Molecules: Recent Advances in Prodigiosin As A Bioactive Compound in Nanocomposite Applications
Molecules: Recent Advances in Prodigiosin As A Bioactive Compound in Nanocomposite Applications
Molecules: Recent Advances in Prodigiosin As A Bioactive Compound in Nanocomposite Applications
Recent Advances in Prodigiosin as a Bioactive Compound in
Nanocomposite Applications
Rafael G. Araújo 1 , Natalia Rodríguez Zavala 2 , Carlos Castillo-Zacarías 3 , Mario E. Barocio 4 ,
Enrique Hidalgo-Vázquez 4 , Lizeth Parra-Arroyo 4 , Jesús Alfredo Rodríguez-Hernández 4 ,
María Adriana Martínez-Prado 2 , Juan Eduardo Sosa-Hernández 1 , Manuel Martínez-Ruiz 1 ,
Wei Ning Chen 5 , Damià Barceló 6,7,8 , Hafiz M.N. Iqbal 1,4, * and Roberto Parra-Saldívar 1,4, *
1. Introduction
Molecules 2022, 27, 4982 2 of 20
Bionanocomposites is a novel class of nanometric materials that has gained a lot of
interest lately as it is a technology that integrates many fundamental characteristics to
create new materials with unique properties. Bionanocomposites, also known as “nano-
new materials“green
biocomposite”, with unique properties.
composite”, and/orBionanocomposites,
“bio-based plastics”, also
posite”, “green composite”, and/or “bio-based plastics”, are similar to nanocomposites,
posites, but they have critical differences, such as their applications, functionalities, meth-but
they have critical differences, such as their applications, functionalities, methods
ods of preparation, compounds, properties, biodegradability, and biocompatibility, of prepa-
ration, compounds, properties, biodegradability, and biocompatibility, among
among others [1–5]. They are made up of a natural polymer (biopolymer, BP) and an in- others [1–5].
They are made up of a natural polymer (biopolymer, BP) and an inorganic
organic compound at a nano scale (nanoparticle, NP), as illustrated in Figure 1. compound at a
nano scale (nanoparticle, NP), as illustrated in Figure 1.
chroeryrhrous, Serratia rubidaea, Vibrio gazogenes, Alteromonas rubra, Rugamonas rubra, Serratia
sp, and Serratia marcescens; the latter being the characteristic microorganism in pigment
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW
production, it has also been identified that both groups of bacteria produce prodigiosin 3 of
secondary metabolite [14–21].
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Bionanocomposites:
Bionanocomposites: Versatility
Versatility and
and their
their applications
applications in
in different
Prodigiosin is(Ca20natural
Prodigiosin H25 N3 O red pigment
) and some thatof isits
analogs, through
such as a select group of Gram-
(C H
25 35 3 N bacteria
O ) , of the Pseudomonas,
cycloprodigiosin (C H Streptomyces,
20 23 3 N O ) , and and Serratia genera.
metacycloprodigiosin Only (Ca25few
N3 O ) ,
present bacteria, such as Streptoverticillium
activities of great interestrubrireticuli and Streptomyces
to the pharmacological longisporus,
industry, have
due to their
been described with the ability to produce prodigiosin. It has been
antimicrobial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antimalarial, anticancer, immunosuppressant, and reported that a greater
number of
antiviral Gram-negative
activities. Prodigiosin prodigiosin producing
is considered as thebacteria, compared
most important to Gram-positive
candidate for cancer
treatment cantobeitsfound
low toxicin the literature,
effect over normalsuch as Pseudomonas
cells, and it has magnesloruba,
application asVibrio psy-
a natural
colorant. OtherSerratia
possiblerubidaea, Vibrio that
applications gazogenes, Alteromonas
have recently emergedrubra, is Rugamonas
the use of therubra, Serra-
as pH and Serratia amarcescens;
indicator, the latteranbeing
UV ray protector, the characteristic
autofluorescence microorganism
product, in pigment
and its application as a
controlling it hasin also
thebeen identified
formation that both
of biofilm groups ofSobacteria
[16,22–26]. far, theproduce prodigiosin
factors that have beenas
a secondary
identified thatmetabolite
affect the [14–21].
production of prodigiosin are the type of microorganism, culture
medium, incubation
Prodigiosin ( C20 H25 N
time, 3 O) and some
temperature, nitrogen,
of itsand phosphorus
analogs, such concentration, inorganic
as undecylprodigiosin
(C25 Hand
salts, 35 N3pH
O), [15,20,27–29].
