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Release Notes For Ipp 6.0: Image-Pro Plus 6.0 Has An All-New Ipbasic Editor. This Editor Adds Command

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Release Notes for IPP 6.

Image-Pro Plus Version 6.0 for Windows Release Notes
Image-Pro Plus Version 6.0 is supported under Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4 and
later), Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 and later), and Windows XP Professional x64.
New or Improved Image-Pro Plus Version 6.0 Features:

Image-Pro Plus 6.0 has an all-new IPBasic editor. This editor adds command
completion and tool-tips showing parameter information for the Auto-Pro
functions. To use command completion, start typing the name of an Auto-Pro
function in your script, e.g. IpSM and then press Ctrl-Space. A list of the
commands matching the text typed so far, and as you type further the list will
be refined accordingly. Command completion of many Auto-Pro function
parameters is automatic, with a list of the supported commands appearing as
soon as you type the opening parenthesis (for instance, type IpSMGet().

Context-sensitive help has been added for many of the Image-Pro Plus
dialogs. Open the dialog for the feature of interest, and press F1 for help on
that dialog.

Support is added for opening and saving files in the JPEG2000 file format,
read support for EXIF JPEG, and for read support for FITS files.

Additions and improvements to the set of Auto-Pro functions.

Support for Windows XP x64

Improved support for QED, Fluoview 1000, SIS, FITS, and Leica file

Dynamic auto-range for image capture to optimize preview presentation.

Easily navigate advanced capture settings with improved interface

3D filters for use with 3D volumetric, time-lapse and other 3D image sets

Built-in OpenGL 3D viewer for interactive 3D volume rendering

Measurement equation editor

Export data via DDE to Origin and OriginPro in addition to Microsoft Excel

Dynamically link to overlays in an image

Maximum count number extended to over 100,000 objects

Live data collecting and charting

Color management with ICC profiles

Serial and parallel port management

Customize your application environment with the interactive menu editor

Display Dark Mode for low light laboratory environments

Important note regarding Macros:

The update to the macro editor adds the word Class to the list of reserved words. One of the
elements of the DOCINFO structure was previously named Class. All macros that are using this
member of the DOCINFO structure will have to change Class to iClass.
New or Improved Image-Pro Plus Version 5.1 Features:

The Tracking feature has been expanded with a number of new features,
including the ability to measure the objects being tracked and more advanced
automatic tracking.

The Image-Pro Plus memory manager has been greatly improved to support
opening very large sequences and/or large numbers of image workspaces.
Image-Pro Plus 5.1 allows you to break the 2GB application memory limit
imposed by Windows.

Additions and improvements to the set of Auto-Pro functions.

New or Improved Image-Pro Plus Version 5.0.1 Features:

A preference has been added to the Application page of the Preferences dialog
to set the default folder that will be used for documents and settings such as
feature settings and data files.

A button has been added to the Applications page of the Preferences dialog,
Reset Preferences, which will reset the application preferences to the
installation default. There may be preferences that are not reset by this feature,
but most of the per-user preferences such as default settings for features, lastused files and folders, etc. will be reset.
Note: The application cannot reset the preferences for any features that have
already been used in that Image-Pro session, since the tool will have already
loaded its preferences when it was invoked. The preferences reset is best done
immediately upon starting Image-Pro Plus.

Preferences have been added to the Document page of the Preferences dialog
to control whether Image-Pro tries to automatically make a Color Composite

or image Set from newly opened images.

Additional Auto-Pro constants added, particularly for Caliper.

New or Improved Image-Pro Plus Version 5.0 Features:

A New Look has been created for Image-Pro Plus (IPP) 5.0. This new look
can be turned off if a user prefers the more traditional look.

The Capture interface has been improved for digital camera use. The
interface has been changed so that the most common features of digital
cameras are available for quick use.

An AutoSet button has been added to capture. This button automatically

calculates the optimal settings for white balance, exposure time and gain.

Automatic Alignment of image stacks has been added to IPP 5.0. This feature
can correct for rotation, translation, and scaling for multi-frame images.

Image Stitching and Tiling is now included in IPP 5.0.

A new Tracking module has been developed for IPP 5.0 that allows users to
automatically and manually track objects and calculate a variety of

A new Workflow Toolbar allows users to create a custom toolbar in IPP. This
toolbar incorporates common features and scripts into a simple toolbar that
can be placed anywhere in the application.

New menu Configurations have been added to IPP 5.0 that allow the user to
log in as either a Basic, Complete, Biological or Industrial user.

A Calibration wizard has been created that walks users through the process of
creating new calibrations.

IPP 5.0 now supports System Calibrations that apply a default calibration to
an image automatically.

The Scale Bar created by the calibration tool has been improved so that it can
be added to the image as a nondestructive overlay. Additionally, the scale bar
can now produce either horizontal or vertical bars.

A Lens List and tool for editing and adding new lens files has been created.
This allows the user to specify the properties of a microscope lens.

Customized Dyes and Colors are supported in IPP 5.0. Users can
automatically apply dyes to grayscale images by choosing from the list.

Dye Tints for red, green and blue have been added to the secondary click
menu for images. This feature allows the user to tint a grayscale image.

The Extended Depth of Field (EDF) feature has been improved. A new
button that allows the user to preview all EDF options in now included in the
dialog. Another option allows the user to generate a 3D surface plot with the
topographic map produced by EDF.

A Despeckle Filter has been added to the filters dialog.

A Local Zoom tool has been added to IPP 5.0 so that a user can see a zoomed
area of an image by merely hovering the mouse over the image. The zoomed
area appears in a new window.

A button has been added to the toolbar that enables the user to Synchronize
Playback of multi-plane images.

A button has been added to the toolbar that enables the user to Snap
Measurements to an open image. That is, the user can burn the measurement
overlays into the open image.

The Set Manager has been added to IPP 5.0 as a base feature. Additionally,
the Set Manager has been improved so that the user has the ability to select
the Z plane to be displayed when navigating through a set.

The Display Range and Contrast Enhancement dialogs have been linked so
that they function together.

Some known issues with Image-Pro Plus version 5.0:

The New Look may exhibit redraw problems with certain video chipset/driver
combinations. If this issue affects you, please disable the New Look in the
Preferences menu under Edit.

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