Riveted Joint
Riveted Joint
Riveted Joint
Lecture Notes - 22
Introduction to Riveted Joints
A rivet is a short cylindrical bar with a head integral to it. The cylindrical portioon of the rivet
is called shank or body and low
wer portion of shank is known as tail, as show
wn in Fig. The
rivets are used to make permanent fastening between the plates such as in strructural work,
ship building, bridges, tanks and
d boiler shells. The riveted joints are widely useed for joining
light metals.
The fastenings (i.e. joints) may be classified into the following
two groups:
1. Permanent fastenings, and
2. Temporary or detachable fasttenings.
The fastenings (i.e. joints) may be classified into the following
two groups:
1. Permanent fastenings, and
2. Temporary or detachable fasteenings Fig. Rivet paarts.
The temporary or detachable fastenings are those fastenings which can be disassembled
without destroying the connectiing components. The examples of temporary ffastenings are
screwed, keys, cotters, pins and splined
s joints.
Methods of Riveting
The function of rivets in a joint is to make a connection that has strength and ttightness. The
strength is necessary to preventt failure of the joint. The tightness is necessarry in order to
contribute to strength and to prev
vent leakage as in a boiler or in a ship hull.
When two plates are to be fastenned together by a rivet as shown in Fig. (a), the holes in the
plates are punched and reamed or drilled. Punching is the cheapest method annd is used for
relatively thin plates and in stru
uctural work. Since punching injures the materiial around the
hole, therefore drilling is used in
n most pressure-vessel work. In structural and prressure vessel
riveting, the diameter of the riveet hole is usually 1.5 mm larger than the nominaal diameter of
the rivet.
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2. In case of long rivets, only thee tail is heated and not the whole shank.
(a) Snap head. (b) Ellipsoid head. (c) Pan head (Type I).
1.4 d for rivets under 24 mm. (e) Pan head with tapered neck. (f) Steeple hhead.
2. Butt joint.
1. Lap Joint
A lap joint is that in which one plate overlaps the other and the two plates are then riveted
2. Butt Joint
A butt joint is that in which the main plates are kept in alignment butting (i.e. touching) each
other and a cover plate (i.e. strap) is placed either on one side or on both sides of the main
plates. The cover plate is then riveted together with the main plates. Butt joints are of the
following two types:
1. Single strap butt joint, and
(a) Single riveted lap joint. (b) Double riveted lap joint (c) Double riveteed lap
(Chain riveting). Joint (Zig-zag rivetting).
Fig. Single and double riveted lap joints.
Similarly the joints may be triplee riveted or quadruple riveted.
Notes: 1. when the rivets in the various
v rows are opposite to each other, as show
wn in Fig. (b),
then the joint is said to be chain riveted. On the other hand, if the rivets in the aadjacent rows
are staggered in such a way that every rivet is in the middle of the two rivets off the opposite
row as shown in Fig. (c), then thee joint is said to be zig-zag riveted.
2. Since the plates overlap in lap
p joints, therefore the force P, P acting on the plaates are not in
the same straight line but they are at a distance equal to the thickness of thee plate. These
forces will form a couple whichh may bend the joint. Hence the lap joints may be used only
where small loads are to be transmitted. On the other hand, the forces P, P in a butt joint act
in the same straight line, thereffore there will be no couple. Hence the butt jooints are used
where heavy loads are to be transsmitted.
F Caulking and fullering.
A more satisfactory way of making the joints staunch is known as fulleriing which has
largely superseded caulking. In this
t case, a fullering tool with a thickness at thee end equal to
that of the plate is used in such a way that the greatest pressure due to the blow
ws occur near
the joint, giving a clean finish, with less risk of damaging the plate. A fulleriing process is
shown in Fig. (b).
At = (p-d)t
ҏ?Tearing resistance or pull requuired to tear off the plate per pitch length,
Pt = At . ıt = (p – d) t . ıt
When the tearing resistance (Pt) is greater than the applied load (P) per pitch lenngth, then this
type of failure will not occur.
3. Shearing of the rivets. The plates which are connected by the rivets exert tennsile stress on
the rivets, and if the rivets are unnable to resist the stress, they are sheared off as shown in Fig.
