AGRI PP 1 MS ACK Mumias Joint Pre-Mocks

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NAME…………………………………………………INDEX NO……………….
1.Answer all questions in section A and B and any two questions in section C in the spaces
provided after question 21
2. All answers must be written in English.
For examiner’s use only
A 1-14 30
B 15-18 20
C 20


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1. State four effects of high temperatures on crop production. (2mks)
-High evaporation rates leading to drying/wilting.
-Fast rate of growth/early maturity.
-High quality in some crops (e.g. pineapples and oranges)
-High incidences of diseases e.g. leaf rust in coffee.
-High incidences of pests eg Aphids in vegetables.
½ x4 =2 (First four)

2. State four methods of weed control in Napier grass (Pennisetum parpureum) (2mks)
- Cultivation
- Slashing
- Uprooting
- Use of selective herbicides.
½ x4 =2 (First four)

3. List four methods of improving labour productivity. (2mks)

- Labour supervision
- Giving incentives and improving terms and conditions of services.
- Farm mechanisation
- Training
½ x4 =2 (First four)

4. Outline four problems on marketing vegetables. (2mks)

- Seasonality
- Perishability
- Bulkiness
- Poor transport system
- Changes in market demand
- Storage
- Lack of market information
½ x4 =2 (First four)

5. (a) List three types of organic manure (11/2 mks)

- Green manure
- Compost manure
- Farm yard manure
½ x 3=(11/2mks) (First three)

(b) Outline three ways how crop rotation helps to maintain soil fertility. (11/2mks)
- Inclusion of a legume helps in nitrogen fixation.
- Grass ley improves soil structure
- Maximum utilisation of soil nutrients.

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- Helps to control parasitic weeds eg striga in cereals
- Helps to control pests/diseases.
½ x 3=(11/2mks) (First three)

6. (a) Differentiate between training and earthing up as used in crop production. (2mks)
Training : Practice of manipulating plants to grow in a designed direction/shape
Earthing up: Placement of soil in form of a heap around the base of the plant.
1x2 =2mks(mark as a whole.)

(b) State two effects of excess nitrogenous fertilizers in tomatoes. (1mk)

- Prolonged maturity.
-Cracking of fruits before maturity
-Blossom-end rot
-Excessive vegetative growth.
½ x2=1mk

7. Outline four advantages of row planting. (2mks)

-Mechanisation possible
-Lower seed rate used.
-Plant population can be established /calculated.
-Easy to carry out cultural practices eg weeding, harvesting, spraying
½ x4 =2 (First four)

8. State four functions of Young Farmers Club(YFC). (2mks)

-Participating in exhibitions and competitions at ASK shows
-Participating in National tree planting activities.
-Involvement and participation in exchange programmes ,both locallyand broad or to
other African countries.
-involvement in workshops and seminars related to Agriculture.
-Involvement in agricultural projects at the club level
-Participation in YFC annual rallies.
½ x4 =2 (First four)

9. Outline four effects of soil erosion. (2mks)

- Exposure of underground water pipes
- Destruction of wads.
- Sedimentation/silting in lakes,rivers ,fish ponds hence fish production reduces.
- Reduced agricultural production due to loss of top soil.
- -loss of useful soil living organisms.
- Eroded soils deposited in dams /rivers hence becoming shallow.
½ x4 =2 (First four)

10. State four roles of trees in soil and water conservation. (2mks)
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- -Protection of soil from raindrop erosion.
- Reduce evaporation through shade provision .
- Acts as wind breaks.
- The roots of trees bind soil particles together.
- Reduces the erosive power of running water through speed reduction.
- Decay leaves produce humus which improves water infiltration in the soil.
½ x4 =2 (First four)
11. State four environmental factors that affect the effectiveness of a herbicide. (2mks)
- Wind
- Soil
- Light
- Temperature
- Rain
½ x4 =2 (First four)
12. State four advantages of a farmer holding a Land Title Deed. (2mks)
-farmers can secure credit facilities for land development for commercial farming
-minimises land disputes due to security of land tenure.
Investiment in long term development projects.
Source of income through leasing part/whole land parcel
½ x4 =2mks=(First four)

13. Name four examples of joint products in product-product relationships (2mks)

- Mutton and skin
- Cotton lint and cotton seed
- Milk and butter
- Beef and hides
- Honey and wax.
½ x4 =2mks=(First four)

14. List four different types of drainage. (2mks)

- Open ditches
- Cambered beds
- French drains
- Underground drain pipes
- Pumping
½ x 4=2mks (First four)

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Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.

