LA Times - 26 September 2024

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X issues Man
data on hijacks
harmful Metro
content bus; 1
Seeking to reassure
advertisers, platform
releases first global
transparency report A suspect is in
since Musk bought it. custody after a chase.
By Queenie Wong
Mayor Karen Bass
says the violence
Amid rising concerns ‘will not be tolerated.’
that X has become less safe
under billionaire Elon Musk,
the platform formerly By Richard Winton,
known as Twitter is seeking Jireh Deng
to assure advertisers and and Hannah Fry
critics that it still polices
harassment, hate speech Disturbing details
and other offensive content. emerged Wednesday con-
From January to June, cerning a gunman accused
X suspended 5.3 million ac- Jason Armond Los Angeles Times of hijacking a Los Angeles
counts and removed or la- THE SPRAWLING Inglewood Oil Field sits mostly in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County known Metro bus, fatally shooting a
beled 10.7 million posts for as Baldwin Hills. The site has 835 unplugged wells, including 655 that are actively pumping oil, state data show. passenger and leading po-
violating its rules against lice on a pursuit that ended
posting child sexual ex- in a dramatic predawn
ploitation materials, harass-
ment and other harmful
content, the company said
in a 15-page transparency re-
port released Wednesday.
Newsom signs bill to close standoff with SWAT officers
For more than an hour, a
cavalry of police vehicles fol-
lowed the bus as it slowly

large L.A. County oil field

X said it received more than made its way from Vermont
224 million user reports dur- Knolls in South Los Angeles
ing the first six months of to downtown, where police
this year. used spike strips to punc-
It’s the first time X has re- ture the tires and eventually
leased a formal global trans- stop it. After a SWAT team
parency report since Musk Escalating his fight against the in an attempt to avoid price spikes deployed flash grenades and
completed his acquisition of fossil fuel industry, Gov. Gavin at the pump. stormed the bus, Lamont
Twitter in 2022. The com-
pany said last year that it
Newsom signed bills Wednesday
that will shut down the sprawling Governor escalates Oil companies say Newsom’s re-
finery proposal would increase gas
Campbell, 51, was taken into
custody on suspicion of mur-
was reviewing how it ap- Inglewood Oil Field by 2030 and prices rather than save consumers der. He is being held in lieu of
proaches transparency
reporting, but still released
ramp up fees that companies must
pay to cover the cost of cleaning up
his conflict with the money. An oil industry representa-
tive said the bills signed by the gov-
$2 million bail.
City leaders acknowl-
data about how many ac-
counts and how much con-
tent were pulled down.
40,000 idle wells across the state.
Standing on a Los Angeles soc-
cer field with oil wells pumping be-
fossil fuel industry, ernor Wednesday would add yet
another burden to motorists.
“Today’s press conference is
edged the hijacking is an ex-
ample of the challenges they
face in keeping passengers
Safety issues have long
dogged the social media
platform, which has faced
hind him, Newsom also signed a
third bill that will strengthen local
government’s power to restrict oil
which says new laws just more political theater — sign-
ing bills that pile on mandates and
drive up costs for Californians,”
safe amid heightened con-
cerns about crime on Los
Angeles’ public transit sys-
criticism from advocacy
groups, regulators and oth-
and gas production in their juris-
dictions. will only drive up said Catherine Reheis-Boyd, pres-
ident of the Western States Petro-
tems. Just four months ago,
Mayor Karen Bass called for
ers that the company “We are here at this pivotal mo- leum Assn. “These new laws do beefed-up security on tran-
doesn’t do enough to moder-
ate harmful content. But
ment,” Newsom told reporters.
“We are taking on Big Oil and hav-
costs for the public nothing to produce more oil here at
home and, in fact, cost jobs while
sit lines following a rash of vi-
olent clashes.
those fears heightened after ing a real chance of winning.” forcing us to bring in more oil from She addressed Wednes-
Musk took over Twitter and The governor signed the bills as By Melody Petersen overseas.” day’s incident at an after-
laid off more than 6,000 peo- lawmakers in Sacramento are de- “More mandates won’t lower noon news conference, say-
ple. bating his proposal to force refiner- gas prices or help California fam- ing the city will explore new
[See Report, A9] ies to keep extra reserves on hand [See Oil, A9] [See Bus, A7]

Why is Harris touting her ‘McJob’?

vember, she’d join that list sible to ignore the menial,
Many presidents have with one of her own: McDon- dead-end aspects of working
ald’s server. for the chain. In the 1980s,
humble gigs early on, The vice president has the term “McJob” entered
but few bring them up. said over the last several the pop culture lexicon as a
years that she worked at pejorative. Merriam-Web-
Will McDonald’s stint McDonald’s while she was a ster still defines it as a “low-
help boost candidate? student, “doing French fries paying job that requires lit-
and ice cream.” That she tle skill and provides little
and her campaign have opportunity for advance-
By Daniel Miller mentioned it at all appears ment.”
to be an acknowledgment of For Harris and her surro-
Lyndon Johnson herded a powerful bloc of voters gates, though, it’s been
goats. Richard Nixon whose support she’s trying something to brag about.
plucked chickens. And Bill to earn. Unlike past presidents,
Clinton stocked groceries. Somewhere along the some of whom rarely, if ever,
Many presidents have line, as McDonald’s fran- spoke about their modest
had humble jobs early in chises popped up across the professional beginnings,
their working lives. If Ka- nation and the brand grew Harris’ campaign has been
mala Harris is elected in No- dominant, it became impos- [See Harris, A6]

Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times

TINGBO CAO and Qilian Zhou say they were promised scholarships at Olivet
University but were required to work instead. Olivet has denied all allegations.
Charity for fire
personnel is sued
Students allege being confined at L.A. County accuses the
nonprofit foundation of
questionable spending
Bible college in Riverside County and operating a “slush

AI is center stage
from matched the address of experience rooted in Christi-
By Colleen Shalby Olivet University, a Chris- anity. The promise of a U.S.
at movie gala
tian Bible school set against student visa and a schol- A San Francisco event
In 2018, emergency dis- the San Jacinto Mountains arship combined to make an showcases short films
patchers received a strange near the high desert town of unbeatable opportunity. created using artificial
call from a remote valley in Anza. Its entrance is marked But instead of feeling the intelligence tools.
Riverside County. The caller by a grove of olive trees, but sense of freedom they hoped BUSINESS, A8
was a 22-year-old student the more than 900-acre to encounter in America,
who said that she had been gated campus isn’t visible students described an envi-
Morning clouds.
unable to leave her rural col- from the street; visitors ronment where they were
L.A. Basin: 79/59. B6
lege campus for months must make an appointment under near-constant sur-
Mahmoud Zayyat AFP/Getty Images
while she was forced to work to enter. veillance and stripped of For the latest news,
without compensation. She For years, the university their independence. go to LEBANON INVASION NEXT?
said that she lived there with and the teachings of its In interviews with The
300 others, dispatch records founder have drawn stu- Times, and in a lawsuit filed People inspect the site of an Israeli airstrike in
show, and that barbed wire dents from around the this year against the uni- Jiyeh, Lebanon. Israeli troops were told to pre-
surrounded the school. world, mostly from East versity, its founder, former pare for a possible ground operation. WORLD, A3
The location she called Asia, seeking an academic [See College, A7]

The day’s top stories, at your fingertips.

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A2 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M


Is all-out war between Israel, Hezbollah coming?

address Tuesday to the
Unprecedented United Nations General As-
sembly, again urged “a diplo-
destruction could matic solution” that he said
follow. Here’s what to was “still possible.” “An all-
out war benefits no one,”
know about the crisis. Biden said.
But no prospects for re-
By Tracy Wilkinson vived diplomacy appeared
Clashes in the last year be- What would a war look like?
tween Israel and the mili- As horrific as the Gaza
tant group Hezbollah in war has been, an Israeli-
southern Lebanon have Hezbollah war could be
largely been confined to a worse.
tit-for-tat border conflict — As Iran’s most valued
until now. In recent days, Is- proxy and with the re-
rael assassinated several top sources that brings, Hezbol-
Hezbollah leaders in the lah has more fighters and far
Lebanese capital, Beirut, superior weaponry than
and bombarded sites across Hamas. Fighting could be
the country, claiming more much deadlier, especially on
lives in a single day than the Israeli side, because
since at least 2006. Hezbollah would be better
And Hezbollah has sent a equipped to attack deep in-
barrage of rockets, less le- side Israel.
thal but hitting ever deeper Israel, even if somewhat
into Israeli territory, forcing taxed after months of mili-
thousands to flee and stok- tary operations in Gaza, has
ing an Israeli sense of vulner- a commanding advantage in
ability. air power. In recent days
The escalation is fueling it has delivered stunning
fears that a limited conflict Hassan Ammar Associated Press blows to Hezbollah’s leader-
will soon expand beyond RESIDENTS and rescuers check a building that was hit by an airstrike in Beirut’s southern suburbs Tuesday. ship and communications —
many borders with calami- A steady escalation of cross-border attacks has raised fears of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah. by assassinating several
tous consequences. commanders in Beirut and
The militant group Hamas ist but formed after 1982 in is a scenario that both have only if there is a permanent remotely blowing up pagers
What are the chances of that ruled in Gaza triggered response to the Israeli inva- wanted to avoid at all costs. cease-fire between Israel and other handheld devices
all-out war? the war when it invaded sion. Iran wants nothing more and Hamas — something used by Hezbollah. The
By many measures — the southern Israel on Oct. 7, Although Israel soon than to undermine Israel the top diplomats from the attacks have suggested Isra-
intensity of airstrikes, the killed about 1,200 people and withdrew from the outskirts but has always sought to do U.S., Egypt and Qatar have el may have penetrated
number of dead, the rhetoric seized more than 200 hos- of Beirut, it continued to oc- so through proxies, includ- spent many unsuccessful Hezbollah security.
— there is already a signifi- tages. cupy southern Lebanon for ing Hezbollah and Hamas, months trying to do. In theory, the number of
cant war raging between Is- On Oct. 8, Hezbollah de- nearly two decades, until it with Hezbollah being the The diplomats claim they civilian casualties in Leba-
rael and the Lebanese mili- clared its solidarity with finally pulled out in 2000. most important of all of are close, but increasingly it non could be fewer than in
tant and political group, Hamas and started sending In 2006, Israel and them. seems that neither Israeli Gaza, because the Leba-
which the U.S. classifies as a rockets and drones over Hezbollah fought a war that At some point, however, Prime Minister Benjamin nese, unlike Gazans, are not
terrorist organization. northern Israel. It has lasted just over a month and Tehran may fear that a rag- Netanyahu nor Hamas hemmed into a small geo-
Neither side has declared vowed to continue attacks killed about 1,300 Lebanese ing war in Lebanon would leader Yahya Sinwar is truly graphical area with little
it formally, but a steady es- until there is a Gaza truce. (Hezbollah militants and ci- cut off its valuable land interested in ending the possibility for escape or ref-
calation of cross-border at- For its part, Israel says vilians) and 165 Israelis, bridge to the Mediterranean fighting on anything but his uge. Still, in the 2006 conflict,
tacks has raised fears of an the proximity of tens of thou- while causing major de- Sea, a mighty incentive for own absolute terms. Israel laid waste to numer-
all-out war between two bat- sands of well-armed Hezbol- struction in southern Leba- keeping the conflict at bay. The Biden administra- ous Lebanese villages.
tle-scarred adversaries. lah fighters poised on its non and in some parts of The last thing the U.S. tion has refused to put more Ultimately, to wage a full-
Some U.S. and other di- northern border is an unten- northern Israel. wants, in an election year es- pressure on Israel or deny it scale war, Israel would
plomats continue to insist able threat. With more so- pecially, is to be dragged into weapons, while it is unclear launch a ground invasion
that neither Israel nor phisticated weapons than it What are the chances this yet another war — one that how much pressure Qatar into Lebanon as it did in the
Hezbollah — or, impor- has ever had, Hezbollah has war would spread? would bring potential nucle- and other Arab states are 1980s, to historically disas-
tantly, Hezbollah’s backer been able to fire rockets ever The biggest fear in Wash- ar dangers as well as the pos- putting on Hamas — or trous results. Whether this
Iran — wants the conflict to deeper into Israeli territory. ington and some Arab capi- sibility of a far wider conflict. whether either side would would lead to a longer-term
widen, given the potential tals is that a broadening even listen. occupation, or the establish-
for it to spiral catastroph- Haven’t they gone to war conflict will pull in other na- Can the international In that same vein, Israel ment of an internationally
ically out of control. Other before? tions. community stop it at this under Netanyahu has ap- patrolled neutral zone, or
observers, however, predict Yes, and there have been An eventual confronta- point? parently paid little heed to some other arrangement, is
that momentum has already other conflicts along the Is- tion between Iran — which There’s the rub. U.S. entreaties to not esca- as unknown as the other
passed a point of no return raeli-Lebanese divide pre- backs Hezbollah — and the Hezbollah says it will late hostilities with Hezbol- outcomes of the ongoing
and full-scale war is inevi- dating Hezbollah, under- U.S. — which backs Israel — stop its attacks on Israel lah. President Biden, in his conflict.
table. scoring the volatile nature of
the border and mutual his-
Why are they fighting? torical hatreds.
Hezbollah and Israel The most bitter entan-
have been bitter enemies for
decades. Each is dedicated
to the other’s destruction.
glement started in 1982
when Israel invaded south-
ern Lebanon and its troops
China’s rising youth jobless rate signals trouble
But Hezbollah now says marched all the way to
it has stepped up its attacks Beirut. Israeli forces were said if young workers can’t
on Israel because of that battling armed Palestinian By Stephanie Yang find jobs, that may have a
country’s war in the Gaza militants who had been “scarring effect” that hin-
Strip, where health officials shelling Israel from outposts TAIPEI, Taiwan — A har- ders their lifetime earnings,
say more than 41,000 Pal- in Lebanon. binger of China’s economic skill accumulation and
estinians have been killed. Hezbollah did not yet ex- decline is back. future career development.
The rate of urban youth Youth unemployment
unemployment has been a could become a political
commonly cited gauge of the liability as well. Discontent
country’s financial stability. among Chinese workers,
How to contact us Last year — amid a stagnat-
ing economy and slackening
who worry about toiling
harder for fewer economic
(800) LA TIMES labor market — it reached gains, could stoke anger
record highs. toward the government or
Home Delivery and or call
(213) 237-6176. In June 2023, the percent- lead to social instability.
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For questions about delivery, age of jobless 16- to 24-year-
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billing and vacation holds, or
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CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images
What has China
for information about our China stopped publishing CHINA has seen its youth jobless rate hit new highs
Membership program, please photos, graphics and page
the monthly numbers. in July and August. Above, a job fair in Taizhou.
done to address the
contact us at (213) 283-2274 or reproductions, e-mail
customerservices [email protected] or call By December, the gov- problem? You can also (213) 237-4565. ernment had amended the workers — such as real The U.S. Bureau of La- On Tuesday, China’s
manage your account at Times In Education data points to exclude stu- estate, financial technology bor Statistics reported that central bank announced To get the digital dents, releasing a much and for-profit education — youth unemployment in that it would cut rates in its
Letters to the Editor Los Angeles Times at no
cost (along with our
lower urban youth unem- have been hurt by new gov- July was 9.8%, up from 8.7% biggest stimulus package
Want to write a letter to be ployment rate of 14.9%. ernment regulations in the same period last year. since the pandemic in order
published in the paper and newspaper–based teaching
online? E-mail materials), contact us at But as millions of college recent years. But China’s tweaks to its to encourage consumption
[email protected]., or email graduates have started look- The more promising own figures to exclude stu- and shore up the economy.
[email protected]
For submission guidelines, ing for work, that figure is on sectors, such as electric dents have made direct It also announced measures
see The Newsroom the rise again. In August, the vehicles, biotechnology and comparisons with other to support the stock and
Readers’ Representative Know something important reformulated youth jobless artificial intelligence, often countries less precise. property markets.
If you believe we have we should cover? Send a
secure tip at rate hit a new high for a sec- require specialized training But analysts said China
made an error, or you have ond straight month: 18.8%. in science and technology. Why focus would need to do more in
questions about our To send a
journalistic standards press release go to the It’s no secret that China’s Meanwhile, fresh gradu- specifically on order to reach its 5% growth
and practices, our readers’ newsroom directory at economy is struggling. Local ates have been reluctant to target for the year.
representative can be
governments are saddled settle for blue-collar jobs or
urban youth In May, President Xi
reached at Media Relations with debt. A real estate other work that doesn’t unemployment? Jinping promised to pri-
readers.representative For outside media requests, (877) 554-4000 downturn has undermined a align with their expecta- There are several rea- oritize job creation and
and inquiries, e-mail
or online at [email protected]. cornerstone of household tions. Some have preferred sons why economists and improve employment pro- wealth and eroded investor to “lie flat,” a Chinese slang analysts look to youth un- spects. Chinese officials
L.A. Times Store sentiment. Wary consumers term used to describe young employment rates for in- have also encouraged young
Advertising Search archives, merchandise
For print and online and front pages at are stockpiling cash. Major people opting to take a sight. graduates to return to rural
advertising information, go to companies have cut staff. break from the labor market Since young graduates areas, embrace nontradi-
Here’s a look at why econ- instead of competing. are more actively looking for tional jobs and “eat bitter-
omists say China’s youth “People that entered work than those who are ness.”
jobless rate is a key indicator university four years ago mid-career, their jobless Even before China began
A Publication
Founded Dec. 4, 1881 to watch. may have planned for a rate is more prone to fluctu- releasing its new youth
Vol. CXLIII No. 298 future in finance or app ations that can hint at cor- unemployment figures,
LOS ANGELES TIMES Print + unlimited digital rates: What’s driving development, but now need porate confidence and some analysts speculated
(ISSN 0458-3035) Seven-day $28/week, $1,456 annually. to get a job in manufactur- hiring trends. China’s total that the true scale of the
is published by the Los Angeles Times, Thursday–Sunday $16/week, $832
annually. Thursday & Sunday $10/week,
China’s youth ing,” said Bert Hofman, unemployment rate has phenomenon might be
2300 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA
90245. Periodicals postage is paid at Los $520 annually. Saturday & Sunday
$9/week, $468 annually. Sunday
unemployment? professor at the East Asian hovered around 5% for the larger than data suggest.
Angeles, CA, and additional cities.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to $8.50/week, $442 annually. Some of it is seasonal. Institute at the National last few years, even through Erica Tay, an economist at
the above address. Monday–Saturday $18/week, $936
Home Delivery Subscription Rates (all rates
annually (also includes Sundays, except Youth unemployment University of Singapore. the COVID-19 pandemic. Maybank Investment Bank-
3/31, 5/26, 9/1, and 10/13). Monday–Friday
include applicable CA sales taxes and apply $16/week, $832 annually. tends to rise every summer, “The overall unemploy- ing Group, said that since
to most areas)
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts.
as students transition into How does that ment rate is just too stable, China considers employ-
the job market. But in making it difficult to draw ment as working at least one
China, the jobless rate has
compare with other any meaningful conclu- hour per week, there’s no
been exacerbated by an nations? sions,” said Phoebe Feng, a way to account for under-
economic slowdown cou- Notably worse. Beijing-based associate employed youth.
pled with growing numbers According to the Inter- economist at the Institute of “The youth unemploy-
of people pursuing higher national Labor Organiza- International Finance. “The ment numbers draw scru-
education. tion, the youth unemploy- youth unemployment rate is tiny because they are a rare
With a record 11.8 million ment rate for Asia and the more sensitive to changes in glimpse into pockets of
Download the app. college graduates this year, Pacific was 13.9% in 2023. In the job market situation.” acute weakness in the econ-
Discover more. it will be hard for them all to South Asia, the data were at Prolonged periods of omy,” she said. “If almost
find suitable jobs. Weak a 15-year low. youth unemployment can one out of five youths that
consumer and employer Chinese data were the also indicate economic are not in school did not
confidence have weighed on outlier in East Asia. In challenges down the road. manage to work even an
overall hiring, and indus- Japan and South Korea, Zhang Yifan, a professor of hour a week, that points to
tries that typically recruit youth unemployment rates economics at the Chinese unusual strains in the job
young, college-educated were at historic lows. University of Hong Kong, market.”
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 A3


Israel prepares for possible invasion of Lebanon

would activate two reserve sive payload of up to 1,760
Army chief warns brigades for missions in the pounds, according to the
north — another sign that it Washington-based Center
troops at border as plans tougher action. for Strategic and Interna-
Hezbollah fires missile In the southern Israeli tional Studies. Iranian offi-
city of Eilat, a building at the cials have described the liq-
at Tel Aviv — a first. port was struck by a drone, uid-fueled missile as having
an attack that injured two a range of 1,240 miles.
By Melanie Lidman, people and was claimed by Israel said Wednesday
Tia Goldenberg an umbrella group for Irani- that its air force had struck
and Kareem Chehayeb an-backed militias in Iraq. A about 280 Hezbollah targets
second drone was inter- across Lebanon by early
TEL AVIV — Israel is pre- cepted, the Israeli military afternoon.
paring for a possible ground said. Fleeing families have
operation in Lebanon, its Video aired on Israeli me- flocked to Beirut and the
army chief said Wednesday dia showed a plume of coastal city of Sidon, sleep-
as Hezbollah fired dozens of smoke in the area and at ing in schools turned into
rockets across the border least one damaged building. shelters, as well as in cars, at
and a missile aimed at Tel The army said the drones parks and along the beach.
Aviv that was the militant were identified “approach- Some sought to leave the
group’s deepest strike yet. ing from the east.” country, causing a traffic
Addressing troops on the Tensions between Israel jam at the border with Syria.
northern border, Chief of and Hezbollah have steadily The U.N. said more than
Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi escalated since war broke 90,000 people have been dis-
said Israel’s punishing out 11 months ago between placed by five days of Israeli
airstrikes this week were de- Israel and Hamas, another Leo Correa Associated Press strikes. In all, 200,000 people
signed to “prepare the Iran-backed militant group. A HOUSE in Safed, Israel, was damaged by a rocket from Lebanon. Hezbollah have been displaced in Leba-
ground for your possible en- Hezbollah has been firing fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel on Wednesday, the Israeli army said. non since Hezbollah began
try and to continue degrad- rockets, missiles and drones firing rockets into northern
ing Hezbollah.” into northern Israel in soli- al United Nations General tions,” she said. Two cousins Shoshani said the missile Israel nearly a year ago,
Israel says it targeted darity with Hamas and Pal- Assembly, Blinken said the and her father were killed, fired Wednesday had a drawing Israeli retaliation,
Hezbollah weapons and estinians in Gaza. Israel has U.S. was working with other and another cousin was “heavy warhead” but de- according to the U.N. Office
rocket launchers in attacks responded with increasingly partners on a temporary badly wounded. clined to elaborate or con- for the Coordination of Hu-
that have killed more than heavy airstrikes and the tar- cease-fire plan to reduce This week has been the firm it was the type de- manitarian Affairs.
600 people, at least a quarter geted killing of Hezbollah tensions and allow Israelis deadliest in Lebanon since scribed by Hezbollah. He Hezbollah’s latest strikes
of them women and chil- commanders while threat- and Lebanese to return to the bruising 2006 monthlong dismissed Hezbollah’s claim included dozens of rockets
dren, according to Lebanese ening a wider operation. their homes in border areas. war between Israel and of targeting the Mossad fired Wednesday into north-
health officials. Nearly a year of fighting U.S. officials say they are Hezbollah. headquarters just north of ern Israel, the military said.
In an apparent reference had already displaced tens floating ideas but have not Hezbollah said it fired a Tel Aviv as “psychological Rocket fire over the last
to the missile fired at Tel of thousands of people on been specific. Some may be Qader 1 ballistic missile tar- warfare.” week has disrupted life for
Aviv, Halevi told troops: “To- both sides of the border be- discussed at a special U.N. geting the headquarters of The Israeli military said more than 1 million people
day, Hezbollah expanded its fore the recent escalation. Security Council meeting on Israel’s Mossad intelligence it was the first time a projec- across northern Israel, with
range of fire, and later today, Israel has vowed to do Lebanon that France called agency, which it blames for a tile fired from Lebanon had schools closed and public
they will receive a very whatever it takes to ensure for Wednesday. recent string of targeted reached central Israel. gatherings restricted. Many
strong response. Prepare its citizens can return to Lebanon’s health min- killings of its top command- Hezbollah claimed to have restaurants and other busi-
yourselves.” their homes in the north, ister said more than 50 peo- ers and for an attack last targeted an intelligence base nesses are shuttered in the
It was unclear whether he while Hezbollah has said it ple were killed Wednesday week in which explosives near Tel Aviv last month in coastal city of Haifa.
was referring to a ground op- will keep up its rocket at- in the continuing Israeli hidden in pagers and walkie- an aerial attack, but there Israel has moved thou-
eration, airstrikes or some tacks until there is a cease- strikes, raising the death toll talkies killed dozens of peo- was no confirmation. sands of troops who had
other form of retaliation fire in Gaza, something that from the last three days to ple and wounded thou- Hamas repeatedly targeted been serving in Gaza to the
against Hezbollah, which is appears increasingly re- 615, with more than 2,000 sands, including many Tel Aviv in the opening northern border. It says
Lebanon’s strongest politi- mote. wounded. Hezbollah members. months of the war in Gaza. Hezbollah has about 150,000
cal force and, with backing To allow displaced Isra- At Dar Al Amal hospital Israeli military officials The launch ratcheted up rockets and missiles, includ-
from Iran, is widely consid- elis to return to their homes, in the eastern city of Baal- said they intercepted a sur- hostilities in a region that ing some capable of striking
ered the top paramilitary “we are preparing the proc- bek, Soumaya Moussawi lay face-to-surface missile that appeared to be teetering anywhere in Israel.
group in the Arab world. ess of a maneuver,” Halevi in bed with her head band- set off air-raid sirens in Tel toward another all-out war,
The Israeli military has told troops. aged and face bruised. Aviv and across central Isra- even as Israel continues to Associated Press writers
said in recent days it had no U.S. Secretary of State She had been sitting out- el. There were no reports of battle Hamas in the Gaza Lidman and Goldenberg
immediate plans for a Antony J. Blinken urged Is- side with relatives when casualties or damage. The Strip. reported from Tel Aviv and
ground invasion, but Hale- rael and Hezbollah to step warplanes started striking military said it struck the The Iranian-made Qader Chehayeb from Beirut. AP
vi’s comments were the back, saying all-out war in the distance, she said. launch site in southern Leb- is a medium-range surface- writers Suleiman Amhaz in
strongest yet suggesting would be disastrous for the “Then suddenly it hit anon. to-surface ballistic missile Baalbek and Jon Gambrell
troops could move in. Israel region and its people. next to us. We were all Israeli military spokes- with multiple types and pay- in Dubai contributed to this
said Wednesday that it In New York for the annu- thrown in different direc- man Lt. Col. Nadav loads. It can carry an explo- report.

Zelensky implores world leaders to seek ‘real’ peace, not just ‘a lull’
forces from Ukraine, ac- monarchs and other high of- that Russia needs to “be tent armies, are locked in a of principles, it not only ig-
associated press
countability for war crimes, ficials. Low-level Russian di- forced into peace.” Peskov grinding fight along a 600- nores the interests and suf-
release of prisoners of war plomats occupied the coun- called that position “a fatal mile front line. fering of Ukrainians who are
UNITED NATIONS — and deportees, nuclear safe- try’s seats in the huge as- mistake” and “a profound The war began when affected by the war the most,
Ukraine’s president urged ty, energy and food security sembly hall during Zelen- misconception, which, of Russia invaded Ukraine in it not only ignores reality,
global leaders Wednesday to and more. sky’s speech. course, will inevitably have February 2022. but also gives Putin the po-
stand with his country and “Any parallel or alterna- President Vladimir Putin consequences for the Kyiv During the fighting, Rus- litical space to continue the
not seek “a lull” instead of a tive attempts to seek peace is not attending this year’s regime.” sia has gained momentum in war,” Zelensky told the as-
“real, just peace” more than are, in fact, efforts to achieve high-level meetings at the The war in Ukraine was Ukraine’s east. Ukraine, sembly Wednesday.
two years into Russia’s war. a lull instead of an end to the General Assembly; Foreign center stage the last two meanwhile, startled Russia To proponents of alterna-
At a time when he faces war,” Zelensky said, urging Minister Sergei Lavrov is ex- times that world leaders by sending troops across the tive plans, he chided: “You
growing pressure from West- nations to “put pressure on” pected to give the nation’s convened for the U.N.’s sig- border in a daring incursion will not boost your power at
ern allies and some of his Russia. address instead, on Sat- nature annual meeting. But last month. Ukraine’s expense.”
fellow Ukrainians to negoti- “Do not divide the world. urday. this year, the Israel-Hamas Ukrainian officials have Zelensky is expected to
ate a cease-fire, President Be united nations,” he im- In Moscow on Wednes- war in Gaza and the escalat- rejected a Chinese and Bra- present a victory plan this
Volodymyr Zelensky told the plored. “And that will bring day, Kremlin spokesperson ing developments along the zilian peace plan, believing week to President Biden. Al-
U.N. General Assembly us peace.” Dmitry Peskov lambasted Israeli-Lebanese border it would just buy Moscow though the plan hasn’t been
there’s no alternative to the Russia hasn’t yet had its remarks that Zelensky have gotten much of the time. released, it’s aimed at laying
peace formula he presented turn to speak at the assem- made the day before, when spotlight. “When some propose al- out what Ukraine believes it
two years ago. It seeks the bly’s annual gathering of the Ukrainian president told Ukraine and Russia, with ternatives, half-hearted set- needs — fast — from Western
expulsion of all Russian presidents, prime ministers, the U.N. Security Council one of the world’s most po- tlement plans, so-called sets allies to win.
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Ichiro Ohara Yomiuri Shimbun

Thu rs d U GE SA A CHINESE WOMAN prays in front of a memorial for a Japanese boy who was


stabbed on his way to school in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen last week.


W ED NE SDAY! Attacks inflame tenuous
Japan-China relations
similar one in June, in which people: “According to polls,
The fatal stabbing a man in his 50s attacked a in recent years, up to 93% of
Japanese woman and her the Japanese public express
of a Japanese child in preschooler with a knife as a dislike for China. So, who
Shenzhen exacerbates they waited for a school bus exactly is playing the ‘hate
in the eastern city of Suzhou. education’ game?”
a growing mistrust. A Chinese woman who inter- An annual government
vened to stop the assailant survey conducted in the fall
By Stephanie Yang from getting on the bus later of 2023 showed that 86.7%
and Xin-yun Wu died of her injuries. of Japanese “do not feel
China’s Foreign Ministry friendly” toward China, a
TAIPEI, Taiwan — A has described both knife at- record high going back to
deadly knife attack on a Jap- tacks as “isolated inci- 1978, Kyodo News reported.

anese schoolboy in China dents.” But the acts of ag- Fears of detention and
has stoked frictions between gression have aggravated public ire have deterred for-
the two countries and raised growing mistrust between eigners, including Japanese

Pridmore Designs
safety concerns at a time Japan and China, which citizens, from returning to
when China is trying to at- have clashed on issues in- China after the COVID-19
tract foreigners for work and cluding regional defense and pandemic, despite govern-
travel. a controversial plan to re- ment efforts to project an

3089 Bristol St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 The 10-year-old student

was stabbed to death by a
lease treated wastewater
from Japan’s decommis-
open and friendly image.
Four instructors from the

44-year-old man outside the sioned nuclear plant in U.S. were also stabbed in
gates of a Japanese school in Fukushima last year. June during a visit to China’s
Shenzhen last week. On Monday, Japanese northeastern Jilin province.
Chinese authorities have Foreign Minister Yoko Tomoko Ako, a professor
not revealed any motive for Kamikawa met with Chi- in China studies at the Uni-
the attack. nese counterpart Wang Yi in versity of Tokyo, was doubt-
Japanese officials are New York, and said she had ful that increased oversight

seeking more details from urged China to ensure the of online discussion would
the investigation and raising safety of Japanese citizens in reassure foreigners of their
concerns about the safety of the country. Japan plans to safety in China. She said
their citizens there. There spend about $300,000 to im- that her university is consid-


were 102,066 Japanese na- prove security at Japanese ering canceling a regular ex-
tionals living in China in schools there. change program for her Chi-
2022, according to govern- Kamikawa also called on nese-language class.

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ment data, close to a 20- Beijing to crack down on “Fewer and fewer people
year-low. anti-Japanese sentiment have been signing up in re-
“We strongly demand online. cent years, ” she said. “Many
that the Chinese side ex- Major Chinese tech com- students are afraid.”
plain the facts,” Prime Min- panies have announced ef- In a Monday statement,

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ister Fumio Kishida said last forts to tamp down inflam- Chinese Vice Foreign Min-
week, according to Japanese matory rhetoric on social ister Sun Weidong said the
media. “I cannot help but media platforms. On Sat- two governments were work-
feel deep sorrow. It was an urday, after the latest at- ing toward a constructive

& More!
extremely cowardly crime tack, the popular short-vi- and stable relationship, and
and a serious incident.” deo app Kuaishou — similar expressed his regret over the
Some Japanese compa- to TikTok — said it banned death of the Japanese
nies, including Panasonic, or suspended about 90 ac- schoolchild.

have offered to move their counts for hate speech. “China upholds the rule
China-based employees On Tuesday, there was of law, and China has and
back home, according to me- heated discussion about the will continue taking effective

dia reports. tensions on the X-like mi- measures to protect the
The Sept. 18 assault— croblogging app Weibo. One safety of all foreigners in
which took place on the an- certified account with 3 mil- China,” the release said.
niversary of Japan’s invasion lion followers pointed the
of Manchuria, now north- finger at Japan for increased Wu is a special
eastern China— follows a hostility toward Chinese correspondent.

The (500-year-old) reason for

Mexico’s snub of Spanish king
By Kate Linthicum


Claudia Sheinbaum is inau-
gurated as Mexico’s first fe-
male president on Tuesday,
one delegation will be nota-
bly absent.
The Spanish government
said this week that it will not
send any representatives to
the historic ceremony to
protest the “unacceptable”
fact that Spanish King Fe-
lipe VI was not invited.
It was the latest in a sim-
mering diplomatic dispute Carl De Souza AFP/Getty Images
rooted in the Spanish con- SPAIN’S conquest is a factor in Mexico excluding it
quest of Mexico 500 years from Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidential inauguration.
In 2019, Mexican Presi- Sheinbaum said she decided hails from southern Mexico,
dent Andrés Manuel López to exclude Felipe VI from her which is home to the coun-
Obrador sent a letter to the inauguration because Spain try’s largest Indigenous
Spanish crown demanding never responded directly to population, has sought to re-
that it issue a public apology López Obrador’s request. store pride in the nation’s In-
for abuses committed dur- “Regrettably, this letter digenous roots during his six
ing the violent invasion cen- did not merit any direct years in office. During his
turies earlier. response, as would have cor- own inauguration in 2018, he
“The so-called conquest responded to diplomatic was blessed in an Indige-
was accomplished with the best practices,” Sheinbaum nous ceremony. Some of his
sword and the cross,” López wrote. critics have pointed out that
Obrador said in a video that While the two countries one of his grandfathers was
he released at the time ex- “share a solid friendship,” born in Cantabria, Spain.
plaining his letter. “Thou- Sheinbaum said, a success- Sheinbaum, a close ally of
sands of people were mur- ful bilateral relationship will López Obrador and a mem-

THE TIME IS NOW to take advantage

dered during this period. A require “a renewed histori- ber of his leftist Morena
culture was imposed, one cal perspective.” party, has vowed to continue

of Massive Markdowns!
civilization on top of anoth- At his morning news con- many of the president’s poli-
er, to the point where Catho- ference Wednesday, López cies, including his emphasis
lic churches were con- Obrador defended Shein- on helping poor and Indige-
structed on top of the tem- baum’s decision. “They nous Mexicans.
ples of pre-Hispanic peo- acted with a lot of arro- The officials who are con-
ples.” gance,” he said of Spanish firmed to attend her inaugu-
Spain rebuffed the presi- authorities, urging them to ration include a who’s who
dent’s demands, with gov- “put racism aside” and take of the Latin American left,

For more information and directions

ernment officials telling responsibility for the hor- among them Presidents
journalists that the nation’s rors of the conquest. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of

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current leaders should not “What does it cost them Brazil, Gustavo Petro of Co-
be held responsible for the to offer an apology?” he lombia, Gabriel Boric of Chi-
actions of their forebears. asked. le and Miguel Díaz-Canel of
*All merchandise subject up to 70% off suggested retail and excludes prior sales” In a statement this week, López Obrador, who Cuba.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 A5


Man charged with Trump assassination attempt

legally hoarding classified The charge of attempted Asked at an unrelated
Upgraded indictment documents at his Mar-a- assassination of a major news conference about
Lago estate in Florida. She presidential candidate Trump’s criticism Monday,
comes days after only dismissed that case in July, a carries a potential life sen- Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland
two firearms counts decision now being appealed tence in the event of a con- said the Justice Department
by special counsel Jack viction. Other charges in the “would spare no resources to
were initially filed. Smith’s team. indictment include assault- ensure accountability” in
The attempted assassi- ing a federal officer, possess- the case.
By Eric Tucker nation indictment had been ing a firearm in furtherance “All of our top priority
foreshadowed during a of a crime of violence and the should be ensuring that ac-
WASHINGTON — A court hearing Monday in two original firearms countability occurs in this
man who authorities say which prosecutors success- charges he faced last week. case and that those who run
staked out Donald Trump fully argued for Routh, 58, to The potential shooting for office and their families
for 12 hours on his golf course remain behind bars as a was thwarted when a mem- are safe and protected,”
in Florida and wrote of his flight risk and a threat to ber of Trump’s Secret Serv- Garland said.
desire to kill the former pres- public safety. ice protective detail spotted The Justice Department
ident has been indicted on They alleged that he had a man’s partly obscured face also said Monday that au-
an attempted assassination talked of his plans to kill and a rifle barrel protruding thorities who searched
charge. Trump in a handwritten through the golf course Routh’s car found six cell-
Ryan Wesley Routh had note months before his Sept. fence line, ahead of where phones, including one that
been initially charged with 15 arrest in which he referred Trump was playing. The AFPTV/AFP/Getty Images showed a Google search of
two federal firearms of- to his actions as a failed “as- agent fired in the direction of RYAN WESLEY ROUTH is interviewed in Kyiv in how to travel from Palm
fenses. The upgraded sassination attempt on Don- Routh, who sped away and 2022 at a rally calling for global support of Ukraine. Beach County to Mexico.
charges contained in a five- ald Trump” and offered was stopped by law enforce- A notebook found in his
count indictment Tuesday $150,000 for anyone who ment in a neighboring thwart a potential attack in but the absence of an imme- car was filled with criticism
reflect the Justice Depart- could “finish the job.” That county. Florida. diate charge to that effect of the Russian and Chinese
ment’s assessment that he note was in a box that Routh Routh did not fire any The initial charges Routh opened the door for Florida governments and notes
methodically plotted to kill had apparently dropped off rounds and did not have faced in a criminal com- Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Re- about how to join the war on
the Republican nominee, at the home of an unidenti- Trump in his line of sight, of- plaint accused him of il- publican, to announce his behalf of Ukraine.
aiming a rifle through the fied witness months ago. ficials have said. He left be- legally possessing his gun in own state-level investigation In addition, prosecutors
shrubbery surrounding The person opened the hind a digital camera, a spite of multiple felony con- that he said could produce have cited a book written by
Trump’s West Palm Beach letter, took a photograph of backpack, a loaded SKS- victions and possessing a more serious charges. Routh last year in which he
golf course on an afternoon the front page of the letter, style rifle with a scope and a firearm with an obliterated Trump, seeking to cast lambasted Trump’s ap-
Trump was playing on it. addressed “Dear World,” plastic bag containing food. serial number. It is common doubt on the legitimacy of proach to foreign policy, in-
Routh left behind a note in and contacted law enforce- The arrest came two for prosecutors to bring pre- the investigation and the cluding in Ukraine. He wrote
which he described his in- ment after the attempted as- months after Trump was liminary and easily provable Justice Department more that Iran was “free to assas-
tention, prosecutors said. sassination. wounded in the ear in an as- charges upon an arrest and broadly, complained Mon- sinate Trump” for having
Court records show the Prosecutors also said sassination attempt during then add more serious of- day — before the new charge left the nuclear deal.
case has been assigned to Routh kept in his car a hand- a campaign rally in Pennsyl- fenses as the investigation was brought — that federal
Aileen Cannon, a Trump-ap- written list of venues in Au- vania. The Secret Service develops. prosecutors were “mishan- Tucker writes for the
pointed federal judge who gust, September and Octo- has acknowledged failings The FBI had said at the dling and downplaying” the Associated Press. AP
generated intense scrutiny ber at which Trump had ap- leading up to that shooting outset that it was investigat- case by bringing charges writers Alanna Durkin
for her handling of a criminal peared or was expected to be but has said that security ing the episode as an appar- that were a “slap on the Richer and Curt Anderson
case charging Trump with il- present. worked as it should have to ent assassination attempt, wrist.” contributed to this report.

