Caution: Gyaaneshwar Aarya
Caution: Gyaaneshwar Aarya
Caution: Gyaaneshwar Aarya
Gyaaneshwar Aarya January 2005 Edition : First
Darshanaachaarya (M.Com.)
Gyaaneshwar Aarya
(Main Distributor) Rana Singh Aarya C/o Dr. Sadgunaa Aaryaa 'Samyak' P.O. Gaandhigram, Junaagadh INDIA 362001
If you are proud of being an Arya Hindu or Indian and if you have respect towards God, Holy books, saints as well as have reverence towards them then read forward. If the other way around, if you think that those Indians who are living in Europe are living a perfect lifestyle and their lifestyle is worth following then do not read forward as this article is not for you. This article is written for those people only who feel that the lifestyle of European people is way below the quality in comparison with Indian values, rules and ways of life.
Respectable people ! I respect you with my heart, I have visited England three times to promote true religion, which is truthful in all three tenses (past, present and future). During this visits, I have been to twenty different cities and visited temples, community places, cultural places, festivals, meetings, and conducted my hundreds of preaching there. I did yoga camps; question and answer sessions went to families and solved lots of issues of the people. I have donated religious and spiritual materials worth thousands of rupees to the people I have met. Thousands of people have taken part in these good programmes with me with lots
of faith, love and interest as well as they gave their responses to these activities through which I am very satisfied. During my visit of hundreds of families, I gathered their views and lifestyle, which were way below acceptable level of quality. I asked them a lot of questions for the matters, which I did not understand but after a lot of deep thinking and understanding, I came to the conclusion that Hindus and Aryans of Europe have lost their qualities slowly slowly due to unfavourable circumstances and problems. Further, whatever they have got left over of the qualities of their great ancestors are being destroyed due to laziness of younger generations, taking it easy lifestyle and not working towards their goals.
I am not saying this about all of them but it is about most of the people who are calling themselves Arya- Hindu (especially younger generation) are only now for namesake and looks sake Indians or Aryans or Hindus. They have acquired the language, clothing, food, God, Knowledge, Daily routine, rules and regulations and lifestyle like that of Europeans and in some cases they have gone a bit ahead of Europeans in these scales. I would like to clarify my motive of writing this article clearly that it isnt to make someone unhappy or hurt someone, I am trying to put forward the ideals and values of true Indians and I believe that it is my duty to show these to you from a saints perspective therefore I
would request you not to think otherwise. Firstly we should not forget our heritage, way of life, ways of eating (food we eat), clothing are all very good. Our arts, knowledge of sciences given in Vedas, music, spiritual knowledge and science is great, our Vedic religion and in that our God, ways of praying is great and constitution of Vedas is only the truth, it is true in all cases, at all places, in all times and for everyone. Only our lifestyle which is guided by our saints and has the power to put us all people in a union and provide us with permanent happiness, peace, love, trust, braveness and independence. Since the start of the earth till the war of Mahabharata only Aryans Indians ruled the whole world under one banner of
kingship and one religion, which was undivided of states. But today we see such a poor situation today that Indians who gave knowledge and science to the whole world have lost their own identity and have started following the foreigners blindly. Think of the questions: Why did we not accept the dependency of English rule and fought for our independence? Why did millions of people leave their framing, business, jobs, and studies? Why did they leave their children in dire states at home and went on hunger strikes? Why did they fill up the jails? Why did thousands of them fought for
freedom and kissed the rope of death (got hanged)? Didnt they get clothed during the British rule? Didnt they get food during the British rule? Didnt they have jobs or businesses to do? Didnt they have houses to live in? Didnt they have education? They had all this then, why did they give so much of their efforts and sacrifices? Our people were taught by great personalities that now matter how good lifestyle you have under a foreign rule, it is a symbol of slavery. A persons life doesnt become totally happy, satisfied, fearless and independent just by getting
food, clothing and house but they have to find true God, pray to him, read the best books of knowledge, research on the given knowledge, join the saints and learn from them, follow ideal lifestyle and only then one can achieve the lifes goals. Our ancestors did not want that their future generations would leave the praying of God, self-realisation, following religion and go into non-believing of God and become materialistic. Our parents did not want for us that by joining the other religions followers in life, we get impressed by them and become disrespectful, moral less and do bad deeds. They were always afraid and did not want their children to be impressed by others and leave respect of elders, do not serve the elderly, and
become arrogant and egoistic instead of being noble. They were also afraid that their children who came into contact with the other followers would leave their good ghee, butter, yogurt, vegetables, fruits, sweets and other such non-hurting foods and accept to eat meat, fish, egg an such dead animals which is completely contradictory to the Hindu and Aryan values. They didnt want their children to get drink, smoke and cause health trouble for themselves and their neighbours and eventually turn themselves into bad people who hurt other people and hurt animals by eating them. Our ancestors had a good lifestyle of exercise, Havana, self-tolerance, giving nature, simpleness, nobleness,