cycloprodigiosin (C20 H23
Different N3 O), and metacycloprodigiosin
fermentation strategies have been applied (C25 H33toN3produce
O), pre-
sent important as well as strategies
activities of great for statistical
interest to theoptimization,
pharmacological genetic manipulation
industry, and
due to their
cloning, optimized
antimicrobial, culturesantiprotozoal,
antifungal, with gamma antimalarial,
rays, co-cultures, and even
anticancer, cultures mediated
antiviral activities. Prodigiosin is considered as the most important candidate for can-
In this review,
cer treatment due towe its focus on the
low toxic different
effect over normalproduction strategies
cells, and and bioactivities
it has application of
as a nat-
prodigiosin as a compound of interest for the development of
ural colorant. Other possible applications that have recently emerged is the use of the sustainable and renewable
molecule as a pH indicator, with speciala UV attention to its application
ray protector, in the medical
an autofluorescence area.and its ap-
plication as a controlling agent in the formation of biofilm [16,22–26]. So far, the factors
2. Pyrrolic Compounds Produced by Microorganisms: Serratia marcescens
that have been identified that affect the production of prodigiosin are the type of micro-
organism, culture metabolites
medium, from microorganisms
incubation are one ofnitrogen,
time, temperature, the principal sources of active
and phosphorus con-
molecules that can be used in food, health, and biotechnology
centration, inorganic salts, and pH [15,20,27–29]. Different fermentation strategies areas. Pyrrolic compoundshave
applied to produce and electron
prodigiosin,rich asthat
wellcanasform hydrogen
strategies bonds and
for statistical coordinating
optimization, ge-
metals [30]. Pyrrolic compounds have several applications,
netic manipulation and cloning, optimized cultures with gamma rays, co-cultures, and they have been used
in antibiotic,
even culturesanti-inflammatory,
mediated by elicitation. antitumor, and anti-cholesterol drugs. Moreover, these
In this review, we focus on the different production strategies and bioactivities of
prodigiosin as a compound of interest for the development of sustainable and renewable
bionanocomposites with special attention to its application in the medical area.
2. Pyrrolic Compounds Produced by Microorganisms: Serratia marcescens
Secondary metabolites from microorganisms are one of the principal sources of ac-
tive molecules that can be used in food, health, and biotechnology areas. Pyrrolic com-
Molecules 2022, 27, 4982 pounds are ring-structured and electron rich that can form hydrogen bonds and coordi- 4 of 20
nating metals [30]. Pyrrolic compounds have several applications, and they have been
used in antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and anti-cholesterol drugs. Moreover,
these pyrrolic
pyrrolic molecules
molecules have applications
have applications in polymerization
in polymerization and metallurgical
and metallurgical reactions
reactions and
as as corrosion
corrosion inhibitors
inhibitors and preservative
and preservative agentsagents [31]. Pyrrolic
[31]. Pyrrolic compounds
compounds are pro-
are produced
duced naturally
naturally by different
by different bacterial
bacterial strainsstrains
found found in nature,
in nature, Serratia
Serratia marcescens
marcescens being being the
the prin-
cipal producer
principal of these
producer compounds.
of these Serratia
compounds. marcescens
Serratia is a Gram-negative
marcescens rod-shaped
is a Gram-negative rod-
facultative bacterium,
shaped facultative from thefrom
bacterium, Enterobacteriaceae
the Enterobacteriaceaefamily. family.
According to Hardjito
According et al.,
to Hardjito
there are two types of Serratia marcescens, the unpigmented and the
et al., there are two types of Serratia marcescens, the unpigmented and the pigmentedpigmented strains, the
latter is characterized
strains, by its ability to
the latter is characterized byproduce
its abilitythetored pigment
produce thecalled prodigiosin
red pigment [32].
called Since
is a [32].
Since itbacterium, the pigment
is a facultative can be
bacterium, theproduced
can beaerobic and anaerobic
produced con-
under aerobic
ditions [33]. There
and anaerobic are 10 species
conditions of theare
[33]. There genus Serratia,ofhowever,
10 species the genus only 3 of these
Serratia, can produce
however, only 3
prodigiosin: S. plymuthica,
of these can produce S. rubidaea,
prodigiosin: and S. marcescens.