Harris plans visit to border in Arizona Study discovers

The vice president a side effect of
has worked to make
the immigration issue
a campaign strength.
the fall of Roe
associated press
law that was later over-
By Geoff Mulvihill turned. Citing privacy con-
WASHINGTON — Vice cerns, the researchers did
President Kamala Harris It became more common not identify the state where
will visit the U.S.-Mexico for authorities to charge that charge originated. Four
border in Arizona on Friday women with crimes related others involved abortion-re-
as her campaign increas- to their pregnancies after lated allegations, including
ingly tries to make the issue the fall of Roe vs. Wade in evidence that a woman who
of immigration more of a 2022, a new study found — was charged had abortion
strength, countering a line of even if they’re almost never pills.
political attack from former accused of violating Bach pointed to the news
President Trump. abortion bans. organization ProPublica’s
Two people familiar with In the year after the U.S. reporting last week about
the matter confirmed the Supreme Court ended the two Georgia women whose
trip but insisted on anonym- nationwide right to abortion deaths a state commission
ity Wednesday to confirm in its Dobbs vs. Jackson linked to the state law that
details that had not been an- Women’s Health Organiza- bans abortion in most cases
nounced publicly. tion ruling, at least 210 wom- after the first six weeks of
Trump has built his cam- en across the country were pregnancy. The family of one
paign partly around calling charged with crimes related of them, Candi Miller, said
for cracking down on immi- to their pregnancies, accord- she was avoiding seeking
gration and the southern Jim Watson AFP/Getty Images ing to the report released by medical treatment after she
border, even endorsing us- VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris has faced attacks over immigration from Pregnancy Justice, an advo- took abortion pills for fear of
ing police and the military to former President Trump, who has assailed President Biden’s border policies. cacy organization. That’s being accused of a crime.
carry out mass deportations the highest number the States with abortion
should he be elected in No- seek asylum, though she was Trump’s behest. creased. group has identified over bans — including 14 that bar
vember. not called border czar. Harris has worked to Despite that, a new poll any 12-month period in re- it at all stages of pregnancy
At nearly all of his cam- Since taking over for Bid- make immigration an issue by the Associated Press- search projects that have and four, such as Georgia,
paign rallies, the Republican en at the top of the Demo- that can help her win sup- NORC Center for Public looked as far back as 1973. where it’s illegal after about
scoffs at Democrat Harris as cratic presidential ticket, porters, saying that Trump Affairs Research released Wendy Bach, a professor the first six weeks — have ex-
a former Biden administra- Harris has leaned into her would rather play politics this month found that at the University of Tennes- ceptions for women who
tion “border czar,” arguing experience as a former attor- with the issue than seek so- Trump has an advantage see College of Law and one of self-manage abortions. But
that she oversaw softer fed- ney general of California, lutions, while also promising over Harris on whom voters the lead researchers on the Bach said that people seek-
eral policies that allowed saying that she frequently more humane treatment of trust to better handle immi- project, said one of the cases ing abortion have been
millions of people into the visited the border and prose- immigrants should she win gration. was when a woman deliv- charged with other crimes.
country illegally. cuted drug- and people- the White House. This issue was a problem ered a stillborn baby at her “She did not want to seek
President Biden tasked smuggling gangs in that In June, Biden an- for Biden as well: Illegal im- home about six or seven help because of her fear that
Harris with working to ad- post. As she campaigns nounced rules that bar mi- migration and crossings at months into her pregnancy. she would be prosecuted,”
dress the root causes of im- around the country, the vice grants from being granted the U.S. border with Mexico Bach said that when the Bach said. “That is a really
migration patterns that president has also lamented asylum when U.S. officials have been a challenge during woman went to make funer- realistic fear.”
have caused many people the collapse of a bipartisan deem that the southern much of his administration. al arrangements, the funeral The majority of the cases
fleeing violence and drug border security deal in Con- border is overwhelmed. The poll also found that Re- home alerted authorities in the study came from just
gangs in Central America to gress that most Republican Since then, arrests for illegal publicans are more likely to and the woman was charged two states: Alabama with 104
head to the U.S. border and lawmakers rejected at border crossings have de- care about immigration. with homicide. and Oklahoma with 68. The
Because of confidentiali- next state was South Car-
ty provisions in the study, olina, with 10.
Bach would not reveal more Rivera said a common
details on the case. But it thread of those three states

Navy supply ship suffers damage in Mideast was one of 22 cases in the
study that involved the
death of a fetus or infant.
— which were also among
the states with the most
cases of pregnancy-related
“It’s an environment charges before the Dobbs
Horn as having “ran where pregnancy loss is po- ruling — is that their
associated press
aground ... and partially tentially criminally sus- supreme courts have issued
flooded off the coast of pect,” Lourdes Rivera, presi- opinions recognizing fe-
DUBAI — A U.S. Navy re- Oman.” dent of Pregnancy Justice, tuses, embryos or fertilized
plenishment ship operating Though the Abraham said in an interview. eggs as having the rights of
in the Middle East sustained Lincoln is powered by a nu- The researchers caution people.
damage in an incident that is clear reactor, its strike group that the tally of cases from Several states have laws
under investigation, officials has vessels powered by fossil June 24, 2022, through June that give fetuses at least
said. fuel that need to be resup- 23, 2023, is an undercount, as some rights of people, and
The damage to the Navy’s plied at sea. The aircraft were earlier versions. As a re- the concept received broad
Big Horn happened after the aboard the Abraham Lin- sult, they can’t be positive attention this year when Al-
oiler supplied the San Di- coln also need jet fuel. The there wasn’t a stretch be- abama clinics suspended of-
ego-based USS Abraham Big Horn and other ships tween 1973 and 2022 with as fering in vitro fertilization af-
Lincoln aircraft carrier like it also provide other sup- many cases as after the ter a state Supreme Court
strike group, which remains plies. Dobbs ruling. During the ruling recognized embryos
in the region amid height- Oilers such as the Big earlier period, they found as “extrauterine children” in
ened tensions over the Isra- Horn are not commissioned more than 1,800 cases — a wrongful death case
el-Hamas war and Israel’s Navy ships but are owned by peaking at about 160 in 2015 brought by couples whose
ongoing strikes targeting the Navy. They typically and 2017. frozen embryos were de-
Hezbollah in Lebanon. U.S. Navy have about 80 civilians and Most of the cases since stroyed in an accident.
A Navy official, speaking THE U.S. Navy oiler Big Horn, left, was with the five military personnel on Roe’s end include charges of Within weeks, the Republi-
on condition of anonymity to aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln on Sept. 11. board. child abuse, neglect or en- cans who control the state
discuss matters yet to be It is unclear whether any dangerment in which the fe- government adopted a law
made public, said Tuesday The Abraham Lincoln is pa- ment was still ongoing for other replenishment ships tus was listed as the victim. to protect IVF providers
that the damage occurred in trolling the Arabian Sea. the vessel. like it are immediately avail- Most involved allegations of from legal liability.
the Mideast but declined to The official said that the Rumors about the Big able in the Mideast. substance use during preg- “We really need to sepa-
elaborate on its location. Big Horn’s crew was safe and Horn’s condition began cir- An Associated Press sur- nancy, including 133 where it rate healthcare from puni-
A photo released by the that there was no sign of an culating early Tuesday after vey of publicly released mili- was the only allegation. The shment,” Rivera said. “This
U.S. military dated Sept. 5 oil leak from the vessel. images posted to a website tary images of similar re- group said most of the just has tragic endings and
showed sailors aboard the Another U.S. official, who tracking shipping called plenishment ships run by charges do not require proof does not properly address
Abraham Lincoln receiving spoke on condition of ano- gCaptain showed flooding the Navy’s Military Sealift that the baby or fetus was the problem. It creates more
supplies from the Big Horn, nymity for the same reason, purportedly on board the Command showed none in actually harmed. problems.”
while another on Sept. 11 said that the vessel was be- Henry J. Kaiser-class fleet the Mideast in recent Only one charge in the re-
showed the Big Horn along- ing supported by private replenishment oiler. The months. The command de- port alleged violations of an Mulvihill writes for the
side the Abraham Lincoln. tugboats and that an assess- website described the Big clined to comment. abortion ban — and it was a Associated Press.
A6 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Will touting her job at McDonald’s help Harris?

[Harris, from A1] didate can tout. The author
trumpeting her time at the of 2006’s “My Secret Life on
Golden Arches. In August, it the McJob,” which chroni-
released an ad that said the cled his undercover work in
vice president “worked at fast food, said that those em-
McDonald’s while she got ployees learn about the im-
her degree,” a reference to portance of reliability, work-
her time at Howard Uni- ing under pressure and be-
versity in the 1980s, adding, ing a team player — bedrock
“Kamala Harris knows what principles of any blue-collar
it’s like to be middle class.” job. Harris, he said, “can
At the Democratic Na- make the point that if she
tional Convention, several hadn’t already learned those
speeches drew attention to things they were certainly
the vice president’s back- reinforced” during her stint
ground in fast food. Clinton, with the chain.
famed for his love of McDon- If working at McDonald’s
ald’s, joked that, if elected, or Baskin-Robbins is now
Harris would break his something to celebrate,
record “as the president who that’s a shift that may reflect
has spent the most time” changing views about the
there. And Texas Rep. Jas- value of blue-collar work at a
mine Crockett brought up time when a large number of
the burger behemoth while Americans identify with the
attacking former President “working class” designation.
Trump: “One candidate According to an August
worked at McDonald’s while poll by the Pew Research
she was in college at an Center, 54% of Americans
HBCU. The other was born said that “working class” de-
with the silver spoon in his scribed them “extremely or
mouth.” very well.”
Amid an era in which the
Democratic Party has seen ::
its candidates routinely trail
Republicans in capturing It was 96 degrees on a re-
the support of working-class cent weekday afternoon,
voters, the decision by the and the parking lot of a
Harris campaign to tie the Christina House Los Angeles Times McDonald’s on Vine Street
candidate to a brand belov- VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff order food at El Cholo restaurant in Hollywood shimmered
ed by large swaths of the in Santa Monica in October. Harris’ campaign has unabashedly trumpeted her time working at McDonald’s. with heat. The restaurant’s
population is a smart one patio offered a sliver of
that could make her more re- either. Trump’s campaign yond, and a skilled home that of Trump. shade for Ashley Zamarripa,
latable, several observers
told The Times.
seized on the story, demand-
ing that Harris prove she
‘It is a savvy way cook — a pastime she’s made
part of her political persona.
“Can you simply picture
Donald Trump working at a
21, who said that she hadn’t
known that Harris once
“It is a savvy way of ap- worked for the chain. of appealing to “One of the things that I McDonald’s trying to make a worked at McDonald’s, and
pealing to working-class At a recent campaign do that I find most enjoyable McFlurry or something?” felt it made the vice presi-
[voters] ... who have prob- event, Trump said the vice working-class — and it just grounds me — Democratic vice presi- dent “more relatable.”
ably worked at places worse
than McDonald’s,” said
president lied about having
worked at McDonald’s. He
[voters] ... who is to cook Sunday family din-
ner,” she said in an Insta-
dential nominee Tim Walz
asked an audience in Au-
“Hearing about Harris,
who worked a job that a com-
David Garrow, author of repeated the claim a day lat- have probably gram video posted in July. gust. “He couldn’t run that mon person works — I work
“Rising Star,” a biography of er during a news conference Contois sees the men- damn McFlurry machine.” in retail — I can relate to
Barack Obama. “There is, at his golf course in Rancho worked at places tions of McDonald’s and that,” she said.
undoubtedly, a class-appeal
aspect to it.”
Palos Verdes.
“She never worked at
worse than Sunday dinners as different
parts of the same overarch-
:: Not everyone saw Harris’
backstory as much of a plus.
It also is a gesture that
may be designed to draw at-
McDonald’s,” he said. “It’s a
lie. They went in, they inves-
McDonald’s.’ ing strategy designed to
help the candidate connect
A few 21st century presi-
dents have had jobs in food
A man with a scruffy beard
and cutoff sweatpants, who
tention away from Harris’ tigated it, and the fake news David Garrow, with voters. Harris’ McDon- service, among them Barack declined to give his name,
status as a liberal from Cali- won’t report that. ... She ne- author of “Rising Star,” a ald’s experience, she said, is Obama. As a teenager, he said that he didn’t think the
fornia, said Emily Contois, ver worked at McDonald’s. biography of Barack Obama “going to reach a different scooped ice cream at a candidate’s time in fast food
associate professor of media She said she stood over audience than those who are Baskin-Robbins in Honolu- was of “merit.” After all, he
studies at the University of those French fries when they paying attention to the fact lu. In the final year of his noted, plenty of people have
Tulsa in Oklahoma. were being fried, and it was spond to requests for com- that she ... makes a killer presidency, Obama wrote on to take on arduous work to
Harris is trying “to ap- such tough [work]. She’s a li- ment. roast chicken.” LinkedIn that the ice cream survive.
peal to voters from all across ar.” After the Free Beacon re- Harris’ McDonald’s stint gig had taught him the value But Rod Hubbard, who
the country,” said Contois, In a statement to The port was published, a former gives her something in com- of “Responsibility. Hard works in private security,
adding that there’s a “na- Times, Harris campaign Republican congressman mon with a sizable part of work. Balancing a job with said, “For somebody in her
tionalist undertone” to spokesperson Rhyan Lake took to X to make light of the the electorate: the fast-food friends, family, and school.” position to have been in my
McDonald’s that may help touted the vice president’s story. Adam Kinzinger of Illi- company has said that 1 in 8 However, Obama did not same shoes, that would reso-
too. “Pretty much every “middle-class roots,” saying nois noted that he had Americans have worked at make his Baskin-Robbins nate with me.”
American has eaten there.” they are “a big reason why “worked at Hardee’s and lit- the chain. What’s more, dur- experience part of his cam- Smiling wryly, Hubbard
But the topic has not she is fighting to lower the erally never told anyone un- ing his convention speech, paign messaging. explained that he had a good
been without peril. cost of living and ensure ev- til just now. It’s not in my Second Gentleman Doug That might have been sense of what Harris might
On Aug. 29, the Washing- ery American has the oppor- book either. Still worked Emhoff mentioned that he’d strategic, Garrow said. “He have endured at McDonald’s
ton Free Beacon, a conser- tunity not to just get by, but there.” worked there as well. wanted to present himself as because he once worked at
vative news website, pub- to get ahead.” As with Crockett’s among ‘the best and the Burger King. “It means that
lished a report that ques- “It’s not surprising :: pointed comments, other brightest,’ not some com- she understands hard
tioned whether Harris had Trump doesn’t understand Democrats have held up mon plebe who’d held work- work,” he said. “She’s been
worked at McDonald’s, say- that considering he wants to A tenure at McDonald’s Harris’ time slinging fries — aday jobs,” Garrow said of there, like a lot of us have.”
ing that the job was not explode costs on the middle makes for a notable juxtapo- her campaign has said she Obama’s first run for the
listed on a resume she sub- class to give more tax hand- sition with Harris’ reputa- worked at a McDonald’s in presidency. Times staff writer Hailey
mitted a year after college outs to billionaires,” Lake tion as a gourmand. She is a Alameda, Calif., in the sum- Jerry Newman, on the Branson-Potts and
and noting that biographers said. knowledgeable diner at mer of 1983 — as a way to con- other hand, believes a fast- researcher Scott Wilson
had not mentioned the work McDonald’s did not re- restaurants in L.A. and be- trast her life experience with food job is something a can- contributed to this report.

An ‘excruciatingly difficult’ choice to endorse Harris

dates or not endorse. agreement with Vice Presi- ted” movement focused on rael-Hezbollah war. clear-eyed manner and just
A top Muslim-voter Emgage Action, the polit- dent Harris on all issues, but protesting the war, have cho- In an interview before giving our voting guidance,”
ical arm of an 18-year-old rather, an honest guidance sen to not endorse any presi- Emgage Action’s formal an- Alzayat said.
organization says Muslim American advocacy to our voters regarding the dential candidate. nouncement, Alzayat de- In Wednesday’s state-
despite the handling group, endorsed Harris’ difficult choice they confront The conflict in the Middle scribed the decision to back ment, Emgage Action en-
presidential campaign on at the ballot box,” said Wa’el East has escalated since Harris as “excruciatingly dorsed Harris to prevent “a
of the war in Gaza, Wednesday, saying in a Alzayat, chief executive of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Is- difficult,” noting months of return to Islamophobic and
she is the best option. statement provided first to Emgage Action, in a state- rael, which killed about 1,200 internal discussions and ex- other harmful policies under
the Associated Press that ment. “While we do not agree people. Israel’s offensive in tensive meetings and out- a Trump administration.”
the group “recognizes the re- with all of Harris’ policies, response has killed more reach with Harris’ policy Many in the Islamic com-
associated press
sponsibility to defeat” Don- particularly on the war on than 41,000 Palestinians, ac- team and campaign. munity cite Trump’s “Mus-
ald Trump in November. Gaza, we are approaching cording to the Gaza Health Ultimately, the group lim ban,” which is how many
LANSING, Mich. — Vice The group, based in this election with both prag- Ministry, which does not dif- found alignment with many Trump opponents refer to
President Kamala Harris Washington, operates in matism and conviction.” ferentiate between combat- of Harris’ domestic policies his ban on immigrants from
has secured the endorse- eight states, with a signifi- The endorsement follows ants and civilians. and is “hopeful” about her several majority-Muslim
ment of one of the nation’s cant presence in the key months of tension between Israel also has expanded approach to the Middle East countries, as a key reason for
largest Muslim American battlegrounds of Michigan Arab American and Muslim its air campaign against conflict if elected, Alzayat opposing his return to the
voter mobilization groups, and Pennsylvania. The or- groups and Democratic Hezbollah, with strikes on said. White House.
marking a significant boost ganization will now focus its leaders over the Biden ad- Lebanon killing at least 560 “We owe it to our commu- Trump’s campaign dis-
to her campaign since many voter-outreach efforts on ministration’s handling of people, including many nity, despite this pain, de- missed the significance of
Muslim and Arab American supporting Harris, as well as the Israel-Hamas war. Many women and children, mak- spite the emotions, that we the endorsement.
organizations have opted to down-ballot candidates. of these groups, including ing it the deadliest bom- are one organization that is “Once again, national or-
support third-party candi- “This endorsement is not leaders of the “Uncommit- bardment since the 2006 Is- looking at things in a sober, ganizations’ endorsements
aren’t matching up to what
the people suffering from
four years of Kamala Harris
believe,” Victoria LaCivita,

Fall kills man descending from Wyoming’s Devils Tower Trump’s communications
director for Michigan, said
Wednesday. She added that
Trump had won the en-
the park’s 118-year history. dorsement of Democrat
Victim is the park’s About 6,000 people climb the Amer Ghalib, the Muslim
formation every year. mayor of Hamtramck, Mich.
7th climbing fatality. The two were on a rela- “Voters across the coun-
His partner is rescued tively easy climbing route try know that President
called El Cracko Diablo. Trump is the right candi-
after crying out for They had summited the date for ALL Americans,
help, an official says. tower and were headed back and he will ensure peace and
down when Porter fell. safety in our country and
How the fall happened around the world,” LaCivita
associated press
was unknown. said.
The accident was still be- Julie Chavez Rodriguez,
HULETT, Wyo. — A ing investigated, Crossen Harris’ campaign manager,
climber fell to his death said. noted in a statement that
this week while rappelling Standing with sheer the endorsement comes “at
down Devils Tower, leaving sides almost 870 feet above a time when there is great
his partner stranded with- the surrounding country- pain and loss in the Muslim
out a rope on the face of side and a mile above sea lev- and Arab American commu-
the Wyoming geological for- el, Devils Tower is the nities.”
mation. world’s largest example of Harris will continue
The stuck climber was columnar jointing — fused working “to bring the war in
rescued unharmed after pillars of igneous rock that Gaza to an end such that Is-
crying out for help Sunday formed as underground rael is secure, all the hos-
evening, Devils Tower Na- magma. tages are released, the suf-
tional Monument Supt. Established in 1906, fering of Palestinians in
Doug Crossen said Wednes- Devils Tower was the first Gaza ends, and the Palestin-
day. national monument and ian people can exercise their
Stewart Phillip Porter, 21, played a role in the 1977 film Susan Montoya Bryan Associated Press right to freedom, dignity, se-
of Eau Claire, Wis., was the “Close Encounters of the THE ACCIDENT at Devils Tower is under investigation. The rock formation is curity, and self-determina-
seventh climbing fatality in Third Kind.” the first national monument and attracts about 6,000 climbers every year. tion,” she said.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 A7

Students sue over

labor at university
[College, from A1] miles away.
president and others, sev- Some in the Anza com-
eral former students and munity who spoke to The
employees from Olivet Uni- Times said they were unfa-
versity and its business de- miliar with the university,
scribed a Big Brother-like beyond allegations they’ve
atmosphere on multiple read about; others who grew
campuses where adminis- up in the area said they were
trators prevented adults wary of the mysterious cam-
from leaving, they said, and pus less than 10 miles from
forced them to work, some- the town’s main drag.
times for free. Darren Harris, an attor-
The university has faced ney representing some for-
multiple law enforcement in- mer students, said the law-
quiries, and U.S. Homeland suit is on hold for a federal in-
Security Investigations con- vestigation. Harris said he
firmed that an investigation has heard from investigators
into the university contin- with the Department of
ues. No one has been Homeland Security and the
charged in the probe. For- U.S. attorney’s office in Los
mer students and an attor- Angeles. The Department of
ney representing the law- Justice said it would not re-
suit’s plaintiffs say they have spond to questions related
been contacted by to an investigation. Colleen Shalby Los Angeles Times
federal agents in recent Harris said that his cli- “EVERY GOVERNMENT entity that has looked into these claims of human trafficking hasn’t found any-
weeks. ents fear Olivet’s power and thing substantiating their veracity,” said Jonathan Park, president of Anza-based Olivet University.
Olivet has denied all alle- that one client pulled out
gations. from the lawsuit over fear ministrative policies and under warning in 2022 until The couple left the uni- ask questions. After bring-
“These allegations con- and intimidation. Their working conditions. earlier this year. Neither the versity this year with their ing her frustrations to a uni-
tinue to be completely false,” hope is that their case is fully In 2018, the Manhattan investigations nor the ac- young daughters. Zhou said versity leader, she said, com-
Olivet President Jonathan investigated. district attorney’s office creditation status appears she and her husband de- munity students and faculty
Park said in a statement. “They were promised to charged the university and to have affected university cided to come forward be- isolated her, and university
“Every government entity attend school, basically for several of its executives with operations as records show cause they believe they “will leaders called her family and
that has looked into these free, under the guise of a fully fraud and money launder- that some campus branches be safe” from possible intim- told them she had been
claims of human trafficking paid scholarship, fully paid ing. Olivet University were approved during that idation or retaliation from “brainwashed” by outsiders.
hasn’t found anything sub- tuition, books, etc. And pleaded guilty to conspiracy time, including the school in the Olivet community if “Suddenly, they were
stantiating their veracity.” when they arrived there, to commit money launder- Florida — a move that their story is public. Others really aggressive,” she said.
The university did not they were told that they ing and to falsification of troubled residents. who spoke with The Times “I [thought], ‘I’m not safe.’ ”
say which government en- needed to be put to work to business records, court “Olivet is a Christian uni- anonymously voiced a simi- She left this year after
tities it was referring to. pay for school,” Harris said. documents show. The uni- versity, accredited and is in lar fear. nearly a year at the Northern
When asked to clarify, Park “They never got paid for versity said it has never good standing with the Zhou said that as a California campus. She said
said “the university has re- those jobs. They were work- pleaded guilty or been con- ABHE, with a focus on train- graphic design student at she continues to fear retalia-
ceived no indication from ing under duress, and if they victed of fraud or money ing students for careers in Olivet, she often spent more tion.
any state or federal investi- did not agree to do so, they laundering. missions and ministry,” than 50 hours a week cre- In an interview with The
gators that the school is even would have been dismissed The university system, a Park said. ating graphics and selling Times, one woman said that
being investigated for hu- by the university. Mean- 501(c)(3) nonprofit, re- The university system is products such as crystals while she was never phys-
man trafficking, let alone while, the university set up ported $17.5 million in reve- not related to Olivet Naza- and T-shirts via online ically trapped in the way
finding anything that has their visas, set up their ar- nue and $80.5 million in total rene University in Illinois or storefronts on Amazon and that former students have
substantiated the veracity of rangements to come there assets on its 2022 tax return. the University of Olivet in Etsy. She said she typically described, other practices
these false human traffick- and obviously set up their It interconnects with World Michigan. purchased the materials made it difficult to leave the
ing claims.” schooling and living condi- Olivet Assembly Inc., a non- The lawsuit’s claims that from China, but never saw community.
He did not respond to tions.” profit connected to ministry students were unable to money from the sales and She said she and her hus-
specific claims that students The California attorney work that reported more come and go and were forced was never fully compen- band were wedded in an ar-
were forced to work for little general’s office filed a com- than $20 million in revenue to work without pay sated for her hours of work, ranged marriage. She said
or no pay or that they could plaint last year with the and $85.25 million in total as- matched stories from others which she had to do in addi- the practice was a common
not leave campus without state Department of Con- sets on its 2022 tax return. once connected to the uni- tion to classes and a manda- way to reinforce a member’s
permission. sumer Affairs’ Bureau for Those familiar with the Ol- versity. tory 5 a.m. daily prayer serv- bond to Jang’s “Communi-
The suit filed in Califor- Private Postsecondary Edu- ivet network said it encom- Former students Tingbo ice. She said her parents ty” and make it difficult for
nia by four students, includ- cation — the office responsi- passes e-commerce busi- Cao, 41, and Qilian Zhou, 35, sent money, clothes and members to leave, knowing
ing the one who made the ble for giving Olivet author- nesses that include Amazon arrived in the U.S. from other resources the family that if they did, they would
emergency call, said they ity to grant degrees — storefronts and has had con- China in 2011 to join the Ol- couldn’t afford. likely be separated from
were forced to work at least against the headquarters in nections to media. ivet University community. Money she did receive their loved ones.
40 hours a week doing tasks Anza, one of its extension Owners who founded the For years, the couple lived on from Olivet typically went The woman, who asked
that included manual labor campuses in Mill Valley and company that acquired the San Francisco campus back to the university amid to remain anonymous for
and gardening, and that a connected church in Los Newsweek in 2013 were once — the school’s former head- near-constant pressure to safety concerns, said she
their only outing was a Angeles over record-keeping connected to the university, quarters — before moving to donate, she said. and her now ex-husband left
weekly shopping trip to a and regulations. for example. The relation- the Mill Valley location when Cao did similar work the community years ago.
grocery store — chaperoned The accusation sought ship between Newsweek Me- it opened. Although they while studying for his de- She said that some of her
by school employees. Any “to revoke or suspend the in- dia Group and Olivet was were promised scholarship gree. During the pandemic, family members were also
other plans to leave the cam- stitution’s approval to op- also probed by the Manhat- money, they said, most of for example, he said, he connected with Olivet and
pus required written per- erate,” said Monica Vargas, tan district attorney’s office their time was eaten by work spent 70 hours a week selling that she didn’t reunite with
mission, the suit said. communications deputy di- and detailed by Newsweek, that university leaders re- masks on Etsy on top of them until they left.
“At all times while Plain- rector for the department. which has continued to re- quired them to perform to school work. He had only a Rep. Ken Calvert (R-
tiffs lived at Olivet’s Anza “The matter will be heard port on allegations against pay for their education. few hours to sleep. Corona), whose district in-
campus, they were not per- before an administrative law Olivet under threat of legal With monetary help from He said his stress was cludes Anza, recently called
mitted to come and go from judge at the Office of Admin- action. their families, they said, they compounded by a growing for an investigation into the
campus unless they first re- istrative Hearings.” Olivet’s business entities lent hundreds of thousands concern that money he lent university system.
ceived permission from an A hearing is set for No- have also been scrutinized in of dollars to the university in to the school in 2019, pulled “All colleges and institu-
Olivet employee,” the suit al- vember, according to the of- recent years. A complaint 2019. Years later, they from funds he received from tions of higher learning must
leges. “Plaintiffs were re- fice’s calendar. filed last year in Texas ac- awaited reimbursement, but his parents, wouldn’t be paid be safe environments for
quired to have a form signed Olivet was founded in cused World Olivet Assem- said they received pushback back. In 2022, he said, he had students, including those
by an Olivet employee au- 2000 by Korean American bly and the university of from the university and a stroke due in part to stress. coming to America from
thorizing them to leave the pastor David Jang. Aside opening multiple e-com- didn’t get repaid until this “I was overwhelmed,” he abroad,” Calvert said in a
campus. Plaintiffs were re- from its main campus in merce accounts under vari- year. said. statement to The Times. “In
quired to explain where they Anza, the university system ous names and funneling Cao said the university Another former student any situation where there
intend to go, why they were includes extension cam- funds back into the Olivet still owes thousands of dol- said she spent most of her are accusations of wrong-
leaving, with whom, and for puses in Mill Valley, north of community. The complaint lars in interest accruing on time selling products such doing and mistreatment of
how long.” San Francisco; Washington, named Park as a defendant the loan. The husband and as toenail fungus cream on students our local, state and
The isolation added to D.C.; Nashville; St. Ann, Mo., before he became the uni- wife said they have spoken to Amazon storefronts, but federal law enforcement
their sense of being trapped. outside St. Louis; and San- versity’s president in June. law enforcement about their wasn’t paid in full for the agencies must fully investi-
The university sits in a small ford, Fla., near Orlando. A The university system’s experience. hours she worked. When her gate.”
valley of desert scrub four campus in New York lost accreditor, the Assn. for Bib- Park said the university family raised concerns The Department of Jus-
miles from the two-lane permission to operate in lical Higher Education, put has not received loans from about the time spent on tice has not provided
highway that runs to the 2022 after the university Olivet on probation for less students. work, she researched the le- Calvert’s office with sub-
nearest city, Temecula, failed to meet state require- than two years in 2020 and “This is simply not true,” gality of what she had been stantive information about
which is an additional 25 ments for curriculum, ad- then placed the university he said. tasked with and started to the investigation into Olivet.

Hijacked bus leads police on slow-motion chase ending downtown

[Bus, from A1] and briefly stopped it at 117th at the scene and released, community,” Metro CEO
ways to detect weapons and and Figueroa just after 1 and Campbell was taken Stephanie Wiggins said dur-
protect both riders and driv- a.m., but then the pursuit into custody. ing Wednesday’s news con-
ers on public transit. continued, police said. At The L.A. County Met- ference. “It’s an essential
“I want to say unequivo- one point, officers threw ropolitan Transportation part of the daily lives of mil-
cally that what happened down spike strips in the bus’ Authority said in a state- lions of Angelenos, and it’s
this morning will not be tol- path, ripping through its ment that it is “grateful for also a reflection of the com-
erated. It has no place in Los tires. At times, the bus sped the LAPD’s swift action re- munity, and that includes
Angeles and the individual down streets in the wrong di- garding this morning’s bus the criminal activity and the
who was arrested must be rection as it wore the shred- hijacking incident and is weapons that flow onto our
held fully accountable,” ded tires down to the rims. grateful the operator was buses from our community
Bass said. “Every Angeleno Sirens screamed through unharmed.” streets.”
has the right to go about downtown as more than half The driver, who has not According to the Metro
their lives safely, especially a dozen police vehicles been publicly identified, has board’s latest report on
on our public transportation trailed the bus, attracting worked for Metro for more crimes across the system,
system.” the attention of bicyclists than a decade. The bus he crimes against persons are
The perilous ride who rode alongside taking was operating typically serv- up this year through July
through downtown came to OnScene.TV video. One video showed the ices Eagle Rock, Highland compared to 2023. Experts
an end near Alameda and A TIRE of the hijacked bus smokes after being punc- bus driver wave over a news Park and downtown Los An- note that crimes in the sys-
6th streets after a tense tured on a spike strip thrown down by L.A. police. camera person as “EMER- geles to South L.A. tem are generally underre-
standoff between SWAT offi- GENCY 911 CALL POLICE” County Supervisor Hilda ported. The trends have put
cers who had surrounded lauded the bus driver and was struck by a car and in- scrolled across its message Solis, who also sits on the some riders on edge.
the bus and the suspect in- law enforcement during jured. board. Metro board, called for a Sarah Smith, 39, held her
side. An officer yelled over a Wednesday’s news confer- Four people remained on The driver stared for- thorough investigation into 9-month-old son while bal-
speaker: “Metro Bus 5858, ence. board: the bus driver, the ward as the camera panned the circumstances that led ancing a stroller as she
this is LAPD. You’re sur- “I want to recognize that gunman and two passen- to two other people inside. A to the hijacking. stepped onto a bus in South
rounded. Come out with Metro bus driver whose ac- gers. man with a backpack More than a dozen vi- L.A. later Wednesday morn-
your hands up, one by one.” tions last night were nothing As calls to 911 began to flipped a middle finger at the olent altercations have oc- ing.
Video showed the driver sit- short of heroic,” Hahn said. flood in to dispatchers, the camera, and a passenger curred on buses, trains and “I feel relatively safe,” she
ting motionless with his “With a gunman on board bus driver activated the slumped against a window Metro properties this year. said, though she added that
hands raised. and his life on the line, he panic button inside the vehi- with the hood of a sweatshirt In March, a man hijacked a there’s sometimes “weird
Video of the scene then had the composure and the cle, alerting police and trig- pulled over his head. Offi- Metro bus and threatened energies” on the bus. One
showed a series of small ex- wherewithal to push the gering the emergency mes- cers could be heard shouting the driver with a gun that day, she said, a man had fol-
plosions from flash-bangs silent alarm, alerting both sage on the message board at the cameraman to get turned out to be fake. The lowed her around on the bus
deployed by police before of- the Metro operation center on the outside of the bus. away from the bus. bus crashed into several and was shouting, “I’m going
ficers with shields stormed and law enforcement.” The bus was recently equip- When police were finally parked cars and the Ritz- to sock you!”
inside. One passenger es- Police said the chase be- ped with a barrier that al- able to board the bus, they Carlton Hotel downtown. Smith has been riding the
caped through a window gan near South Figueroa lowed the driver to maintain found one passenger with In April, Mirna Soza, 66, bus almost daily for the two
and the bus driver climbed Street and Manchester Ave- control of the vehicle, a safe- multiple gunshot wounds, was fatally stabbed on the months as she saves up for a
out another and ran to safe- nue about 12:45 a.m. after ty measure that officials said who was later pronounced subway as she came home car. “I just do what I have to
ty behind an armored vehi- the gunman boarded the likely helped prevent further dead at a hospital. That per- from her night shift job, and do,” she said.
cle while officers moved in. bus, argued with the driver tragedy. The barriers are ex- son’s identity had not been in another incident a pas-
L.A. County Supervisor and shot a passenger as pected to be installed on all released by the county medi- senger captured a bus driver Times staff writers Rachel
and Metro Board Chair Jan- other riders ran out. One of Metro buses by the end of cal examiner. The bus driver on video pleading for help af- Uranga, Colleen Shalby and
ice Hahn called the incident the fleeing passengers ran the year. and a second passenger ter being stabbed. Joseph Serna contributed
a “real-life nightmare” and into oncoming traffic and Police located the bus were treated by paramedics “Metro is a part of our to this report.
A8 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Gala showcases movies produced using AI tools
ideas in their heads, they’re
At this San Francisco gonna have a chance to show
their stories to the world.”
screening, artists Varella, the 30-year-old
shared spotlight with Austin-based director be-
hind the “Get to You” video,
technology and the said he was skeptical at first,
startups that use it. concerned that AI tools
could “cheapen” the art and
that it could be seen as tak-
By Wendy Lee ing time away from visual ef-
fects artists.
SAN FRANCISCO — But Varella also was curi-
San Francisco Film Com- ous, so he entered the com-
mission Vice President Jack petition. The process was
Song has been to many Hol- more complicated, techni-
lywood movie premieres be- cally challenging and cre-
fore, but this was a first — a ative than Varella initially
gala led by tech enthusiasts expected, he said.
that screened short films “By the end of it, I felt like
created with artificial intelli- I had almost learned an en-
gence. tirely new role,” Varella told
Song, dressed in a black The Times. “It required cre-
blazer and a green shirt, ative decision-making at ev-
stood in the back as he ery turn, in a way that I
watched the audience reac- didn’t expect. It felt like a
tions swell to applause in- new art form.”
side the San Francisco office Still, Varella said he’s
of Andreessen Horowitz, a concerned that in the future,
prominent venture capital as AI rapidly advances,
firm that has invested in someone could do in a day
startups including Chat- what took him around 300
GPT maker OpenAI. In an hours.
event space used for activ- “I’m kind of afraid of
ities such as podcast record- where it’s going, and I’m
ings and networking, new not excited about that get-
films were projected on large ting easier to do,” Varella
screens in front of a mostly Michael Ogata Project Odyssey said.
seated audience of more ATTENDEES network at the Project Odyssey AI Film Gala in San Francisco, which was held in the office of More AI film competi-
than 100 people. Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm that has invested in startups including ChatGPT maker OpenAI. tions are coming. A second
First up was an indie pop Project Odyssey contest is
music video for a song called — part movie premiere, part Those concerns came to gala. how AI could be used in dif- planned for later this year. In
“Get to You,” by the artist tech startup conference — a head in last year’s dual “This started as a dream ferent genres, including October, Amazon’s AWS
Caleb Hurst. Directed by meant to showcase innova- Hollywood strikes led by eight months ago, when I westerns and narrative Startups and L.A.-based
filmmaker Dylan Varella, the tions in filmmaking using AI writers and actors. But in came to Civitai and ... we dramas. will host a film
video showed Hurst running models. San Francisco, home to a came on this journey of how Nitta said AI tools like competition called the Cul-
down a residential street as In some ways, the event swath of AI firms that have we can legitimize AI film- those his company is build- ver Cup.
he and his environment tog- had the trappings of a nor- raised billions of dollars, making,” Shimura said. ing could streamline anima- Several panelists at the
gled among a variety of col- mal short film festival. There there is more excitement, al- For the Project Odyssey tion processes, which could Project Odyssey event ac-
orful AI-generated worlds. were awards and prizes, as though tech enthusiasts did film competition, creators prevent worker burnout. For knowledged that there are
At the end, Hurst waved well as appetizers, poke not sugarcoat its effects. from around the world came example, his company still some shortcomings to
goodbye to an animated ver- boxes and wine. But in other Coco Nitta, chief execu- up with films with AI that worked with music group the technology. But its capa-
sion of himself, which flew telling respects, it was a tive of AI-driven film studio were four minutes or short- ROHKI to create a roughly bilities are improving.
away and transformed into a clear product of Silicon Val- iKHOR Labs, one of the er. Winners could earn cash, 12-minute video shown at “I like to adopt the bull in
cartoon sun. ley’s incursion into Holly- event’s sponsors, started his as well as credits or sub- the gala. the china shop theory, which
The audience applauded. wood’s territory, having keynote address with the scriptions to AI tools. The filmmakers used AI is the tools you have to bend
“The story still came been organized by Civitai, a rhetorical question on the The goal was to encour- tools from iKHOR Labs to them to your will,” said
from a human element, but company that provides a minds of many entertain- age creators give AI a try and transform live-action per- Katya Alexander, president
they leveraged all the exist- platform for people to dis- ment industry workers: “Is to see where their imagina- formances into stylized ani- of Pillars Studio, on one of
ing AI tools to help enhance cover and share AI-generat- AI going to take my job?” tion could take them. Enthu- mated versions of the the panels. “They don’t ex-
that visual experience,” said ed art and tools. Movie enthusiasts also siasm was high, with more ROHKI characters, Nitta actly work how you would
Song, a startup marketing There were no publicists have questioned the artistic than 1,300 entries. said. The project was made like them to yet.”
executive turned film pro- guarding A-list actors and value of AI-generated films. “There are stigmas atta- by six people in about a But Jason Zada, founder
ducer, in a phone interview there was no red carpet. The Oscar-winning director Gui- ched to using AI film making month and a half. Without of AI studio Secret Level,
after the event. “That’s what dress code was originally llermo del Toro recently tools, especially in tradi- the technology, Nitta said, it hopes one day people will
filmmaking and storytelling billed as semiformal, but, in quipped that the technology tional creative communi- could have taken six months talk less about the AI tools
is about. It’s about providing line with the casual attire of has only demonstrated that ties, but we’re trying to be to a year. involved in making the films
an audience an experience ... startups, was later revised to it can make “semi-compel- transparent about how the Tech executives cite such and more about the movies
and it’s provoking even more “business casual but feel free ling screensavers.” tools are being used,” creations as evidence of how themselves.
thoughts.” to dress it up!” Matty Shimura, Civitai’s Shimura said in an inter- AI could empower artists to “I hate [it when] the
“Get to You” was one of a In Hollywood, some cre- vice president of partner- view. “The people right now dream boldly and share new question right after I show
handful of AI-generated atives have labeled AI as a ships who leads AI film and who are most resistant to stories in unique ways. something is: ‘What tools
films screened this month at villain, technology that will TV initiatives, seemed to ad- the technology are also “This technology is going did you use?’ ” Zada said on
an event called the Project eliminate jobs and dramati- dress that culture clash in those who are going to be to democratize things in a a panel. “Who f— cares? You
Odyssey AI Film Gala, a cally threaten their liveli- opening remarks he gave to best at using it.” way,” Nitta said. “Indie film- know, did you like it? Was it
roughly four-hour gathering hoods. attendees during the Sept. 13 The short films showed makers that have brilliant good?”

