Profit & Loss Hard
Profit & Loss Hard
Profit & Loss Hard
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1. A shopkeeper marks up his goods by 4. A shopkeeper sold half of his items at 25%
20% and then gives a discount of 20%. profit, half of the remaining at 20% loss
Besides he cheats both his supplier and and the rest was sold at the cost price. Find
customer by 100 g, i.e., he takes 1100 g the gain/loss % in the whole transaction?
from his supplier and sells only 900 g to A.12 % B.0.5 %
his customer. What is his net profit C.7.5 % D.9 %
percentage? (Rounded off to two E. None of these
decimal points) 5. The teddy is marked 15% above the cost
A.24.5% B.17.33% price. When the selling price of an article is
C.25% D.32.5% increased by 25%, the profit gets increased Rs.
e. None of these 110. If the marked price of the article is Rs.
2. A seller bought 2750 Mangoes and 575, then find original selling price?
1210 Apples at the same price. He sells A. Rs. 560 B. Rs. 440
in such a way that he can buy 406 C. Rs. 390 D. Rs. 280
Mangoes with the sale of 322 Mangoes E. Rs. 620
and he can buy only 289 Apples with the 6. A firm of readymade garments makes both
sale of 391 Apples. Then what is the men’s and women’s shirts. Its average profit
overall profit percentage made by him? is 5% of the sales. Its profit in men’s shirts
A.0% B.2% average 9% of the sales and women’s shirts
C.5% D.6% comprise 60% of the output. The average
E.10% profit per sale rupee in women shirts is
3. The ratio selling prices three articles A, B, a. 0.0266 b. 0.0466
and C is 29:27:32., the ratio of c. 0.0433 d. 0.0233
percentage profit is 4:2:5, respectively. If e. None of these
the cost price of article A is equal to B 7. A trader bought 20kg of sugar at the rate of
and the cost price of article C is Rs. 480. Rs. 30 per kg. He sold 30% of the total
Then what is the overall gain? quantity at the rate of Rs. 40 per kg. At what
A. 0% B.12% price per kg should he sell the remaining
D.15% D.18% E.19% quantity to make 15% overall profit (approx)?
A. Rs. 25 B. Rs. 36
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14. An Article costs Rs. 5000 and it is marked money to India at the then existing rate of
up 40% by the shopkeeper. A customer 80. what was real returns in INR?
walks into the shop and seems really A. loss of 24% B. gain of 28%
interested in the article. Sensing this, the C. loss of 28% D. gain of 20%
shopkeeper gets greedy and he raises the E. None of these
markup % to 80% and gives a discount of 17. The Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of a product
20% to the customer. How much is 55% above its manufacturing cost. The
more/less money would he had made, product is sold through a retailer, who earns
had he not gotten greedy? 23% profit on his purchase price. What is the
A. Rs. 200 more B. Rs. 200 less profit percentage for the manufacturer who
C. Rs. 400 more D. Rs. 400 less sells his product to the retailer? The retailer
E. None of these gives 10% discount on MRP.
15. A man owns five flowers pots all of the A.31% B.22%
same value. He sells the first pot at 10% C.15% D.13% E.11%
profit, 2nd at a 16.66% loss & the 3rd at 18. If the selling price of an article is doubled,
25% profit. He sells the last two for then its loss per cent is converted into equal
rupees 140 & Rs. 78 respectively. After profit per cent. The loss per cent on the
selling all five pots he notice that he has article is?
not gained or lost anything on the entire A. 31 B. 33 1/3
deal. What would his total profit or loss % C. 38 2/5 D. 37 9/5
be if he had sold each pot for rupees E. None of these
156? 19. A dealer purchased a printing machine for Rs.
A. 20% B. 30% 7660. He allows a discount of 12% on its
C. 35% D. 40% marked price and still gains 10%. Find the
E. None of these marked price of the machine.
16. Mr. Rajan invested Rs 1,00,000 in US A. 9575 B. 8765
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have got a profit of 15%. Which one of earnings had to be calculated on the basis of
the following is correct? 14 months in the calendar year, while the
A. 190< N< 200 B. 180< N< 190 average monthly expenditure was to be
B. 170< N< 180 D. 160< N< 170 calculated on the basis of 9 months in the
E. None of these year. This weird system of calculation always
21. P, Q and R have 120 mangoes in total. P resulted in the natives underestimating their
give 37.5% of his mangoes to Q and R savings because there occurs an
such that now he has equal number of underestimation of their earning. The
mangoes as Q and R together have. After expenditure per month gets overestimated.
that Q give same % of mangoes to R, Now keeping the above points in view try to
after which Q and R have equal number answer the below questions:
of mangoes. How many mangoes Q gives 23. Mr. Ghosh comes to his native island from
to R? Africa and makes his native community
A. 18 B.24 C.12 D.30 E.6 comprising of 173 families to calculate their
22. A shopkeeper has some mangoes. A
average earning and the average expenditure
costumer came and take some mangoes
on the basis of 12 months per the calendar
which is 2 more than the number of
year. The average estimated earning in his
mangoes shopkeeper left with. In the
community according to the old system is
same process shopkeeper sale mangoes
77 fasios per month. Assuming there are no
such that he does not have any mango
other changes, what will be the percentage
for 7th customer. Find the initial number
change in savings of the 173 families?
of mangoes which he has?
