Blind Mans Progression of Faith
Blind Mans Progression of Faith
Blind Mans Progression of Faith
The blind mans first act was one of obedience. He went and washed in the pool of Siloam.
Jesus did not promise him anything, He didn’t promise him his sight, he didn’t tell him his
sinds would be forgiven, He only gave a command and the blind man obeyed
The blind man knew it was Jesus as we see in verse 9, It’s a possibility that he had Heard
about Jesus sign and he had faith!!! Faith is given by God
Faith is a process, in John 8 we encountered Jews who had some degree of faith in
Jesus (Jn 8:30-31+), but their subsequent actions (e.g., Jn 8:59+) proved their faith had
not progressed to genuine saving faith. As we follow the progression of this blind man's
faith, note that the radical contrast of the Jews picking up stones to throw at Jesus (Jn
8:59+), with this man throwing himself down before Jesus in worship (Jn 9:38+)!
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind." (Psalm 146:8) "Opening the eyes of the blind
was a specific work of the Messiah: The eyes of the blind shall be opened." (Isaiah
He testified that Jesus had made the clay and opened his eyes
He called Jesus a prophet because we see in verse 36 that he did not know Jesus was
the Son of Man/Messiah
The pharisees coudnt win their case so they attacked him
THOUGHT - If you are a disciple of Jesus, you WILL BE REVILED at some point in your
“this is the really marvellous thing; your unbelief in the face of the evidence is more of a
miracle than my cure!”
Proverbs 15:29 The LORD is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the
Verse 33- the man c=declares Jesus is from god