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Techno India University, West Bengal

4TH Semester
Course Code Course Title Contact Hrs. / Credit
TIU-UTR-T200 Career Advancement & Skill Development- 2 0 0 2
(Angular Java Script and No SQL Database
with Mongo dB)
TIU-PCA-T212 Advanced Data Science through R and Python 3 1 0 4
TIU-PCA-T210 Big Data Analytics 2 1 0 3
TIU-PCA-T208 Application Development of Smart Devices 2 1 0 3

TIU-PCA-L212 Advanced Data Science through R and Python 0 0 3 2
programming Lab
TIU-PCA-L208 Android development lab 0 0 3 2
TIU-PES-S298 Entrepreneurship Skill Development 0 0 3 3
TIU-PCA-P296 Major Project using J2EE/Python 0 0 3 10
TIU-PCA-G298 Grand Viva 0 0 0 2
Total Credits 31

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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
Detailed Syllabus

6th Semester

Career Advancement & Skill Development

L-T-P: 2-0-0 Credit 2

Advanced Data Science through R and Python

L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credit: 4

Course Objective:

1. This course will introduce students to this rapidly growing field and equip them with some of its basic principles
and tools as well as its general mindset.

2. Students will learn concepts, techniques and tools they need to deal with various facets of data science practice,
including data collection and integration, exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, descriptive modeling, data
product creation, evaluation, and effective communication.

Course Outcomes:

 Describe what Data Science is and the skill sets needed to be a data scientist.

 Explain in basic terms what Statistical Inference means. Identify probability distributions commonly used as
foundations for statistical modeling. Fit a model to data.
 Use R to carry out basic statistical modeling and analysis.
 Explain the significance of exploratory data analysis (EDA) in data science. Apply basic tools (plots, graphs,
summary statistics) to carry out EDA.
 Describe the Data Science Process and how its components interact.
 Use APIs and other tools to scrap the Web and collect data.
 Apply EDA and the Data Science process in a case study. 1
 Apply basic machine learning algorithms (Linear Regression, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), k-means, Naive
Bayes) for predictive modeling. Explain why Linear Regression and k-NN are poor choices for Filtering
Spam. Explain why Naive Bayes is a better alternative.
 Identify common approaches used for Feature Generation. Identify basic Feature Selection algorithms
(Filters, Wrappers, Decision Trees, Random Forests) and use in applications.

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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
 Identify and explain fundamental mathematical and algorithmic ingredients that constitute a
Recommendation Engine (dimensionality reduction, singular value decomposition, principal component
analysis). Build their own recommendation system using existing components.
 Create effective visualization of given data (to communicate or persuade).
 Work effectively (and synergic ally) in teams on data science projects.
Detailed Topics:

Unit 1: Introduction to Business Analytics: Overview, Business Decisions and Analytics, Types of
Business Analytics, Applications of Business Analytics, Data Science Overview.
Unit 2: Data Collection and Data Blending: Basic Concepts, Business Intelligence and Data
Warehousing, Data Science Project Life Cycle, Web Scrapping, Case Study 1- Collecting Data
from Twitter, Case Study 2 - Analyzing data from Movie Lens.
Unit 3: Accessing RDBMS thru R and Python
Unit 4: Text Mining
Unit 5: Statistics for Data Science-1: Introduction to the measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion.
Computations of the measures using R and Python.
Unit 6: Statistics for Data Science-2: Introduction to Probability Distributions. Implementation of
Probability and Statistics for interpretation of data using R and Python
Unit 7: Statistics for Data Science-3: Correlation and Regression Analysis: Correlation and its
measurements, Multiple Correlations. Introduction to Regression Analysis, Types of Regression
Analysis Models, Linear Regression, Non-Linear Regression, Regression Analysis with Multiple
Variables, Cross Validation, Logistic regression, Non-Linear to Linear Models.
Statistics for Data Science-4: Testing of Hypothesis: Introduction to Hypothesis, Types of
Hypotheses, Data Sampling, Confidence and Significance Levels, Hypothesis Testing, Parametric
Test, Non-Parametric Test, Hypothesis Tests about Population Means, Hypothesis Tests about
Population Variance, Hypothesis Tests about Population Proportions.
Unit 8: Data Mining Applications: Data Exploration and Visualization, Decision Trees and their applications,
Theory of Information, Classification: Supervised classification algorithms, Clustering: Overview,
Introduction to Clustering, Clustering Example, Clustering Methods: Prototype Based Clustering, K-
means Clustering, Clustering Methods: Hierarchical Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Clustering
,Methods: DBSCAN, Principal Component Analysis, Association: Overview, Association Rule,
Apriori Algorithm, Apriori Algorithm; Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, Association Rules,
Anomaly Detection, Network Analysis and Recommender Systems.

