This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON DEALER
ADOPTED BY FALCON PIPES. LTD.” has been submitted by Mr. Shaik Tabrez in partial
fulfillment of requirements of Master of Business Administration Degree course of Gulbarga
University, Kalaburagi. The Project work was done under joint guidance and supervision of
Dr. Rajnalkar Laxman Senior Professor, Department of Studies and Research in Commerce,
Jananaganga Main Campus, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, and Mr. Mohammed Aatif
Rishwan (Managing Driector) Falcon Pipe Kalaburagi.
This is to certify that the project work titled “A STUDY ON DEALER PERCEPTION
FALCON PIPES. LTD..” submitted by Mr. Shaik Tabrez (Reg.No.P04ZA21M0027) MBA IV
Semester, Department of Studies and Research in Management, Gulbarga University,
Kalaburagi. He has carried out under my guidance and supervision. His work was found to
be satisfactory.
Place: Kalaburagi Dr. Rajnalkar Laxman
I, Hereby declare that the project report (MCP) entitled “A STUDY ON DEALER
ADOPTED BY FALCON PIPES. LTD..” is an original and bonafied work carried out by me
under joint guidance and supervision Dr. Rajnalkar Laxman, and Mr. Mohammed Aatif
Rishwan. This report has not been submitted to any University for the award of any degree or
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude and profound thanks to my internal guide
Dr. Rajnalkar Laxman. Senior Professor, Department of Studies and Research in commerce,
Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi for his scholarly involvement and tremendous support at the
needy hours that helped in completing this project work.
I would like to thank all teaching and non-teaching staff members, Department of
Studies & Research in Management for their kind co-operation in many ways to make my work
I express my sincere gratitude to my parents, My Parents and Friends for their valuable
help at every stage of my project work.
The Advertising is more competition between the PVC pipes companies. To
overcome this competition these PVC pipes companies are adopting many strategies like
recruiting advisors to advertising their products in the market Achieving and maintaining
higher productivity in the industrial undertaking ensures growth and long term survival. In
the turbulent time any higher productivity can ensures the life of the industry. Higher
productivity means, maximum utilization of all the resources of production. An advertising
plan aims at providing a low for the execution of creative and execution strategies. An
advertisement strategy, hence, it is explained since the statement to convince a trade mark
main profit, this is the way to resolve a user problems. The marketing plan, in fact, is a
natural culmination of the marketing plan which needs to include a section on analysis,
advertising objectives, and strategy. Achieving and maintaining higher productivity in the
industrial undertaking ensures growth and long term survival. In the turbulent time any higher
productivity can ensures the life of the industry. Higher productivity means, maximum
utilization of all the resources of production. A seller must allow inside intelligence the next
factor previous to adopt promotion tactic the order used for the manufactured goods or
facility in the market place, client awareness, how much edge is enough to continue in the
market place, the picture of the business in the marketplace, the expenses incured for
producing the merchandise, and at last The power of rivalry Some marketers do not provide
sufficient implication to advertising due to convinced reason, such as missing interactions in
the middle of individual advertising strategy, failure in linking cost of goods sold to the
advertising tactic, failure to understand the purpose customers and so on. though, advertising
is a very significant feature of the firm‘s subsistence and consequently, firm‘s should increase
proper advertising strategies and alter them to increase profit and market share.
In this study the samples to be survey from the consumers in Gulbarga. As the
population is very big, heance simple random sampling method way used and a sample size
of 50 responsedents way taken .
Primary data
The main tool that has been used in data collection is questionnaire that has been
constructed for this purpose. Primary data was collected by means of questionnaire, which
was distributed to any professional as a respondents interviewed and data was collected from
Secondary data
To investigate for secondary records information normally follows the statement of
objectives. Secondary information is any data organically generated for same purpose other
than the set objectives. Secondary research occasionally provides satisfactory nearby
Any study of this kind will have its own limitations. The time limit is one of the major
constraints faced in conducting this study. There was a wholehearted co-operation from the
organization during the course of my project. Much of the information was provided
without hesitation.
But they did not provide some of the information required to the study because they felt
Cities Consumer such data should be kept confidential. Most of the consumer are situated in
different city parts of the city the required information was not comprahesive
The proprietor is interested and estimated to manufacture 350 kgs of pipes per shift
i.e. 8 hours & 700 kgs of pipes in two shifts per day. The average monthly production would
be 17.5 metric tonne only in 25 working days & 210 metric tonne per year on 300 working
days. The production capacity of the plant estimated on 70% of the installed capacity i.e. 300
metric tonne per year.
As deeper you look into pipe dimension and arrangement, supplement arypuzzle you
obtain. This is since afresh material contain be improved more the duration they try to stay
the oute rdistance (OD) as same and alter the inner distance (ID) to convene its quality of the
recent substance. Generally Pipes use the Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) system. The feature for
NPS pipe under 14 inch diameter has no reasonable description and well-built NPS pipes are
having an outside diameter equivalent to the pipe size. The programme system (about 40,
80, etc.) is an NPS system. The dimension of pvc agenda pipe matches the steel pipe. The
steel pipe size was developed extensive by pvc was made-up...thus the pvc pipe was sized to
equivalent the steel pipe.
