Prinect 2010 - What's New
Prinect 2010 - What's New
Prinect 2010 - What's New
Table of Contents
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logo on each page to return to the Table of Contents.
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Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 1
General Information
• The Adobe Normalizer Library used is now comparable with Acrobat Distiller 9.
• The PitStop Profiles will be processed with an Enfocus Library comparable to PitStop 9.
Job Assistant to create new job – A wizard makes it simple and straight forward to enter data
pertaining to the job you are creating.
New Job Status (New and Modified) for MIS jobs – Allows Cockpit operator to easily see
when a new job has been added by MIS and know when the job has been verified. Allows
change orders from MIS to take place unattended right up until production starts.
2 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
New View for Pages and Page Lists in View Properties – The dialog window has been
rearranged, and the capability to show version names has been added.
New Dynamic Marks – You are now able to add information about plate number, sheet
description, folding sheet ID, and color separations side-by-side, Additional options for
paper include paper grade (ISO), paper grammage, paper name, paper size, and paper
thickness. For packaging customers Article Name and Item Number have been added.
Addition of Paper Stretch Compensation Resources – You can now define customized
Paper Stretch Compensation Templates directly within Cockpit. Save them as resources, then
apply them in the appropriate Imposition Output Sequence Template.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 3
Assignment of Job Colors to Mark Colors – Has been enhanced to allow for user defined
assignment of marks on a global (per job) or per layout basis.
Output of empty separations – If this new option is enabled, separations that have no content
will be output as well.
Autoresolve naming conflicts – This should normally be checked on. It allows the resolution
of colors with multiple names; i.e. Green, green, GREEN. This can also be enabled as a Prefer-
ence in Administration > Preferences so that it will be active for every job.
Print as PDF – This option is a quick method to print out information about pages or page lists.
4 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Add Files > Page Selection – This new feature allows you to add selective pages from a source
input file.
Import Layout > Show Signa Report – As part of the Import Layout process, you can now
open the Signa Report from within the dialog window. This report contains information about the
layout, as well as a thumbnail view of the press sheet.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 5
Replace Layout > Take Sheet Name from New Layout – When you choose to replace a lay-
out, you can now also choose to take the sheet name from the new layout.
Assign a Page to multiple positions by drag and drop – From the layouts view (or the Page
List View) use Assignment Presentation to drag and drop assign a page to multiple positions in
the layout.
Separation View Filter – This new filter button allows you to easily verify the number of plates to
be made. Choose to view Transparent, Suppressed or Dieline colors. Also show Reused
Plates, or Planned Colors without assigned pages.
6 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Qualify Sequence – The Split Document function now offers the chance to split documents
based on size, or on the number of pages.
Preflight Changes – Enhancements have been incorporated to support and check for the
requirements of the PDF-X/4 standard.
Under Images, there is a new parameter to check for Not enough image data for the RIP.
Based on the image height, width and color space, the expected number of bytes is calcu-
lated. If the number does not match what is present, a warning can be issued. If not cor-
rected, this would most likely cause an error when outputting. Note that this check is time
consuming as it must check each image in detail.
Under Fonts, additional checks have been added regarding incorrectly embedded fonts;
characters that are missing from the embedding, or have been defined multiple times.
Under Colors, additional checks have been added to comply with the PDF/X-4 standard.
Also provides check for spot color none, check for individual colors, and check for sev-
eral additional overprinting states; i.e. CMYK White, 0% Spot, and CMYK with ICC profile.
The Assemble PDF / Send Assembled PDF sequences also provide some new options.
Send Assembled PDF can now be sent without an attached Acceptance Form.
Imposition Output sequence – Provides for a more flexible assignment of screen angles for
spot colors. Specify the angles, and they will be assigned cyclically to spot colors in the job.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 7
Several enhancements have been made in Cockpit relating to Remote Access operation.
Under Administration > Remote Access these new functions have been added:
Customer Jobs from Web Portal – Here you can specify a prefix for these prejobs created
through the Web UI or coming from Direct Access. Enter your preferred prefix; i.e. RA_. If left
blank, the jobs will have no prefix.
Tracking – You can now set this storage time duration to a number of days. This enables you to
keep the list shorter and therefore output the list much faster.
Approve – offers you the opportunity to collect emails over a defined period of minutes and then
send only one email instead of sending an email for each page when approved. If left
unchecked, an email will be sent for each page as it is approved.
Under Remote Access, you can decide globally what information Print Buyers are able to see
in the Web UI. You are able to override these settings on a per-job basis; however, if the global
setting is not enabled the feature will not be available in the Web UI at all.
