Gelatin Is Considered A Very Healthy Food

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Gelatin is considered a very healthy food, and especially recommended as a supplement in the diet of children and the recovery of patients in hospitals. It is also known for its benefits to the skin of the face and body because of its nine essential amino acids the human body. These amino acids help in the formation of proteins, one of the collagen that has structural function, forming the skin, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Even being part of many families very few people know the curious origin of the gelatin. The origin of the gelatin is animal, more specifically beef. It is extracted from bones, animal skins and tendons. Like gelatin, the bullet, sausage ice cream and chewing gum are some of the foods that have the same origin. For this, one of the main raw materials for the production of gelatin is obtained from waste leather, called chips and bran. The industrial waste is one of the most responsible for fatal attacks of the Environment. In it are included chemicals (cyanide, pesticides, solvents), metals (mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium), and chemical solvents that threaten the natural cycles where they are dumped or stored. In Rio Grande do Sul, are produced 15.4 million pieces of leather per year. Of this number are generated 173,000 meters cubic chrome waste. The tanneries pay R$ 130.00 per cubic meter for the deposition of waste and the cost of destiny that is R$ 22.5 million. In Brazil, produced 43.6 million skins a year. Therefore they are generated 490,500 meters cubic chrome waste. The tanneries pay $ 130.00 per cubic meter for the deposition of waste and the cost of destiny that is $ 63.7 million. In the tannery, where hides are processed, is used as the main chromium sulfate tanning. The leather processed so at this stage are called wet blue (blue). The waste (shavings and bran) that have been tanned with chromium, are classified as Class I Waste (Hazardous), according to NBR 10004/2004-Classificao Solid Waste. If not given the correct destination of this waste containing chromium, and contact with the groundwater can cause health as well as various environmental problems.

ECO.REBAIXE reduces the generation of solid waste

There are approximately 20 years in the Technical Tanning Eloi Nordio, is developing a project to work with the tanning leather production at the lowest possible ecological impact (mostly heavy metal). According to him, this is possible through the ECO.REBAIXE that promotes sustainable development of the leather industry. In a traditional procedure of tanning, the leather is dried and wet blue relegated (defined its thickness). Then he's crust, dyed and finished to obtain the final manuscript. After the downgrade comes rebaixadeira bran (residue), rot-proof material containing large amounts of chromium. Often this waste is stored in open dumps contaminating the environment (Ecological Liabilities) or for the treatment plants and waste deposits. ECO.REBAIXE The main objective is to reduce solid waste generated by the leather industry in Rio Grande do Sul (as well as in Brazil) minimizing contamination of the environment. Eloi explains that the process is basically ECO.REBAIXE reverse order in the sequence between the operation of the tanning operation and demote the traditional system: The leather is tanned before being lowered and the residue is no longer discarded but fully exploited for the manufacture gelatin. The ECO.REBAIXE also contributes to the generation of employment and income rise by a by-product that is 100% advantage in the manufacture of edible gelatin, food for dogs and component products for fertilizers. In Brazil, if this new raw materials were all used for the manufacture of gelatin, could be sold around 245,250 tons (approximately 9,800 trucks) of material per year, reaching R$ 31.8 million in sales.

The tanneries of BRAZIL that would benefit from the technique of ECO.REBAIXE? No less than R$ 217.8 million less the cost per year. That means a direct reduction of R$ 1.31 per square feet of leather produced, which may be passed on to the final price of products using leather (shoes, jackets, wallets, belts, bags, upholstery). Distributed as follows: 1 - R$ 117.3 million with the cost reduction of sulfate tanning material (chrome); 2 - R$ 63.7 million with the cost reduction of solid waste disposal (+ecological liability); 3 - R$ 5.0 million with the reduction of freight costs for the disposal of solid waste; 4 -R$ 31.8 million from the sale of solid waste without contaminating material rebaixadeira. Using the technique of the ECO.REBAIXE Tanning in Brazil, and are contributing to sustainability, will account for no more than the 245 tons of ECOLOGICAL LIABILITIES, which in my view, has a financial and social cost immeasurable. Think about it and comment ...

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