Evolution of Advertising:
The evolution of advertising in the west can be studied in term of the various phases
of the growth of advertising, the pre-print time, some form of publicity, during sign board and
cities,did exist. While in verbal habits contain negative record narration, on several place sign
boards, especially set in terra cotta, and have survived. The sign board be use to recognize
place, trader, along with artisan, and to update individuals on the subject of locality of
convinced supplies and service. Representation the Goat signified a dairy;a stubborn person
functioning a mill signifies a bakery. A cobbler would suspend a shoe outside his shop to
indicate the shoe shop. Thousands of years ago, the Greeks use criers to publicize the trade of
slave.Advertising it known today can be traced back to the invention of the printing press,
with movable types, in 1441. Newspapers began as a medium for advertisements. According
to Longman, newspapers carrying news items gained a firm foothold only in the latter part of
the 18th century. The times, in fact, continued to carry classified advertisements on page one
till 1966, except for a brief period over a hundred years ago.
The first visible signs of advertising came in the form of advertising hand cards and
later posters. Now known as leaflets, hand cards carrying information about goods and
services sold by various merchants were distributed on the streets. Then came posters, which,
according to Longman, were so popular that at one time during the nineteenth century, so
many posters were pasted on the walls of London that it looked like a city made of people!
An interesting tradition that began in the United Kingdom was that no one would remove or
paste posters over existing once till the glue was fresh. In other words, the posters remained
at least for a day or so.
PVC have to be removed and non-recyclable pvc should be property packed. In the
similar occasion effort on developing related healing method have got to be intensifying.It
has been done;latest difficulty came in front of organization of pvc dissipate. In addition,
there is a needs for parting in the spherical on local-authority regulation on parting the
structure and manufacture waste, needs which aim at reycle pvc must be removed and non-
recyclable pvc should be property packed.
In the similar instant, initiative must be taken to take away heavy metal and phthalate
from new goods. To avoid the increase of heavy metal, recycle goods contain heavy metal
must take place in embarrassed system. in addition, there should be work to enlarge goods,
from a cradle-to-grave perception, result in as small collision on atmosphere which is almost
possible, together with reduction in the entire sum of waste. pvc will be included in such
consideration in equal terms with other material. Brand name and company strength that are
earn by our association today, it is due our professional capable and intelligent staff, who
have a varied experience of the Indian advertise and excellent information of helping the
customer to their fulfilment.
It will promote improved by innovative idea of the Top organization, who are
struggling from time to time by making alertness along with maintenance the business at
similarity to the most recent developments in current globe.
To wards enlarge our winning tactic, our 1stactiontowardsidentify the key determined
declaration from user aim of vision that identifies way the consumer will or will not by the
brand. In advertising campaigns, the most significant element of the operation measured is
tactic, almost its nerve centre.
Operation that defines a single focal point, temporary statement program, marketing
will focus on the user, a variety of accumulation media. Publicity campaign are more
expensive thus, be designed to realize the required reaction. The subsequent paragraph, we
are discussing operation preparation in an advertising action and procedure concerned since
idea to commission.
Efficient statement should respond for 5 Ws and 1 H-a concept in reporting textbook.
The 5 Ws and 1 H contain the Where, who, Why, When, What, and How the statement.
While we personally seem to broadsheet report, we will discover that a report about
an event will carry most of these elements. In advertising, the five Ws and one H are as
important because each element is required to help in defining the communication problem.
Who: Who needs to be reached through the campaign is a very crucial question. In
other words, the study of the target segment. In advertising, you never have a faceless
mass of people. The target audience is defined as primary, secondary, and peripheral.
What : what should be supposed to bring out the ‗desire-reaction‘ is always the most
challenging task for the advertiser. The ‗what‘ in advertising comprises the key
communication proposition, the persuasive statement to carry the message across.
Where : where is the goal(that is our spectators)situated, what will our customer
concentrate more, what are their favourite channels, are important question. The
‗where‘ would decide the media vehicles for the campaign.
Why: The organization and the advertiser must brainstorm and ask themselves why
they need the campaign. This, in turn, would involve the entire exercise encompassing
the situation analysis, gathering consumer insights to decide the objectives of the
When: the ‗when‘ in a campaign decides the time table. several products will be
inevery-time, while others are in particular times; the convenience of this target
audience to attend to the message is also imperative. The scheduling of
advertisements in various media is also an important consideration.
How: the most crucial input in a campaign is the strategy. It is believed that the
strategy decides whether the campaign will be successful or not. Strategy can be
defined as the talent along with knowledge are developing with accessible capital by
achieve goals contained by expression on dynamic contest. Plan wants willface
original and communication angle. Advertising, also called the handmaiden of
marketing, is an important ingredient in the marketing mix.
Each and every performance starting period of its manufactured goods be conceive, in
the direction of manufacture, price, advertising, sharing, trade, as well as subsequent to sale
activities involves marketing decisions. Advertisement one of the branch of trade it means
endorsement. Though, all endorsement is not advertisement. Endor sementin volve
entirerange of performance together with the contribution of discount, and previo us sale
promotion schemesimilar to prize, occasion organization, open affairs, and sponsorship,
besides publicity. publicity, though, it isindirect or private buying. The mass paid statement
by means of single or multi mass medium called reporters, magazine, walkie-talkie, TV, or
open-air displays.
Planning Cycle:
The attempting some matters go during preparation sequence, a constant procedure in
knowledge, alteration, along with respond to wards altering conditions. Preparation sequence
is the means to estimation along with no series in process. A sketch broadly address certain
question which are given below.
