.00 24,323.33 Debit Card Credit CORPORATE FILING 888-7898466 WY Ref# 416976731660
06/18 4,573.12 28,896.45 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - IdMV3wZ San FranciscoCA Ref# 417005954329
06/18 77.99- 28,818.46 Debit Card Debit USA2ME.COM 281-361-7200 TX Ref# 417028102114
06/18 2,600.00- 26,218.46 Withdrawal-Check
06/18 5.00- 26,213.46 Miscellaneous Debit CASHIER'S CHECK FEE
06/19 105.42- 26,108.04 Debit Card Debit DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ Ref# 417027202646 Eff. Date
06/19 149.99- 25,958.05 Debit Card Debit DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ Ref# 417020202646 Eff. Date
06/19 4,000.00- 21,958.05 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/19 2,500.00- 19,458.05 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/20 499.66- 18,958.39 Debit Card Debit ATHLETIC TICKET 225-5780680 LA Ref# 417224161722
06/20 1,011.36- 17,947.03 Debit Card Debit ATHLETIC TICKET 225-5780680 LA Ref# 417227161722
06/21 2,445.52- 15,501.51 Debit Card Debit OCEAN REEF RESOR MIRAMAR BEACHFL Ref# 417323121736
06/21 12.52- 15,488.99 Debit Card Debit SCRIBD 635469273 SCRIBD.COM CA Ref# 417329714456
06/21 319.31- 15,169.68 Electronic Withdrawal Square Inc 240621P2 240621
06/21 2,500.00- 12,669.68 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/21 347.15 13,016.83 Deposit
06/21 2,700.00- 10,316.83 Withdrawal-Cash
06/21 5,000.00- 5,316.83 Miscellaneous Debit OUTGOING WIRE - RYZE VENTURES LLC WIRE TRANSFER
06/21 15.00- 5,301.83 Miscellaneous Debit OUTGOING WIRE - RYZE VENTURES LLC - FEE DOMESTIC WIRE FEE
06/21 922.16- 4,379.67 Loan Payment Transfer From/To 9545921-141
06/23 1,000.00- 3,379.67 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/23 12.00- 3,367.67 Debit Card Debit CCSI MYFAX 877-437-3607 CA Ref# 417520106621
06/24 750.00- 2,617.67 Transfer From/To 9545921-2

Continued on next page.

Member Statement
(225) 214-6800 • efcuFINANCIAL.org
Member Number xxxxxxx128
Statement For 06/01/2024 - 06/30/2024
Page 3 of 4
P.O. Box 91001 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9001

Business Checking Acct 2 Continued from previous page.

Date Withdrawal Deposit Balance Transaction Description
06/25 291.24- 2,326.43 Withdrawal POS 0625 1437 720618 AMAZON.COM*RG5SY SEATTLE WA
06/26 4,294.65 6,621.08 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - P4nyjtt San FranciscoCA Ref# 417815628154 Eff. Date 06/25
06/26 1,500.00- 5,121.08 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/26 4,655.30 9,776.38 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - ldUe0Xn San FranciscoCA Ref# 417817288485
06/26 3,000.00- 6,776.38 Transfer From/To 9545921-2
06/27 285.83- 6,490.55 Debit Card Debit AMAZON MKTPL*RC2 Amzn.com/billWA Ref# 417929109639
06/28 4,082.86 10,573.41 Debit Card Credit SQC*ID - rSCqWPI San FranciscoCA Ref# 417922104113 Eff. Date
06/28 61.34- 10,512.07 Withdrawal POS 0627 2038 856991 AMAZON.COM SEATTLE WA Eff. Date 06/27
06/28 99.50- 10,412.57 Withdrawal POS 0628 0632 874940 AMAZON.COM*RC4NF SEATTLE WA
06/29 30.00- 10,382.57 Debit Card Debit GS1 US 937-435-3870 NJ Ref# 418029001209
06/30 18.68- 10,363.89 Debit Card Debit DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ Ref# 418123203446 Eff. Date
06/30 53.42- 10,310.47 Debit Card Debit DNH*GODADDY.COM 480-5058855 AZ Ref# 418124203446 Eff. Date

Fees Paid
Description M-T-D Y-T-D Description M-T-D Y-T-D
Acct-2 Total Return Item Fees $0.00 $0.00 Acct-2 Total Overdraft Fees $0.00 $0.00
Acct-2 Refunded Return Item Fees $0.00 $0.00 Acct-2 Refunded Overdraft Fees $0.00 $0.00


It is your permanent record and contains important information about your rights and our responsibilities.
If you believe any statement reflects discrepancies, you must notify us of such discrepancies within 30 days from the date we mailed the statement to
you. If the discrepancy noted is the result of an electronic funds transfer, then the provisions of our Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement with you will
control resolution of the matter.
If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your Account at least once every 60 days (from your employer, the Federal government or other
payer), you can call us at (225) 214-6800 to find out whether or not the deposit has been made.
Call us at (225) 214-6800 or toll-free at 1-800-963-3328 or write us at P.O. Box 91001, Baton Rouge, LA 70821 as soon as you can if you think your
statement or a receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later
than 60 days after we send you the first statement on which the problem or error appeared.
1. Tell us your name and account number.
2. Describe the error of the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more
3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.
We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If it takes more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account for
the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation.
07-01-24 CLT


Of you think loan information on your statement is wrong, or if you need more information about a transaction on your statement, write us a separate
letter addressed to P.O. Box 91001, Baton Rouge, LA 70821, as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the
FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In you letter, is us the
following information:
1. Your name and account number;
3/4 UNQ

2. The dollar amount of the suspected error;

3. Describe the error and explain why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
You do not have to pay any amount in question while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your loan not in question. While
we investigate your inquiry, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question.
673013721 1 NON

The balance on which the finance charge is computed is the actual unpaid loan balance each day after payments and other credits have been applied
and new advances or other charges are added. The finance charge is computed when you make a payment. For each day since your last payment,
the unpaid balance in your account is multiplied by the corresponding daily periodic rate. The sum of these charges is the finance charge you own on
the loan account.

Continued on next page.

Member Statement
(225) 214-6800 • efcuFINANCIAL.org
Member Number xxxxxxx128
Statement For 06/01/2024 - 06/30/2024
Page 4 of 4
P.O. Box 91001 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9001

EFCU Financial Federal Credit Union

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