Moot Court Rules

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DATE : 2ND – 3RD APRIL, 2024


The Competition will be structured as per the following format:

a. Preliminary Rounds
b. Quarter-Final Rounds (subject to changes)
c. Semi-Final Rounds
d. Final Rounds


The language of the Competition shall be English.


• The team composition, for the competition, shall comprise of either two members (being
designated as Speakers) or one as Researcher.

• The Researcher may be permitted to argue as Speaker in case of illness or any unforeseen
event, but the permission of the Moot Court Convener in such case shall be mandatory.


The participants shall adhere to following dress code when present in any court room during
the Competition.

a. Girls: White shirt and black trousers along with black coat and black shoes.

b. Boys: White shirt, black trousers and black tie along with black coat and black shoes.


• All memorials submitted for all purposes of the Competition shall strictly adhere to the
rules of the Competition. Each Team participating in the Competition must prepare one
Memorial on behalf of Petitioner(s)/ Appellant(s) and one on behalf of the
Respondent(s). Further each team has to submit 10 hard copies of the Memorials (5
Petitioner(s)/Appellant(s) and 5 Respondent(s)). Non-compliance will entail a penalty
of 1 point per copy not submitted. Hard copies of the memorial must reach the
organizers personally, latest by 2nd April, 2024, failing which, the same shall not be
considered and would lead to disqualification. Loose compendium will not be allowed.

 Petitioner memorials are required to have a Blue cover and Respondent memorials are
required to have a Red cover. The memorials shall not contain any form of identification
apart from the team code. If any such identification or mark, symbol, etc. which has the
effect of identifying the team is found on the memorial, then it shall result in instant
disqualification. A penalty of 1 mark shall be levied in case the memorial is submitted
in any other format or as a multiple file by the team. The hard copy of memorial must
be exact replica of the soft copy submitted. Any difference in the same will result in
disqualification from the Competition.

NOTE- Teams shall cite authorities in the Memorial using footnotes following the 21st
Bluebook Edition.


1. Memorial Structure: The memorial must have following pages only:

i. Cover Page – The cover page shall contain the case title, side of the memorial, year of the
Competition, name of the Court and team Code on top right corner.

ii. Table of Contents

iii. List of Abbreviations

iv. Index of Authorities

v. Statement of Jurisdiction

vi. Statement of Facts

vii. Issues Raised

viii. Summary of Arguments

ix. Pleadings /Arguments Advanced

x. Prayer

2. Team Code: The team code must be ascribed on the top right corner of the cover page.

3. Content Specifications: The following content specifications must be strictly adhered to:

i. Font and Size (General) - Times New Roman, 12 pts

ii. Line Spacing (General) - 1.5 lines

iii. Font and Size (Footnotes) - Times New Roman, 10 pts

iv. Line Spacing (Footnotes) - Single line

v. Page Margins - 1 inch on all sides

vi. The Hard Copies of the Memorial shall be printed on only one side.


Marking Criteria Marks

Evidence of Original 20

Knowledge of Law and 20


Proper and Articulate 20


Correct format and 10


Discipline and Court 20


Extent and Use of 10


Total Marks 100


Draw of lots:

The match up of teams in Preliminary Rounds shall be determined on the basis of draw of lots.
Draw of lots and Memorial Exchange shall take place on 2nd April, 2024 for preliminary round
1 and round 2 draw of lots will be also on 2nd April, 2024 for the teams respectively.

Preliminary rounds:

• The preliminary rounds will be held on 2nd April, 2024.The Preliminary rounds shall comprise
of Two Rounds of oral arguments subject to the allotment of team codes. In the preliminary
rounds, each team shall have to argue twice, once as a petitioner and the other as a respondent.

• Each team will get a total of 30 minutes to present their case. This time will include rebuttal
and sur-rebuttal time (if permitted by the judge(s). The division of time per speaker is left to
the discretion of the team subject with a minimum of 10 minutes per speaker and not more than
15 minutes per speaker. Rebuttals can be assigned a time period of not more than 2 minutes.

• The oral arguments should be confined to the issues presented in the memorial. The researcher
may sit with the speakers during the oral rounds. Maximum scores for the oral rounds shall be
50 points per speaker per judge. The speakers can provide the copies of the compendium, only
if the same is permitted by the panel of judges in their respective court rooms. No two Teams
will argue against each other more than once in the Preliminary Rounds.

The winners of the preliminary rounds shall qualify for the Quarter Final Rounds (This round
is subjected to changes as per the discretion of the Organizers).

Quarter Final Rounds:

The Quarter Final Rounds shall comprise of Eight Teams. The Quarter Final Rounds shall take
place on 2nd April, 2024. The top scorers of the pre-round shall be declared qualified for the
Quarter- Final Rounds. This round is subjected to changes as per the discretion of the

The match up of teams in Quarter Final Rounds shall be determined on the basis of draw of
lots. Each team will get a total of 45 minutes to present their case which will include rebuttal
and sur-rebuttal time (if permitted by the judge(s).

Semi Final Rounds:

The Semi Final rounds shall comprise of Four Teams. The Semi Final rounds shall take place
on 3rd April, 2024. The winner of the Quarter Final round shall be declared qualified for the
Semi Final Rounds.

The match up of teams in Semi Final Rounds shall be determined on the basis of draw of lots.
Each team will get a total of 45 minutes to present their case which will include rebuttal and
sur-rebuttal time (if permitted by the judge(s).

Final Rounds:

The Final Rounds shall also take place on 3rd April, 2024. The two teams who stand declared
as winners of the Semi Final Rounds shall qualify for the Final Rounds. Each team will get a
total of 60 minutes to present their case which will include rebuttal and sur-rebuttal time (if
permitted by the judge(s). The Winner of the Final Round shall be declared Winner of the

General Rules:

• But in case a tie takes place in the preliminary rounds, Quarter Final, Semi Final or Final
Rounds, the marks of the researchers test and memorials will be added and shall be the basis
for deciding the winner.

• The decision of the judges with regard to the outcome of the rounds shall be final.


Teams shall not be allowed to observe the orals of another team, unless they have been
officially knocked-out of the competition. Scouting is strictly prohibited. Scouting by any team
shall entail instant disqualification.


The “Researcher Test” shall take place on 2nd April, 2024. Only the Researcher, as indicated
by the team, only that teammate shall take the researcher test. The test will be for an hour only
based on the moot problem. The test shall be limited to general understanding of law and to the
moot proposition.


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