Every part is efficient communication should express the consideration. Like wise,
bottom line with in the manufactured goods publicity be improve sale. There fore, the
important thing is to express profit and the worth of advertisement viewer. In order just
before attain so as to, advertisers require in the direction of employment towards position
feature. Publicity have to employment since direct vision of recipient messages to wards
extraction ‗required answer‘. Functions that the variety character and variety quality, little
choice, depends from creation with the use it could single appeal, appeal to wards mind,
cause, feeling, as well as request for non-efficient ethics. Any option might have prognostic
variety since the all-qualities, description, supposed use, manner, and organization. For
consideration of variety position should contain the brand advertise senior-manager, next,
small, or expert; with world wide, countrywide, or neigh bouring.
Ensure e- reliability
Ensure e-reliability is very important for success in online course of action. It is done
due to acquire consumers in online will be more costly as well as except individuals
consumers fixaround they create more replicate purchase more than year, income always stay
indefinable. Opposing tho se universal vision of web consumers are particularly
unpredictable, actuality they chase older system of consumer constancy. Online consumers
attach for web address and they would believe in occasion combine the purchase in single
major dealer for coverage they purchase starting from supplier sites, it be came element of the
every day habit. Topic of belief is essential for which issue of confidentiality and safety.
company like Amazon, which demand wonder full level of customer belief and using a wide
range information equipment and easy moral decision as not compliant cash to publisher for
self-governing volume review to keep up the belief of its clients.
Types of Advertising
• AssociateSelling:
Associateselling is one of the online marketing anywhere advertiser position
campaign by means of possibly huge numeral of little publisher, One who pay the online
fees its transfer to the promoter is garner, frequently ahead with detailed quantifiable
operation effect. Nowadays, this is frequently talented during constricting with aassociate
system. The online seller use the programs form a king little price variety experience and also
provide the similar occasion little website and method to make a few supplement profits.
• BackgroundAdvertise:
Various publicity net work show graphic and text those advertise that communicate
through keyword in an Internet investigate or the contented in that side in which the advertise
will be exposed. The advertise are supposed to contain a superior possibility of attract the
customer, since they have a inclination to contribute the same circumstance as the use rinvesti
gate enquiry. Examples like, a searching enquiry for "flower" may go back for poster of a
florist website address.
One more new method is embedded keywords hyperlink in that commentary that are sponsor
to an promoter. The consumer follow the linkage, they will send sponsor website address.
• Standard Advertising:
Standard advertising is one type of advertise yet finished in online. The standard
highlights of the manufactured goods, facility, recommend are done by clicking it the
consumer resolve occupied for websites, Here user can ask any information regarding about
products .Standard spaces are frequently sell by impersonation, or standard view, but in
sometime solded by click, if user pay only they can click on the standard. Frequently parallel
bar from corner to corner to the top website page, it offers colored, graphic and repeatedly
live lines, jointly through facility to click during the advertiser own website.
• Afloat Advertising:
The advertising appears when user visit the website for the first time, and the "hang"
above the page for 5 to 30 sec. where a sit will appear on monitor, it is difficult to understand
your vision of that page and you are trying to understand it, but it will often obstruct mouse
inputs as well. This kind of advertising comes into view every time in the same page when
you refresh. A float advertising become famous for some reason:
It will take concentration of viewer and can‘t be mistreated.
It is full of life.
It content both audio &video as TV advertise.
It will take whole display, thus from brand position;
It is more effective than the other side advertise.
About 3% it is having towering click .
Marketing strategies are using many advertising and promotional activities to capture
more market .The four P's - Product, Price, Place and Promotion have long been connected
with marketing,
1. Product:
Product on the Internet generally changes form online, and the user experiences it
electronically, in the form of text, images and multimedia. Physical goods are generally
presented in the form of a detailed online catalogue that the consumer can browse through.
Technology allows the user to almost touch and feel the product on the Internet - rotate it,
zoom in or zoom out and even imagine the product in different configurations and
combination. Content and software are two avatars of digitized products that can be even
distributed over the Internet. On the Internet, E-marketing will be based more on the product
qualities rather than on the price.
Every company will be able to carry down the cost of its products and therefore
competition will not be on value. It will rather be on the uniqueness of the product. To be
able to attract the customers and retain them, the company will have to provide nouvelle and
distinct products that forces the net users to purchase and come back for more.
2. Price:
Price has been considerably changed over the Internet. It lets the buyer decides the
price. Also it gives the buyers information about multiple sellers selling the same product. It
leads to best possible deal for the buyers in terms of price. Pricing is dynamic over the
3. Place:
Place revolves around setting up of a marketing channel to reach the customer.
Internet serves as a direct marketing channel that allows the producer to reach the customer
directly. The elimination of the intermediate channel allows the producer to pass the reduced
distribution cost to the customer in the form of discounts.
4. Promotion:
Promotion is extremely necessary to entice the customer to its website, as there are
currently more than one billion web pages. Promoting a website includes both online and
offline strategies. Online strategies include search engine optimization, bannerads, multiple
points of entry, viral marketing, strategic partnership and affiliate marketing. Presently, the
cyberspace is already cluttered with thousands of sites probably selling similar products. For
the customers to know of the Company‘s existence and to garner information on the kind of
products or services that the company is offering, promotion has to be carried out. There can
be traded links or banner advertisements for the same. Also the tradit
The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing and by marketers. The
marketing mix is often essential when determining a product or brands offer and is often
related with the four p‘s: Price, product, promotion, and place.
Definition of Marketing-Mix:
According to Stanton, marketing-mix is a combination of four elements—product,
pricing structure, distribution system, and promotional activities used to satisfy the needs of
an organization‘s target market(s) and, at the same time, achieve its marketing objectives.
The purpose of determining the marketing is to satisfy the needs and wants of the
customers in the most effective and economical manner. As the needs of the customers and
the environmental factors change, the marketing-mix also changes and it cannot remain static.