S. plymuthica, S. rubidaea,The
S. marcescens.of The
by the bacteria Serratia marcescens depends on different conditions, such
tion of prodigiosin by the bacteria Serratia marcescens depends on different conditions, as availability of
inorganic phosphate, the composition of the medium, as well as the pH,
such as availability of inorganic phosphate, the composition of the medium, as well as the temperature, and
natural components
pH, temperature, andof natural
the growth media [34].
components of the growth media [34].
Structure of Prodigiosin
2.1. Structure of Prodigiosin
Prodigiosin is part of the family of prodiginine, secondary alkaloids with a chemical
Prodigiosin is part of the family of prodiginine, secondary alkaloids with a chemical
structure of tripyrrol, with two rings joined and the third linked through a methane bridge
structure of tripyrrol, with two rings joined and the third linked through a methane bridge
that the molecules that are part of this family are differentiated between. Due to the
that the molecules that are part of this family are differentiated between. Due to the size
size and arrangement of the branch in the last-named ring, this family is made up of
and arrangement of the branch in the last-named ring, this family is made up of Prodigi-
Prodigiosin, Undecylprodigiosin, Cycloprodigiosin, Methacycloprodigiosin, Butyl-meta-
osin, Undecylprodigiosin, Cycloprodigiosin, Methacycloprodigiosin, Butyl-meta-cyclo-
cycloprodigiosin, and Prodigiosin R1 (Figure 3). These structures are characterized by being
prodigiosin, and Prodigiosin R1 (Figure 3). These structures are characterized by being a
a part of a pigment that has aroused interest due to its antitumor, immunosuppressive, and
part of a pigment that has aroused interest due to its antitumor, immunosuppressive, and
anticancer activity. The molecular formula for prodigiosin is C20 H25 N3 O, and its molecular
anticancer activity. The molecular formula for prodigiosin is C20 H25 N3 O, and its molecu-
weight is 323.4 g/mol (232.44 Da); it can be dissolved in non-polar compounds, such as
lar weight is 323.4 g/mol (232.44 Da); it can be dissolved in non-polar compounds, such as
chloroform, methanol, acetonitrile, and dimethylsulfoxide, and it can partially be dissolved
in alcohol andmethanol, acetonitrile, and dimethylsulfoxide, and it can partially be dis-
ether [20,35,36].
solved in alcohol and ether [20,35,36].
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Examples
Examples of
of natural
natural prodiginines:
giosin (C), Metacycloprodigiosin (D), Butyl-meta-cycloprodigiosin (E), and ProdigiosinR1
osin (C), Metacycloprodigiosin (D), Butyl-meta-cycloprodigiosin (E), and Prodigiosin R1(F).
In total for Serratia sp. ATCC 39006 has identified a group of genes responsible for the
biosynthesis of prodigiosin ranging from PigA to PigO, with PigC being the most important.
The genes involved in MBC biosynthesis have also been found, which are PigI, PigG, PigA,
PigJ, PigH, PigM, PigF, and PigN; and, for the biosynthesis of MAP, PigD, PigE, and
PigB [37–39]. All this enzymatic complex that is activated in the production of prodigiosin
Molecules 2022, 27, 4982 5 of 20
such as mass spectrometry or nuclear magnetic resonance. Another of the confusions that
arises around prodigiosins is that they are a family of compounds of red color and that
compounds such as Uncedylprodigiosina, Cycloprodogidiosin, Cyclononylprodigiosin,
and Butylcycloheptylprodigiosina among others, are a part of this family, when the family
to which prodigiosin and its previously named analogues really belong is the family of
prodiginin, which has the characteristic skeleton pyrrolyl dipyrromethene [25,31].
