Irish DLP

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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Language, Culture & Society
by: Irish F. Galario

I. Objectives:
at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

A. define, analyze, and relate effectively the difference between prescriptive and descriptive

B. understand the importance of their own places in the field of grammar

C. be able to have enough knowledge about each background/history

II. Subject Matter:

Topic : Prescriptive vs. Descriptive
Reference : Social media platforms, specifically youtube and google
Materials : Instructional Materials and Printed Designs

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Prayer

May I ask everyone to please stand.

Let’s ask his guidance first.

b. Greetings
“Good afternoon, everyone.
How are you today?
The answers of the students
may vary.

I’m happy to hear that.

c. Classroom Management
Before you take your seat, kindly (The learners will follow the
pick the trashes under your chairs. instruction.)

d. Checking of Attendance

Now, lets check your attendance,

but let’s make it more engaging.
The secretary of this class, please

Attention, everyone. If your

secretary says “none” meaning
there is no absent, all of you spell
the word ‘prescriptive’ on the
other hand, if your secretary says
“there is or there are absent” ya’ll
spell the word descriptive. Ms.
Secretary will count after she
answers, so that you’ll be all at
once in answering.
Yes, ma’am.
Do you understand? Answers may vary.
Okay. Ms. secretary, is there P R E S C R I P T I V E/
absent for today?

Thank you for your cooperation. Let

us now proceed.

c. Review

Let us have a recap about our last


What is our topic yesterday? Macro and Micro Linguistic Studies

Who among you here can share their Macro’s nature of study is external
learnings about our topic yesterday. while micro’s nature of study is
Even just few words, as long as you are internal.
able to share it in class.

B. Developmental Activities

a. Establishing a purpose for the lesson


It seems like you really learned about our

topic yesterday, let us now proceed to our
next topic.

Before that, let me ask you a question.

Have you experienced being judged and
bullied just because of ungrammatically Yes, ma’am.
correct statement?

I guess we all have.

Is it because there is a set of norms and

standards in grammar, right? However, in
our topic today, we will be able to
understand that there is another side for
a more acceptable way.

You’ve said that you got judged by your

ungrammatically correct statement,
simply means that you got invalidated.
Maybe this time, you’ll get validated,
you’ll feel validated on something you
didn’t know you needed.

Before we start our discussion, let’s have an


Mechanics: I need one boy and one girl

to come here in front. I have here a Two people came in front and read the
dialogue. You’ll just read it naturally. dialogue.

Boy: “If a sentence doesn’t follow the

rules of grammar, we should consider
that sentence incorrect and aim to
revise it.”

Girl: “There’s value in understanding

why speakers of a certain language
use the grammatical constructions
that they do even if their grammar
doesn’t fit with the rules.”

Thank you. You may go back to your

Now, for you, who got the better
approach? Student 1: the girl
Student 2: the boy

Actually, neither is incorrect. They

2 perspectives in grammar. Each
approach has its own place in the Prescriptive and Descriptive

And that 2 perspectives in grammar

Can you guess what are those two?


Our topic for today is Prescriptive vs.


Let us start discussing prescriptive.

When does prescriptive really started?

Please read, (name of the student)

According to Ostade (2008), p. 6,
"prescriptive grammar" in modern
linguistics refers to a grammar
approach that originated in the 18th
century and peaked in the 19th
century, "born out by the large
numbers that were produced."

-relating to the enforcement of a
rule or method.
- set of norms governing how
sentences should or not be formed
-This approach focuses on the
proper use of language, enforcing
guidelines for things like sentence
structure, punctuation, and word
choice. For instance, English
students learn prescriptive grammar
rules like:

1.Don’t split infinitives.

Infinitives are a special form of verbs that

can be used as a noun, adjective, or
adverb. They are usually made by adding
‘to’ before the base verb.

He decided to quickly leave the room.
According to the rule, do not split
infinitives and infinitives are made in the
form of ‘to’ and base verb. He decided quickly to leave the room.

Can you revise the sentence with

accordance to the rule?

Thank you.

2. Don’t end sentences with prepositions.

Preposition is a word or group of words

used before a noun, pronoun, or noun Student responses:
phrase to show direction. To, under, on, at, of, in

Can you give an example of preposition?


3. Use ‘I’ and ‘me’ correctly.

I is used when the speaker is the subject

or the doer of the action while Me is used
when the speaker is the object of the
sentence or the receiver of the action.