Marketing-mix is, thus, a dynamic concept. In the words of Philip Kotler, ―Marketing mix
represents the setting of the firm‘s marketing decision variables at a particular point of time.‖
3. Design:
On the basis of the knowledge obtained through identification and analysis, an
appropriate mix of product, price, promotion and channel is designed. Design involves not
only the determination of each component but the proper integration of individual variables
so that they reinforce one another.
4. Testing:
It is desirable to make a test run of the marketing-mix designed by the marketing
department. The designed mix may be used in a small group of customers. The reaction of
customers will indicate the adjustments required in the mix.
5. Adoption:
After the necessary modifications, the marketing-mix is adopted and put into use. The
adopted mix should be evaluated from time-to-time and it must be adapted to changes in the
environment of business..
PVC have more history in industries because it is one of oldest material of synthetic in 19th
century the PVC was discovered accidentally hens victor revolts (French physicist &
chemist) was the first state discovering in 1838 &other discovering after all the invitation
process, where as many more companies are started producing this PVC material in 1950 ,&
gradually volume increases around the world . in the some period the companies and making
it better by developing its durability New in this world PVC stand as third largest selling
goods of.
Highly Economical as compared to conventional pipes – GI,
HDPE, RCC pipe.
Light weight economical in handling & transportation & installation.
Resistant to chemical, electrolytic & rust proof.
It is one of the ISO certified andwe manufacture rigid PVC pipes and fittings with
most modern technology
In this Gulbarga the industry and the company are one and same so the detail
information will be in company profile.
Falcon Pipes located at D-10 Industrial Estate Gulbarga-2. The unit will manufacture
all types of pipes, which are popular transaction under the above by the proprietor only. The
proprietor has acquired D-types industry shed in MSK mill road industrial estate of KSSIDC
limited Gulbarga, in the heart of the city. The location is very nearer to all infrastructure
facilities. This unit is well provided with all basic facilities are as follows: - Power
Connection from kptcl/ Industrial Estate.
Water from kssidc ltd., industrial estate water supply system.Cheap labour manpower
easily available. Post office, telecom centre for fax-telex & other local conveyance
facilities etc
Plastic till today the main source of marketing these products are done by the agents.
The use of other sources is necessary to establish very well in our country, by this
concept the different channel of distribution will did the balancing operation.
The new members are finding it more costlier and time consuming to reach the
standards &
Take the advantage with the help of the website their is a greater approach for the
product & there is need for improving their technique and for the customers to believe
By giving the full information about the product through the organisation for the
customers for selling the product, by this data base information customer will get the
full information about the product &i its service
(Managing Director)
WEBSITE [email protected]
Which are popular transactions under the above by the proprietor only. The proprietor
has acquired D-types industry shed in MSK mill road industrial estate of KSSIDC limited
Gulbarga, in the heart of the city. The location is very nearer to all infrastructure facilities.
This unit is well provided with all basic facilities are as follows: - Power Connection from
kptcl/ Industrial Estate. Water from KSSIDC Ltd., Industrial Estate Water Supply
System.Cheap Labour manpower easily available.Post office, Telecom Centre for fax-telex &
other local conveyance facilities etc. The proprietor has already invested in plant &
Machinery wherever possible subject to full fledges function. He has purchased the land
bearing No. D-10 in KSSDC Ltd., on ownership basis and for the interested to avail facilities
and loan from bank of Baroda Gulbarga, who have kind enough to assist the unit & make it a
grand success under their auspicious SSI priority sector schemes as per IDBI scheme &
Excellent quality standards and a fair value for money have put the distinct image of
falcon as the ―Mark of Excellence‖ in all areas of activities.The manufacturing facilities
situated at different locations are well equipped with high technology. It is also ISO
9001:2000 certified.
The have various varieties of products like the details are mentioned below: ¾‖
19mm/1mm ¾‖ 19mm/1.2mm ¾‖ 19mm/1.5mm ¾‖ 19mm/1.8mm ¾‖ 19mm/2mm 1‖
25mm/1mm 1‖ 25mm/1.2mm 1‖ 25mm/1.5mm 1‖ 25mm/1.8mm 1‖ 25mm/2mm And they
manufacture moldings like Junction Box, Bends & Couplings it available in to sizes are
mentioned above as 19mm & 25mm
Office superdent
Sales manager
Stores Purchase
Product profile
Plastic is one of the most dynamic & high potential industry sector in the world today.
Through the application of the products derive plastic may be innumerable for the industry its
practical application for common man have supposed all expectation. Today one cannot
imagine day-to-day life without use of the plastic it is also known that these products are
gradually becoming customer favour products such as G1,& other model pipes.
Among all these pipes most greatly used all other material mostly suspension type
PVC are flavoured for rigid PVC pipes extrusion..
Production Target:
The proprietor is interested and estimated to manufacture 350 kgs of pipes per shift
i.e. 8 hours & 700 kgs of pipes in two shifts per day. The average monthly production would
be 17.5 metric tons only in 25 working days & 210 metric tons per
Year on 300 working days. The production capacity of the plant estimated on 70% of the
installed capacity i.e. 300 metric tons per year.
Product types are listed below:
Achievement / Award:
Acquisition of Chennai PVC pipes Ltd in Tamilnadu. The company has acquired 67%
shareholding in Chennai PVC pipes Ltd,
Urban Water supply and Drainage board has awarded for Water conservation and rain
water harvesting.
Gulbarga Municipal Corporation.
