2023 Yang
2023 Yang
2023 Yang
E-mail: [email protected]
This paper describes the derivation of a phenomenological model for shape memory alloys
under the framework of classical plasticity theory. The proposed model combines the Souza
constitutive approach with kinematic hardening; the model requires solving only one nonlinear
equation rather than several nonlinear ones, therefore increasing the computational efficiency
and convergence. Moreover, the original Souza model is improved by adding an odd polynomial
function to describe the phase transformation of the shape memory alloys, making it possible to
use a lower number of parameters for the inverse identification of the constitutive properties of
SMAs from simple tensile tests. A tangent stiffness formulation is also derived to simulate the
variation of the elastic modulus during the phase transformation. The tangent stiffness
formulation proposed here extends the one used in classical plasticity and improves the
convergence of the proposed model. The reliability and fidelity of the model described in this
work are benchmarked against experimental data and other models. The numerical results show
that the proposed phenomenological approach can describe well the pseudoelasticity and shape
memory effect of shape memory alloys. The formulation described in this paper can be readily
generalized to finite strains and other formulations based on existing formulations related to
classical plasticity theory.
Keywords: shape memory alloy, pseudoelasticity, constitutive model, plasticity,
kinematic hardening, polynomial phase transformation
Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Original content from this work may be used under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any fur-
ther distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the
title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
1361-665X/23/075016+19$33.00 Printed in the UK 1 © 2023 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
expressed the transformation strain as the product of a scalar instead. In the fifth section, numerical solutions are provided
and an orientation tensor, which also enabled the Souza model to verify the reliability of the proposed model to accurately
to describe the reorientation phenomenon. Auricchio and Gu describe the complex mechanical behaviors of SMAs, such as
et al [62, 63] have also optimized the numerical integration pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect.
algorithm adopted in the original Souza model to provide a
more stable convergence. Altas et al [64] introduced expo-
nential functions to describe the phase transformation harden- 2. Transform stress–strain curve into kinematic
ing characteristics of SMAs during the forward and reverse hardening curve
phase transformations. Based on the Souza model, Chen et al
[65] considered the plastic deformation after the completion The model described in this paper is established based on
of phase transition and the coupling between the plastic strain the temperature–stress (σ − T) phase diagram, and the mater-
and the transformation strain. Kang and Kan et al [66–68] ial parameters can be obtained by standard uniaxial tensile
first observed ratchetting deformations of super-elastic NiTi and compression tests. Therefore, the parameters of the phe-
alloy under uniaxial stress-controlled cyclic tests and then nomenological model can be measured by simple mechanical
evaluated the dependence of the ratchetting versus the applied tests. The (σ − T) phase diagram contains the key information
stress, stress rates, temperatures and types of loading. The at the beginning and the completion of the SMA phase trans-
Authors indicated that the phenomenon of the transforma- formation. This key information has a strong inherent mech-
tion ratchetting is caused by transformation-induced plasticity anical relation with the stress–strain curve, representing the
(TRIP) and plastic yield. They therefore introduced energy constitutive properties of the SMA. Therefore, the inherent
dissipation into the equations describing the damage evolu- relation between the σ − T phase diagram and the stress–strain
tion and established a predictive multi-axial fatigue life model (σ − ε) curve will be discussed in this Section. How to trans-
for NiTi-SMAs [69]. Kang and Petrini et al [70, 71] intro- form the stress–strain curve of the SMA material into a quasi-
duced the cumulated induced-martensite volume fraction vari- kinematic hardening curve is also presented.
able into the phenomenological model to describe the cyclic The significance of the typical stress-temperature phase
ratchetting behavior. Their model can comprehensively con- diagram of a SMA (figure 1) is described briefly. The metal
sider the evolution of TRIP, tension-compression asymmetry, phases of SMAs can be divided into twinned martensite (M t ),
the dependence of transformation ratchetting on the stress and detwinned martensite (Md ) and austenite (A), which are related
phase transformation hardening. Similarly, Auricchio, Zaki, to temperature and stress. The σ − T phase diagram mainly
Moumni, and Petrini et al have proposed several refinements to includes three types of parameters: the start and the finish of
the Souza model in terms of martensite reorientation [72–75], the complete critical transformation temperature for martens-
tension-compression asymmetry [76], cyclic behavior [77], ite and austenite (T M M A A
s , Tf , T s , T f ), the forward and the reverse
finite strain [72, 78–80], and plastic coupling [81]. critical transformation stresses for martensite and austenite
The Souza model has a clear physical implication, and its (σsM , σfM , σsA , σfA ), and the slope of the critical phase trans-
constitutive equations are similar to those used in classical formation stresses (CM and CA ). R is the radius of the elastic
plastic mechanics theory. The numerical solution of the model region in the σ − T phase diagram. The term τm is the so-called
is however difficult, because a set of nonlinear equations needs Maxwell stress.