4. Don’t begin a sentence with a

coordinating conjunctions.

Prescriptive grammar is important because

it tries to govern a language, which make it
easier for others to learn and easier to
share ideas.

That is all about prescriptive. Let us

now proceed to Descriptive.

Provides a forum for acknowledging the

complexities of a language and the
variations it can have in everyday life from
region to region and person to person. it is
a way to develop a deeper understanding
of a human speech.


From as early as the first century there

have been philosophers who have
proposed a more liberal approach to

The brilliant scholar, Marcus Terentius Varro, a

prolific Roman writer on the liberal arts, farmer,
commander of one of Pompey's armies, and
overseer of the public library in Rome, was
among the first to propose this more liberal

Joseph Priestly was a British theologian and

chemist. After founding a school in Cheshire, he
was appalled to discover the poor quality of the
English Grammar books available for the pupils
there. In particular, he criticised the traditional
use of Latin terminology, seeing it as awkward
and unsuitable for the English language. He
undertook a scientific and objective examination
of English grammar, pointing out the ways in
which it differed from that of Latin. In 1761, he
wrote and published his own descriptive approach
to grammar in his book, The Rudiments of
English Grammar.

Some significant descriptivists

Franz Boas

Edward Sapir

Charles F. Hockett

Noam Chomsky

Ferdinand de Saussure

A descriptive grammar is a set of rules about

language based on how it is actually used. In a
descriptive grammar there is no right or wrong

focuses on describing the language as it is

actually used, not as it should be used

Some common descriptive “rules” for English

include: Whatever follows a coordinating
conjunction in a sentence will be linked (in the
reader's or listener's mind) to whatever
immediately came before it. The time or space
relationship conveyed by a preposition can be lost
if the preposition comes after its object.
Rules that linguists create, which attempt to
model the way language is used, are called
“descriptive”, while rules that non-linguists
create, which attempt to suggest how they believe
language should be used, are called

Compare and Contrast

That’s all about prescriptive and descriptive, the

floor is now open for questions, corrections,
additional information, honest reactions, if you
have certain matter that’s not clear enough, you
may say so that we’ll try to discuss it again.


Okay. Thank you so much for that engaging


Now, let us evaluate your knowledge.

Let us have a debate.

I have here small pieces of bond paper.

Everyone of you, write something about the word

Prescriptive for this side and Descriptive for this

side. After that, put it in each box.
Okay you may start.

In a count of 20, you need to put it in the box.

We’ll relay the boxes, once the music stops, the

student who has the box will pick 1 piece and tell
something about what has written on it.

2 for prescriptive and 2 for descriptive.

Yes, ma’am.
Don’t be nervous, if you’ll able to share
information correctly, you have 1 bar of choco
mucho, just a bar because a pack is heavy on the
pocket. However, if you won’t able to give
information about it, we will look for some

Are my instructions clear?

Okay, let’s start.

The activity goes on.

IV. Agreement

List 5 examples of prescriptive and descriptive.

Prescriptive grammar is important
because it tries to govern a language,
which make it easier for others to learn
and easier to share ideas.

That is all about prescriptive. Let us

now proceed to Descriptive.

Provides a forum for acknowledging the

complexities of a language and the
variations it can have in everyday life from
region to region and person to person. it is
a way to develop a deeper understanding
of a human speech.


From as early as the first century there

have been philosophers who have
proposed a more liberal approach to

The brilliant scholar, Marcus Terentius Varro, a

prolific Roman writer on the liberal arts, farmer,
commander of one of Pompey's armies, and
overseer of the public library in Rome, was
among the first to propose this more liberal

Joseph Priestly was a British theologian and

chemist. After founding a school in Cheshire, he
was appalled to discover the poor quality of the
English Grammar books available for the pupils
there. In particular, he criticised the traditional
use of Latin terminology, seeing it as awkward
and unsuitable for the English language. He
undertook a scientific and objective examination
of English grammar, pointing out the ways in
which it differed from that of Latin. In 1761, he
wrote and published his own descriptive approach
to grammar in his book, The Rudiments of
English Grammar.

Some significant descriptivists

Franz Boas

Edward Sapir

Charles F. Hockett

Noam Chomsky

Ferdinand de Saussure
A descriptive grammar is a set of rules about
language based on how it is actually used. In a
descriptive grammar there is no right or wrong

focuses on describing the language as it is

actually used, not as it should be used

Some common descriptive “rules” for English

include: Whatever follows a coordinating
conjunction in a sentence will be linked (in the
reader's or listener's mind) to whatever
immediately came before it. The time or space
relationship conveyed by a preposition can be lost
if the preposition comes after its object.

