Action Research For Using Problem Based Learning

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 505

6th International Conference on Social Science and Higher Education (ICSSHE 2020)

Action Research for Using Problem Based Learning in

Adult Education
Hung-Chi Hsu1 and Hui-Lin Hsu1,*
School of Business Administration, Baise University, Baise, Guangxi, 533000 China
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

The study is a case study based on action research, under the process of Problem-Based Learning (PBL), to
explore if it is able to promote learners’ self-learning, problem-solving, and capacity of specialty, meanwhile,
to exam how much, through rethinking process of action research, teachers able to improve their teaching
methods when obtaining feedback from the learners. The participants are adult students who major in
financial management and enroll in continue education in a University. Two kinds of questionnaires are
mainly used to collect data. The first one is to assess the participants’ learning effectiveness (compulsory
subjects). The other is to survey students’ satisfaction when teachers using PBL as teaching method. The
study found that PBL is used as the medium of instruction during the courses. The students act in the
beginning as passive listeners but gradually turn to be active problem solvers. Besides, their learning results
show remarkable progress in three dimensions of financial professional fields. Namely, students get obvious
effectiveness and promote their professional capacity. In addition, students’ learning effectiveness will
encourage teachers to improve their teaching materials and skills. Furthermore, the teachers will respond to
course design and implement them with teaching experiences in the future.
Keywords: problem-based learning, action research, adult education, financial management class
as the main axis of curriculum implementation and to
1. INTRODUCTION enhance the discussion and participation of adult students
in the classroom through innovative teaching methods.
As far as we know, the majority of adult students who The results will verify the effectiveness of PBL if it is
enroll in continued education already have been working suitable for adult learners.
for years. Some of them have achieved higher career
levels or start a family. They have their personal
experience in financial knowledge or management. 2. LITERATURE
Although they return to school to be students again, they
still are eager to express themselves. So, using Action research is a way of combining the wisdom and
problem-oriented learning strategy will arouse more abilities of scientific researchers and practical workers,
echoes? Will it achieve better results from teaching? This emphasizing the cooperation between practical workers
study aims to explore between students and teachers by and academic researchers in order to shorten the gap
using problem-based learning to see if it leads to mutual between theory and practice. At the same time, it satisfies
participation of everyone rather than the traditional the needs of both parties in improving practical social
teacher’s sole teaching. The PBL teaching method makes problems [4]. One of the most basic motivations of action
the classroom not only one teacher’s lecture, but everyone research is dedicated to improving the dilemma of
actively participates in learning. Under the teaching and learning, which stems from practical
implementation of PBL, teachers merely play the role of a problems that arise in daily educational work. Action
guide to summon students being in classes, to make research supports teachers to effectively respond to
learners improve self-learning capability and to mix past teaching difficulties and challenges, and ultimately
experience and new knowledge. During the process of innovate teaching work through the process of reflection
problem-solving, learners integrate their experience and and thinking [1]. The action research process includes
new knowledge which they obtain in class, and finally diagnosing problems, identifying problems, planning
internalize them into their skills. strategies, taking actions, evaluating and reflecting [5].
Action research methods are widely used in educational Problem based learning (PBL) is currently widely used in
research. This study uses action research, through the various education fields. PBL takes students as the center
integration of PBL teaching and situational cases into the of learning. In the teaching process, teachers use practical
adult continuing education, and explores the learning problems as the core of teaching and group discussion as a
effects of students by means of planning, action, means to cultivate ability to learn independently, think
observation and reflection. This study intends to use PBL critically, and solve problems. Therefore, the goal of PBL

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 495
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 505

