Assignment On Language Use in Communication (1) 3

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In your own words illustrate why language is an imperfect means of transmission

a) Language is an imperfect means of transmission since misunderstandings and
misinterpretations can easily occur due to various reasons such as using wrong syntax,
some words have similar meanings hence easily confused, colloquialisms which may be
unclear to strangers to the religion, cliches which may be unclear to people who are not
familiar with the underlying idea and euphemisms and doublespeak.
b) Not everyone speaks the same language, making language imperfect since not
everyone can understand each other.
c) Language alone cannot express how a person truly feels hence the need to use
nonverbal and other verbal cues.

ii. Semantics is study of meaning of words, phrases and sentences in a language. Use a
single/same word to illustrate the difference between denotation and connotation
meaning of the word choice.
Hot- the denotation (dictionary meaning) of the word hot is having very high temperature
while its connotation (personalized meaning) is attractive. When used in a sentence one
would have to rely on the context in which it is used to get the correct meaning.
iii. Illustrate how the following language concepts can be an obstacle to communication in a
given situation.
1. Slang - these are words and phrases used informally. They can be an obstacle to
communication since they are usually from a certain region, or generations hence may be
unclear to people outside the region and generation. For example, words like y'all, aint
and gonna are words used by gen z and may not be recognized by other generations.
2. Jargon – It is the technical language developed by a professional group. When used
outside the group can bring confusion since only the people within the group understand
the words. For example, MIA which is used in the military to mean missing in action,
when someone outside the military is told this, they may not understand.
3. Euphemism – it is a more polite way of saying a socially unacceptable form and can be
confusing to people who are not familiar with them.
4.Grammatical error – this is when someone makes a mistake in spelling and grammar
and can be an obstacle, for example when someone types buy instead of bye.
iv. Use your own examples to show how non- verbal communication relate to verbal (words
we utter) in the following ways: (21mks)
i. to repeat,
This is when you communicate the same message both verbally and non-verbally.
For example, nodding your head which is non-verbal while saying yes which is verbal.
ii. to emphasize,
This is the use of non-verbal cues to emphasize your message. For example, smiling
when you tell a funny story shows your emotion on the story better than just telling it
with a blank face.
iii. to complement,
Verbal and nonverbal cues are used to add meaning to one another. For example,
when someone says they are excited while jumping and down. Jumping up and down is a
non-verbal cue that compliments their message of being excited.
iv. to contradict,
This is when verbal and non-verbal cues conflict. For example, when someone says they
are happy, but their body language indicates otherwise such as frowning.
v. to substitute
Verbal and non- verbal cues can be used as substitutes for one another. For example,
when someone asks you if you want something and you nod your head instead on saying
vi. to regulate.
For example, checking one's watch during a speech showing you want to leave instead of
interrupting the speech saying you would want to leave.
v. Use a situation to illustrate how what the following Nonverbal codes communicate:

i. Clothing and artifacts.

When performers go onto stage with costumes such as traditional attire it shows that they
are probably going to be performing a traditional act or dance.

ii. Bodily movements and facial expression.

During a presentation one of the performers can be fidgeting and have a scared facial
expression showing they might be having stage fright.
iii. Vocal cues.
During the presentation vocal cues such as varying tone and intonation are used to
emphasize certain points.
iv. Bodily appearance
When someone goes for an interview, and they are well groomed and are neat and have
well combed hair it sends a good message to the interviewer.
v. Touching
When someone gives a firm handshake, it shows confidence.
vi. Personal space.
When talking to an interviewer one should keep some distance between them for the
comfort of both.

vii. Time.
A slight pause before finishing an announcement can help to build a sense of anticipation
in one's audience.

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