to be solved to obtain the transformation strain. To deal with SMAs display different mechanical behaviors at low and
this problem, this paper proposes a macroscopic phenomen- high temperatures. SMAs behaves in a pseudoelastic man-
ological constitutive model for SMAs within the framework ner (PE) at temperatures higher than T Af (see figure 2). When
of classical plasticity theory. This approach is based on the the temperature is lower than TM f , the SMA behaves under
use of the Souza model and on adopting kinematic harden- shape memory effect (SME). There is a strong internal rela-
ing principles. The second section of this paper describes the tion between the σ − T phase diagram and the σ − ε curve. The
internal relation between temperature-stress phase diagrams σ − ε curves of SMAs at different temperatures can be determ-
and stress–strain curves and derives the transformation rela- ined based on the σ − T phase diagram, the elastic modulus of
tion related to the different internal variables. In the third the material at martensite and austenite states, and the max-
section, a 1D SMA macroscopic constitutive mode like a kin- imum phase transformation strain. The internal mechanical
ematic hardening one is firstly derived by using Helmholtz free relations between the phase diagram and stress–strain curves
energy function. Then, an odd polynomial function is intro- are discussed in appendix.
duced to describe the mechanical response during the phase The SMA phenomenological model described in this paper
transformation and an analytical expression related to a con- is derived by referring to the classical plastic mechanics the-
sistent tangent stiffness is given. In the fourth section of this ory. Therefore, the stress–strain curve of the SMA material is
paper, the midpoint integration algorithm is used to estab- transformed into a quasi-kinematic hardening curve. Taking
lish the solution for the numerical integral of the polynomial the pseudoelastic behavior of a shape memory alloy as an
macroscopic constitutive model. When phase transformation example (figure 3), the coordinate point (ετelm , τm ) of the ori-
occurs, the proposed algorithm requires to solve one nonlin- ginal stress–strain curve is shifted to the origin to obtain a
ear equation only to complete the stress correction; this can stress–strain curve which is similar to the one of a kinematic
help to overcome the intrinsic difficulty of the Souza model, hardening model. ετelm is the elastic strain corresponding to the
which requires the solution of a set of nonlinear equations Maxwell stress τm under elastic loading The term εLtr represents
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Figure 2. Internal relation between the σ–T phase diagram and the σ–ε curve of SMA ((a) The σ–ε curve of the shape memory effect.
(b) The stress-temperature phase diagram. (c) The σ–ε curve of the pseudoelasticity).
Figure 3. Illustration of the transformations related to the kinematic hardening model. (a) The radius of the elastic
( region
) and the Maxwell
stress are shown in the pseudoelasticity curve of SMA. (b) The pseudoelasticity curve of SMA is shifted from εel , τm to the origin point
to obtain the σ–ε curve of the kinematic hardening model.).
the maximum phase transformation strain. We are calling this equation (1). The back stress amplitudes of the forward and the
model as the quasi-kinematic hardening one. The red dashed reverse transformations are denoted as αamp . To ensure that the
line in the figure is the kinematic hardening track (typical back forward and the reverse back stress are consistent, we assume
stress). The amplitudes of the back stress in the forward and that:
the reverse transformation process can be expressed as:
( )
{ σfM = σsM + CA TAf − T As . (2)
αforward = σfM − σsM
. (1)
αreverse = σsA − σfA
( ) maximum back stress amplitude is αmax =
During the shape memory state, the stress τm is equal to CA TAf − T As . Based on the above transformation process fol-
zero. In this state, the amplitude of the back stress in the lowing a kinematic hardening model, the function between the
forward transformation process can also be expressed as in stress τm and the temperature is
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
This use of the method first requires the value of the specific
free energy (Helmholtz free energy or Gibbs free energy) at
any point of the state of the material, which can be represen-
ted by the state variable. Here, the phenomenological model
of an SMA is derived in terms of Helmholtz free energy. The
selected state variables are the total strain ε, the test temperat-
ure T, the phase transformation strain εtr and the phase trans-
formation hardening parameter Eh . Among them, ε and T are
observable variables that can be directly measured from mech-
anical tests. The parameters εtr and Eh are internal variables.
The term εel is the elastic strain. The constitutive model in this
paper does not consider the effect of the plastic strain during
Figure 4. Radius of the elastic region.
phase transformation. In addition, the thermal strain caused by
the change of temperature is relatively small compared with
τm (T) = β(T − T ∗ ) the phase transformation strain. For the sake of simplicity,
the influence of the thermal strain is ignored in this model.