Southern California News Group

journalists vote to allow a strike
walkout by a vote of 94%. Alden Global Capital — of
Union represents O.C. More than 90% of 125 engaging in unfair labor
unionized journalists — in- practices, stalling contract
Register, L.A. Daily cluding reporters and pho- negotiations and underpay-
News, other outlets. tographers, as well as dig- ing its employees, alleging
ital, social media and pro- that many SCNG reporters
duction staffers — spanning haven’t received a raise in
By Christi Carras 11 SCNG newsrooms partici- more than a decade.
pated in the strike authori- Representatives for
Journalists employed by zation vote, according to the SCNG and MediaNews
Southern California News union. Group did not immediately
Group, including the Or- The Southern California respond Monday to requests
ange County Register and News Group union belongs for comment.
L.A. Daily News, have over- to the Media Guild of the “This vote should serve
whelmingly voted to autho- West, which also represents as a wakeup call for manage-
rize a strike, their union an- journalists at the Los Ange- ment who for more than 2½
nounced Monday. les Times. years of bargaining has
The SCNG union said The labor organization failed to offer acceptable
David Zalubowski Associated Press that its members granted has accused SCNG — a sub- wages and benefits,” Sean
THE UNION has accused SCNG — a unit of MediaNews Group, which is owned their leadership the author- sidiary of MediaNews Emery, a SCNG reporter
by Alden Global Capital — of stalling contract talks and underpaying employees. ity to call an open-ended Group, which is owned by and guild unit chair, said in a
“The patience of our
members is wearing thin.
They are tired of struggling

CBS News ousts longtime anchor and three correspondents to survive on low wages that
have remained stagnant for
In addition to the Regis-
spondents, including Ben Partners and Ellison’s fa- Werner joined CBS News ter and Daily News, SCNG
Familiar faces will be Tracy, who covered environ- ther, Larry, the co-founder of in 2011, regularly delivering publications include Riv-
mental issues out of Los An- software giant Oracle Corp., reports on hospital, phar- erside’s Press-Enterprise,
leaving the division in geles; Anna Werner, the sen- are poised to take control of maceutical and insurance the San Bernardino Sun,
the latest round of ior consumer investigative Paramount in the first half of practices, defective prod- Torrance’s Daily Breeze, the
correspondent; and Chi- next year, if regulators ap- ucts, web-based and other San Gabriel Valley Tribune,
layoffs as Paramount cago-based reporter Rox- prove the deal. financial scams, illegal die- Long Beach’s Press-
Global cuts costs. ana Saberi, according to Before the merger agree- tary supplements and how Telegram, the Pasadena
people briefed on the cuts. ment, CBS combined its artificial intelligence affects Star-News, Redlands Daily
The staff reductions hit network news division with consumers. Her investiga- Facts, the Whittier Daily
By Stephen Battaglio CBS stations as well. Morn- its owned television stations tive work earned numerous News and the Inland Valley
ing news anchor Marci Gon- under Wendy McMahon. broadcast journalism hon- Daily Bulletin.
Jeff Glor, a longtime an- zalez of Los Angeles outlet CBS News is now expected ors including a George R. The company’s journal-
chor at CBS News, is exiting KCAL is among those who to partner more with its lo- Polk Award earlier this year. ists voted to unionize under
the network along with three will depart. cal TV stations. Saberi spent five years as the Media Guild of the West
other veteran correspond- A CBS News representa- Glor had been with CBS a foreign correspondent in 2021 and have been bar-
ents in the most recent tive declined to comment. News since 2007. His report- based in the network’s Lon- gaining for a new contract
round of layoffs at parent The cuts are part of wide- ing appeared frequently don bureau before moving to for two years. If the union
company Paramount Glob- ranging reductions at Pa- Michele Crowe CBS across its programs on ma- Chicago. During her time re- calls a strike, it would mark
al. ramount Global, which an- JEFF GLOR was a co- jor stories, and he was porting overseas, she was the first open-ended work
Glor has been a co-an- nounced in June that it will anchor of “CBS Saturday groomed for the evening imprisoned in Iran for 100 stoppage by employees at a
chor of “CBS Saturday cut 15% of its U.S. employees, Morning” since 2019. news anchor desk, a stint days in 2009 on a false charge newsroom belonging to
Morning” since 2019. Before or 2,000 people. The layoffs that was short-lived. His of spying for the CIA. Alden Global Capital, the
joining the program, Glor made this week mark the effort to save $500 million in tenure on “CBS Saturday Tracy joined CBS News union said.
spent 18 months as anchor of second phase of the planned annual costs ahead of the Morning” alongside co-an- in 2008, focusing on climate In December, SCNG
“CBS Evening News.” He layoffs, which are now 90% company’s upcoming chors Michelle Miller and change in recent years. He staffers staged a one-day
preceded Norah O’Donnell. complete, according to a merger. Dana Jacobson lifted the has reported internationally walkout to protest the com-
The network news divi- memo sent to staffers Tues- Tech scion David program to its best ratings and served as White House pany’s alleged stalling tac-
sion is also parting ways day. Ellison’s Skydance Media, position against ABC and correspondent during the tics and unfair labor prac-
with three veteran corre- The layoffs are part of an along with RedBird Capital NBC since 2003. Trump administration. tices.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 A9

Newsom signs bill to close L.A. County oil field

[Oil, from A1] taxpayers could be on the
ilies,” she said. hook for those capping ex-
Environmental and pub- penses if oil companies fail to
lic health groups praised take responsibility.
Newsom for signing the bills. About 40,000 of Califor-
“No drilling where we’re liv- nia’s uncapped wells are
ing” chanted some advo- classified as idle, meaning
cates attending the news they haven’t produced any
conference. oil or gas in at least two
“In a win for communities years.
fighting for clean air and wa- The bill known as AB 1866
ter, the bills signed today will addresses the idle wells by
clean up dirty idle wells and increasing fees that must be
affirm the right of local gov- paid to the state and
ernments to regulate oil and strengthening regulations
gas drilling in their jurisdic- to try to make oil companies
tions,” said Nicole Ghio, at accountable for maintaining
Friends of the Earth. and plugging the wells.
The 1,000-acre Inglewood “This is a landmark vic-
Oil Field, which is located tory for taxpayers and com-
mostly in the unincorpo- munities most affected by
rated area of Los Angeles the harmful health impacts
County known as Baldwin of neighborhood oil drilling,“
Hills, has 835 unplugged said Assemblyman Gregg
wells, including 655 that are Hart (D-Santa Barbara),
actively pumping oil, ac- who wrote the bill.
cording to state data. More The third bill, known as
than 400 of those wells pro- AB 3233, gives cities and
duce less than 15 barrels a counties greater authority
day. to impose restrictions on oil
The bill known as AB 2716 and gas operations, includ-
requires the low-producing Jason Armond Los Angeles Times ing by limiting or prohibiting
wells to be plugged, begin- “WE ARE here at this pivotal moment. We are taking on Big Oil and having a real chance of winning,” Gov. new developments in their
ning in 2026. And all wells in Gavin Newsom said at a news conference about the bills he has signed to try to keep the oil industry in check. jurisdictions. The bill is
the field must be plugged by aimed at addressing a re-
the end of 2030, effectively man Isaac Bryan (D-Culver ganizing for years to be seen, ing an individual company in part of the field by 2030. cent court decision that had
shutting down the field. City), who wrote the bill. heard, and protected,” Bry- a specific location. More than a century of oil challenged local govern-
Owners of wells not com- “Production in recent years an said. The company added that and gas drilling in California ments’ ability to regulate
plying with the law must pay has been marginal, but for Sentinel Peak Resources, it “looks forward to success- has left more than 100,000 drilling.
a fine of $10,000 each month. decades the negative health a Denver-based company fully defending our position” wells unplugged, allowing “The governor’s decision
The money will go into a impacts surrounding it have that owns and operates the in court. them to leak planet-warm- to sign this legislation has
community fund that will cost the nearby community Inglewood field, said the bill Part of the oil field is ing methane and dangerous restored our right to act,”
pay for parks and other ben- with their life expectancy.” signed by Newsom “repre- within the limits of Culver chemicals, such as benzene. said Los Angeles City Coun-
efits for the communities “Today, with Gov. New- sents a dizzying number of City. Late last year, the com- The cost of properly clos- cilmember Paul Krekorian.
within 2½ miles of the oil som’s signature, we will fi- illegal state actions, the likes pany signed an agreement ing these wells could run as “We intend to continue our
field. nally shut it down and estab- of which should concern in- with Culver City to ban oil high as $23 billion, according aggressive efforts to protect
“The Inglewood Oil Field lish the state’s first repair dustries and businesses drilling in the city’s portion to a recent Sierra Club Angelenos from the hazards
is the largest urban oil field fund for the front-line com- throughout the state of Cali- of the Inglewood Oil Field analysis. Some activists and of fossil fuel extraction in
in our state,” said Assembly- munities who have been or- fornia,” including by target- and seal the 38 wells in that state legislators argue that densely populated areas.”

X releases its first global transparency report on harmful content

[Report, from A1] lutist” because it shows that Brazil, whose Supreme
The release of X’s trans- the company is taking down Court blocked the site be-
parency report also comes content, Balkam said. cause Musk failed to comply
as advertisers plan to cut Eirliani Abdul Rahman, with court orders to suspend
their spending on the plat- co-founder of YAKIN, short certain accounts for posting
form next year and as the for Youth, Adult Survivors & hate speech. The company
company escalates its battle Kin In Need, who was among bowed to legal demands this
with regulators. This year, X the members who resigned week in an attempt to get re-
Chief Executive Linda Yac- from Twitter’s Trust and instated. It has also been re-
carino told U.S. lawmakers Safety Council, said the re- porting content moderation
that the company was re- port was “laudatory” but in- data to regulators in places
structuring its trust and sufficient. such as Europe and India.
safety teams and building a “This would be for me lip “He’s running up against
trust and safety center in service when the owner him- limitations perhaps for the
Austin, Texas. self doesn’t actually abide by first time in his career
Musk, who said last year the rules,” Rahman said. around content issues,”
that advertisers who were A spokesperson for X Balkam said. “My only guess
boycotting his platform could not be immediately is the executives of his com-
could “go f— yourself,” also reached, but Yaccarino said panies must be tearing their
has moderated his tone. At on X: “Our commitment to hair out while he spends his
this year’s Cannes Lions In- transparency and safety days and hours into the mid-
ternational Festival of Cre- continues.” dle of the night using this
ativity, he said that “adver- X has also grappled with platform to troll people.”
tisers have a right to appear criticism that it has become The report included the
next to content that they less transparent under number of requests X gets
find compatible with their Musk’s leadership. The com- from government and law
brands.” pany, which was once pub- Noah Berger Associated Press enforcement agencies. The
When Musk took over licly traded, became private THE RELEASE of X’s transparency report comes as advertisers plan to cut their company received 18,737
Twitter, several changes he after Musk purchased it for spending on the platform next year. Above, X’s San Francisco office in 2023. government requests for
made raised alarms among $44 billion. user account information
safety experts. X reinstated The change meant that Some of the top problems child sexual exploitation, stances, though, must be and it disclosed information
previously suspended ac- the social media platform no that users reported on X in- making up more than half of marked as sensitive media. in about 53% of these cases.
counts, including those of longer reported its quarterly volved posts that allegedly the 5.3 million accounts that This week, X also made Twitter started publicly
white nationalists, stopped user numbers and revenue violated the platform’s rules were pulled down. changes to a feature that al- reporting in 2012 the number
enforcing its policy against publicly. Last year, X started on harassment, violent con- But the report also lows users to block people on of government requests it re-
COVID-19 misinformation charging for access to its tent and hateful conduct, showed that X resorted to la- the platform. People whom ceived for user information
and abruptly disbanded its data, making it tougher for the platform’s transparency beling user content in some users have blocked will be and content removal. The
Trust and Safety Council, an researchers to conduct stud- report shows. cases rather than removing able to see their posts but company’s first transpar-
advisory group that in- ies about the platform. Musk has said on X that or suspending accounts. not engage with them. ency report, which included
cluded human rights activ- Concern about the lack of his approach to enforcing X applied 5.4 million la- X also suspended nearly data about copyright take-
ists, child safety organiza- moderation on X also has the platform’s rules is to re- bels to content reported for 464 million accounts for vio- down notices, came after
tions and other experts. posed a threat to its adver- strict the reach of poten- abuse, harassment and lating its rules against plat- Google started releasing
“All of those things add tising business. The World tially offensive posts rather hateful conduct, relying form manipulation and such information in 2010.
up to a less safe environ- Bank in September halted than taking down the posts. heavily on automated tech- spam. Musk vowed to “de- After revelations sur-
ment,” said Stephen paid advertising on the plat- He sued California last year nology. Roughly 2.2 million feat the spam bots” on Twit- faced in 2013 that the Na-
Balkam, the founder and form after its ads showed up over a state law that law- pieces of content were taken ter before he took over the tional Security Agency had
chief executive of the Family under a racist post. About makers say aims to make so- down for violating those platform. The company’s re- access to user data that Ap-
Online Safety Institute. The 25% of advertisers expect to cial networks more trans- rules. port included a metric called ple, Google, Facebook and
group was part of the Trust decrease their spending on parent because of free The platform’s rules the “post violation rate” that other tech giants collected, a
and Safety Council before it X next year and only 4% of speech concerns. state that the site doesn’t al- showed users are unlikely to growing number of online
was shuttered. advertisers think the plat- X’s transparency report low media depicting hateful come across content that platforms started to dis-
X’s transparency report form’s ads provide brand shows that roughly 2.8 mil- imagery such as the Nazi breaks the site’s rules. close more information
is “very opaque” and ap- safety, according to a survey lion accounts were sus- swastika in live videos, ac- Meanwhile, X continues about requests they re-
pears to contradict Musk’s by the market research firm pended for violating the count bios, profiles or to face legal challenges in ceived from the government
image as a “free speech abso- Kantar. platform’s rules against header images. Other in- several countries including and law enforcement.

MARKET ROUNDUP Major stock indexes

Daily Daily % YTD %

Wall Street edges back from its record highs Index

Dow industrials
change change
-0.70 +11.21
S&P 500 5,722.26 -10.67 -0.19 +19.97
through a big cut to interest oil also gave back gains. among investors, now that Nasdaq composite 18,082.21 +7.68 +0.04 +20.46
By Stan Choe rates at its next meeting. On Wall Street, Stitch Fix inflation has eased signifi- S&P 400 3,089.02 -29.92 -0.96 +11.05
The drop may also not be tumbled 39.5% after the on- cantly from its peak two Russell 2000 2,197.45 -26.54 -1.19 +8.41
NEW YORK — U.S. as bad as it looks, at least for line fashion styling service summers ago. EuroStoxx 50 4,916.89 -23.83 -0.48 +8.74
stocks edged back from their financial markets. The worst said its revenue in the cur- Although the number of
Nikkei (Japan) 37,870.26 -70.33 -0.19 +13.17
records Wednesday as finan- losses in confidence have rent quarter could be 15% to layoffs remains relatively
cial markets around the been among lower-income 17% weaker than a year earli- low, U.S. employers are also Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 19,129.10 +128.54 +0.68 +12.21
world took a pause after big households, which have had er. Its stock has dropped be- more hesitant to hire. Critics Associated Press
recent moves. to put more purchases on low $3 from $100 early in the worry the job market could
The Standard & Poor’s credit cards, according to pandemic. weaken further as the effects than analysts expected. with expectations for the
500 slipped 0.2% a day after Jack Ablin, chief investment KB Home fell 45.4% after of all the past rate hikes Trump Media & Technol- Fed, rose to 3.56% from
setting an all-time high for officer at Cresset. reporting profit for the lat- made by the Federal Re- ogy Group jumped 10.5%, its 3.54%.
the 41st time this year. The But when it comes to the est quarter that was just shy serve show themselves. first back-to-back gain in Traders are betting on a
Dow Jones industrial aver- economy, and potential of analysts’ expectations. The Fed kept its main in- two weeks. The stock had roughly 60% probability the
age dropped 0.7%, after like- profits for companies, top The home builder, though, terest rate at a two-decade been struggling amid specu- Fed will deliver another cut
wise setting a record the day earners account for more said orders picked up in Au- high for more than a year in lation about whether former of half of a percentage point
before, while the Nasdaq spending on nonessentials, gust as mortgage rates came hopes of slowing the U.S. President Trump would sell at its next meeting in No-
composite edged up less and their confidence ap- down. economy enough to stifle in- some of his shares in the vember, according to data
than 0.1%. pears to be holding up bet- A separate report re- flation. Last week, it swung company behind the Truth from CME Group. The Fed
Treasury yields ticked ter. leased Wednesday morning toward protecting the job Social network, now that he has traditionally moved
higher in the bond market In stock markets abroad, said sales of new homes market by cutting the fed- is free to do so. rates by only a quarter of a
after sinking the prior day on indexes moved more mod- across the country slowed in eral funds rate by a larger- All told, the S&P 500 fell percentage point at a time.
a surprisingly weak update estly after jumping the day August, but not by as much than-usual half of a percent- 10.67 points to 5,722.26. The In stock markets abroad,
on confidence among U.S. before on hopes that new as economists feared. age point. Critics say it may Dow dipped 293.47 points to indexes rose 1.2% in Shang-
consumers. stimulus measures from The next date on the cal- be moving too late. 41,914.75, and the Nasdaq hai, fell 1.3% in South Korea
The worst drop in three China would prop up the endar for a potentially big A strong job market composite added 7.68 points and slipped 0.2% in London.
years raised worries about world’s second-largest econ- market move is next week, would help Cintas, which to close at 18,082.21.
the U.S. economy’s strength, omy. when the latest monthly up- provides uniforms, fire ex- In the bond market, the Choe writes for the
but it also raised expecta- Chinese indexes rose date on the U.S. job market tinguishers and other prod- yield on the 10-year Treasury Associated Press. AP
tions for the Federal Reserve again Wednesday, but they will arrive. Slowing hiring in ucts to businesses. It rose rose to 3.78% from 3.73% late writers Matt Ott and Elaine
to deliver another dose of pared their gains as the day the world’s largest economy 1.2% after reporting stronger Tuesday. The two-year yield, Kurtenbach contributed to
bigger-than-usual relief progressed. Prices for crude has become the top concern profit for the latest quarter which moves more closely this report.
A10 TH U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N



he Los Angeles Planning Com- apartment complexes on busy corridors.
mission on Thursday will make “This is really designed to build the kind
one of its most consequential de- of stuff we built in the early 20th century,”
cisions in years. such as fourplexes, small apartment build-
Will L.A. make room for more ings and bungalow courts, said Scott Ep-
lower-cost housing in affluent single-family stein, policy and research director with
neighborhoods near transit, good schools, Abundant Housing LA. “This is the multi-
jobs and other amenities? Or will the city family housing really beloved by Angelenos.”
continue its historic patterns of segregation Undoubtedly, the commission will hear
that have concentrated affordable housing from homeowner groups and residents who
in lower-income, lower-resourced communi- want to exclude all single-family zoned prop-
ties? erties from the affordable housing incentive
We think the answer should be obvious. programs. They probably will argue that
And we hope Mayor Karen Bass’ appointees Max Podemski there is space to build on land already zoned
on the commission agree and back a propos- PLANNING COMMISSIONERS will vote this week whether to allow apart- for apartments and on commercial corri-
al to allow apartments and townhomes to be ments to be built in some single-family zones near major streets and transit stops. dors.
built on single-family zoned properties near But 76% of the land in affluent neighbor-
public transportation stops and major hoods is zoned for single-family homes. L.A.
streets in affluent areas, such as Ventura
Boulevard and Wilshire Boulevard.
The vote is crucial. The commission’s rec-
ommendation will go to the City Council,
Will L.A. pass its big test on cannot promote fair housing and encourage
affordable and mixed-income homes in high-
resource areas if so much of the land is off
limits to apartments and townhomes.
which has to approve it and have the new
rules in effect by February. Los Angeles is re-
quired by state law to plan for 455,000 new
affordable housing? Otherwise, developers will continue to
build on land already zoned for multifamily
units — and that will displace current ten-
units of housing, with nearly 185,000 for low- ants by demolishing small, often rent-con-
income residents, and to address housing in- the plan, they were flooded by opposition tifamily development on some single-family trolled apartments to build bigger com-
equality and segregation. from homeowner groups and others, and zoned properties in specific areas where in- plexes.
In 2021, city leaders adopted an ambitious were directed by the City Council to take sin- creased density makes sense — walkable to It’s easy to get lost in the weeds when dis-
plan committing to make room for more af- gle-family zoned properties off the table for transit and so-called Opportunity Corri- cussing zoning and housing policy ordinan-
fordable homes in high-opportunity com- new multifamily housing. That would make dors, which include major streets in affluent ces. The report to the commission is 2,000
munities such as Encino, parts of Hollywood it harder for the city to achieve its equity neighborhoods such as Westwood, Sherman pages and full of acronyms, government code
and the Westside, which have lots of jobs, goals. Oaks and the Mid-Wilshire area. sections, charts and indecipherable maps.
good schools, transit stops, parks and other Over the summer, affordable housing ad- For example, one option calls for allowing But we hope commissioners can cut through
amenities. vocates pressed the Planning Department construction of two- to three-story buildings the details and get to the heart of the issue.
But after city Planning Department staff to reconsider. The staff report now offers on single-family lots to transition between L.A. can’t become an affordable, livable city
began developing the programs to carry out commissioners several options to allow mul- single-family homes and four- or five-story by protecting single-family zoning.


culture that have resulted in Harris should attend the

a lack of appropriate nega- debate to which she agreed
tive consequences for peo- on CNN.
ple who make poor choices. She should stand behind
Instead, those conse- the podium, and when it
quences land on society. becomes clear that former
Unhoused people who President Trump is no-
break the law and refuse where to be found in the
help are allowed to go on building, she should pull up
destroying themselves and a comfortable chair and sit
our communities, while down with the moderators
consequences such as fires and conduct a one-on-one
and hazardous waste interview.
plague the rest of us. Seize the opportunity.
Thieves who steal every- Answer every question in
thing from detergent to full, with no distractions or
copper wiring go largely snide comments, and be
unpunished, while the rest completely truthful. The
of us wait for the keys to viewership will be huge.
store cabinets and walk on Undoubtedly, Trump
unsafe, dark sidewalks. would schedule a competing
The editorial board’s rally across town at the
opposition to Proposition 36 same time, but that would
shows its disconnect from only show his cowardice in
reality. refusing to debate Harris
A kindergartner learns again.
that choices have conse- Steve Nemiroff
quences. We Angelenos have West Los Angeles
learned what happens when
our leaders and law enforce-
ment officials fail to hold
people accountable for their
Karen Bass has
Raul Roa Los Angeles Times actions. the right idea
PLASTIC BAGS are prepared for shipping outside the United States at a recycling facility in Burbank in 2013. Progressive leniency has
resulted in the filthy city we Re “Report offers hints on
have today. We must hold search for LAPD chief,”

A bag ban that wasn’t a ban at all everyone accountable to the

same legal standards and
consequences. Don’t steal
Sept. 23

Your article on Mayor

the pizza. Karen Bass’ focus on officer
Re “Newsom signs plastic bag ban into law,” Sept. 23 Victoria Mordecai morale in her search for the
San Marino next Los Angeles Police
os Angeles passed a ban on supermarket plastic bags in 2013, which the state followed with its ban a year later,

L preempting L.A.’s ordinance. But the state version had an amendment lobbied for by the plastics industry allowing
thicker plastic bags to be sold, marketed as reusable. This created an environmental disaster.
Have you ever seen someone bring these scam “reusable” bags back? I haven’t. It has been estimated that plastic bag
Harris’ troubling
Department chief reassured
me, once again, that I had
done the right thing in cast-
ing my vote for her.
waste sent to landfills has increased by more than 40% since the bag ban was passed. remark on guns Rather than focusing on
It took 10 years for the California Legislature to overcome the lobbying power of the plastics industry and close this checking every box on pro-
Re “With Oprah-hosted gressives’ wish list, it ap-
horrible loophole. Billions of plastic bags will now be removed from the waste stream, no longer causing harm as they
livestream, Harris seeks to pears that Bass under-
break down into microplastics. Oceans, rivers, marine life and ultimately humans who ingest them will be better pro-
motivate, persuade,” stands that no amount of
tected. Sept. 21 criminal justice reform will
Bravo to the state Legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom. help the city if we cannot
Paul Koretz, Los Angeles As a physician who has recruit and retain enough
The writer, a City Council member from 2009-22, is the author of Los Angeles’ bag ban. spent the last 40 years sav- police officers to maintain
ing countless lives, I abhor even basic staffing, much
firearms and the damage less increase it.
Although I couldn’t
agree more with the intent Sensible step on rible situation we find our-
selves in. It makes smart
nents, nobody wants to go
back to the days of dispa-
they have wreaked on soci-
Yes, officer morale is
important if we expect
behind banning all plastic
grocery bags, I fear the state
theft, addiction and surgical modifications
to Proposition 47, a well-
rately locking up brown and
Black people. The goal is to
I was appalled to hear
Vice President Kamala
LAPD cops to sign up, train,
work and stay on the force.
will still fail to meet its goal. Re “Proposition 36 is more intended but problematic make us more safe and help Harris laughing while talk- If LAPD officers feel that
There are far too many illusion than solution,” measure passed 10 years those living with addiction, ing about shooting an in- their work is undercut by
stores offering plastic bags editorial, Sept. 22 ago. mental illness and home- truder during her online policies that do not deter
to customers — Home De- I hope your readers take lessness. campaign event with Oprah crime, they will defect to
pot is just one example. It I was disappointed to a look at the editorial by the Proposition 36 will not Winfrey. other cities that have more
has single-use plastic bags read the Los Angeles Times’ San Jose Mercury News solve the problem, but it will I cannot consciously vote stringent policies. And
at its checkout registers for editorial opposing Pro- saying that Proposition 36 is be one small step in the for someone who can laugh when they do, Los Angeles
free. Sporting goods stores, position 36, a ballot mea- a “smart response” to crime, right direction. about taking a life, while at loses and its residents are
clothing stores and pretty sure that would reclassify addiction and homeless- Jonathan Raven the same time I will not vote less safe.
much all stores that are not some misdemeanors as ness. Davis, Calif. for her Republican oppo- Thank you, Mayor Bass.
grocers, including our local felonies and would also A recent highly re- nent, a convicted criminal Please keep doing what you
farmers market, offer plas- create a new category of spected poll found that 71% :: and pathological liar. are doing.
tic bags. crime called a “treatment- of likely California voters We the American people Michael Krumme
To truly make a differ- mandated felony.” were in favor of the ballot The choices we make deserve better, though with Los Angeles
ence, plastic bags should be For full disclosure, I am measure. Among these are have consequences. When our current deeply divided
withheld at all retail stores, the assistant chief executive people who have lost loved people make poor choices, nation, I am not hopeful for
including restaurants that of the California District ones to fentanyl and are like committing a third the near future. I will cast HOW TO WRITE TO US
bag up leftovers. We all need Attorneys Assn., which is tired of going to CVS and misdemeanor theft, those my vote for the Green Party Please send letters to
to do our part to reduce the one of the sponsors of Pro- seeing socks and razors people should receive nega- candidate Jill Stein in pro- [email protected]. For
use of plastic. position 36. under lock and key. tive consequences. test. submission guidelines, see
Susan Cossaboom Proposition 36 is a mea- Contrary to the rhetoric California politicians Soumitra Sarkar, MD or call
Yorba Linda sured approach to the hor- of Proposition 36 oppo- have created policies and a Long Beach 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.

Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

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L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 A11


The stakes are

high: Don’t let
will “no longer be thinking
about abortion” — “I will be
Trump start
your protector.”
On foreign policy, Trump
was guided by his admiration
for autocrats, especially Rus-
a nuclear war
sia’s murderous Vladimir
Putin. He rejected the U.S. By Jill Lawrence
intelligence community’s
findings of Russian interfer- t was a mistake to visit Los Alamos in the

Brandon Bell Getty Images

ence in the 2016 election, weak-
ened NATO and other U.S.
alliances and withheld military
aid provided by law for Ukraine
as Russia threatened to in-
vade. Could those be the poli-
cies some voters have in mind?
I middle of a presidential campaign that
Donald Trump might win. I get that now,
after wandering around the New Mexico
town that is synonymous with clichés like
“cautionary tale” and “Pandora’s box” and “be
careful what you wish for.”
The shadow over the Manhattan Project —
RATHER THAN relying on memories of Trump’s term, voters should look at receipts. Let’s hope not. the undeniable feat of scientific brainpower
We know they can’t be that gave us the nuclear bomb — is apparent
thinking of Trump’s major nine miles from this haunting town, in a road-

Voters disdain Trump but infrastructure initiative or his

better, less costly alternative to
the Affordable Care Act be-
cause, despite repeated prom-
side protest sign that quotes Pope Francis
speaking five years ago in Hiroshima: “The pos-
sessing of nuclear weapons is immoral.” It is ap-
parent in a video at the local history museum, as

‘liked his policies.’ What

ises, he never came up with scientists reflect on their work with ambiva-
even “concepts of a plan” for lence and pride — regretful that Japanese lead-
either. “Two weeks,” he’d say, ers were not offered the chance to see a demon-
and all would be revealed. stration of a nuclear bomb and perhaps surren-
We’re still waiting. Meanwhile der before two cities were destroyed; thankful

are they talking about? Biden enacted an infrastruc-

ture program and expanded
Speaking of inaction, for
four years Trump did nothing
that after President Franklin Roosevelt’s death,
President Truman followed through with the
plan to use the bombs that ended World War II.
Truman could have stopped it. He didn’t, but
right afterward he ordered that presidential
term. But forget prospective industries (Biden kept most of to acknowledge let alone miti- permission was required for such action, and his
If you think the U.S. was policies. Does it really make the tariffs in place, alas), and gate climate change, even as its administration made it official policy in a 1948
sense to remember the Trump deep tax cuts that favored the effects were increasingly evi- memo: U.S. presidents had the sole authority to
better off under Trump 1.0 initiatives fondly? rich and piled up debt. The $8.5 dent in eroded coastlines, launch nuclear weapons. If a president gives the
1.0, check the record. Are policies on the economy trillion in new debt that Trump droughts, wildfires and ex- word, the military must obey. That’s even if
and immigration what these ran up was twice as much as treme weather patterns. If a America has not been attacked, and even if a
voters have in mind? Polls under Biden, and he did far do-nothing policy is what some president is demonstrably unfit. A president,
JACKIE CALMES consistently show more voters less than Biden has done to voters liked, they’ll certainly for instance, such as Trump, whose reckless, di-
prefer Trump over Kamala trim annual deficits. get more of that should Trump visive term ended with his loyalists — at his urg-
You’ve heard Harris in these areas. As for immigration: Yes, the get elected: He’s vowed to ing — staging a deadly attack on the Capitol to
it many times: First the economy: Trump influx of unauthorized mi- dismantle Biden’s landmark try to keep him in power after he lost the 2020
A voter says inherited a growing one from grants was lower under Trump climate law, with its clean election.
they don’t like the Obama administration, and it spiked under Biden. But energy projects, and “drill, “President Trump’s last terrifying weeks in
Donald Trump; and left a pandemic-ravaged new restrictions have since baby, drill.” office have been a wake-up call. Never again
they cite his economy to Biden and Harris. reduced illegal border cross- Amid the biggest crisis of should we allow a dangerous president to have
nasty person- His big edge in voters’ percep- ings to levels last seen late in his term, Trump’s policy to unilateral control over nuclear launch,” Sen.
ality, divisive- tions about economic matters the Trump administration. In deal with COVID-19 was ulti- Elizabeth Warren and former Defense Secre-
ness or pen- reflects in large part their any case, for all Trump’s false mately malpractice: Delays tary William J. Perry wrote in USA Today
chant for saying stupid stuff. dismay over the rise in infla- talk now about his wall and and misfires have been deemed shortly after the mob rioted at the Capitol on
But then they say they’ll vote tion on Biden’s watch, and the migrant crime, he in no way responsible for tens of thou- Jan. 6, 2021. Trump wasn’t the first president to
for him anyway: “Because I higher interest rates set by the closed the border. sands of preventable deaths. raise such concerns, they said, nor would he be
liked his policies.” Federal Reserve to tame it. But Those voters who have Trump spurred on the historic the last. They called for ending “this godlike
What policies? The voters inflation has been a global immigration in mind when development of a vaccine power” for all presidents to come.
rarely say, nor do reporters problem, mostly a conse- they endorse Trump’s past against the disease, only to But presidents still have it. And Trump is
follow up. Curious minds, not quence of the spurt in post- policies should remember the surrender to anti-vax senti- now trying for a second term in a race most ana-
least mine, want to know: What pandemic demand for goods. forced separation of children ment. It was left to Biden to get lysts consider too close to call — a prospect so
are they talking about? Had Trump been reelected in from their families, without a shots in Americans’ arms. disturbing that this week more than 700 current
Trump was by far the most 2020, he would surely have plan to reunite them. Years Then there was Trump’s and former national security officials signed a
ignorant on policy of seven faced rising prices as well. later hundreds remain essen- final policy as president: bipartisan letter endorsing his opponent, ask-
presidents I’ve covered, and With prices still elevated, tially orphaned, yet Trump last undermining faith in our elec- ing Americans to vote for Vice President Ka-
four years in office didn’t edu- voters haven’t yet felt how year celebrated his cruel tions and rejecting the peace- mala Harris because Trump is “impulsive and
cate him: As former advisors much inflation has abated, achievement: “It stopped ful transfer of power. Do the “I ill-informed.” Just days earlier, more than 100
attest, he refused to do home- faster here than in other na- people from coming by the liked his policies” voters really former Republican national security officials
work, trusting to his instincts. tions, and just last week the hundreds of thousands, be- want to see more of that, as warned in a similar Harris endorsement that
Trump had positions on many Fed finally cut interest rates, cause when they hear ‘family they anticipate casting their Trump’s erratic nature “threatens reckless and
issues, often ill-informed and and signaled more cuts ahead. separation,’ they say, ‘Well, we ballots this fall? dangerous global consequences.”
wrong-headed. As president he Meanwhile, growth in the better not go.’ ” The policy record is bad A volatile temperament is one of the many
executed policies, of course, economy’s output and employ- Perhaps Trump’s three enough, but even a creditable reasons Trump is a national security menace.
though the best known — ment has been greater under Supreme Court picks and their Trump initiative shouldn’t As Hillary Clinton memorably noted in her 2016
cutting taxes, for example, and Biden-Harris than under votes to override Roe amount offset voters’ concerns about convention speech accepting the Democratic
seating right-wing federal Trump, despite Trump’s lies to a winner for a few voters, but his manifest character flaws. nomination: “A man you can bait with a tweet is
judges — were largely the work and voters’ vibes to the con- most Americans oppose the Those flaws by themselves not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.”
of Republicans in Congress. trary. 2022 ruling. At a rally on Mon- merit a vote against the man. Trump has already made America less safe.
Filling in Trump’s policy Trump had two main econ- day in Pennsylvania, Trump People thinking of going with In his one term, he destroyed three nuclear
vacuum was the impetus be- omic policies, and he’s now crowed about Roe’s reversal. Trump “anyway” should check agreements by unilaterally pulling the U.S. out,
hind MAGA Republicans’ promising more of the same: Despite mounting horror their gauzy memories. And and he refused to extend the 2010 New Strategic
massive — and massively tariffs, which raised prices on stories of women who’ve suf- beware of Trump 2.0. Arms Reduction Treaty (a position President
unpopular — Project 2025 many goods Americans buy fered or even died under new Biden reversed). Historian Lawrence S. Wit-
blueprint for a second Trump and cost jobs in import-reliant state bans, he said we ladies @jackiekcalmes tner, author of “Confronting the Bomb,” warned
in July that “Trump was far less interested in
arms control and disarmament than in entering
– and winning – a new nuclear arms race.”
This was full circle from President Carter’s

A potential lithium boom in the Imperial Valley single term 40 years earlier, in the midst of the
Cold War. He signed the second Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks treaty (SALT II) with the Sovi-
et Union in 1979 and told Congress that “every
By Manuel Pastor As often happens, public of- cles and energy storage — relies utions to municipal coffers or president” since the end of World War II “has
and Chris Benner ficials have been working to roll on minerals including cobalt, jobs, the companies extracting sought to reduce the most dangerous elements
out the red carpet for big in- magnesium, nickel and graph- lithium could make payments of the Soviet-American competition.” Three of
mperial County consis- vestors, including trying to cre- ite. And mineral extraction is directly to the people and com- those presidents were Democrats and three

I tently ranks among the

most economically dis-
tressed places in Califor-
nia. Its Salton Sea, the
state’s biggest and most toxic
lake, is an environmental disas-
ate a clear plan for infrastruc-
ture and a quicker permitting
process. To get community
groups’ support, they are
playing up the potential for
jobs, including company com-
mitments to hire local workers.
often accompanied by ob-
scured environmental risks. In
Imperial Valley, environmental
and community organizations
are worried about lithium ex-
traction’s water use as well as
waste and air pollution as pro-
munities that live there.
There are models for this
type of approach. The Alaska
Permanent Fund, for example,
gives an annual amount to all
state residents from oil extrac-
tion revenue.
were Republicans. This was a bipartisan project
for decades, both before and after Carter.
But President George W. Bush withdrew
from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2001,
and 15 years later came Trump. We need to get
back to reducing the risk of nuclear war. Howev-
er, says author Steve Olson, who wrote about
The county also happens to But Imperial Valley resi- duction steps up and truck traf- Ensuring that the surround- the Manhattan Project’s plutonium reactors in
be sitting on enough lithium to dents, who have been on the re- fic increases. The region’s ing communities benefit from a “The Apocalypse Factory,” “that is not going to
produce nearly 400 million bat- ceiving end of get-rich schemes childhood asthma rate is al- new lithium boom also requires happen with any Republican administration if
teries, sufficient to completely around water and real estate in ready more than twice the na- thinking about how to attract Republicans continue on their current path.”
shift America’s auto industry to the past, are worried that their tional average and dust from not just the companies extract- How about sending them on a field trip to
electric — and, if officials man- political leaders may be giving the drying lake is toxic, so any ing the lithium but those that Los Alamos? The Bradbury Science Museum
age this moment carefully, to away the store. extra environ- will use it further down the sup- there features a short film called “Racing
revolutionize the local econo- Decades of mental health ply chain — and generate more Toward Dawn,” an allusion to the dawn of the
my and political culture.
This doesn’t need to come at
racial exclusion
and broken
The California risk is a big deal.
Local com-
and better jobs. So far, Imperial
County has had limited success
atomic era. It recounts the two nuclear bombs
dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug. 6
the expense of the environ- promises have led region could munities are in attracting related industries. and 9, 1945, respectively.
ment; companies are pioneer- to a deep distrust also concerned Last year, a company said it “The Manhattan Project had unleashed a
ing a method to extract the of outsiders who have an about how would build a “gigafactory” force never before seen,” the narrator says.
mineral from underground
briny water and inject the wa-
assert that things
will be better this
economic much benefit
they will see
there to assemble batteries.
However, the company’s previ-
“Each strike claimed tens of thousands of lives
and left the cities in ruins. The devastation of
ter back into the ground in a time. turnaround if while the indus- ous efforts in the United King- these attacks, along with the Soviet entry into
closed loop, yielding the clean- Irrigation at try profits. They dom and Italy have stalled. the war on Aug. 8, compelled the Japanese to
est, greenest lithium on the the turn of the companies note that the A potentially promising fu- surrender.” The war ended on Aug. 14. More
It’s understandable why the
last century was
supposed to bring
make payments electric vehicle
boom driving
ture for modern transportation
and energy storage may be
than 50 million people had died because of the
conflict. And the lab at Los Alamos moved on to
prospect of a new clean indus- an agriculture directly to lithium demand brewing in Imperial Valley. But improving atomic weapons, described in the
try, a “white gold rush,” would boom, but the occurred pre- getting to a brighter future will film as “refining the nation’s nuclear deterrent.”
be appealing to residents. Capi- early result was a those living cisely because of require remembering a lesson What happened at Los Alamos was both a
talizing on the resource is not
simple, however. If industry is
broken canal that
released enough
there public policy.
Tesla, for exam-
from the past: Community in-
vestments tend to be hard-won.
triumph and a tragedy. What’s inarguable is
that “nuclear deterrent” is a nerve-racking con-
allowed to drive the process water over nearly ple, has ben- Ensuring that everyone ben- cept, especially if voters once again hand the
completely, the result could be two years of disrepair to create efited from multiple rounds of efits is essential for achieving a “godlike power” to launch a nuclear strike to
further economic and environ- what is now the Salton Sea. The state and federal zero-emis- more inclusive and sustainable Donald Trump.
mental exploitation. There’s a Salton Sea was then supposed sions-vehicle incentives, in- future.
better way forward, though — to fuel tourism, but the failure cluding the sale of emissions Jill Lawrence is a writer and author of “The
an opportunity to ensure that to replenish it with anything credits that accounted for 85% Manuel Pastor is a professor Art of the Political Deal: How Congress Beat
residents directly benefit from but agricultural runoff helped of Tesla’s gross margin in 2009 of sociology and director of the the Odds and Broke Through Gridlock.”
the lithium extraction boom, kill fish, birds and recreation. In and rose to $1.8 billion a year by Equity Research Institute at @JillDLawrence
while supporting the global recent decades, a plan to at- 2023. USC. Chris Benner is a
shift to clean energy and ensur- tract solar farms delivered little Behind these policies and fi- professor and the director of
ing that companies that invest employment and more worries nancial incentives have been the Institute for Social
in the Imperial Valley can turn a about agricultural displace- public will and taxpayer money. Transformation at UC Santa
profit. ment. Imperial Valley residents, Cruz. They are co-authors of FOR THE RECORD
This pocket of California is A lithium boom could be dif- not just companies, deserve a “Charging Forward: Lithium
emblematic of the potential ferent, but there is cause for return. Rather than promising Valley, Electric Vehicles and a Controlled substances: An article on Tuesday
and the risks that have long caution. to only pay for community Just Future.” This article was about the legal status of cannabis misstated the
faced impoverished communi- Today’s battery technology “benefits,” such as environ- produced in partnership with federal classification of Adderall. It is Schedule
ties in resource-rich regions. — necessary for electric vehi- mental mitigation, contrib- the Conversation. II, not Schedule III.