Microorganism Microorganism
Origin Prodiginine Type Origin Prodiginine Type
(Reference) (Reference)
Serratia marcescens UCP Semi-arid soil around S. coelicolor M1110
Prodigiosin N/A Undecylprodigiosin
1549 [20] banana trees [48]
Pristine soil sample
Streptomyces sp. collected from the cavy S. marcescens SMAR
Undecylprodigiosin N/A Undecylprodigiosin
JS520 [26] area of Miroc mountain [49]
in eastern Serbia
From a mold and Sediment samples
S. marcescens Xd-1 [45] Prodigiosin Actinomadura sp [50] Cyclononylprodigiosin
tofu sample in Brazil
From rhizospheric
soil in different sites
S. coelicolor M145 [46] N/A Undecylprodigiosin S. marcescens [51] Prodigiosin (possible)
of Salem and
Namakkal, India
Butylcycloheptylprodigiosin S. marcescens NCIM
S. parvulus [52] N/A N/A Prodigiosin
and Undecylprodigiosin 5061 [53]
From Lahul and Spiti
S. marcescens ATCC
S. nematodiphila RL2 [54] region in Himachal Prodigiosin N/A Prodigiosin
13880 [55]
Padresh, India
From clam samples
S. rubiaea RAM Alex [56] collected form Temsah Prodigiosin S. marcescens [57] From kitchen waste Prodigiosin (Possible)
Lake, Egypt
Soil sample from a
S. spectabilis BCC From soil sample
S. marcescens [58] tannery in Chennai, Prodigiosin Metacycloprodigiosin
4785 [59] collected in Thailand
Tamilnadu, India.
N/A: not applicable.
latory CpxR protein [63]. This TS activates under a variety of external stress conditions,
such as the presence of metal ions with antimicrobial activity, pH changes and high tem-
peratures (>37 ◦ C), resulting in a down-regulation of the expression of prodigiosin and
other by-products [63–66]. The molecular mechanism of action of this system relies in the
detection of such stress factors by the CpxA protein, followed by the phosphorylation of
aspartic acid residues located along the structure of the CpxR, allowing its attachment to
gene promoters that encodes pig proteins, and impeding their transcription [64,67]. To
avoid the effects of this TS, authors developed two transformed strains of S. marcescens JNB
5-1 with suppressed cpxA and cpxR genes, respectively, and evaluated their capability to
enhance the prodigiosin synthesis in comparison with a wild strain. Authors found out
that the modified strain with suppressed cpxR genes were able to synthesize up to 76%
more prodigiosin than the wild strain. Transcriptomic assays also showed a significantly
higher expression of pig genes in this strain. The fermentation was carried at 30 ◦ C, in LB
culture medium in all treatments. Further experiments in this study aimed to evaluate
the influence of temperature in the expression of cpxA and cpxR genes in the wild strain,
comparing the transcription level of these genes at 30 ◦ C and 37 ◦ C in LB medium, and
concluding that, in both cases, this was up to 6 times higher at 37 ◦ C after almost 40 h
of fermentation.
4.1. Antimicrobial
This tripyrrole red pigment, has a notable antibacterial activity against Gram-negative
bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Aeromonas hydrophila, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pro-
teus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, and
Salmonella Typhimurium [24,71,72], in addition to Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphy-
lococcus aureus as well as its methicillin resistant strain, MRSA, Bacillus cereus, Corynebac-
terium glutamicum, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, and Listeria monocy-
togenes [71,73–75]. Table 2 shows antibacterial activity reported in different studies. The
forms of prodigiosin used in the studies varied, purified pigment was the most used, while
a few used stained textiles and others crude rhizosphere extract. Among the different
parameters for antimicrobial activity: the ATCC 100 value measures antibacterial activity in
textiles; the antibacterial rate is the percentage difference between the number of colonies
of the organism in dyed and undyed experiments; the IC50 is the concentration needed to
reduce cellular viability to 50%; the maximum zone of inhibition measures the halo left
by the compound in a petri dish seeded with a certain microorganism and the minimum
inhibitory concentration that reports the smallest amount of the compound needed in order
to affect cellular viability. Ren et al. observed the effect of pH on the antibacterial effect
of prodigiosin dyed textiles with the highest toxicity at pH 8.1, this is possibly due to
the fact that at this pH the solubility of the dye increases leading to more pigment being
loaded on the textile [75]. The general mechanisms of prodigiosin microbial action are the
cleavage of genetic material (DNA), interference in the cell cycle, affecting pH, disrupting
the plasma membrane by increasing hydrophobic stress, phototoxicity, and formation of
reactive oxygen species [74]. The effect of the pigment has been observed to vary according
to if the bacteria is Gram-positive or negative. Prodigiosin is known to lyse Gram-positive
bacterial cell walls leading to their death, while in the case of Gram-negative bacteria it
affects gene expression and protein synthesis eventually altering the cellular life cycle and
metabolism [24].
Table 2. Cont.