where the constant β is defined as: β = (CM + CA )/ 2. (•)
+ Therefore, the total strain of a SMA can be decomposed into
represents the positive function, which is defined as (x) =
+ an elastic and a phase change part:
(x + |x|)/ 2. The Maxwell stress is 0 when T ∗ = T. At that
ε = εel + εtr . (5)
particular instant of time, the stress–strain curve of SMA is
the one shown in figure 2(a). The phase transformation of the From a physical point of view, the Helmholtz free energy
SMA is related to the historical loading path. Moreover, the of a representative unit is composed of the elastic potential
proposed model can record the volume fractions of twinned energy Ψ el , the thermal energy Ψ T and the phase transforma-
martensite, detwinned martensite and austenite during the tion energy Ψ tr . Hence, the Helmholtz free energy of a SMA
loading history. Hence, only twinned martensite and austen- can be written as
ite phases undergo forward phase transformation. No reverse [ ( )]
phase transformation occurs at T ∗ = T when the load is applied 1 2 T
Ψ (ε, εtr , T) = E(ε − εtr ) + cv (T − T0 ) − T ln
to SMA. The relationship between the radius of the elastic 2ρ T0
region R and temperature of the quasi-kinematic hardening ˆ
1 1 εtr
model (figure 4) is + τm εtr + f (εtr ) dεtr (6)
ρ ρ 0
R0 ( ) TM< Ts
where E is the elastic modulus of the NiTi SMA. ρ is the dens-
R= R0 + β T − Ts M
Ts ⩽ T < T ∗ (4) ity of NiTi SMA. The temperature T0 is the equilibrium tem-
R1 T∗ < T perature at which the Helmholtz free energy of the austenite
[ ( )]/ and martensite phases are the same. The term cv is the specific
where R0 = σs0 M M
, R1 = σs0 + β TfA − TM
s 2, T ∗ = TM
s + heat at constant volume. The other terms of the Helmholtz free
(R1 − R0 )/ β. energy are:
Ψ el (ε, εtr ) =[ 2ρ E(ε − εtr ) ( )]
3. One-dimensional odd polynomial
Ψ T (T) = cv (T − T0 ) − T ln TT0 . (7)
phenomenological model
1 1 εtr
Ψ tr (εtr , T) = ρ τm (T) εtr + ρ 0 f (εtr ) dεtr
In this Section, the driving force of the SMA phase transform-
ation, composed of the stress and the back stress, is derived The equations include the terms E (εtr ) = EA + εεtrL ∆E and
according to the Helmholtz free energy. An odd polynomial ∆E = EM − EA . The term f (εtr ) is the phase transformation
function is constructed to describe the phase transformation stress during the phase transform. The complete differential
process and obtain its tangential modulus. Based on the tan- equation of the Helmholtz free energy function is
gential modulus and the phase transformation yield function, it ∂Ψ ∂Ψ ∂Ψ
can be further derived the evolution law of the transformation Ψ= dε + dεtr + dT
∂ε ∂εtr ∂T
strain and back stress. Finally, the tangent and thermal stiff-
1 1
nesses are deduced by the consistency condition of the yield = E (ε − εtr ) dε + [τm + f (εtr )
function and help to improving the convergence of the numer- ρ ρ
ical solution. ∂Ψ
−E (ε − εtr )] dεtr + dT. (8)
3.1. Constitutive relations According to the Clausius–Duhem inequality( expressed
The local state method is used here to derive the constitutive in terms of Helmholtz free energy (σ : dε − ρ Ψ̇ + sdT −
equation of SMAs based on the Clausius-Duhem inequality. T ⩾ 0), we obtain:
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
( ) ( )
∂Ψ ∂Ψ ∂Ψ q · ∇T of the midpoint of the stress–strain curve at the phase trans-
σ−ρ dε − ρ s + dT − ρ dεtr − ⩾0
∂ε ∂T ∂εtr T formation stage. The coefficient C can be set as half of the
(9) maximum back stress, C = αamp /2. In addition, the(coeffi- )
cient A can be obtained combining the starting point ε0el , 0 ,
where q is the heat flux and ∇T is the temperature gradient. L α
the midpoint ( ε2 + ε0el , amp L 0
2 ) and end point (ε + εel , αamp )
The above inequality holds for any values of ε, εtr and T. αamp εL L
Furthermore, it is assumed that the SMA material is strongly of the phase transformation stage, A = ( 2 − B 2 )/( ε2 )m .
dissipative, so the stress and entropy are respectively: Therefore, the tangential modulus of the phase transformation
stage can be obtained by taking the derivative of equation (16)
∂Ψ versus the strain ε:
σ=ρ = E (ε − εtr ) (10)
∂ε ( )m−1
( ) dσ εL
∂Ψ T 1 Et = = mA ε − εel −
+ B. (18)
s=− = cv ln − βεtr . (11) dε 2
∂T T0 ρ
Let us take the shape memory effect SME as an example.
