European Health and Fitness Report - 2018 - Extract
European Health and Fitness Report - 2018 - Extract
European Health and Fitness Report - 2018 - Extract
Introduction 04
The European Fitness Market at a Glance 06
Executive Summary 08
Top 30 Operators – Rankings 12
Top 30 Operators – Profiles 21
Other Operators – Short Profiles 54
Recent Mergers & Acquisitions 58
Perspectives on the Market 71
Keith Burnet 72
Glenn Earlam 76
Thierry Marquer 80
Chuck Runyon 84
Gabriel Sáez 88
Rainer Schaller & Ralph Scholz 92
Functional Fitness 96
The View from Brussels 102
Snapshot of the Equipment Industry 105
Top Markets – Overview 114
Top Markets – Profiles 129
Appendix 168
About EuropeActive 169
EuropeActive Event Calendar 170
About Deloitte Sports Business Group 171
Methodology 172
Glossary 174
Acknowledgements 175
The European Fitness
Market at a Glance
Number of
fitness club
60.0 million
Penetration rate
14.1 Market share of
top 30 operators by
million membership
Members of
7.6% (total) top 30 operators
9.1% (15+)
European Health & Fitness Market |
Report 2018
Average gross
membership fee per month
Market growth is again primarily
driven by a 3.2% increase in
the number of clubs across
all countries, supported by
an increase in the average
membership per club (+0.7%),
leading to a total increase in
members of 4.0% to 60.0 million.
European Health & Fitness Market |
Report 2018
Executive Summary
In this fifth edition, the 2018 EuropeActive -0.1% at constant currency, following the
European Health & Fitness Market Report continued expansion of low-cost operators.
presents the most comprehensive analysis
of the European health and fitness indus- As shown in the chapter on the leading
try to date. The report contains current operators, the top 10 European fitness op-
information on the major European fitness erators, as measured by revenue, achieved
markets and club operators, recent merger total revenues of EUR 3.1 billion in 2017.
and acquisition activities, a snapshot of the While their market share increased from
leading equipment manufacturers, a chap- 11.4% to 11.7%, the European fitness market
ter on the functional fitness trend as well as nonetheless remains relatively fragmented.
interviews with leading fitness executives. With respect to membership, the 30 largest
operators increased their combined market
In terms of revenue, the European health share by 1.0 percentage points to 23.5% and
and fitness market grew by 1.9% to EUR 26.6 their membership by 1.2 million (+9.5%) to
million in 2017. In addition to the 28 European 14.1 million from 2016 to 2017.
Union member countries, this figure also
includes Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey This development was predominantly driven
and Ukraine. The revenue development was, by low-cost operators Basic-Fit (+310,000
however, negatively affected by exchange members), The Gym Group (+159,000),
rate effects in Turkey (-18.9%), the UK McFIT Group (+110,000), FitX (+108,000)
(-6.8%), Ukraine (-3.9%), Switzerland (-1.9%), and Pure Gym (+103,000), which ranked
Sweden (-1.7%), and Norway (-0.3%), which as the five fastest-growing companies in
was partly offset by positive currency devel- terms of absolute membership. While the
opments in Russia (+11.8%), Poland (+2.6%), German operator McFIT Group (1.73 million
and Denmark (+0.1%). At constant currency members), Netherlands-based Basic-Fit
exchange rates, the year-on-year growth (1.52 million) and British market leader Pure
rate amounts to 3.8%. Gym (923,000) solidified their positions as
the top 3 European operators in terms of
Market growth is again primarily driven by a membership, The Gym Group (607,000) and
3.2% increase in the number of clubs across FitX (550,000) made significant leaps to fifth
all countries, supported by an increase in and eighth in the overall ranking.
the average membership per club (+0.7%),
leading to a total increase in members of Membership growth of 94,000 was reported
4.0% to 60.0 million. This is partly offset by by British premium operator David Lloyd
a negative development of average monthly Leisure (DLL). In contrast to the aforemen-
membership fees, which decreased by tioned low-cost chains, this growth is largely
inorganic following the acquisition of 14 In addition to its focus on club operators,
clubs in the UK from rival Virgin Active in this report also provides a snapshot of the
June 2017. In addition, DLL further expand- global equipment industry, highlighting the
ed its international presence in 2017 with position and development of leading fitness
the opening of a second Spanish club in equipment suppliers. 2017 was another year
Madrid in February as well as the acquisition of strong growth for the global commercial
of the Malaspina Sporting Club in Milan. As a fitness equipment industry, increasing to an
result, DLL not only defended its sixth spot estimated market size of EUR 2.88 billion.
in the membership ranking with 580,000 28.8% thereof is estimated to relate to the
members, but also overtook Virgin Active European market. The selected leading
to become the European market leader in manufacturers, which account for 78% of
terms of revenue (EUR 483 million). the total commercial equipment market,
achieved growth of 2.7% in 2017.
Ranking second is the Switzerland-based
Migros Group (EUR 388 million), which This report also provides profiles of the
acquired Silhouette Wellness (22 clubs) in largest national fitness markets in Europe.