Zillah Panchayat Division, Yadgiri
Belgaum Municipal Corporation
Talukapanchayat and zp office Gulbarga
The table shows the overall average sales of falcon pipes based on the average estimation
the sales for annual is Rs 110 lacks & the using of this profit about 70% and the capacity of
using is 77 lacks
Totality 109,82,100
Rs 110.00 lakh
According to these sales & expenses the gaining profit is 5.05 lacks per year and 13%
will be used as investment
The main purpose of the factory is to produce pipes along with bye product i.e. Co-
generation power, Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC)etc. The business carried is seasonal one. In
power intensive business like PVC manufacture, the saving grace is the Company‘s ability to
generate power from pipes by-product pvc packages. The Company enjoys based co-
generation units qualify as a clean development mechanism project, helping co-generation
Process and Treasury
Accounts Risk
GF Havel carefully managed the storing of all pipes under roof & across the town it
will be transported by heavy trucks &GF Harrell will do this be on time delivers.
Custom binding
Whereas is in packing it uses advance method due to safety of the product &
cleanliness of the product & it should satisfies the customers these are the important things
about packaging & shipping
Pipes and fittings for soil, waste and rainwater drainage systems confirming to ISS
13592/1992 and as per BS 4514, BS 4660, DLN 19531.
SWR PIPES - Available in 75mm, 90mm, and 11Omm and 110nim diameter
Available range - nominal diameter 40mm to 200mm for CM (Medium Casing) and nominal
diameter 150-200 for CS (shallow casing) type wells.
Available range - 11Omm and 50mm and as per specification and rate contact. Presently being
supplied to premier Institutions viz. DOT, MTINL, and TCIL for their various projects in
Mainly used for ducting purposes of optical fiber cables for telecom services available
in sizes of 32mm and 40mm in lengths of 1000mtrs or as per requirement
Confirming to IS 14151 and IS-4984 for supply of Portable Water Sprinkler Irrigation
and other industrial applications, available in Sizes from 20mm to 110mm in all
pressure rating.
Water supply
For hygienic drainage
Foreman waste water sending
Agriculture application
Industrial application
Quality policy:
We at F.P. maintain to safely believe in provided that the client value for cash, for
duration from first to last our products. This we shall maintain & develop in our decision-
making, quality & safety will be given as much consideration as productivity cost & relief.
Quality shall be build into every part of our work life & business operations. Quality
improvements & buyer satisfaction
Brand portfolio:
The following ISI specifications are available for PVC pipes. IS: 2509- rigid PVC
pipes IS: 4983 - 1968 plasticized PVC pipes IS: 774 - 1971 water pipes Falcon pipes
manufactures PVC conduits for both Heavy & Medium work for its protection of strong
electrical installation & it is used in more application such as industrial, domestic application
7 power cables etc.
Market analysis:
The plastic processing industry in India has undergone a phenomenal change during
the 90s with increased availability of several types of grades of various materials many vital
applications which could not be promoted earlier due to non-availability of right grades in
sufficient quantity started gaining momentum with this suitable machines for processing and
post processing operations were imported & developed indigenously to cope with the
increasing demand. There was a visible shift towards sophistication both in terms of
machines usage & product development presently there are about 12,500 units with a market
capacity to process 1.5 million tons of different polymers. The demand for rigid conduct
pipes too has gone up on an average sized house general needs about 1000 to 2000 ft. of
pipes for electrification.
Advertising Sketch
(1) Tele communication and power efficacy firm with install pipe network; electrical whole
sealers and contractors. In 1996 California express for the whole sealers and contractors
that is in 1 part there are 12 firm also 776 company in that division .
(2) ITP have modified the advertising strategy towards agreement with different quality with
every promote. 12 firm in 1st advertise be the heaver user of falcon pipes and leads to
acquire more mainstream of the manufactured goods in huge quantity, on rare interval. A
sequence of familiar interview be conduct by the conclusion maker in this section to
recognize their input purchase criterion.
This product in large qualities to recognise their purchasing standards some interview
are done with decision makes
In this above purchasing standards the first thing is investment that is it consists of
mainly labour price & the product price where as the second thing is characteristics nothing
but specification in this the life span of the product is more & this product will not depended
on any other material, in the third one transportation i.e. delivery it is done regularly &
reliably. With trust in last one that is postal service for this the uses should be educated &
support to get good service, are the standard should fallow.
publicity in contract journal : Modern Plastic, Plastic reports and pipes nearby
Presence deal are: The Western structure demonstrate, Tubes and Pipes
global Export also Plastic USA presentation.
Provided that demonstration the item for consumption utilize with application
create a confidential website meant for all customer to make easy on-line order and
to support.
The company acquire pipes in lesser quantity, in further repeated interval. survey
recognized their the majority important purchase criterion are:
1. manufactured goods trade price - supplier might responsibility for labour, but
compensate for material
2. Easiness of fitting - customer repeatedly affects the patch up
3. Guarantee - provide extra security with the pattern of the contractor occupation
4. Earlier period presentation proof - wish for a confirmed restore result
5. Excellence condition provide a patch up which meet manufacturing qualifications
By aiming the advertise, Snap fix resolve underscore its trade rate competitive and the
simplicity of utilize. ITP will achieve the market principally by:
Catalogue correspondence
Marketing plans are using many advertising and promotional activities to record more
market. The four P's - Product, Cost, Place and Promotion have long been linked with
1. Product:
Merchandise on the Internet generally changes form online, and the user experience it
electronically, in the form of text, images and multimedia. Physical goods are often presented
in the form of a detailed online catalogue that the consumer can browse through. Technology
allows you almost touch and go through the product on the Net - rotate it, move in or zoom
away and even imagine the product in several configurations and combination. Content and
software are two avatars of digitized products that can be even distributed online. On the
Internet, Sur le web depends more on the product qualities rather than on the retail price.