is to be able to learn, and to learn that only knows. 3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND
Barrows [2] believes that PBL emphasizes active learning METHODOLOGY
and self-direction. When students understand the problem,
they will know what to learn. Through PBL teaching, This study uses action research as a research method. The
students learn to be responsible for themselves, build teaching design is based on the perspective of the teacher
confidence in expressing opinions, listen to the opinions as the researcher. The curriculum adopts problem-oriented
of others, and actively search and verify information. At teaching implementation. Authentic cases are taken as
the same time, they also promote the learning of others. teaching materials. Questionnaires are designed as a tool
Duch [3] research results showed that PBL teaching to collect data. Through the collection and analysis of data,
enables students to have the ability to criticize and teachers/researchers are guided to propose corrections and
speculate, to solve complex problems, to use appropriate feedback to complete the action research process.
learning resources, to demonstrate effective The participants are adult students taking the course of
communication skills, and finally to internalize knowledge "Wealth Management Practice" in a university. There
and become lifelong learners. were originally 20 students in the course but 2 students
Smith, M. K. [6] developed the theory of andragogy is the dropped out during the semester. 18 students participated
theory specifically for adult learning. Adult learners are in completing the course. There are 10 females and 8
self-directed and expect to take responsibility for males. The age distribution is 2 people (11%) under 26
decisions. Adult learning programs must accommodate years old, 5 people (28%) between 26-35 years old, 6
these fundamental aspects. Therefore, based on the people (33%) between 36-45 years old, and 4 people (22%)
andragogy theory of Smith, M. K., this article uses PBL as between 46-55 years old. One person (6%) is over 56
the operating instrument and action research as the years old. This study draws up a plan based on teaching
research methodology to explore the learning effects of philosophy and teaching goals. The main implementation
adult students. time of the research is class time.
The action strategies of this plan are as figure 1.

Figure 1. Action Strategies of Plan

Two questionnaires are designed as tools to collect data. learning before and after the implementation of the PBL.
The first questionnaire focuses on the extent of students’ The questionnaire is reviewed by financial experts and
learning satisfaction, which is conducted after finish PBL scholars to confirm whether the questionnaire is logical
teaching. The questionnaire was reviewed by experts and and reasonable, and to verify its validity. The
peers to confirm the validity of the content. This study questionnaire uses Cronbach’s α coefficient as an
uses Cronbach’s α as a measure of reliability. The α indicator of reliability. There are 34 questions in the
coefficient of the questionnaire is 0.74, showing that questionnaire, with a total α coefficient of 0.75, which
internal consistency is sufficient to support the research shows that the questionnaire is stable enough to support
results. the conclusion of this research.
The second questionnaire is the measurement of
professional learning effects. It is conducted through
pre-test and post-test to measure the effect of professional

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 505

4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The first part is about students’ knowledge and skills in
wealth management, with 16 questions. The second part is
After the questionnaire surveys are collected, a statistical a survey of students' cognition of financial commodity
analysis such as the percentage, average, standard knowledge. There are 11 questions in total. The third part
deviation, and difference analyses are performed. The has 8 questions to measure whether students can
research results and feedback analysis are discussed as understand investment principles and apply them to
follows. investment management in financial planning. The
average of the measurement is analyzed by the difference
test. The results show that the students have made
4.1. Professional Learning Effectiveness significant progress in learning for three measurement
items, as shown in Table 1. The evaluation is based on the
In order to understand the professional learning effects of three dimensions of professional knowledge, and the
PBL teaching on adult students, pre-tests are given to averages of the post-test are greater than the averages of
students at the beginning of the course, and post-tests are the pre-test. After the difference test, the averages
conducted before the end. Questionnaires are used to between the post-test and the pre-test reached a significant
investigate the effectiveness of students' professional level (p< .001). The research results confirmed that PBL
learning, and the questionnaires use a five-point scale. The teaching integrated into situational cases has significantly
content of the questionnaire is divided into three parts. improved the effectiveness of professional learning.

Table 1. Effects Analysis Before and After Learning

Measurement dimension Before/ Average Standard t-Value Significance

After deviation (P-value)
Wealth management Before 3.18 0.48
knowledge After 4.35 0.16 -12.35*** <.001

