Cell - Class 6 Resource Sheet

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Cell: Fundamental Unit of Life

❖ All plants and animals are made up of cells.

❖ Cells are the structural and functional unit of life.
❖ Cells are microscopic.
❖ Eggs are giant cells. The largest egg is the egg of an ostrich.
❖ Both plant and animal cell show a variety of shapes and sizes related to the task it has to perform
as part of tissue or organ system.

Structures of the Cell

❖ The Cell has three main parts: The cell membrane, the
nucleus, and the cytoplasm.

Cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm

• It surrounds the cell. • Control centre of the cell. It • It is the semi
• It is selectively permeable. It controls and regulates all fluid matrix
controls the substances that go metabolic activities of the present
in and out of the cell. cell. between the
• In addition to cell membrane • Nucleus has four parts: cell
Plant cell also has a cell wall Nuclear membrane, membrane
which gives shape and firmness nucleolus, nucleoplasm and and nuclear
to the cell. chromatin. membrane
• Chromatin threads condense •
• Cell wall is the non-living part of
the cell. into chromosomes which
• Plant cell wall is made up of transmits hereditary
cellulose. information from parents to
Differences between Plant cell and Animal cell

Plant Cell Animal Cell
Cell wall is present Cell wall is absent
Large, prominent vacuole present Vacuoles are absent. If present they are
small and temporary.
Plastids are present Plastids are absent
Centrosome absent Centrosome present

❖ Found only in plant cell.
❖ There are three types of plastids.
❖ Chloroplast- They contain green pigment chlorophyll which takes part in Photosynthesis.
❖ Chromoplast- They give red and yellow color to flowers and fruits and attracts insects for
❖ Leucoplast- They are colorless plastids which store food in the form of starch, proteins and fats.

❖ Vacuole is a vesicle within the cytoplasm of a cell which is enclosed by a membrane called
❖ It maintains turgidity of the cell and contains dissolved pigments, fats, sugars, proteins.

❖ Found only in animal cells.
❖ It contains two tubular structures called centrioles.
❖ Centrioles initiate cell division in animal cells.

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