Every company will be able to carry down the price tag on it is products and so
competition will not be on value. It will rather be on the uniqueness of the product. To entice
the customers and keep them, the company will have to provide toutederniere and distinct
products that forces the net users to acquire and come back again for much more.
2. price:
Price has been substantially changed over the Net. It lets the buyer decides the cost.
Also it gives the buyers information about multiple sellers offering the same product. This
causes best possible offer for the buyers in conditions of price. Costs is dynamic over the
3. Place:
Place revolves around setting up of your marketing channel to reach the client.
Internet acts as a direct marketing channel that allows the producer to reach the customer
directly. The eradication of the intermediate route allows the producer to pass the reduced
division cost to the customer in the form of discounts.
4. Promotion:
The marketing mix is a business tool employed in marketing and by marketers. The
marketing mix is often important when deciding an item or brands offer and it is often
associated with the four p's: Price, product, promo, make.
Definition of Marketing-Mix:
Every single business enterprise has to determine its marketing-mix for the
satisfaction of needs of absolutely free themes. Marketing-mix symbolizes a blending of
decisions in four areas--product, charges, promotion and physical division. These elements
are related because decision in one area usually influences activities in the others. The basic
purpose of deciding the marketing-mix is to gratify the needs and wants of the customers in
the most effective manner. As the needs of the customers and the environmental factors
change, the marketing-mix is also changed.
Thus, marketing-mix is a dynamic concept. That concentrates how to gratify the needs
of the customers. In case the needs of the customers change, the marketing-mix will also be
changed. Thus, marketing-mix essentially focuses on the customer. Marketing-mix is a
combo of several-mixes. Marketing-mix encompasses product-mix (brand, quality, weight,
and many others. ); Price-mix (unit price, discount, credit, and so forth ); Promotion-mix
(advertising, salesmanship and sales promotion); and Place-mix (distribution programs,
transport, storage, etc. ) Sales promotion contains all kinds of communication with the
customers except advertising and personal selling. Free selections, prize contests, premium
on sale, displays, shows and exhibitions, etc. are the key techniques of sales campaign. No
single method of promotion is beneficial alone and, therefore, a promotional marketing
campaign usually involves a blend of two or more advertising methods. Growing competition
and widening market have made simultaneous use of more than one promotional method all
the more necessary.
The goal of deciding the marketing is to gratify the needs and wants of the customers
in the most effective and cost-effective manner. As the needs of the customers and the
environmental factors change, the marketing-mix also changes and it cannot continue to be
static. Marketing-mix is, thus, a dynamic concept. Found in the words of Philip Kotler,
"Marketing mix presents the setting of the firm's marketing decision parameters at a specific
point of time. "
1. Identification:
To begin with, the marketing department must identify the target customers who the
sales are to be made.
2. Research:
Once the target audience is recognized, the next step is to learn and understand the
needs and desires of the customers. Marketing research can be used in locating and analyzing
the target market. It is necessary to understand the number, location, buying power and
motives of customers. Additionally, the characteristics of competition, dealers' tendencies and
government regulations must be analyzed.
3. Style:
On the basis of the knowledge obtained through identification and analysis, a proper
mix of product, price, promotion and channel is designed. Design involves not only the
determination of each component but the proper integration of specific variables so that they
reinforce one another.
4. Testing:
5. Adoption:
Following the necessary modifications, the marketing-mix is adopted and set into use.
The implemented mix should be examined from time-to-time and it must be adapted to
changes in the environment of business.
585102, Gulbarga
Rajkot-360021, Gujarat.
2.3 Promoters
The main promoters of the company are Mr. Dhalaya Thakur (Executive
Chairperson), Mr. Mohammed Abdul HaiPROP:. FALCON PIPES Mohammed
AamerShakeeb ,IfteqarJeelani(Managing Director) and associates, Mr. sameerjeelani is an
engineer and has a (PGDM) as of Indian institution of Management pune, Diploma in
Management from MSI Institute pune.
Our corporate vision is to be the most capable processor of PVC and largest dealer of
the PVC pipes.
The mission of the company is to pay the better returns for its share holders in terms
of higher rate and to the stakeholders in terms of reasonable salary and wages
Quality policy
The Quality policy of the company is producing the pvc pipes in better quality which
helps to compete with private sector.
Mangal Industries:
The major synthetic processor within the nation, through an item for consumption
variety food preparation to the industrialized and customer section. Above this duration, it is
entered approximately all segment of synthetic goods and set up plants at different location in
the nation. It manufacture injection-moulded objects, shaped items, manufacturing
mouldings, creates, equipment, poly-ethylene foam and poly-propylene foam, pipes and
fittings, multi-layer sheet and produce thereof, with multi-layer films. The businesses buy
property of Littleton Private Ltd, in 1996 and Camphor allied goods in 1998 they were
manufacturer of protecting binding goods. In 2000 it sold its completely own supplementary
leader illumination industry.
Poly Technique Private Limited, below the company Act of 1956. The Company
name was consequently altered to Astral Poly Technique Limited wide new certified
integration on 29 September 2006. The business is a maker and contributor of pipe and plumb
system in India from the time when 1999.
