Mca2 4
Mca2 4
Mca2 4
Lectures: 3 Hrs/Week Practical: 3 Hours / Week One paper: 100 Marks / 3 hour duration Practical + test: 25 Marks 1. Introduction What is CG? Elements of graphics workstation. Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems. Random Scan Systems Input devices, Graphics Software Coordinate Representations Display adapters 2hr
2. Algorithms 6hr Line drawing algorithms DDA Algorithm, Bresenhams Line Algorithm, Frame buffers, Circle and Ellipse generating algorithms, Midpoint Circle Algorithm, Midpoint ellipse algorithm, Polynomials and spline curves. Filling Area primitives, Scan-line polygon fill algorithm Inside-Outside tests Scan Line fill of curved Boundary areas Boundary fill algorithm, Flood dill algorithm Character generation 3. Graphics Primitives Primitive Operations The display file interpreter Display-File Structure Display control and Polygons-polygon representation. 2hr
4. Attributes of output primitives 3hr Line attributes-Line types, Line width, Pen and Brush options, Line color, Color and grayscale levels Color tables, Gray scale, Area-Fill Attributes-Fill styles, pattern fill, Soft fill, character Attributes, Test attributes. 5. Geometric transformations 6hr Matrices, scaling Transformations, Sin and cos rotation, Homogeneous Co-ordinates and Translation Co-ordinates Translation, Rotation about an arbitrary point
Inverse transformations Transformation routines. Reflection and shearing transformation 6. 2D Viewing 8hr The Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Co-ordinate Reference frame, Window to Viewport Coordinate Transformation, 2D-Viewing functions. Clipping operations Point clipping, Line clipping, Cohen-Sutherland Line clipping, Polygon Clipping, Sutherland-Hodge man Polygon Clipping. line intersection clipping and midpoint subdivision algorithm, Cyrus- Beck algorithm, Liang Barsky line clipping algorithm , character clipping, text clipping, polygon clipping, Sutherland Hodge man polygon clipping 7. 3D Concepts 7hr Three dimensional Display Methods-Parallel projection, Perspective projection, Visible line and surface Identification 3D transformation matrices translation rotation, rotation and scaling Surface rendering Three-Dimensional Object representations- Bezier curves and surfaces, B-Spline Curves and surfaces. 8. Visibility, Image and Object precision Z-buffer algorithm, A-buffer method, Scan line method, Floating horizons. 2hr 9. Light, color and shading 5hr Introduction diffused elimination , point-source illumination specular- the phomg elimination method, halfway vector Shading algorithm constant intensity shading, gouraud shading, phom shading, half tone shading, lithering techniques. Color modules- RGB color module, SMY color module, HSV color module Transparency shadows , rate racing , 10. Factors 2hr Introduction , topological dimension , factoral dimension, hilberts curve, Koch curve, factal surfaces 11 . Computer Animation 2hr
Design of Animation Sequences, General Computer Animation Functions - Raster Animations, Key-Frame Systems, Morphing, Simulating Accelerations, Motion specifications, Kinematics and Dynamics.
References: 1. Computer Graphics- Donald Hearn & M.Pauline Baker, Printice Hall of India 2. Computer Graphics ByHill Jr. 3. Computer Graphics, steve Harrington, McGraw Hill 4. Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, J.D.Foley, A.Van Dam, S.K. Feiner & R.I.Philips, Addison Wesley. 5. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics William M.Newman, Robert F.Sproull, McGraw Hill. 6. Introduction to Computer Graphics J.D.Foley, A. Van Dam, S.K. Feiner, J.F. Hughes & R.I.Philips, Addison Wesley 7. Computer Graphics by Rogers. List of Practicals for computer graphics to be implemented in C programming language 1. Implementation of Line drawing Algorithm 2. Implementation of Scan line polygon fill Algorithm 3. Implementation of Circle drawing Algorithm 4. Implementation of ellipse drawing Algorithm 5. Implementation of 2 D transformation 6. Implementation of line clipping Algorithm 7. Implementation of polygon clipping , character , text clipping Algorithm 8. Implementation of 3D transformation 9. Implementation of character generation 10. Implementation of Bezier curves, B-spline curves 11. Implementation of visible surface method 12. Implementation of shading Algorithm 13. Drawing a smiley using fractals