hardworking, being following good life. They did not want their children to become like others who were lazy, self indulging in pleasures, cheating on their partners, bad people, who loved to eat in excess, entertain in excess and non concerned towards others, animals and nature causing extensive pollution and trouble to following beings. Due to above such reasons, they thought that even though they have materialistic happiness of the world with the British rule, they need to do what they did and they offered their life as an offering and gave away everything of their life to achieve the independence. Now if we do self observation and look at the community, we see that the hard work and the sacrifices of our
ancestors has gone in vain as they died for keeping the values they had which we have happily left aside now and have joined the values which our ancestors were trying to avoid us from. O the followers of Hinduism and Vedas, close your eyes and keep a hand on your heart and do self observation and ask yourself whether you are following the right path in life, are we following the path laid in Vedas with full belief in them? O the followers of great saints, can you hear the voices of Vedas verses, Geeta, Ramayana, Upanishads sentences, knowledge and rules of pure religion, do you hear them in your heart? Or have you lost them all in the glimmer of neon
lights where people are drunk, shameless and are following loud music filled with sexual urge with mental nakedness and so you cant hear the sweet and pure knowledge of shlokas and mantras. O the followers of Rama and Krishna why are you going against the character, respect, controls, laws and rules of our great Rama and Krishna and drowning you soul in well of darkness and making it full of slime and grime and eventually destroying yourself from within? O the children of great ancestors who had selfishlessness, diligence, self control, prayers, service to the world, why are you following money and happinesss bought by money only and
getting lost in it like animals and following a fantasy and killing your valuable life and abusing the soul. O the children of good natured, cool minded, always happy, satisfied and shining ancestors, why are you consuming meat, egg, fish, chicken soup, beef burger, omelette and other such bad things and thereby causing your mind to be without peace, uneasy, unhappy and non flexible. I hope you find answers to these questions, which would lead you all to become a better human being.
selfishlessness, co-operation has been considered better than heaven and to live in our own motherland or land of ancestral origin which is free, with happiness, and is right in environment is considered to be best to live in compared to living at any other place. Do not forget for one moment that We are living in a foreign country. Even if you feel very much adjusted with the king of this country, rules, arrangements, materials, facilities, even if you feel that people here are very supportive, helpful, loving and reliable, eventually this is a foreign country and you are foreigners. Their God, lifestyle, aims of life, materials, and ways of doing things is quite
different from our ways. The European concept of food, clothing, character, relationships, ethics, ways of life and ideal ways of life are very different from our controls, which are given to us by our sacred Vedas. If people of different qualities, deeds and nature get together, they pass on their good and bad qualities amongst themselves. This is natural and we can see it with our own eyes happening it and it is getting into our new generations, which no one can deny. Whichever country you live in, people you live with, we should try to find out their history, their nature, their politics and their character. If we
read our history books then we can find out that how did the rulers of these countries ruled our lands for 150 to 200 years, with their cheating, fraud, partiality and injustice. They committed terrible sins of humanity with above-mentioned abilities of theirs. Even today we can find out their thinking while looking at their foreign policy and international opinions. We have eaten food of our land, fruits and vegetables, we were born there and the scent of the sand of our village is still with us. We got love and support from our friends and relatives; we studied in institutions made by the sweat and blood of
thousands of our fellow citizens. By the use of all such resources, we became capable to come to a foreign county and work here and have a good life here. We should ask ourselves that do we have our duty towards our people who are infirm, poor, illiterate, helpless, sick, hungry and thirsty while we are enjoying all happiness here? If we are doing nothing or very little to develop there lives then can we really say that we are patriotic towards our nation or are helpful towards our community? You may be walking on footsteps of our ancestors but do you think that your new generation/s is walking on the same footsteps of thoughts, values or actions. Do you think that the new
generation is on track for achieving our set aims and values or is loosing out and following the footsteps of the foreign influences and sometimes exceeding foreigners as well? My dear citizens, please think seriously, just passing life away is not enough, just having food and drink is not enough. We should see that what are we achieving from the life, what are the aims of life and are we working towards achieving them or not? If you seriously see these questions then you will be able to find out whether you are following the right guidelines of our great sages and saints or not in day-to-day life. Money and materialistic support do
not oppose the soul, the God and his eternal bliss with all the religious knowledge. On the contrary, they support each other. We should have big and beautiful houses, cars, clothes but if one just spends most of his/her time, energy, knowledge achieving all these, sustaining and achieving these facilities all the time and spends no or little time in achieving aims of life, it is not good. If the person gives all the resources to achieve materialistic happiness and doesnt achieve the final aims and goals to achieve it or take a small step towards achieving it or may be forget it all completely then this would be very bad. It is also happening that people are taking up materialistic achievements as final aim.
