Reviewer in Empowerment Technologies
Reviewer in Empowerment Technologies
Reviewer in Empowerment Technologies
2. Web 2.0 - It is a dynamic web page where user can interact with page like creating a user
account, posting comments, uploading files and images, and others.
Example: Blog sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube Features of Web 2.0
Trends in ICT
A. Convergence – it refers to fusing of technological advancement to work on a similar task.
Example. Using smartphone as camera in taking pictures instead of DSLR camera.
B. Social Media – an application and website where user can communicate, create and share
content, and participate in online communities.
Online Threats – referred to as hacker that illegally browses steal someone’s information.
Spam – Also known as junk email or unwanted email send by advertiser or bot. It can be used
to send malware.
Phishing – A cyberattack method using deceptive emails and websites to acquiring sensitive
personal information.
Pharming – A malicious website that resembles a legitimate website, used to gather usernames
and passwords.
Cybercrime – A crime in which computer is used as object and tool in committing a crime such
hacking, phishing, spamming, child pornography, libel, hate crimes, identity thief and others.
Cybercrime Law – A law that deals with all forms of cybercrime.
What is Netiquette?
- It is a word that came from the two words “net” and “etiquette”. It is an etiquette applied
online that shows proper manner and behavior. If you are a member of an online society
through social media you are called netizen.
Mail Merge – It is a Word’s way of generating mass mailings. It involves combining a list of
names and addresses to individually address to each person / receiver on the list. You can use
Mail Merge to create envelopes or address labels, as well as form letters. Mail Merged involved
the following documents:
Main document – this document contains text and graphics. Example body of the letter.
Mailing list – this is your data source that is used to populate information in the letter. It
contains names and address of the recipients.
Merged document - this document the combination of the main document.
Spreadsheets – The creator to input formulas into spreadsheet for easy calculation.
Electronic Spreadsheet – According to electronic spreadsheet is probably the
most useful general-purpose software for microcomputer user. Almost all spreadsheets are now
packaged in combination with other applications, such as database system and graphic
Formula – is an equation that performs operation on worksheet data. A formula in Microsoft
Excel always begins with an equal sign (=).
Imaging and Design for the Online Environment Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout. The
elements and principles of design are the building blocks of a successful beautiful design. The
elements of design are the things or tools that make up a design while the Principles of design
are what we do to those elements.
• LINE – Lines are defined by points moving in space. It can create a sense of movement or
direction in your design. Line is can be smooth, rough, straight, curve, broken, thick or thin.
• SHAPE – A shape is an enclosed space, the boundaries of which are defined by other
elements of art like lines, colors, values or textures. Shapes can be used to create patterns and
draw the viewer’s attention.
• DIRECTION – Applying motion to create the visual illusion of movement. Use horizontal
direction for calmness, stability and tranquility while vertical direction for emotions of balance,
formality and alertness.
• SIZE (SCALE) – Size is basically the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of
another. Large elements mean more significant than the small one.
• TEXTURE – Texture refers to surface appearance of an object given by the dimensions, form,
thickness, arrangement, and amount of its basic parts.
• COLOR – Color is light redirected off objects. It is used to create curiosity and emotions to the
viewers. It has three main characteristics:
hue (these are red, green, blue, etc.),
value (lightness/ darkness), and;
intensity (saturation, or amount of pigment) and temperature (warm and cool).
1. BALANCE – Balance in design is the state of equal relationship. It means equal distribution
of visual weight in a design. It can be achieved by adjusting the visual weight of each element,
in terms of size, color, textures, shapes or contrast. Balance in graphic design provides stability
and structure to a design.
Infographic – It is a photographic presentation of data and information that use the different
elements of design to make data easily understandable at a glance. Infographics make complex
messages become more visually appealing to the viewers.
Image file format – It refers to how data associated to the image will be stored. It can be
compressed to decrease file size of the image. There are two different compression you can
choose when enhancing your images: lossy and lossless compression. Lossy compression
reduces file size by removing redundant information means that some data from the image file
is lost. While Lossless compression retains values and manages to lower file size.
Image resolution – It refers to the number of pixels in an image or the detail an image holds. It is
identified by the height and the width of the image. A pixel (picture element) is just one unit of
the whole digital image it is the smallest unit of an image. The higher the resolution, means that
there more pixels per inch (PPI), resulting in more pixel information and creating a high-quality,
crisp image.
GIMP – It is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more
operating systems. It is free software; you can change its source code and distribute your
changes. GIMP means "GNU Image Manipulation Program". It is free software to download at GIMP was built for a Linux system, but it can also run on any platforms
like Windows and Mac OS.
1. Social Media Platforms – This platform allows you to create your personal account or
profile. After you register on this website, it will allow you to create pages or even groups where
you can share content and ideas. Social Media platforms enables you to connect yourself to
other users and get updates on their news feed.
2. Blogging Platforms - A platform on where a writer or even a group of writers can share
views on an individual subject. It is comparable to a newsletter where you can add menus,
designs or even multimedia of a subject. Blogger is an example of blogging site.
3. Content Management System or CMS – One of the features of this platform is that you can
publish your own website and manage its content through intranet or in a single computer.
This is a software where you can easily create, update, organize, and publish the content of
your website.
Web page – It is document which is designed for the World Wide Web and is accessible using a
web browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple's Safari. It may contain
many kinds of data or resources which you can see, hear, and interact with.
1. Wix -. Its interface is one of the most intuitive, slick, and powerful in the ever-growing group of
website-building services offers standout features, such as online storage for your site assets,
cool video backgrounds, animations for titles, and mobile.
2. Weebly - This free website builder allows you to build beautiful websites in a very short period
of time – even if you do not have any programming background.
3. WordPress - is the world’s most popular tool for creating websites. WordPress is capable of
creating any style of website, from a simple blog to a full-featured business website.
4. Drupal - It is a well-known content management system intended to help advanced designers
create a powerful website capable of handling large volumes of visitors and hundreds of pages
of content.
Web mapping applications – are Web sites developed from geographical information system
(GIS) data. Mapping applications use GIS to create a visualize maps.