2017 and operated 311 clubs with 466,000 Together, the 19 countries analysed (Ukraine
members at year-end. After the sale of 14 was added for the first time in this report)
clubs in the UK and the divestment of its have 57.6 million members (96.0% of the Eu-
Iberian business, Virgin Active ranks third ropean market), revenues of EUR 25.9 billion
with estimated revenues of EUR 356 million, (97.2%) and 53,892 clubs (91.3%).
followed by Scandinavian market leader
Health & Fitness Nordic (EUR 349 million) With a total market volume of about
and McFIT Group (EUR 347 million). The top EUR 26.6 billion, Europe continues to be
10 by revenue now contains five low-cost the largest fitness market in the world. By
operators, namely McFIT Group, Basic-Fit, comparison, the United States recorded
Pure Gym, Fitness World and clever fit. revenues of EUR 24.9 billion (USD 27.6 bil-
lion) in 2016 according to the IHRSA Global
In 2017, health and fitness club operators Report 2017 despite a significantly higher
remained highly attractive to investors from penetration rate of about 17.5% in the US
both inside and outside the industry. As market, which underlines a further growth
presented in the merger and acquisitions potential of the European health and fitness
section, there were 20 major M&A transac- market. At the same time, the total market
tions in 2017, which represents the highest volume exceeds that of the European football
number ever reported in all five annual market, which amounted to EUR 24.6 billion
editions of this report. in the 2015/16 season.
European Health & Fitness Market |
Report 2018
As shown in Figure 1, Germany (EUR 5.2 Fig. 1 – Top 10 European fitness markets by revenue in million EUR and
billion market size) and the United Kingdom share of the European market (2017)
(EUR 5.1 billion) are the two largest national
fitness markets in Europe, with Germany
taking first place for the first time in 2017. 6,000 65% of total European market
However, this was due to the depreciation of
the GBP relative to the EUR: the UK market 5,000 5,084
grew by 6.8% at constant currency in 2017
compared to a 3.0% growth in the German 4,532
fitness industry. When combined with 4,000
France (EUR 2.5 billion), Italy (EUR 2.2 billion)
and Spain (EUR 2.2 billion), the five leading
countries account for 65% of the total Euro-
20% 2,513
pean health and fitness market. 19%
2,245 2,235
In terms of membership, Germany remains 1,346
the largest market in Europe with a total 9%
1,000 8% 8% 872 866 853 848
of 10.6 million members (+5.3%), followed
by the UK (9.7 million), France (5.7 million), 3% 3% 3% 3%
Italy (5.3 million) and Spain (5.2 million). 0
As shown in Figure 2, the three largest DE UK FR IT ES NL PL CH SE RU 23 others
markets also displayed above-average
Sources: EuropeActive, Deloitte
membership growth rates in 2017, mainly
driven by the continued expansion of low-
cost operators in all three countries.
At the same time, considerable differences Fig. 2 – Total membership, membership growth and penetration rate
between the individual markets remain. of top 10 European fitness markets (2017)
Markets such as Sweden (21.4% pene-
tration rate) and the Netherlands (17.0%)
Membership growth
represent medium-sized countries with
high membership figures relative to the 7%
population, largely due to the high propor- Germany
tion of physically active people, relatively
high urbanisation rates and the presence 5% UK
France Average growth of
of large fitness operators in these countries. Russia top 10 markets
At the same time, markets such as Turkey
and Russia still display considerable market 3%
potential with penetration rates of 2.4% 2% Sweden
Poland Spain
and 2.0% respectively. Netherlands
1% Italy
Fig. 47 – Leading regular operators by number of clubs
Market insights
After a historical year 2016 surpassing
10 million members and EUR 5 billion in
revenues, the German fitness market
continued its growth in 2017, increasing its
membership to 10.61 million and its total
clever fit*
revenues to EUR 5.2 billion. Thus, 12.9% of
the total population are members at one of +8
the 8,988 private fitness clubs. It should be
noted that the underlying “Eckdatenstudie”
published by the DSSV, DHfPG and Deloitte
does not include non-profit sports clubs
(“Vereine”), as these offer a wide range of 150 McFIT Group
sports in addition to the commercial fitness Migros (INJOY &
and sports providers and are therefore
generally less relevant to the total market 113
picture compared to other countries such Kieser Training*
as the United Kingdom. +9
with no discount on fitness services.
National association
DSSV +21
Arbeitgeberverband deutscher
Fitness- und Gesundheitsanlagen 234
Birgit Schwarze
Average membership fee / month (incl. VAT) EUR 44.8 EUR 44.0 EUR 39.7
Publisher: EuropeActive
Authors: Herman Rutgers, Karsten Hollasch, Fabian Menzel,
Björn Lehmkühler, Steffen Gausselmann, Christian Rump
Publication date: April 2018
Price: EUR 299 (for EuropeActive members: EUR 149);
prices including VAT, please order via
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Issue 04/2018