These goods contain cpvc pipes with furniture for both hot/cold water plumb system,
cpvc manufacturing pipe structure meant for carrying risky and highly acidic chemical tends
free pipes system for cold water purpose.
Siddeshwer Ltd.
(PVC) with bio- technology hankie traditions. It will manufacture the goods consists of pipes
with polycarbonate compressed (PC) sheets, poly-ethylene (PE) pipes. It has a micro
irrigation business internationally along with a producer of irrigation system inside India.
JISL is a producer of hankie traditions banana plant life inside India. The corporation is also
addicted to mix graft plants, greenhouse, bio-fertilizer, solar water heater system, solar panel,
solar water pump and wood substitution synthetic sheet. It render consultancy for entire or
one-sided project preparation along with execution.
1) Extensive integration:-SRSL is extensively integrated, extracting maximum value
out of sugarcane through the processing of cane, molasses and bagasse to produce
sugar, power and ethanol.
2) Preferred supplier status: The Company is a sugar ―supplier of choice‖ across brand
enhancing multinational companies that produce carbonated soft drinks, fruit juice
and others. Its clients are Coco-Cola, Pepsi, ITC and others.
3) Increasing capacity: The Company has relentlessly enhanced its capacity. Since its
IPO in October 2005, Its sugar capacity grew seven fold, ethanol capacity grew 15
fold and power capacity grew by 8 fold
1) Over stock of sugar leads to lag in conversion of stock into cash.
2) Excess of labour causes increase in cost.
3) Delay in payments of staff members & workers.
1) Company has prepared detailed project report to produce Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC)
production as by-product of pipes; this can help to increase the company profit.
2) The company has acquired 54% stake in KBK Chem- Engineering Pvt. Ltd, this
acquisition provides the company with robust platform for leading innovation in flexi-
production, new feedstocks and cellulosic process.
1) Competition from both private & public sector.
The company has entered into an agreement with the promoters of Dhalaya Thakur ltd
acquired in a bid granted by the Government of Maharashtra, which can be used for further
expansion. The company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the formation of a
joint venture Company with poly international ltd for setting up integrated plant in
Advertising is the paid form of most widely used personal mass communication. It can
carriedout in various mass media like the TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, outdoor displays,
theinternet, etc. it is highly flexible in nature and can reach a large target audience. Hence,
Table no.01
Males 74 74
Female 26 26
Graph 01
40 74%
20 Genders
male female
From the above graph it was noticed that 74% respondents were male respondents,
Table no.02
18-30 years 2 02
31-40 years 38 38
41-50 years 42 42
51 & above 18 18
Graph 02
18% ages group
18-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51&above
From the above graph it is observed that 42% of the respondents are in between the
age of 41-50 years, 38%of the respondents are in between the age of 31-40 years, 18% of the
respondents are in between the age of 51& above 2% of the respondents are the age 18-30
What are the PVC brand that you are aware
PaklitePVC 16 16
Falcon 22 22
100bricks 18 18
India mart 30 30
Trade India 14 14
Total 100 100
GRAPH - 03
From the above table and the study done with the respondents we be able to declare to
on 30% of the respondents remember the product of India mart followed by Falcon 22%,
100bricks 18%,paklite 16%, Trade India 14% from the analysis we can state that Falcon has
positioned planning with the prospect/target customer and segmenting them
TABLE No – 04
What form of publicity influence on you to buy these products?
6 6.0
And News papers
Friends 15 15.0
TV commercial 26 26.0
10 10.0
Social media 43 43.0
Total 100 100.0
GRAPH - 04
Since the above table and the study done with the respondents we can say that about
43% of social media, 26% of TV commercial, 15% of Friends and relatives, 10% of online
advertisement, and the least is Magazines and Newspapers are6% of respondents.
What buyers know from the Advertisements about Falcon PVC?
Graph- 05
From the above table and the study done with the respondents we can say that about
51% are using social networking and, 8% for Email , 15%Information , 12% for others , 14%
for E-Commerce.
TABLE No – 06
Does the website talk of quality for customers?
effectively suit 46 46
Suit 42 42
Impartial 6 6
Oppose 4 4
firmly oppose 2 2
Total 100 100
Graph - 06
Above graphs show the satisfaction level and the marketing perception of the
prospects towards the company. The graph tells that there is 46% of strongly agreed and 42%
agreed respondents compared to the other respondents, and also we find that 6 % of Neutral
respondents and 4% of disagree, and 2% of strongly disagree.
Graph - 07
Interpretation: Most of the customers (77%) did not give any response on the supply , 1.%
of customers gave response as average, 1.% customers gave response as good, 20%
customers gave response as very good and 1.% customers gave response as Excellent.
TABLE No – 08
What are the effects of changes in marketing Strategies?
increase sales 88 88.0
no effect 12 12.0
Total 100 100.0
Graph -08
From above table and graph it can be inferred 88% have increase In sales and 12% of
no effect.
Graph - 09
From the above tables we can analyze that 24% customer says better matching and
56% are longer life and also 4% for thickness size 8% for transparency problem solving.
agreed respondents are 42% compared to the other respondents, and also we find that the 6%
of respondents are neutral and 2% are dis agree and strongly dis agree.
TABLE No – 10
What are the sources of online advertisement you are looking for
Graph - 10
By understanding the above table it has been found that 30% of the total respondents
use the information source for buying based on websites followed by 22% of online search
engine and both Email and Advertising a sharing 18% equally and the least is social media
with 12% of total respondents.
