Lateral Capacity Broms Chang
Lateral Capacity Broms Chang
Lateral Capacity Broms Chang
Pile Dimension :
- Outside diameter, OD = 0.60 m
- Wall thickness, WT = 0.000 m
- Inside diameter, ID = 0.60 m
- Section Area, Ap = 0.2827 cm2
- Moment of Inertia, Ip = 0.00636 m4 or 6.36E+09 mm4
Soil Data :
- Location : BH-01
- Soil type : Sand
++ N-SPT = 15
++ Undrained shear strength, Su = 0.0 kN/m2
++ Internal Friction Degree, f = 34 deg ; Medium Sand
++ Relative density = 58 %
∜(𝑘𝐷/ 〖 4𝐸𝐼 〗 _ )
Identification :
- b= = 0.35 ;
- R= = 2.00 ; 2R = 4.00 m
3.5R = 7.01 m
√(5&(𝐸_𝑝 𝐼_𝑝)/𝑛_ℎ )
- T= = 1.57 ; 2T = 3.15 m
4T = 6.29 m
- hL = #VALUE!
- Condition : Free Head
- Based on Figure 9.37, BM Das principle = 0.60 (EpIp)3/5 = 1482
foundation eng.
(xz (EpIp)3/5(nh)2/5)/Qg.L (nh)2/5 = 53
Pile Horizontal Capacity :
++Long Term Q(g) = #VALUE! kN xz = 0.010 m 10
++Short Term Q(g) = #VALUE! kN xz = 0.015 m 15
Lateral Pile Capacity - Brom's Method
BoredPile Dia 800mm, L = 6.7 m, BH-01
References :
a. Das B. M., Principles of Foundation Engineering, 8th ed, 2016
b. V.N.S. Murthy, Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
c. Bowles Joseph E.,Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th ed.,1997
d. Cubrinovski, M & Ishihara, K.1999 Empiral Correlation between SPT N-value and relative density for sandy soils,
Soils and Foundations, 39(5):61-71
Pile Data :
- Material : CONCRETE
- Pile density, Wp = 2400 kg/m3
- Pile length, L = 6.7 m
- Pile specification : ACI 543R-00
- Compressive strength, fc' = 41.5 MPa ;
- Modulus Elasticity, Ep = 30,278 MPa or 30277632 kN/m2
- Shape : Circle
- Rupture modulus = 3.99 Mpa
Pile Dimension :
- Outside diameter, OD = 0.80 m
- Wall thickness, WT = 0.000 m
- Inside diameter, ID = 0.80 m
- Section Area, Ap = 0.5027 cm2
- Moment of Inertia, Ip = 0.02011 m4 or 2.01E+10 mm4
Soil Data :
- Location : BH-01
- Soil type : Sand
++ N-SPT = 15 ; assume 8D depth fixity
++ Undrained shear strength, Su = 0.0 kN/m2
++ Internal Friction Degree, f = 34 deg ; Medium Sand
++ Relative density = 58 %
∜(𝑘𝐷/ 〖 4𝐸𝐼 〗 _ )
Identification :
- b= = 0.28 ;
- R= = 2.48 ; 2R = 4.97 m
3.5R = 8.69 m
√(5&(𝐸_𝑝 𝐼_𝑝)/𝑛_ℎ )
- T= = 1.98 ; 2T = 3.96 m
4T = 7.92 m
- hL = 3.4
- Condition : Free Head
- Based on Figure 9.37, BM Das principle = 0.90 (EpIp)3/5 = 2956
foundation eng.