Therefore, the phase transformation and the heat dissipa-
The elastic modulus of the SMA remains unchanged during
tion potential energy are respectively:
the phase transformation stage. The stress–strain curves and its
∂Ψ tangent modulus change characteristics during the phase trans-
φ tr = −ρ dεtr ⩾ 0 (12) formation (figure 5). When the exponential of an odd poly-
nomial function is large, the middle segment of the curve is
q · ∇T flatter. Moreover, the minimum tangential modulus of the odd
φT = − ⩾ 0. (13)
T polynomial function is equal to the coefficient B. The layout
of the stress–strain curve described by equation (16) is intuit-
Also, according to equation (12), the driving force of the
ive and simple. At first, only the start and the finish points of
SMA phase transformation is:
the phase transformation stage and the slope of the interme-
∂Ψ diate point need to be determined. Then different indices are
χ = −ρ = E (ε − εtr ) − [τm + f (εtr )] = σ − α. (14) selected according to the flatness of the stress–strain curve of
the SMA phase transformation. All these parameters can be
The right end of equation (14) is involves the use of the obtained by standard uniaxial tension and compression tests.
stress minus the term related to the temperature and phase The resulting odd polynomial function provides a good fit to
transformation strain. By comparing the kinematic hardening the stress–strain curve during transformation.
model with figure 3, α = τm + f (εtr ) can be regarded as the
back stress of the SMAs. Thus, the constitutive relations of
3.3. Evolution of the transformation strain and back stress
the SMA material are established as:
The evolution law of the SMA constitutive model is derived by
ε = εel + εtr
referring to the kinematic hardening model of plastic mechan-
σ = E (ε − εtr ) . (15)
ics theory. The back stress and plastic strain need to be identi-
χ = E (ε − εtr ) − [τm + f (εtr )]
fied when the kinematic hardening model is applied. To obtain
the evolution law of the phase transformation strain, the phase
3.2. Odd polynomial function during phase transformation transformation yield function of the SMA should be estab-
lished first. The SMA model used in this paper is related to
The stress–strain curves during phase transformation are like
one-dimensional structures and the model only involves uni-
odd polynomial functions (for example the segment BC of the
axial tension and compression, which can be represented by
curve in figure 10). Therefore, we introduce an odd polynomial
positive and negative signs. Therefore, the yield function of
function to describe the phase transformation process, and its
the phase transformation can be assumed to follow the form:
form is as follows:
( )m ( ) 1 1
εL εL 2
F (σ, εtr , T) = (σ − τm − α) − R2 .
σ = A ε − ε0el − + B ε − ε0el − +C (16) 2 2
2 2
where m = 3, 5, 7, · · · . The strain εL is the maximum strain The physical meaning of equation (19) is that when the
generated during the phase transformation stage, which is stress exceeds the interval with the radius R of the center point
equal to the maximum phase transformation strain plus the as τm + α, the SMA will undergo phase transformation to pull
elastic strain during the phase transformation stage: the stress back to the yield surface. For the case of associ-
( ) ated plasticity, the evolution law of the transformation strain
σ0 + αamp σ0 is expressed as:
εL = εLtr + − . (17)
Em Ea
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Figure 5. Odd polynomial stress–strain function and tangent modulus of the transformation stage. ((a) The curve shape of the odd
polynomial function change with the different exponential m, m = 3,5,7. (b) The tangent modulus of the odd polynomial function change
with the different exponential m, m = 3,5,7).
The evolution law of the back stress requires the harden- to zero when the SMA is converted from twinned martensite
ing modulus of the phase transformation process. However, to detwinned martensite. In this case, the second term at the
the explicit expression of the hardening modulus Eh cannot right end is zero, and the above equation degenerates into the
be obtained directly by using the stress–strain relation of the classical expression of the hardening modulus. Thus, when the
phase transformation mentioned above. Hence, the function phase transformation occurs, the increment of back stress is:
describing the hardening modulus needs to be deduced first
according to the mechanics principles. The total differential dα (εtr ) = Eh dεtr . (24)
form of equation (10) is:
3.4. Consistent tangent stiffness
dσ = E (dε − dεtr ) + dE (ε − εtr ) = E (dε − dεtr ) + dEεel .
(21) The tangent and thermal stiffnesses of a SMA can be deduced
by the total differential form of equation (10) and the con-
( )
where dE = dεtr /εLtr ∆E. In addition, the stress increment sistency condition of the yield function (19). The tangential
can also be obtained by the tangential modulus and the strain stiffness here is the consistent tangent stiffness matrix adop-
increment during the transformation stage: ted in standard implicit commercial finite element codes like
ANSYS or ABAQUS. In the process of phase transformation,
dσ = Et dε. (22) the state variables always remain on the yield surface, and the
yield function is always equal to zero. In other words, the value
By combining equations (21) and (22) and the chain of the yield function does not change with the state variables,
rule, the following relationship of the hardening modulus is i.e. the yield function of phase transformation meets the con-
obtained sistency condition:
dσ dσ dε EEt εel ∆EEt ∂F ∂F ∂F
Eh = = = − . (23) dσ + dεtr + dT = 0 (25)
dεtr dε dεtr E − Et εLtr E − Et ∂σ ∂εtr ∂T
The first term on the right end of equation (23) is the where
classical expression of the hardening modulus used in plastic
= − ∂τ
= − ∂α
= s − τm − α
mechanics theory when the elastic modulus is constant. The ∂σ m
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Equation (21) is arranged and expressed as:
σ = σ trail,n+1
αn+1 = αn
. (34)
dσ = Edε − Qdεtr (27) εnel+1 = εnel + ∆ε
εtr = εntr
where Q = E − ∆εELεel . Substituting equation (27) into
tr ( )
equation (25), the expression of transformation strain incre- 2. F σ trail,n+1 , εntr , T n > 0, the SMA undergoes phase
ment is: transformation. It is therefore necessary to solve the
∂F ∂F
transformation strain increment ∆εtr and then carry out
∂σ Edε ∂ T dT the stress correction.