A. 34% increase B. 34 % decrease
A. 24 B. 100
C. No changes D. 56 % increase
c. 82 D. 62 E. 126
E. Cannot be determined
Direction (23-24): study the following
24. In the previous question, the average
carefully and answer accordingly:
estimated monthly expenditure is 21 fasios
In an island of the Maldives, the natives have
per month for the island. Determine the
a peculiar process of determining their
percentage change in the estimated savings
average earnings and expenditures. According
of the 173 families.
to an old tradition, the average monthly
A. 35 % decrease B. 38 % increase
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C. 32.3% increase D. No changes costing Rs. 200 per kg in the ratio 5 : 3. If she
E. Cannot be determined sells the blended variety at Rs. 210 per kg,
25. A shopkeeper gave an additional 40% then her gain is?
discount on the reduced price after A. 10% B. 12%
giving 25% standard concession on that C. 11% D. 13%
item, if a person bought that item for E. None of these
Rs.1260, what is the original price of the 29. A cashew nut seller mixes three varieties of
item? nuts costing 50, 20 and 30 per kg in the ratio
A. Rs.2400 B. Rs.2800 2 : 4 : 3 in terms of weight and sells the
C. Rs.3200 D. Rs.2000 mixture at 33 per kg. What percentage of
E. None of these profit does he make?
26. A seller wants to earn 12% profit on an a.8% b.10% c.9% d.11%
item after giving 20% discount to the e. None of these
customer. By what percentage should he 30. A Seller purchased some notes from a
increase his marked price to arrive at the publication worth Rs. 750. Because of some
label price? reasons, he had to sell two-fifth part of the
A. 24% B. 32% book at a loss of 15%. On which gain he
C. 42% D. 16% should sell his rest of the notes, so that he
E. None of these gets neither nor loss?
27. If articles bought at prices ranging from A. 10% B. 9%
Rs. 150 to Rs. 300 are sold at prices C. 12% D. 15%
ranging from Rs. 250 to E. None of these
Rs 350, what is the greatest possible 31. By selling a mobile at 52% discount, a seller
profit that might be made in selling 15 incurs a loss of 8%. The marked price of the
articles? product is 18000 Rs. At what percent discount
A. Rs. 2500 B. Rs. 3000 the seller should sell the mobile so as to have
C. Rs. 3500 D. Rs. 4500 a profit of 33% (approx.)
E. None of Above A. 31% B. 33%
28. Neepa blends two varieties of fruits – C. 34% D. 45%
one costing Rs. 180 per kg and another E. None of these
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rodents every year. If the price of a 1 kg stores in attur. Deepika has just sufficient
of fresh badham is Rs.240, what is the amount of Rs 800 to purchase it at Ratna
change in his profits if he sells a sealed stores in salem. What is the amount that
box after one year of storage, rather than deepika has less than required amount to
selling it fresh ?( In Rs.) purchase it at Royal stores in attur?
A. 45 B . 55 A. 20 B . 35
C. 65 D. 75 C. 80 D . 56
E. None of these E. None of these
38. The profit percentage of banu and renu is 41. The ratio of the cost price of product A to
same on selling the articles at Rs 900 each that of B is 5:7. product A was sold at a profit
but banu calculates his profit in the of 80% and product B was sold at a profit of
selling price while renu calculates it 20%. If the total profit earned after selling
correctly on the cost price which is equal both the (products A and B is Rs 296) what is
to 10%. What is the difference in their the difference between the cost prices of
profits? product A and B?
A. 8.18 B. 10.56 A. 235 B. 110
C. 1.25 D. 5.82 C. 560 D. 247
E. None of these E. None of these
39. P and Q both are dealers of cars. The 42. Femina is the famous magazine in India. In
price of a car is Rs 56,000. P gives a that company there is a profit of Rs 150. If
discount of 10% on whole, while Q gives 2/3 part of n magazine is sold at 60% profit,
a discount of 12% on the first Rs 40,000 1/4 part at 32% profit and remaining part at
and 8% 0n the rest Rs 16000. What is the 24% profit and the find the cost price of the
difference between their selling prices? magazine?
A. 480 B. 450 A. 300 B. 400
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petrol version. Kailash’s car gives an petrol version. Kailash’s car gives an
average that is 20% higher than Shayam’s average that is 20% higher than Shayam’s
(in terms of litres per kilometer). It is (in terms of litres per kilometer). It is
known that petrol costs 60% of its price known that petrol costs 60% of its price
higher than diesel ) The ratio of the cost higher than diesel ) If Shyam’s car gives
per kilometer of Kailash’s car to Shayam’s an average of 20 km per litre and diesel
car is? cost Rs. 12.5 per litre, then the difference
A.3 : 1 B. 1 : 3 in the cost of travel per kilometer
C. 1.92 : 1 D. 2 : 1 between the two cars is ?
E. Cannot be determined A. Rs. 4.3 B. Rs. 3.5
50. Two friends Shayam and Kailash own two C. Rs. 2.5 D. Rs. 3
versions of a car. Shayam owns the diesel E. Rs. 1.25
version of the car, while Kailash owns the
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. D 7. D 8. A 9. B 10.A
11. A 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.B
16.D 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.A
21.E 22.E 23.C 24.B 25.E
26.B 27.C 28.C 29.A 30.A
31.A 32.A 33.A 34.A 35.A
36.A 37.A 38.A 39.A 40.B
41.A 42.A 43.C 44.A 45.A
46. A 47.A 48.A 49.E 50.
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