Prodigiosin has also been observed to have a toxic effect on certain fungal species, such
as Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, B. salamandrivorans, Pythium myriotylum, Rhizoctonia solani,
Sclerotium rolfsii, Phytophthora infestans, Fusarium oxysporum, and C. nymphaeae. The pig-
ment’s antimycotic activity could be of use to control or to eradicate parasitic fungal species.
The most common parameter for comparing antifungal activity was percentage inhibition,
which is equal to the percentage difference in fungal cells with and without the pigment.
Table 3 contains different recent studies that report prodigiosin’s antimycotic effect.
4.2. Antioxidant
In the food industry, artificial additives are used to preserve food, which have shown
deterioration in health due to their consumption, such as cell damage, inflammation,
metabolic disorders, among others. Recently, an interest in natural preservative additives
has been shown, given their benefit in human health. A balanced consumption of antiox-
idant compounds or foods rich in antioxidants allows for a reduction in oxidative stress
and free radicals levels, generating protective effects in cells and balancing the immune
system to produce defenses against various diseases, such as stress, cancer, hypertension,
atherosclerosis, and gastrointestinal and hormonal disorders [80–83].
Prodigiosin has demonstrated high antioxidant potential with interest for many ap-
plications. The strong antioxidant activity may be attributed to conjugated double bond
and ring pyrrole structures of prodigiosin [84]. A recent study demonstrated the high
antioxidant activity of purified prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens, showing 92 and 99%
of scavenging at 5 mg/mL of prodigiosin, for free radicals ABTS and DPPH, respectively.
The antioxidant properties of prodigiosin also demonstrated benefits in the preservation of
foods through the decrease of rancidity and microbiological contamination, increasing shelf
life, and adding some additional properties, such as color for a pleasant appearance for
the consumer [85]. Prodigiosin purified from radio-resistant Streptomyces sp. WMA-LM31
showed antioxidant activity for DPPH with a scavenging capacity of 62%, a protein oxida-
tion inhibition of 54.8%, and a lipid peroxidation of 25.4% at 10 µg/mL, showing strong
antioxidant activity at low concentrations [84]. Prodigiosin also showed strong activity
against different free radicals, the ability to block the formation of superoxides, and the
inhibition of Fenton reactions, reducing the negative effects of protein and lipid oxidation
as well as the prevention of DNA damage [84]. Nguyen et al. produced prodigiosin from
marine chitinous wastes by a bioprocess with S. marcescens strains, reporting a moderate
antioxidant activity, with values of inhibition (IC50 ) of 115 and 235 µg/mL for ABTS and
DPPH, respectively [83].
4.3. Antitumoral
Cancer is a global health problem, representing one of the main causes of mortality
worldwide and the first or second of premature mortality in the main countries of the
world. According to the World Health Organization, in 2020 an estimated 19.3 million
new cases and 10 million deaths were estimated in which each of 5 people in the world
developed cancer during their lifetime and in which one in 11 women and one in 8 men
died from cancer [86,87]. For 2070, a strong increase in the incidence of cancer is estimated,
twice the current level, due to population growth and aging, demographic changes and an
increase in risk factors for cancer development associated with demographic increase [88].
The main types of cancer with the highest incidence in 2020 are breast, prostate, lung, and
colorectal cancers, and the cancers with the highest mortality rates were lung, colorectal,
and liver, in order of appearance [89]. The uncontrolled increase in the incidence of cancer,
high costs of treatment, and resistance to current drugs have created a great need to design,
research, and discover new compounds. The search for natural compounds produced by
different organisms has been the most important strategy, highlighting that more than half
of the approved treatments against cancer are of natural origin or derivatives [90].