dεtr = + . (28)
∂σ Q − ∂εtr ∂σ Q − ∂εtr
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
(c) If the value of the yield function is positive, the stress cor-
rection will be carried out. It is not necessary to consider
By combining equations (25) and (28), the tangent and the directions of the stress or of the transformation strain
thermal stiffnesses of a SMA can be obtained as: in the 1D model. Hence, the actual stress is:
∂F E ∂F
dσ Q ∂σ E Q ∂εtr EEh σ n+1 = σ n + dσ
DK = = E− = = . [ ]
∂σ Q − ∂εtr Q ∂εtr − ∂σ
dε ∂F ∂F 1 ∂F ∂F Eh + Q
= σ n + (1 − θ) En + θEn+1 (∆ε − ∆εtr )
(29) ∆εtr n+1
+ L ∆Eεel . (35)
−Q ∂∂FT ∂F εtr
dσ ∂T βQ
DT = = = = . (30)
∂σ Q − ∂εtr Q ∂εtr − ∂σ
dT ∂F ∂F 1 ∂F ∂F Eh + Q Set
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
dF θ εnel+1 ( )2
=X n+1
∆E (∆ε − ∆ε tr ) − E + ∆E dEnh+1 ∆E Ent +1 1 ∆EEnt +1
d∆εtr εLtr εLtr =− ( ) + L
( )] d∆εtr εL En+1 − En+1
εtr En+1 − Ent +1
∆εtr dEnh+1
− L ∆E − ∆εtr + Eh n+ 1 2
εnel+1 (∆E) Ent +1
εtr d∆εtr + [ L( )]2 . (46)
(44) εtr En+1 − Ent +1
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
(d) Substitute ∆εtr back to equations (34), (35), (37), and (41) which simplifies the actual situation to some extent. The σ − T
to obtain εntr+1 , σ n+1 , ∆α, αn+1 . phase diagram assumes a linear relationship between the crit-
(e) Finally, obtain the tangent stiffness and thermal stiffness ical stress and temperature. In addition, the critical stress of a
of SMA as: twinned martensite transforming into detwinned martensite is
n+1 n+1 constant, but the critical stress and temperature are not actually
Dn+1 = En+1 Eh linear.
K Eh +Qn+1
Dn+1 = nβ+Q1 n+1 The numerical prediction of the critical transformation
T E h Qn+1 stress is lower than the experimental data at 30 ◦ C. The reason
( ) is that the transformation forms R phase in SMA wire used in
where Qn+1 = En+1 − εnel+1 /εLtr ∆E. Zaki and Moumni’s test [33], a phenomenon affect the trans-
formation but is not accounted in the proposed model. When
5. Numerical results and discussion the SMA wire is stretched at this temperature, the R phase
of the SMA is generated first, and then it becomes twinned
In this section, the accuracy of the polynomial phenomenolo- martensite. The critical stress of the SMA wire is increased due
gical model is verified for the pseudoelasticity and the shape to this physical process. Therefore, the experimental data are
memory effect in shape memory alloys. The research object larger than the predictions provided by the numerical model.
here is the SMA wire. The one end of the SMA wire is fixed When the temperature is higher than 30.0 ◦ C, the numerical
and the tension is applied to the other end of it. The SMA wire calculation of the critical stress has a small offset around the
is heated or cooled through a temperature control box to con- experimental results. Because the proposed model assumes
trol its temperature. Firstly, the stress–strain curves of the pro- that the critical stress is proportional to the temperature, i.e. the
posed model at different temperatures are simulated and com- stress influence coefficients CM and CA of the martensite and
pared with the predictions provided by the Zaki and Moumni austenite transformations are constant. However, these coeffi-
model and the experimental data of the Zaki and Moumni’s test cients will have uncertain and small changes with the change
[33], in order to verify the pseudoelastic manner of the poly- of temperature, which will lead to the discrepancy of the
nomial phenomenological model. The martensite volume frac- numerical prediction around the experimental results. On the
tion and transformation strain of the SMA are also analyzed whole, the stress–strain curves obtained by the polynomial
during loading and unloading process at different temperat- phenomenological model are however in good agreement with
ures. Secondly, the SMA is heated up and then cooled down to the experimental data obtained by Zaki and Moumni above
simulate the shape memory effect of the proposed model. The 40 ◦ C; this is a confirmation of the overall validity of the
mechanical characteristics of the SMA under complex loading pseudoelastic modeling approach for the SMA.
