A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
B. Performance The learner speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of standard
C. Learning K- Define the past form of K- Identify the rules in the K- Define the past form of
Competencies or regular verb past form of regular verb. Irregular Past form verb.
Objectives S- Analyze the sentences by S-Complete the sentences by S Analyze the sentence by
writing the writing the past form of the writing irregular past form of 2nd Periodical Examination Catch-Up Fridays
Regular past tense of the verbs. verb
given verbs; A- Recognize the rules of the A- Recognize the rules of the
A- Recognize the correct past form of regular verb that past form of irregular verb that
verb in the parentheses we use in the sentence. w use in the sentence
which can replace the verb
in the sentence. Use the
past form of the verb. Past
verb in the sentence.
A. Most Essential Use the past form of regular verbs and irregular verbs.
Learning EN4G-IIg-3.2
Competencies MELC 14
B. Enabling None
III. LEARNING Using Past Form of Regular Verbs and Using Past Form of Irregular Verbs
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Quarter 2 Module 2 English
b. Learner’s Material PIVOT 4A Learners Material Quarter 2 Grade 4
c. Textbook Pages English For You and Me pp. English 4 pp. 193-195
130-135 English For You and Me pp.
d. Additional Materials https://www.youtube.com/
from Learning watch?v=WDg85KdxFHU
e. List of Learning PPT, tarpapel, show-me-board, marker, eraser, activity sheet, pictures, etc.
Resources for
Development and
B. Other References PPT, tarpapel, flashcards of PPT, tarpapel, flashcards of PPT, tarpapel, flashcards of
verbs, show-me board, verbs, show-me board, verbs, show-me board, marker,
marker, eraser, activity marker, eraser, activity eraser, activity sheet, etc.
sheet, etc. sheet, etc.
A. Reviewing past In your notebook, rewrite the Identify the present time Underline the time expression
lesson or sentences below by expressions used in the used in each sentence.
presenting the new inserting the given present sentences below. 1. Benjie walks to school every
time expressions inside the 1. We write a simple story morning.
Unlocking of parentheses. every quarter. 2. My classmates ride in a
Difficulties) 2. Ben and Bea watch the jeepney in going to school
1. Aunt Chelo buys fruits. stars every night. early.
(often) 3. I review my lesson at 3. My sister waters the plants
2. I go to Lucban, Quezon to night. every afternoon.
visit my relatives there. 4. I had my breakfast before 4. Father goes to the farm
(usually) seven in the morning. every day to harvest vegetables.
3. We play volleyball. (on 5. Mother goes to the 5. Arlene feeds her pet love
Satudays) market every day to buy birds every morning.
4. Do you mind working? (on food.
5. Do you speak to your
neighbors? (sometimes)
B. Establishing a Do you know the song, Mary Singing a song, Look at me, Listen to your teacher
purpose of the new had a Little Lamb? Let’s sing. I’m a Little Doll. pronounce these verbs. Then,
lesson (Motivation) say them after him/her.
What are the verbs /t/ /d/ /id/
mentioned in the song? Asked ruled hooted
Dance Laughed loved planted
Walk Kicked chattere Dusted
Jump d
Stomp Picked humme ended
Clap d
Kissed called Visited
Watche disturbe lifted
d d
C. Presenting Watch the video. Read these sentences.
Examples/ https:// Last night,
instances of the www.youtube.com/watch? the birds twittered and
new lesson
v=WDg85KdxFHU twittered.
the crickets chirped and
“Billy’s First Day at Work” chirped.
the little monkeys hooted
What are the highlighted and hooted.
Notice the highlighted verbs words? What do you call
above. Those verbs are these words? When you talk of things that
written in their past forms. happened in the past, you add
-d or -ed to most of the verbs
you use. Verbs that form their
past form by adding -d or -ed
are called regular verbs.
Twittered, chirped, and hooted
are the past form of regular
D. Discussing new Let us study the chart below. The highlighted words are: Complete the sentences below
concepts and practicing Dressed by
new skills no.1. Followed writing the simple past tense of
Cycled the verbs in the parentheses.
The regular verb follows Looked 1. Chef Chloe ____________
forms its past tense by just Delivered (prepare) desserts for the party
adding -ed. On Posted last week.
the other hand, irregular Started 2. Kuya Gerry ____________
verbs form their past tense Stopped (deliver) the package yesterday.
in different ways. Continued 3. Nelly ____________ (list) her
Returned name in the attendance sheet.
Changed 4. The children ____________
What did you observe with (watch) the clown at a birthday
the action words? party.
5. The athlete ____________
When you talk of things (practice) for the upcoming
that happened in the past, race.
you add -d or -ed to most of
the verbs you use. Verbs
that form their past form by
adding -d or -ed are called
regular verbs.
E. Discussing new In your notebook, copy the Can you recall the verbs in Write the -ed form of the
concepts and practicing sentences below. Then, the song, Look at Me, I’m a following verbs.
new skills no.2 supply the simple past tense Little Doll? Write the past 1. hurry
(Guided Practice) of each given regular verb
tense. 2. prepare
inside the parenthesis.
1. Rea _____________ (decide) 1. dance 3. satisfy
to apply for a job in the city 2. walk 4. sob
last week. 3. jump wrap
2. She _____________ (work) 4. stomp
in a factory for three years. 5. slap
3. The trip _____________
(happen) a month ago.
4. Her family _____________
(convince) her to change her
5. Her father _____________
(promise) to support her on
her new goals.