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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
Unit 9: Machine Learning for Data Science-1: Overview, Applications of Machine Learning, Types of Machine
Learning, Examples and applications of each type, Case studies of different types of machine
Unit 10: Machine Learning for Data Science-2: Case Study 3 – Creating a Data Product using some
Machine Learning Algorithm; Introduction to Big Data Analytics.
Unit 11: Introduction to Specialty Topics: Data Engineering, Natural Language Processing, and Web
Unit 12: Deep Learning

Big Data Analytics

L-T-P: 2-1-0 Credit 3

1. Student will develop your knowledge of big data analytics and enhance your programming and mathematical
2. Student will learn to use essential analytic tools such as Apache Spark and R.analysis of problem space
and data needs.

After completion of this course the student should be able to:
CO1: Define the basic ideas of Big Data and the problem of classical data analysis techniques.
CO2: Describe the benefits how Big Data can offer to businesses and organizations.
CO3: Analyze conceptually how Big Data is stored.
CO4: Implement how Big Data can be analyzed to extract knowledge.

Detailed syllabus

1 INTRODUCTION TO BIG DATA: Introduction– distributed file system–Big Data and its importance, Four Vs,
Drivers for Big data, big data analytics, Big data applications. Algorithms using map reduce .

EcoSystem, Moving Data in and out of Hadoop – Understanding inputs and outputs of MapReduce -, Data

3 HDFS, HIVE AND HIVEQL, HBASE HDFS: Overview, Installation and Shell, Java API; Hive Architecture and
Installation, Comparison with Traditional Database, HiveQL Querying Data, Sorting And Aggregating, Map Reduce
Scripts, Joins & Sub queries, HBase concepts, Advanced Usage, Schema Design, Advance Indexing, PIG, Zookeeper
, how it helps in monitoring a cluster, HBase uses Zookeeper and how to Build Applications with Zookeeper.

4 SPARK: Introduction to Data Analysis with Spark, Downloading Spark and Getting Started, Programming with
RDDs, Machine Learning with MLib

5. SQOOP, Zookeeper.
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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
6. NoSQL What is it?, Where It is Used Types of NoSQL databases, Why NoSQL?, Advantages of NoSQL, Use of
NoSQL in Industry, SQL vs NoSQL, NewSQL .

7. Data Base for the Modern Web Introduction to MongoDB key features, Core Server tools, MongoDB through the
JavaScript’s Shell, Creating and Querying through Indexes, Document-Oriented, principles of schema design,
Constructing queries on Databases, collections and Documents , MongoDB Query Language

Books for Main Reading:

1. Chris Eaton,Dirk derooset al. , “Understanding Big data ”, McGraw Hill, 2012.

2. BIG Data and Analytics , Sima Acharya, Subhashini Chhellappan, Willey

3. MongoDB in Action, Kyle Banker,Piter Bakkum , Shaun Verch, Dreamtech Press

4. Tom White, “HADOOP: The definitive Guide”, O Reilly 2012.

Application Development of Smart Devices

L-T-P: 2-1-0 Credit: 3
1. Learner will be able to know application of android
2. Learner will know multithreading intent filtering and its application.

After completion of this course the student should be able to:
CO1: Install and configure application development tools.
CO2: Design and develop user Interfaces for the Application platform.
CO3: Save state information across important operating system events.
CO4: Apply OOP concepts for application development.
CO5: Develop an application independently for a smart device.

