CBH NCND Agreement

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Finance Solutions for Business, Real Estate & Entertainment


[email protected]

This document is intended solely for the benefit of firms and individuals seeking to be connected with various funding and monetization sources. The material enclosed is for informational
purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase any investment solutions or a recommendation to buy or sell securities nor is it to be construed as investment advice. Any
examples are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute financial recommendations or advice. You acknowledge that Creditex Brokerage Holdco Limited is NOT a Broker, Finance
Company, Financial Advisor or Licensed in any way, we are solely a Deals Facilitation Service that works with clients to assist them to implement a range of appropriate Solutions directly with
professional service providers. Our role is to connect people, assist in the removal of deal barriers and peer the right service provider with the right client so customers can achieve a likely
successful conclusion.

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The undersigned are mutually desirous of doing business with respect to the arranging a financial transaction in
cooperation with one another and with potential third parties for the mutual benefit of all. It is their intention that the
information exchanged among the signatories in the course of doing business, as well as the documents which will be
generated subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, including but not limited to Buyers, Financers and Sellers
identity, their websites or any electronic information and data, letters of intent, full corporate offers, bank comfort
letters, contract terms and conditions, project plans and details, business and finance plans, financial and banking
details or pre-advised payment instruments, and/or any information contained in such documents, will not be passed,
under any circumstance, to another intermediary or broker or trader of any other company or private person who is
not an end buyer or end supplier, without prior specific written consent of the party or parties generating or without
proprietary rights to such information and/or documentation.

This Agreement shall obligate the undersigned parties and their partners, associates, employers, employees, affiliates,
subsidiaries, parent companies, nominees, representatives, successors, clients and assigns (hereinafter collectively
referred to as ‘The Parties’) jointly, severally, mutually and reciprocally for the term of and to the performance of the
terms and conditions expressly stated and agreed to below. Furthermore, whenever this Agreement shall be
referenced in any subsequent document(s) or written agreements, the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall
apply as noted and shall further extend to any exchange of information, written, oral or in any other form, involving
financial data, personal or corporate names, contracts initiated by or involving the parties and any addition, renewal,
extension, rollover amendment, renegotiations or new agreement that are in any way a component of what shall
hereinafter be referred to as ‘The Project’ or ‘The Transaction’.



The Parties hereby legally, wholly and irrevocably bind themselves and guarantee to one another that they shall not
directly or indirectly interfere with, circumvent or attempt to circumvent, avoid, by-pass or obviate each others’
interest, or the interest or relationship between The Parties, by means of any procedures, sellers, buyers, consultants,
dealers, distributors, refiners, shippers, financial instructions, technology owners or manufacturers, for the purpose of
changing, increasing or avoiding, directly or indirectly, payments of established or to be established fees,
commissions, or the continuance of pre-established relationships, or to intervene in un-contracted relationships with
manufacturers or technology owners, intermediaries, entrepreneurs, legal council, or to initiate and buy/sell or any
transactional relationship that by-passes one of The Parties in favor of any other individual or entity, in connection
with the subject Transaction or Project or any related future Transaction or Project.


If either Party has already established a previous relationship with the parties to a transaction or the contract
introduced in the specific transaction, the Party with the previous relationship or transaction will immediately notify
the other Parties by email or fax outlining the prior relationship and in that specific case, the Party with the previous
relationship or transaction will be exempt from the non-circumvention clause of this Agreement. The other Party
reserves it abilities and right to dispute the existence of prior relationship. Furthermore, The Parties agree that this
Agreement shall not be construed to impede the development of normal day to day business relationships regardless
of the existence of a pre-existing relationship on the part of either Party, such as, other direct sellers portfolios and
including but not limited to lenders and other mortgage brokers.

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The Parties irrevocably agree that they shall not disclose or otherwise reveal directly or indirectly to any unauthorized
individual or entity any confidential information provided by one party to another, including but not limited to contract
terms, product information or manufacturing processes, prices, fees, financial agreements, schedules and information
concerning the identity of sellers, producers, buyers, lenders, borrowers, consultants distributors, refiners,
manufacturers, technology owners, or the representatives of any of the above, as well as names, addresses, principals
or telex/fax/telephone numbers, references to product or technology information and/or any other information
deemed confidential or privileged within the broadest possible scope of The Project or The Transaction without prior
specific written consent of the party or parties generating or with proprietary rights to such information.


The Commissions will be paid between the Parties to this agreement as agreed to for each separate and individual
transaction which will be detailed in a separate written Agreement. Commissions shall be paid through the designated
paymaster, at the close of the transaction. All Parties herein unconditionally agree and guarantee to honor and respect
all such irrevocable fee agreements.

In the specific situation where a Party acting as an agent of the parties to this agreement or a buyer’s representative
and any associated parties to this the seller to deal directly with one another, said Party 2 in this agreement shall be
informed of the subsequent development of all transactions between the buyer or the buyer’s representative, and
shall be provided timely copies of all pertinent developmental and/or transactional correspondence and documentation
relative thereto by the buyer or the buyer’s representative and/or the seller.