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CALIFORNIA T H U R S D AY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

for fire
sued over
County questions
some payouts and
alleges the nonprofit
had a ‘slush fund.’
By Rebecca Ellis

Every episode of “LA Fire

& Rescue,” a short-lived
2023 NBC docuseries, ended
the same way.
After watching L.A.
County firefighters pull off
heroic rescues, viewers were
asked to donate to a non-
profit that raised money for
the county Fire Depart-
But some of the money
earned by the Los Angeles
Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times County Fire Department
NASH STABOLITO talks about his living conditions at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Baltimore Hotel on Skid Row in Los Angeles. Foundation through the
show and other fundraising

Skid Row activist ‘flabbergasted’

efforts never reached the de-
partment, attorneys repre-
senting the county govern-
ment allege.
The county has sued the
foundation, accusing it of us-

by $10-million grant to landlord ing the Fire Department’s

logo and lifesaving work to
collect donations and then
operating a personal “slush
fund.” The questionable
spending, according to the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s award of tenant-organizing county, included $232,500
paid to the foundation’s
funds to property owner stunned resident who says efforts to unionize were blocked president, Stacy Mungo
Flanigan, since last year.
The foundation has de-
roach droppings lining doors, stymied the unionization efforts. awarded the foundation $10 mil- nied any wrongdoing, as-
By Liam Dillon mold-like spores dotting walls The foundation, he said, has lion to promote tenant organizing serting that all donations
and a dead rat in a neighbor’s stopped him from handing out fli- at low-income developments benefited firefighters across
For nine months, Nash room. Tenants at the other SROs ers, blocked union meetings in across the country. Southern California, with
Stabolito has tried to organize a have had similar complaints. the buildings and refused to re- “I started cussing,” said more than $5 million going
tenant union with fellow resi- Working collectively, Stabolito spond to requests for repairs he’s Stabolito, 50. “I can’t believe this. toward the L.A. County Fire
dents of his Skid Row single-room believes, residents could better filed on behalf of other residents. They’re fighting me every step of Department.
occupancy hotel and nearby their conditions. So Stabolito said he was “flab- the way.” Mungo Flanigan’s attor-
properties owned by his landlord. But Stabolito said that his bergasted” to learn that the U.S. The HUD award is the latest ney said the payments to her
In his building, the Baltimore Ho- landlord, the nonprofit AIDS Department of Housing and Ur- spotlight on conflicts between the client included a bonus for
tel, Stabolito has photos of cock- Healthcare Foundation, has ban Development this month [See Housing, B3] successful fundraising.
[See Nonprofit, B4]

Judge orders a halt to big Inland Empire warehouse project State law
Ruling cites flaws in
scores of homes, after a
makes it
judge found flaws in the proj-
ect’s environmental impact
alleging that the approval of
the Bloomington Business
Park violated numerous
form decision-makers and
the public about the poten-
tial environmental harms of
based Howard Industrial
Partners, said it would ap-
peal portions of the ruling
environmental impact
report for business
park in Bloomington.
County supervisors in easy for a
late 2022 green-lighted an in-
regulations set out in state
environmental and housing
proposed developments. He
said construction of the
warehouse project must
and predicted that delays to
the overall project would be

By Rebecca Plevin
proposal to remove 117 subscriber
dustrial real estate firm’s

homes and ranches in rural

Nearly two years later,
and after more than 100
homes have been leveled,
stop while the county redoes
the report in a manner that
complies with the law.
The 213-acre industrial
park came with trade-offs fa-
miliar to communities in the

to cancel
Bloomington to make way San Bernardino County Su- A San Bernardino Inland Empire that are be-
A Southern California for more than 2 million perior Court Judge Donald County spokesperson de- ing asked to shoulder the
developer must halt con- square feet of warehouse Alvarez ruled last week that clined to comment on the sprawling distribution cen-
struction of an industrial space. Several environmen- the county’s review of the ruling because it is the sub- ters integral to the storage,
park in San Bernardino tal and community groups project did not conform with ject of active litigation. The packaging and delivery of
County that has displaced sued the county soon after, the state law intended to in- developer, Orange County- [See Warehouse, B5] The measure applies
to contracts that
auto-renew, or switch

How will state manage gas sector’s slow death? from free to paid.
By Jon Healey

Music on demand. Televi-

Legislative session is sion programs. Mobile
phone service. Professional
being held on the fuel. sports telecasts. Audio-
Big question is depth books. News. Videogames.
Computer software.
of government’s role. A growing number of
products and services are
By Russ Mitchell being sold by online sub-
scription, offering more con-
It’s becoming increas- venience and customization
ingly clear in Sacramento: but also a new set of prob-
The administration of Gov. lems for consumers. Compa-
Gavin Newsom is intent on nies have been accused of
pumping up state power to signing people up for sub-
oversee the slow decline of scriptions without their con-
California’s gasoline refinery sent, renewing their sub-
industry. scriptions without notice,
It remains to be seen and imposing a gantlet of ob-
whether the state Legisla- stacles to anyone seeking to
ture will go along. unsubscribe.
Newsom called a special Californians will soon be
legislative session to address getting more protection
gasoline price spikes, such as against these sorts of
the one last year that sent abuses, however, including
costs soaring past $7 a gallon the right to unsubscribe with
in parts of the state. one click of the mouse. On
An Assembly committee Tuesday, Gov. Gavin New-
held two hearings last week, som signed into law Assem-
with another set for Thurs- bly Bill 2863 by Assembly-
day. member Pilar Schiavo (D-
Under immediate consid- Chatsworth), which imposes
eration: a bill that would al- Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times a series of safeguards on sub-
low the state to set minimum CALIFORNIA wants to keep gasoline prices reasonably low, while refineries in the state want to pull in all the scription contracts signed or
[See Gasoline, B4] revenue they can before their business all but disappears. Above, the Marathon Petroleum refinery in Carson. [See Cancel, B5]

SPORTS ON THE BACK: Lakers leaders outline their trade policy and season goals. B10
B2 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M


Big landlord agrees to settle FTC allegations Deputies

Invitation Homes will
pay $48 million for
claims that include of duty
unfair eviction.
By Andrew Khouri
Invitation Homes, the
nation’s largest single-fam-
ily landlord, has agreed to
pay $48 million to settle a
handful of allegations, in- The Sheriff’s
cluding that it illegally
charged undisclosed junk Department says the
fees, withheld tenant securi- move is linked to a
ty deposits and engaged in
unfair eviction practices. federal investigation.
The settlement was an-
nounced Tuesday by the By Keri Blakinger
Federal Trade Commission. and Brittny Mejia
Among the main allegations
made by the FTC was that Several deputies with the
Invitation Homes deceived Los Angeles County Sher-
tenants over the total cost of iff ’s Department have been
renting one of its homes. relieved of duty in connec-
The company, which tion with a federal investiga-
owns or manages more than tion, authorities said Tues-
100,000 homes nationwide, day night.
including more than 11,000 in The Sheriff ’s Depart-
California, did not include ment confirmed that the
mandatory “junk” fees when move was linked to a probe
advertising its rental rates, “involving the U.S. attor-
according to the FTC. Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times ney’s office” but declined to
These fees — for things INVITATION HOMES executives tour a home the firm bought on Casaba Avenue in Canoga Park in 2013. provide information about
such as smart home technol- the exact number of depu-
ogy and utility management junk fees until after they or face eviction and failed to and practices as “industry In July, it agreed to pay ties or the nature of the in-
— at times raised the cost of signed the lease and moved inform them of federal evic- leading.” nearly $20 million to resolve vestigation.
rent by more than $1,700 a in, authorities said. tion protections available at “Today’s agreement allegations that it made Federal prosecutors de-
year and were disclosed only In addition to junk fees, the time, the FTC alleged. brings the FTC’s three-year unpermitted renovations clined to comment late
when consumers went to the FTC alleged Invitation “No American should pay investigation to a close and across its portfolio in Cali- Tuesday. An FBI spokes-
sign their lease, the FTC al- Homes rented out homes more for rent or be kicked puts this matter behind the fornia. In January, it agreed person said the agency does
leged. that were often in disrepair out of their home because of Company, which will, as al- to pay several million to set- not confirm or deny the ex-
By that time, the agency and systematically withheld illegal tactics by corporate ways, move forward with its tle allegations that it istence of investigations “as
said consumers were in a security deposits for items landlords,” FTC Chair Lina continuous efforts to better violated the state’s rent cap a matter of long-standing
bind because they had al- that were not the tenant’s re- Khan said in a statement. serve its customers and en- law. policy.”
ready paid a nonrefundable sponsibility. “The FTC will continue to hance its practices,” Invita- Under the settlement an- Multiple sources within
application fee of up to $55. Invitation Homes also use all our tools to protect tion Homes said in a state- nounced Tuesday, which the department — all of
They also may have forked engaged in several unfair renters from unlawful busi- ment. still must be approved by a whom requested anonymity
over $500 to reserve a specif- eviction practices, the ness practices.” The company, which judge, consumers would re- because they were not au-
ic home, which they would agency said. Among them, In a news release, Invita- started buying thousands of ceive refunds and Invitation thorized to speak on the
get back only if they signed the company told struggling tion Homes said it made no homes in the wake of the Homes will be required to record — said that one of the
the lease. tenants during the pan- admission of wrongdoing as Great Recession, has include all mandatory deputies had worked in the
Sometimes, consumers demic that their only op- part of the settlement and reached multiple settle- monthly fees in its adver- Aero Bureau and that two
weren’t made aware of the tions were to pay, move out described its disclosures ments this year. tised rent. others were detectives.
One of the detectives had
worked in the Operation
Safe Streets Bureau, which

Orange County supervisors censure Andrew Do

investigates street gangs,
the sources said.
The department said it
was cooperating with the in-
calls to resign from the The lawsuit alleges some
The board member, board. of those funds were instead
In a lawsuit filed Aug. 15, used to purchase multiple
who was absent, has Orange County alleged that homes. The board-approved cen-
been accused of executives at a nonprofit, Rhiannon Do, 23, is al- sure asserts that Andrew Do
unethical conduct. the Viet America Society, leged to have used county demonstrated “reckless and
had “brazenly plundered” dollars to buy a home in unethical conduct in the per-
taxpayer money meant to Tustin in July 2023. The sale formance of his duties as a fi-
By Andrew J. Campa feed needy seniors during price was $1.035 million, ac- duciary of public funds.”
the pandemic. cording to the real estate site “Supervisor Andrew Do
The Orange County Among the executives Redfin. brazenly exploited his posi-
Board of Supervisors cen- named in the lawsuit was Rhiannon Do’s attorney, tion of power to enrich his
sured Andrew Do on Tues- Do’s daughter, Rhiannon. David Wiechert, said in a family and friends under the
day — marking another sig- LAist previously reported previous email to The Times guise of feeding the elderly,
nificant, if ceremonial, re- that Do directed or voted to that she is “a hardworking, supporting veterans and
buke of the embattled politi- direct as much as $13.5 mil- honest, and law-abiding hosting community events,”
cian. lion to Viet America Society young woman.” Orange County Supervisor
In a three-page resolu- without disclosing that his The third-year law stu- Katrina Foley said in a
tion, the board “strongly and Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times daughter was connected to dent at UC Irvine also previ- statement.
publicly” condemned Do DO , pictured at a meeting in July, is linked to a non- the group. ously interned at the Orange Foley has called on Do to
“for his failure to abide by the profit that’s been accused of taking taxpayer money In early August, the County district attorney’s resign, as has state Sen. Jan-
code of ethics and commit- meant to feed needy seniors during the pandemic. county demanded that Viet office for three months while et Nguyen (R-Huntington
ment to public service, and America Society return $2.2 officials were preparing to Beach), who is running to
for the reckless judgment last year of his final term, has email seeking comment. million after the organiza- bring a suit against Viet succeed him on the board.
and favoritism he has dem- not attended a board meet- The censure follows the tion failed to prove to audi- America Society. The lawsuit was moved
onstrated.” ing since Aug. 13, having been board’s decision to remove tors and the county how it After the lawsuit was last month from Orange
The censure was ap- marked as an “excused” ab- Do from all committee and spent the money, or that it filed, federal agents raided County to San Diego County.
proved 4-0, with Do absent. sence three times. board appointments on had done the work it was the homes of Rhiannon and A motion hearing is set for
The supervisor, who is in the Do did not return an Sept. 10. He has also faced hired to do. Andrew Do. Oct. 18.

L.A. City Council votes to strengthen law against tenant harassment

would include several intimidated or threatened The amendments to the called the the law one-sided harassment from landlords.
The amendments amendments to the law, by their landlords, which ad- law help create incentives and said the city should also “We need help, please,”
known as TAHO. They in- vocates say is sometimes for private attorneys to take ban harassment by tenants said renter Norma Solis,
define the term more clude redefining what con- done to push tenants from on harassment cases, by in- toward landlords. who said she has experi-
clearly and impose stitutes harassment and im- their rent-controlled troducing minimum penal- “Until the city provides enced years of harassment
posing a minimum civil pen- homes. ties and requiring that ten- equal protection to all resi- and has become afraid of go-
a minimum penalty. alty of $2,000 per violation. As of this summer, more ants who win in court be dents people will continue to ing outside.
“Today’s vote is an indi- than 13,000 complaints al- awarded attorney’s fees. live in fear for their personal During the meeting,
By Paloma Esquivel cation of how much renters leging harassment had been They also redefine har- safety,” said David Councilmember Eunisses
matter to this council,” said filed with the housing de- assment. Currently, the law Kaishchyan of the Apart- Hernandez re-introduced
The Los Angeles City Councilmember Nithya Ra- partment. Four fines were says to constitute harass- ment Assn. of Greater Los amendments that upped
Council on Tuesday voted in man, who helped introduce pending and no cases had ment, landlords must know- Angeles. Some landlords the amount of damages ten-
favor of adopting measures changes to the law earlier been criminally prosecuted. ingly and willfully engage in have said they sometimes ants are entitled to when
to strengthen the city’s ten- this year. The numbers, tenant advo- conduct that causes detri- face harassment from upset they prevail in court and set
ant anti-harassment ordi- The original law was ap- cates said, made it clear that ment and harm and “serves tenants, including when a minimum penalty of
nance after the original law, proved in 2021, banning the law is ineffective. no lawful purpose,” a stand- tenants and advocates pro- $2,000. They were also ap-
approved three years ago, landlords from harassing “TAHO as currently writ- ard advocates said was im- test in front of their homes. proved by the council. Those
resulted in thousands of ten- tenants and making viola- ten is toothless, it is a paper possible to prove. With the On Tuesday, tenant ad- penalties are key to prevent-
ant complaints and no pros- tions a criminal offense. At tiger,” attorney Shane Hen- changes it would say harass- vocates filled the council ing bad behavior, she said.
ecutions. the time, it was seen by ten- son of the nonprofit Inner ment is “bad faith” conduct chambers to advocate for “What we’re trying to do
The council voted 12-0 to ant advocates as an impor- City Law Center said during that causes tenants detri- the proposed amendments, is deter harassment from
direct the city attorney to tant step toward better pro- public comment on Tues- ment or harm. and several renters spoke happening in the first
draft an ordinance that tecting renters from being day. Landlord advocates tearfully about experiencing place,” she said.

Government is offering free COVID tests again. Here’s how to get them
The Department of In 2022 and 2023, the gov- ing on your insurance cov- a protein that binds to the someone who is showing
They could be useful Health and Human Serv- ernment sent out 900 mil- erage, you may be able to get coronavirus’ RNA. They de- symptoms of the disease,
ices is offering to mail four lion free test kits, but the reimbursed for the cost. liver results quickly and at such as a cough, a fever and
as cooler weather test kits to any household program has been idle since. For low-income or unin- low cost; in stores, boxes of a sore throat.
may bring a surge in that wants them. You can In the meantime, infections sured families, the federal two tests cost $16 to $24. But Where the tests fall
sign up for a shipment at saw a surprisingly strong and state governments also the more expensive molecu- short, the CDC warns, is
coronavirus cases. at the end of summer surge, powered by a provide free tests. Medi-Cal lar tests can detect lower with people who have the
this month, the department more contagious COVID provides as many as eight amounts of the coronavirus virus but show no symp-
By Jon Healey says. variant. And public health free test kits per month; to in your system. toms, especially if they’re in
The at-home tests in- experts warn that, with find a site that offers free Antigen tests have the early stages of infection
Coronavirus infections volve swabbing the inside of cooler weather forcing more tests for those without proved to be as good as and may not yet have
have come roaring back this your nose to collect a sam- people and events indoors, health insurance, go to molecular tests at avoiding enough of a viral load to in-
year, prompting the Biden ple, mixing the sample with the number of infections will false positive results. And fect others. The agency rec-
administration to renew the included reagent, plac- probably rise again. The kits offered by the according to the Centers for ommends that people per-
one of its earliest responses ing drops of the resulting so- If you don’t want to wait federal government contain Disease Control and Pre- form a second antigen test a
to the COVID-19 pandemic: lution on a test strip, then for the tests to come by mail, antigen tests, which look to vention, these tests are also few days after the first one,
free at-home test kits deliv- waiting 15 to 30 minutes for you can find test kits at see whether a sample taken just as good when it comes which is why the kits are
ered via the mail. the results. many pharmacies. Depend- from your nostrils contains to detecting COVID-19 in sold as two-packs.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 B3

Grant to landlord shocks Skid Row activist

[Housing, from B1] from their landlord. They’ve
foundation’s attempts to received no explanation, he
serve both as tenant advo- said, for a full-day power out-
cate and Skid Row landlord. age in the Baltimore this
The L.A.-based nonprofit, month. Some tenants, he
which received $2.5 billion in said, believe that the foun-
revenue last year largely dation isn’t accurately ac-
from its chain of pharma- counting for the rent they’re
cies, is one of the nation’s paying and the union would
largest funders of tenant’s like to be an intermediary.
rights campaigns, including “We don’t trust them
its sponsorship of a Novem- whatsoever,” Stabolito said
ber statewide initiative to of foundation management.
expand rent control in Cali- “Even less now that this
fornia. At the same time, the money came in.”
foundation has faced long- In his room at the Balti-
standing problems at the more last week, Stabolito
more than a dozen low-in- showed a Times reporter
come housing developments and photographer what ap-
it owns in Los Angeles. peared to be mold on the
In recent years, the foun- ceiling of his private bath-
dation has settled multiple room. Down the hall,
lawsuits filed by tenants, in- Michael Konlon, a 57-year-
cluding over a chronically old resident who uses a mo-
broken elevator at the Madi- torized scooter, said it took
son Hotel and, last week, a the foundation two years to
class-action case at the fix the broken shower in his
Madison alleging pervasive room.
mold, vermin and plumbing “It’s absolutely impos-
and electrical issues. A sible” to get timely repairs,
Times investigation last fall Konlon said.
found widespread evictions, The building showed
code compliance issues, other signs of management
public health complaints indifference. A second-floor
and drug overdose deaths at resident in his 80s died from
foundation properties. cardiovascular disease in his
Under the HUD pro- room in June, according to
gram, the foundation will be Kelly Vail, a spokesperson
responsible for handing out for the County of Los Ange-
the $10 million over the next les Medical Examiner. More
two years to tenant advo- Photographs by Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times than three months later, a
cacy organizations in low-in- MICHAEL KONLON, 57, said it took two years to get his broken shower fixed at the Baltimore Hotel. blue seal from the medical
come apartment buildings. examiner office remained on
The grant’s purpose, per a The foundation’s acquisi- The foundation’s role, in the door. The body has been
HUD news release, is to help tion of low-income buildings partnership with Massachu- removed but investigators
tenants work with their began in 2017. Foundation setts-based tenant advo- have yet to locate next of kin,
landlords and hold them ac- co-founder and President cates, is to provide and over- Vail said.
countable for improving Michael Weinstein boasted see the funding to approxi- Landlords can request
conditions. that his nonprofit could pro- mately 30 eligible resident the seal be discarded, but
HUD spokesperson vide homeless housing organizations within HUD- that hasn’t happened in this
Ramzey Smith did not an- cheaper and quicker than subsidized developments. instance, she said.
swer questions from The public agencies and other The HUD award to the foun- “As of right now, there’s
Times about the depart- nonprofits. The foundation dation was first reported by no indication there has been
ment’s vetting of the founda- charges rents as low as $400 Reason. outreach from the landlord/
tion and its qualifications for in its SROs and shuns many Stabolito has sent letters property manager,” Vail said
the grant. Smith said in a government subsidies fa- to foundation management, last week.
statement that the founda- vored by other low-income including to Weinstein and Taped on the door next to
tion is part of a coalition that housing landlords. the nonprofit’s board mem- the medical examiner seal
will administer the money. Because the foundation bers, asking for meetings was a three-day eviction no-
“As an eligible and well- doesn’t own fully HUD-sub- and formal recognition for tice. Foundation manage-
qualified team of awardees, sidized buildings, it was al- the union that he says have ment alleged the tenant
we are confident that these lowed to apply for the tenant been ignored. Stabolito said owed $7,800 in back rent. The
coordinated efforts will em- WHEN a resident died in June, the body was re- organizing contract. close to 40 tenants across notice is dated mid-May.
power renters to play active moved, but more than three months later, a blue seal Money from the HUD four foundation properties L.A. city law requires
roles in ensuring the safe, from the medical examiner remained on the door. program is designed to help in Skid Row — the Balti- landlords to file such evic-
quality and affordable tenant organizations partic- more, King Edward, Madi- tion-related documents
homes they deserve,” Smith stance on unionization “AHF, as the nation’s larg- ipate in building manage- son and New Hope — are ac- with the housing depart-
said. within its buildings and re- est AIDS organization, has ment, advocate for preser- tive in the unionization ef- ment. But the foundation
Foundation spokes- lated issues, but noted that been an esteemed federal vation of their homes and forts. has a history of not report-
person Jacki Schechner did the organization has nearly grantee at the global, na- pay for training, staffing and Besides habitability is- ing the information and the
not respond to questions 100 active federal grants tional and local level for 35 supplies, the department’s sues, Stabolito said tenants city had no record of the no-
about the foundation’s across the country. years,” Schechner said. announcement said. want better communication tice.



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County questions spending by firefighters foundation

[Nonprofit, from B1] In a July declaration,
Since then-Fire Chief Osby said it was “well
Daryl Osby started the foun- known” that the foundation
dation in 2015, the county supported not only the Fire
has allowed it to raise money Department but organiza-
using the Fire Department tions “that lifted up the com-
logo with the understanding munity,” including associa-
that the funds would be tions for Black and female
spent on first responders, firefighters.
according to legal filings by Osby wrote that “the re-
county attorneys. lationship with the Founda-
Attorneys met in a tion changed dramatically”
judge’s chambers Friday when Anthony Marrone be-
afternoon to try to settle a came permanent chief in
fierce months-long legal bat- February 2023 and told Osby
tle that has pitted the county he was not interested in tak-
against Osby, who still ing over as chair of the foun-
chairs the foundation. dation.
Each side accuses the Marrone said in a state-
other of squandering pre- ment that he “didn’t see the
cious resources meant for need” to step in.
first responders. “I thought it was best for
“The donors and the the nonprofit to have an in-
County deserve to know dependent board,” he said.
where those funds went,” “But I have always sup-
said L.A. County Supervisor ported the Fire Foundation
Janice Hahn, who first called and appreciated all the
for an investigation into the fundraising it did on the Fire
foundation last year. District’s behalf.”
Osby, who retired in 2022 Last year, the board of su-
after making history as the pervisors learned that the
department’s first Black fire foundation had gone into
chief, said his former em- Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times “delinquent” status with the
ployer is wasting its time FIRE CREWS mop up after a 2023 blaze. From 2019 to 2022, the Los Angeles County Fire Department Foun- California Department of
and money. dation received an average of $1.9 million a year in “gifts, grants and contributions,” according to court filings. Justice, which regulates
“I can only imagine the charities, because of missing
substantial taxpayer funds million left in its bank ac- in 2022 and nothing in 2021. cueStuff, purchased mer- Osby created the founda- paperwork. The designation
that were meant for public count, its lawyers said. “The board had a lot of chandise — hoodies, hats, tion to pay for programs and meant the group was barred
safety that the fire depart- Mungo Flanigan received reasons why she deserved pins — that the foundation equipment that weren’t from fundraising.
ment and Los Angeles two bonuses from the foun- the money, considering she then sold in its online store, within the department’s Mungo Flanigan previ-
County has spent on this dation this year, according was working 15 hours a day according to foundation at- budget. The Sheriff ’s De- ously told The Times that
lawsuit,” Osby said in a to court filings — one for and bringing in millions of torneys. partment has a similar rela- she had no idea about the
statement. $75,000 and one for $82,500. dollars,” said Carol Gillam, FireRescueStuff ’s owner, tionship with the Los Ange- missing paperwork and filed
County attorneys told Those bonuses were tied Mungo Flanigan’s attorney. Jon Schultz, told The Times les Sheriff ’s Foundation, it as soon as she learned of
the judge on Friday that be- to her work performance in “She was extraordinarily that he started the business which takes in money “to as- the problem.
fore considering a settle- 2021 and 2022 but weren’t successful at bringing this in 2022 at the request of both sist the LASD,” according to The county sent a cease-
ment, they want an auditor paid out until recently, foun- money in.” the foundation and the Fire its website. and-desist letter warning
to review more bank records dation lawyers said. Since April, Mungo Department. He said the de- The fire foundation re- the foundation to stop using
to account for all the dona- Mungo Flanigan also Flanigan has received partment told him it needed ceived mail at a Fire Depart- the county logo, then sued in
tions. works in administrative monthly $12,500 payments help shipping thousands of ment building. Its web URL February, arguing that the
From 2019 to 2022, the services for the L.A. County from the foundation “to as- uniforms for its junior life- was supportlacountyfire- foundation was poised to
foundation received an aver- Fire Department, receiving sist in responding to the law- guard program. .com. And it was allowed to disburse $3 million meant
age of $1.9 million a year in compensation last year of suit,” according to filings. Everything was done, he fundraise using the Fire De- for firefighters.
“gifts, grants and contrib- about $254,000, according to County attorneys have said, in partnership with the partment’s logo, plastering At the county’s request, a
utions,” according to court salary records. also questioned the nearly Fire Department. He said it on products in its online judge agreed to freeze most
filings. The foundation can give $900,000 a vendor received most of the checks high- store. of the foundation’s money,
The foundation has al- “reasonable” financial com- from the foundation, paid lighted by county lawyers The county said it al- except for what it needed to
ready turned over thou- pensation to its president, out in nearly 50 checks, were reimbursements from lowed this under the as- pay legal fees, and wind
sands of pages of documents according to foundation by- “many of which contained the foundation. sumption that “every dollar” down the foundation. The
to the county through the laws. Tax filings show that no memo explaining the rea- “I wouldn’t be selling trin- raised by the foundation foundation is no longer ac-
lawsuit and is willing to give Mungo Flanigan received sons.” kets on a website if I had would be spent on firefight- tively soliciting donations
the county the roughly $2 $75,000 from the foundation The vendor, FireRes- made $900,000,” he said. ers. on its website.

Looking to keep gasoline flowing as the state’s industry slowly dies

[Gasoline, from B1] “The State of California ment antitrust lawyer who “It would require a careful
levels of gasoline storage at would purchase and own re- heads the new petroleum design,” said Severin Boren-
California’s refineries. The fineries in the [s]tate to market oversight division, stein, who heads the Energy
intention: to balance supply manage the supply and price said: “We want a well func- Institute at UC Berkeley’s
and demand to prevent re- of gasoline,” reads a report tioning market, but with Haas School of Business.
tail price spikes when a refin- issued in draft version in regulations that incentivize In addition to any trading
ery temporarily shuts down May by the Energy Commis- the right conduct.” mechanism, Borenstein
for maintenance. sion. Energy Commission Vice said, “we need to determine
But a bigger issue goes The industry, unsurpris- Chair Siva Gunda said Cali- the size of the inventory, the
well beyond mundane mat- ingly, is not pleased. The fornia isn’t trying to dictate timing and mechanism for
ters of gasoline storage. The main complaint: State man- refinery logistics. “I think it’ll release and for refill. We also
Legislature faces a funda- agers can’t grasp the com- be a partnership with the in- need to determine the proc-
mental question of govern- plexities of the gasoline pro- dustry. I think it’ll be a part- ess by which release of those
ment philosophy: How duction and supply system, nership with the Legislature, inventories could occur.”
deeply should the state man- and what’s seen as outside to think through how do we He also warned that ex-
age and control an industry interference could increase optimize the existing cess storage levels would be
that faces a steady decline prices if the system is made amount of storage we have.” subject to “political manipu-
due to the state’s own poli- less efficient. Plus, they com- Gunda assured members lation” — for example, poten-
cies, an industry that sells a Jeff Chiu Associated Press plain, over the decades, state of the Assembly’s special tially allowing “whoever has
product that will remain es- GOV. GAVIN Newsom’s solution is heavier state taxes and mandates have session committee on gaso- political power to try to re-
sential to a smooth-func- intervention. A new division is working on possible been a prime cause of high line supply that refineries in lease that inventory when it
tioning economy even as it penalties if refiners exceed a certain profit margin. gasoline prices in California. California have plenty of is helpful for them to push
fades away? “We are walking and room in their existing tanks down gasoline prices.”
And it faces another gasoline prices reasonably ceed a state-set profit mar- walking and inching toward to keep supplies from falling Most members of the ad
question: If the state decides low, while state refineries, gin that’s yet to be deter- the Energy Commission ... below 15 days’ worth. hoc Assembly Petroleum
to go deep, will it prove itself with no light at the end of mined, and is investigating managing these refineries,” State data show that and Gasoline Supply Com-
capable? The answer carries their tunnel, want to pull in the opaque machinations of Eloy Garcia, a lobbyist for when a refinery shuts down mittee were noncommittal
enormous implications for all the cash they can before the spot market for petro- the Western States Petro- for maintenance, planned or on the storage issue. The
the household budgets of their business disappears. If leum products. leum Assn., told legislators. unplanned, prices surge — at general consensus: The is-
millions of Californians who refineries cut back opera- The California Energy “We heard [at the hearing] least in part because there’s sue is complicated, and more
will continue to drive gaso- tions or close, or if their sup- Commission, meantime, has that they are going to help us not as much gasoline to go information is required, in-
line-powered cars for years. ply chains are disrupted, de- offered a list of 12 options for engineer the refinery. We around. Retailers and refin- cluding effects of state inter-
California’s government mand might exceed supply policymakers to help man- heard they are going to tell us ers haul in extra profits as a vention on the state’s work-
has positioned itself as a and drive up overall prices. age the industry decline when to do maintenance. result. force and economy. The oil
global leader on environ- “As demand for gasoline while keeping gasoline They’re going to tell us how But Gunda added that he and gas business directly
mental issues. The world is declines, the industry will prices stable and supply lev- much more supply, how to was speaking about aggre- provides 100,000 jobs and
watching to see how its cli- become more concentrated els high. configure our tanks.” gate storage capacity for all comprises 5% of the state’s
mate-first greenhouse gas and potentially less competi- Beyond a minimum in- Assemblymember Steve refiners, and that some re- total economy, 10% if indirect
policies work out. Newsom tive,” the California Energy ventory mandate for gaso- Bennett (D-Ventura) de- fineries are squeezed tight. jobs and businesses are con-
has mandated that by 2035, Commission said in a recent line storage, the possibilities fended deeper state involve- To manage that imbalance, sidered, according to hear-
carmakers and dealers can report. include a limit on retail gaso- ment while acknowledging he said, the state and refin- ing testimony.
no longer sell new gasoline- Newsom’s solution is line profit margins; a state that refineries are busi- ery companies could work “This is certainly a dense
only vehicles in California. heavier state intervention. lease or ownership of storage nesses driven by profits: together on ways to share and complicated issue,”
But even presuming the The gasoline storage man- tanks and the gasoline that “While I recognize that the gasoline supply. He offered Committee Chair Cottie
mandate stays in place, mil- date is only the beginning. would fill them; a state lease industry has an obligation to no details, but one promi- Petrie-Norris (D-Irvine)
lions of gasoline-powered ve- The recently created Divi- or ownership of oceangoing maximize profits, we have an nent energy expert told the said at the hearing. “It’s also
hicles will remain on high- sion of Petroleum Market tankers that hold emergency obligation also to maximize committee that the state one of utmost importance to
ways for decades. Oversight is ironing out de- supplies of gasoline; and what’s in the interests of the might set up a trading sys- 40 million Californians.”
So the state government tails of a plan to financially even a state takeover of one public.” tem to help full-tanked refin- More hearings, and
is in a pickle. It wants to keep penalize refineries that ex- or more gasoline refineries. Tai Milder, the govern- ers meet the state mandate. plenty of debate, lie ahead.

Judge who gave probation to predator is later

Place a paid notice
Search obituary notice archives:
indicted on unrelated sexual battery charges
at the time. pleaded not guilty and his son to wear a GPS ankle
In Memoriam Girl’s dad asks: ‘How On Monday, Corona — bail was set at $70,000. The monitor as he served his
Johann Green do I tell the next dad who has since retired from case is being handled by a three-year probation.
the bench — was indicted by Tulare County judge. “I wasn’t impressed. The
Lesser Irene A. Arce to trust the system?’ county prosecutors on Corona was appointed to fact that they were going to
June 21, 1932 - charges of sexual battery the bench in 2003 by then- give this guy three years’
September 23, 2024 After celebrating 100
Ex-jurist denies guilt. and sexual penetration by Gov. Gray Davis. probation. I thought they
birthdays on earth, Happy fear or force. Prosecutors Thomas’ daughter’s case were being soft. How do I tell
Johann (Green) Lesser, By Noah Goldberg
First Birthday in Heaven. said the incident occurred became news when Thomas the next dad to trust the sys-
age 92, passed away on
With all our love, your March 14. Corona retired in posed as his daughter in a tem?” Thomas asked.
September 23, 2024. Johann
daughters, grandchildren, Todd Thomas was none April. No other details on series of messages with the Rabson completed his
was predeceased by Bob,
great-grandchildren and too pleased when Fresno the case were immediately sexual predator, set up a probation in 2021 and is a
the love of her life. Johann
great-great-grandchild (and County Superior Court available. meeting with him at a park registered sex offender.
is survived by her daughters
two on the way). We love and Judge Adolfo Corona gave “I’m not surprised at all in Clovis and captured him After the closure of his
Sheri and Susie (Valla) and
miss you.
her grandchildren Sacha his daughter’s abuser a no- this judge is sympathetic to in a citizen’s arrest. daughter’s case, Thomas
(Laura), Noah, Matthew jail sentence in 2017. predators,” Thomas told Thomas posted his citi- created a nonprofit called
(Ryan), and Daniel. Johann Thomas had begged Co- The Times in an interview. “I zen’s arrest on Facebook Fathership. The group
was a Los Angeles native and
daughter of Sylvia and Irving. Share a rona to give a prison sen-
tence to Hugo Rabson, then
think the county definitely
owes my family a whole
and police arrested Rabson
that day.
helps men who are dealing
with issues such as anger
Johann will be remembered
as a loving wife, mother, memory 43, who had asked for and re-
ceived naked photos of
bunch but I don’t think we’ll
ever see it.”
After Rabson pleaded no
contest to the charge of en-
management and domestic
and grandmother. In lieu of To sign a guest book Thomas’ 14-year-old daugh- Corona faces a minimum gaging in lewd acts with a “The case caused me to
flowers, donations in Johann’s please go to
ter. But Corona gave Rab- of eight years in prison and minor, Corona ordered him create something to help my
memory can be made to
son three years’ probation would have to register as a to register as a sex offender community of men in the
Jewish Family Services of
LA ( or OPICA instead, infuriating Thomas sex offender if convicted. He but declined to require Rab- world today,” Thomas said.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 B5

Judge halts massive Inland Empire warehouse project

[Warehouse, from B1] win to our community that tice issues, improperly ana-
America’s online shopping has honestly been gaslit for lyzed operational noise im-
orders. so long.” pacts and abused its discre-
The environmental im- Candice Youngblood, an tion by failing to translate
pact report found that the attorney with the nonprofit key portions of the report
development would have environmental law group into Spanish.
“significant and unavoid- Earthjustice, which repre- Youngblood said the rul-
able” effects on air quality. sented the plaintiffs, called ing forces the county to re-
But it also would bring jobs the county’s environmental start the environmental re-
to the majority-Latino com- report “deficient.” She said view process, including pro-
munity of 23,000 residents, the court’s findings are “a viding community members
and the developer pledged testament to the fact that with new opportunities to
to provide millions of dollars this document reflects cut- weigh in on the project’s im-
in infrastructure improve- ting corners at the expense pacts.
ments. of the community and in the Mike Tunney, Howard In-
And because the ware- interest of industry.” dustrial Partners’ vice presi-
house project would be In a nearly 100-page rul- dent for development, said
about 50 feet from Zimmer- ing, Alvarez determined the company was pleased by
man Elementary, the devel- that the county had violated the court’s ruling upholding
oper agreed to pay $44.5 mil- the California Environmen- portions of the environmen-
lion to the Colton Joint Uni- tal Quality Act by not ana- tal report. He said the ruling
fied School District in a land lyzing renewable energy op- would result in minor revi-
swap that would usher in a tions that might be available sions to the report, which
state-of-the-art school or appropriate for the proj- the county would quickly ad-
nearby. ect, and not adequately ana- dress.
For Bloomington resi- lyzing construction noise “We are committed to
dents and community advo- Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times impacts. making the necessary ad-
cates who have been fighting SUPPORTERS SAY the warehouse project in Bloomington will create much- Alvarez found the county justments to address the is-
the explosive growth of the needed jobs in the region. Nearby residents fear it will bring pollution and traffic. failed to analyze a reason- sues identified by the
warehouse industry in the able range of alternatives to Court,” Tunney said in a
Inland Empire, the court’s “To see the way this one become a mainstay of the the community’s rural cul- the project and failed to suf- statement. “We will simulta-
decision is being viewed as a turned out just gives us county’s economy. While ture. ficiently analyze how air neously pursue an appeal of
victory. hope, and it ignites that re- proponents say the devel- Alondra Mateo, a com- emissions would affect pub- portions of the Court’s rul-
Ana Gonzalez, executive silience that our community opments bring much needed munity organizer for anoth- lic health. Despite finding ing that threaten a $30 mil-
director of the Center for needed to keep fighting,” jobs to the region, many resi- er plaintiff in the suit, the the project would have un- lion major flood control proj-
Community Action and En- Gonzalez said. dents living in their shadows People’s Collective for Envi- avoidable impacts on air ect which is already under
vironmental Justice, one of Still, she said, the timing lament the pollution, traffic ronmental Justice, said the quality, the county deter- construction to prevent on-
the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, is bittersweet. and neighborhood disrup- many residents who have mined using zero-emission going flooding that has
said her organization has “I don’t know at this tion. spoken out in public hear- trucks would be an economi- negatively impacted the
challenged a couple of ware- point if we could ever get the In Bloomington’s case, ings, raising concerns about cally infeasible form of miti- community for decades.”
house approvals annually homes that were there the project in question frac- the environmental impacts gation — a finding that Alva-
for the last five years. The back,” Gonzalez said. “To tured the community. Some of the Bloomington Busi- rez deemed “not supported This article is part of The
lawsuits typically end in set- see the community being people who sold their homes ness Park, were told that the by substantial evidence.” Times’ equity reporting
tlements that award the wiped out in Bloomington is to make way for the indus- county was adhering to the But he ruled against the initiative, funded by the
community extra protec- really heartbreaking.” trial park say they got a good required environmental re- plaintiffs on several issues, James Irvine Foundation,
tions, such as air filters and The ruling raises broader price and were happy to view process. rejecting their arguments exploring the challenges
HVAC systems for nearby questions about the rigor of move on, while many of the “For the court to take a that the county failed to ana- facing low-income workers
homes. She said she’s never San Bernardino County’s neighbors left behind see a look at all the evidence and lyze the project’s traffic im- and the efforts being made
before seen construction process for approving ware- future with 24-hour truck then agree with us,” Mateo pacts, failed to adequately to address California’s
stopped in its tracks. house projects, which have traffic and a hollowing out of said, “is such a big, powerful analyze environmental jus- economic divide.