8 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Under Administration > Users, the internal and external users are now shown in separate
columns instead of by means of the radio buttons. You can easily use the filter function to search
for all internal or all external users.
Under Administration > Customers, the customer configuration has been simplified. You can
now select the preferred language in the same window where you define the Person.
Job List – The job list is now more informative; offering additional hints and warnings. If a job
approval is due, a warning triangle will be displayed. It will also display if expected uploads
are still missing. There is an available icon in the job list to directly open the Upload Applet.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 9
Customized Job Information – As already mentioned, by using the new settings in Cockpit,
what job information that’s visible in the WebUI is controllable. Choose what information you do
or don’t want the print buyer to be able to see.
Likewise, in the same section in Cockpit you can use the Register options to control which tabs
are available in the Web UI. In the example below, we have allowed only the Upload and Down-
load tabs to be displayed to simulate the operation of an FTP server.
10 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Version 10 has a new function that allows jobs to be created from a Job Template. Jobs stored
in the Remote Access Job Template Group without a customer assignment can be used by any
customer. Jobs stored with customer assignment will only be offered to that customer to be used
as a template.
The folder Remote Access Job Templates is automatically created in Cockpit to store avail-
able Job Templates.
Group Approvals – It is now possible to have multiple users required for approval. Only when
all assigned members have given the approval will the workflow process continue. The group
approval can be applied to the print buyer or activated on a per-job basis. Approval members are
assigned either in Cockpit to the print buyer, or in the Web UI can be invited or de-invited on a
per-job basis. An appropriate email is sent to each approver.
The Approval itself can be done in Cockpit from the Job Settings > Remote Access tab; or in the
Web UI
The Pixel Proof Viewer has been improved with a better annotation tool, as well as the ability to
approve all pages. When opening multiple pages, the approval window now always stays on top
making the approval process more efficient. If all pages have not been checked, a warning dia-
log will be shown.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 11
General Information
Bar Graphs instead of Pie Charts – Information in Analyze Point is now displayed in easy to
read Bar Graphs instead of the formerly used pie charts. The former Operation status has been
combined with the Operation Evaluation tab.
New Job Combiner – The Job Combiner tab allows a user to combine separations into one file,
to combine fronts and backs into one file, to separate fronts and backs, to combine a varnish
separation, or to combine any combination of separations necessary.
12 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Edit Sheet Data – Easily make edits as necessary to job number, job designation, sheet
designation. Also allocate or re-allocate colors if necessary.
Separate front and back operations for sheetwise jobs – With 2010, all sheetwise jobs will
be shown as two separate operations, both in the scheduler and at the press. This will allow for
more flexibility; such as running sides on a different press, or scheduling sides at different times.
Force Front option for non perfecting presses – This can now be specified in the Press con-
figuration in Cockpit and will allow for more flexibility at the press console.
PPF Out for HD and Komori Presses – For older Heidelberg press consoles and for certain
Komori presses, this allows Pressroom Manager to deliver a .ppf file to the press; similar to the
operation with Prepress Interface.
Pallet Sheet – New capability to initiate the print out of pallet labels from the Press Console or
from a Data Terminal. Prints to a Windows printer configured on the Pressroom Manager server.
Pallet Sheet
Job Number:
Job Number:
Print Sheet:
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 13
New Status Messages at the Press – Starting with Press Center version S09A and an inte-
grated Pressroom Manager, more information can be sent to the press with the job. Things like
the job status (started, interrupted or finished), the paper status (available or not), status of
repeat data, status of plates, and version information.
CO2 Emission – Analyze Point can now indicate the CO2 balance for each print job. This is cal-
culated on the basis of certain parameters of the job such as paper used, number of plates
needed, and the press energy consumption.
14 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Plate Statistics – Analyze Point statistics can now show the number of plates and the used
square meters in the statistics tab. This requires that MetaDimension and/or MetaShooter are
joined to the workflow so that they can report their plate production to the integrated system.
Axis Control and Inpress Control Hotfolder – In combination with Press Center v10A or
higher, the hotfolders can be set up for both Axis and Inpress Control. Setting these to a com-
mon location means that the measurement data from both can be displayed in Cockpit as part of
the job data. Information displayed in the Quality tabs of Analyze Point lets you track adherence
to a process standard during the length of the production run.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 15
General Information
Changes in Preferences
Optimized Global Preferences handling – If a preference file from an existing Signa Station is
found in the defined workspace and Use Global Settings is enabled, the existing preference set-
tings will be loaded automatically. Note that Acrobat paths, language selection and units of
measure are not stored in the global preferences.