Detailed syllabus

1) Introduction To Mobile Apps

I. Why we Need Mobile Apps
II. Different Kinds of Mobile Apps
III. Briefly about Android
2) Introduction Android
I. History Behind Android Development
II. What is Android?
III. Pre-requisites to learn Android
IV. Brief Discussion on Java Programming
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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
3) Android Architecture
I. Overview of Android Stack
II. Android Features
III. Introduction to OS layers
4) Deep Overview in Android Stack
I. Linux Kernel
II. Libraries
III. Android Runtime
IV. Application Framework
V. Dalvik VM
5) Installing Android Machine
I. Configuring Android Stack
II. Setting up Android Studio
III. Working with Android Studio
IV. Using Older Android Tools
6) Creating First Android Application
I. Creating Android Project
II. Debugging Application through DDMS
III. setting up environment
IV. AVD Creation
V. Executing Project on Android Screen
7) Android Components
I. Activities
II. Services
III. Broadcast Receivers
IV. Content Providers
8) Hello World App
I. Creating your first project
II. The manifest file
III. Layout resource
IV. Running your app on Emulator
9) Building UI with Activities
I. Activities
II. Views, layouts and Common UI components
III. Creating UI through code and XML
IV. Activity lifecycle
V. Intents
VI. Communicating data among Activities
10) Advanced UI
I. Selection components (GridView, ListView, Spinner )
II. Adapters, Custom Adapters
III. Complex UI components
IV. Building UI for performance
V. Menus
VI. Creating custom and compound Views
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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
11) Notifications
I. Toast, Custom Toast
II. Dialogs
III. Status bar Notifications
12) Multithreading
I. Using Java Mutithreading classes
II. AsyncTask
III. Handler
IV. Post
V. Writing an animated game
13) Styles And Themes
I. Creating and Applying simple Style
II. Inheriting built-in Style and User defined style
III. Using Styles as themes
14) Resources and Assets
I. Android Resource
II. Using resources in XML and code
III. Localization
IV. Handling Runtime configuration changes
15) Intent, Intent Filters and Broadcast Receivers
I. Role of filters
II. Intent-matching rules
III. Filters in your manifest
IV. Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
V. Creating Broadcast receiver
Receiving System Broadcast
VI. Understanding Broadcast action, category and data
VII. Registering Broadcast receiver through code and through XML
VIII. Sending Broadcast
16) Data Storage
I. Shared Preferences
II. Android File System
III. Internal storage
IV. External storage
V. SQLite
a. IntroducingSQLite
b. SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
c. Opening and closing adatabase
d. Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
VI. Network
17) Content Providers
I. Accessing built in content providers
II. Content provider MIME types
III. Searching for content
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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
IV. Adding, changing, and removing content
V. Creating content provider
VI. Working with content files
I. Overview of services in Android
II. Implementing a Service
III. Service lifecycle
IV. Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services)
19) Multimedia in Android
I. Multimedia Supported audio formats
II. Simple media playback
III. Supported video formats
IV. Simple video playback
20) Location Based Services and Google Maps
I. Using Location Based Services
II. Finding current location and listening for changes in location
III. Proximity alerts
IV. Working with Google Maps
i. Showing google map in an Activity
ii. Map Overlays
iii. Itemized overlays
iv. Geocoder
v. Displaying route on map
21) Web Services and WebView
I. Consuming web services
II. Receiving HTTP Response (XML, JSON )
III. Parsing JSON and XML
IV. Using WebView
22) Sensors
I. How Sensors work
II. Using Orientation and Accelerometer sensors
III. Best practices for performance
23) WiFi
I. Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
II. Managing active connections
III. Managing WiFi networks
24) Telephony Services
I. Making calls
II. Monitoring data connectivity and activity
III. Accessing phone properties and status
IV. Controlling the phone
V. Sending messages
25) Camera

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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
I. Taking pictures
II. Media Recorder
III. Rendering previews
26) Bluetooth
I. Controlling local Bluetooth device
II. Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
III. Managing Bluetooth connections
IV. Communicating with Bluetooth
26) More
I. Fragments
II. Material Design
III. Gradle
IV. NEW TOPICS: Since each new version of Android has new features, we keep extra time for adding custom
topics in every batch. You can request any Android Topic.
28) Android Application Deployment
I. Android Application Deployment on device with Linux and Windows
II. Android Application Deployment on Android Market

Advanced Data Science through R programming Lab

L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credit 2

As taught by the respective faculty.

Android Development Lab

L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credit 2

As taught by the respective faculty.

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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):
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Approved by:
External Expert-1 (Prof. Subhadip Basu, J.U.)
External Expert-2 (Prof. Amlan Chakraborty, C.U.)
HOD - (Prof. A.B. Chaudhuri) Industry Expert(Mr. J. Rudra,CTL):

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