Law aims to make MARKETPLACE

To place an ad call 1.800.234.4444

unsubscribing easy JOBS · REAL ESTATE · MORE

Business Names Business Names

Collectibles and Name Change
[Cancel, from B1] most comprehensive law in Memorabilia matter is scheduled to be Fictitious Business Name Statement NO.: 2024
renewed after July 1, 2025. the nation” on subscription heard and must appear 2024179187
Baseball Cards at the hearing to show The following person is doing business as:
“Consumers have had it services, Herrell said in a Cash paid 4 pre1975. Buying
Name Change Fictitious Business Name(s) POLISHED GOODS 226 E
all SPORTS CARDS of any size cause why the petition
with rampant automatic statement Tuesday. “From collections. (310) 614-3312 should not be granted. 73rd St.. Registered Owner (S): Jasmin Fernandez 226
subscriptions where it is gym memberships to soft- If no written objection E 73rd St.. Business is conducted by: an Individual.
ORDER TO SHOW is timely filed, the court The registrant commenced to transact business under
close to impossible to put a ware subscriptions to wine CAUSE FOR A CHANGE may grant the petition the fictitious business name or names listed above on
stop to something a con- clubs, consumers should FOR SALE 08/26/24. I declare that all information in this state-
OF NAME without a hearing.
ment is true and correct. (A registrant who declares
sumer no longer wants,” said have control of their sub- CASE NO.
as true information which he or she knows to be false
DATE: 10/25/2024
Robert Herrell, executive di- scriptions and no longer en- 24PSCP00400 TIME: 8:30 am is guilty of a crime) REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME:
rector of the Consumer Fed- dure endless stalling tactics Out of State DEPT: G Jasmin Fernandez. Signature: Jfernandez. This state-
Petitioner or Attorney ment was filed with the County Clerk of CA County on
eration of California, which to keep your money.” (name, state, bar, and ROOM: 302
For Sale Hawaii Hawaii Is- Aug 26. NOTICE- in accordance with subdivision (a)of
address): The address of the
sponsored the bill. “It should As California lawmakers land 6 rural acres Hamakua court is: SUPERIOR
section 17920 A Fictitious Name Statement generally
Damian Enrique Reyes expires at the end of five years from the date on which
be as simple to get out of a were coming up with their Coast near Hilo.
15630 e amar rd Apt 30d COURT OF CALIFORNIA it was filed in the office of the County Clerk except, as
4 bd.rm 4 ba.rm. home & County of Los Angeles
subscription as it is to get own consumer protections, la puente ca 91744
vacation rental. Over 50 fruit provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it
TO ALL PERSONS Superior court east expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth
into one.” the Federal Trade Commis- producing trees, rich soil.
district 400 civic center
Horses welcome. Yr. rd fresh- in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other
The measure applies to sion has been cracking down Petitioner
water stream. End of country Damian plaza Pomona ca 91766 than a change in the residence address of a registered
subscriptions or purchasing nationally on companies ac- paved road. Virtually no traf-
Enrique Reyes filed a A copy of this Order owner. A new fictitious business name statement
fic. Sits on bluff 1/3 of a mile
petition with this court to Show Cause shall must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this
agreements that auto- cused of signing people up from the ocean. Views and for a decree changing be published at least statement does not of itself authorize the use in this
matically renew, continue for subscriptions without trade winds. $1,890,800 names as follows: once each week for four state of fictitious business name in violation of the
successive weeks prior to
until terminated, or convert their consent and making it Call Juniper 808 443-4016 Present Name the date set for hearing
rights of another under federal state or common law
agt Damian Enrique Reyes (see section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions
from free to paid auto- hard for customers to cancel. Proposed Name on the petition in the code). Dean C. Logan, CA County Clerk. BY: Rosylee
matically unless canceled. Since March 2023, it has also Damian Enrique Lamas following newspaper Guzman, Deputy. Published 09/05/24, 09/12/24,
THE COURT ORDERS of general circulation, 09/19/24, 09/26/24.
Before putting a consumer’s been working on a “Click to printed in this county.
that all persons
bill on autopilot, the law Cancel” rule covering the interested in this matter Dated: 09/16/2024 Legal Notices Legal Notices
says, businesses must obtain same ground as AB 2863. appear before this court C. Maldonado
at the hearing indicated Deputy clerk
“express affirmative con- In an email, Herrell said it Published in the Los
below to show cause, SUMMONS
sent.” In other words, no one was important for the state if any, why the petition Angeles Times 09/26/24, (CITACION JUDICIAL)
should be surprised to find to move ahead, regardless of for change of name 10/03/24, 10/10/24, CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso):
should not be granted. 10/17/24 23GDCV01991
that they have been enrolled. the FTC’s actions. In recent NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (AVISO AL DEMANDADO):
Any person objecting
It also requires busi- years, opponents of federal to the name changes ASTGHIK MOVSISYAN AND DOES 1 TO 10
nesses to give customers a rules have filed suit before described above must YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF (LO ESTÁ
simple way to cancel — as conservative federal jurists that includes the reasons AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY
simple and convenient, in to have the rules thrown out, for the objection at least NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide
two days before the against you without your being heard unless you respond
fact, as the mechanism for he said. The state’s measure within 30 days. Read the information below.
signing up. In addition to a “ensures that if (more like You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and
toll-free phone line, busi- when) that happens, Califor- legal papers are served on you to file a written response
at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A
nesses will have to provide an nia consumers have strong letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written
online option that enables protections to ‘click to can- response must be in proper legal form if you want the
court to hear your case. There may be a court form that
customers to cancel by click- cel’ or ‘call to cancel,’” Herrell you can use for your response. You can find these court
ing on a link or sending a pre- said. forms and more information at the California Courts
formatted email. And even if the agency Online Self-Help Center (,
your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If
Beyond that, the law re- does adopt a rule that sur- you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee
quires businesses to send vives challenges, it will set a waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you
may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and
subscribers an annual re- floor for state protections, property may be taken without further warning from the
minder about the subscrip- not a ceiling, he said, adding court.
tion’s cost and how to cancel, that AB 2863 is at least as There are other legal requirements. You may want to call
an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney,
as well as advance notice of strong as what the FTC has HOW TO PLACE AN AD you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you
changes in the price. proposed in its “Click to Can- cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free
legal services from a nonprofit legal services program.
“California now has the cel” proceeding. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California
Self-service 24/7: Legal Services Web site (, the
California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your
local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has
a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any

Flight maneuver leaves Contact us by phone 24/7:

settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a
civil case. The court's lien must be paid before the court
will dismiss the case.
¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30

2 passengers injured 800-234-4444 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su
versión. Lea la información a continuación.
Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le
entreguen esta citación y papeles legales para presentar
ADVERTISING POLICIES una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se
tional Business Aviation entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una
For Los Angeles Times advertising terms
A United Airlines Assn., this alert may in-
and conditions go to:
llamada telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por
escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea
struct the pilot to descend, que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un
plane arriving in climb, or adjust vertical formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta.
Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y más
San Francisco moved speed. información en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de
The maneuver is a “last California (, en la biblioteca de leyes
to avoid a collision. defense against mid-air col-
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
de su condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario
lisions,” according to the Unscramble these Jumbles, de la corte que le dé un formulario de exención de pago
By Karen Garcia
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

group. one letter to each square, de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede
to form four ordinary words. perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podrá
As the United flight was quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia.
Two United Airlines pas- descending to SFO with the Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a
sengers were injured when seat belt sign on, “it slowed NWGUS un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado,
puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a abogados. Si no
the plane they were taking to its descent to account for an- puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con
San Francisco maneuvered other aircraft at a lower alti- los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de
un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede
to avoid a midair collision tude,” United said in a state- encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web
last week. ment. REYNT de California Legal Services, (,
United Airlines Flight “Two customers, includ- en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
( o poniéndose en contacto con la
2428 responded to an ing one who was out of their corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la
onboard alert around 12:45 seat at the time, reported corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos
p.m. Thursday that another possible injuries and were VEDUTO exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier
recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida
aircraft was in the vicinity, transported to a hospital,” mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje en un
according to the Federal Avi- United said. caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la
corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso.
ation Administration. Details on the passen- The name and address of the court is (El nombre y
The United aircraft, a gers’ injuries are unknown. ETAEOG dirección de la corte es): Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles, 600 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA
Boeing 757-200, was trav- The aircraft landed safely 91206
eling from Newark Liberty at San Francisco Interna- The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff's
International Airport when tional Airport, the FAA re- Now arrange the circled letters attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El nombre, la
©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as dirección y el número de teléfono del abogado del
it received a traffic collision ported. All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon. demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado,
avoidance system alert from The FAA is investigating. es): TRISTAN P. ESPINOSA, ESQ. (CA BAR NO.: 312481),
the Oakland Air Route Traf- Information on the other “ - ” REESE LAW GROUP, 3168 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA
92010; 760/842-5850 (File No. 290859)
fic Control Center Airspace, aircraft involved in the near DATE (Fecha): 09/20/2023
(Answers tomorrow) Clerk (Secretario), by M. AVINA, Deputy (Adjunto)
authorities said. collision has not been re-
According to the Na- leased. Yesterday’s
Answer: The instructor teaching the job-training course 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26/24
taught the — WORKING CLASS
B6 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Low clouds to start: Low clouds and fog will be in place along the coast and in some coastal valleys Thursday Helene approaches the Gulf Coast: Hurricane Helene will move into
morning as onshore flow continues. Clouds will gradually clear to sunshine by the afternoon. Skies will be the Gulf of Mexico, bringing the risk of widespread flooding and destruc-
generally clear in the evening, with low clouds and fog moving in again along the coast late Thursday night. tive winds to western Florida, Georgia and portions of Alabama. A sig-
Low clouds will remain along the coast Friday before clearing in the afternoon. nificant storm surge is expected along the Gulf Coast of Florida.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 79/59 87/58 71/58 78/40 109/81 Winnipeg
Turning sunny Sunshine Partly sunny Warm with sunshine Very hot Seattle Montreal
Friday Partly sunny 77/60 Sunny 86/60 Turning sunny 70/58 Sunny; warm 78/47 Very hot 112/81 67/55 71/55
Saturday Turning sunny 78/59 Mostly sunny 86/61 Afternoon sun 69/57 Sunny 79/46 Hot 109/78 Billings Minneapolis Toronto
Sunday Clearing 81/61 Sunny 89/68 Clouds to sun 72/59 Sunny 79/47 Sunny; hot 106/78 85/50 83/58 74/53
Monday Mostly sunny 84/62 Sunny; warm 91/61 Partly sunny 76/61 Sunny 83/48 Very hot 109/82 76/58 New York
San Francisco 74/66
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available 69/52 Chicago
Denver 80/71
SANTA VENTURA CO. Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality 91/59
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 93/58 Hesperia Kansas City
LOS ANGELES CO. Los Angeles 80/54
Santa Ojai 79/54 96/56 79/59
Barbara 84/55 Simi Valley
Chatsworth SAN BERNARDINO CO. Atlanta
70/54 84/52 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 87/58 73/67
84/57 85/59
67/56 74/56 Pomona/ Yucca Valley El Paso
UCLA 93/67 Houston
Westlake 74/57 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino 89/63
68/56 Woodland 79/59 86/56 92/59
Village 87/59
Hills Chihuahua
80/53 Whittier 89/62 Miami
86/56 Chino Monterrey HELENE 89/80
Santa Monica Hills 89/55 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO. 86/65
71/58 80/59 Fullerton 89/55
Surf and sea Torrance 80/60 U.S. cities
Inner waters: West wind 5 to 10 Long ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm WEDNESDAY’S EXTREMES AS OF 2 P.M. FOR THE 48 CONTIGUOUS STATES
knots, becoming 10 to 15 knots. Beach Newport Irvine 91/56 Springs High 110 in El Centro, Calif. Low 26 in Angel Fire, N.M.
Seas 2 to 3 feet, with west swell 2 76/61 77/58 109/81
feet at 5 seconds. Beach
Mission Viejo
71/60 Temecula Wednesday* Today Wednesday* Today
Surf zone: The risk for strong rip Laguna 79/56 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
currents is expected to be low for all 87/55
Beach San Albany 64 55 .30 68 55 R Seattle 65 59 .20 67 55 Cy
area beaches, although rip currents 71/59 Clemente Albuquerque 88 60 -- 90 63 Su Tampa 91 79 .60 85 81 R
are always possible.
73/59 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 51 43 .06 51 44 R Tucson 106 73 -- 106 75 Su
Oceanside Aspen 80 37 -- 76 42 Su Tulsa 83 55 .01 81 57 Su
Atlanta 86 73 2.23 73 67 R Washington, D.C. 74 65 .11 80 71 Pc
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 77/58 Austin 98 71 -- 88 62 Su Wichita 81 52 -- 81 54 Su
Santa Barbara 1-3’ 5 sec W 63 Baltimore 71 63 .18 79 70 Cy
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 1-3’ 5 sec W 63 Escondido Ramona Boise 95 64 -- 83 57 Su World
Los Angeles 1-3’ 5 sec W 65 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 81/57 86/55 Boston 64 60 Tr 67 61 R Acapulco 78 74 6.58 80 77 R
Orange 1-3’ 5 sec W 65 Sun 6:44a/6:44p 6:43a/6:43p 6:48a/6:48p Bufalo 71 62 .37 75 55 Pc Amsterdam 63 55 .77 65 53 R
Moon 12:51a/3:54p 12:50a/3:52p 12:54a/3:59p Poway
San Diego 1-3’ 5 sec WSW 67 Burlington, Vt. 62 54 .48 66 54 R Athens 85 64 -- 84 66 Su
74/60 Charleston, S.C. 89 73 .01 82 77 R Bangkok 90 77 .18 92 79 Ts
Charlotte 86 70 .13 75 71 R Barcelona 75 61 -- 82 67 Su
Tides San Diego Chicago 76 57 -- 78 63 Su Berlin 64 55 .23 68 57 Sh
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 73/64 Cincinnati 74 65 .04 76 68 Cy Cabo San Lucas 97 72 -- 97 74 Su
Oct. 2 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24
Today 7:34a 4.2 Hi 12:23a 0.2 Lo Cleveland 77 68 .02 74 64 Pc Cairo 91 69 -- 90 73 Su
5:54p 5.2 Hi 12:12p 3.0 Lo Columbia, S.C. 89 71 .05 78 74 R Dubai 103 88 -- 101 84 Su
Fri. 8:02a 4.5 Hi 1:13a 0.0 Lo
Almanac Columbus 78 68 .01 75 67 Cy Dublin 52 37 .23 54 44 Sh
Wednesday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 83 69 .06 85 63 Su Havana 81 75 5.35 84 79 R
6:52p 5.4 Hi 1:06p 2.5 Lo Denver 85 51 -- 91 59 Su Ho Chi Minh City 93 81 .12 90 77 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura* Detroit 78 62 .06 76 58 Pc Hong Kong 88 78 .02 88 80 Pc
UV index High/low 73/62 77/63 64/58 24-hour total (as of 2 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 94 69 -- 93 67 Su Istanbul 79 64 -- 81 66 Pc
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 82/63 84/63 76/56 Season total (since Oct. 1) 22.15 16.59 24.79 Eugene 67 59 .17 72 51 Pc Jerusalem 85 65 -- 85 64 Su
High/low a year ago 77/59 81/60 70/55 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 31.05 23.56 28.61 Fort Myers 90 79 .25 86 81 R Johannesburg 79 54 -- 84 53 Su
Las Vegas, 30 Phoenix, 30
Record high/date 107/1978 102/2016 102/1978 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 14.38 11.96 16.18 Hartford 67 53 .04 71 60 R Kuala Lumpur 89 76 .42 87 76 R
Los Angeles, 30 San Francisco, 45 Record low/date 48/1879 56/2017 45/1948 Humidity (high/low) 96/74 93/53 100/69 Honolulu 89 77 -- 88 76 R Lima 67 59 -- 67 58 Cy
Houston 93 75 .12 89 63 Su London 63 51 .05 64 49 Sh
California cities* Indianapolis 76 61 .03 76 65 Cy Madrid 75 60 Tr 76 56 R
Wed.* Today Fri. Wed.* Today Fri. Wed.* Today Fri. Jacksonville, Fla. 88 71 Tr 84 78 R Mecca 110 78 -- 112 80 Su
Kansas City 79 51 -- 80 54 Su Mexico City 71 55 .09 64 55 R
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 71 69 2.88 70 66 R Montreal 62 55 .19 71 55 R
Anaheim 78 60 -- 80 57 81 58 L.A. D’ntown/USC 76 58 -- 79 59 77 60 San Diego 71 64 -- 73 64 73 64 Las Vegas 101 73 -- 101 75 Su Moscow 75 44 -- 71 60 Pc
Avalon/Catalina 65 58 -- 70 61 72 61 L.A. Int’l. Airport 68 60 -- 70 59 71 60 San Francisco 67 54 -- 69 52 78 54 Louisville 77 66 .03 77 70 Sh Mumbai 84 79 2.68 83 79 Sh
Bakersfield 99 64 -- 91 65 95 67 Laguna Beach 66 61 -- 71 59 71 61 San Gabriel 80 60 -- 83 59 83 61 Medford 79 55 -- 83 48 Su New Delhi 95 82 -- 90 79 Ts
Barstow 101 67 -- 101 67 101 68 Lancaster 96 51 -- 97 53 99 57 San Jose 77 57 -- 82 58 94 60 Memphis 79 67 .05 80 64 Cy Paris 62 57 1.28 66 52 Sh
Big Bear Lake 74 39 -- 78 40 78 47 Long Beach 72 61 -- 76 61 77 62 San Luis Obispo 73 52 .01 78 51 84 55 Miami 89 79 .43 89 80 R Prague 68 54 .01 66 55 R
Bishop 94 47 -- 92 47 93 49 Mammoth Lakes 71 34 -- 77 37 79 36 Santa Ana 71 63 -- 75 61 75 62 Milwaukee 75 56 -- 76 61 Su Rome 75 61 .14 79 68 Pc
Burbank 83 57 -- 84 57 84 60 Mission Viejo 77 58 -- 79 56 79 59 Santa Barbara 67 54 -- 70 54 68 55 Minneapolis 79 55 -- 83 58 Su Seoul 82 63 .12 81 63 Pc
Camarillo 71 57 -- 74 56 75 57 Monrovia 81 58 -- 85 59 84 61 Santa Clarita 90 54 -- 93 58 93 56 Nashville 75 68 .06 79 68 R Singapore 86 79 .19 85 77 Ts
Chatsworth 85 57 -- 87 58 87 59 Monterey 64 51 -- 65 51 74 54 Santa Monica Pier 69 59 -- 71 58 70 58 New Orleans 91 75 .06 86 67 Cy Taipei City 88 76 .13 86 76 Ts
Chino 87 56 -- 89 55 90 55 Mt. Wilson 84 57 -- 67 57 66 60 Santa Paula 75 53 -- 79 54 83 56 New York 68 62 .07 74 66 Sh Tokyo 73 67 .12 83 74 Pc
Compton 71 60 -- 76 59 75 61 Needles 109 76 -- 109 77 110 79 Santa Rosa 66 52 -- 84 50 93 49 Norfolk 81 69 .50 80 73 Sh Vancouver 59 57 1.09 59 53 Sh
Dana Point 67 62 -- 71 60 71 61 Newport Beach 68 62 -- 71 60 71 60 Simi Valley 77 52 -- 84 52 87 56 Oklahoma City 83 59 -- 81 55 Su Vienna 70 55 .14 76 61 Pc
Death Valley 111 79 -- 109 89 111 86 Northridge 86 57 -- 87 57 86 59 Tahoe Valley 76 34 Tr 76 37 78 39 Omaha 81 48 -- 82 53 Su
Del Mar 67 63 -- 67 62 68 62 Oakland 71 57 -- 73 55 83 55 Temecula 83 56 Tr 87 55 88 56 Orlando 90 77 .02 88 78 R Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Escondido 77 58 Tr 81 57 83 55 Oceanside 72 60 -- 77 58 77 59 Thousand Oaks 73 53 -- 79 53 80 53 Philadelphia 69 64 .21 80 69 Cy foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz hazy Sh
Eureka 59 53 .01 59 47 64 50 Ojai 79 55 -- 84 55 85 59 Torrance 68 61 .01 70 60 69 62 Phoenix 111 81 -- 111 83 Su showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fallbrook 77 57 .02 80 55 80 56 Ontario 86 58 -- 87 59 90 59 UCLA 68 58 -- 74 57 74 59 Pittsburgh 78 65 .26 77 66 Cy trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fresno 96 61 -- 92 63 96 66 Palm Springs 110 80 -- 109 81 112 81 Van Nuys 84 57 -- 88 58 88 60 Portland, Ore. 68 62 .39 73 60 Cy and Hawaii. * - data estimated.
Fullerton 78 61 -- 80 60 79 61 Pasadena 77 58 -- 82 58 81 60 Ventura 65 56 -- 67 56 67 58 Providence 66 55 -- 69 61 R Wednesday’s readings as of 2 p.m.
Hemet 92 56 -- 91 56 91 57 Paso Robles 84 50 -- 92 50 95 50 Whittier Hills 73 60 Tr 80 59 80 60 Raleigh/Durham 87 71 .77 80 73 Sh
Hesperia 91 58 -- 94 58 93 63 Redding 92 58 -- 93 59 101 58 Woodland Hills 88 57 -- 86 56 85 58 Reno 88 53 -- 87 52 Su
Huntington Beach 71 62 -- 71 60 70 60 Riverside 87 55 -- 89 55 90 56 Wrightwood 80 58 -- 80 59 81 59 Richmond 79 67 .60 82 72 Cy Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2024
Idyllwild 82 62 -- 84 62 87 63 Sacramento 82 53 -- 89 55 95 58 Yorba Linda 80 57 -- 82 55 83 57 St. Louis 78 58 .07 79 65 Pc
Irvine 72 60 -- 77 58 76 60 San Bernardino 92 59 -- 92 59 92 61 Yosemite Valley 83 51 -- 85 55 86 52 Salt Lake City 91 58 -- 88 60 Su


Riley confident UNLV QB quitting

offensive line still over no payment
can be top-notch wire reports

Nevada Las Vegas

the Astros clinched their
fourth American League
West title in a row behind Ja-
son Heyward’s go-ahead ho-
cern is whether the confi- quarterback Matthew mer and dazzling defensive
By Ryan Kartje dence of the linemen re- Sluka decided to sit out the play. ... In Tuesday’s other
mains intact after such a de- rest of the season over a late games, Baltimore se-
The left tackle was moralizing performance. $100,000 name, image and li- cured its second straight
cramping. The right guard That’s an especially per- cense payment that was playoff spot, overcoming
was benched. The new right tinent question for left promised but never paid af- Aaron Judge’s major
tackle was playing his first tackle Elijah Paige, who ter he agreed to transfer league-leading 56th homer
meaningful snaps, and the looked totally overwhelmed from Holy Cross last winter, to beat the New York Yan-
new right guard had played in the first half. Riley said his agent told the Associ- kees 5-3. ... AL Central cham-
only a handful. All the while, cramps made Paige unavail- ated Press on Wednesday. pion Cleveland clinched a
110,000 hostile fans roared able for the second half, UNLV issued a state- first-round bye with a 6-1 win
with every missed block or though he appeared twice Ric Tapia Getty Images ment accusing Sluka’s rep- over Cincinnati. ... Arizona
botched assignment against on special teams plays after JOSAIAH STEWART of Michigan knocks down resentative, Marcus Cro- had just six hits in an 11-0 loss
the nation’s most fearsome being replaced on the line by Miller Moss during the second half of USC’s loss. martie of Equity Sports, of to San Francisco. ... Gray-
defensive front, featuring right tackle Mason Murphy. making “financial demands son Rodriguez, the Orioles’
two top-15 NFL draft Last season, coaches with offensive line coach fered another serious injury. upon the university and its No. 2 starter, won’t pitch
prospects on the interior. sent Paige down to the scout Josh Henson was denied. The image of him in tears on NIL collective in order to again this year because of a
“That’s as tough as it team after his progress stag- Many questions remain the sideline only added to continue playing.” lat injury. ... Yankees left-
gets,” USC coach Lincoln nated and it sparked im- about where the Trojans will those fears. UNLV is 3-0 with road hander Nestor Cortes has a
Riley said Tuesday. provement. But with little turn next on the offensive Although Riley didn’t wins over Big 12 schools strain in his pitching elbow
It was truly a nightmare depth behind him at left line. Although Paige is likely share the nature of McRee’s Houston and Kansas. Sluka and went on the injured list.
scenario for USC’s offensive tackle, it’s unclear where to stay at left tackle, the injury Tuesday, he did say completed only 43.8% of his ... Guardians All-Star left
line, which completely un- USC would turn if Paige right guard spot could be up the tight end “got good passes but threw for six fielder Steven Kwan was ac-
raveled during a 27-24 loss to were pulled from the lineup. for grabs after Alani Noa news” and would be back touchdowns. tivated from the IL.
Michigan, raising serious “It’s tough to be a young was replaced in the second this season.
questions about the depth offensive lineman in that sit- quarter by fellow redshirt Considering the hit, Riley Denver Broncos line-
and development of a group uation,” said center Jonah freshman Amos Talalele. said, “he’s incredibly lucky.” ETC. backer and top tackler Alex
Riley and his staff assured Monheim, the only offensive “A lot of it is just kind of Riley disliked the hit but Singleton’s season is over
everyone would be fine with- lineman USC made avail- mental,” Monheim said. conceded it’s “legal right Braves-Mets pair because of a torn anterior
out offseason additions from able for media interviews “What story are you telling now.” cruciate ligament, and San
the transfer portal. this week. “You know you yourself? How are you han- “I don’t fault the kid from set for Monday Francisco defensive tackle
That confidence cer- have something that doesn’t dling things, how you prac- Michigan,” Riley said, “but a Javon Hargrave (triceps) is
tainly looked misplaced Sat- go your way against a good tice, how you lift, how pre- hit like that does not need to The final two games of a out for the season too.
urday, as Michigan’s pass group of players, it’s a tough pared are you, how confi- be legal. You think about all crucial series between the
rush steamrolled through thing. But it’s something you dent are you in yourself? All the things in college football, New York Mets and Atlanta SoFi Stadium and Dig-
the Trojans front with ease, have to learn from. It’s some- things like that. Not neces- football in general, that Braves were postponed until nity Health Sports Park will
pressuring quarterback thing you have to go sarily being defined by, ‘Oh, we’ve cleaned up. It is very Monday by heavy rains host CONCACAF Gold Cup
Miller Moss 22 times. Still, through, and you come out I’m rotating,’ or ‘Oh, I’m this simple to clean up a defense- ahead of Hurricane Helene. games next summer.
Riley didn’t seem concerned the other side as a better or I’m that.’ [Noa has] got so less player that can’t see you The regular season was
about the line’s long-term player and person because much talent, and it’s our job going low on him.” set to end Sunday, but the Connecticut guard Di-
trajectory Tuesday, instead of it.” to just get that out of him in Mets now will return to At- Jonai Carrington won the
reiterating his belief that Reserve tackle Tobias every way that we can.” More injury updates lanta on Monday for a WNBA’s most improved
USC’s offensive line can be Raymond, who played 45 Riley is sure that’s pos- Receiver Makai Lemon is doubleheader that could player; the Sparks’ Dearica
“really damn good.” snaps in the second half, sible. But confidence isn’t “doing very well” after his settle the postseason lineup. Hamby was second. ... In
Some of that responsibil- joined the offensive line going to return overnight, helmet hit the ground hard The Mets (87-70) went Tuesday’s late games, Sa-
ity in getting there, Riley ac- when Paige was sidelined. Monheim said. against Michigan. Lemon into Wednesday with a half- brina Ionescu tied a team
knowledged, falls on him And although Raymond “Confidence really comes was taken to the hospital for game lead over Arizona in playoff record with 36 points
and his staff and said he struggled, he earned respect from habits, built over and observation but was able to the wild-card race, with the and New York beat Atlanta
could have done a better job from teammates for taking over and over,” Monheim fly home with the team. Braves (86-71) a full game 91-82 to reach the semifinals
preparing the offense for over Murphy’s spot when said. “It’s hard to get yourself “He’s rebounded back back. Two of those teams where they’ll face Las Vegas
Michigan’s defensive front. Murphy moved to left tackle. out of a rut with just one well,” Riley said on the “Tro- will make the playoffs, which in a rematch of the 2023 Fi-
“We all gotta take steps — “That’s a hell of a position play. It really usually doesn’t jans Live” radio show, “as begin next Tuesday. nals. Kelsey Plum scored 29
the coaching, the players to be thrown into,” Moss work like that.” good as you could possibly The Braves won Tues- points, A’ja Wilson had 24
around them — to get it go- said. “I texted him the night hope for with that scary of a day’s opener 5-1. Mets star points and 13 rebounds, and
ing, to play at the level we after the game that I was situation.” Francisco Lindor missed the Aces beat Seattle 83-76
want to,” Riley said. “And proud of him and the way he
Good news Safety Akili Arnold also his eighth straight game be- to reach the semifinals for
frankly, within the first cou- stepped up for the team. I for McRee was not available at practice cause of back pain. the sixth straight season.
ple of games this year, think it was really selfless.” When Lake McRee was after suffering an injury in
there’s been a ton of positive Riley didn’t say whether leveled at the knees by a the second half. Riley said Seattle took advantage of Alexander Rossi is the
signs. We’ve got to get back he intended to trot out the Michigan defender just two Arnold is “improving five Houston errors in an 8-1 newest driver at Ed Car-
on track that way, and I’m same starting five Saturday months after he returned quickly” and the coach is win over the Astros as the penter Racing, the third
confident we will.” against Wisconsin, while from a torn anterior cruciate “hopeful” that Arnold could Mariners remained in the team in four years for the In-
The more pressing con- The Times’ request to speak ligament, it appeared he suf- play Saturday. wild-card race, one day after dianapolis 500 winner.
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 B7


Los Angeles Times NFL writer Sam Farmer examines the
matchups this week. Lines according to FanDuel Sports-
Clippers to limit Leonard’s work
in training camp because of knee
book (O/U = over/under). Record last week 8-8 (.500);
season 27-21 (.563). Using point spreads with the scores
Farmer predicted, the record against the spread last
week would have been 6-10 (.375); season 24-23-1 (.511).
Times Pacific.

COWBOYS (1-2) AT GIANTS (1-2) Frank says swelling

Tonight, 5:15. TV: Amazon Prime Video has decreased but
Line: Cowboys by 51⁄2. O/U: 451⁄2.
This is the best offensive line the Giants
there is no timetable
have had in nearly a decade. Not a great line, but solid for his return to play.
enough to protect Daniel Jones and push around a bad
Cowboys run defense. Home team holds on. By Anthony De Leon
Pick: Giants 23, Cowboys 21
With Clippers training
RAMS (1-2) AT BEARS (1-2)
camp approaching, ques-
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: Channel 11 tions continue to swirl
Line: Bears by 21⁄2. O/U: 401⁄2. around the health of star
The Rams are starting to get a little Kawhi Leonard following
healthier, and their cobbled-together offensive line played the inflammation in his right
well against the 49ers. That was a confidence boost. They’re knee that sidelined him late
good enough to win this matchup. last season and in the first
Pick: Rams 24, Bears 21 round of the playoffs.
Leonard is dealing with
VIKINGS (3-0) AT PACKERS (2-1) swelling but is progressing
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: Channel 2 toward full health, president
Line: Packers by 21⁄2. O/U: 431⁄2. of basketball operations
Until they know who’s starting at quarter- Lawrence Frank said Tues-
back, the Vikings have to prepare for two different looks. day.
That Brian Flores defense has looked really good, though, At the start of last sea-
and the Vikings could pull off the road win. son, Leonard was the Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times

Pick: Vikings 27, Packers 24 healthiest he had been in LAWRENCE FRANK, the Clippers’ head of basketball operations, acknowledged
years and he appeared in 68 there are big questions about whether this team can compete for a championship.
SAINTS (2-1) AT FALCONS (1-2) games. However, it was the
third straight season he wants to participate in said. “The medical staff will has made things easier for
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: NFL Ticket failed to finish, not counting everything during training tell us when he’s ready to do the team. Harden, entering
Line: Falcons by 11⁄2. O/U: 421⁄2. the 2021-22 season, which he camp, but we’re going to everything and what he’s ca- his first full season with the
The Falcons are just six for 27 on third missed entirely. hold him back from drill pable of. So our focus is on Clippers, has fully inte-
down so far. That’s not going to cut it against New Orleans, Leonard has struggled work and really focus on the guys practicing, making grated himself after last
even though the Saints were flat offensively in a loss to with an extensive injury his- strengthening.” sure we’re doing it hard and year’s early-season trade,
Philadelphia. tory during his Clippers ten- The question is whether doing it the right way. No which initially left him to
Pick: Saints 16, Falcons 13 ure, including a partial tear Leonard will be ready for the shortcuts.” play catch-up in learning his
of an anterior cruciate liga- season opener against the In the event of Leonard’s role in the offense and cre-
BENGALS (0-3) AT PANTHERS (1-2) ment that sidelined him for Phoenix Suns on Oct. 23 at absence, James Harden is ating chemistry.
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: NFL Ticket 2021-22, a meniscus tear dur- Intuit Dome. Training camp expected to take on the role “It’s always hard when
Line: Bengals by 41⁄2. O/U: 401⁄2. ing the 2023 playoffs and this opens Monday and the pre- of primary offensive weapon, you get traded, and when
The Panthers exorcised some demons current case of knee inflam- season opener is Oct. 5 a scenario Lue planned for you don’t go through a train-
with their win last Sunday after making a quarterback mation. against the Golden State even when Leonard is avail- ing camp, you can’t develop
change. The Bengals are a stronger team across the board, “It’s truly unfortunate Warriors in Hawaii. able. those bonds with the team,”
but this could be closer than some expect. that he’s had to deal with Frank remained non- “More pick-and-rolls and Frank said. “He’s totally im-
Pick: Bengals 27, Panthers 24 this, but we’re trending in committal about whether scoring the basketball,” Lue mersed himself with the
the right direction,” Frank Leonard would be ready. He said. “Taking more shots. team.”
JAGUARS (0-3) AT TEXANS (2-1) said. “The goal is to get him noted that the offseason has He’s a dynamic playmaker There are rumblings and
to 100% so he can have a been dedicated to getting also.” questions about whether
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: NFL Ticket
great season, not just this the six-time All-Star closer With Paul George leaving this is a championship-cali-
Line: Texans by 61⁄2. O/U: 451⁄2.
year, but for many years.” to full health and not rush- for Philadelphia in free ber roster, and Frank didn’t
The Texans have won 10 of the last 12
The team has developed ing the process. agency, the Clippers’ attack shy away from acknowledg-
meetings with the Jaguars, and Jacksonville quarterback
a detailed plan to guide “The timing will depend now revolves around a new ing the outside noise. If they
Trevor Lawrence has lost his last eight starts. Both teams
Leonard’s recovery that will on how his knee responds to one-two punch of Leonard have a healthy Harden and
are coming off lopsided defeats.
focus on strengthening and each phase,” Frank said. “No and Harden. Leonard, he’s confident that
Pick: Texans 20, Jaguars 17
gradually increasing the one has a crystal ball. … I “When you lose a player the moves they made to add
STEELERS (3-0) AT COLTS (1-2) load on Leonard’s knee. Al- know he’s super determined like PG, it’s always tough to depth and build a roster to
though Frank said the to have a great year, but try to replace that kind of complement them can en-
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: NFL Ticket swelling has significantly de- when it comes to your body player,” Lue said. “James able them to compete in the
Line: Steelers by 11⁄2. O/U: 391⁄2. creased, the Clippers plan to and health, I don’t think you and Kawhi will help us offen- Western Conference.
Pittsburgh’s defense is playing great, and take a cautious approach put time frames on it.” sively. … Everybody else has “I have the internet,”
Justin Fields is protecting the football and getting the job and limit Leonard’s activity Coach Tyronn Lue re- got to fit around it to make Frank said. “I’m not going to
done. He’s due for a bit of a letdown game, but unlikely to during training camp. mains confident that Leon- sure that we have the right put a ceiling and say what we
take a step backward here. Leonard tried to return ard eventually will return to spacing, the right guys with can and cannot be. … I’m not
Pick: Steelers 17, Colts 10 for the Olympic Games this full health but supports the the ball in our hands and going to read too much into
summer but was sent home cautious approach. making the right play.” it, but I do like the chemistry
BRONCOS (1-2) AT JETS (2-1) from Team USA camp. “We’ve got to go step by The Clippers’ offensive and camaraderie of what I
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: NFL Ticket “It’s almost gone,” Frank step and make sure he’s pecking order remains clear, see. The biggest thing we
Line: Jets by 71⁄2. O/U: 381⁄2. said of the swelling. “He checking all the boxes,” Lue which, according to Frank, have is opportunity.”
The Broncos pulled off a stunner at
Tampa Bay and would be hard-pressed to do that two
weeks in a row. Aaron Rodgers looked like his old self last
week, and the Jets defense is playing well.
Pick: Jets 24, Broncos 17
Will Lakers ever trade their draft capital?
EAGLES (2-1) AT BUCCANEERS (2-1) [Lakers, from B10] set for reevaluation in six
also use one pick to make a weeks. And Vanderbilt, who
Sunday, 10 a.m. TV: NFL Ticket
marginal upgrade if we felt played just 29 games last
Line: Eagles by 21⁄2. O/U: 441⁄2.
like it was the right thing to season, underwent sur-
The Buccaneers are hurting on defense,
do. We looked long and hard geries on both feet following
and that could mean a big game for Saquon Barkley. Baker
and did a lot of work seeing if the season.
Mayfield hasn’t been the same since Tampa Bay lost right
there are ways to increase “We have a lot of opti-
tackle Luke Goedeke to a concussion.
the overall roster talent this mism that when the real
Pick: Eagles 27, Buccaneers 23
offseason and the right move games start, he’ll be avail-
didn’t present itself.” able,” Pelinka said of Van-
The Lakers’ search for derbilt.
Sunday, 1:05 p.m. TV: NFL Ticket roster improvement this Guard Gabe Vincent,
Line: Cardinals by 31⁄2. O/U: 501⁄2. summer turned up very lit- who dealt with knee injuries
Jayden Daniels looked good on Monday tle. The team drafted rook- a season ago, is cleared for
night and Washington’s offense is improving by the week. ies Dalton Knecht and the start of camp.
That defense is still terrible, however, and could be torched Bronny James but did not Redick, of course, is the
in this matchup, especially with those vulnerable corners. make any moves in free change the Lakers can count
Pick: Cardinals 28, Commanders 21 agency with a roster that on to affect them the most.
was already at capacity. “I would say what we
PATRIOTS (1-2) AT 49ERS (1-2) With James heading into have tried to create is an en-
Sunday, 1:05 p.m. TV: NFL Ticket his 22nd season and coming ergy and a vibe in the gym ev-
Line: 49ers by 10. O/U: 391⁄2. off of a successful run at the ery day. It’s like a perfect bal-
The 49ers are steamed after losing at the Olympics, Redick said the ance of, I would call it, ‘fo-
Rams. New England’s offense is terrible, with no real receiv- Lakers have a plan for easing cused joy,’ if that makes
ers and a flimsy offensive line. Jacoby Brissett is running for him into the season. sense,” Redick said of volun-
his life much of the time. “But when we watch the tary summer workouts.
Pick: 49ers 30, Patriots 18 pickup games, he’s going full “We’re grateful every day to
tilt,” Redick said of James. be in this gym — the staff,
CHIEFS (3-0) AT CHARGERS (2-1) “If he’s going on the court, Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times the players. But it’s focused,
he’s going. So in some ways, GENERAL manager Rob Pelinka, left, and coach JJ it’s intentional and it’s or-
Sunday, 1:25 p.m. TV: Channel 2 sometimes we have to save Redick discuss the state of the Lakers on Wednesday. ganized.”
Line: Chiefs by 81⁄2. O/U: 391⁄2. him from himself, whether As far as on-court specif-
The Chargers are going to be solid this that’s in training camp, cifics of what that might look those, we have a lot of confi- ics, Redick and Pelinka said
season, but holding serve against the Chiefs — without practices throughout the like,” Redick said. “But we dence in those 15 players,” the team would like to im-
suspended Derwin James — is a tall order. Andy Reid will season.” haven’t committed to any- Pelinka said of his roster. “I prove the volume of offen-
take advantage of that void in the middle of the field. One of those on-court thing. And obviously, there’s think the inverse of change sive rebounds and three-
Pick: Chiefs 28, Chargers 21 moments came this week a discussion to be had once or overhaul is continuity. point shots while creating
when James scored on his we’re all together with And I think continuity can more chances for guard
BROWNS (1-2) AT RAIDERS (1-2) rookie son in a scrimmage. Bronny and LeBron too.” be highly successful in Austin Reaves to work on
Sunday, 1:25 p.m. TV: NFL Ticket Redick acknowledged the The Lakers continue to sports. This is a core group the ball. Redick also said
Line: Raiders by 11⁄2. O/U: 371⁄2. team will have a call to make try to strike a very delicate that did make it to the West- he’s been encouraged by
The Las Vegas pass rush gets the edge. in giving them a chance to balance between being re- ern Conference finals.” young players such as Max
Deshaun Watson was sacked a career-high eight times last make history this season as sponsible about their future The team will not have Christie and last year’s first-
week. Could be a big day for Maxx Crosby and Christian the first father-son duo to while competing for titles Jarred Vanderbilt or Chris- round pick, Jalen Hood-
Wilkins, although the Raiders have lots of issues too. play together in the NBA. with the NBA’s all-time lead- tian Wood at the start of Schifino.
Pick: Raiders 18, Browns 15 “We don’t have anything ing scorer. training camp because of “These guys have gotten
planned, per se, in terms of a “For any team to do well, offseason surgeries. Wood, better significantly over the
BILLS (3-0) AT RAVENS (1-2) commitment to do it this you have to have good health who struggled in a limited last two months,” Redick
Sunday, 5:20 p.m. TV: Channel 4 way. We obviously have and good fortune and those role a year ago, underwent said. “So really excited to see
Line: Ravens by 21⁄2. O/U: 461⁄2. talked about it as a staff and things are variables you his second surgery on his left them compete in training
Josh Allen is an early MVP candidate and we’ve gotten into some spe- can’t control. But with knee this calendar year. He’s camp and preseason.”
the Bills have been able to run when needed. The defense is
banged up, and Baltimore might be able to take advantage
of that, but the undefeated visitors have the edge.
Pick: Bills 27, Ravens 23


Chargers’ Herbert unsure whether he’ll play
Monday, 4:30 p.m. TV: ESPN on a third-quarter sack, had rived, Herbert is working Left tackle Rashawn
Line: Dolphins by 11⁄2. O/U: 361⁄2. By Thuc Nhi Nguyen an MRI exam Monday and it more aggressively with Slater (pectoral) and right
This one is a coin flip. The Dolphins are on showed his ankle was “pro- trainers and doctors to en- tackle Joe Alt (knee), who
their third quarterback, and it’s tough to win that way. The Ahead of a key divisional gressing,” coach Jim Har- sure he can play every game. also were injured against the
Titans haven’t won a game, so it’s not as if they have a ton of game against the Kansas baugh said. Herbert was “These games all are im- Steelers, did not practice
experience to draw from. The QB matter is big. City Chiefs, Justin Herbert limited at Wednesday’s portant to us,” Herbert said. Wednesday. Trey Pipkins
Pick: Titans 17, Dolphins 13 said on Wednesday his practice, participating in “Each game going out there III, who was the team’s
sprained right ankle is feel- some seven-on-seven peri- is, ‘Hey, it's time to go win it.’ third tackle option, did not
ing better than it did at this ods. And we felt like it was one of practice because of a foot in-
Monday, 5:15 p.m. TV: Channel 7 time last week, but the Char- The star quarterback those injuries that you can jury.
Line: Saints by 11⁄2. O/U: 391⁄2. gers quarterback could not took a conservative ap- fight through and you can Outside linebacker Joey
The Seahawks could get off to a 4-0 start, commit to playing Sunday. proach with a plantar fascia push through.” Bosa (hip), defensive line-
which not many people saw coming. Lions are vulnerable Herbert, who left Pitts- injury that kept him in a Herbert threw for 125 man Otito Ogbonnia (neck)
because of all their injuries. Still like Dan Campbell and burgh’s Acrisure Stadium in walking boot for two weeks yards and one touchdown on and linebacker Junior Col-
Jared Goff finding a way to pull off a win at home. a walking boot last weekend during training camp, but 12-for-18 passing before leav- son (hamstring) also did not
Pick: Lions 28, Seahawks 27 after aggravating the injury now that the season has ar- ing Sunday’s 20-10 loss. practice Wednesday.
B8 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M


Triple-play ending in opener is a shocker

Through Tuesday
West W L Pct. GB L10
z-DODGERS 93 64 .592 — 6-4 [Dodgers, from B10] Following the game, Roberts
z-San Diego 91 66 .580 2 9-1 “There’s less than a 1% chance said he didn’t regret the decision to
that Shohei doesn’t come up to call off the bunt.
Arizona 87 71 .551 61⁄2 5-5 bat,” Roberts said. “And unfortu- “He hit the ball hard,” Roberts
San Francisco 79 79 .500 141⁄2 7-3 nately that small percentage came said. “And I just can’t play the game
Colorado 60 97 .382 33 5-5 into play.” of, if it gets through, then it’s a great
Central W L Pct. GB L10
The Dodgers lost the opener of play and then if it hits right at him,
the three-game series that could it’s a bad play.”
x-Milwaukee 90 67 .573 — 5-5
settle the National League West Rojas also agreed with the deci-
Chicago 81 77 .513 91⁄2 6-4 and had their lead cut to two sion, echoing Roberts’ point about
St. Louis 80 77 .510 10 6-4 games. They still have a chance to the Padres’ shift.
Cincinnati 76 82 .481 141⁄2 5-5 rebound against the Padres, but if “The way they were playing on
they don’t and ultimately squan- defense, I think it made sense for
Pittsburgh 73 84 .465 17 3-7 der a division lead they’ve held me to swing the bat there,” he said.
East W L Pct. GB L10 since opening day, Tuesday’s loss “I’m totally confident that I can get
x-Philadelphia 93 65 .589 — 4-6 will loom large in their reflections. to a fastball. Unfortunately, I hit it
New York 87 70 .554 51⁄2 6-4 A team accustomed to October on the ground.”
collapses might have just gotten a That left the Dodgers needing
Atlanta 86 71 .548 61⁄2 6-4
head start. to regroup to avoid total disaster
Washington 69 88 .439 231⁄2 3-7 “It’s shocking,” Roberts said. over the final week of the season. If
Miami 58 99 .369 341⁄2 3-7 “To not get Shohei up is obviously they can’t hold off the Padres —
Wild card W L Pct. GB L10 very disappointing.” who, in case of an end-of-season
Tuesday’s loss, however, was a tie, would own the head-to-head
z-San Diego 91 66 .580 +41⁄2 9-1
fitting result for a Dodgers team Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times tiebreaker against the Dodgers af-
New York 87 70 .554 1
⁄2 6-4 that came out flat in its biggest se- SHOHEI OHTANI strikes out to end the seventh inning Tues- ter winning eight of the teams’ first
Arizona 87 71 .551 — 5-5 ries of the season. day as Padres catcher Kyle Higashioka heads to the dugout. 11 games — the Dodgers would have
Atlanta 86 71 .548 1
⁄2 6-4 On the mound, San Diego start- to begin their postseason a week
er Michael King outdueled Dod- trimmed to two, Ohtani stepped in to one easy out, and potentially two earlier than expected, in a best-of-
Top three wild-card teams make playoffs
x-clinched division; z-clinched playoff berth gers rookie Landon Knack. While the on-deck circle to the excite- if the Padres could turn the play three wild-card round that could
King gave up just an unearned run ment of the crowd of 50,369. Antici- quickly. grind down their already-short-
AMERICAN LEAGUE in five innings, Knack ran out of gas pation built for him to take a poten- “You can’t bunt because you’re handed pitching staff.
West W L Pct. GB L10 in a four-inning, four-run outing, a tial game-winning at-bat. bunting into an out,” Roberts said. “It’s important,” Roberts said of
x-Houston 86 72 .544 — 6-4 concerning result for an unproven But first, Rojas came to the “With the infield in, Bogaerts out of his team’s need to rebound. “Really
Seattle 81 77 .513 5 6-4 pitcher who probably will be plate. And in the dugout, Roberts position, the best chance is to put important.”
tasked with starting in the post- and his staff rolled the dice on a the ball in play and hopefully find a So too, however, was getting
Texas 74 83 .471 111⁄2 3-7 season. couple of high-stakes decisions. hole.” Ohtani to the plate in the ninth in-
Oakland 68 89 .433 171⁄2 4-6 At the plate, the Padres also On the first pitch from Padres Did the thought of a triple play ning Tuesday. It was a near cer-
ANGELS 63 94 .401 221⁄2 3-7 were more clinical, scoring all four closer Robert Suarez, Rojas was even cross Roberts’ mind? tainty that didn’t happen.
Central W L Pct. GB L10
runs with two out while the Dod- instructed to lay down a bunt. The “No,” he said. “Not at all.” The Dodgers can only hope
gers stranded seven men on base veteran infielder squared around How about when Rojas hit a their pursuit of the division title
x-Cleveland 91 67 .576 — 7-3
and went two for 10 with runners in on a 97-mph fastball, but pulled one-hopper to Machado? doesn’t suffer the same fate.
Detroit 83 74 .529 71⁄2 8-2 scoring position. Mostly, though, back just as it clipped the bottom “No,” he reiterated. “I thought
Kansas City 83 74 .529 71⁄2 3-7 the Padres played cleaner and — in of the zone for Strike 1. [Machado] was going to go from White Sox beat Angels
a continuation of a trend Roberts “I feel like I had an opportunity third to first.” The Chicago White Sox rallied
Minnesota 81 76 .516 91⁄2 3-7
highlighted coming into this series to get the bunt down early on that Instead, Machado fired to sec- with three runs against relievers in
Chicago 37 120 .236 531⁄2 4-6 — seemingly with more intensity, at-bat,” Rojas said. “But I couldn’t ond, where Cronenworth received the eighth inning and beat the An-
East W L Pct. GB L10 out-executing a Dodgers team that get the job done there.” it just ahead of Hernández’s slide. gels 3-2 on Tuesday night.
z-New York 92 65 .586 — 7-3 knew it could clinch the division When Rojas looked back up the Rojas futilely sprinted toward first
z-Baltimore 87 70 .554 5 4-6 with a series win this week, but also line at third base coach Dino Ebel, but never had much chance at get- The Associated Press contributed
effectively fall to second place if it he was relayed a new sign from the ting there in time. to this report.
Boston 80 78 .506 12 ⁄2 1
6-4 were swept. dugout: Swing. “I let the team down on that
Tampa Bay 78 79 .497 14 6-4 “They got the big hits when they As Roberts later explained, he one,” Rojas said in a somber
Toronto 73 85 .462 191⁄2 3-7 needed,” Roberts said. “And when saw the Padres infield shift to a postgame clubhouse.
we needed to make a pitch, we just “wheel play” after the first pitch — On the other side of the sta- TODAY’S GAMES
Wild card W L Pct. GB L10
couldn’t.” with the corner infielders moving dium, Machado and the Padres
z-Baltimore 87 70 .554 +4 4-6 Dodgers vs. San Diego ......................... 7 p.m.
And yet, despite a 4-1 deficit en- onto the grass, Cronenworth shuf- popped champagne bottles in cele- Angels at Chicago (AL) ........................ 11 a.m.
Detroit 83 74 .529 — 8-2 tering the bottom of the ninth, op- fling toward the bag at second and bration of clinching a postseason Milwaukee at Pittsburgh ................... 9:30 a.m.
Kansas City 83 74 .529 — 3-7 portunity for salvation arose. shortstop Xander Bogaerts stay- berth. Kansas City at Washington ................... 10 a.m.
Minnesota 81 76 .516 2 3-7 Will Smith and Tommy Edman ing deep in the hole between sec- “I was thinking he was going to Tampa Bay at Detroit .......................... 10 a.m.
led off with singles. Kiké Hernán- ond and third. bunt,” Machado said. “[But when] St. Louis at Colorado ............................. Noon
Seattle 81 77 .513 21⁄2 6-4 dez dropped a broken-bat floater That alignment suggested the he hit a ground ball right at me, in- Texas at Oakland ........................... 12:30 p.m.
Top three wild-card teams make playoffs into center for a run-scoring hit. Padres were expecting a bunt. stantly, you know, ‘Hey, let’s try to Baltimore at New York (AL) .................... 4 p.m.
x-clinched division; z-clinched playoff berth
With no outs and the deficit Roberts feared doing so would lead turn this and get us out.’ ” Miami at Minnesota ........................ 4:30 p.m.