F. Developing Mastery Rewrite the sentences below Write the -ed form of the Complete the sentences by
(Leads to Formative by providing the correct past following verbs. writing the past form of the
Assessment 3.) form of each verb in the 1. bury verbs at the left.
(Independent Practice) parenthesis. Do this in your receive 1. Some students ___
2. dance
notebook. medals on Recognition Day.
“The itsy-bitsy spider 3. move submit 2. We ___ the summary
1(crawl) up the water spout. 4. enter of the reports.
Down come the rain, and 2 5. dry dance 3. They ___ at the party
(wash) the spider out. last night.
Out come the sun, and 3 study 4. Mary ___ her lesson
(dry) up all the rain, hard.
and the itsy-bitsy spider go play 5. My friends ___ in the
up the spout again” park last Saturday.
G. Finding practical Rewrite the paragraph using Choose the verb in the Rewrite each step into past
application of concepts the correct simple past tense parentheses which can tense. The first and second
and skills in daily living of the regular verbs. replace the verb in the steps are already done.
(Application/ Valuing) 1. Start in the library.
sentence. Use the past form
Marjorie 1 (visit) her Lola’s I started in the library.
Garden last Friday. The of the verb. 2. Walk down Sampaloc Street.
flowering plants. She 2 (talk) 1. The children played in I walked down Sampaloc
to the orchids as if she could school yesterday. (study, Street.
be understood by them. She work) 3. Turn left at Rizal Street.
3 (pick) some sampaguitas 2. Nora cleaned the dishes 4. Proceed three blocks.
and ilang-ilang. Then, she 4 this morning. (wash, wipe) 5. Look for a gray house on the
(create) laces of fragrant right.
3. Father traveled all day
flowers and 5 (offer) them in 6. Stop at the first house after
the altar. last Saturday. the gray one.
(walk, rest) 7. Try to read the sign on the
4. The girls washed their door of the house.
clothes last night. (iron,
5. The baby winked her
eyes. (rub, close)
6. The boys worked in the
garden yesterday. (stay,
water the plants
H. Making The simple past of a verb is Verbs that form their past Verbs that form their past form
Generalization and used to describe an action or form by adding -d or -ed are by adding -d or -ed are called
abstraction about the condition that took place at a called regular verbs. regular verbs.
specific point in the past. There are times when there There are times when there are
Past events are important, are changes in the spelling changes in the spelling of the
and we use them in telling of the word. The following word. The following rules will
and retelling. rules will help you. help you.
There are different ways of 1. Regular verbs of one 1. Regular verbs of one syllable
forming the past tense of syllable that end in a that end in a consonant with a
verbs depending on the types consonant with a vowel vowel before it, form their past
used as to regular verbs. before it, form their past tense by doubling the
A. Regular Verbs tense by doubling the consonant before adding -ed.
Regular verbs simply form consonant before adding -
their past tense by adding - ed. Examples:
ed to their Examples: rob – robbed
base forms. rob – robbed skip – skipped
Examples: start - started skip – skipped 2. Regular verbs that end in e,
walk - walked 2. Regular verbs that end in form their past tense by adding
rest - rested talk - talked e, form their past tense by -d.
visit - visited play - played adding -d. Examples:
watch- watched Examples: love – loved
love – loved race – raced
For some regular verbs race – raced 3. Regular verbs that end in y
that end in -e, their past 3. Regular verbs that end in with a consonant before it,
tense is formed by just y with a consonant before it, form their past tense by
adding -d. form their past tense by changing y to I then adding -
Examples: create- created changing y to I then adding ed.
type - typed -ed. Examples:
bake - baked die - died Examples: cry – cried
agree - agreed cry – cried study – studied
study – studied 5. Regular verbs that end in y
For some verbs that end in 5. Regular verbs that end in with a vowel before it, form
-y preceded by vowels, their y with a vowel before it, their past tense by just adding
past tense is formed by form their past tense by just -ed.
adding –ed. adding -ed. Examples:
Examples: enjoy - enjoyed Examples: play – played
pray - prayed play – played stay - stayed
For some verbs that end in stay - stayed
-y preceded by consonants,
their past tense is formed by
changing –y to –i, before
adding –ed.
Examples: dry - dried copy –
I. Evaluating learning In your notebook, complete Write the past form of the Choose the verb in the
the sentences by writing the verb inside the parentheses parentheses which can replace
simple past tense of the on your paper. the verb in the sentence. Use
given verbs.
1.Many years ago, early the past form of the verb.
1. My mother _____________
(name) me Maricon. Filipinos (live) in caves. 1.Joy joined in the singing
2. Kuya Joey _____________ 2. They (hunt) wild animals contest. (participate, enjoy)
(wrap) his gift for mother’s with their bows and arrows. 2. The farmer harvested plenty
birthday. of vegetables. (produce, raised)
3. They (cook) food by
3. My father ____________ 3. Mother talked to the Chinese
means of roasting. visitor. (praise, watch)
(marry) my mother in 1989. 4. Sometimes they (pick)
4. Mr. and Mrs. Digma 4. Rey cried the package to the
fruits. teacher’s room. (place, move)
____________ (live) in the
United States for ten 5. They (use) leavers of 5. The teacher composed a
years. plants for medicines. poem. (prepare, read)
5.He ____________ (play) his
last basketball league last
a. No. of learner who earned
b. No. of learner who scored
below 80% (needs
c. Which of my teaching
strategies works well?
d. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?