15. The diagram below shows a common structures in water supply.

(a) Name structures labelled K1 and K2. (2mks)


(b) State two uses of K1 (2mks)

- Collect water
- Store water
1x2 =2mks

(c) Name two types of hose pipes.

½ x 2=1mks
16. (a) Maize is grown at a spacing of 90 cm X 30 cm.Calculate the plant population of
maize planted in a plot measuring 29M x 22M. (3mks)

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Plant pop = __Area
90 X 30M
P=29 MX 22M
0.90MX 0.30M
P=638M2 =2362.96296
P= 2363 plants

(b) Explain two factors that influence the spacing of crops. (2mks)
- Pests and diseases control-Difficult for pests/diseases to spread.
-Type of machinery hence wider spacing due to low nutrients supply.
-Size of the plant-Tall varieties of crops require wider spacing as short require clse
-Use of the crop-silage requires close ;human consumption requires wider spacing.
- Growth habit of the crop-Tillering /spreading crops eg Sweet potatoes are widely
spaced than erect crops.
1x2 = 2mks)

17. The diagram below shows a common practice carried out during raising of
agroforestry tree seedlings.

(a) State two roles of the shade erected over the nursery bed. (2mks)
Reduces evaporation of moisture
Reduces the impact of rain drops
1x 2 =2mks

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(b) State two practices that are carried out during the growth of the seedlings. (2mks)
- Mulching
- Watering
- Weed control
- Pricking out
- Root pruning
- Pest control
- Disease control
- Hardening off
1x2 =2mks
(c) Define the term silvopastoral. (1mk)
Combination of growing trees /shrubs and keeping of livestock

18. The diagram below shows a maize cob attacked by a certain disease.

(a) Name the disease.

1x1 =1mk

(b) State the causal organism of the disease named in (a) above. (1mk)
Fungus accept Ustilago maydis / Ustilago spp

(c) Name one other crop attacked by the disease. (1mk)


(d) State two control measures for the disease. (2mks)

- Hot water treatment
- Use of certified seeds.
- Crop rotation
- Field hygiene.
1x 2= 2mks

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Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question
19. (a) Outline five farming practices that encourage minimum tillage.
(b) Describe four field management practices carried out in carrot production. (8mks)
(c) Outline seven principles of co-operatives. (7mks)
20. (a) Outline three precautions in harvesting of tea.
(b)Outline five advantages of rotational grazing. (5mks)
(c) Explain six factors influencing the demand for a commodity. (6mks)
(d) State six advantages of sub-surface irrigation. (6mks)
21. (a) Outline four disadvantages of burning vegetation cover during land clearing.
(b)State six advantages of using vegetative materials for planting. (6mks)
(c) state four pieces of information contained in a purchase order. (4mks)
(d) Explain six cultural methods of weed control . (6mks)


19. (a) Outline five farming practices that encourage minimum tillage.
(5mks)- application of herbicides
- Mulching
-Timing of cultivation
-Restricting cultivation to the area where seeds are .
-Establishing a cover crop on the field.
-Uprooting /slashing weeds in perennial crops.
1x5 =5mks)
(b) Describe four field management practices carried out in carrot production. (8mks)
- Thinning –remove excess carrot seedlings to attain a spacing of 3-4cm within the row.
- Weeding-uproot weeds/mulch to smoother weeds.
- Top dressing-apply nitogenious fertilizers 60kg N per hectare.
- Control pests-Spray using appropriate pesticides eg Aphids
- Earthing up-Earth up the carrots during weeding to encourage root expansion/heap soil
around carrots
- Irrigation-Apply water during the dry season.
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(c)Outline seven principles of co-operatives. (7mks