San Diego AB R H BI Avg. Dodgers AB R H BI Avg. Angels AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Tampa Bay AB R H BI Avg. Detroit AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Philadelphia AB R H BI Avg. Cincinnati AB R H BI Avg. Cleveland AB R H BI Avg.
Arraez dh 4 0 0 0 .320 Ohtani dh 3 1 1 0 .301 Ward lf 2 0 1 0 .250 Lopez 2b-ss 4 0 1 0 .243 Díaz dh 4 0 0 0 .282 Meadows cf 3 0 0 0 .231 Happ lf 3 1 0 1 .246 Schwarb dh 4 1 1 2 .250 India 2b 1 0 0 0 .247 Martínez lf 4 0 0 0 .233
Tatis rf 4 0 0 0 .279 Betts rf 4 0 0 0 .293 Neto ss 4 0 0 0 .246 Robert cf 4 0 1 1 .224 B.Lowe 1b 4 1 1 1 .242 Carpenter dh 3 0 0 0 .287 Swans ss 6 1 2 1 .242 Turner ss 4 0 0 0 .294 Rosario 2b 1 0 0 0 .158 Manzar dh 3 2 1 1 .248
Profar lf 4 1 1 0 .285 Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 .281 Schanuel 1b 4 0 0 0 .251 Benintendi lf 4 0 2 1 .226 DeLuca rf 2 0 0 0 .213 b-Vierling dh 1 0 0 0 .257 Suzuki dh 3 2 2 2 .281 Harper 1b 4 1 2 1 .287 DL Cruz ss 4 0 0 0 .260 Ramírez 3b 4 2 2 0 .275
Machado 3b 4 0 1 0 .276 T.Hernán lf 3 0 2 0 .269 Pillar rf 3 1 0 0 .160 Vaughn dh 4 0 1 0 .246 d-J.Lowe 1 0 0 0 .240 Pérez rf 2 0 1 2 .240 Wsdm dh 2 0 0 0 .178 Bohm 3b 4 0 0 0 .284 Stephens c 4 1 1 0 .262 J.Naylor 1b 2 1 2 2 .243
Merrill cf 4 1 1 0 .292 Muncy 3b 4 0 1 0 .237 O’Hoppe c 4 0 0 0 .238 Sheets 1b 3 0 0 0 .235 Caminero 3b 3 0 0 0 .243 Greene lf 4 0 1 0 .262 Belli rf-1b 5 1 3 4 .267 Castellan rf 3 1 1 0 .250 Steer lf 4 0 1 1 .229 Thom cf-rf 4 1 1 3 .217
Bogaerts ss 4 1 2 1 .261 Smith c 3 1 2 0 .248 Moniak cf 3 0 1 0 .222 Vargas 3b 3 0 0 0 .119 Morel lf 3 0 0 0 .191 Keith 2b 3 0 0 0 .260 I.Pare 3b 5 0 0 1 .210 Clemens ph 1 0 0 0 .217 Friedl cf 3 0 1 0 .226 Gimén 2b 4 0 0 0 .255
Cronenw 2b 4 1 2 3 .245 Edman cf 4 0 1 0 .264 Wagama 3b 4 0 2 1 .250 DeLoach rf 3 1 1 0 .170 Caballero 2b 3 0 1 0 .230 Torkelson 1b 3 0 0 0 .216 Busch 1b 0 1 0 0 .252 Hays lf 4 0 1 0 .254 France 1b 3 0 0 0 .271 Brennan rf 2 0 2 0 .257
Solano 1b 3 0 0 0 .284 Lux 2b 2 0 0 0 .243 Kavadas dh 3 0 0 0 .169 Robinson c 2 0 0 0 .143 Rortvedt c 2 0 1 0 .226 McKinst 3b 3 0 0 0 .216 Tauchm rf 4 0 1 0 .250 Sosa 2b 4 0 0 0 .258 Fraley rf 3 0 1 0 .277 a-Noel rf 1 0 0 0 .221
Higashioka c 4 0 1 0 .218 a-K.Hern 2b 2 0 2 1 .223 López 2b 3 1 1 1 .220 a-Ramos 1 1 1 1 .188 a-Palacios 1 0 0 0 .232 Sweeney ss 2 1 0 0 .242 Hoern 2b 5 1 3 0 .272 Stubbs c 2 0 1 1 .206 Espinal 3b 3 0 0 0 .250 Straw cf 1 0 0 0 .250
Totals 35 4 8 4 Rojas ss 3 0 0 0 .284 Totals 30 2 5 2 Lee c 0 0 0 0 .207 Driscoll c 0 0 0 0 .179 Rogers c 3 1 1 0 .199 Arms cf 5 1 2 0 .240 Rojas cf 3 1 1 0 .243 Marte dh 3 0 0 0 .210 B.Naylor c 4 0 1 0 .203
Totals 32 2 9 1 Amaya ss 2 0 0 0 .196 Siri cf 3 0 0 0 .190 Totals 27 2 3 2 Amaya c 4 2 2 1 .233 Totals 33 4 7 4 Totals 29 1 4 1 Rocchio ss 3 0 1 0 .211
San Diego 020 200 000 —4 8 1 b-Sosa 2b 0 1 0 0 .245 Walls ss 2 0 0 0 .180 Totals 42 10 15 10 Totals 32 6 10 6
Dodgers 100 000 001 —2 9 0 Totals 30 3 7 3 c-Aranda 1 0 0 0 .245 Chicago 060 004 000 —10 15 0 Cincinnati 000 100 000 —1 4 0
Angels 000 000 110 —2 5 0 Totals 29 1 3 1 Philadelphia 110 000 020 — 4 7 0 Cleveland 300 010 20x —6 10 0
a-singled for Lux in the 7th.
Chicago 000 000 03x —3 7 0 Tampa Bay 000 000 001 —1 3 0 Walks—Chicago 4: Happ 2, Suzuki 1, Amaya 1. Philadelphia 1: Stubbs 1. a-grounded out for Brennan in the 6th.
Walks—San Diego 1: Solano 1. Dodgers 3: Ohtani 1, T.Hernández 1, Smith
a-doubled for Robinson in the 8th. b-walked for Amaya in the 8th. Detroit 000 020 00x —2 3 0 Strikeouts—Chicago 9: Happ 1, Suzuki 1, Wisdom 2, I.Paredes 2, Tauchman
1. Strikeouts—San Diego 7: Tatis 1, Machado 1, Merrill 1, Bogaerts 1, Solano Walks—Cincinnati 2: India 1, Friedl 1. Cleveland 3: Manzardo 1, J.Naylor 1,
1, Higashioka 2. Dodgers 5: Ohtani 1, Betts 1, T.Hernández 1, Edman 1, Lux 1. Walks—Angels 4: Ward 2, Pillar 1, Moniak 1. Chicago 1: Sosa 1. a-struck out for Rortvedt in the 8th. b-struck out for Carpenter in the 8th. 2, Crow-Armstrong 1. Philadelphia 10: Schwarber 2, Turner 1, Harper 1, Bohm 1, Rocchio 1. Strikeouts—Cincinnati 8: De La Cruz 2, Stephenson 1, Steer 1,
E—Bogaerts (9). LOB—San Diego 5, Dodgers 7. 2B—Profar (29), Strikeouts—Angels 11: Neto 2, Schanuel 2, Pillar 2, O’Hoppe 1, Moniak 1, c-popped out for Walls in the 9th. d-struck out for DeLuca in the 9th. Hays 1, Sosa 3, Rojas 1. LOB—Chicago 11, Philadelphia 3. 2B—Suzuki (27), Friedl 1, France 2, Espinal 1. Cleveland 7: Martínez 2, Giménez 1, B.Naylor 2,
Cronenworth (28), Machado (30), Ohtani (35), T.Hernández (32). Kavadas 2, López 1. Chicago 4: Robert 2, Vaughn 2. LOB—Angels 5, Chicago Walks—Tampa Bay 1: DeLuca 1. Detroit 4: Meadows 1, Pérez 2, Sweeney 1. Hoerner (34), Swanson 2 (25), Castellanos (29). 3B—Bellinger (3). Rocchio 2. LOB—Cincinnati 4, Cleveland 6. 2B—Fraley (18), Stephenson
HR—Cronenworth (17), off Knack. RBIs—Cronenworth 3 (81), Bogaerts (42), 4. 2B—Wagaman (5), DeLoach (2), Ramos (4). HR—López (1), off Berroa. Strikeouts—Tampa Bay 10: B.Lowe 2, J.Lowe 1, Morel 2, Rortvedt 1, Palacios HR—Harper (30), off Steele; Schwarber (38), off Wesneski. RBIs—Amaya (26), J.Naylor (27), Rocchio (18), Ramírez (37). HR—Manzardo (5), off Spiers;
K.Hernández (39). SB—Solano (2), Higashioka (2). CS—Betts (2). Runners RBIs—Wagaman (8), López (5), Ramos (7), Robert (36), Benintendi (61). 1, Siri 2, Walls 1. Detroit 12: Meadows 2, Carpenter 1, Vierling 1, Pérez 1, Greene (46), Happ (86), Swanson (65), Suzuki 2 (73), Bellinger 4 (77), I.Paredes (24), Thomas (7), off Spiers. RBIs—Steer (92), Manzardo (15), Thomas 3 (23),
left in scoring position—San Diego 4 (Bogaerts, Higashioka 2, Tatis); SB—Ward (6), Moniak (8), Pillar (2). CS—Ward (4). Runners left in 2, Torkelson 2, Sweeney 1, Rogers 2. LOB—Tampa Bay 2, Detroit 5. 2B—Pérez Harper (87), Stubbs (11), Schwarber 2 (102). DP—Chicago 1 (Swanson, J.Naylor 2 (107). CS—Brennan (2). SF—J.Naylor. Runners left in scoring
Dodgers 4 (Betts 2, Edman, Muncy). RISP—San Diego 2 for 8; Dodgers 2 for scoring position—Angels 4 (Schanuel, Pillar, Kavadas 2); Chicago 1 (16). HR—B.Lowe (21), off Brieske. RBIs—B.Lowe (56), Pérez 2 (36). Hoerner, Bellinger). position—Cincinnati 1 (De La Cruz); Cleveland 4 (Manzardo, Martínez 2,
10. Runners moved up—Merrill 2, Edman. LIDP—Muncy. GIDP—Rojas. (Vaughn). RISP—Angels 1 for 7; Chicago 3 for 5. Runners moved CS—Caballero (16). Runners left in scoring position—Tampa Bay 0; Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Thomas). RISP—Cincinnati 1 for 6; Cleveland 0 for 5. Runners moved
DP—San Diego 2 (Cronenworth, Solano, Cronenworth; Machado, Cronenworth, up—Schanuel, Neto, Lopez. GIDP—López, Sheets. DP—Angels 1 (López, Detroit 3 (Torkelson, Greene 2). RISP—Tampa Bay 0 for 0; Detroit 1 for 5. Steele.........................4 4 2 2 0 3 62 3.07 up—Thomas. GIDP—France, Fraley. DP—Cleveland 2 (Ramírez, Giménez,
Solano). TP_San Diego 1 (Machado, Cronenworth, Solano). Neto, Schanuel); Chicago 1 (Amaya, Sheets). DP—Detroit 1 (Rogers, Sweeney, Rogers). Smyly, W, 4-8...............1 1 0 0 1 1 17 3.88 J.Naylor; Rocchio, J.Naylor).
San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Angels IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Miller ..........................1 0 0 0 0 0 10 2.22 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
King, W, 13-9...............5 3 1 0 2 3 95 2.95 Kochanowicz ................7 3 0 0 0 4 82 4.01 Pepiot, L, 8-7...............5 3 2 2 4 6 86 3.64 Wesneski.....................2 2 2 2 0 4 30 3.97 Spiers, L, 5-7...............4 5 3 3 2 2 69 5.46
Morejon, H, 11............. 2⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 14 2.87 Strickland, L, 3-2, H, 12 1⁄3 2 3 3 1 0 23 3.47 Poche .........................1 0 0 0 0 0 5 3.72 E.Paredes ....................1 0 0 0 0 2 9 0.00 Gibaut ........................1 2 1 1 0 1 21 9.00
Estrada, H, 15 .............1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.87 B.Burke, BS, 0-1 .......... 2⁄3 2 0 0 0 0 6 2.95 Montgomery.................2 0 0 0 0 6 29 1.17 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Wilson ........................1 2 0 0 0 1 24 5.21
Scott, H, 10.................1 1 0 0 0 1 11 2.10 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Banks, L, 0-1.............11⁄3 3 3 3 0 1 20 4.03 Pagán.........................2⁄3 1 2 2 1 0 19 3.89
Adam, H, 11 ................1 1 0 0 0 0 15 1.07 Cannon .......................6 3 0 0 1 7 78 4.37 Skubal, W, 18-4 ...........7 2 0 0 1 7 103 2.39 Walker ......................12⁄3 4 3 3 3 1 55 7.10 Zulueta .....................11⁄3 0 0 0 0 3 21 4.96
Suarez, S, 35-41 ..........1 3 1 1 0 0 12 2.81 Varland .......................1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4.08 Brieske, S, 1-2 .............2 1 1 1 0 3 23 3.68 Allard..........................4 5 4 4 1 5 71 5.00 Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Berroa, W, 1-0..............1 1 1 1 1 2 17 3.12 T—1:59. Tickets sold—22,770 (41,083). Gilbert ........................2 3 0 0 0 2 33 2.84 Bibee, W, 12-8.............7 4 1 1 2 7 88 3.47
Knack, L, 3-5 ...............4 5 4 4 1 4 77 3.74 J.Anderson, S, 1-5.........1 0 0 0 1 1 18 4.30 Inherited runners-scored—Miller 1-0, Walker 3-3, Allard 2-0. Gaddis........................1 0 0 0 0 0 12 1.49
Graterol.......................1 0 0 0 0 0 5 2.45 Inherited runners-scored—B.Burke 2-2. T—2:06. Tickets MIAMI 4, MINNESOTA 1 HBP—Banks (Busch), Gilbert (Happ). T—2:44. Tickets sold—42,033 Clase ..........................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 0.62
Hudson .......................1 1 0 0 0 1 10 3.05 sold—17,606 (40,241). (42,901). HBP—Bibee (India). PB—Stephenson (4). T—2:22. Tickets
Henriquez ....................1 1 0 0 0 2 17 0.00 sold—19,752 (34,788).
Honeywell....................2 1 0 0 0 0 28 2.62 BALTIMORE 5, N.Y. YANKEES 3 Miami AB R H BI Avg. Minnesota AB R H BI Avg. BOSTON 6, TORONTO 5
Inherited runners-scored—Estrada 2-0. HBP—King (Rojas). Edwards ss 4 0 2 2 .317 Margot rf 3 0 0 0 .237
Norby 3b 3 0 0 0 .274 b-Lee 2b 2 0 0 0 .210 MILWAUKEE 7, PITTSBURGH 2
WP—Knack. T—2:44. Tickets sold—50,369 (56,000). Baltimore AB R H BI Avg. New York AB R H BI Avg. Boston AB R H BI Avg. Toronto AB R H BI Avg.
Burger 1b 5 0 0 0 .246 Correa ss 5 0 2 0 .308
Henders ss 4 0 1 0 .282 Torres 2b 4 0 3 1 .257 Sánchez rf 4 0 1 0 .252 Buxton cf 3 1 2 0 .276 Duran lf-cf 5 1 1 0 .285 Springer rf 5 0 1 0 .219
KANSAS CITY 1, WASHINGTON 0 Rutschman c 4 0 0 0 .250 J.Soto rf 4 0 1 1 .286 Gonzá 3b-lf 5 1 1 0 .271 Lukes lf 2 1 0 1 .303 Milwaukee AB R H BI Avg. Pittsburgh AB R H BI Avg.
d-Myers rf 0 0 0 0 .265 Santana 1b 2 0 0 0 .234 Chourio lf 5 1 2 0 .275 K-Falefa ss 5 0 1 0 .237
Santander rf 3 2 1 1 .235 Judge cf 3 1 1 1 .323 Bride dh 5 1 3 1 .262 Lewis 3b 4 0 1 1 .249 Casas 1b 3 0 1 0 .240 V.Guerre dh 4 0 1 2 .324
Cowser lf 4 1 1 1 .244 Wells c 4 0 0 0 .236 Gasper 1b 0 1 0 0 .000 Horwitz 1b 4 0 0 0 .268 Perkins cf 4 1 0 0 .242 Reynolds lf 4 0 1 0 .271
Kansas City AB R H BI Avg. Washington AB R H BI Avg. Stowers lf 4 0 0 0 .178 Farmer 2b 2 0 0 0 .227 Contreras c 4 1 0 0 .283 Cruz cf 4 0 0 0 .269
Pham lf 5 0 1 0 .257 Crews rf 4 0 0 0 .196 Westburg 2b 3 1 1 0 .270 Stanton dh 4 0 0 0 .233 Hill cf 2 1 1 0 .245 a-Wallner 1 0 0 0 .259 Story ss 5 1 2 1 .259 Berroa pr 0 0 0 0 .152
O’Hearn 1b 2 0 2 1 .261 Chisholm 3b 4 0 0 0 .269 Yoshida dh 4 0 0 1 .283 Kirk c 4 0 1 1 .247 Sánchez dh 5 0 0 0 .213 McCutc dh 4 0 1 0 .238
Witt ss 4 0 2 0 .336 Wood lf 3 0 1 0 .266 Lopez 2b 3 1 1 0 .264 Larnach lf-rf 1 0 1 0 .254 Adames ss 4 2 2 1 .252 Bart c 4 1 2 0 .270
Perez 1b 4 0 1 0 .274 Yepez 1b 3 0 1 0 .278 Mountc 1b 2 0 1 0 .267 Rizzo 1b 2 1 1 0 .220 Fortes c 4 1 2 1 .231 Jeffers c 3 0 0 0 .224 Wong dh-c 1 0 0 1 .283 Clase pr 0 0 0 0 .333
Kjerstad dh 4 0 0 1 .250 Cabrera pr 0 0 0 0 .247 Grissom 2b 4 1 3 1 .172 Barger 3b 4 0 1 0 .204 Hoskins 1b 0 1 0 1 .213 DLa Cruz rf 3 1 1 0 .212
Gurriel dh 3 0 0 0 .263 Tena 2b 4 0 0 0 .303 Totals 34 4 10 4 Miranda dh 3 0 0 0 .284 Bauers 1b 0 0 0 0 .195 Triolo 3b 4 0 3 1 .215
c-Melend dh 1 0 0 0 .213 Ruiz c 4 0 1 0 .224 Urías 3b 4 1 1 1 .252 Volpe ss 2 0 0 0 .248 c-Julien dh 1 0 0 0 .207 Abreu rf 2 1 0 0 .258 Clement ss 4 0 0 0 .263
Mullins cf 4 0 0 0 .226 Domíngu ph 1 0 0 0 .195 Sogard 3b 2 0 0 0 .269 Schneid 2b 3 2 0 0 .195 Frelick rf 3 1 1 2 .259 Yorke 2b 3 0 1 1 .280
Fermin c 5 0 0 0 .273 García dh 4 0 1 0 .280 Cas lf-2b-lf 4 0 2 0 .250 J.Ortiz 3b 4 0 1 3 .238 Cook 1b 3 0 0 0 .292
Renfroe rf 3 0 1 0 .231 Young cf 4 0 1 0 .254 Totals 34 5 8 5 Verdugo lf 4 1 1 0 .233 Totals 34 1 8 1 Jansen c 4 0 2 0 .212 Loperfido cf 2 1 0 0 .206
Totals 32 3 7 3 O’Neill pr 0 0 0 0 .243 Jiménez ph 1 1 1 1 .227 Turang 2b 4 0 0 0 .252 a-Palacios 1 0 0 0 .226
1-Blanco rf 1 0 0 0 .263 Lipscomb 3b 2 0 0 0 .200 Miami 040 000 000 —4 10 0 Totals 33 7 6 7 Totals 35 2 10 2
M.Garcia 3b 3 0 0 0 .233 b-Vargas 3b 2 0 0 0 .253 Baltimore 010 101 110 —5 8 0 Valdez 3b 0 0 0 0 .219 Totals 33 5 5 5
Minnesota 001 000 000 —1 8 0 Rafae cf-rf 4 0 1 2 .245 Milwaukee 030 100 300 —7 6 0
Hampson 2b 2 0 1 0 .230 Nuñez ss 2 0 0 0 .255 New York 000 100 200 —3 7 0
a-Massey 2b 2 0 1 0 .250 d-Gallo 1 0 0 0 .163 a-struck out for Farmer in 6th. b-pinch hit for Margot in 7th. c-flied out for Totals 39 6 11 6 Pittsburgh 020 000 000 —2 10 2
Walks—Baltimore 4: Henderson 1, Rutschman 1, Santander 1, Westburg 1. Miranda in 8th. d-walked for Sánchez in 9th.
Isbel cf 4 1 1 0 .233 Totals 33 0 5 0 New York 4: Judge 1, Rizzo 2, Volpe 1. Strikeouts—Baltimore 9: Henderson 2, Boston 000 000 210 3 _ 6 11 1 a-pinch hit for Cook in 9th.
Totals 37 1 8 0 Walks—Miami 6: Edwards 1, Norby 2, Myers 1, Hill 1, Lopez 1. Minnesota Toronto 002 010 000 2 _ 5 5 1 Walks—Milwaukee 5: Perkins 1, Contreras 1, Adames 1, Hoskins 2.
Rutschman 1, Cowser 2, Westburg 1, Kjerstad 1, Urías 1, Mullins 1. New York 5: 3: Santana 2, Jeffers 1. Strikeouts—Miami 9: Edwards 1, Burger 2, Sánchez
Kansas City 000 000 000 1 _ 1 8 0 Walks—Boston 4: Casas 2, Grissom 1, Abreu 1. Toronto 8: Lukes 2, Pittsburgh 1: De La Cruz 1. Strikeouts—Milwaukee 8: Chourio 2, Contreras 1,
Stanton 4, Volpe 1. LOB—Baltimore 6, New York 6. 2B—O’Hearn (21), 3, Bride 1, Stowers 2. Minnesota 6: Margot 1, Correa 3, Wallner 1, Miranda 1.
Washington 000 000 000 0 _ 0 5 2 V.Guerrero 1, Horwitz 1, Kirk 1, Barger 1, Schneider 1, Loperfido 1. Sánchez 4, J.Ortiz 1. Pittsburgh 6: Reynolds 1, McCutchen 1, Bart 1, Yorke 1,
Henderson (31), Rizzo (12), Torres (24). HR—Santander (44), off Schmidt; LOB—Miami 10, Minnesota 10. 2B—Edwards (10), Fortes (16), Correa (19), Strikeouts—Boston 8: Duran 2, González 2, Story 3, Sogard 1. Toronto 6: Cook 1, Palacios 1. E—Bart (4), Cook (1). LOB—Milwaukee 7, Pittsburgh 8.
a-singled for Hampson in the 6th. b-grounded out for Lipscomb in the 7th. Urías (11), off Mayza; Cowser (23), off Hamilton; Judge (56), off Kremer. Buxton (25). HR—Bride (9), off Ober. RBIs—Bride (31), Fortes (29), Edwards Springer 1, Horwitz 2, Barger 1, Schneider 2. E—Abreu (7), Kirk (7). 2B—Frelick (21), Adames (33), De La Cruz (6), Bart (9). RBIs—Frelick 2 (32),
c-struck out for Gurriel in the 10th. d-struck out for Nuñez in the 10th. 1-ran for RBIs—Kjerstad (13), O’Hearn (55), Santander (100), Urías (36), Cowser (65), 2 (21), Lewis (47). CS—Edwards (4), Norby (3). Runners left in scoring LOB—Boston 8, Toronto 8. 2B—Story 2 (6), Grissom (2), V.Guerrero (43), J.Ortiz 3 (56), Adames (111), Hoskins (78), Triolo (42), Yorke (3). SB—Adames
Renfroe in the 6th. Judge (139), Torres (63), J.Soto (105). DP—Baltimore 1 (Henderson, O’Hearn); position—Miami 7 (Hill, Norby, Fortes, Edwards, Bride, Stowers 2); Springer (19), Kirk (18), Jiménez (11). RBIs—Rafaela 2 (75), Yoshida (56), (20). SF—Frelick, Yorke. Runners left in scoring position—Milwaukee 5
Walks—Kansas City 4: Witt 1, Perez 1, Gurriel 1, M.Garcia 1. Washington 3: New York 1 (Torres, Volpe, Rizzo). Minnesota 5 (Lewis 3, Margot, Julien). RISP—Miami 2 for 10; Minnesota 1 for
Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Story (10), Wong (51), Grissom (5), V.Guerrero 2 (102), Lukes (8), Jiménez (19), (Turang, Chourio, J.Ortiz, Perkins 2); Pittsburgh 3 (Kiner-Falefa, Reynolds, De
Wood 1, Yepez 1, Nuñez 1. Strikeouts—Kansas City 12: Pham 2, Perez 3, 9. Runners moved up—Norby. GIDP—Lopez, Farmer. DP—Miami 1
Kremer, W, 8-10 ...........5 3 1 1 2 3 83 4.10 Kirk (51). SB—Loperfido (2), Grissom (2). SF—Lukes. DP—Boston 2; Toronto La Cruz). RISP_Milwaukee 3 for 12; Pittsburgh 1 for 8. Runners moved
Gurriel 1, Melendez 1, Renfroe 1, M.Garcia 1, Massey 1, Isbel 2. Washington 9: (Edwards, Lopez, Burger); Minnesota 1 (Lewis, Farmer, Santana).
Akin, H, 6....................2⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 13 3.16 2. up—Turang, Frelick 2, J.Ortiz, Yorke. GIDP—Kiner-Falefa. DP—Milwaukee 1
Crews 3, Yepez 1, Young 3, Lipscomb 1, Gallo 1. E—Lipscomb (9), Nuñez (4). Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Webb, H, 13 ................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 5 3.23 Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA (Adames, Turang, Hoskins).
LOB—Kansas City 11, Washington 7. 2B—Young (24). SB—Blanco (30), Witt Weathers, W, 4-6 ..........5 6 1 1 2 2 82 3.81 Bello...........................4 2 2 2 2 4 75 4.49 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Pérez, H, 22 ................2⁄3 2 2 2 0 0 12 4.30
(31). CS—Blanco (7). DP—Kansas City 2; Washington 1. Cano, H, 34 ................2⁄3 2 0 0 0 0 12 2.76 Bachar, H, 3 ..............11⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 23 5.68 Sims...........................1 1 1 1 1 0 24 6.92 Myers..........................4 6 2 2 0 2 49 3.09
Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bender, H, 14 ..............1 1 0 0 1 1 21 4.06 Milner, W, 5-1 ..............1 0 0 0 0 1 14 4.74
Ragans .......................6 3 0 0 3 6 89 3.14 G.Soto, H, 3.................1 0 0 0 1 1 19 5.51 Slaten.........................1 1 0 0 0 1 17 2.98
S.Domínguez, S, 10-11 . 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 7 3.43 Tinoco, S, 3-3 ............12⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 19 1.80 García.........................1 0 0 0 0 0 7 8.78 Rea, H, 1 ..................11⁄3 2 0 0 0 2 28 4.17
Bubic..........................1 1 0 0 0 0 23 2.93 Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Megill .........................2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 6 2.80
Long ...........................1 1 0 0 0 1 11 3.20 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA L.Guerrero ...................1 0 0 0 1 0 12 0.00
Schmidt, L, 5-5 ..........51⁄3 4 3 3 1 7 100 2.55 Ober, L, 12-8 ...............5 8 4 4 2 7 89 3.94 Martin, W, 3-1..............1 0 0 0 1 1 15 3.53 Payamps .....................1 1 0 0 0 0 15 3.12
Zerpa, W, 2-0 ...............1 0 0 0 0 0 14 4.06 Blewett .....................11⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 20 1.00 Ross...........................1 1 0 0 1 1 24 3.93
Erceg, S, 9-11..............1 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.27 Mayza .........................1 3 1 1 1 1 28 4.24 Penrod, H, 2 ................1⁄3 1 2 1 1 0 11 2.25
Leiter..........................2⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 12 5.49 Thielbar ......................2⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 3 5.32 Shugart, S, 1-1 ............2⁄3 0 0 0 2 0 16 5.40 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Tonkin .........................1 1 0 0 1 1 25 4.50 Falter, L, 7-9 ................5 5 4 4 1 5 92 4.50
Parker .........................5 5 0 0 2 5 91 4.29 Hamilton ...................11⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 12 4.00 Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Kahnle........................2⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 14 1.74 Irvin............................1 0 0 0 2 0 19 12.27 Francis........................5 3 0 0 1 4 71 3.30 Mattson ....................11⁄3 1 3 3 4 1 38 8.10
Law ............................2 2 0 0 1 3 32 2.68 Inherited runners-scored—Bender 1-0, Tinoco 2-0, Blewett 1-0, Wentz .......................12⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 26 1.29
Ferrer..........................2 0 0 0 0 2 22 3.03 Inherited runners-scored—Webb 1-0, Cano 2-2, S.Domínguez 1-0, Lucas, H, 1................12⁄3 0 2 2 2 1 35 10.80
Thielbar 1-0. HBP—Weathers (Buxton), Ober (Hill). WP—Ober, Irvin. T—2:47. Burr, H, 3....................1⁄3 2 0 0 0 1 17 3.52 Bednar........................1 0 0 0 0 0 10 6.19
Finnegan, L, 3-7 ...........1 1 1 0 1 2 24 3.19 Leiter 1-0. WP—Schmidt. T—3:11. Tickets sold—41,149 (47,309).
Tickets sold—21,983 (38,544). Cabrera, BS, 2-5 .......... 2⁄3 3 1 1 0 1 24 3.21 Inherited runners-scored—Megill 2-0, Wentz 3-1. HBP—Mattson
T—2:47. Tickets sold—14,477 (41,376). Green .......................11⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 10 3.27 (Hoskins). T—2:41. Tickets sold—14,020 (38,753).
HOUSTON 4, SEATTLE 3 ST. LOUIS 7, COLORADO 3 Nance, L, 0-3...............1 2 3 2 1 1 13 4.09
Inherited runners-scored—Shugart 2-1, Burr 2-2, Green 2-0. IBB—off
SAN FRANCISCO 11, ARIZONA 0 Seattle AB R H BI Avg. Houston AB R H BI Avg. St. Louis AB R H BI Avg. Colorado AB R H BI Avg. Nance (Casas). WP—Penrod. T—3:15. Tickets sold—29,178 (39,150). OAKLAND 5, TEXAS 4
Robles rf 5 0 0 0 .329 Altuve 2b 4 0 0 0 .293 Winn ss 5 1 2 4 .266 Blackm dh 3 0 2 1 .252
S.F. AB R H BI Avg. Arizona AB R H BI Avg. Rodríguez cf 5 1 1 0 .275 Tucker rf 4 1 1 1 .281 Burlesn dh 5 0 1 1 .266 Tovar ss 4 0 1 0 .267 Texas AB R H BI Avg. Oakland AB R H BI Avg.
Yastrze rf 5 1 1 0 .232 Carroll rf-cf 4 0 2 0 .231 Raleigh c 4 1 2 0 .218 Bregman 3b 4 1 2 1 .257 Goldsch 1b 5 0 1 0 .243 Doyle cf 4 0 0 0 .262 ATLANTA 5, N.Y. METS 1 Semien 2b 5 0 2 0 .235 Butler rf 2 2 1 0 .266
Ramo dh 5 2 4 1 .270 Marte 2b 3 0 1 0 .295 Arozarena lf 3 0 1 1 .241 Diaz c 4 0 1 0 .302 Arenado 3b 5 1 1 0 .269 McMah 3b 4 0 0 0 .244 Smith ss 4 1 2 0 .263 Rooker dh 4 0 0 0 .294
Wade 1b 3 1 1 0 .264 Herrera 3b 0 0 0 0 .227 Turner 1b 3 0 1 0 .265 Singleton dh 2 0 0 0 .235 Donov 2b-lf 5 0 1 0 .274 Toglia 1b 4 0 1 0 .215 New York AB R H BI Avg. Atlanta AB R H BI Avg. Langford lf 4 1 0 0 .251 Bleday cf 4 0 0 1 .244
Chap 3b 4 0 0 0 .247 Pederson dh 3 0 0 0 .277 1-Rivas 3b 0 0 0 0 .243 Caratini 1b 3 1 1 0 .270 Herrera c 4 0 1 0 .292 Hilliard lf 4 1 1 0 .254 J.Iglesias 2b 4 0 1 0 .336 Harris cf 4 2 3 2 .266 García rf 5 0 2 1 .221 Langeliers c 3 2 1 1 .225
Schmi 3b 0 0 0 1 .240 Bell ph 1 0 1 0 .281 Polanco 2b 4 1 4 2 .214 Peña ss 2 0 0 0 .269 Nootbr lf-rf 1 2 0 0 .245 Stallings c 3 0 1 0 .262 Nimmo lf 4 0 0 0 .226 Albies 2b 4 1 1 1 .253 Lowe 1b 3 1 1 1 .262 Soderstr 1b 4 0 2 1 .235
Confort lf 5 1 1 3 .234 C.Walker 1b 4 0 0 0 .250 Garver dh 4 0 0 0 .167 Heyward lf 3 1 1 2 .234 Walker rf 4 1 1 1 .189 Beck rf 2 0 0 0 .194 Marte rf 4 0 0 0 .267 Ozuna dh 3 1 1 1 .310 Heim c 3 1 1 2 .218 Gelof 2b 3 1 1 1 .214
Encarn lf 0 0 0 0 .257 Gurriel lf 4 0 2 0 .277 Crawford ss 4 0 0 0 .202 Dubón cf 3 0 0 0 .266 Saggese 2b 0 0 0 0 .171 b-Cave rf 2 0 0 0 .252 Alonso 1b 3 0 0 0 .242 Olson 1b 3 0 1 0 .246 Taveras cf 4 0 1 0 .231 Brown lf 4 0 0 0 .230
Bailey c 4 3 2 1 .235 McCarthy cf 3 0 0 0 .284 Moore 3b 1 0 0 0 .207 Totals 29 4 6 4 Siani cf 2 1 1 0 .237 Schunk 2b 3 2 2 2 .228 Winker dh 4 0 0 0 .248 Soler rf 3 0 1 0 .237 Foscue dh 4 0 0 0 .053 Wilson ss 3 0 1 1 .231
Fitzger ss 4 1 2 2 .287 Smith rf 0 0 0 0 .273 a-Raley 1 0 0 0 .241 a-Carpenter 1 0 1 0 .238 Totals 33 3 8 3 Vientos 3b 4 1 2 1 .270 White rf 1 0 0 0 .278 Ornelas 3b 3 0 1 0 .172 Hernaiz 3b 3 0 0 0 .188
McCray cf 5 1 1 0 .204 Suárez 3b 3 0 0 0 .254 Rojas 3b-1b 0 0 0 0 .227 1-Scott cf 1 1 1 1 .170 Taylor cf 3 0 0 0 .251 Laureano lf 4 0 1 1 .301 a-Jankowsi 1 0 0 0 .208 Totals 30 5 6 5
Wisely 2b 5 1 2 3 .230 Newm 3b-2b 1 0 0 0 .278 b-Urías 1 0 0 0 .176 Totals 38 7 11 7 F.Alvarez c 3 0 0 0 .234 d’Arnaud c 4 0 0 0 .236 Duffy 3b 0 0 0 0 ---
Totals 40 11 14 11 Moreno c 3 0 0 0 .266 Totals 35 3 9 3 St. Louis 002 000 140 —7 11 0 Acuña ss 3 0 1 0 .375 Urshela 3b 4 0 1 0 .270 Totals 36 4 10 4
Perdomo ss 3 0 0 0 .274 Seattle 012 000 000 —3 9 0 Colorado 001 020 000 —3 8 0 Totals 32 1 4 1 Arcia ss 3 1 1 0 .219 Texas 100 110 010 —4 10 1
Totals 32 0 6 0 Houston 100 120 00x —4 6 0 Totals 33 5 10 5 Oakland 201 001 001 —5 6 0
a-doubled for Siani in the 7th. b-struck out for Beck in the 7th. 1-ran for
San Francisco 016 120 010 —11 14 0 a-grounded out for Moore in the 6th. b-lined out for Rojas in the 9th. 1-ran Carpenter in the 7th. New York 000 000 100 —1 4 1 One out when winning run scored. a-struck out for Ornelas in the 9th.
Arizona 000 000 000 — 0 6 1 for Turner in the 8th. Walks—St. Louis 3: Nootbaar 3. Colorado 1: Stallings 1. Strikeouts—St. Atlanta 003 110 00x —5 10 1 Walks—Texas 2: Langford 1, Lowe 1. Oakland 4: Butler 2, Langeliers 1,
Walks—San Francisco 5: Wade 2, Schmitt 1, Bailey 1, Fitzgerald 1. Arizona Walks—Seattle 3: Arozarena 1, Turner 1, Moore 1. Houston 1: Singleton 1. Louis 10: Winn 2, Goldschmidt 2, Arenado 2, Donovan 2, Herrera 1, Walker 1. Walks—New York 1: Alonso 1. Atlanta 2: Ozuna 1, Olson 1. Wilson 1. Strikeouts—Texas 8: Smith 1, Langford 2, García 1, Taveras 1,
2: Marte 1, Smith 1 Strikeouts—San Francisco 7: Yastrzemski 2, Chapman 2, Strikeouts—Seattle 8: Robles 2, Rodríguez 2, Crawford 4. Houston 8: Tucker Colorado 10: Tovar 2, McMahon 3, Toglia 1, Hilliard 3, Cave 1. LOB—St. Louis Strikeouts—New York 6: J.Iglesias 1, Marte 1, Alonso 1, Vientos 1, Taylor 1, Foscue 1, Ornelas 1, Jankowski 1. Oakland 9: Rooker 2, Gelof 2, Brown 3,
Conforto 2, McCray 1. Arizona 5: Carroll 2, Gurriel 1, Perdomo 2. E—Perdomo 1, Diaz 2, Singleton 2, Caratini 1, Peña 1, Heyward 1. LOB—Seattle 8, Houston 7, Colorado 5. 2B—Carpenter (7), Winn (29), Hilliard (5), Blackmon (24), F.Alvarez 1. Atlanta 8: Harris 1, Albies 1, Olson 1, Soler 2, Laureano 1, d’Arnaud Hernaiz 2. E—Smith (9). LOB—Texas 9, Oakland 5. 2B—Smith (28), García
(5). LOB—San Francisco 7, Arizona 7. 2B—Wade (16), Fitzgerald (18), Marte 3. 2B—Arozarena (13). HR—Polanco (16), off Valdez; Bregman (26), off Stallings (17). 3B—Blackmon (5). HR—Winn (15), off Feltner; Schunk (2), off 2. E—Severino (5), Arcia (11). LOB—New York 5, Atlanta 6. 2B—Harris (14), (27), Langeliers (18), Soderstrom 2 (9), Butler (24). HR—Lowe (14), off
(23). HR—Bailey (8), off Pfaadt; Conforto (20), off Pfaadt; Wisely (4), off Gilbert; Tucker (23), off Gilbert; Heyward (4), off Gilbert. RBIs—Polanco 2 McGreevy. RBIs—Winn 4 (55), Burleson (74), Walker (19), Scott (10), Schunk Urshela (9). HR—Vientos (26), off Schwellenbach; Harris (16), off Severino; Spence; Heim (13), off Alexander. RBIs—García (81), Lowe (62), Heim 2 (57),
Walston; Ramos (22), off Walston; Fitzgerald (15), off Walston. RBIs—Bailey (45), Arozarena (23), Bregman (74), Tucker (48), Heyward 2 (9). S—Polanco, 2 (5), Blackmon (49). SB—Siani (20). DP—St. Louis 2 (Donovan, Ozuna (39), off Stanek. RBIs—Vientos (68), Harris 2 (48), Albies (48), Langeliers (76), Soderstrom (25), Bleday (58), Gelof (49), Wilson (3).
(44), Conforto 3 (66), Wisely 3 (30), Ramos (71), Fitzgerald 2 (33), Schmitt Peña. Runners left in scoring position—Seattle 4 (Crawford, Raley 2, Goldschmidt; Saggese, Winn, Goldschmidt); Colorado 1 (Schunk, Tovar, Laureano (27), Ozuna (102). SB—Laureano (5). Runners left in scoring SB—Butler (18), Taveras (22), Semien (8), Smith (11), Gelof (24).
(15). Runners left in scoring position—San Francisco 5 (Yastrzemski, Turner); Houston 1 (Caratini). RISP—Seattle 2 for 10; Houston 1 for 2. Toglia). position—New York 2 (Marte 2); Atlanta 4 (Soler, d’Arnaud 2, Harris). SF—Gelof.DP—Oakland 1 (Hernaiz, Gelof, Soderstrom).
Wisely, McCray, Conforto 2); Arizona 4 (Marte, Newman, C.Walker 2). DP—San Runners moved up—Garver. GIDP—Garver. DP—Houston 1 (Peña, Altuve, St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA RISP—New York 0 for 2; Atlanta 3 for 9. Runners moved up—Nimmo, Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Francisco 1; Arizona 2. Caratini). McGreevy ....................5 4 3 3 1 5 83 2.40 Ozuna. GIDP—Laureano. DP—New York 1 (Acuña, J.Iglesias, Alonso). Eovaldi........................7 4 4 3 3 7 90 3.96
San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA King............................1 1 0 0 0 2 15 2.93 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Robertson....................1 0 0 0 1 1 13 3.09
Webb, W, 13-10 ...........6 4 0 0 1 3 95 3.47 Gilbert, L, 8-12 ............6 5 4 4 1 6 94 3.33 Kittredge, W, 5-5...........1 0 0 0 0 1 9 2.88 Severino, L, 11-7 ..........4 7 4 4 1 5 89 3.91 Sborz, L, 2-2 ...............1⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 11 3.86
Beck...........................1 1 0 0 0 0 12 1.50 Thornton......................1 0 0 0 0 1 12 3.66 Liberatore ....................1 2 0 0 0 0 12 4.41 Stanek ........................1 2 1 1 0 1 16 6.46 Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Warren ........................2 1 0 0 1 2 37 2.08 Muñoz.........................1 1 0 0 0 1 17 2.12 Fernandez....................1 1 0 0 0 2 16 3.02 Brazoban.....................1 1 0 0 0 1 21 4.58 Spence .....................42⁄3 7 3 3 2 2 92 4.35
Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Ottavino ......................1 0 0 0 1 0 16 4.61 McFarland ...................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 1 3.93
Pfaadt, L, 10-10.........22⁄3 6 5 4 2 4 62 4.80 Valdez, W, 15-7..........52⁄3 8 3 3 2 4 90 2.91 Feltner ........................6 6 2 2 1 6 85 4.66 D.Young.......................1 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.66 Holman .......................1 0 0 0 0 1 17 4.30
Walston.....................21⁄3 4 5 3 0 1 48 4.42 Abreu, H, 37..............11⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 10 3.13 Vodnik, BS, 9-14 ..........1 1 1 1 1 2 23 4.11 Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Ferguson, H, 10............1 0 0 0 0 2 14 3.65
Diaz .........................22⁄3 3 1 1 2 1 43 3.81 Pressly, H, 24 .............. 2⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 15 3.56 Chivilli, L, 1-3 ..............2⁄3 3 4 4 1 1 27 4.34 Schwellenbach, W, 8-7 ..7 3 1 1 1 4 87 3.47 Alexander, BS, 0-3 ........1 1 1 1 0 1 14 2.65
Hughes .....................11⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 16 8.15 Hader, S, 34-38 .........11⁄3 0 0 0 0 3 17 3.60 Bird..........................11⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 19 4.78 Jiménez.......................1 1 0 0 0 2 19 2.31 Miller, W, 2-2 ...............1 2 0 0 0 2 25 2.30
Inherited runners-scored—Walston 1-1, Hughes 3-1. WP—Webb. Inherited runners-scored—Abreu 2-0, Hader 2-0. WP—Pressly. Inherited runners-scored—Bird 2-2. HBP—McGreevy (Blackmon). R.Iglesias ....................1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1.76 Inherited runners-scored—McFarland 3-0. HBP—Spence 2
T—2:33. Tickets sold—22,355 (48,359). T—2:26. Tickets sold—38,195 (41,000). T—2:39. Tickets sold—25,924 (50,144). T—2:16. Tickets sold—40,103 (41,149). (Smith,Heim). T—2:34. Tickets sold—30,402 (46,847).
L AT I M E S . C O M T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 B9