It may be noted that the rivets are in single shear in a lap joint and in a single cover
butt joint, as shown in Fig. But the rivets are in double shear in a double coverr butt joint as
shown in Fig. The resistance ooffered by a rivet to be sheared off is knownn as shearing
resistance or shearing strength or shearing value of the rivet.
(a) Shearing
S off a rivet in a lap joint.
(b) Shearin
ng off a rivet in a single cover butt joint.
ҏWҏ = Safe permissible shear stress for the rivet material, and
ҏVҏc = Safe permissible crushing stress for the rivet or plate material, and
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Lecture Notes – 23
n = Number of rivets per pitch length under crushing.
We know that crushing area per rivet
r (i.e. projected area per rivet),
Ac = d. t
?Total crushing area = n . d . t
And crushing resistance or pull required
r to crush the rivet per pitch length,
Pc = n . d . t .Vc
If the joint is continuous as in caase of boilers, the strength is calculated per pitcch length. But
if the joint is small, the strength is calculated for the whole length of the plate.
P = p . t .Vt
?Efficiency of the riveted joint,
Least of Pt , Ps andPc
p u t u ıt
Where p = Pitch of the rivets,
t = Thickness of the plate, and
ıt = Permissible tensile stress of the plate material.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Problems on design of riveted joiints
A double riveted lap joint is mad
de between 15 mm thick plates. The rivet diameeter and pitch
are 25 mm and 75 mm respectiveely. If the ultimate stresses are 400 MPa in tension, 320 MPa
in shear and 640 MPa in crushin
ng, find the minimum force per pitch which wiill rupture the
joint. If the above joint is subjeccted to a load such that the factor of safety is 44, find out the
actual stresses developed in the plates
p and the rivets.
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Find the efficiency of the followiing riveted joints:
m plates with 20 mm diameter rivets having a pitch of 50
1. Single riveted lap joint of 6 mm
mm. 2. Double riveted lap joint of
o 6 mm plates with 20 mm diameter rivets havving a pitch of
65 mm. Assume Permissible ten
nsile stress in plate = 120 MPa Permissible sheaaring stress in
rivets = 90 MPa Permissible crusshing stress in rivets = 180 MPa.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-3
Lecture Notes – 24
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari.
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurm
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD
M Jalaludin.
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Lecture Notes – 25
Design of boiler joints according to IBR
Design of Boiler Joints
The boiler has a longitudinal joint as well as circumferential joint. The longitudinal joint is
used to join the ends of the plate to get the required diameter of a boiler. For this purpose, a
butt joint with two cover plates is used. The circumferential joint is used to get the required
length of the boiler. For this purpose, a lap joint with one ring overlapping the other
alternately is used.
Since a boiler is made up of number of rings, therefore the longitudinal joints are staggered
for convenience of connecting rings at places where both longitudinal and circumferential
joints occur.
Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint for a Boiler
According to Indian Boiler Regulations (I.B.R), the following procedure should be adopted
for the design of longitudinal butt joint for a boiler.
1. Thickness of boiler shell. First of all, the thickness of the boiler shell is determined by
using the thin cylindrical formula, i.e.
For single butt straps, every alternate rivet in outer rows being omitted.
t1 = 0.625 t, for double butt-straps of equal width having ordinary riveting (chain riveting).
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For double butt straps of equal width having every alternate rivet in the outer rows being
(c) For unequal width of butt straps, the thicknesses of butt strap are
t1 = 0.75 t, for wide strap on the inside, and
t1 = 0.625 t, for narrow strap on the outside.
6. Margin. The margin (m) is taken as 1.5 d.
Note: The above procedure may also be applied to ordinary riveted joints.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Design of eccentric loaded riveted joints and Problems
When the line of action of the load does not pass through the centroid of the rivet system and
thus all rivets are not equally loaded, then the joint is said to be an eccentric loaded riveted
joint, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The eccentric loading results in secondary shear caused by the
tendency of force to twist the joint about the centre of gravity in addition to direct shear or
primary shear.
e = Eccentricity of the load i.e. the distance between the line of action of the
load and the centroid of the rivet system i.e. G.
The following procedure is adopted for the design of an eccentrically loaded riveted joint.
Note: This picture is given as additional information and is not a direct example of the current
x 1 x 2 x 3 ...
…(where n = Number of rivets)
y1 y 2 y3 ...
Similarly, y
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2. Introduce two forces P1 and P2 at the centre of gravity ‘G’ of the rivet ssystem. These
forces are equal and opposite to P as shown in Fig.(b).