(xz (EpIp)3/5(nh)2/5)/Qg.L (nh)2/5 = 53
Pile Horizontal Capacity :
++Long Term Q(g) = 257.49 kN xz = 0.010 m
++Short Term Q(g) = 386.24 kN xz = 0.015 m
Lateral Pile Capacity - Chang's Method
BoredPiles Dia 600mm, L = 6.7 m, BH-01
References :
a. S-000-3120-001 Construction Specification for Concrete Works
b. Das B. M., Principles of Foundation Engineering, 8th ed, 2016
c. Technical Standards and Commmentaries for Port & Harbour Facilities in Japan, OCDI,2009
d. Cubrinovski, M & Ishihara, K.1999 Empiral Correlation between SPT N-value and relative density for sandy soils,
Soils and Foundations, 39(5):61-71
Pile Data :
- Material : CONCRETE
- Pile density, Wp = 2400 kg/m3
- Pile length, L = 6.7 m
- Pile specification : ACI 543R-00
- Compressive strength, fc' = 41.5 MPa ;
- Modulus Elasticity, Ep = 30,278 MPa or 30277632 kN/m2
- Shape = Circle
- Rupture modulus = 3.99 Mpa
Pile Dimension :
- Outside diameter, OD = 0.60 m
- Wall thickness, WT = 0.000 m
- Inside diameter, ID = 0.60 m
- Section Area, Ap = 0.2827 m2
- Moment of Inertia, Ip = 0.00636 m4 or 6.36E+09 mm4
Soil Data :
- Location : BH-01
- Soil type : Sand
++ Depth = 4.8 m ;
++ N-SPT = 23 ;
++ qc = - kg/cm2 ;
++ density, g = 18 kN/m3
++ Nk = 20
++ Undrained shear strength, Su = #VALUE! kN/m2
++ Internal Friction Degree, f = 37 deg ;
- Coefficient of soil modulus var.nh = 10800 kN/m3 Table T-4.3.3
- kh = 86400 kN/m3
∜(𝑘𝐷/ 〖 4𝐸𝐼 〗 _ )
Identification :
- b= = 0.51
- R= = 2.33 ; 2R = 4.67 m
3.5R = 8.17 m
√(5&(𝐸_𝑝 𝐼_𝑝)/𝑛_ℎ )
- T= = 1.78 ; 2T = 3.56 m
4T = 7.12 m
Lateral Pile Capacity Calculation : (Table 4.3.1 Embedded underground- OCDI 2009)
2𝛽𝐻/(𝐵𝑘_ℎ )
- Pile head displacement, y = ; Free Head (Pinned)
𝛽𝐻/(𝐵𝑘_ℎ )
= ; Fix Head
−0,3224 𝐻/𝛽
- Max. bending moment, Ms,max = ; Free Head (Pinned)
−0,2079 𝐻/𝛽
= ; Fix Head
- Depth of deflection angle zero point, l = ; Free Head (Pinned)
; Fix Head
Pile Dimension :
- Outside diameter, OD = 0.80 m
- Wall thickness, WT = 0.000 m
- Inside diameter, ID = 0.80 m
- Section Area, Ap = 0.5027 m2
- Moment of Inertia, Ip = 0.02011 m4 or 2.01E+10 mm4
Soil Data :
- Location : BH-01
- Soil type : Sand
++ Depth = 4.8 m ;
++ N-SPT = 30 ;
++ qc = - kg/cm2 ;
++ density, g = 18 kN/m3
++ Nk = 20
++ Undrained shear strength, Su = #VALUE! kN/m2
++ Internal Friction Degree, f = 40 deg ;
- Coefficient of soil modulus var.nh = 10800 kN/m3 Table T-4.3.3
- kh = 64800 kN/m3
∜(𝑘𝐷/ 〖 4𝐸𝐼 〗 _ )
Identification :
- b= = 0.38
- R= = 2.90 ; 2R = 5.79 m
3.5R = 10.14 m
√(5&(𝐸_𝑝 𝐼_𝑝)/𝑛_ℎ )
- T= = 2.24 ; 2T = 4.48 m
4T = 8.96 m
Lateral Pile Capacity Calculation : (Table 4.3.1 Embedded underground- OCDI 2009)
2𝛽𝐻/(𝐵𝑘_ℎ )
- Pile head displacement, y = ; Free Head (Pinned)
𝛽𝐻/(𝐵𝑘_ℎ )
= ; Fix Head
−0,3224 𝐻/𝛽
- Max. bending moment, Ms,max = ; Free Head (Pinned)
−0,2079 𝐻/𝛽
= ; Fix Head
- Depth of deflection angle zero point, l = ; Free Head (Pinned)
; Fix Head