Awareness of financial Before 2.82 0.33

products After 4.35 0.05 -17.40*** <.001

Understanding of investment Before 2.54 0.34

principles After 4.24 0.13 -21.39*** <.001

*** P <0.001

Compared with other business courses, financial courses and represents the dimension where students have
are more difficult, have a lot of theoretical content, and made the most progress.
require calculation and derivation. Students usually have The above analysis shows that by integrating PBL into
to endure this boring learning process. It is even more teaching, adult learners can achieve significant progress in
difficult to transform knowledge into their skills from the professional learning.
learning process. The analysis of the questionnaire
revealed as followings:
(1) Wealth management knowledge: The results found 4.2. Learning Satisfaction
that the cognition of financial planning for students
has improved a lot, especially those related to After the implementation of PBL, a questionnaire will be
personal or family budgets, savings management, and given for class satisfaction. The design of the
asset allocation, which are all topics related to questionnaire uses a five-point scale. The questionnaire
personal life. was tested in class, and those who were absent from the
(2) Awareness of financial products: Students have made test were also supplemented with the questionnaire, so the
the most progress in cognition of common financial recovery rate was 100%. The results of the PBL
products, such as insurance, funds, exchange rates, satisfaction survey are shown in Table 2. This study
stocks, etc., which may be because these financial shows that 80% of students think they are very satisfied
products are usually easier to access, thus with PBL. However, only 50% of students are very
strengthening the cognition for these products. In satisfied with the improvement of their expression ability,
contrast, students have made little progress in index and 50% are fairly satisfied. When thinking about the
funds or derivatives. implementation of PBL, the teaching progress was indeed
(3) Understanding of investment principles: The analysis delayed due to the enthusiasm of discussion, and it was
results show that the difference between the pre-test impossible for every student to give an oral presentation.
and the post-test reached a significant 1.70, which is This shortcoming needs to be overcome when applying
the biggest difference among the three dimensions, PBL in the future.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 505

Table 2. Satisfaction Analysis of Problem Based Learning

Performance of PBL Very satisfied Satisfied Fairly Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

1. More interesting than traditional lectures 89% 11% 0% 0% 0%

2. Enhance learning interest 83% 17% 0% 0% 0%
3. Improve problem-solving ability 83% 11% 6% 0% 0%
4. Strengthen the self-learning attitude 89% 11% 0% 0% 0%
5. Optimize expression ability 50% 50% 0% 0% 0%
6. Improve team ability 83% 17% 0% 0% 0%
7. Increase human relationship 89% 11% 0% 0% 0%
8. Increase motivation to participate 72% 28% 0% 0% 0%
This research also evaluates learning performance for There are two summative assessments in the satisfaction
self-satisfaction. The evaluation results are shown in survey. 18 students who participated in this course
Table 3. The survey results show that 89% of students get completely gave 100% affirmation, as shown in Table 4. It
substantial help from their studies. 67% of the students means that the results of implementing PBL in this course
said that the design of this course will help them improve are positively affirmed by students. In the PBL guided
their workability, and even 83% of the students stated that learning process, students are satisfied with the overall
this course will make them more confident in using new teaching process.
knowledge in their work.

Table 3. Analysis of Student Self- Assessment

Assessment item Very satisfied Satisfied Fairly Unsatisfied Very

1. I think this course is really helpful to me 89% 11% 0% 0% 0%
2. This course helps to improve your working ability 67% 28% 6% 0% 0%
3. Have more confidence in applying the new knowledge 83% 11% 6% 0% 0%
learned at work

Table 4. Analysis of Summative Assessment

Overall course performance Very Agree Agree Normal Disagree Very disagree
4. Overall, I am very satisfied with the results of 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
this course.
5. Overall, I am very satisfied with the content and 95% 95% 0% 0% 0%
teaching methods of this course.
stimulates the participates’ motivation and interest in
learning. M.S. Knowles indicated that adult learners who
5. CONCLUSION tend to be self-directed, are able to make decisions for
themselves, and hope to be treated as mature individuals.
This study uses problem-based learning as the teaching The study found that participants’ learning attitudes have
method, the participants as student-centered, and changed significantly to positive and self-directed. This
problem-solving as the main learning process. Therefore, conclusion echoes the theory of adult education proposed
the participants not only learn through a new way but also by M.S. Knowles. Moreover, M.S. Knowles stated that the
the researcher improves the teaching skill. The learning orientation of adults is life-centered and
conclusions can be divided into two aspects: student problem-centered. The autonomous learning that is
learning effectiveness and teacher teaching reflection. The emphasized by PBL is very suitable for adult education.
two conclusions are as follows The results of this study also show the learning outcomes
of adult learners through PBL.

5.1. Learning Effectiveness after PBL

5.2. Reflection after Teaching Practice
In terms of student learning effectiveness, based on the
design of the curriculum, when the participants take the In terms of teachers’ reflection, teaching activities are not
difficult financial theory, they would be able to understand only a manifestation of external behavior, but also a
practical case study and go future discussion. The PBL portrayal of internal consciousness. After the action

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 505

research of problem-oriented teaching, the effectiveness of of designed teaching materials will provide useful insights
students’ learning is the greatest motivation and support for PBL in future research.
for teachers to innovate and change. Researchers/teachers
perceive their professional knowledge, teaching REFERENCES
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