Preview with Transparencies – A new option that allows the preview to be calculated to
include the transparent objects. Enable it in the Preferences > Processes tab.
Changes in Marks
Marks Import Assistant – This new assistant allows manual or automatic updating of either
single marks or groups of marks. Adding or removing Dipco marks is now largely automated,
resulting in noticeable time-savings and higher reliability. With this assistant you can add new
marks, update marks, or delete marks.
Inverted Mark Color – Marks colors may now be set to inverted to improve visibility when
placed on a dark background. This means that they will print at 0% instead of at 100%.
New Marks Placeholders – Some New placeholders for text marks have been added in order
to provide more information on the press sheet. New fields include Plate Number, Sheet
Description (from MIS), Folding Sheet ID (from MIS), Segment Name for segmented folding
sheets, Article for package printing, and Paper Type.
Reference Icons – A small new feature that includes icons in the Marks list showing the place-
ment reference point for each mark. Makes it easier to decipher than the old mid-mid or lower
bottom nomenclature.
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 17
New Functions
Single page for folding sheet – Large montage objects like letterfolds, book covers, tri-fold
brochures, etc. are often delivered as PDFs larger than the page of a folding sheet. Prior to now
these jobs were often processed with a single scheme, instead of the correct multi-page
scheme. The drawback to this was that improper or sometimes no data was generated for cut-
ting or folding information. These marks often had to be set manually which led to error. Using
the new Single page for folding sheet option in the Master Pages tab allows Signa to now
process these large single sheet jobs automatically and generate the correct postpress data.
18 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Segmented Folding Sheets – Many times in the production of small-format jobs, it is ideal to
combine jobs on one large production folding sheet. Jobs are combined, the sheet is printed,
folded and stitched. After the last step, individual components are cut apart and separated. This
new feature provides a nearly automatic method of producing these jobs. To accomplish this,
the layers function is used in combination with an extended master page definition. The user
defines the final trim size, number of copies, gaps between copies and the sheet is automatically
Print Media Academy – Prinect 2010 News 19
General Information
• The upgrade requires a base install of MetaDimension v7.5 to insure safe data migration.
A new version of the CPSI interpreter now includes support for Acrobat 9 (PDF 1.8).
IS Classic+7.5° is a new screen system that features the following angles: Cyan 112.5°,
Magenta 172.5°, Yellow 37.5°, Black = 52.5°. This angle substitution version helps ensure more
harmonic skin tones and an overall reduced aliasing effect in the Black.
New columns in the PrintManager job list allow you to view and sort jobs by Customer Name
and Planned Start Time.
Generation of a single data record for any number of process colors, including multicolor and
Hexachrome, has been implemented. Until now, three data records were required to calibrate a
Hexachrome process.
Import of test data and of mini spot data from IT8 files is possible.
All existing paper white spots (= 0%) are generally averaged during import of test data. The
mean value then represents the paper white for all colors. This procedure is now identical with
that in Color Tool.
20 Prinect 2010 News – Print Media Academy
Color Proof Pro has added additional printer support for the following proofers:
• HP 510
• HP 4020 / 4520
General Information
• A new license key will be required only if you are activating one of the three new options;.Bar-
code Reader, Imposition Editor 75 or Imposition Editor 105. Otherwise, current v4.x licenses
can still be used.
Barcode Editor is a new Acrobat plug-in mainly for packaging printers. It allows for the easy
creation and replacement of barcodes on PDF one-ups or documents. Often the package
designers do not know about the exact barcode requirements which have to be met for subse-
quent postpress processes. With the Barcode Editor, incorrect code patterns may be eliminated
and replaced with accurate barcodes which are machine-readable without problems.
Imposition Editor is now available in format classes 52, 75 and 105. This corresponds to our
customers’ desire to be able to use this basic imposition tool also for larger formats. Furthermore
some new features and marks enhancements have been added to the software in order to
extend its functionality.
The preflight tool PDF Report has been expanded to include checks for parameters required for
the PDF/X-4 standard, including new pre-defined settings.
There is also a new check for missing image data. An image defined by height, width and color
space is always associated with an exact number of bytes. Image data is usually missing when
an error occurred during PDF writing. This can now be flagged early in the process.
New checks regarding font embedding have also been added. It checks if a character is not
defined in the embedded data, if the character is embedded several times, and if the character is
defined incorrectly. Any of these conditions might cause incorrect printing.
Additional color checks have also been added. Check for any individual color, and the spot
color none. Check for overprinting characteristics such as CMYK white overprint including
images and 0% spot color overprint, or an overprinting CMYK element that has an ICC profile.
22 Notes – Print Media Academy