Prodigiosin is the most important secondary metabolite from Serratia marcescens,
with strong biomedical applications against therapeutic diseases at low concentrations,
such as cancer, and showing a high apoptotic effect against cancer cells and low or no
toxicity on normal cells, as shown in Table 4 [91]. Prodigiosin has shown a high potential
as an antitumoral agent against colorectal cancer, inhibiting late-stage autophagy and
increasing sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil of different colorectal cancer cells (HCT116 and
SW480) through blocking autophagosome–lysosome fusion and maturation of lysosomal
cathepsin [92]. Ji et al. demonstrated that prodigiosin markedly decreases the proliferation
of K562 cells (chronic myelogenous leukemia) through increased activity of caspases-3, -8,
-9 and increased reactive oxygen species, resulting in the inhibition of autophagy and the
Molecules 2022, 27, 4982 12 of 20
induction of apoptosis [93]. Nguyen et al. demonstrated the strong anticancer effect of
prodigiosin in different cancer cell lines, MCF-7, A549, HepG2 and WiDr, with inhibition
values of 92.1%, 93.1%, 94%, and 92%, and low values of IC50 , 0.102 µg/mL, 0.182 µg/mL,
0.161 µg/mL, and 0.441 µg/mL, respectively [94]. The purified prodigiosin bioproduced
from marine chitin showed high anticancer activity against MCF-7, A549, and HepG2, and
an efficacy of 2.75, 1.67, and 3.25 times greater than Mytomycin C, a commercial anticancer
compound, respectively, proposing some mechanisms that prodigiosin affects, such as
mitogen-activated protein kinase regulators, pH modulators, DNA cleavage agents, and
cell cycle inhibitors [95]
An anticancer study demonstrated the effect of prodigiosin through tests with prostate
cancer (PC3) and human choriocarcinoma (JEG3) cell lines in vitro and PC3 and JEG3 tumor-
bearing nude mice in vivo, showing an inhibition of the proliferation and a reduction in
the size and weight of the tumors, depending on the prodigiosin concentration and the
treatment time, respectively [96]. Berning et al. demonstrated that prodigiosin increases
the sensitivity of cisplatin-resistant and sensitive urothelial carcinoma cell lines (RT-112)
to cisplatin mediated by dysregulation of lysosomal function and reduction of cathepsin
B and L activity [23]. Prodigiosin has great cytotoxic activity against many melanoma
cancers cells lines, such as NGM, 501-Mel, WM293A, HT-144, SK-Mel-19, SK-Mel-28, and
SK-Mel-147, showing mean IC50 values of 0.2 µM through kinases modulation, intracellular
acidification, DNA damage, and apoptosis induction [97]. Breast cancer is the type of
cancer with the highest incidence worldwide and the second with the highest mortality
rate. Prodigiosin has recently shown very relevant effects in the fight against this disease.
In MDA-MB-231 (hormone-independent breast cancer cell line) and MDA-MB-468 cells, the
prodigiosin at nanomolar concentrations, blocking the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, decreased
phosphorylation of GSK3β, DVL2, and LRP6 and suppressed β-catenin–stimulated Wnt
target gene expression [98].
A novel study of antitumoral activity of prodigiosin combined with PU-H71 against
MDA-MB-231 showed high levels of caspases 3, 8, and 9 and decreased the levels of
mTOR expression and HSP90α expression and transcription levels, which resulted in
a breakthrough for a new therapy against triple negative breast cancer [99]. The high
antitumor activity of prodigiosin at low concentrations and the low secondary effects
against healthy cells has strengthened and intensified research into it as a new anticancer
therapy. Obatoclax, a synthetic analog of prodigiosin, is being studied in phase I and
II clinical trials for the treatment of lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, and lung
cancer [97].
Table 4. Cont.
4.4. Antiprotozoal
Natural compounds and their semisynthetic derivatives are the primary strategy for
obtaining and developing new drugs for the treatment of parasitic diseases [109]. Malaria
is a disease that threatens global health, as it has developed resistance to current drugs and
is causing more than a million deaths annually. Prodigiosin and derivatives, such as unde-
cylprodigiosin and metacycloprodigiosin in nanomolar concentrations and IC50 between
5–12 nM, were shown to exhibit potent in vitro antimalarial activity against Plasmodium
falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria disease in humans [110,111]. Mosquitoes are
the vectors for the transmission of deadly diseases, such as malaria and dengue. The
control of the reproduction and spread of mosquitoes is an alternative for the control and
reduction of new infections [112]. The larvicidal activity of prodigiosin has been reported,
and it is known. Prodigiosin at a concentration of 100 ppm demonstrated a larvicidal
activity against Aedes aegypti of 32% and 76% mortality with 24 and 48 h of incubation,
respectively [113]. Purified prodigiosin has shown high larvicidal activity against larval
and pupal stages of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, obtaining IC50 values
between 14 to 21 µg/mL and 19 to 32 µg/mL, respectively, in the various growth stages.
The larvicidal concentration to both mosquitoes was found at 62.5 µg/mL for the three
firsts growth stages [112].
