Permit To Work Form CMC

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No. 15-F-009
Permit To work Form
PTW Control No Date / Time
Location & Coordinates Shift Day / Night
MS & RA Ref number Project Name / Company
Name of Permit Receiver Designation of Permit Receiver
Contact Number (Mobile) Emergency contact information
Sub-contractor HSE
Name of Permit Issuer Designation of Permit Issuer
Contact Number (Mobile) Emergency contact information
Employee In-charge at work Number of Employees working at site
site & Contact Number
Plant & Equipment’s used
Permit valid from (Date) __________ (Time) ___________ hrs. to (Date) ___________ (Time) ____________ hrs.
Type of work permit required Cold Work Permit Excavation Permit Critical lifting permit
Hot work Permit Electrical Permit
Description of Job

Requested by Sign: Date & Time Approved by Sign: Date &

(Permit Receiver) (Permit Issuer) Time
Remarks Remarks

Acknowledged by CMEC Sign: Comments:

PTW coordinator
Name: Date & Time:
Hazards of Worksite - Field Assessment by Sub-contractor HSE
Collapse / fall of load / Excavation associated
Restricted access & Egress Slip or trip Heavy Manual Handling
material hazards
Fire Hazards Heat or cold Struck by object Waste generation Fall from height
Electrical hazards Noise Rain / Mist Isolated work Dangerous specious / insects
Mechanical hazards Illumination Dust / Sand storm Vehicle Movement Vehicle movement
Additional HSE Hazards if any assessed on field (To be field by Sub-contractor HSE):

Hazard Controls Required -Field Assessment by Sub-contractor HSE

PPE compliance Waste segregation & house Standard scaffolding & ladders First Aid Kit & first aider Appropriate material stacking &
keeping storing
Sloping / benching / shielding Effective illumination Water, Rehydration drinks Desert Kit Competent supervision
Dust control measures Noise control Measures Waste management Training and awareness Vehicle inspection / maintenance
Effective barricading & Lifting Plan (Additional sheet Emergency standby vehicles Cable Management
Signage’s required)
Fire prevention & Protection Lock out / tagout (Additional Buddy system Fall protection &
measures sheet required) Prevention
Additional HSE mitigation measures initiated on field (To be field by Sub-contractor HSE)

Declaration by Lead Work Party & Sub-contractor HSE

Hereby we confirm that, safety mitigation measures as declared in risk assessment as well as through this permit is implemented and continuous monitoring of the same shall be
ensured for its sustainability.
Sub-contractor Lead work Date & Sub-contractor HSE Name & Date &
party Name & Signature Time Signature Time

Permit Renewal by Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Permit receiver Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End
Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time

Permit closure on job completion / permit expiry

Permit Receiver CMEC Permit Issuer
Name Signature Name Signature
Date: Time: Date: Time:
Stop work notice by EPZR
Reason for Permit Cancellation: Name & Signature with date:

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