Weekly Learning Schedule - September Kg1 4th Week 2024
Weekly Learning Schedule - September Kg1 4th Week 2024
Weekly Learning Schedule - September Kg1 4th Week 2024
Topic Personal Hygiene- Surah Fathiha Surah Fathiha Surah Fathiha Star chart & Happy
Green Captains will National Anthem National Anthem National Anthem Gram
check nails, hair, Attendance Attendance Attendance The teacher analyzes
cleanliness, and the Calendar Calendar Calendar the star chart along
neatness of uniform Weather Weather Weather with students to see
& shoes. Good Morning song Good Morning Good Morning song who receives this
song week’s happy grams.
Daily rhyming Jolly phonics song A Jolly phonics song F Jolly phonics song L to Jolly phonics song R to Jolly phonics song W
exercises to E to K Q V to Z
What should we do to
Discussion Time I Wonder Why? What if I can? Breathing exercises… How we behave during receive a happy gram?
center activities…
Learning Outcome Is able to achieve To discuss and Takes part in fitness Is able to apply Hold oneself
behavior targets conclude a set of activities willingly retained knowledge responsible for their
rules together as a and work own hygiene
team Adapt healthy food independently in
habits. centers.
DAY 1 WRITE “C” Can write “C” Follow the below link to
practice the phonic
DAY 2 WRITE “c” Can write “c” sounds.
DAY 3 WRITE “D” Can write “D”
DAY 4 WRITE “d” Can write “d” He0w?si=1qfZ8-
DAY 5 Recap “C”&“D” “c” &“d” Can write “C”&“D” “c”
&“d” (fourlines)
As per Time Table
Dictation A , B,a,b letters- (Upper & Lowercase) Able to write the Follow the below links for
Uppercase to the lowercase extra practice
letters on four lines Links:
Public Speaking “My Favorite Outdoor Game” Speak 3 to 5 lines
Skills confidently in front of https://youtu.be/Oq-
peers. vK6nyPDY?si=tKmXJIquN9m
Reading Blending two Letter (un,ut,ug,um) Can blend two sounds bsMWT
Rhymes Rhyme- Class Assembly song Practices Can sing a rhyme with clarity
and confidence
Story Telling Story Can tell a story with clear
“ The dog and bone” words and understanding
Technology Live worksheets- Can find animals and
Animals and their their homes
Experiment colour mixing Can create their own colours using
/ STEM experiement paint
Explore Textures Peaceful
play Left /Right adventure
LO: Can explore LO: Can follow the
different textures LO: Develop an
understandin directions to reach
using sensory play target
g of friendship
and sharing.
Kg1 C-4 different colour paint, palate, 1 Paint brush
Wednesday World Coconut Day ! (25/9/2024)- Children will have the opportunity to explore their creativity
with:- Coconut Mud Pie making- Coconut Shell Sculptures- Coconut Shell Memory Game
Requirements-2 clean coconut shell,specifc requirements needed for sculpture will be
communicated by class teacher
Kg1 B-4 different colour paint, palate, 1 Paint brush
Choose any activity you like and complete it. Share it with the teacher as a paper work
video/drawing or any mode you prefer.