Erq424 02
Erq424 02
Erq424 02
Proof That Jesus Is God
October 5–11
6:14, 15, 26–36; John 9:1–16; John 9:17–34; John 11:38–44.
In John 6:10, John tells us that Jesus fed more than 5,000
people near the time of the Passover. The Passover was a
special celebration when the Jews remembered how God
saved them from slavery in Egypt. The Passover lamb was
killed instead of the firstborn son from each Jewish family. This
death showed the future death of Jesus for our sins. Jesus was
punished for our sins on the cross. Jesus is our Passover lamb.
Jesus died instead of us (1 Corinthians 5:7).
“Jesus accepted the guilt for our sins. Then the Father hid
His face from Jesus. When the Father hid His face, Jesus died
from a broken heart. His life was crushed out. Jesus offered
Himself for our sins to save us.”—Ellen G. White, The Great
Controversy, page 540, adapted.
Read about the miracle in John 6:14, 15, 26–36. What did
the people think about this miracle? How did Jesus use
this miracle to try to teach the people about who He was?
Read the rest of the story about the blind man in John
9:17–34. What questions did the Jewish leaders ask the
blind man after Jesus healed him? How did the man
Jesus showed that He was the Light for all people (John
8:12; John 9:5) when He helped the blind man see (John 9:7). Jesus used the miracle
In the same way, when Jesus wakes up Lazarus from the of waking Lazarus up
dead (John 11:43, 44), He shows that He is the Resurrection from the dead to teach
(He has the power to wake up people from the dead) and the the Jews an important
Life (John 11:25). This miracle, more than any other miracle, Bible truth about Himself:
shows everyone that Jesus is the God who gives us life. This “ ‘I am the one who will
raise [wake] people up
miracle supports John’s idea that Jesus is the Son of God.
and give them life.”
When we believe in Him, He will give us everlasting life (John
20:30, 31). Sad to say, the end of this story shows us some-
thing strange (John 11:45–54). Jesus shows He can wake the
dead. So, how can the Jewish leaders think that they can
stop Jesus if they kill Him?!
“The life of Jesus will give life to everyone on earth. This life
is in Jesus’ words. With His words, Jesus healed disease and
commanded demons to come out of people. With His words,
Jesus commanded the sea to be quiet. With His words, Jesus
woke up the dead. The people saw that Jesus spoke with
power. He spoke the word of God in the same way that God
used the special messengers in the Old Testament to talk
to His people. The whole Bible shows us Jesus. The Savior
wanted His followers to put their faith in the Bible. When Jesus
left them and went back to heaven, His followers needed to
trust in the Bible. They must live as Jesus lived. ‘Their lives
depend on what God says.’ Matthew 4:4 [ERV].
“Food supports our bodies. In the same way, the Bible
supports our spiritual lives. Every person must get life for
himself from the Bible. We must eat for ourselves to get
strength from our food. In the same way, we must read the
Bible for ourselves. We must not accept what someone else
tells us the Bible says. Each person must carefully study the
Bible. We must ask God to send us the Holy Spirit to help
us understand what it says.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of
Ages, page 390, adapted.
2 The stories this week show us that Jesus is the Son of God.
Why is this Bible truth so important to our faith and belief in Jesus
as the Savior?
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