Former Southland stars balance

26 27 28 29 30

school, football in Ivy League DODGERS

SAN DIEGO at Colorado at Colorado at Colorado

at Chicago
Former Gardena Serra White Sox
6:30 6:30 Noon
Ivy League 11 a.m.
standout is the latest, ANGELS BSW
taking an unexpected
path to Princeton. Former Southland football at Chicago
10 a.m.
players playing in the Ivy
Harvard: Cooper Barkate,
WR, Mater Dei; Scott KANSAS
When Kai Honda was Giuliano, TE, Corona del CITY
running a 10.73-second 100 Mar; Dylan Fingersh, K, 1:25
meters last spring at an elite Capistrano Valley CHARGERS Ch. 2
prep school in New Hamp- Yale: Nico Brown, WR,
shire, Phillips Exeter Acade- Edison; Sean Guyton, DB,
my, many were impressed SO Notre Dame; Marshall NEXT: OCT. 2 AT COLORADO, 6:30 PDT, APPLE TV+
with his speed. He had to Howe, QB,
remind them he was from Harvard-Westlake; Chase GALAXY
Southern California and his Nenad, WR, Mission Viejo;
classmate during his high Dillon Rickenbacker, DB,
at Cincinnati
school days at Gardena St. John Bosco; Scott
Serra was Rodrick Pleasant, Truninger, TE, Corona del
Apple TV+
one of the fastest teenagers Mar; Ruben Valenzuela, LAFC
in America. DB, Calabasas; Davis
“I’m average back Wong, WR, Brentwood
home,” he told them. “My Columbia: Caleb Sanchez, 7
friend runs 10.09.” QB, St. John Bosco; Ethan Amazon Prime
Honda, the son of two Fullerton, DB, SO Notre ANGEL CITY
doctors, has moved on to Dame; Aidan Seinfeld, WR,
Princeton, where he’s a SO Notre Dame; Patrick Shade denotes home game
freshman running back in Sodl, LB, Loyola; Will
the Ivy League. His year Matthew, DL, Orange Vista;
attending a prep school Santiago Hernandez, TE, TODAY ON THE AIR
helped prepare him for Harvard-Westlake; Shawn
Lin, DL, Loyola
what’s ahead. TIME EVENT ON THE AIR
“It was a lot different,” he Princeton: Tahj Owens, DB, BASEBALL
said. “I was getting used to Sideline Photos Loyola; Kai Honda, RB, 11 a.m. Angels at Chicago White Sox TV: BSW R: 830
all the trees, the different KAI HONDA needed a postgraduate year at an elite Gardena Serra; D’Shawn
12:30 p.m. Texas at Oakland TV: MLB
greenery. I experienced the prep school in New Hampshire to get into Princeton. Jones, DB, Sierra Canyon;
Jackson Fischer, DB, Mira 4 p.m. Baltimore at New York Yankees TV: MLB
East Coast winter in a 7 p.m. San Diego at Dodgers TV: SNLA R: 570,
dorm.” Costa; Jalen Jones, LB,
Santa Margarita; Carson 1020
Raised in Manhattan GAMES OF THE WEEK Irons, LB, Sunny Hills COLLEGE FOOTBALL
Beach, Honda is one of 46
Brown: Elias Archie, DB, 4:30 p.m. Army at Temple TV: ESPN
students from Southern A look at this week’s top high school football games:
California on Ivy League St. John Bosco; Nathaniel COLLEGE SOCCER
Birmingham (0-3) at Calabasas (3-1), 7 p.m. Marko, WR, Pasadena 4 p.m. Women, Texas at Mississippi TV: SEC
football teams. The season It’s the last chance for defending City Section Open Division
began last week. They Poly; Kai Faucher, OL, 4 p.m. Women, Clemson at Florida State TV: ACC
champion Birmingham to make progress before West Valley Harvard-Westlake; Holden
understand academics 5 p.m. Women, Rutgers at Michigan TV: Big Ten
League play begins next week. Birmingham has won 42 Lee, DL, Oaks Christian;
come first but want the best 6 p.m. Women, Minnesota at USC TV: Big Ten+
consecutive City Section games but has struggled against Caden Harman, DL, Sierra
of both worlds, from earning Southern Section opponents this season while playing a 7 p.m. Women, Wisconsin at UCLA TV: Big Ten
a degree to playing college number of sophomores. Calabasas has been led by running COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL
sports. Cornell: Jameson Wang,
back Kayne Miller, who has rushed for 362 yards. The pick: 3 p.m. Women, Iowa at Rutgers TV: Big Ten
“I’m not too focused on QB, Oaks Christian; AJ
Calabasas. Holmes, RB, FUTSAL
playing this year,” he said. 8 a.m. Round of 16, Portugal vs. Kazakhstan TV: FS2
“I’m focused on getting the Lakewood (3-2) vs. Long Beach Poly (1-3), 7 p.m. Harvard-Westlake;
Cameron Shannon, QB, 5:30 a.m. (Fri.) Round of 16, Thailand vs. France TV: FS2
grades so I can balance Lakewood has played well at times this season and appears
Riverside North; Rayjohn GOLF
school and athletics.” ready to be competitive against perennial Moore League
White, DB, Bishop Amat; 8:30 a.m. Presidents Cup, Day 1 TV: Golf
At Serra in 2022, Honda champion Poly. Quarterback Kade Casillas has passed for
Braylon Crawford, DB, 5 a.m. (Fri.) World Tour, Open de España TV: Golf
was one of his team’s most 1,028 yards and 12 touchdowns. Quarterback Madden Ia-
Village Christian HORSE RACING
versatile players. The 5- maleava, a transfer from Warren, has yet to gain eligibility,
foot-11, 195-pounder ran the but the Jackrabbits have plenty of talent at receiver with Dartmouth: Jordan 10 a.m. America’s Day at the Races TV: FS2
ball, caught passes, played Kamarie Smith and Juju Johnson. The pick: Poly. Washington, DB, JSerra; PRO FOOTBALL
defense and kicked field — Eric Sondheimer Desmin Jackson, RB,
5:15 p.m. Dallas at New York Giants TV: Amazon Prime
goals. He never had heard of Orange Lutheran; Ryan
Turk, OL, Loyola RUGBY
Phillips Exeter when his 2:45 a.m. (Fri.) NRL, Melbourne vs. Sydney TV: FS2
senior year was nearing a I wasn’t sure how I’d get on rosters, Sherman Oaks Pennsylvania: Alec Wills,
DB, Los Alamitos; Julien SOCCER
conclusion. there. I never expected to Notre Dame and Loyola
Stokes, WR, Grace 9:30 a.m. Coppa Italia, Monza vs. Brescia TV: Paramount+
“The prep school was take a postgraduate year at four each and St. John
Brethren; Nick Fryhoff, DL, 9:45 a.m. UEFA Europa League, Malmo FF vs. Rangers TV: CBSSN,
never in the plan,” he said. some school in New Hamp- Bosco three.
Foothill; Trevor Pajak, LB, Paramount+, TUDN
“It was a last-minute thing. I shire. I know the goal of Jameson Wang, a
was on an official visit to going to the NFL is the goal quarterback from Oaks Mater Dei; Nicholas 10 a.m. Spain, Las Palmas vs. Betis TV: ESPN+, ESPND
Ostlund, DL, St. 10 a.m. Spain, Espanyol vs. Villarreal TV: ESPN+
Harvard. They said they of many, but the reality is Christian, is a returning
Margaret’s; Dylan Karz, Noon Coppa Italia, Napoli vs. Palermo TV: Paramount+
liked me, but at the last only a handful get there. starter at Cornell. Caleb
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football from a little kid, but lake has five former players that could be a future path, here.” phone, tablet or computer at

Bullpen Kershaw not ready to face hitters

could be as chance of 2024 return fading
80 pitches — but the veteran season, but Kershaw’s toe

taxed in Pain in big toe has not

diminished, Roberts
says, and pitcher is in
left-hander has not prog-
ressed to a point where he is
ready to face hitters.
“We’re in a holding pat-
does not appear to be the
only concern.
“It’s the toe … it’s just the
body,” Roberts said. “From

playoffs ‘a holding pattern.’

By Mike DiGiovanna
tern with Clayton,” manager
Dave Roberts said before
Tuesday night’s
opener against the San Di-
what I understand, he’s
playing catch. He was out
there playing catch today.
But there’s something that’s
[Baseball, from B10] and Jack Harris ego Padres. “I don’t think holding him up from pro-
to win the game,’ they would there’s been improvement. I gressing to face hitters. So
bank it. But that’s just not The chances of three- don’t see him facing hitters for me, for the training staff,
the way the game is played.” time National League Cy this week … and that is I was told that we’re kind of
The Dodgers do not need Young Award winner Clay- pretty telling in itself. Hope- status quo on not moving
every starter to work six ton Kershaw bolstering the fully in the next few days, forward.”
innings, but it is difficult to Dodgers’ injury-ravaged ro- we’ll get a little bit more clar- Kershaw, 36, missed the
imagine them winning a tation, at least for the first ity on how he’s feeling.” first four months of the sea-
postseason series without round of the playoffs, appear Kershaw declined to son while recovering from
at least one starter getting to be dwindling by the day. comment as he came off the last November’s surgery to
that far. Kershaw, who hasn’t field after batting practice. repair the glenohumeral
They cannot line up their pitched since he left an Aug. Roberts said Kershaw will ligaments and capsule in his
preferred relievers in their 30 start at Arizona after one “do whatever he can to be throwing shoulder. He was
preferred spots if they have inning because of pain in his available” to boost a rotation activated in late July and
to go to the bullpen in the left big toe, was able to com- that has lost ace Tyler was 2-2 with a 4.50 ERA in
fourth or fifth inning every Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times plete several bullpen work- Glasnow (elbow sprain) and seven starts, striking out 24
night. And, if they do, the CLAYTON KERSHAW is 2-2 with a 4.50 earned-run outs in the last two weeks — rookie Gavin Stone (shoul- and walking nine in 30 in-
relievers who need to secure average in seven starts in his abbreviated season. one in which he threw about der strain) for the rest of the nings.
12 to 18 outs every game can
be prone to exhaustion.
The Dodgers may not month, the most of any NL returned from the injured starts since returning from bullpen games. “I’m a big advocate that
win the National League bullpen — and five more list this month. In his three the injured list for the sec- But none of those op- your best bullpen is a good
West. The San Diego Padres than their starters. starts since then, he has not ond time this season. He tions are preferable to a starting rotation and a good
clinched a wild-card spot The depth chart on the pitched more than four went six innings once. His solid starter delivering six offense. Our rotation has
Tuesday and closed to Dodgers’ website lists nine innings. ERA this year: 5.63. innings. The Padres boast been fantastic, and it’s been
within two games of the starters, five of them in- “We have to continue to “Walker certainly has the five starters who can deliver really good recently.”
first-place Dodgers with five jured. Roberts offered an get him built up,” Roberts pedigree,” Roberts said, six innings: Dylan Cease, Yu While the Dodgers’ start-
to play entering Wednesday. unprompted status report said. “but as far as recency, we Darvish, Michael King, Joe ers entered Wednesday last
With the Dodgers in an on the four healthy starters. Rookie Landon Knack haven’t seen it.” Musgrove and Martin in the league in ERA this
actual pennant race for the In the order he mentioned pitched four innings Tues- The Dodgers can con- Perez. month, the Padres’ starters
first time in three years, them: day. He has made 14 starts sider activating Tony Gon- “We do have a deep ranked first, at 2.18. That
September tells a story, and Wednesday night’s start- and pitched six innings solin for a few innings. They bullpen,” Padres manager could mean the Dodgers
for them it is not a pretty er, Jack Flaherty, pitched twice, so gut feel may be as can hope Kershaw can Mike Shildt said, “but it is might have to outslug the
one. six innings last week and important as track record. return from the injured list, nice that we have been able Padres to win the NL West
The Dodgers’ starters had done it in the majority “You have to read and but they probably would to have starters go deep — or to beat the Padres in a
entered Wednesday having of his starts this season. react,” Roberts said. have to win a playoff round recently and been able, possible division series
posted a 6.20 earned-run “Flaherty has shown Walker Buehler, who before considering him for between off days and the battle.
average this month, worst in that,” Roberts said. supplanted Clayton Ker- the following round. They depth of our bullpen, to be On Tuesday, the Dod-
the league. Their relievers Yoshinobu Yamamoto shaw as the Dodgers’ Octo- can concoct a brew of open- able to pass the ball around gers scored two runs against
had pitched 95 innings this has too, but not since he ber ace, has made seven ers, bulk relievers and and be effective. the Padres.

T H U R S D AY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

Photographs by Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times

MIGUEL ROJAS reacts after hitting into a game-ending triple play with Shohei Ohtani on deck Tuesday in the Dodgers’ 4-2 loss to the Padres at Dodger Stadium.

Lead trimmed 5-4-3 to 2, then ...

As playoffs near, If Dodgers lose
Roberts needs a division to hot
starter who can Padres, this loss
pitch six innings will haunt them

There was only one way Shohei

The Dodgers open the playoffs Ohtani wasn’t going to hit in the
next week, with the same question bottom of the ninth inning Tues-
hanging over them that haunted day night.
them last year, and two years ago, Stunningly, the Dodgers stum-
and three years ago. None of those bled straight into the remote, far-
Octobers included a World Series, fetched, absolute worst-case ca-
and this one does not offer much lamity.
more optimism, because the Dod- With runners on first and sec-
gers still cannot answer that one ond and the front-runner for Na-
question. tional League most valuable player
Can anyone here pitch six standing on deck with no outs in a
innings? two-run game, Dodgers manager
Orel Hershiser is not walking Dave Roberts called for Miguel
through that door. In this day and Rojas to attempt a bunt on the first
age, complete games are a com- pitch he saw. However, when Rojas
pletely unrealistic expectation. laid off a called strike, and the San
In October, six innings should Diego Padres’ infield shifted its de-
be realistic. fensive positioning, Roberts
The Dodgers have played 15 changed his mind — and watched
consecutive postseason games in horror at what happened next.
without their starter pitching Rojas swung away and hit a
more than five innings. They have ground ball to third baseman
lost their last six postseason Manny Machado, who scurried to
games and their last three post- step on third before firing a throw
season series. to second. Then teammate Jake
A Dodgers starter pitching six? Cronenworth completed the relay
“Sign me up,” manager Dave with a quick strike to first base.
Roberts said. In a frenzied flash, the game
“In a vacuum, I think any man- was over. Padres 4, Dodgers 2. In
ager would say, ‘If I could get six only the 28th major league game to
from a starter and be in a position LANDON KNACK hangs his head as the Padres’ Jake Cronenworth rounds the bases on a end on a triple play.
[See Baseball, B9] second-inning homer. The rookie Knack gave up four runs in four innings, all with two outs. [See Dodgers, B8]

Pelinka shares Lakers’ vision

of trading their draft assets
Excellence is the stand- the Lakers be aggressive.
General manager and ard that helped build the His age and injury concerns
Lakers into one of the NBA’s for him and Anthony Davis
coach Redick discuss best franchises, and it re- require the Lakers to be
how to make the most mains the goal, Pelinka said more conservative in how
Wednesday. But inconsis- they use their draft capital.
of James’ final seasons. tencies around LeBron Pelinka set the trade
James since the team signed rules he’s operating by when
By Dan Woike him have left the Lakers it comes to the team’s ability
chasing sustainable success. to trade its 2029 and 2031
The banners above the “Everyone in this build- first-round picks — the most
practice court, the names of ing is cognizant of the fact useful pieces in their asset
legends on the wall and, that he’s almost 40,” first- cupboard.
most important, the tro- year Lakers coach JJ Redick “I think the philosophy
phies in Jeanie Buss’ win- said of James, who has been that JJ and I are aligned on is
dow in the Lakers’ practice back with the team training we want to build sustainable
facility tell the story of the for the last two weeks after Lakers excellence,” Pelinka
team’s past. spending the summer lead- said.“… Yes, we would do a
As the organization ing the U.S. to an Olympic trade with both picks if that
Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times nears the start of the 2024-25 gold medal. would lead to sustained Lak-
LAKERS general manager Rob Pelinka, left, and coach JJ Redick field questions season, general manager James’ presence and ers excellence. We would
during their news conference at the UCLA Health Training Center in El Segundo. Rob Pelinka reiterated it. ability continue to mandate [See Lakers, B7]

Kershaw’s return looks less likely Leonard to be limited in training camp Riley encouraged by USC offensive line
Pain in Dodgers pitcher’s big toe has not diminished, Clippers star still has swelling in right knee but is Coach is upbeat with unit’s development this season
Roberts says, leaving him in “a holding pattern.” B9 “trending in the right direction,” the team assures. B7 despite struggles against Michigan defensive front. B6

Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times

DODGERS designated hitter Shohei Ohtani yells after hitting a tiebreaking single to give his team a 4-3 lead in the sixth inning against the Padres at Dodger Stadium.

Ohtani, Dodgers breathe easier with win

week’s pivotal three-game series crown. But with four games to go in two RBIs and his 56th stolen base Dodgers bullpen was lights out the
By Jack Harris against the San Diego Padres, all the regular season, and the Dod- of the season — playing a key role in rest of the way, combining for four
Roberts desired was a clean, com- gers’ division lead back up to three each of the team’s three scoring ral- scoreless innings while yielding
The way Dave Roberts framed plete performance from his injury- games, they can get the cham- lies, including a go-ahead single in just three walks and no hits.
it, Wednesday was a day for compo- plagued but ever-resilient squad. pagne bottles and plastic wrap the sixth inning to break a 3-3 tie. The Dodgers will enter Thurs-
sure, not concern. “We play 162 games, and there ready. Scuffling first baseman Freddie day’s series finale with a chance to
The Dodgers manager wasn’t are a lot of heartbreaking games,” At yet another juncture where Freeman also showed some life at do something they haven’t done
looking for his players to give im- Roberts said. “And the thing about their place atop the standings the plate, collecting two hits. Gavin since 2018: celebrate a division-
passioned speeches, even in the baseball players, you have to come seemed to be teetering, the Dod- Lux shook off a four-for-37 skid clinching win at home.
wake of Tuesday’s gut-punch of a back and win the next day.” gers once again found a way to with an RBI single in the fourth be- But even if they don’t, they will
loss that ended on a triple play. With a big helping hand from steady their season. fore adding another single in the enter the final weekend leading by
He didn’t fire up the clubhouse Shohei Ohtani, that’s exactly what This time, they had Ohtani first eighth. no less than two games, a seem-
or hold some impromptu late-sea- the Dodgers did. and foremost to thank. And while starting pitcher Jack ingly comfortable cushion when
son meeting, even with the team’s Wednesday’s 4-3 win over the In the latest confirmation of his Flaherty grinded through a five-in- they head to Colorado to face the
division lead melting like ice. San Diego Padres might not have MVP candidacy, the slugger went ning, three-run start in his final last-place Rockies in their final se-
Instead, in the second act of this clinched the National League West two for three with a double, a walk, tuneup before the postseason, the ries of the regular season.

LAFC overcomes
Sporting Kansas City
to win U.S. Open Cup
header four minutes into the sec-
By Kevin Baxter ond extra-time period.
It shouldn’t have come down to
There’s a magic to the U.S. that. LAFC (14-8-7) came into the
Open Cup, the oldest national soc- game with the seventh-best record
cer competition in the country and in MLS and its roster included two
the most egalitarian since it’s the World Cup champions and the
only one open to every men’s team league’s reigning scoring champi-
at every level. on.
Over the decades, amateurs Kansas City (8-16-7) came into
have beaten pros, nobodies have the game already eliminated from
beaten somebodies. It’s a tourna- MLS playoff contention and suffer-
ment where there are no favorites ing through what probably will be
and no underdogs, and that form its worst season since 1999, when it
held again for most of Wednesday’s represented a different state under
final before LAFC turned back a different name. Its roster in-
Sporting Kansas City 3-1 on extra- cludes ... well, players. Michael Owens USSF
time goals from Omar Campos and Yet for 101 minutes, the big fish LAFC celebrates its first U. S. Open Cup title after beating Sporting Kansas City 3-1 on Wednesday
Kei Kamara. and the minnows were even. night behind extra-time goals from Omar Campos and Kei Kamara.
The victory, before a sold-out LAFC went ahead in the 53rd
BMO Stadium crowd, was LAFC’s minute on Olivier Giroud’s first Melia. After a quick video review, ahead hit for the second time in as playoffs with an 87-81 home win.
first in five tournament finals dat- goal since coming to MLS, one the goal was allowed to stand. many games when he lined a one- The third-seeded Sun face Min-
ing to the 2022 MLS Cup. For Kan- which followed a strange buildup. Thommy got his revenge seven out single to left-center against nesota in the semifinals, which be-
sas City, meanwhile, the loss was SKC’s Erik Thommy was minutes later, evening the score. José Quijada (2-1). The Angels (63- gin Sunday. Clark, the Associated
its first in five U.S. Open Cup finals stripped of the ball on a rough chal- 95) matched a franchise record Press rookie of the year, finished
dating back two decades. And the lenge at midfield and immediately with their 95th loss, a mark shared with 25 points and nine assists.
deciding goal came from a second- began signaling for a foul. Al- ANGELS by the 1968 and 1980 teams.
half substitute who had taken just though players on both sides ap- Napheesa Collier scored 42 to
two shots on goal this season. peared to pause, referee Armando 95th loss of season tie a WNBA playoff record for
The third one gave his team a Villarreal allowed play to continue WNBA points in a game, and the Minne-
trophy, with Campos running onto and defender Sergi Palencia ties team record sota Lynx swept the Phoenix Mer-
a Cristian Olivera pass at the top of quickly pushed the ball ahead for Clark, Indiana swept cury 101-88 at Minneapolis.
the penalty area, dribbling across Mateusz Bogusz on the right wing. The Chicago White Sox avoided Phoenix’s loss could have been
the top of the box to create space, Bogusz’s low cross into the box a record-breaking 121st loss for the by Connecticut the final WNBA game for 42-year-
then drilling a right-footed shot in- found Giroud sliding between de- second straight game, beating the old Mercury guard Diana Taurasi,
side the far post. fenders Khiry Shelton and Robert visiting Angels 4-3 on Wednesday Alyssa Thomas had 19 points the league’s all-time leading scorer.
Kamara, who came off the Castellanos and he got just enough night on Andrew Benintendi’s and 13 assists to help the Connecti-
bench at the start of extra time, of his right boot on the ball to 10th-inning single. cut Sun sweep Caitlin Clark and The Associated Press contributed
then put the game away with a nudge it past SKC keeper Tim Benintendi delivered the go- the Indiana Fever out of the WNBA to this report.
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ENTERTAINMENT T H U R S D AY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / E N T E R T A I N M E N T

Los Angeles Times photo illustration; photos from NBC

for public
to get the
Cardellini and James

Artists project graphic Franco in “Freaks.”

videos on L.A. THE 1999 PROJECT
ith the 50th sea-
We know you Bobby Lopez and Kristen Ander-
landmarks showing
humanitarian crisis.
By Josh Rottenberg

An activist art collective

W son of NBC’s
landmark sketch
comedy show
“Saturday Night
Live” set to premiere this week, we
started wondering: Which sketches
have one.
Hollywood does
too. For ‘Saturday
son-Lopez, composer-lyricists
(“Frozen,” “Agatha All Along”)
Anderson-Lopez: The commit-
ment every single person has to that
sketch, except for maybe Jimmy Fal-
lon. Christopher Walken’s commit-
likely to
called Indecline projected a
series of graphic videos onto
several symbolic local build-
do Hollywood’s top creatives love?
So, at the Telluride and Toronto
film festivals, on the Emmys red
Night Live’s’ 50th
ment is really the secret sauce.
Bobby Lopez: His body language,
his use of the space. Amazing.
anniversary, we
ings, including the ArcLight
Cinema off Sunset Boule-
vard, on Monday night, call-
carpet and in assorted interviews
along the way, we asked some of your
asked around and
Anderson-Lopez: And then Will
Ferrell matches him, he’s like,
ing attention to the humani- favorite actors, writers, directors “You’re gonna go there? I’m taking
tarian crisis in the Gaza
and “SNL” alums for their top selec-
tions. Check out their answers be-
compiled this list this to 11 too!”
The high school
Titled “For Your Consid-
eration: Ceasefire,” the
low. of top picks. Jude Law, actor (“Eden,” “The comedy ‘Freaks and
Plus, submit your own favorite via Order”)
guerrilla protest also lighted
our reader survey at My first memory has to be the
Geeks’ had a short life
up the Academy Museum of
Motion Pictures on Wilshire
BY MEREDITH BLAKE, first time I hosted it. And you’re and a long shadow.
Boulevard and the Pickford ‘More Cowbell’ MATT BRENNAN, prepped and ready after a week. And
Center for Motion Picture John David Washington, actor it’s when you’re behind the door and TELEVISION CRITIC
Study on Vine Street. Im- ASHLEY LEE, someone comes up and goes [ges-
(“The Piano Lesson”)
ages of injured Palestinian MARK OLSEN, tures a silent countdown from five
I like [“More Cowbell”]. Christo-
children and grieving par- MARK E. POTTS Twenty-five years ago, on
ents drew the attention of pher Walken’s the producer and Will on his fingers] and you open the Sept. 25, 1999, NBC debuted
drivers and passersby for Ferrell’s coming in with a tight shirt door and out you go. And there’s a the high school comedy
hours, amplifying the collec- just hacking away at the bell. [See SNL, E2] “Freaks and Geeks” as part
tive’s call for an immediate of its new fall season.
[See Gaza, E6] Thus began a saga of in-
dependent vision, creative
freedom and corporate mis-
handling that shaped the life
OPERA REVIEW and death of this short-lived
but long-remembered —

Hollywood cuts in on ‘Madame Butterfly’ and still-discovered — tele-

vision series. Created by
Paul Feig and set in a Michi-
gan suburb over the 1980-81
ing Sylvia Sidney and the school year, it centered on
L.A. Opera challenges young, debonair-in-the- high school junior Lindsay
making Cary Grant. Weir (Linda Cardellini), 16,
the audience’s gaze There was not, in any of her-14-year-old brother, Sam
with a story that takes these films, an Asian in (John Francis Daley), and
sight. Indeed, by the 1930s, their respective groups of
place on ’30s film set. Hollywood’s Hays Code in- friends — outsiders by tem-
cluded among its don’ts mis- perament, choice or through
cegenation. In updating no choice of their own.
“Madame Butterfly” to a Works of art can some-
1930s Hollywood soundstage times feel especially person-
Cio-Cio-San, a.k.a. Mad- on which Puccini’s opera is al, like being in an actual re-
ame Butterfly, first won being filmed, Los Angeles [See ‘Freaks,’ E3]
hearts in an 1898 short story Opera has made Hays’ don’t
by an American lawyer, then an urgent do. Five of the six
in a Broadway play two years main Japanese characters
later before becoming im- are Asian, and an essay in
mortal thanks to Puccini’s the program booklet calls His love for
1904 Italian opera. Cinema for removing the “white ‘Lost’ goes on
was not far behind. gaze,” making this a fanciful
By 1932 we had three Hollywood of yore. Actor Jorge Garcia
films: a dreadful 1915 silent The production is an im- shares memories of
starring America’s sweet- port from Madrid, where it his role as Hurley 20
heart, Mary Pickford; Fritz was created 24 years ago by years later and the
Lang’s creepily effective 1919 Uruguayan-born Spanish show’s legacy. E6
silent, “Harakiri”; and in Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times director Mario Gas for Comics ................... E4-5
1932, the faintly ridiculous SOPRANO Karah Son, foreground, sings the titular role of Cio-Cio-San in L.A. Teatro Real. It boasts stun-
Puzzles ...................... E5
early talky with a captivat- Opera’s production of “Madame Butterfly” at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. [See ‘Butterfly,’ E2]
E2 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M / E N T E RTA I N M E N T

Everyone in Hollywood has their favorite ‘SNL’ sketch

[SNL, from E1] ‘Sam Adams’ performance and it’s just on
kind of silent, terrifying — Gabriel LaBelle, actor one person. Technically, it’s
it’s like diving off a cliff. (“Saturday Night”) simple, elegant, but so
There’s something about I think about the Bill funny. Endless rewatch
this that blew my mind. Burr pumpkin spice Boston value. You put it on in a
Favorite skit has to be beer ad often. Where he’s vacation house with a
“More Cowbell.” Chris Walk- like [imitates Boston ac- bunch of your friends or
en [and Will Ferrell], “More cent] “It’s like the kind of strangers and it’ll play. It’s
Cowbell.” beer where you have a party one of the best.
and someone brings a beer,
‘The French Chef ’
but no one drinks it and ‘Fred Garvin:
Michael Potts, actor (“The then it stays in your fridge
Piano Lesson”) Male Prostitute’
for like seven months. And
Well, I’m older than then your friend comes over Will Ferrell, actor (“SNL,”
young. The great one when and is like, “You have a 1995-2002)
Dan Aykroyd pretends to be beer?” And like, “Well I got He was a male prostitute,
Julia Child, cuts himself and that pumpkin s—.” and he never could get to
bleeds profusely and contin- any [sex acts] because
ues. [Imitates Akyroyd’s would do these poses, and
Child] “Oooh, oooh, I seem ‘Corksoakers’ as he started to undress he
to be bleeding! Save the Lamorne Morris, actor had this series of — he had a
livers!” And he continued to (“Fargo,” “Saturday hernia belt he had to undo.
go, just squirting every- Night”) It was so elaborate. This is
where, while she was mak- I would say mine is prob- early days. I’m still so little
ing this chicken. He just Dana Edelson NBC / NBCU Photo Bank ably “Corksoakers.” Re- [when it aired] that I don’t
continued until he passed member that one? With even know [what it’s about],
out. That was a classic. Jimmy Fallon. Janet Jack- but the way he said it — it
son was the guest on that was way over my head but
Tom Colicchio, chef and day. And there’s this old so funny at the same time.
head judge (“Top Chef ”) Italian group of people —
Julia Child and I share a Horatio Sanz, and I think ‘We Got Too High’
birthday, so years and years Fred Armisen was in it — Brett Goldstein, actor
ago, a mutual friend of ours and they were talking about (“Ted Lasso,” “All of You”)
brought her in — I was at a how you soak cork for wine It was in the last season,
restaurant called Mondrian bottles. But the more they so I’m sorry it was so recent
and it was like my 26th said it, it kept sounding like — there’s other ones I love —
birthday — and we kind of — he’s like [imitates Italian but Please Don’t Destroy
hit it off and started talking. accent], “My mama, she was did one with Ramy
And then I ran into her the best cork soaker... [Youssef] where they are
again at the Food & Wine Sometimes she soak two doing a hip-hop song and
Festival in Aspen and said, cork at the same time!” And they’re smoking blunts,
“Julia, I gotta tell you, I Janet Jackson couldn’t get smoking blunts and then it
didn’t grow up watching through the sketch without cuts to them in the club and
you. My first experience of laughing. Every time she they’re like, “I’m so f— high”
Julia Child was Dan started, she would cover her and they’re paranoid and I
Aykroyd cutting off his mouth and do the tee-hee- was like, “That is some
fingers playing you. And she hee giggle. relatable stuff.”
goes [imitates Child’s high
voice], “Oh, that was so ‘Hidden Camera’ ‘Church Chat’
funny!” So that one’s totally Dana Edelson NBC / NBCU Photo Bank Morgan Neville, documen- Kiernan Shipka, actor
my favorite, because there’s tary filmmaker (“Piece by (“The Last Showgirl”)
a real-life application to it. Piece”) I grew up watching, like,
There was this “Candid the Bill Hader, Fred
Camera” sketch in the early Armisen, Andy Samberg,
’80s. I’ll never forget it be- Kristen Wiig [era]. I really
Delicatessen’ cause my friend taped it — did like [Dana Carvey’s]
John Turturro, actor (“The we were like 14 — and we’d Church Lady, though. When
Cut,” “The Room Next watch it over and over again. I was younger I would watch
Door”) We thought it was amazing. YouTube [clips] of Church
First season, I was in People go into a diner and Lady.
college. So John Belushi order the specialty of the
playing the samurai. Did he house, cheesecake. Then
‘The Goddesses of
have a dry-cleaning place? you see someone in the
Or was it a restaurant? [The kitchen heating up a fork, Creation’
character, originated as a pressing it on a steak. “In- Tilda Swinton, actor (“The
hotel clerk, took on different stead what she gets is … Room Next Door”)
occupations over the years.] seared flesh!” And there’s Julio [Torres’] “The
He was like Toshiro Mifune screaming and shrieking Goddesses [of Creation].” I
[in “Yojimbo”]. and people jumping up and mean, I would never, could
down. Because, like [“Can- never imagine getting tired
Mike Birbiglia, writer and did Camera” host] Allen of watching “The God-
actor (“The Old Man and Funt says, there’s nothing desses.”
the Pool”) more hilarious than people
When I was a kid, I had a caught in the act of being ‘One Man Show’
Fred Hermansky NBC / NBCU Photo Bank
VHS cassette of “The Best themselves. Christopher Abbott, actor
of John Belushi,” and I CLASSIC “Saturday Night Live” sketches and stars include Dana Carvey, from (“Bring Them Down”)
watched it on a loop. So: top, as the Church Lady; Will Ferrell and Queens of the Stone Age in “More Cow- ‘National Anthem’ That’s a hard one. But
“Samurai Delicatessen.” bell”; and Dan Aykroyd (with Margot Kidder) as Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute. Bowen Yang, actor (“SNL,” the first one that came to
2018-present) my mind was this Fred
‘Dance Rehearsal’ trying to remember — hold Oh yeah, it’s called “Dance too hard. Of all the years I’m going to say, after Armisen one. He did like a
Kristen Wiig, actor (“SNL,” on, let me just look and Rehearsal,” with Chance being there, there’s prob- much thought and consid- pretend, like a downtown
2005-2012) make sure I’m saying the the Rapper. And Kenan ably one every show that I — eration, Maya Rudolph one-man show in New York
Oh my gosh, that is so right one. It’s a very random [Thompson] is the dance it’s too hard. I can’t even singing the national an- and it’s called like “Half
hard. I’m trying to think of one. [Appears to Google teacher, and he’s slowly begin to have a favorite. It’s them. That is one of the Jewish, Half Italian, Com-
one. I mean, there was one something on a computer turning into a werewolf. But like picking my favorite simplest, most straightfor- pletely Neurotic.” That’s one
sketch that, oh gosh, I’m just out of the Zoom frame.] I can’t pick one, because it’s child. I can’t. ward sketches and it’s pure of my favorites.