- Open membership-voluntary joining regardless of sex ,race,religion,education and
political inclinations.
- Equal rights-one-man one vote principle and democracy.
- Principle of share limit-maximum number of allowed purchase of shares to avoid
dominion by one member/members
- Interest on shares-Dividents distributed based by one member /members
- Withdrawal from membership -members are free to join or withdraw voluntarily and
get back their share contribution.
- Loyalty-Members must be faithful and loyal to their cooperate
- Education –members informed about skills and affairs of co-operatives.
- Cooperative principles-Join the cooperative movement at different levels.
- Non-profit motive-Non profit making organisation
1x7 =7mks
20. (a) Outline three precautions in harvesting of tea.
- Do not compress the plucked leaves in the basket due to heating up hence low
- Keep plucked tea in a cool /shaded area
- Plucked tea should be taken to the factory for processing on the same day it is
- Use woven sisal bags/baskets to encourage ventilation.
1x3 =3mks

( b) Outline five advantages of rotational grazing. (5mks)

- Livestock make maximum use of pasture
- Reduces the build up of pests and diseases.
- Animal waste is distributed evenly in all fields/paddocks.
- Possible to apply fertilizers /reseeding /weeding in parts of the pasture which
are not in use.
- Excess pasture is given time to regrow before it is grazed on again.
1x5 =5marks

(c) Explain six factors influencing the demand for a commodity. (6mks)
- Population-increase in population leads to increase in demand for goods and
- Income- consumers with higher income buy more than those with low income.

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- Preferences and tastes.-consumers may prefer certain goods to others and have
unique tastes for others.
- Advertisement- may increase demand of goods and services.
- Price expectation-Future prices of certain commodities are likely to go up then
the demand of such goods may go up currently or vice versa.
- Level of taxation-fewer consumers may afford highly taxed goods.
- Perishability-lowers demand of goods after deteriorating in quality.
- Future expectations/uncertainity-More of the good may be bought and stocked
hence increased demand.
- Prices of related goods- The demand of a commodity increases if there is an
increase in the price of a substitute.
- Beliefs,customs and taboos-some communities due to religious beliefs;pork is
not consumed.
1x6 =(6mks)
(d) State six advantages of sub-surface irrigation. (6mks)
- Fungal diseases reduced since no water accumulation on leaves
- Economical use of water
- Minimizes possible theft of water pipes.
- Minimal erosion due to small water amounts oozing out.
- No construction of dykes, levelling or making level basins
- Minimizes labour requirements especially changing water pipes.
- Can be practised on both sloppy and flat land.
1x6 =6mks
22. (a) Outline four disadvantages of burning vegetation cover during land clearing.
- Destroys organic matter/ humus
- Destroys soil structure
- Kills usefull soil living micro-organism in the soil eg Nitrogen Fixing
- Accumulation of ash may change soil Ph leading to mineral nutrients
- Soil cover is destroyed hence exposure of soil of soil erosion agents.

(b)State six advantages of using vegetative materials for planting. (6mks)

- Faster maturity than those from seeds.
- Uniformity in qualities eg disease resistance ,seed size ,colour ,chemical
- It’s possible to reduce many varieties of compatible crops on the same root
- Use of vegetative materials is easier and faster especially where seeds have
long dorminancy periods.
- Seedless crops can be propagated /those whose seeds are not viable.
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- Resulting plant has desirable shape and size for ease of harvesting /spraying.
(c) State four pieces of information contained in a purchase order. (4mks)
- Date of order
- Date of expected delivery
- The person who orders the goods.
- The person who authorised the order.
- Purchase order serial number
- The type of goods required.
- Quantities of the goods
1x4 =4mks

(d) Explain six cultural methods of weed control. (6mks)

- Mulching to smoother weeds.
- Timely planting so that crops establish early and smoother weeds.
- Proper spacing which creates little space for weed growth forming a canopy
which suppresses weeds.
- Flooding which controls non-aquatic weeds in paddy rice fields.
- Clean seedbed-to have crops establish on clean seedbed from weeds.,
- Use of clean seed /planting materials which prevents introduction of weeds
on the farm.
- Cover cropping-Effects of cover crops are similar to those of mulch in that
they smoother the weeds.
- Crop rotation-some parasitic weeds eg striga are controlled when dicots are
alternated with monocots.

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