4.5. Antiviral
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is one of the most contagious infections worldwide. Both
are lifelong, and sometimes it can cause painful blisters or ulcers at the site of the infection.
Approximately 491.5 million people had HSV type 2 infection in 2016, and approximately
3752 million people were living with HSV type 1, this is equivalent to 79.4% of the world’s
population [113,114]. This virus can also affect eye tissue and cause keratitis, eye drops are
commonly used for medical treatment of this infection. In some cases, surgical treatment
may be necessary to treat complications [115]. A recent study demonstrated the antiviral
effect of prodigiosin on HSV type 1 and HSV type 2 infections through in vitro and ex
vivo cultured mice corneas. Prodigiosin treatment significantly protects the eyes of mice,
reducing the disease’s development; it also protects against the loss of corneal sensitivity
and excessive inflammation, showing nontoxic effects [115]. At non-toxic concentrations,
prodigiosin exhibited significant in vitro antiviral activity against cells infected with Bombyx
mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV). The result of prodigiosin action was selective death
of infected cells inhibiting viral gene transcription (ie-1) and preventing virus-mediated
membrane fusion, resulting in inhibition of virus production and replication [116].
come the limitations of the use of prodigiosin, which allows for obtaining formulations
with high functional yields for target delivery systems in the treatment of cancer [118]. A
study on the binding of prodigiosin to organic and inorganic matrices represents significant
importance to improving the use of prodigiosin as a bioactive compound in applied phar-
macology [119]. Natural biomolecules, such as starch, proteins, biopolymers, and chitosan,
are an attractive group of scaffold compounds compared to the synthetic, due to their low
toxicity and biodegradability [120,121]. Nanoparticle technology utilized several benefits
of biopolymer scaffolds carrying hydrophobic ligands to target sites. An essential step to
design biopolymer-based nanoparticle systems is to understand the binding sites and bind-
ing affinity of the protein-drug complex [122]. Although previous studies have shown the
interaction potential of prodigiosin (or pirrolyc) with some biopolymers or proteins, such
as bovine hemoglobin and bovine serum albumin, to the best of our knowledge, there is no
report detailing the interactions of chitosan, PLA, and other polyacids. A biodegradable
formulation of PLGA-based microparticles loaded with a bacterial prodigiosin showed
an antitumor activity against a triple negative breast tumor, reducing the cell viability
of the MDA-MB-231 cell line, being a new proposal for the controlled application of the
prodigiosin as a drug for cancer treatment [123]. A promising prodigiosin nanocarrier
as a hybrid system of nanocomposite of β-cyclodextrin and chitosan with nanoparticles
improve the activity and selectivity against cancer cells (MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines),
compared with free prodigiosin, and showed no toxicity against healthy cells (NIH/3T3
cells) [124]. The localized and controlled administration of chemotherapeutic drugs was
demonstrated by hybrid nanofiber systems composed of PLGA, Pluronic F127, gelatin,
and prodigiosin as active compounds for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer,
decreasing cell viability and inducing apoptosis cells in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell
lines [125]. Another recent study showed nanocomposites that increase the bioavailability
of prodigiosin for use as a cytotoxic drug against Caco-2 and HCT116 carcinoma cell lines,
without negative effects in healthy cells [118].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.G.A., N.R.Z. and M.M.-R.; methodology, C.C.-Z. and
M.E.B.; validation, R.G.A.; formal analysis, R.G.A. and E.H.-V.; investigation, R.G.A., N.R.Z., J.A.R.-H.,
E.H.-V. and J.E.S.-H.; resources, R.P.-S.; data curation, L.P.-A., J.E.S.-H. and M.M.-R.; writing—original
draft preparation, R.G.A., N.R.Z. and C.C.-Z.; writing—review and editing, R.G.A., W.N.C., D.B. and
M.A.M.-P.; visualization, W.N.C. and D.B.; supervision, R.P.-S. and M.A.M.-P.; project administration,
M.A.M.-P., R.P.-S. and H.M.N.I.; funding acquisition, R.P.-S. and H.M.N.I. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by CSIC-Tecnológico de Monterrey under i-Link+program
(LINKB20030) for a project entitled “Contaminantes emergentes y prioritarios en las aguas reutilizadas
en agricultura: riesgos y efectos en suelos, producción agrícola y entorno ambiental”.
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