An old Hollywood angle on Puccini’s opera

Tenor Jonathan Tetel- streamed in July. This re-
man’s Pinkerton is a bit flects the repugnance of sex
more wooden, but maybe in- tourism in today’s Nagasaki,
tentionally so. One didn’t the latest form of white gaze.
[‘Butterfly,’ from E1] by it. But in every case, I white film as it is being shot, screen you get melodrama, feel any real connection be- In comparison, Gas’
ningly colored kimonos de- knew how to watch it. You with subtitles under it. It re- it’s artificiality made obvi- tween the lovers, but maybe nearly quarter-century-old
signed by Franca Squarci- look at the stage. Or do you veals mostly close-ups of the ous. But then you get more that, too, was wanted, given production really does feel
apino, seductive lighting ad- look at the screen? singers, often as filmy cam- reality with a live “sound- that the callous American antiquated. But “Butterfly”
apted for L.A. by Pablo San- In Gas’ production, you eos like you might see in old track.” And more artificiali- sailor treats marriage to a has lasted by reflecting the
tiago and lyrically elegant look at both, which can take silents. Watching the actual ty. The pit is deep, which geisha during a shore leave blindness of its era, remind-
conducting by music direc- some figuring out. The im- set, the supposed filming, is makes the orchestra sound in Nagasaki as a lark. Sex is ing us of our own. It has been
tor James Conlon. Yet, none pressive set by the late Ezio uninvolving. It’s the screen thin. The stage has few re- another Hays Code don’t. looked at from every per-
of those is particularly Frigerio is realistically pep- that I finally realized, one act flecting surfaces, which Many things jar. Becom- spective in a search for tran-
meant to be noticed. pered with camera op- in, you are supposed to makes the singers sound ing an “American” wife, But- scendence. This production
I don’t know how many erators and all the other watch. You then have an en- thin. The sync is off for the terfly exchanges her kimono may be a contrivance. The
times I’ve seen “Madame business of filming. But the riched theatrical experience voices on the film, yet anoth- for a Western dress and can acting comes close to shtick.
Butterfly” onstage, and I actual film set is inexplica- of seeing the film and know- er spanner in the works. act like a ditzy ’30s starlet. The singing is not consis-
think I’ve seen all the films. ble, a structure of steel col- ing what went into making Veteran Korean soprano The deeper characters in tently illuminating. Yet, it’s
I’ve been mesmerized by the umns that for no particular it. Karah Son, the Cio-Cio-San, this production are her more than a movie.
opera (especially the Robert reason rotates with a What this produces is compensated by forcing. maid, Suzuki, and Sharp- L.A. Opera has devel-
Wilson production at L.A. painted ocean backdrop. anachronism upon anachro- Her vibrato is wide. She is a less, the American consul. In oped an unusually enthusi-
Opera in 2004). I’ve also been Above the colorful stage nism. On the set, with actors seasoned Butterfly, having these roles, Hyona Kim astic audience, and Sat-
bored by it, infuriated with is a small screen on which going through the process, sung it hundreds of times. brings a gripping intensity urday night was no excep-
it, left cold or deeply moved appears to be the black-and- you witness reality. On the Her vocal style is Italianate that grounds Butterfly, tion. The applause was deaf-
and so, in this production, is while Michael Sumuel ening. People do like screens
her emotive acting. Her proves a brilliantly caring and close-ups, which make
voice settled down in the sec- foil to Pinkerton’s superfici- opera glasses obsolete. The
ond act, and she brought an ality. Rodell Aure Rosel, as screen makes it impossible
OF SUBTITLES appropriately old-fashioned the slimy marriage broker, to turn away, forcing you to
feeling to “Un bel di,” her an- Goro, and Wei Wu, as the an- look, to ponder, to adjust
Info Line 310.478 .3836 ticipation of a fine day as gry monk Bonze, were both your gaze in ways you might
hopelessly unreal as every- characterful in a silent movie not otherwise. The unreal
11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West L.A. 17200 Ventura Blvd. Encino 5240 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood 207 N. Maryland Ave Glendale thing on the stage. At that kind of way. somehow becomes real.
in The SummerS pauL mccarTney and WingS Omni LOOp moment she could have What does this all add up We can debate about
1:10 4:10 7:00 - One hand cLapping C 1:10 PM
7:30 PM pauL mccarTney and WingS been an opera singer with all to? Teatro Real is done with whether it deserves it, but
The FeaTherWeighT The SubSTance E
7:00 PM a miSTake - One hand cLapping C 1:00 4:10 7:15 the comfortable manner- this production, having re- L.A. Opera leaves you won-
1:00 7:20
WhaT We Find On The
The SubSTance E
7:30 PM WhipLaSh - 10Th isms, powerful and over- placed it with a grim, grip- dering and looks to have an-
rOad E anniverSary rereLeaSe E
4:00 PM 1:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 wrought, of the 1930s. ping one that was live- other hot ticket on its hands.
WhipLaSh - 10Th The SubSTance E
The FaLLing STar anniverSary rereLeaSe E WiLL & harper E
4:20 7:20 1:00 4:10 7:15 1:00 7:00
1:20 4:00 7:10
ShOrT FiLm prOgram beeTLejuice
The criTic E beeTLejuice C
DEATH BY NUMBERS 1:30 7:30 WhipLaSh - 10Th
3:10 PM 1:20 4:10
WiLL & harper E anniverSary rereLeaSe E beezeL
The gOLdman caSe 4:20 PM
1:00 PM 1:10 4:00 7:00 4:30 PM
beTWeen The TempLeS E Lumina
MONICA 1:10 PM 1:10 4:15 7:20
1332 Second Street Santa Monica 24 hOurS TO d-day Speak nO eviL E ShOrT FiLm prOgram
pauL mccarTney and WingS 4:30 PM
The gOLdman caSe 1:30 4:30 SISTER WIVES
- One hand cLapping C 3:15 PM
7:30 PM 4:10 PM
The curSe OF The neckLace
a miSTake NEWHALL WiLL & harper E 7:30 PM
4:20 PM 22500 Lyons Ave. Santa Clarita
1:00 7:10
The SubSTance E 450 W. 2nd Street Claremont
1:00 4:00 7:00 1:00 4:00 7:00 pauL mccarTney and WingS
The criTic E TranSFOrmerS One B - One hand cLapping C
4:10 PM 1:30 4:30 7:30 beeTLejuice C 7:30 PM
WhipLaSh - 10Th 1:30 4:20 7:20 The SubSTance E
WiLL & harper E anniverSary rereLeaSe E
1:10 7:10 1:00 4:00 7:00
1:00 4:10 7:10
beeTLejuice Speak nO eviL E red rOOmS TranSFOrmerS One B
beeTLejuice C 1:20 4:15 7:10 1:20 4:20 7:10
1:30 4:30 7:20 1:10 PM
The kiLLer’S game E Speak nO eviL E
beTWeen The TempLeS E 1:20 PM 1:00 4:20
1:20 4:10 7:10 didi E WiLL & harper E
WiLL & harper E
ShOrT FiLm prOgram 4:20 PM 4:10 PM 1:10 PM
SHORTS BY THE SEA VOL. 6 - CODA beeTLejuice beeTLejuice
1:00 PM beeTLejuice C beeTLejuice C
ShOrT FiLm prOgram 1:30 4:20 7:30 baSquiaT E 1:30 4:10 7:30
BOTTLE GEORGE reagan C 4:00 PM didi E
3:30 PM 1:10 4:00 7:00 4:30 PM
Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times
WhO’S aFraid OF naThan hOWL’S mOving caSTLe - hOWL’S mOving caSTLe -
LaW? STudiO ghibLi FeST 2023 B STudiO ghibLi FeST 2023 B KARAH SON portrays Madame Butterfly and Jonathan Tetelman is an Ameri-
1:00 3:10 5:15 7:30 7:00 PM 1:20 4:20 7:20 7:00 PM
can sailor in the Los Angeles Opera production at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.
L AT I M E S . C O M / E N T E RTA I N M E N T T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 E3

A Kool celebration without all the gang at Hall of Fame

Urban, Ella Mai and Kenny “I wish George was here with a BET Soul Train Life-
Last living member of Chesney. and the rest of the original time Achievement Award in
Kool & the Gang had 12 members because they well 2014 and inducted into the
original group will be Top 10 hits on the Billboard deserve this recognition,” Songwriters Hall of Fame
present at October’s Hot 100 including the 1980 says his wife, Hahn Brown. four years later. During the
chart-topper “Celebration” “These gentlemen [and] the very last space shuttle mis-
Cleveland ceremony. as well as “Cherish,” “Get band itself needs to be recog- sion in 2011, one of the wake-
Down on It,” “Ladies Night” nized for their body of work up songs was “Celebration.”
By Mark Kennedy and “Joanna.” They’ve been and the changes they made That party-time jugger-
eligible for the hall since in the music industry.” naut was inducted into
NEW YORK — You can 1994. The band began in 1964 the Grammy Hall of Fame
call the music of Kool & the They won seven Ameri- with brothers Kool and Ron- in 2016 and added to the
Gang funky or R&B, soulful can Music Awards and were ald “Khalis” Bell, along with Library of Congress’ Na-
or disco, pop or dance. What included on the Grammy- high school friends Dennis tional Recording Registry in
you cannot call it is partisan. winning soundtrack for “Dee Tee” Thomas, Brown, 2020.
When Iowa’s delegation “Saturday Night Fever” and Robert “Spike” Mickens, Kool & the Gang have
at this summer’s Demo- Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Ricky West and Charles been sampled by everybody
cratic National Convention Jordan Strauss Invision / AP Fiction.” Several members Smith in Jersey City, N.J. from A Tribe Called Quest,
in Chicago announced its KOOL & THE GANG’S Dennis “Dee Tee” Thomas, — including Bell — were They grew from jazz roots in Eric B. & Rakim, Ice Cube,
vote for the Harris-Walz left, George Brown, Robert and Ronald Bell in 2017. asked to sing on the mega- the 1960s to become one of Kid Rock and TLC. They
ticket, they played “Celebra- selling 1984 charity single the major groups of the 1970s can be heard in DJ Jazzy
tion.” That was the same after all these years,” says me.” “Do They Know It’s Christ- and ’80s, blending jazz, funk, Jeff and the Fresh Prince’s
song picked a few weeks ear- Bell, who was born in The opening of the Hall of mas?” R&B and pop. “Summertime,” Jhené
lier when Donald Trump Youngstown, Ohio. “When Fame door for Kool & the Kool & the Gang never let A pivotal moment came Aiko’s “Summer 2020,”
reached the number of dele- we first started, we didn’t Gang coincided with a go of its grip on pool parties, when the group hired James Madonna’s “Erotica” and
gates he needed to win the know where we were going, change in hall leadership in weddings and cookouts. The “JT” Taylor as lead singer in Public Enemy’s “Welcome to
Republican nomination in but we loved what we were 2023 that led to invites for group’s “Misled” was fea- 1979, fueling most of their the Terrordome.”
Milwaukee. doing.” key legacy acts like For- tured in Netflix’s “Leave the ’80s hits. The first song he re- Last year, Kool & the
“The Democrats and Re- Bell is the only living eigner, Peter Frampton and World Behind” in 2023, and corded was “Ladies’ Night,” Gang released a new album,
publicans, they’re both us- member of the original line- Cher. its music was played during a tune Bell conceived of “People Just Wanna Have
ing ‘Celebration,’ ” Robert up, following a cluster of re- On Oct. 19, they’ll join this year’s NFL playoffs and while hanging out at Studio Fun,” with the first single the
“Kool” Bell, bass guitarist cent deaths, including Mary J. Blige, A Tribe Called Super Bowl. 54 and Regine’s in Manhat- infectious, happy “Let’s
and co-founder of Kool & the drummer and songwriter Quest, Ozzy Osbourne, The induction coincides tan. Party,” featuring vocals from
Gang marveled recently. George Brown in 2023, saxo- Dave Matthews Band, Cher, this fall with the release of “I came back, I said, ‘I got Sha Sha Jones.
“Our music is for every- phonist, flutist and percus- the late Jimmy Buffett, MC5, Brown’s posthumous al- a great idea for a title.’ So my Joining Bell in the cur-
body.” sionist Dennis Thomas in Dionne Warwick, Alexis Ko- bum, “Where I’m Coming brother said, ‘What?’ I said, rent Kool & the Gang lineup
After fueling so many 2021 and Bell’s composer rner and the late John Ma- From,” a 16-track collection ‘Ladies’ Night.’ He said, are trumpet player and sing-
other people’s political and brother, Ronald, in 2020. yall and Big Mama Thorn- that shows off the drummer ‘Wow, they got one of those er Michael Ray; guitarist
nonpolitical parties, it will “That is a bittersweet ton in the Class of ’24. as a versatile multi-instru- all over the world.’ And that and lead singer Shawn Mc-
be time for Kool & the Gang sort of feeling,” said Bell, Rock, pop and hip-hop mentalist who explored Bra- was his first song.” (Taylor Quiller; and saxophonist,
to finally celebrate when who noted the original line- royalty will be on hand to zilian rhythms, country, cool embarked on a solo career in keyboardist and music di-
they are inducted into the up in the early ’60s was nick- help usher them in, includ- jazz, romantic ballads and 1989, but reunited with band rector Curtis Williams.
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame named “The Magnificent ing Busta Rhymes, Dr. Dre, pure dance — proof that for a 1996 album and various
next month in Cleveland. Seven.” “And now there’s James Taylor, Demi Lovato, members of the Gang had concert appearances.) Kennedy writes for the
“It feels wonderful, man, only one left — and that’s Dua Lipa, Jelly Roll, Keith lots to offer. The group was honored Associated Press.

bied for the characters to

“win” once in a while.
“We were telling really un-
conventional stories where
the victories were so small
they could be confused with
not actual victories,” Kas-
dan recalled in 2013. But not-
withstanding from the
show’s approach, its
chances of developing a
larger audience were under-
mined by the network
changing its time slots and
repeatedly pulling it from
the schedule, for the World
Series, November sweeps,
the December holidays and
February sweeps. It was on
for two weeks, off for three,
on for three, off for eight, on
for five, off for four, on for
two, and then — with the epi-
sode “Chokin’ and Tokin’,” in
which Bill’s peanut allergy
puts him in a coma and
Lindsay gets paranoid try-
ing pot — it was gone with
the wind.
Given its brief existence,
the life of the show has also
been very much about the
afterlife of the show. (It cur-
rently streams on Pa-
ramount+, Disney+, Hulu,
Tubi and elsewhere.)
“Everybody was so tal-
ented and nobody knew it
yet,” said Cardellini, looking
back in 2013 at a team that
has gone on to bigger, if not
any better, things. Feig
Photographs from NBC would direct “Bridesmaids”
MARTIN STARR, John Francis Daley, Samm Levine, Linda Cardellini, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Busy Philipps and Jason Segel. and “Spy,” produce televi-
sion shows (including the

‘Freaks and Geeks’ was a one-season wonder

lovely, late “Welcome to
Flatch”) and direct many
more. Apatow, who has
characterized his subse-
quent career as “revenge” for
[‘Freaks,’ from E1] tives and, once again, Apa- the performances are so Ann Baker) and the confu- the cancellation of “Freaks
lationship. “Freaks and tow and Feig. Then, in 2015, I alive that the series feels sion of her brother, who — and Geeks,” has become
Geeks” seems like part of my interviewed the pair on cam- contemporary whenever it’s with friends Bill (Martin Judd Apatow, the David O.
life, not just because I’ve era as bonus content for the watched. It certainly isn’t Starr), awkward and Selznick of 21st century film
regularly rewatched it over series’ release on Blu-ray. aspirational, given the soup thoughtful, and Neal comedy.
25 years, but because I see So it’s about time to dive of confusion in which its (Samm Levine), a pseudo- “Whenever I see an op-
myself and my friends in its back in. THE 1999 PROJECT characters swim. There is no sophisticate — is not quite portunity to use any of the
characters — geeks more Whether comedy or All year we’ll be marking glamour, and no useful infor- done with childhood, yet people from ‘Freaks and
than freaks, though freaks drama, most films or TV the 25th anniversary of mation, beyond knowing hurtling into something Geeks,’ I do it,” he told me in
too. shows about teenagers fall pop culture milestones that that your struggles are not new. But no one knows 2013. “It’s a way of not ac-
I’ve also had the recur- into or combine elements of remade the world as we yours alone. where they’re going. knowledging that the show
ring opportunity to study it four categories: nostalgia, knew it then and created “Freaks and Geeks” was Feig was an actor and co- was canceled. In my head, I
close up. I was covering tele- presenting older viewers the world we live in now. something new, not neces- median who wrote the pilot can look at ‘Knocked Up’ as
vision at another paper, the with a rosy or comical pic- sarily realistic, but real — hi- for the show in Midwest mo- just an episode of Seth’s
then-healthy L.A. Weekly, ture of their own youth and larious, melancholy, beauti- tel rooms while touring his character getting a girl preg-
when the series debuted and giving younger viewers a ful. The series begins with an self-financed film, “Life Sold nant. All of the movies relate
I wrote a long historical cov- glimpse of history, accurate ment. existential crisis, as A-stu- Separately,” about four in my mind in that way, as
er story on the series as it or otherwise; aspirational, There is none of that in dent Lindsay stops believing strangers waiting in a field the continuous adventures
teetered on the edge of obliv- in which young viewers can “Freaks and Geeks.” in God, quits studying and for aliens to arrive. He gave it of those characters.” Even
ion, speaking at length with see themselves as they wish Though set in the early ’80s, starts hanging out with the to Apatow, a friend from the when the series was still in
Feig, executive producer to be and older viewers how because that’s when Feig rootless “freaks”: sardonic comedy world who had a de- production, Apatow would
Judd Apatow and director they wish they’d been; sen- grew up, it is not, beyond Ken (Seth Rogen), brash velopment deal with Dream- counsel the young actors to
Jake Kasdan, who had much sational — glamorous soap some sidelong cultural refer- Kim (Busy Philipps), decep- Works; Apatow had appren- create their own projects.
to do with the series’ “uncos- operas selling sex and drugs ences, nostalgia — there’s tively fragile Daniel (James ticed with Garry Shandling Actual high school student
metic” look and tone. It had (which some might regard not the slightest suggestion Franco) and sweet, stoned on the groundbreaking “The Rogen got a head start while
already been canceled but as aspirational); and educa- that these were “happy Nick (Jason Segel). It’s all to Larry Sanders Show,” whose still on set: “I told them I was
was still in postproduction tional — issue-oriented, with days,” and in any case the the concern of her parents production Shandling once doing correspondence
on its final episodes — some or without a cautionary ele- observation is so acute and (Joe Flaherty and Becky described as “almost a sa- school from Canada and just
of the series’ best, but which cred process,” an exercise in wrote ‘Superbad’ all day.”
NBC never aired. They “finding the moment, of feel- Given that the show went
would make it into the world ing safe to be who you are.” creatively from strength to
eventually, through a combi- (Of “Freaks and Geeks,” Ap- strength, growing deeper
nation of public screenings, atow told me in 2010, “I would and more delicate with each
what executive producer trick myself into thinking I episode, a second season
Apatow called “the unoffi- was still writing for ‘The could not have failed to be
cial distribution system” Larry Sanders Show,’ except great; there was certainly no
and at last on home video, it was happening in high way Feig and Apatow would
including a special DVD set school, and it would have the have betrayed their charac-
housed in a replica high same level of truth and hu- ters, or the actors who
school yearbook (in which mor and drama.”) The script played them, or that the ac-
my cover story, titled “Too quickly became a pilot, tors would have been any-
Good and Too Weird” after which quickly became a se- thing but marvelous in parts
Kasdan’s diagnosis of its fail- ries that was made with min- they already played to per-
ure, was reprinted). imum interference, and fection. All the same, we
A dozen years later, when what interference there was, have 18 episodes, telling doz-
the series had achieved leg- Apatow ran interference on. ens of stories, and a finale
endary status and its stars That didn’t help its chance (shot early so there would be
had become universally well of survival, ultimately, but it one) that, while it opens
known, Apatow, who was was a ship that they were more doors than it closes, is
editing a comedy-themed is- prepared to go down with. lovely and moving and feels
sue of Vanity Fair, asked me The critical reaction was like a landing.
to put together an oral his- nothing short of ecstatic, It’s a treasure trove, and
tory of the show, for which I and though there was an au- like all such bounties, it
spoke with every major cast dience — several million on makes one wish for more.
member, some minor ones, THEY WERE the class of ’99: Creator Paul Feig, clockwise from top left, director any night — it wasn’t enough Happily, it is endlessly re-
writers, directors and execu- Judd Apatow and producer Victor Shu with actors Daley, Cardellini and Levine. to satisfy NBC, which lob- watachable.
E4 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M / E N T E RTA I N M E N T


LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz PICKLES By Brian Crane

CRABGRASS By Tauhid Bondia BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

LOOSE PARTS By Dave Blazek

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong



LIO By Mark Tatulli BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman BETWEEN FRIENDS By Sandra Bell-Lundy

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter BIZARRO By Wayno and Piraro

SIX CHIX By Mary Lawton DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz

LAT I M E S . C O M / E N T E RTA I N M E N T T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 E5


at risk only if West has five with K Q J 7 6 5, 7 5 4, J 2, 3 2
By Frank Stewart spades, but then East will where spades should be
have at least one honor: With trumps because my hand
Cy the Cynic pays atten- K-Q-10-5-3, West would might be useless otherwise.
tion to his wardrobe, espe- surely lead the king.
cially since he dates at least Things will turn out fine if South dealer
three women each week and Cy plays the ace on the first N-S vulnerable
wants to make a good im- spade. East can unblock his
pression. king, but when Cy loses a ♠AJ
“I bought two of those club to the ace, West can only ♥ K J 10
new reversible jackets from take the queen and 10. Cy’s ♦742
an online store,” Cy told me nine is high, and his game is ♣QJ975
in the club lounge. “I want to safe. WEST EAST
♠ Q 10 8 5 3 ♠K6
see how they turn out.” You hold: ♠ Q 10 8 5 3 ♥754 ♥98632
Cy was declarer at to- ♥ 7 5 4 ♦ Q 10 6 ♣ A 3. Your ♦ Q 10 6 ♦985
day’s 3NT, and West led the partner opens one heart. ♣A3 ♣862
five of spades. Cy played the The next player passes. SOUTH
jack from dummy, hoping it What do you say? ♠9742
might win, but things turned Answer: Bid two hearts. ♥AQ
out badly for him. East took You set trumps and limit ♦AKJ3
the king and returned a your strength. If you re- ♣ K 10 4
spade to the ace. When West spond one spade and part- SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
got in with the ace of clubs, ner then bids, say, two of a 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
he cashed the queen, 10 and minor, a return to two hearts
Opening lead — ♠ 5
eight of spades. Down one. will show only tolerance, not
Cy’s play at Trick One real support. I would bid one
KENKEN was wrong. The contract is spade in an extreme case: Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASKING ERIC
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Dear Eric: I’m a 52-year- wildly angry at my response have to take the step alone. I
old divorced guy, no long- to her “generosity” as she see what he spends it on be-
term steady relationship for saw it. cause we sit down every pay-
a couple of years now, but for So, what I’m wondering day and go over all his bills.
the last four months I have is, did I miss something So, I’m not worried he is hid-
been dating an early-40s here? ing anything. How can I get
lady, “Marie.” We each own Channel Changer him to stop spending and
our own home and there has start saving?
been no thought of living to- Dear Channel: You didn’t Costly Relationship
gether, or even really seeing miss anything, but it sure
ourselves as a real couple, seems like you dodged a bul- Dear Relationship: Don’t
but we each had a house key let. It’s one thing to have an come within 10 feet of a mort-
to the other’s place. opinion about a loved one’s gage with this man until he’s
On a number of occa- home or decor. It’s quite an- willing to take an equal role
sions over the time we have other to let yourself in and in your shared financial well-
been seeing one another, lay down a drop cloth. being.
9/26/24 Marie has commented on We often talk about the “Their best bet is going to
the fact that I don’t have a need to respect other peo- build a system that bypasses
television in my home and ple’s boundaries in order to the old habits and forces
found it pretty weird when I have healthy relationships. new ones,” Sam Erdman,
HOROSCOPE said that I have no use for Mostly we’re talking about founder of Anchor Wealth
one. She has also, politely emotional or internal Advisors, told me. Managing
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): completely right all of the enough I must say, indicated boundaries, so it should money is “not generally a
By Holiday Mathis Every shiny new plan, item time, and none will come that she finds my home de- definitely go without saying game of knowledge, it’s a
or person you add means close! The truly wise give up cor rather bland as she tends that you don’t drill a mount- game of behavior.”
Aries (March 21-April 19): subtracting something from altogether and embrace toward bright colors in her ing bracket into someone’s Here’s a path that Erd-
To avoid unnecessary another area. You prefer to three words: I don’t know. own home. wall without asking first. man laid out:
drama, you’ll reveal your settle costs consciously. Pisces (Feb. 19-March One Saturday, after I’d 1. Determine where he is
feelings only when it’s rele- Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): Today you’ll find new been at work, I came home to Dear Eric: I have an amaz- overspending.
vant to the interaction. Today features many good points of leverage and power find that Marie was unex- ing boyfriend who really has 2. Reconfigure these
Taurus (April 20-May offerings. If you take only and, in doing so, gain a great- pectedly in my house, had shown me this is the man I numbers for what he wants
20): You’ll choose your words one, your life will be better er sense of control over your repositioned all the furni- want in my life for the rest of them to be moving forward.
carefully because you under- than if you agreed to more. domain. ture around in my lounge my life. We have been to- 3. Set up different bank
stand their power to shape Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Today’s birthday (Sept. room, installed a large wall- gether for 6 1⁄2 years and we accounts that will be funded
both your inner self and the You can’t limit your pursuits 26): For some, love is an in- mounted flat-screen TV, and currently live together. based on the budget: an ac-
world around you. to only those that excite you. tangible mystery. For you, painted two of the walls in My family loves him, but count that pays all the recur-
Gemini (May 21-June 21): Winning attitudes are made it’s a reality with hard evi- the lounge room a deep ma- he is terrible with money and ring monthly expenses, one
Make a request of those who by finding or inventing rea- dence everywhere you look roon color! in debt for just being stupid to hold the money for up-
are more present to you than sons to be excited. this year. What you do in the She expected me to be with his money. I cannot coming nonmonthly ex-
you’d prefer. Lean into them Sagittarius (Nov. 22- name of love will stand very happy about this but trust him financially in any penses, and a spending ac-
and they just may lean out, Dec. 21): To try a thing once monumental; you’ll receive not only was I not happy I way and it drives me crazy. It count for him.
affording you some relief. won’t bring you enough sat- the same sort of substantial was actually quite the oppo- makes me scared for the fu- Lastly, you don’t have to
Cancer (June 22-July 22): isfaction or information. You proof of the affections of oth- site! I took my house key ture with him. combine finances if your val-
Adventure’s call comes from start to make headway after ers. Highlights: a journey back while returning hers I’ve been saving up to buy ues aren’t aligning.
your inner world. Methods of 10 times. You could master over water, an induction to a and told her I’d be leaving a house and hopefully start
introspection like journaling the motion after doing it family of sorts, a trophy for the TV on her doorstep the looking in early 2025. And it Email questions to
and meditation will bring once a day for four weeks. your team. Gemini and Scor- following morning. She was makes me scared that I may [email protected].
you into the new dream. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. pio adore you. Lucky num-
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 19): Your easygoing hospital- bers: 2, 17, 30, 27, 14.
Matching your message to ity does more good in the FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
the audience is an art. If you world than you could pos- Mathis writes her column
don’t get it right, make an sibly know. for Creators Syndicate Inc.
adjustment and try again, Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. The horoscope should be
one tweak at a time. 18): Everyone wants to be read for entertainment.

Edited By Patti Varol
By Amie Walker & Wendy L. Brandes © 2024 Tribune Content Agency
1 Native of Eastern
5 “Now!”
9 Carlos Alcaraz’s
14 Currency of Turkey
15 “Well, hey there!”
16 *Medical breakthrough
17 “You said it!”
18 *Many a spammer
19 Theater honors
20 Hotel room amenity
22 Least succinct FREE RANGE By Bill Whitehead MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
24 Kiosk
25 Letter closing
27 __ Angeles Dodgers
29 Juice aisle suffix
30 Impulse
34 Cosmetic moisturizer
38 *Bae
39 NYC rep since 2019
40 *Recipe creator
41 Install, as carpeting
42 *Valuable deposit
44 Disney character who
didn’t want the other
shoe to drop?
47 Whirled
48 Mil. support group
49 Forensic tech in a 9 Teatime treat 51 Wear away
Showtime crime series, 10 Sliders and fries with a 52 Reside
familiarly pint, e.g. 54 Fuel-carrying ship
50 Prompt 11 Singer India.__ 55 High-minded
53 Make amends 12 Singer Burl 56 Clear
57 Soaks up 13 Snipe’s home 57 FBI alerts
60 Golden State NBAer 21 Finger painting shape 58 Garnish on an espresso
62 Singer Bryson 23 Like some plump martini, often
63 *Attach a button, say pets 59 Garment that can be BLISS By Harry Bliss SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
65 Jessica of “Dark Angel” 26 Audited, as a class draped more than 100
66 *__-in-the-bone 28 Yield different ways
67 Obstacle for Jack and 31 Emulate a tumbleweed 61 Puncturing tools
Jill 32 One-third of a hat 64 Fib
68 Animation frames trick ANSWER TO
69 Snarky 33 One-named New Age PREVIOUS PUZZLE
70 Snakelike fish singer
71 Genealogy chart 34 “Do the Right Thing”
pizzeria boycotted by
DOWN Buggin’ Out
1 Criticizes harshly 35 Nose ring shape
2 Ceiling 36 Almond alternative
3 WNBA venue 37 Professional phone call
4 With 46-Down, baking response
staple 43 Dressed for court
5 Buckwheat noodles 45 Back end
6 Actress Birch 46 With 4-Down, how to
7 “Now I see it!” make the seven starred
8 One of 28 cards in clues match their
Monopoly answers? 9/26/24
E6 T H U R S DAY , S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 S L AT I M E S . C O M / E N T E RTA I N M E N T

Twenty years after ‘Lost,’ Jorge Garcia

looks back at the role of a lifetime
Images of the war in Gaza were project onto the sides
of several Hollywood buildings Monday evening. His character Hurley
ended up being
central to the TV
mystery juggernaut.
By Cat Cardenas
Photographs from Indecline

In the spring of 2004,

actor Jorge Garcia was
riding in the back of a van
along Oahu’s Mokule’ia
Beach, trying to process the
uncanny scene he was ap-
proaching. Scattered across
the sand was the wreckage
of a massive passenger jet;
one wing from the mangled
fuselage pointed up toward
the sky, all surrounded in a
haze of smoke and fire. He Jorge Garcia looks back at ‘Lost’ 20 years later and the role of a lifetime.
started laughing to himself
— his involuntary response
to any kind of discomfort.
Still, there was a feeling he Helen Quach De Los; photograph by Richard Shotwell Invision / Associated Press
couldn’t shake: “This job is
so much bigger than me.” knew was that [executive could actually do this for the script, they had a guy
He was right. As Hugo producer and director of the a living. But “Lost” was the come in to shoot some B-roll
VIDEO IMAGES of scenes from Gaza are projected “Hurley” Reyes, the cursed pilot] J.J. Abrams had a real pride job. Once my for the DVD. I started read-
onto sides of the ArcLight Cinema in Hollywood, top, lottery winner and crash pretty good track record mom saw that the show ing through my copy, and as
and the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. survivor of Oceanic Flight and that it was going to be had such a great fandom I’m going through it, I think
815, Garcia became part of shot in Hawaii, so the worst and fervor around it, she the people in the room
the television juggernaut outcome was that I would was into the idea of being started to notice a change in

Guerrilla art known as “Lost.” Over the

course of six seasons, the
show drew in millions of
viewers by delivering some-
get a bit of a Hawaiian vaca-
tion. When we started film-
ing, I remember we were
going to have to run away
Hurley’s mom for sure.

So much of the show

the energy. Suddenly, the
camera guy started rolling,
and he captured me kind of
welling up.

lights up L.A. thing unlike anything else in

the mid-2000s TV land-
scape: a compelling mystery
centered on the interwoven
with an explosion going off
behind us. I was thinking,
“Are we going to do that
thing where we dive after
is told in flashbacks that
either build on or com-
pletely reframe the charac-
ters as we know them on
We learn in the last season
that Hurley is one of the
candidates who might

with its message lives of a diverse ensemble

all fighting for survival.
There were love triangles,
villains, antiheroes, flash-
the explosion? Does that
happen in real life or just in
the movies?” Then, J.J. gets
on the megaphone and says,
the island. What was it like
as an actor getting new
information like that as
you go?
become the caretaker of
the island. What was your
reaction when you realized
he had been chosen?
[Gaza, from E1] tended to highlight Holly- backs, flash-sideways and a “OK, after the explosion, My approach to Hurley I was really moved be-
cease-fire in the Israel- wood’s cultural influence. trail of clues that fans eager- dive into the sand.” We were was always to take the infor- cause it was such a huge
Hamas conflict. The decision to target the ly pieced together in an high-fiving each other that mation I did have about the reward for his whole journey
Founded in 2021 by an Academy Museum follows a attempt to understand the we were getting to do such character and then fill in the to get to do that. To have the
anonymous group of pho- recent controversy sur- cryptic island at the center an action movie thing. blanks myself. I remember island handed over to him? I
tographers, graffiti writers, rounding an exhibition of the show. having discussions with wasn’t expecting that at all.
filmmakers and artists, In- about the film industry’s Though he might’ve had In a show that could get other people on the show This was Jack’s story. It
decline is known for its polit- Jewish founders, further an inkling of what was to pretty heavy and intense, where, when they would find starts with his eyes opening,
ically charged public art. In emphasizing the thorny come when he stepped on Hurley provided a lot of out something new, they and ends with his eyes clos-
2015, the group claimed to questions swirling around Mokule’ia Beach 20 years comedic relief, especially would be like, “Oh, well, if I ing. It always felt like he was
have created the largest cultural institutions over ago, Garcia couldn’t have through his dynamic with had known that, I would the sun and we were the
graffiti piece in the world — a their responsibility to con- known how it would all end. Sawyer. What do you think have done this differently.” planets revolving around his
half-mile-wide message front social justice issues. In honor of the show’s 20th made him such a fan favor- But I enjoyed that, because experience. So to have Hur-
reading, “This Land Was The Pickford Center, named anniversary (it premiered ite? I feel like those contradic- ley step up into that role — I
Our Land” — on a disused after film legend Mary Pick- Sept. 22, 2004), the actor In Season 1, there was tions are what make people don’t know, I’m grateful that
landing strip in California’s ford, houses the academy’s spoke with De Los about his definitely this dynamic human. Those inconsisten- they did it one step at a time
Mojave Desert. In the run- preservation and technical memories of filming the established where Hurley cies are interesting, and because just sitting back
up to the 2016 presidential efforts, while the ArcLight, pilot, the show’s legacy and started taking on the voice that’s what makes a charac- and thinking about it, if they
election, the group unveiled although closed since the his reflections on Hurley’s of the audience. He would ter feel like a real person. So had explained this as his
life-size naked statues of pandemic, remains a belov- journey from (spoilers be the one asking, “What’s for me, in Season 1, people’s arc, it would’ve been unfath-
GOP presidential nominee ed piece of L.A.’s film land- ahead!) an unlucky but that in the woods shaking characters were already omable. I can’t imagine they
Donald Trump in Los Ange- scape. kindhearted fan favorite to the trees?” Later, when getting second episodes, knew that from the begin-
les, San Francisco, New York In a statement, Indecline the inheritor of the island. things started getting more and I was thinking “We’re ning. I was speechless, just
and other cities. called out the moral respon- This interview has been complex, they wrote that never gonna find out what completely at a loss for
Monday’s protest comes sibility it believes lies with lightly edited for clarity. scene where Hurley is trying my angle is.” Then Damon words at how the Hurley
just two days after the open- those in power: “Even when to understand time travel [Lindleof] called me and story wrapped up.
ing of the group’s first retro- the world refuses to look at Showrunners Damon on the island, and they’re told me that Hurley was a
spective exhibition at down- injustice, history has the 20/ Lindelof and Carlton Cuse just getting frustrated try- lottery winner, and was Looking back 20 years
town L.A.’s Superchief 20 vision of hindsight. Don’t hadn’t fully sketched out ing to explain that to him. actually really rich. I re- later, what are some of the
Gallery, which chronicles be the bad guys in the his- the character of Hurley [Laughs] So I think that member thinking, “Cool, highlights you look back on
nearly two decades of its tory books of tomorrow. Be when the casting process role kind of endeared him to but where’s ‘The Twilight from this experience?
guerrilla art actions. the resistance today.” began. What was your the audience, and a lot of Zone’ part of this?” And There were so many
As with other recent The collective plans to experience like audi- people gravitated toward finally, I got the script of the incredible opportunities
demonstrations related to continue its protest Tues- tioning? him because of that. episode, and that’s when I that “Lost” created. There
the war in Gaza at events day evening, with projec- There was a breakdown got the reveal of the was a great joy in the fact
like the Oscars and Emmys, tions set for other high-pro- with a character called In my house, we would numbers. that we got to do it in
the locations selected for In- file buildings across Los An- Hurley, and he was listed as always look forward to the Hawaii. There was this
decline’s protests were in- geles. something along the lines of Hurley episodes, not just In Season 2, Hurley has feeling, especially early on,
a 50-year-old redneck. because of the comedy, but this great romance play where it felt like we were the
[Laughs] I remember spe- because the dynamic be- out with Libby (Cynthia tinkers in “A Midsummer
cifically reading in the de- tween him and his Latino Watros) that kind of comes Night’s Dream.” We’d just go


scription that he was de- family felt so familiar. full circle in the end. What off into the jungle, work on
scribed as a “redshirt,” That’s really nice to hear, was it like to play out that our little show, send it over
which I’m guessing meant because when you’re in the part of his story? to the mainland and let
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN L.A. – AND BEYOND that he wasn’t going to middle of doing it, you’re not To get to have a romance, them deal with the rest of it.
survive the pilot. But they thinking about the impact it even as tragic as it ended up We didn’t think about it,
called me in, and the only might have on a Latin being, is just not the kind of until suddenly, here you
To advertise here go to material they had for the household. So to hear that thing that a character like were getting an invite to go
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guys were Boone (Ian families were looking for- mine usually gets to do. to the Golden Globes to
Somerhalder) sides and ward to that just really Hurley is not the type of guy represent the show.
Sawyer [Josh Holloway] means a lot. I mean, that who gets to have a kiss on
Segerstrom Center Presents sides, so they had me read first summer of shooting the top of a cliff top, so I just Do you have any plans for a
the Sawyer sides. show, we had no idea if we never expected to get to do rewatch?
were going to find our audi- that. But also, a crazy part You know, we used to
Michael Feinstein How much did you know
about Hurley when it came
ence; all we knew was that
we were doing something
of doing this was that we
relocated to Hawaii to be
have this tradition that
started in the first season
Because of You: time to shoot the first sea-
that wasn’t being done on
TV right now. Like that first
part of a show where people
were always getting killed
where, if an episode was
featuring your character’s
My Tribute to I didn’t know anything
about his back story, just
Sun (Yunjin Kim) and Jin
(Daniel Dae Kim) episode,
off. So, from one day to the
next, your friends and cast
back story, we’d all go to
your house and potluck
Tony Bennett what you see in the pilot.
During that first summer,
more than half of it was
mates wouldn’t be there
anymore. I got to do this
when it was airing so we
could watch it together and
there was a small circle of great work with Cynthia in celebrate. I’ve seen pieces of
writers assigned to come up It wasn’t just Hurley, but Season 2, then I didn’t see the show, and discovered
with back stories for the his parents, played by her again for years, and so that the parts that really
characters, and Javier Lillian Hurst and Cheech when we did reunite, it was bring me back are the
Grillo-Marxuach was one of Marin, who provided a ton so great. That whole final blooper reels. The second
them. He’s the one who of laughs. What did you season, there were so many someone screws up and
decided to make Hurley a enjoy about their relation- mini reunions. By the time drops character, it was like,
nickname, and make his ship? we got to the church scene “Ah, that’s the person I
real name Hugo Reyes, Oh man, when I found where we were all together, know. That’s who I remem-
since I was going to be out they cast [Cheech Mar- it was so special. ber. That’s who I sat under a
playing him. He came up in], I thought that was such tent with and hung out with
October 5 • 8 pm

with this idea that Hurley an inspired choice. It was In a show that was famous while we waited for our next
was a repo man who was just great getting to hang for its twists and turns, scene.”
just so charming and good out with him, because he’s people were on the edge of I was just recently doing
at his job that people would been in the business for their seats trying to figure something where I was
just end up giving their stuff such a long time that he had out how it would all end. Do rewatching some of the
back. stories for days. But the you remember reading show’s iconic moments,
It didn’t end up being dynamic with Hurley and that final script? actually, and when I saw the
his back story, but it’s funny his mom? I always think I do remember because scene where we jump-start
how certain ideas still made about that scene where they called me and said they the van, it actually gave me
their way into the show. she’s hooking up with his wanted to do an extra DVD goosebumps. The way they
Like when Jack (Matthew dad again, and she turns feature where they show held out the suspense for so
Fox) doesn’t want people to away the statue of Jesus and how the script gets made long, Michael Giacchino’s
know he’s a doctor, he says says, “I have needs.” and delivered to us when it’s score comes in, and then
he’s a repo man. Or how ready. They were so secre- Three Dog Night kicks in?
Hurley was described as a How did your family re- tive about the scripts. I That made me think I need
bit of a redneck, but Sawyer spond to the frenzy the mean, every season, for the to go back and rewatch the
In this one-night-only concert, ended up being more of that show created? finale, there would be a huge show. It’s just insane that 20
role. Originally, I think he They definitely weren’t in chunk missing, and those years went by so fast.
Feinstein pays heartfelt tribute to the
was more of a slick New the circle of viewers who scenes would only go to the I’m grateful that I’m still
legendary Tony Bennett and performs Yorker in the initial descrip- went deep trying to figure people who were in them. working, still in the busi-
his iconic songs alongside the tion. out what everything meant. But near the end, when ness, but it just feels incred-
Carnegie Hall Big Band. But that was the first job I Damon and Carlton would ibly lucky to me to have been
The show obviously ended had that my mom was kind come out to Hawaii, they a part of something so spe-
up becoming this huge of proud of, and bragged would pull people aside cial.
phenomenon, but what about. I got a job on periodically, and tell them
were your impressions “Becker” where I did 13 what happened in the secret Cardenas is a writer and
going into the first season? episodes, and that was the pages. photographer based in When I got the job all I job that made her feel like I So when they brought in Austin, Texas.

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