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quality control manager, yard/transport manager and warehouse

UNITED PEPSI-COLA SUPERVISORY UNION vs. HON. LAGUESMA operations manager are supervisory employees. This finding was reiterated
G.R. No. 122226 March 25, 1998 MENDOZA, J.: in Re: Petition for Direct Certification and/or Certification Election-Route
Managers/Supervisory Employees of Pepsi-Cola Products Phils. Inc.
2) YES. Petitioner argues that these previous administrative
determinations do not have the effect of res judicata because "labor
Ratio: The doctrine of res judicata applies to judicial or quasi judicial relations proceedings" are "non-litigious and summary in nature
proceedings and not to the exercise of administrative powers. Proceedings without regard to legal technicalities.”
for certification election are quasi judicial in nature and, therefore, decisions The doctrine of res judicata certainly applies to adversary administrative
rendered in such proceedings can attain finality. proceedings. As early as 1956, in Brillantes v. Castro, we sustained the
dismissal of an action by a trial court on the basis of a prior administrative
Facts: Petitioner is a union of supervisory employees. On March 20, 1995, determination of the same case by the Wage Administration Service,
the union filed a petition for certification election on behalf of the route applying the principle of res judicata. Recently, in Abad v. NLRC we applied
managers at Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. However, its petition was the related doctrine of stare decisis in holding that the prior determination
denied by the med-arbiter and, on appeal, by the Secretary of Labor and that certain jobs at the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co., were project
Employment, on the ground that the route managers are managerial employments was binding in another case involving another group of
employees and, therefore, ineligible for union membership under the first employees of the same company. Indeed, in Nasipit Lumber Co., this Court
sentence of Art. 245 of the Labor Code. clarified toward the end of its opinion that "the doctrine of res judicata
Petitioner brought this suit challenging the validity of the order. Its petition applies to judicial or quasi judicial proceedings and not to the exercise of
was dismissed by the Third Division for lack of showing that respondent administrative powers." Now proceedings for certification election, are
committed grave abuse of discretion. But petitioner filed a motion for quasi judicial in nature and, therefore, decisions rendered in such
reconsideration, pressing for resolution its contention that the first sentence proceedings can attain finality.
of Art. 245 of the Labor Code, so far as it declares managerial employees to
be ineligible to form, assist or join unions, contravenes Art. III, 8 of the 3. NO. The guarantee of organizational right in Art. III, 8 is not infringed
Constitution which provides: “The right of the people, including those by a ban against managerial employees forming a union. The right
employed in the public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, or guaranteed in Art. III, 8 is subject to the condition that its exercise
societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.” should be for purposes "not contrary to law." In the case of Art. 245,
there is a rational basis for prohibiting managerial employees from
Issues forming or joining labor organizations. The rationale for this inhibition
has been stated to be, because if these managerial employees would
1. Whether the route managers at Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. belong to or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be assured
are managerial employees; of their loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict of interests. The
2. Whether administrative determinations have the effect of res judicata. Union can also become company-dominated with the presence of
3. Whether Art. 245, insofar as it prohibits managerial employees from managerial employees in Union membership.
forming, joining or assisting labor unions, violates Art. III, 8 of the
Case Digest: Cabaña, P.M.H.
1. YES. It appears that this question was the subject of two previous
determinations by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, in
accordance with which this case was decided by the med-arbiter.

In Worker's Alliance Trade Union v. Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, the

Secretary of Labor found that only those employees occupying the position
of route manager and accounting manager are managerial employees. The

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