Party 1 agrees to act with Privacy and Confidentiality by protecting the personal and professional reputation of Party 2
by agreeing that, neither it nor any of its Affiliates, employees, investors, family, friends or Associates will directly,
indirectly or anonymously, in any capacity or manner, make, express, transmit speak, write, verbalize or otherwise
communicate in any way (or cause, further, assist, solicit, encourage, support or participate in any of the foregoing)
including web sites, media, or social media, any remark, comment, message, information, declaration, communication
or other statement of any kind, whether verbal, in writing, electronically transferred or otherwise, that might
reasonably be construed to be derogatory, disparaging, critical of, or negative toward Party 2 or any of its directors,
officers, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, agents or representatives or any party associated with any transaction
being facilitated by Party 2. In the event Party 1 breaches this Non Disparagement Clause, Party 2 is immediately and
automatically to be awarded liquidated damages of $1,000,000 (One Million) USD for each proven public disparaging
statement and $500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) USD for each proven private disparaging statement and
Party 2 will have the full legal right to pursue any and all legal remedies against Party 1 including court action to
enforce this clause and collect any liquidated damages amounts owed by Party 1. Nothing in this clause shall prevent
any person from testifying when subpoenaed or required by law by a Government Agency.

This Agreement shall be for ten years commencing from the date of this Agreement. This Agreement may be renewed
for an additional ten years, subject to and upon the terms and conditions mutually agreed between and among the
signatories. The Parties agree not to make contact with, solicit, deal with, or otherwise to be involved in any
transaction(s) with regard to source, contact, trust, strategic partner and/or any other entity that the other Party
introduces to or discusses with the other Party for a period of 18 months after termination of this Agreement. The
term may be extended automatically if the project is not closed during that time. This Agreement shall apply to: All
transactions originated during the term of this Agreement; and all subsequent transactions that are follow up, repeat,
or extended transactions or renegotiation(s) of transactions originated during the terms of this Agreement. Each
Transaction shall be registered by the parties or their representatives and a record maintained of Date, Party, project
and results and sent to all parties as it changes. This agreement supersedes any prior agreement.


The Parties agree that in the event there is a violation of this Agreement, the Non-Violating Party is entitled to
injunctive relief. Furthermore, any violation of this Agreement is enforceable by a penalty of actual damages, per
incident and such penalty shall apply to any and all subsequent transactions with that source, contact, trust, client,
strategic partner and/or other entity. This penalty shall survive the term of this Agreement and all extensions and

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The Parties agree not to circumvent or attempt to circumvent this agreement in an effort to gain fees, commissions,
remunerations or considerations to the benefit of the one or more of The Parties with the full knowledge and
acquiescence of all necessary Parties, whether or not such fees, commissions remunerations or considerations gained
through circumvention would otherwise be deemed the rightful property of any one or several of The Parties.

All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement with the exception of the Non Disparagement Clause
shall be fully and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association in
the State of Delaware, by one or more Arbitrators appointed in accordance with said rules. All such arbitration awards
shall be binding on all Parties and enforceable by law. Party A in this agreement consents willingly to waive all rights
to engage in any legal action in any court in any jurisdiction and agrees that any and all disputes between the parties
with the exception of the Non Disparagement Clause will be resolved solely by way of Arbitration.

The Parties further agree to carry out the terms of any arbitration award without delay and shall be deemed to have
waived their right to any form of alternative recourse in court by or through any other means, in so far as such waiver
can validly be made.

Each of Parties named in an Arbitration proceeding and/or required to appear under such a proceeding, unless
otherwise agreed, shall be responsible for its own legal expenses. The prior sentence notwithstanding, any Party
adjudged by the Arbitrator to be in material breach of this Agreement shall compensate in full the aggrieved party, it's
heirs assignees and/or assigns, for the total remuneration received as a result of business conducted with the Parties
covered by this Agreement, plus, subject to the determination of the Arbitrator reasonable arbitration costs, legal
expenses, and other charges and damages incurred relative to its dealings with banks, lending institutions,
corporations, organizations, individuals, lenders, or borrowers, buyers or sellers that were introduced by the aggrieved
party, notwithstanding any other provisions of the awarded.

Each of the Parties shall not be considered or adjudged to be in violation of this Agreement when the violation is due
to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to Acts of God, natural disasters, civil
disturbances, war, fire, floods, strikes and failure of third parties to perform their obligations to either Party. As a
condition to the claim of no-liability the party experiencing the difficulty shall give the other prompt written notice,
with full details following the occurrence of the cause.

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Each representative signs below guarantees that he/she is duly empowered by his/her respectively named company
to enter into and be bound by the commitments and obligations contained herein either as an individual, corporate
body or on behalf of a corporate body.
NOTE: Initial, Date and Sign all pages in sequence including all parties representing the Party 1 and Party 2.

Party 1:
Company Name:______________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Signature Signed Date


Print Name & Company Position


Party 2

Company Name: Creditex Brokerage Holdco Limited

Email: [email protected]


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