Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering
In India, there are around 10,360 rivers and their tributaries with a length
of more than 1.6 kilometers.
The total yearly flow in India’s river basins is estimated to be 1,869 cubic
kilometers. However, only roughly 690 cubics (37%) kilometers of
accessible surface water can be used.
54% of rural woman in India had to travel between 200 metres and
5 kilometres daily to fetch drinking water in 2012.
They walked 20 minutes a day, on an average, and spend another
15 minutes at the source of water
Every second woman has to spend 210 hours in a year for
fetching water which means a loss of 27 days’ wages for these
households. Collectively, these women cover 64,000 times the
distance between the earth and the moon.
Water crisis is imminent in villages because of over harvesting of
ground-water resources. About 80% of the country’s drinking
water needs are met by groundwater.
75% of the women in states like CJ, MN, OD, JH have to travel long
distances for drinking water.
India records world’s highest per capita water-borne
diseases even more than some of the least developed nations.
In most of the large cities about one-third of water never reaches the
consumer because of leaks and poor maintenance. According
to Centre for Science and Environment, over 35% of water in
Delhi and about 30% in Mumbai is lost because of leakage.
Water Usage
Irrigation by far is the largest user of India’s water reserve with
hooping usage of 78% of total water reserve, followed by domestic
sector (6%) and industrial sector (5%)(PIB 2013).
National Commission on Integrated Water Resources
Development (NCIWRD) the irrigation sector alone is going to need
additional 71 bcm by 2025 and 250 bcm of water by 2050 compared
to the demands of 2010 (Press Information Bureau 2013).
Ground Water is also a major source of drinking water in urban
and rural India. 45% of total irrigation and 80% of domestic water
come from ground water reserve.
States like DL, PN, HR, UP over exploitation of ground water has
led to water scarcity. States like RJ, GJ arid climate leads to water
stressed condition, while in TN, KA, AP poor aquifer properties are
responsible for water scarcity. Other reasons being increasing
population pressures, industrial growth and unprecedented
pace of urbanization.
Quality Indicators
1. Turbidity
Turbidity is a water quality indicator that measures the amount of suspended
material in a stream. The worse the water quality, the more turbid the water.
3. Hardness
Hardness is another criterion for water quality standards. This word refers to
dissolved minerals (mostly calcium and magnesium). Minerals induce scale
build-up in hot water pipes and obstruct soap lather. Humans are unaffected by
hard water.
Water Footprint
When virtual footprints of different products were calculated,
chocolate and leather had highest -24000 and 17000 litres per kg
product. Followed by sheep(10400 lt), cotton(10000 lt), butter(5550
lt), chicken (4330 lt). Fruits and vegetables had least virtual water