paths are predicted by the proposed model at last. The stress–strain curves shown in figure 8 describe the
behavior of the model with the temperature. When the ambi-
ent temperature is lower than T As , only the forward phase
5.1. Pseudoelasticity (PE)
transformation occurs during the loading and unloading pro-
The stress–strain curves obtained by Zaki and Moumni’s cess, but no inverse phase transformation happens. Twinned
tensile tests [33] (loading and unloading) of an SMA wire at martensite or the mixture of twinned martensite and austen-
different temperatures are used to verify the validity of the pro- ite is transformed into detwinned martensite. The transform-
posed model. The mechanical material parameters are shown ation strain generated by the loading cannot be recovered
in table 1. during unloading. When the temperature is higher than T Af ,
The integral solver of the polynomial phenomenological the forward phase transformation occurs during the loading
model has been compiled and implemented on a Matlab plat- process, and the austenite changes to detwinned martensite.
form. The program is only solved for a single integral point. During unloading, the inverse phase transformation occurs.
The mechanical material parameters in table 1 are inputed The detwinned martensite changes back to austenite and
into the integral solver. The loading conditions are as fol- the transformation strain disappears completely. However,
lows: at different temperatures, the integral point of the SMA when the ambient temperature is between T As and T Af , such
is first loaded until the forward phase transformation is com- as at 37.0 ◦ C, a forward phase transformation occurs dur-
pleted, and then the force load is unloaded to zero. The res- ing the loading process and only part of the transformation
ulting stress–strain curves are shown in figure 7. Note that the strain undergoes an inverse phase transformation during the
exponent of the polynomial function of the phenomenological unloading process. Therefore, residual transformation strain
model is set to 7. is present after unloading. Figure 7 also shows the critical
As shown in figure 7, the phenomenological model pro- stresses at different temperatures during the forward (inverse)
posed in this paper can reflect more accurately the actual phase transformation. Each critical stress is linearly dependent
mechanical properties of the SMA, compared with the pre- versus the temperature.
dictions provided by the Zaki and Moumni model. However, Figure 8 shows that the proposed model allows to pre-
there are some differences between the calculated results of dict the mechanical properties of SMA actuators within a
the proposed constitutive model and the experimental results. broad range of temperatures. In addition, due to the close rela-
The reason behind these discrepancies is that the polynomial tionship existing between the proposed model and the phase
phenomenological model is based on the σ − T phase diagram, diagram, one can develop from this simulation approach a
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Table 1. Material parameters of SMA wire tensile test in Popov and Lagoudas [33].
Constitutive parameter EA (Mpa) EM (Mpa) CA (Mpa K K−1 ) CM (Mpa K−1 ) T As (K) T Af (K) TM
s (K)
Figure 7. The stress–strain curves simulated by the proposed model are compared with the predictions provided by the Zaki and Moumni
model and the experimental data of the Zaki and Moumni’s test at different temperatures [33]. ((a) The temperature is 30 ◦ C. (b) The
temperature is 40 ◦ C. (c) The temperature is 50 ◦ C. (d) The temperature is 60 ◦ C).
Figure 8. Stress–strain curves of the proposed phenomenological SMA model at different temperatures.
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Figure 9. Characteristics of the martensite and transformation strains of the SMA at different temperatures. ((a) Different martensite
volume fraction change during loading and unloading process at 10 ◦ C. (b) Different martensite volume fraction change during loading and
unloading process at 20 ◦ C. (c) Different martensite volume fraction change during loading and unloading process at 60 ◦ C. (d) The
transformation strain and the total strain change at different temperatures).
higher fidelity version for practical engineering applications is completed and at this point, ξ t = 0.0, ξ dt = 1.0, while the
by simply determining the key parameters of the phase dia- phase change strain reaches 4%. During the phase transforma-
gram. Hence, the proposed model could be more convenient tion, the increment of the volume fraction of the detwinned
to use for the general design and evaluation of SMA actuators. martensite is equal to the volume fraction decrease of the
The proposed phenomenological model can describe the twinned martensite, dξ dt = −dξ t , i.e. the dissociated twinned
physical characteristics of a SMA in different phase trans- martensite is transformed into twinned martensite. After that
formations. Figure 9 shows the variation of volume fraction of point, the load continues to increase, the volume fraction of
twinned and detwinned martensite during loading and unload- twinned and detwinned martensite do not change and the phase
ing at three typical temperatures (10 ◦ C: twinned martens- change strain remains at 0.04. So does the subsequent unload-
ite, 20 ◦ C: twinned martensite and austenite mixture, and ing process, which is only related to the elastic unloading pro-
60 ◦ C: austenite). Figure 8 also shows the change of the trans- cess of the twinned martensite.
formation strain and of the total strain at the corresponding It must be noticed that the change of volume fraction
temperature. of twinned and detwinned martensite is not linear with the
As shown in figure 9(a), when the ambient temperature change of load during the phase transformation. At the start
is 10 ◦ C (which is lower than TM f −291.0 K), only twinned and finish of the phase transformation, the volume fraction of
martensitic phase exists in the SMA. The twinned martens- twinned and detwinned martensite changes relatively slowly.
