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Programming for Data Analysis

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Asthma diagnosis classification


For the assignment, you are asked to explore the application of data analytics techniques to
the dataset that is provided. You must study data problems related to the dataset, giving
special consideration to the unique properties of the problem domain, and testing one or
more techniques on it.

Your analysis needs to be thorough and go beyond the scope of what has been covered in
this course. You should incorporate data exploration, manipulation, transformation, and
visualization concepts with data analysis techniques in your solution. It is crucial to provide
explanations and justifications for the chosen techniques.

You also may need to pre-process your data to get it into an appropriate format. The
assignment should involve several techniques by categorizing it into different criteria and a
detailed exploration of the commands used in each criterion. Outline the findings, analyze
them, and justify them correctly with an appropriate graph. Also, a supporting document is
needed to reflect the graph and code using R programming concepts.


This assignment will help you to explore and analyze a set of data and reconstruct it into
meaningful representations for decision-making.

3.0 TYPE
Group Assignment (4 members)


This dataset contains the information of asthma patients. As a data analyst in the healthcare
sector, you are commissioned to conduct an in-depth analysis of the patients with different
demographics, medical history and other factors to identify the key factor that cause asthma
and provide useful recommendations to healthcare providers such as doctors.

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2024

Programming for Data Analysis
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The dataset provided for this assignment consists of information about patients’
demographics such as age and gender, medical history, environmental and allergy factors
and etc. In addition to the techniques (data exploration, manipulation, transformation, and
visualization techniques) covered in the course to analyze the dataset, you might consider
exploring and implementing more advanced concepts to enhance the effectiveness of data


 This is a group assignment, with a maximum of 4 students in a group.
 You should state your hypothesis and objectives with each person one objective of
minimum one independent variables and one dependent variable.
 The R program should compile and be executed without errors.
 Validation should be done for each entry from the users to avoid logical errors.
 Do not use third-party tools such as Excel, OpenRefine and etc to pre-process or clean
the data. Cleaning and pre-processing must be done in R using scripting.
 No duplication is allowed in the dataset.
 You should;
o Include good programming practices such as comments, variable naming
conventions, and indentation.
o Carried out additional research from the Internet to comprehend the knowledge
and information on the given dataset when examining the data.
 The analysis should be meaningful and effective in providing the information for
 Any additional features implemented must improve the retrieval effects.

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2024

Programming for Data Analysis
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The complete RScript (source code) and report must be submitted to the APU Learning
Management System (Moodle).
6.1 RScript (Program Code):
 Name the file under your group number.
 Start the first few lines in your program by typing all member's names and TP
numbers. For example:
# Name1, TP000001
# Name2, TP000002
# Name3, TP000003
# Name4, TP000004
o For each objective example, provide student id and explain what you want to
discover. For example:
Objective 1: To investigate the relationship between the revision
method and academic achievement.
Analysis 1-1: Which revision method are more effective?
Analysis 1-2: Is there a significant correlation between revision method and
academic achievement?
Analysis 1-3: What are the external factor that interact with revision method
to influence the academic achievement?
o For each extra feature example, give an id and provide the explanation.
# Extra feature 1
# comments about the extra feature

6.2 Documentation (report):

 A 8000 words (max 65 pages) report including appendix. The report should comprise of
the following content.
A) Cover Page:
All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A protective transparent plastic
sheet can be placed in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover
should be presented with the following details:
 Module
 Coursework Title

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2024

Programming for Data Analysis
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 Intake
 Students name and id
 Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out).
 Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in).

B) Contents:
o Introduction
 Data Description
 Assumptions (if any)
 Hypothesis and Objectives
o Data Preparation
 Data import
 Cleaning / pre-processing (if necessary)
 Data Validation (if necessary)
o Data Analysis
 Each objective (along with student name) must start in a separate page
and contains:
 Analysis Techniques – e.g. descriptive using statistics
 Justification of techniques
 Screenshot of source code with output / plot.
 Outline the findings based on the results obtained.
 The extra feature explanation must be in a separate page and contains:
 Screenshot of source code with output/plot.
 Explain how adding this extra feature can improve the results.
 Interpret the results from each analysis

o Conclusion
 Overall discussion on the findings from all objectives
 Recommendation
 Limitation and future direction
 State the word count (at the end of page)

C) Workload Matrix

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2024

Programming for Data Analysis
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D) References
 You may source algorithms and information from the Internet or books.
Proper referencing of the resources should be evident in the document.
 All references must be made using the APA (American Psychological
Association) referencing style as shown below:

 The font size used in the report must be 12pt and the font is Times New Roman.


The assignment assessment consists of 2 major components: Analysis (70%) and finding
and discussion (30%). Details of the division for each component are as follows:

Analysis (70%) Finding and Discussion (30%)

Criteria Marks Criteria Marks

Allocat Allocate
ed d
Analysis techniques 10% Finding and Discussion
 Approaches used to  Project Introduction
process, interpret, and (description, assumption,
extract insights from data. hypothesis, objectives)
Report content:  Conclusion (result finding, 30%
 Methodology description discussion, recommendation
Analysis Methods 60% and future direction)
 Specific process employed  Structure of the report and
to carry out the analysis references
(transform raw data into
meaningful insights)
[e.g. Exploratory data analysis,
Hypothesis test, Descriptive statistics
Report content:
 RScript – code snippet and
visualization screenshots
with explanation.


The program written for this assignment should be written in R Studio


Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2024

Programming for Data Analysis
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 You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity during the duration
of the course.
 Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be dealt with according to APU and De
Montfort University regulations on plagiarism.

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 2024

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