TABLE No – 11
Rate the following parameters towards Falcon PVC
Graph - 11
Above table and graph it shows that supply is the highest rated parameter for Falcon
pvc with 79.1% .price rates second parameter 14.3% and credit facilities and quality and
services are equally rated with parameter 2.9%.
TABLE No – 12
True 77 77
False 23 23
total 100 100
Graph - 12
From the above table and graph it shows that the Advertisement and marketing
strategies are not important by 23% of respondents and 77% of respondents thinks that
advertisement and marketing mix strategies are important.
TABLE No – 13
What do you expect from a pipe company?
Graph - 13
As the above chart and graphshow that 34% responds expect price from the pipe
company.30% of the respondents expect quality and 18% of the respondents expect for brand
and technology.
TABLE No – 14
You are using the pipe for the purpose of
20 20.0
Water flow 45 45.0
Power wiring 30 30.0
Others 5 5.0
Total 100 100.0
Graph - 14
Above table and graph it shows that 45% of the respondents expect from water flow
and 30% power wiring and 20% drinking water and others 5%.
TABLE No – 15
.How did you get to know about the brand falcon pipes?
20 20.0
Television 29 29.0
Friends 9 9.0
Dealers 42 42.0
Total 100 100.0
Graph - 15
The above table and graph it shows that 42% of the respondents expect dealers from
the pipe company.29% of the respondents expect television and 20% of the respondents
expect for print media and friends 9%.
TABLE No – 16
.Do you suggest the company to produce other agricultural products?
yes 90 90
no 10 10
Total 100 100.0
Graph - 17
The above table and chart it shows that 90.% of the respondents.And 10.% not.
The study 94.0% Respons are aware about Falcon PVC and 6 % are not.
The study done with the respondents we be able to declare to on 30% of the
respondents remember the product of India mart followed by Falcon 22%,
100bricks 18%,paklite 16%, Trade India 14% from the analysis we can state that
Falcon has positioned planning with the prospect/target customer and segmenting
The study done with the respondents we can say that about 43% of social media, 26%
of TV commercial, 15% of Friends and relatives, 10% of online advertisement, and
the least is Magazines and Newspapers are 6% of respondents.
The study done with the respondents we can say that about 51% are using social
networking and, 8% for Email , 15%Information , 12% for others , 14% for E-
The study satisfaction level and the marketing perception of the prospects towards the
company. The graph tells that there is 46% of strongly agreed and 42% agreed
respondents compared to the other respondents, and also we find that 6 % of Neutral
respondents and 4% of disagree, and 2% of strongly disagree.
The study Most of the customers (77%) did not give any response on the supply ,
2.9% of customers gave response as average, 2.9% customers gave response as good,
20% customers gave response as very good and 2.9% customers gave response as
The study from above table and graph it can be inferred 88% have increase In sales
and 12% of no effect.
The study above tables we can analyze that 24% customer says better matching and
56% are longer life and also 4% for thickness size 8% for transparency problem
solving. agreed respondents are 42% compared to the other respondents, and also we
find that the 6% of respondents are neutral and 2% are dis agree and strongly dis
The study above table and table can be inferred to 61% respondents preferred to buy
from Dealers, 20 from company,10% from brokers 9% of others.
The study by understanding the above table it has been found that 30% of the total
respondents use the information source for buying based on websites followed by
22% of online search engine and both Email and Advertising a sharing 18% equally
and the least is social media with 12% of total respondents.
The study above table and graph it shows that supply is the highest rated parameter
for Falcon pvc with 79.1% .price rates second parameter 14.3% and credit facilities
and quality and services are equally rated with parameter 2.9%
The study from the above table and graph it shows that the Advertisement and
marketing strategies are not important by 23% of respondents and 77% of respondents
thinks that advertisement and marketing mix strategies are important.
The study as the above chart and graph show that 34% responds expect price from the
pipe company.30% of the respondents expect quality and 18% of the respondents
expect for brand and technology.
The study above table and graph it shows that 45% of the respondents expect from
water flow and 30% power wiring and 20% drinking water and others 5%.
The study above table and graph it shows that 42% of the respondents expect dealers
from the pipe company.29% of the respondents expect television and 20% of the
respondents expect for print media and friends 9%.
The study above table and chart it shows that 89.1% of the respondents. And 10.9%
1. The company should take up periodical market survey and also contact the customer
Directly regarding the company product, which will enable them to know their
Position with regards to its competitors.
2. The company only concentration on selected cities, company can increase the
Distribution channels, and gives services other cities in Karnataka and all over India.
3. In this competitive environment every company have to advertise about their products
in meaningful and attractive manner.
4. Advertisement should be modified as per trends.
5. Should utilize all promotional activities.
The amount of market place have developed with the amount of the insurable
populace within India is really huge as well as obtainable participant are manage to face
about ¼ of it. Opportunity previous to the participant is consequently a stack in conditions
with goal as spectators. From the above study I conclude that, advertising plays very
important role in promoting the product in the market in correct manner. An attractive and
meaningful advertisement can attract the customer one company to another company. Falcon
is spending more on advertisement compare to other company.
Website Com/online challenges
Office websites
Name :
1. Gender :
a) Male ( ) b) Female ( )
2. Age? :
a) 18-30 years ( ) b)31-40 years ( ) c)41-50 years ( )
d)51years & above ( )
10. What are source of online advertisements you are looking for.
d) services( ) e) promotions ( )
12. Do you think adverstisement and marketing mix strategies are important
a) True ( ) b)false ( )
a) Brand ( ) b)technology ( )
c)quality ( ) d) price ( )
15. How did you get to know about the brand falcon pipes
a) yes ( ) b) No ( )