ite phase changes to detwinned martensite during loading. The volume fraction changes rapidly in the middle of the phase
The unloading process is elastic unloading of the twinned transformation. The trend of the variation of the martensite
martensite without any phase transformation. At the begin- volume fraction shows the characteristics of slowly increas-
ning of the phase transformation, the volume fraction of ing at first and then rapidly increasing, followed by a soft
the twinned martensite is ξ t = 1.0, and the volume frac- increase. This is because the stresses and strains show an odd
tion of the detwinned martensite is ξ dt = 0. The twinned polynomial function relationship in the phase transformation.
martensite begins to transform into detwinned martensite with At the beginning of phase transformation, the stress increases
increasing load. The volume fraction of the twinned martens- quickly and the total strain increases slowly, making the elastic
ite decreases, while the volume fraction of the detwinned strain the predominant component of the strain. However,
martensite increases. Correspondingly, the transformation the increase of the transformation strain and the martensite
strain shown in figure 9(d) begins to increase. Before the volume fraction is relatively small. The same is true when the
loading step reaches 0.5 (i.e. the stress corresponding to the phase transformation is finished. In the middle of the phase
load almost reaches 275.0 MPa.), the phase transformation transformation, the stress increases very little while the total
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Figure 11. Shape memory effect of the SMA wire. ((a) The transformation strain and the total strain change with temperature at 450.0 MPa.
(b): The relationship between the transformation strain and the total strain when the temperature changes.).
Figure 12. The transformation strain and the total strain variation characteristics of the SMA under loading process. The blue solid line and
the green dash line show the change of the stress and temperature at different load steps.
This is because the twinned martensite is transformed into aus- strain is 0. Then the temperature is increased to 370.0 K and
tenite during the reverse phase transformation, and the trans- the strain remains unchanged. During cooling, the strain does
formation strain decreases to 0. Then, the forward phase trans- not change until the temperature drops to 332.1 K. After the
formation occurs when the SMA wire is cooled to 283.15 K. temperature is lower than 332.1 K, the forward phase trans-
The austenite is transformed into twinned martensite again, formation starts and the total and phase transformation strains
and the point F goes to point H through point G. During this increase again until 325.6 K, when the forward phase trans-
process, transformation strain and total strain increase. formation is completed.
Figures 11 and 12 clearly show the shape memory effect Now we analyze the mechanical characteristics of the
of the SMA wire when the temperature is modified. The total SMA under complex loading paths as predicted by the
strain corresponding to point D is 0.061, the transformation model developed in this work. The loading paths 1 and 2 in
strain is 0.04, and the elastic strain is 0.021. The temperature figure 13(a) show that the SMA is loaded to 450.0 MPa at
rises from 283.15 K. The strain remains constant, and no phase the initial temperature of 283.15 K (twinned martensite) and
transformation occurs until the temperature rises to 347.1 K. 323.15 K (austenite), respectively; the load is then kept con-
When the ambient temperature is higher than 347.1 K, the stant and the temperature is increased up to 370.0 K; the SMA
reverse phase transformation starts. The total strain and trans- is finally unloaded to 0 MPa stress at the same temperature.
formation strain decrease slowly at first, then rapidly, and The mechanical behaviors of SMAs under loading path 1 and 2
finally again slowly. When the temperature reaches 351.1 K, are A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H and A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H, respectively.
the total and elastic strains are 1.1%, and the transformation The phase transformation process of loading paths 1 and 2 is
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
Figure 13. Mechanical behavior of the SMA under different loading paths. ((a) The SMA is loaded to 450.0 MPa at 283.15 K and
323.15 K, respectively. Then the SMA is heated up to 370.0 K at 450.0 MPa and finally unloaded to 0 MPa stress at 370.0 K. (b) The SMA
is loaded to 450.0 MPa at 283.15 K and 323.15 K, respectively; then the SMA is heated up to 370.0 K and cooled to the initial temperature
(283.15 K and 323.15 K) at 450.0 MPa. Finally, the SMA is unloaded to 0 MPa stress.)
forward, and the critical transformation stress of the twinned and shape memory effect of SMAs themselves. This model is
martensite is lower than that of the austenite. Both loading therefore expected to identify the restoring force and study the
paths lead to a complete transformation into twinned martens- mechanical properties of SMA actuators under complex load-
ite after loading to 450.0 MPa. The reverse phase transforma- ing conditions.
tions of loading paths 1 and 2 in the heating process are also
coincident, i.e. they reproduce a shape memory effect. In this
process, the twinned martensite is reversed into austenite. The 6. Conclusion
slope of the G(g)-H(h) segment is equal to that of the a-b seg-
ment (austenite elastic modulus) and larger than that of the A- This paper has first introduced an internal transforma-
B segment (martensite elastic modulus). After the SMA wire tion relationship between temperature-stress phase diagram
subjected to loading paths 1 and 2 is completely unloaded, the and stress–strain curve of shape memory alloy materials.
