No. Module Mapping Prerequisite Resistance, inductance, capacitance, series and parallel connections of resistance, concepts of voltage, current, power and energy and its units. Magnetic circuits, MME, Magnetic field strength, reluctance. 01 DCCircuits: (Only independent sources) Kirchhoff's 10 CO1 Laws, Ideal and Practical Voltage and Current Sources, Source Transformation, Mesh and Nodal Analysis (no super node and super mesh) Star-Delta / Delta-Star Transformations, Superposition Theorem, Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. II 02 12 CO2 AC Circuits: Generation of alternating voltage, basic definitions, average and RMS values, phasor and phase difference, sums on phasors, Single-phase ac series 28
and parallel circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC,
RLC combinations, definitions - real, reactive and apparent power, admittance (), Series and parallel resonance (only theory). Generation of Three-Phase Voltages, voltage & current relationships in Star and Delta Connections. III 03 Single Phase Transformer: (Numerical are not 04 CO3 expected) Working principle of single-phase transformer, types of single- phase transformer, transformation ratio, actual (practical) and ideal transformer, Transformer losses, efficiency, applications oftransformer. IV 04 Electrical Machines: (Numerical are not expected) 05 C04 principle of operation, constructional details, classification and applications of DC Motor, three phase induction motor, Single-Phase induction motors and BLDC motor V 05 Special Purpose Diodes: (Numerical are not expected) 04 COS Characteristics and operation of Zener Diode and application as a voltage regulator. Basic and structure of LED. Application of LED in indicative and lighting displays. VI 06 Introduction to Transistors: (Numerical are not 04 CO6 expected) structure and operation of BJT. BJT configurations (only common emitter). FET structure and operation. Application of BJT and FET in amplification, switching and oscillators.