Background and Overview of ICB
Background and Overview of ICB
Background and Overview of ICB
Investment Corporation
of Bangladesh
Background of ICB
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) was established on 1 October 1976 under the
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh Ordinance No 40 of 1976. The primary objective behind
its establishment was to accelerate the pace of industrialization and economic development of the
country through development of the capital market by mobilizing savings, encouraging and
improving the investment environment with particular emphasis placed on broadening the base
and scope of investments as well as tapping marginal investors a sound securities market in
Bangladesh. Through the enactment of the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (Amendment)
Act, 2000 (No. 24 of 2000), reforms in operational strategies and business policies have been
implemented by establishing and operating subsidiary companies under ICB. At present the
Corporation is being operated under the "Investment Corporation of Bangladesh Act, 2014".
( The primary authorized and paid-up capital of the corporation was Tk 200
million divided into 2 million shares of Tk 100 each. As an investment bank, ICB has been
performing its merchandising and financial assistance operations since its inception. ICB plays
an important role for financial and other activities for capital market development and
industrialization. The achievement of such developments requires:
The headquarter of ICB is in Dhaka. ICB has altogether eight branch office one each in Dhaka,
Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet and Bogra. 31 departments of the headquarter are
now in operation under four principal wings run by the leadership of the Managing Director, its
chief executive. A ten-member Board of Directors is entitled to carry out for the overall
management and policy formulation of ICB. Currently, the chairman of ICB is Professor Dr.
Suborna Barua. There are three subsidiaries of ICB established after the amendment of the ICB
Ordinance 1976 and the introduction of the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (Amendment)
Act 2000 (Act 40 of 2000), and the Capital Market Development programme (CMDP), a joint
initiative of the Asian Development Bank and the government of Bangladesh.
These companies started operation 2002 through merchant banking, mutual fund management
and security exchange.
Activities of ICB
The initial activities of ICB were very limited. Those activities included underwriting of primary
issue of shares and debentures of various companies, granting loans and management of
investors portfolio. Later on, considering the raising importance of capital markets, ICB started
to increase its range of activities in managing the capital markets and financing to set up new
industries through its investment banking activities under government assistance.
Three categories of reserve fund are maintained by ICB. These are general reserve, building
reserve and profit equalization reserve funds. ICB has made reforms in its strategy and policy
required in its commercial activities after forming and managing a subsidiary company under the
Investments Corporation of Bangladesh (Amendment) Act 2000 (the Act No 24 of 2000). ICB is
enlisted in both Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges.
ICB Asset Management Company Limited, a subsidiary company of ICB was registered under
the Companies Act 1994 as a public company limited by shares on 5 December 2000. The
objectives of the company are to manage the asset of any trust or fund of any type and/or
character and hold, acquire, sell or deal in such asset or any trust or fund. It can maintain various
schemes of different types for trust funds, take part in the management of any mutual fund
operation, operate, conduct, accomplish and establish services for industrial trading and
commercial activities, invest funds in shares and securities, carry on business, and act as
financial and monetary agent and merchandise shares and securities.
ICB Capital Management Limited, a subsidiary company of ICB was registered under the
Companies Act 1994 as a public company limited by shares on 5 December 2000. The Company
obtained registration from Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as a Merchant Bank
on 16 October 2001. As a part of restructuring program of Investment Corporation of
Bangladesh (ICB) under CMDP (Capital Market Development Program) initiated by the Govt. of
Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank, the Company has been created as a subsidiary
company of ICB conducting merchant banking activities and plays a more active role in capital
market of Bangladesh. The principal functions of the company are issue management,
underwriting, portfolio management and corporate advisory services.
ICB Securities Trading Company Limited, a subsidiary company of ICB was registered under
the Companies Act 1994 as a public company limited by shares on 05 December 2000. The
address of the registered office is in Dhaka. The Company is an active member of Dhaka Stock
Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange. Among many other functions the company primarily
provides brokerage service for buying and selling securities listed with stock exchanges and
provides brokerage service for buying and selling securities over-the-counter markets by the
company itself and by appointing sub-brokers, sub-agents, bond brokers, specialists and odd-lot-
dealers. Furthermore, the company also works as a full service Depository Participant in the
Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd.(CDBL).