total strain also becomes 0. Combined with temperature-stress phase diagram, the stress–
The loading paths 3 and 4 in figure 13(b) are slightly dif- strain curve of a SMA is described by using odd polynomial
ferent from the loading paths 1 and 2. After the temperat- functions, which make the proposed model more intuitive and
ure rises to 370.0 K, the load is not unloaded directly, but simpler to mimic the mechanical behavior of SMA. In this
the SMA is cooled to the initial temperature (283.15 K or way, the mechanical parameters of the proposed model can
323.15 K), and then the load is reduced to 0. During the cool- be measured directly by simple uniaxial tensile tests. A 1D
ing process, loading paths 3 and 4 also experience a forward thermodynamic phenomenological model of the SMA is then
phase transformation process. The forward phase transform- derived and established by referring to the kinematic harden-
ation process of the two loading paths coincides, which is ing model from classical plasticity theory. Due to the differ-
H(h)-I(i) segment. In the loading path 3, the temperature is ence between elastic moduli at martensite and austenite, the
reduced to 283.15 K, and then SMA is unloaded. The unload- elastic modulus of a SMA will change during the phase trans-
ing section is J-K, which is the elastic unloading of twinned formation. Hence, the SMA constitutive models established in
martensite. After complete unloading, the residual transform- the past are approximated by the martensite volume fraction to
ation strain of SMA is 0.04. In the loading path 4, the temper- represent the consistent tangent stiffness matrix or the Jacobi
ature is lowered to 323.15 K and then SMA is unloaded. The matrix of a set of nonlinear equations. In this paper, the expli-
unloading stage is j-k-l-m, which includes elastic unloading cit expression of the equivalent hardening modulus has been
of twinned martensite, reverse phase transformation and aus- derived, and its expression consists of the classical hardening
tenite elastic unloading. After complete unloading, the SMA modulus term plus a correction term due to the change of the
returns to its original length and the total strain is 0. Note that elastic modulus. Furthermore, the exact analytical formula of
loading paths 3 and 4 exhibit two typical mechanical behaviors the consistent tangent stiffness matrix of the SMA phase trans-
of SMA: pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect. formation has been derived in this paper and helps to improv-
According to figure 13 and the analysis above, the proposed ing the convergence of the numerical solution. This makes the
model appears suitable for describing a variety of complex tangent stiffness of classical plasticity theory suitable for more
thermal-mechanical loading conditions. The proposed model general cases.
can effectively predict the mechanical properties of SMAs dur- A semi-implicit midpoint integration algorithm is used
ing their loading history and characterize the pseudoelasticity to establish the numerical integration framework of the
Smart Mater. Struct. 32 (2023) 075016 C Yang et al
proposed model. By comparing the numerical results with the Suppose that the maximum phase transformation strain at
experimental data and the model of Zaki and Moumni, it is a specific temperature is εLtr . We denote with σsM and σsA the
proved that the proposed polynomial phenomenological model start transformation stresses σs . The stresses σfM and σfA are
can accurately describe the pseudoelasticity of shape memory the finish transformation stress σf . The total strains and elastic
alloy wires. The numerical results also prove that the proposed strain corresponding to σs and σf are respectively:
model can reliably describe shape memory effects in SMAs.
Moreover, the phenomenological model proposed in this work ε = εsel = σs / Es
has a strong scalability. For example, if the plastic strain ε fel = σf / Ef . (50)
is considered, the phenomenological model can be directly
extended to the mixed hardening model of classical plastic εf = εtr + σf / Ef
There are still currently some limitations in the proposed The stresses σsM , σfM , σsA , σfA , and the corresponding strains
phenomenological model. Further work needs to be done to and elastic strain can be formulated as:
make the model reproduce the 3D pseudo-elasticity and shape A ( )
σs = CA ( T − T s )
memory effect. An improved model should be also able to
σ A = CA T − TA
mimic the cyclic degradations present in pseudo-elasticity and f f
( ) (51)
shape memory effects under the cyclic thermo-mechanical
σs = σs0 + CM T − TM
loading conditions, such as the so-called transformation ratch- M
σf = σfM0 + CM T − TM f
etting and re-orientation ratchetting identified by Kang et al
[66–69]. A /
εs = εL + σsA EM
εA = σ A / E A
f f
Data availability statement / (52)
εs = σsM EA
All data that support the findings of this study are included εf = εLtr + σfM EM
within the article (and any supplementary files). As /
εel = σsA EM
Acknowledgments εAf = σ A / EA
el f
/ . (53)
ε Ms
= σ M
This work was financially supported by the National Natural Mf
Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 52175071 and εel = σfM EM
52105083), the Major Projects of Aero-engines and Gas tur-
bines (J2019-I-0008-0008) and the Innovation Centre for ORCID iDs
Advanced Aviation Power (HKCX2020-02-016).
Fabrizio Scarpa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5470-4834
Qicheng Zhang https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7696-6221
Appendix. Internal mechanical relations between
the phase diagram and stress–strain curve
From figure 2, it is possible to observe that twinned martens-
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