Even worse situation is the one in which people are now using violence, untruth, cheating, robbery etc. to achieve these materialistic happiness which last for some time only. The bad thing about this further is that they are now no longer feeling afraid or shame in doing so. This situation shows the utter low level they have achieved in life. World and its materials are provided by God, for us, we need to eat, drink and use them also save them for some future use but to get lost in them, find all the happiness in them, and think that they are all we need is not good for us. Our great scientists who were intelligent and had amassed great wisdom has established the truth with
proof that; we cannot achieve complete happiness, satisfaction, fearlessness and independence with money or materials bought by money. There is no other way to find full and ever-lasting happiness in life other than to the way of knowing God, following his directions. Living with foreigners has bought lots of changes in eating and living habits but the biggest of all is the loss of one established truth that we have a cycle of life that is, we will be reborn again and again. Vedas and other books of knowledge give us this information with proof that soul will never die and is ever lasting and acquires body again and again. Due to
western influences, our people have also started to think that there is no life after this life. Due to this mentality the Europeans have found that they did not have a life before this one and wouldnt have one after this present one leading them to be materialistic minded. They have started to think that they should eat, drink and make merry and due to lack of this ideal of rebirth, the person does not get into meditation, prayers, wordlessness and such good religious duties. Instead that person spends most of the time in satisfying the five basic bodily happiness of touch, smell, look, taste and listening. Be aware Indians, there was life before the present one and will be after this one,
if you will follow the guidelines of God in this life then you will get human life in next life or else you may end up having life of animals or birds which would be filled with unhappiness. It is not bad or hurtful for an Indian to go abroad and settle there until he/ she does not loose religion, culture and heritage. One should go if they want to do so but not at the cost of loosing their God, religion, knowledge, and loosing total Indian identity. One who does this or does not support the mother-land, in any way and just goes to a foreign country for being selfcentred and satisfy their selfish motives only is a person equivalent to a person doing suicide.
I would like to request in a humble way to those Indian living abroad that; if they presently believe that; Their foreign country in which they live is the best, The foreign people are the best, Their language is the best, Their ways of life including the foods they eat is the best, Their values are the best, Their ways of thinking is the best, Their deeds are best, That they are worth respecting, following, praising AND AT THE SAME TIME CONVERSELY BELIEVE THAT: Comparatively, our Vedic
knowledge is worse, Saints are worse, People like Rama and Krishna were worse, Our heritage is worse, And that we will not believe in such heritage and knowledge as well as not follow them at all then, please do at least this much, do not call yourself as an Indian. Dont call yourself as a Hindu, do not call yourself to be descendents of Rama and Krishna and if possible change your name to a European name to clarify the situation because if the name is of a Hindu or Indian origin and you would act as an European then people in the community will misunderstand you. O children of respectful people, if
you are not fitting to the above category and have self-respect and courage to say that you are and Arya, Hindu, Indian then you will have to get rid of the state you may be in of duality and bad ideals which are based on unsure decisions. You will have to become steadfast in following the ideals of truth, universal religion of Veda, Vedic values, ways of life and practice them in life with lots of love, respect and faith in them. You will have to come to the world with following of your name. To follow a righteous live, it is utmost important to pray to the right God. This is because only from him can we get the right knowledge, strength,
capability, valour and optimism to follow the life and face the difficulties of life. Come, the followers of Vedas, lets get together and work with all our efforts, intellect and money to make the world noble which is the instruction of God, as the whole world is awaiting for such good people because they are unhappy of the circumstances and are not at peace.
the intellect like, meat, fish, egg, alcoholic drinks etc., Do not try to acquire false looks, shape and beauty by applying cosmetic products as well as do not wear clothes, which would motivate sexuality. Prepare good food at home and feed your family and friends with the same, do not use the hotels and restaurants. Avoid food packets for cooking as much as possible. Every week, attend religious gatherings, attend preaching and take children with you. Donate or spend at least 2% of your earnings for the religious causes or
1. 2.
Speak in mother tongue with children at home. Do not consume materials, which hurt
5. 6.
as donation. 7. Give your children 10 minutes everyday, where you need to talk to them about God, Religion, Culture, History, Discipline and Ideal practices. 8. Meditate daily for 10 minutes to the God with the help of Om/Gayatri verse who is shapeless, universal, allpowerful, just and he who knows everything. 9. Daily read a good religious book for 5 minutes like Veda, Darshan, Upanishads, Geeta, Ramayana, etc. 10. Until the children reach 16 years of age, they should be praised and rewarded for good deeds and should be punished for bad deeds.
11. Wherever possible, stay together with mother father, brother and sister in one house or nearer. 12. Before sleeping, spend 2 minutes thinking of all the mistakes made in the day, make decision not to do them again and give punishment to yourself for the same.
Gyaaneshwar Aarya