Rules that linguists create, which attempt to

model the way language is used, are called
“descriptive”, while rules that non-linguists
create, which attempt to suggest how they believe
language should be used, are called

Compare and Contrast

That’s all about prescriptive and descriptive, the

floor is now open for questions, corrections,
additional information, honest reactions, if you
have certain matter that’s not clear enough, you
may say so that we’ll try to discuss it again.

Okay. Thank you so much for that engaging

Now, let us evaluate your knowledge.

Let us have a debate.

I have here small pieces of bond paper.

Everyone of you, write something about the word

Prescriptive for this side and Descriptive for this

side. After that, put it in each box.

Okay you may start.

In a count of 20, you need to put it in the box.

We’ll relay the boxes, once the music stops, the

student who has the box will pick 1 piece and tell
something about what has written on it.

2 for prescriptive and 2 for descriptive.

Don’t be nervous, if you’ll able to share

information correctly, you have 1 bar of choco
mucho, just a bar because a pack is heavy on the
pocket. However, if you won’t able to give
information about it, we will look for some

Are my instructions clear?
Everyone did you already understand
the deontology?

So can anyone give an real life

examples that aligned with

Yes ma’am !

That’s was amazing! Let’s give a five

clap. For me Ma’am, my example and based in
my experience I didn’t cheat on the exam
given the facts that my seatmate was
We successfully completed the trap intelligent and I know she have a review
of Super Soldier Zaldy. about the exam. So in this situation I
obey the principle of deontology which is
c. Group Activity “Don’t lie. Don’t steal. Don’t cheat. (other
So now let’s move forward to the
third trap of Darna which is Super (The students clap five times.)
Soldier Noah‘s trap.

Soldier Noah‘s trap.

1. Students will divide into three
groups. (The students will follow the instruction.)
2. Each group will receive a face
of Super Soldier Noah‘s
3. Groups have 10 minutes to
complete the challenge.
4. Present their work at the front.
5. Their work will be scored
using rubrics.

GROUP 1 (Darna’s Action) (The students will students will do the


GROUP 2 (Darna’ Slogan)

GROUP 3 (Darna’s Song)


Good job everyone! Now let’s give (The students will students will do.)
yourself a Darna’s good job clap.
Repeat after me.
One, two, three.One,two,three.
Good, good, job,
job, Good job

We successfully completed the trap

of Super Soldier Noah.

d. Abstract

So now let’s move forward to the

fourth trap of Darna which is General
Burgo’s trap.
General Burgo’s trap.

We need to answers the questions

related to the lesson we had to win
the battel to General Burgos.

 Did you already understand Yes ma’am !

our topic?

 Who is the proponent of Immanuel


Very Good! Kant

 What is deontology?

Deontology comes from the greek word

deon, which means “being necessary
That’s impressive! Hence, deontology refers to the study of
duty and obligation.
 What are the priciple of
( The students may other

Nice job!
answers.) “Don’t lie. Don’t

 Give you real life example or

steal. Don’t cheat.”
experience that align to

Excellent !

We successfully completed the trap of

( The students will answers.)
General Burgo.
V. Analysis

So now are you ready to face the final Yes Maam.

trap of Darna which is Valentina’s

Valentina’s trap

The students will answer in a ¼ sheet

Direction: Write “Darna” if the of paper.
statement is true and “Valentina’’ if
the the statement is wrong. Key to corrections.
1. Deontology is an ethical
theory that uses rules to
distinguish right from wrong. Valentin
2. The main proponent of
deontology is Aristotle. a
3. Do lie, do steal, do cheat is
the principle of deontology. Valentin
4. Deontology comes from the
a Darna
greek word deon, which
means “being necessary”.
5. Deontology refers to the
study of duty and obligation. Darna

We successfully completed the trap of

Valentina and also finish the all trap’s. (The students will

Let’s give yourself a 10 clap’s.

Darna want to thank all of you for

your help. Hope you learn something
about our lesson and use it in real Thank you Maam.
"Darna knows right from wrong, not
because of the consequences, but
because it's her duty to do what's

Thankyou class. Hope you

learned something about our
lesson which is Deontology.
VI. Assignment

Directions: White your answer in

your notebook.

Create your own scenarios based

deontological principles and share
them with the class for further

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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