Ps , acting parallel to the load P,
(b) The direction of secondary shear load is perpendicular to the line joining the centre of the
rivet to the centre of gravity of the rivet system..
Let F1, F=, F3 ... = Secondary shear loads on the rivets 1, 2, 3...etc.
F1, F2, F3 ... = Radial distance of the rivets 1, 2, 3 ...etc. from the
centre of gravity ‘G’ of the rivet system.
F1 F2 F3
or ...
l1 l2 l3
l2 l3
F2 F1 u , and F3 F1 u
l1 l1
We know that the sum of the external turning moment due to the eccentric load and of
internal resisting moment of the rivets must be equal to zero.
l2 l
F1l1 F1 u u l 2 F1 u 3 u l3 ...
l1 l1
From the above expression, the value of F1 may be calculated and hence F2 and F3 etc. are
known. The direction of these forces are at right angles to the lines joining the centre of rivet
to the centre of gravity of the rivet system, as shown in Fig. 1(b), and should produce the
moment in the same direction (i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise) about the centre of gravity, as
the turning moment (P × e).
5. The primary (or direct) and secondary shear load may be added vectorially to determine
the resultant shear load (R) on each rivet as shown in Fig.1 (c). It may also be obtained by
using the relation
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-3
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R Ps F2 2Ps u F u cos ș
When the secondary shear load on each rivet is equal, then the heavilyy loaded rivet
will be one in which the includeed angle between the direct shear load and seccondary shear
m loaded rivet becomes the critical one for determining the
load is minimum. The maximum
nowing the permissible shear stress (W), the diameter of the
strength of the riveted joint. Kn
rivet hole may be obtained by using the relation,
Maximum resultant shearr load (R) = u d 2 uW
From DDB, the standard diameeter of the rivet hole ( d ) and the rivet diam
meter may be
Notes : 1. In the solution of a problem, the primary and shear loads mayy be laid off
approximately to scale and geneerally the rivet having the maximum resultant shhear load will
be apparent by inspection. The values of the load for that rivet may then be calcu
Problem: An eccentrically loadeed lap riveted joint is to be designed for a steeel bracket as
shown in Fig. 2. The bracket plate
p is 25 mm
thick. All rivets are to be of the same
s size. Load
on the bracket, P = 50 kN ; riv
vet spacing, C =
100 mm; load arm, e = 400 mm.
m Permissible
shear stress is 65 MPa and cru
ushing stress is
120 MPa. Determine the size off the rivets to be
used for the joint.
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Solution. Given: t = 25 mm ; P = 50 kN = 50 × 103 N ; e = 400 mm ; n = 7 ; Wҏ= 65 MPa = 65
N/mm2 ; c = 120 MPa = 120 N/mm
N .
First of all, let us find the centre of gravity (G) of the rivet system.
Let x = Distance of centre of gravity from OY,
y = Distance of centre of gravity from OX,
x1, x2, x3... = Distances of centre of gravity of each rivet from OY, and
y1, y2, y3... = Distances of centre of gravity of each rivet from OX.
We know that
The centre of gravity (G) of the rivet system lies at a distance of 100 mm from OY and 114.3
mm from OX, as shown in Fig. 2.
We know that direct shear load on
o each rivet,
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The direct shear load acts paralleel to the direction of load P i.e. vertically downw
ward as shown
in Fig. 2. Turning moment produ
uced by the load P due to eccentricity (e)
= P × e = 50 × 103 × 400 = 20 × 106 N-mm
This turning moment is resisted by
b seven rivets as shown in Fig.2.
Fig. 3
Now equating the turning momeent due to eccentricity of the load to the resistinng moment of
the rivets, we have
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Since the secondary shear loads are proportional to their radial distances from the centre of
gravity, therefore
By drawing the direct and secondary shear loads on each rivet, we see that the rivets 3, 4 and
5 are heavily loaded. Let us now find the angles between the direct and secondary shear load
for these three rivets. From the geometry of Fig.3, we find that
From DDB, we see that according the standard diameter of the rivet hole (d) is 25.5 mm and
the corresponding diameter of rivet is 24 mm.
Let us now check the joint for crushing stress. We know that
Since this stress is well below the given crushing stress of 120 MPa, therefore the design is
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.